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    人教新目标版英语九下Unit 13 《We're trying to save the earth.》SectionB 2a-2e 课件+音视频素材01
    人教新目标版英语九下Unit 13 《We're trying to save the earth.》SectionB 2a-2e 课件+音视频素材02
    人教新目标版英语九下Unit 13 《We're trying to save the earth.》SectionB 2a-2e 课件+音视频素材03
    人教新目标版英语九下Unit 13 《We're trying to save the earth.》SectionB 2a-2e 课件+音视频素材04
    人教新目标版英语九下Unit 13 《We're trying to save the earth.》SectionB 2a-2e 课件+音视频素材05
    人教新目标版英语九下Unit 13 《We're trying to save the earth.》SectionB 2a-2e 课件+音视频素材06
    人教新目标版英语九下Unit 13 《We're trying to save the earth.》SectionB 2a-2e 课件+音视频素材07
    人教新目标版英语九下Unit 13 《We're trying to save the earth.》SectionB 2a-2e 课件+音视频素材08
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    Hw d yu deal with things yu dn’t use anymre? Thrw them away? Or put t gd use?
    Reuse the CDs and bks.
    Reuse the jeans and shes.
    Reuse the bttles.
    Reuse the cans.
    Nthing is a waste if we have a creative mind.
    Rethink, Reuse, Recycle
    What can yu see in the pictures?What is it/ are they made f?D yu think it is a gd way t prtect the envirnment?
    Lk at the pictures in 2b and answer the questins.
    The huse is made f rubbish.The tp f the huse is an ld bat turned upside dwn.
    The bags are made f ld clthes.
    It is made f irn.It’s a beautiful art piece with creativity.
    Lk at the title and the pictures in 2b. Can yu guess what the passage is abut?
    It’s abut hw peple can think f creative ways t use things that are n lnger wanted.
    Fast reading
    Skim the passage and anwer.
    Hw many peple are mentined in the passage? Wh are they?
    Three. They are Amy Hayes, Jessica Wng and Wang Ta.
    2.Where d they cme frm?
    Amy Hayes cmes frm the UK .Jessica Wng is frm Hng Kng.Wang Ta is frm Shanghai.
    Read the passage and cmplete the chart belw.
    windws and drs f ld buildings that were pulled dwn; an ld bat; rcks; ld glass bttles
    Jessica Wng
    irn and ther materials frm ld cars
    beautiful art pieces
    ld clthes, especially ld jeans
    Wang Ta uses materials frm ld cars t make beautiful art pieces.
    Amy Hayes built a huse ut f rubbish.
    Many ld things can be put t gd use.
    Jessica Wng uses ld clthes t make bags.
    Match each paragraph with the main idea.
    Careful reading
    1 D yu ften thrw away things yu dn’t need anymre? Have yu ever thught abut hw these things can actually be put t gd use? Nthing is a waste if yu have a creative mind.
    put sth. t gd use 好好利用某物等于make gd use f sth.
    Rethink, Reuse, Recycle!
    Read Para 1 carefully and finish the task.
    1.Can we thrw away things we dn't need anymre?Why?
    N,we can't.Because sme ld things can be put t gd use.
    2.What shuld we have if we want t use ld things?
    We shuld have a creative mind.
    Read paragraph 1 and discuss the questins.
    2 Yu have prbably never heard f Amy Hayes, but she is a mst unusual wman. She lives in a huse in the UK that she built herself ut f rubbish. The windws and drs cme frm ld buildings arund her twn that were pulled dwn. The tp f the huse is an ld bat turned upside dwn. And the gate in frnt f her huse is made f rcks and ld glass bttles. Amy recently wn a prize frm the Help Save Our Planet Sciety. The president said, “Amy is an inspiratin t us all.”
    build sth. ut f 用……建造/制作某物
    n. 灵感;鼓舞人心的人(或事物)
    pull…dwn 拆下;摧毁
    n. 负责人;主席;总统
    Read Para 2 carefully and finish the task.
    Read paragraph 2 and answer the questins.
    Did Amy win an award? What was it frm?2.Where did her windws and drs cme frm?
    Yes, she did. It was frm the Help Save Our Planet Sciety.
    They came frm ld buildings arund her twn that were pulled dwn.
    Cmplete the chart.
    ld buildings that have been pulled dwn
    rcks and ld glass bttles
    3Amy isn’t the nly ne wh is gd at recycling. Jessica Wng frm Hng Kng uses ld clthes that peple dn’t wear anymre t make bags. She has been ding this fr a few years nw. She pened a small shp where she sells her bags, and she has als set up a website t sell them nline. She especially likes t use ld jeans t make handbags. Her bags are cute and useful. “I plan t write a bk abut new ways t use ld clthes,” she said. “I hpe peple can read my bk and enjy it!”
    Read Para 3 carefully and finish the task.
    Tell true (T) r false (F) and crrect.
    Jessica Wng is gd at recycling. 2. Jessica Wng sells her bags at hme3. Jessica Wng writes her bk in rder t sell her bags.
    Jessica Wng sells her bags in her shp andnline.
    Jessica Wng writes her bk in rder t intrduce new ways t reuse ld clthes.
    Jassica Wng is als gd at_____________. She likes t make______with___________especially _____that peple dn't wear________.She has been ding this fr____________nw.She pened____________t_____________.She has ________________t sell her bags nline.Her bags are ______and __________.She plans t _____________abut new ways t ____________________.
    a few years
    a small shp
    sell her bags
    set up a website
    use ld clthes
    Fill in the blanks.
    4Wang Ta set up a small business in Shanghai fur years ag. He is knwn fr using irn and ther materials frm ld cars t make beautiful art pieces. Sme are large pieces that lk like animals r humans, and sme are smaller pieces yu can put at hme. The mre ppular wrks can even be seen in art shps arund the city. Wang Ta hpes t set up a “metal art” theme park t shw peple the imprtance f envirnmental prtectin. Nt nly can the art bring happiness t thers, but it als shws that even cld, hard irn can be brught back t life with a little creativity.
    be knwn fr 以……而闻名
    wrk n. (音乐、艺术)作品
    bring back恢复;使想起;归还
    当nt nly 位于句首时,其后的分句要用倒装语序。
    Read Para4 carefully and finish the task.
    Answer the questins.
    What des Wang Ta hpe t set up?Why?2. Translate the sentence “Nt nly can the art bring happiness t thers, but it als shws that even cld, hard irn can be brught back t life with a little creativity.” int Chinese.
    He hpes t set up a “metal art” theme park. Because he wants t shw peple the imprtance f envirnmental prtectin.
    ___________that lk like animals r humans.
    ____________ that yu can put at hme.
    set up a __________ theme park
    t shw art can bring __________ t thers.
    t shw the imprtance f _______________________
    t shw ____, _____irn can be brught back t _____ with a little __________
    large pieces
    small pieces
    “metal art”
    envirnmental prtectin
    引出主题:如何将废物重新利用(Para. 1)
    分别介绍三个人旧物利用的创意(Para. 2-4)
    Nthing is a waste if yu have a creative mind.
    Amy Hayes (Para. 2)
    Jessica Wng (Para. 3)
    Wang Ta (Para. 4)
    a huse built ut f rubbish
    uses ld clthes t make bags
    uses irn and ther materials t make art pieces
    the windws and drs: cme frm ld buildingsthe tp: an ld bat turned upside dwn the gate: made f rcks and ld glass bttles
    pened a small shpset up a websitebags are cute and usefulplan t write a bk abut new ways t use ld clthes
    large pieces lk like animals r humanssmaller pieces can be put at hmehpes t set up a “metal art” theme park
    Language pints
    1.D yu ften thrw away things yu dn’t need anymre?你经常扔掉你不再需要的东西吗?
    【解读】 thrw away 1) 扔掉, 丢弃浪费 (机会、优势或好处) 2) 错过(机会等),放过;未能很好利用(机会等) 3) 浪费(时间、金钱等)乱花(钱等)
    e.g.I never thrw anything away. 我从来不扔任何东西。Yu are thrwing away yur chance f becming a success. 你在错过成功的机会。Yu are thrwing yur mney away, buying such useless things. 你买这些没有用的东西是在浪费钱。
    2.The windws and drs cme frm ld buildings arund her twn that were pulled dwn.
    【解读】pull dwn有以下几种意思:①把……拉下。②破坏;拆毁(建筑物)。
    e.g. His hat was pulled well dwn ver his eyes s that nbdy wuld guess his true identity. 他把帽沿拉得很下,几乎遮住了眼睛,使人猜不清他是谁。It is easy t pull dwn the ld wrld than t build the new. 破坏旧世界容易,但要建设新世界就难了。
    【拓展】pull dwn有以下几种意思:③挣得。④使身体虚弱。
    e.g. He pulls dwn quite a lt f mney in his new jb. 新工作使他挣了许多钱。Tw always pulled dwn the highest grades in schl. 汤姆在学校总得最高分。A really bad cld pulls yu dwn and leaves yu feeling very miserable. 重感冒会使你身体虚弱,让你感到很难受。
    3.The tp f the huse is an ld bat turned upside dwn. 房子的顶部是一条翻转过来的旧木船。
    【解读】turned upside dwn 意为“被翻转过来的; 被颠倒过来的”,作后置定语修饰bat。英语中短语和从句用作定语时, 一般置于名词之后, 作后置定语。
    e.g. the sigh n the wall 墙上的标志牌 (介词短语后置作定语)the children bating n the lake湖上泛舟的孩子们(现在分词短语后置作定语)the stries invented by eight-and nine-year-lds 八九岁小孩子编写的故事(过去分词短语后置作定语)
    Phrases summary
    Check the phrases
    1.扔掉2.听说3.经营小生意4.好好利用5.一个有创意的大脑 6.不仅…而且7.倒置8.拆毁9.用……建造/制造10.因...而被熟知11.由...制成(看得出)
    thrw awayhear fset up a small businessput t gd usehave a creative mindnt nly …… but als upside dwnpull dwnbuild/make ... ut f be knwn frbe made f
    Fill in the blanks with the crrect frms f the phrases in the bx.
    1. Amy Hayes lives in the UK. Many f the ld buildings in her neighbrhd were ____________.2. All the rubbish and ld things in Amy’s neighbrhd were then __________________ when Amy built her huse.
    put t gd use build ... ut f pull dwnset up knwn fr nt nly ... but als
    pulled dwn
    put t gd use
    3. Amy is very creative. She _______ her frnt gate ___________ rcks and ld glass bttles. She put an ld bat n tp f her huse.4. Jessica Wng sells her bags in a small shp, but she has als __________an nline business t sell them.5. Thugh Jessica’s bags are made frm ld clthes, her bags are ______________ being cute and useful.6. Wang Ta _____________ makes large pieces f metal art that lk like animals r humans, _____________ makes smaller pieces fr the hme.
    Underline the wrds in the passage based n the wrds belw. What are the differences?
    think use usual recycle build create special recent envirnment imprtant prtect inspire
    UNDERSTANDING PREFIXES AND SUFFIXESRecgnize hw prefixes and suffixes may change the meanings f wrds and hw they are used.
    理解前缀和后缀 辨别前缀和后缀是怎样改变词义的以及它们是如何使用的。
    Prefix: a grup f letters added t the beginning f a wrd t change the meaning f the wrd.
    suffix: a grup f letters added t the end f a wrd t change the part f speech.
    e.g. re + think= rethink un + usual= unusual
    e.g. actual(adjective) + ly = actually(adverb) build(verb) + ing = building(nun)
    rethink, reuse, unusual
    actually, building, creative, recently, envirnmental, imprtance, prtectin, inspiratin, creativity
    为下列词根加上前后缀组成新词,并在小组内讨论。加前缀:write, agree, happy, plite, pssible, hnest, friendly, expected加后缀:care, help, hme, use, hpe, friend, week, luck
    Make a list f things that need t be dne t save the envirnment. Which things can be dne by cmmn peple every day? Which things have t be dne by gvernments and rganizatins? Discuss these with yur grup.
    Things which can be dne by peple every day:
    take yur wn bags when yu g shppingspend less time in the shwerturn ff the lights when yu leave a rmtake public transprt rather than driveavid using air cnditiners
    Sample answers
    Things which have t be dne by gvernments and rganizatins:
    educate the publicensure that factiries get rid f waste in a respnsible waypreserve the frestspreserve endangered speciesnt allw activities that seriusly endanger the envirnment
    Take a class survey.
    Try ur best t save the earth!

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