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    高中英语 必修第三册 外研版 UNIT 5 Section A 教学课件

    UNIT 5 What an adventure!Section A Warming Up & Reading课文预习自测Ⅰ 阅读理解(根据课文内容选择正确答案) 1. Why did many Qomolangma climbers decide to try again?A. They didn’t make it in early attempts.B. They hoped to stay away from crowds.C. They wanted to take unique adventures.D. They couldn’t live a life without climbing.2. What can be inferred from George Mallory’s words in Paragraph 2?A. People care much about eating and making money.B. It’s hard to find a reason for climbing Qomolangma.C. Nothing but joy can be felt in climbing Qomolangma.D. Climbing Qomolangma is a journey of gaining life pleasure.○○3. What may be part of human nature in recent studies according to the passage?A. Playing games. B. Taking risks.C. Climbing mountains. D. Staying outside.4. What does the text mainly talk about?A. Bravely climbing Qomolangma.B. The reasons for climbing Qomolangma.C. Arguments on climbing Qomolangma.D. Whether to climb Qomolangma or not.○○Ⅱ 语法填空(根据课文内容和语法规则完成短文)  1     (hundred)of people spent good money on an experience 2     they knew would include 3    (crowd),discomfort and danger. For these people,4    (climb)Qomolangma is an experience like no other,making some feel weak and others,5_________   (power). British mountain climber George Mallory wrote that climbing Qomolangma is to enjoy life. However,Mallory died on the mountain in 1924. And it is still not known if he succeeded 6     reaching the top of Qomolangma before it took his life. American mountain climber Alan Arnette thought that it forced you 7    (look)deep inside yourself,as well as mental,toughness to push 8    you wanted to stop. In addition,people who like to take risks have the personalities of “Type T”. Though these kinds of people like to take risks,they don’t want to die and they don’t expect 9    (die). However,some may expect to benefit from the result. In aword,it’s 10    (total)up to you whether to climb it or not. Hundredsthat/whichcrowdsclimbingpowerfulto lookinwhento dietotallyⅢ 概要写作   阅读课文,根据其内容写一篇 60 词左右的内容概要。 ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________For many people,climbing Qomolangma is an experience like no other,making some feel weak and others,powerful. Some famous climbers once attempted to conquer the great mountain,resulting either in total success or failure. Someresearchers even made some researches about these climbers whose personalities were described as“Type T”. They also concluded our desire to seek risks can be connected to how much we expect to benefit from the result.核心词汇 教材原句p.49 His initial journey to India opened up the sea route from Western Europe to the east by way of the Cape of Good Hope . 他最初的印度 之行开辟了从西欧途经好望角到东方的海上航线。1 initial adj.开始的,最初的 n. 名字的首字母the initial stage 最初阶段 initial position 最初的姿势My initial reaction was to decline the offer.我最初的反应是要婉言谢绝这个提议。—What initial is it,Mrs Owen? 名字的首字母是什么,欧文太太?—It’s J,J for Jane. 是 J,J 代表 Jane。【单词积累】initial adj. → initially adv. 起初题组练·领悟方法单句语法填空(1)Forecasters say the strong wind may not be as bad as they      (initial)predicted.(2)The      (initial),WWF,stand for World Wide Fund for Nature.完成句子(3) At this point,you should be back to your            (最初的姿势).(4)            (最初阶段)of his business were more than a little difficult.(5)What was his            (最初的反应)to this matter?initiallyinitial positioninitialsThe initial stagesinitial reaction教材原句p.50 Qomolangma lies on the border of Nepal and the Tibet Autonomous Region of China. 珠穆朗玛峰位于尼泊尔和中国西藏自治区 的边界上。2 border n. & v. (2)v.(与……)接壤,(与……)毗邻搭配:border on 与……相邻;近似,接近(极端)The large garden is bordered by a stream. 大花园紧临着一条小溪。areas bordering on the Black Sea 黑海沿岸地区单句语法填空(1) There are so many beautiful countries      (border)the Pacific Ocean.(2) She felt an anxiety bordering      hysteria(歇斯底里).(3) The plane crashes exactly      the border of Canada and the United States.完成句子(4) The citizens are not allowed to            (穿越边境)without permission.(5)He was arrested soon after he             (逃过边境).borderingoncross the borderescaped across the borderon教材原句p.50 The first people confirmed to have reached the top were Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay in 1953. 第一批被证实登上顶峰的人是在 1953年登上去的埃德蒙·希拉里和丹增·诺尔盖。 3 confirm v. 证实,证明 ;肯定,确认(安排、日期或情况) It has been confirmed that water is vital to the development of life.已经证实,水对于生命的发展十分重要。The latest evidence confirmed us in his theory.最新的证据让我们相信了他的理论。【单词积累】confirmation n. 证实,证明单句语法填空(1) You’d better call the airline      (confirm)your flight reservation a week before you set off for Ottawa.(2) His words confirmed me      my belief that what we had done was right.(3) [词汇复现] It       (confirm)that he did cross the border.(4)I’m still waiting for      (confirm)of the test results.to confirminconfirmationhas been confirmed教材原句p.50 Last year,hundreds of people spent good money on an experience that they knew would include crowds,discomfort and danger. 明知道会是一次拥挤、不舒适而又危险的体验,去年仍有数百人愿意 为此花费大价钱。4 crowd n. & v.(1)n. 人群 The girl wearing a fancy skirt stood out in the crowd.那个穿着花哨裙子的女孩在人群中很显眼。(2)v. 聚集;拥挤;挤满She wanted to sleep,but thoughts crowded in.她想睡觉,但头脑中想法不断涌现。Hundreds of people crowded into the cinema.数百人拥进了电影院。【单词积累】crowded adj. 挤满人 / 物的;拥挤的be crowded with 挤满……The border is crowded with people. What is happening?边境上挤满了人。出什么事了? [词汇复现]单句语法填空(1)The old town square      (crowd)with people at dawn.(2)In      (crowd)places like airports and railway stations,you must take care of your luggage.(3) Memories came crowding      her mind.(4)There are      (crowd)of people in the theatre.(5) Too many uncomfortable thoughts were crowding in      her.完成句子(6)We all            (涌 进)her office to sing “Happy Birthday”.(7)            (一群)teenagers gathered at the gate of the park.(8)The meeting room            (挤满了)people,some of whom are smoking.is crowdedcrowdedintocrowdsoncrowded intoA crowd ofis crowded with教材原句p.51 It is still not known if he succeeded in reaching the top of Qomolangma before it took his life . 至今人们也不知道他生前是否成 功登顶了珠峰。5 succeed in doing sth. 成功地做某事(1)v. (把……)集中(于);调节(……的)焦距He succeeded in confirming us in his view.他成功地让我们相信了他的观点。 [词汇复现]Scientists claim they have succeeded in finding a cure for cancer.科学家声称他们发现了一种治疗癌症的方法。 [词汇复现]【单词积累】success n.[U]成功;[C]成功的人或事successful adj. 成功的  successfully adv. 成功地achieve/have great success(in)(在……方面)取得巨大成功without success 没有成功 be a success as... 作为……很成功be successful in doing sth. 成功地做某事It has been confirmed that his first movie was a success.已经证实他的第一部电影是成功的。 [词汇复现]They were successful in winning the contract.他们成功争取到了那份合同。单句语法填空(1)He succeeded in      (solve)all the problems as expected.(2)—      great success the brilliant young scientist has achieved is admirable.— I think he is      great success as a scientist.(3) [词汇复现] He is      (succeed)in taking the load off my mind.完成句子(4)She has                  (取得巨大成功)in both literature and medicine.(5) It never occurred to me that you could            (成功说服)him tochange his mind.(6)Both plans have been tried,but            (没有成功).Thesolvingaachieved/had great successsucceed in persuadingsuccessfulwithout success教材原句p.51 It brings into focus what’s important to you. 登山让你聚焦于对你而言重要的事。6 bring...into focus 使……成为焦点Her passionate speech about the environment really brought the importance of conservation efforts into focus.她关于环境的激情演讲使人们真正意识到保护环境的重要性。【归纳拓展】come into focus 成为焦点 become the focus of attention 成为关注的焦点focus one’s attention/mind on(= fix one’s attention/mind on)把某人的注意力 / 心思集中于……focus/concentrate on 把注意力集中于……These issues have recently come into sharp focus.= These issues have recently been brought into sharp focus.这些问题近来已成了热门的焦点。Focus on what you are doing and you are more likely to succeed in achieving your goal. 专注于你正在做的事情,你就更有可能成功实现你的目标。 [词汇复现]单句语法填空(1)The incident brought the problem of violence in schools      sharp focus.(2)When someone delivers a speech,you must focus      understanding his main idea.(3)With his attention      (focus)on a book,he didn’t notice me come in.完成句子(4) [2018·天津卷] There’s a new frontier in 3D printing that’s beginning to ______________  (成为焦点):food.(5)It is best to            (把注意力集中于)your future and leave this sadthing in the past.intoonfocusedcome into focusfocus/concentrate on教材原句p.51 It forces you to look deep inside yourself and figure out if you really have the physical,as well as mental,toughness to push when you want to stop.它会强迫你去深入地审视自己,去思考自己的身体 和心灵是否足够坚强,能在你想放弃的时候推动你继续向前。7 figure out 弄明白,弄清楚;计算出Can you figure out how he came up with such a good solution to the difficult question? 你能弄明白他是怎么想出一个这么好的解决难题的方法的吗? [词汇复现]Please figure out the total cost. 请算出总费用。【归纳拓展】figure on 计划,打算;预料到 a leading/key/central figure 领军 / 关键 / 核心人物have a good figure 身材好 keep/watch one’s figure 保持 / 注意保持身材单句语法填空(1) People on the surface figured     where the miners were and dug a hole to send them food and water.(2)I could hear them talking but I couldn’t figure     what they were saying.(3)We did not figure     having so many people at the picnic.完成句子(4) [2019·全国Ⅰ卷] It is difficult to          (计算出)a global populationof polar bears as much of the range has been poorly studied...(5) [词汇复现] She focuses her attention on          (保持身材).outonfigure outkeeping her figureout教材原句p.51 With the majority of attempts to climb Qomolangma resulting either in total success or failure ... 攀登珠峰的大多数尝试要么大获全胜, 要么彻底失败……8 attempt n. & v. (1)n. 努力,尝试He made an attempt to cross the border,but without success.他试图穿越边境,但是失败了。 [词汇复现]In an attempt to attract customers,they took a variety of measures.为了吸引顾客,他们采取了各种措施。(2)v. 试图,尝试搭配:attempt to do sth. 试图做某事She attempted to keep her figure by eating less.她试图通过少吃来保持身材。【单词积累】attempted adj. 未遂的单句语法填空(1) [词汇复现] Mr Cook is a man with a strong will. After repeated      (attempt)he finally succeeded in his experiment.(2) [词汇复现] He attempted      (figure)out the whole cost of the project all by himself,but in vain.(3) A man is being questioned in relation to the      (attempt)murder.完成句子(4)He            (试图)winning first prize.(5) [词汇复现] He succeeded in passing his driving test              (在第一次尝试时).(6) Two factories were closed           (为了)to cut costs.attemptsto figureattemptedin an attemptmade an attempt atat the first attempt9 failure n.[C,U]失败;故障;[C]失败的人或事 His attempt to find a cure ended in failure.他寻找疗法的努力以失败告终。 [词汇复现]To tell the truth,I am a failure as a mother.说实在的,我是个失败的妈妈。【学法点拨】有些抽象名词在表示具体事物时,可用作可数名词,这种现象称为抽象名词具体化。除 failure 外,常见的这类名词还有:success 成功→ a success 成功的人或事 surprise 惊奇→ a surprise 令人惊奇的人或事pity 怜悯→ a pity 一件遗憾的事 beauty 美丽→ a beauty 一个美人;一件美好的东西honour 光荣→ an honour 一种荣幸 pleasure 愉快→ a pleasure 一件乐事【单词积累】fail v. 失败;未做到  fail to do sth. 未能做某事Doctors failed to save the girl’s life. 医生没能救活这个小女孩。单句语法填空(1) His failure      (help)us is disappointing.(2) There were also several accidents mainly caused by engine      (fail )on take-off.(3)He succeeds in his business but is      failure as a father.(4) It was this sense of      (fail)that made him determined to succeed in his new life.(5)With so much noise going on,he failed      (focus)his attention on his study.完成句子(6) We can never be perfect,so we often have           (挫败感)no matter how well we perform.(7) Unfortunately,their plans              (以失败而告终). to helpfailuresafailureto focusa sense of failureended in failure教材原句p.51 He refers to the personalities of these people as“Type T”... 他把这些人的人格特征称作“ T 型人格”……10 refer to...as... 把……称作……The Chinese refer to their language as Han,as it became popular among the people during the Han Dynasty. 中国人把他们的语言称作汉语,因为它在汉朝时就开始流行。【归纳拓展】(1)refer to 提到,谈到;参考,查阅;涉及,关于(2)refer to/turn to/consult the dictionary 查词典look up...in the dictionary 在词典中查阅……When reading,you’d better avoid referring to your dictionary too often.阅读时,你最好避免过于频繁地查词典。单句语法填空(1) Do we know how many people this passage refers      ?(2) He refers to himself      a foolish person.完成句子(3) The headmaster spoke at the meeting for nearly an hour without      (参考)his notes.(4)Some hospitals now      (提到)patients by name,not case number.toreferring torefer toas重点句式教材原句p.49 Christopher Columbus (1451-1506) was an Italian explorer who completed journeys between Spain and the Americas,thus marking the beginning of European exploration of the Americas. 克 里 斯 托弗·哥伦布(1451—1506)是一位意大利探险家,他完成了西班牙和 美洲之间的旅行,从而标志着欧洲人对美洲的探索的开始。【句式分析】现在分词短语 thus marking the beginning of European exploration of the Americas 在句中作结果状语,前面加 thus 表示强调。1 现在分词(短语)作结果状语现在分词(短语)作结果状语时表示必然的结果,通常位于句末,且常用逗号与前面的句子成分隔开;其逻辑主语既可以是句子主语,也可以是前面的整个句子。The hospital has recently obtained new medical equipment,allowing more patients to be treated. 这家医院最近获得了新的医疗设备,使更多的病人能够得到治疗。【学法点拨】不定式短语作结果状语时,常与 only 连用,表示出乎意料的结果。He hurried to the station,only to be told that the train had already left. 他匆匆赶到车站,却被告知火车已经开走了。单句语法填空(1)The cooling wind swept through our bedroom windows,     (make)air conditioningunnecessary.(2)Unfortunately,his father died,     (leave)the whole family even worse.(3)He got a ride to the airport,only     (find)that he was too late.完成句子(4)By the 1850s it was selling one million copies a year,               (成为有史以来最受欢迎的学校用书之一).(5) Newly-built wooden cottages line the street                 (把旧城镇变成了理想世界).makingleavingto findmaking it one of the most popular school books ever turning the oldtown into a dreamland教材原句p.50 Last year,hundreds of people spent good money on an experience that they knew would include crowds,discomfort and danger. 明知 道会是一次拥挤、不舒适而又危险的体验,去年仍有数百人愿意为此花费大价 钱。2 spend time/money on sth.在某物上花费时间 / 金钱How long did you spend on your homework?你做家庭作业用了多长时间?She spends too much money on clothes every year.她每年花太多的钱买衣服。【归纳拓展】spend time(in)doing sth. 花费时间做某事spend money(on)doing sth. 花费金钱做某事She would spend one hour(in)dressing up before going out.她总是打扮一个小时才出门。单句语法填空(1)He spent 600 dollars      a new mobile phone.(2) My daughter spends an hour every day      (read)English novels.完成句子(3)            (他花在功课上的时间不多),so he has some difficulty keeping up with his studies.(4)If you just            (花时间平衡优势和缺点),you may get nothing in the end.readingonHe doesn’t spend much time on his lessons spend time balancing advantages and disadvantages
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