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    高中英语Unit 6 Disaster and hope完整版教学ppt课件

    这是一份高中英语Unit 6 Disaster and hope完整版教学ppt课件,共31页。

    Ⅰ 阅读理解(根据课文内容选择正确答案) 1. What des the text mainly talk abut?A. Explaining why Lndn is getting htter.B. Warning peple t fcus n heat.C. Reminding the wrld f climate change.D. Expressing cncern abut extreme weather cnditins.2. What des the authr feel abut the heat?A. Excited. B. Angry. C. Wrried. D. Happy.3. What can we infer frm the passage abut Lndn?A. There isn’t any air cnditining at all.B. The high temperature ver 30 ever happened.C. The temperature is less than 30 in Lndn.D. There is high temperature at the Tube statin.4. What will the authr intend t d?A. He wants t buy a high flat and a bat.B. He suggests mving his ffice.C. He wn’t wrry a lt in the future.D. He plans t mve t space.
    Ⅱ 语法填空(根据课文内容和语法规则完成短文)   With climate change,bad weather ften 1    (ccur)in the wrld. I take the Tube t wrk and my jurney is n the 2    (ht)line f the whle Tube system. I lk thrugh the newspaper that tells us “Ht! Ht! Ht!”. Such bad weather can’t 3    (stand).Withut air cnditining,the temperature inside the train 4    (reach)35 degrees,which makes me feel a bit sick. I think abut 5    happened in my wrkplace,a tall glass building,ne ht summer—the sun reflected ff it and 6    (melt)cars parked belw! When7    (think)abut the fld in Lndn,I must manage 8    (swim)r buy a bat and s n. The bad weather has ccurred due 9    climate change in the wrld,such as a hurricane in Asia,landslides in Eastern Eurpe,and frest fires in Suthern Eurpe,10    makes me very nervus.
    Ⅲ 概要写作   阅读课文,根据其内容写一篇 60 词左右的内容概要。 ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________
    The passage tells us the extreme weather cnditin f Lndn. It begins with the high temperature in Lndn tube and then the terrible experience in the ht train,s the authr suggests making preparatins fr the ht future. At the sametime,he reads abut the disasters arund the wrld,in spite f which,we shuld still be ptimistic.
    核心词汇 教材原句p.62 Picking up a free newspaper at the Tube statin,I see the title “Ht ! Ht ! Ht !”. 在地铁站拿起一份免费报纸,我看到一个标题写着 “热!热!热!”。 1 pick up (1)捡起,拿起,举起She picked up her bk and went away. 她捡起她的书,走开了。(2)(开车)接人,搭载Yu can pick me up at the entrance t the stadium.你可以到体育场入口接我。
    (3)(偶然)学会,得到She picked up French when she was in Paris.当她在巴黎时,她学会了法语。(4)接收(信号等)I picked up an American news bradcast.我收听到了一档美国的新闻广播节目。 [词汇复现](5)改善,好转Only after she tk charge f the cmpany did its business pick up.直到她掌管公司之后,公司的生意才好转起来。 [词汇复现]【归纳拓展】pick ut 精心挑选;辨认出He picked ut the ripest peach fr me. 他给我挑了个熟透了的桃子。See if yu can pick me ut in this pht.看你能不能把我从这张照片上认出来。
    写出下列句中 pick up 的含义(1) The girl picked up sme cash and handed it in t the plice.   ___________  (2) Will yu please pick me up at eight ’clck tmrrw mrning?    ___________  (3)We were able t pick up the BBC Wrld Service.    ___________(4)He picked up sme Japanese while travelling in Japan.     ___________(5) Trade is picking up and we are ccupied in trading with freigners.  ___________   单句语法填空(6) It is surprising that yur brther picked      Russian s quickly—he hasn’t lived there very lng.(7) There are s many cars parked utside the supermarket. I am wndering hw yu can pick      yurs.(8) Twenty men fell int the water and were picked      by ther bats.
    教材原句p.62 Sure enugh,ging dwn the stairs and nt the platfrm is like jumping int a vlcan that ‘ s erupting . 果不其然,走下楼梯,来到站台 上就像是跳进一座正在喷发的火山。2 erupt v. (火山)爆发,喷发;突然发 wnder if the vlcan will still be erupting tmrrw.我想知道明天火山是不是仍在喷发。He was unaware f his mistakes befre the manager erupted int anger.在经理发怒之前,他没有意识到自己的错误。 [词汇复现]【单词积累】eruptin n.(火山的)爆发,喷发;突然发生
    单句语法填空(1)It’s impssible t predict accurately when the vlcan      (erupt).(2)Ash began t erupt      the crater (火山口).(3)He erupted      laughter when heard the funny stry.(4) There had been several prblems with the vlcan ver the previus hundred years,but this was the first dangerus     (erupt).
    教材原句p.62 This, hwever, is nthing cmpared t the train. 不过这还远远比不上车厢里面。3 cmpared t/with... 与……相比(常在句中作状语)He is much mre brilliant,cmpared t/with what he was befre studying at cllege. 与上大学前相比,他现在有才华多了。Cmpared t/with ur small flat,Bill’s huse seemed like a palace.和我们的小公寓相比,比尔的房子看起来像是一座宫殿。【归纳拓展】(1)cmpare A t/with B 把 A 和 B 相比较cmpare A t B 把 A 比作 B      beynd cmpare 无与伦比(2)by cmparisn with 与……相比 make a cmparisn 进行对比
    单句语法填空(1) When we cmpare ur films     freign nes,we find many differences.(2)The teenagers can be cmpared      the rising sun in the mrning.(3) Film has a much shrter histry,especially     (cmpare)t such artfrms as music and painting.(4) [词 汇 复 现]     (cmpare)t the eruptin last year,the vlcan erupted mre vilently this year.
    教材原句p.62 ... I hpe I can make it t Bank statin ... ……希望我能撑到银行站……4 make it t (尤指在困难情况下)到达,赶上I hpe I can make it t the brder befre 5 ’clck.我希望我能在 5 点前赶到边界。 [词汇复现]【归纳拓展】(1)make it 及时到达;获得成功;设法做成make up 组成;编造;化妆;和好make up fr 补偿;弥补   make ut 辨认出;理解make ne’s way(t)前往  make use f 利用,使用Culd yu d me a favur and tell Kelly I can’t make it?你能帮我个忙告诉凯莉说我来不了了吗?
    单句语法填空(1)T make sure that he culd make it     the statin n time,he gt up half an hur earlier.(2) Accrding t the timetable,the train is due t leave in five minutes. We’ll never make    .(3)I never thught Clare wuld make    as an actress.(4)Abut twenty dctrs and frty nurses made    this medical team.(5)I just can’t make     what ur teacher is writing n the blackbard.完成句子(6)They set sail in the mrning and        (到达)a small twn befre dark.
    教材原句p.62I ‘ ll avid the feeling by thinking abut wrk . 我还是想想工作的事来逃避这种感觉吧。5 avid v. 避免,防止;躲避,避开搭配:avid ding sth. 避免做某事He chse anther path t avid the crwds.他选择了另一条路以避开人群。 [词汇复现]Yu’d better avid being cnnected with such dishnest peple.你最好避免和这种不诚实的人交往。【学法点拨】avid 后可接名词、代词或动名词作宾语,不能接不定式。有相同用法的动词还有cnsider,admit,imagine,mind,practise,suggest 等。【单词积累】avidable adj. 可以避免的 unavidable adj. 不可避免的
    单句语法填空(1)I crssed the rad t avid      (meet )him,but he saw me and came running twardsme.(2) Be careful when yu crss the rad in the rush hur s as t avid       (knck)dwn by a car.(3)Yu had better avid      (mentin)this tpic.完成句子(4) [词汇复现] He crssed the brder illegally       (以避免受到惩罚).
    t avid being punished
    being kncked
    教材原句p.63I ’ll jin a beginner ’s swimming class immediately. 我得马上报个游泳入门班。6 immediately adv. 即刻,马上;接近,紧接 cnj. 一……就……I will make it t the tp f the muntain immediately.我马上就到山顶了。 [词汇复现]the years immediately befre the war 战前的最后几年Immediately she’d gne,I remembered her name.她刚走,我就想起了她的名字。【归纳拓展】“一……就……”的其他表达:(1)instantly/directly + 句子(2)the mment/minute/secnd/instant + 句子(3);n (4)n/upn + n./ding(5)at the sight/sund f(一看见 / 听见……就……)
    单句语法填空(1) Please give us a descriptin f yur tur f England      (immediate).一句多译[词汇复现] 他一看到那本书就捡了起来。(2)He picked up the bk       he saw it.(3) He picked up the bk            he saw it.(4) He picked up the bk           it.(5) He picked up the bk           it.
    the mment/minute/secnd/instant
    n/upn seeing
    at the sight f
    教材原句p.63 Then I ’ll be able t survive even when the tall buildings are flded. 这样就算高楼大厦都被洪水淹没了,我也能活下来。7 survive v. 活下来,幸存;生存;艰难渡过;比……活得长survive the attack/earthquake 在袭击 / 地震中幸免于难survive the crisis 渡过危机The family are struggling t survive n very little mney.这家人在靠很少的钱艰难度日。She survived her husband by six years.她比她丈夫多活了六年。【单词积累】survival n. 生存;幸存     survivr n. 幸存者;生还者【一言助记】After he survived the earthquake,the ld man became ne f the fewsurvivrs f the family and his survival made his ld friends very happy. 在地震中幸存下来之后,这位老人成了这个家庭中少数幸存者之一,他的幸存使他的老朋友们很高兴。
    单句语法填空(1) Of the six peple injured in the crash,nly tw      (survive).(2)Human life is regarded as part f nature and,as such,the nly way fr us __________     (survive)is t live in harmny with nature.(3) The dctr gave him a ne in ten chance f      (survive).(4)Dgs have a very gd sense f smell and are ften used t search fr      (survive)in an earthquake.完成句子(5)A small dg had smehw managed t       (在火灾中幸免于难).
    survive the fire
    教材原句p.63 Lking thrugh my newspaper, I ’m shcked by phts shwing that a hurricane in Asia has destryed a twn. 我翻阅着手 里的报纸,震惊地看到亚洲的飓风摧毁了一个城镇的照片。8 lk thrugh 快速查看,浏览;透过……看;(假装)没有注意到He lked thrugh tday’s newspaper but fund nthing in particular.他看了看今天的报纸,但没有发现什么特别的东西。She lked thrugh the windw and fund a lvely girl playing ver there. 她透过窗户看到一个可爱的女孩正在那里玩。I said hell but she lked straight thrugh me.我跟她打了个招呼,而她却对我视而不见。 【归纳拓展】lk fr 寻找 lk frward t 期待,盼望(t 是介词) lk int 调查 lk 把……看作…… lk up 抬头向上看;查阅 lk up t 尊敬,钦佩lk after 照料,照顾 lk back n 回忆,回顾 lk arund/rund 环顾;参观lk dwn n/upn 轻视,瞧不起 lk ut(= watch ut)小心,当心
    用lk 的相关短语填空Whenever I (1)         this ld picture,I will (2)         my past,(3)         childhd memries. At that time,I was (4)          ging t a medical cllege. I used t (5)         bks n medicine,because I (6)         nursing as my prfessin and wanted t wrk in the hspital t (7)         patients.单句语法填空(8)He lked      his ntes this mrning t prepare fr his final examinatin.(9) There is always smene arund us wh we are lking      t.(10) I have been lking frward t     (hear)frm yu.
    lking frward t
    9 be shcked at/by 对……感到震惊The parents were shcked at/by the news that their sn needed an peratin n his knee. 听到他们的儿子需要在膝盖上动手术的消息,父母感到震惊。【单词积累】(1)shck v. 使震惊 n. 吃惊,震惊It shcks sb. t see/hear... 看到 / 听到……让某人震惊。be in a state f shck 大为震惊;处于休克状态be a great shck t sb. 对某人来说是个极大的震惊(抽象名词具体化)in shck 处在震惊中       t ne’s shck 令某人震惊的是It shcked them t hear that the hspital was clsing dwn.听说这家医院即将关闭,他们惊讶不已。(2)shcked adj. 震惊的     shcking adj. 令人震惊的be shcked t see/hear sth. 震惊地看到 / 听到……shcked lk/expressin 震惊的表情 shcked vice 震惊的声音
    单句语法填空(1) Peple were      (shck)t see that the little girl was ften beaten by her stepmther. The      (shck)news      (shck)all the peple arund,which was als      shck t her father wh was wrking abrad.(2) [2017·浙江 11 月卷] We sat n the grass,     (shck)by the splendid nature.(3) It shcked me     (think)hw clse we had cme t being killed.完成句子(4) [词汇复现] We            (听到这个消息很吃惊)that he didn’t survive the disease.
    were shcked at/by the news
    教材原句p.63Experts say this bad weather has ccurred due t climate change. 专家说这种恶劣天气是由气候变化导致的。10 ccur v. 发生;(主意或想法)被想到It ccurred t me that I shuld pay a visit t my grandparents immediately. 我突然想到,我应该马上去拜访爷爷奶奶。 [词汇复现]【学法点拨】ccur t 的主语通常为某事物,有时为了保持句子平衡,常将该事物用形式主语it 来代替,后置的 that 从句或不定式短语是真正的主语。【误区警示】注意以下动词的过去式、过去分词及现在分词要双写 r:ccur—ccurred—ccurred—ccurringprefer—preferred—preferred—preferringrefer—referred—referred—referring
    单句语法填空(1) Jimmy was wrking in the lab when the pwer cut      (ccur).(2) [词汇复现]     never ccurred t me that yu culd succeed in persuading him tchange his mind.(3) [词 汇 复 现] It ccurred t him     (lk)thrugh the Internet t search frmre infrmatin.完成句子(4)                (我突然想到一个好主意)that I shuld have a talk with my friend face t face.(5)            (我突然想到)I had left my purse at hme.
    A gd idea ccurred t me
    It suddenly ccurred t me that
    教材原句p.63“ The next statin is Bank !” cmes the annuncement. “下一站,银行站!”报站声响起。11 annuncement n.通告,公告;宣告,宣布;通知 搭配:make an annuncement 发布公告Attentin,please! I have an annuncement t make.请注意!我要发布一个通知。【归纳拓展】annunce sth. t sb. 向某人宣布某事annunce that... 宣布…… It is annunced that... 据宣布……It is annunced that there’ll be a celebratin n Natinal Day.据宣布,国庆节将要举行一场庆祝会。【误区警示】向某人宣布 / 建议 / 解释 / 报道某事annunce/suggest/explain/reprt sb. sth.(×)annunce/suggest/explain/reprt sth. t sb.(√)
    单句语法填空(1)The minister made an       (annunce)at the news cnference.(2) [词汇复现] It      (annunce)that nly when the fire was under cntrl wuld the residents be permitted t return t their hmes.(3) [词汇复现] The lcal annunced      the public the news that twenty peple in allsurvived the accident last night.完成句子(4)They           (向 我 们 宣 布)that they wuld publish a new bk.(5) At the end f their meeting,               (据宣布)an agreement hadbeen reached.
    annunced t us
    was annunced
    it was annunced that
    教材原句p.63 After all , it ’s nly 30 degrees utside!毕竟,外面才只有 30 度!12 after all n.通告,公告;宣告,宣布;通知(1)毕竟,别忘了(解释或说明理由,常置于句首)He was unhappy when he sld his guitar. After all,he had had it fr a very lng time. 当他卖掉他的吉他时,他很不高兴。毕竟,他已经拥有它很长一段时间了。(2)终究,还是(表示结果与预想的不同,常置于句末)There is n need t pick at him all day lng. He’s a child after all.不要老是对他唠唠叨叨,他毕竟还是个孩子。【归纳拓展】abve all 尤其,最重要的是(强调重要性) first f all 首先,第一(强调顺序)  (nt)at all 完全(不),一点儿(都不) in all 总共,总计  all in all 总的来说
    选词填空(after all/in all/abve all/at all)(1) Yu shuldn’t have sclded the by         ,fr he is a child         .          ,he made nly tw mistakes         .你根本不该责备那个男孩,因为他毕竟还是个孩子。最重要的是,他总共才犯了两处错误。(2)Why are yu s anxius?         ,it isn’t yur prblem.(3)In my pinin,yu must be smart,cnfident, _______________and,hnest.(4)They’ve dne nthing         t try and put the prblem right.
    重点句式教材原句p.63 Nw that it ’s hard t avid a disaster n Earth,perhaps I shuld start thinking abut mving t space ... 既然在地球上难逃一 劫,或许我应该开始考虑移居太空了……【句式分析】Nw that it’s hard t avid a disaster n Earth 是 nw that引导的原因状语从句,句中 it 作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式短语 t avid a disaster n Earth。nw that 引导原因状语从句nw that 是从属连词,意为“既然,由于”,引导原因状语从句,与since 同义,语气较弱,指双方都明确的原因或众所周知的原因,侧重主句。在口语中常省略 that。Nw that yu have lked thrugh the newspaper,can yu tell me what is special n it? 既然你已经浏览了报纸,你能告诉我上面有什么特别的吗? [词汇复现]【误区警示】nw that,in that,since,because,as 引导原因状语从句时,主句前不能再加 s。

    英语外研版 (2019)Unit 6 Disaster and hope完美版教学课件ppt: 这是一份英语外研版 (2019)Unit 6 Disaster and hope完美版教学课件ppt,共22页。

    外研版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 6 Disaster and hope优秀教学ppt课件: 这是一份外研版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 6 Disaster and hope优秀教学ppt课件,共36页。

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