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    UNIT 6  Part III  Developing ideas(同步练习含答案)01
    UNIT 6  Part III  Developing ideas(同步练习含答案)02
    UNIT 6  Part III  Developing ideas(同步练习含答案)03
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    UNIT 6 Part III Developing ideas(同步练习含答案)



    Part III  Developing ideas



    1. His words gave us the f___________错误的impression that he would lend us moneybut he would not.

    2. This nature r___________保护区provides shelter for wildlife.

    3. Fishing and h___________打猎are his favourite sports.

    4. Millions of people are threatened with starvation as a result of d___________干旱and poor harvests.

    5. The measures are intended to r___________使恢复publics confidence in the economy.

    6. His l___________讲座yesterday drew in a large crowd.

    7. Environmental protection and s___________可持续的development are the main trend at present.

    8. Wind energy and solar energy are both r___________可再生的energy.

    9. The tomatoes were grown in the g___________温室.

    10. There are over 100 s___________员工in our company.

    . 按照要求完成下列习题

    请选出highlight在句中的含义:①最好(或最精彩、最激动人心)的部分 ②使……突出,强调

    1. The report highlights the major problems which the society faces today.   

    2. One of the highlights of the trip was visiting the Great Wall. (  )

    请选出flood在句中的含义:①洪水,水灾 ②大批,大量 ③淹没,(使)灌满水 ④大量涌入,蜂拥而出

    3. If the pipe burstsit could flood the whole house.   

    4. Large numbers of immigrants flooded into the area.   

    5. The heavy rain has caused floods in many parts of the country.   

    6. He received a flood of grateful calls and e-mails.  )

    . 单句语法填空

    1. They ___________establishthe headquarters in Beijing in 1990.

    2. Mercy to the enemies means ___________cruelto the people.

    3. The number of the animals in this area has reduced from 10000 to 7000. That is to sayit has reduced ___________ 3000.

    4. Laughter is one of the most ___________infectionexpressions of emotion.

    5. The president could only ___________removefrom power once free elections were organised.

    6. No reference books are to be taken out of the reading room without___________permit.

    7. Im sure your suggestion will contribute ___________ solving the problem.

    8. The teacher urged him ___________handin his homework at once.



      Here 1.     besome commongreen truthsthat have been shown to be only half trueor even

    2.     completefalse.

      Firstare paper shopping bags better than plastic ones?

      In factboth kinds of bags are bad 3.      the environment. Plastic bags cause litter and are a danger to wild animals4.      mistake them for food. It takes hundreds of years  for plastic 5.     breakdown. However making a paper bag uses four 6.     time as much energy as making a plastic bag and up to three times the amount of water.

      Secondwhen you turn off a devicedoes it stop using power?

      Electricity continues to leak from the deviceeven when it 7.     turn)“off. So we should remove the plug from its power supply.

      Thirdis eating local food good for the environment?

      In fact8.      is the production of foodnot its transportthat uses most of the energy and produces most of the greenhouse gases. In some caseslocal produce might have used 9.     muchenergy and produced more greenhouse gases than produce grown a long way awayeven taking into account its transport.

      Fourthis it better to take a shower than a bath?

      It depends on how long you spend in the shower and how large your bath is. If you spend more than eight minutes in a showeryoull use as much water as in a bathabout 50 litres of water.

      Environmental awareness is now part of daily life. But its worth 10.     checkcommon ideas and opinions to see whats really green.

    . 阅读理解  

    Rhinos once lived throughout Eurasia and Africa but now are only found in very small parts of Asia and Africa. There are many false beliefs that a rhino horn can cure medical problems. Every year in Africahundreds of rhinos are killed for their horns. The horn is usually cut so deep that the rhino is left to bleed to death. Soenvironmentalists cut off the rhino hornleaving behind just a small amount to prevent the animal being killed for the horn. Howevermany hunters will kill a rhino for that small remaining stump. Very soonrhinos are dying out. But why should we care about this? Rhinos are far away from us.

      The World Wide Fund for NatureWWF argues that we should set aside reserves to protect rhinosas well as animals and plants that live in the same areas. Rhinos are one of the most popular animals that people go to Africa to see. It is the same with pandas in China. Many people especially visit China to see the pandaswhich is good for the economy of these areas. In additionthey have increased the status of China in the world as people are impressed with the work that the Chinese are doing to save their wildlife.

      But beyond these practical and economic reasons that benefit humansthere is another argument for saving animals from extinction. This argument is based on the animals themselvesevery animalhowever small or seemingly insignificantis interestingunique and beautiful in its own way. They are deserving protectioneven if it means that humans lose areas in which to live and farm.

      Howeverthere is a new way of thinking about protection. That iswe cant take care of ourselves without also protecting nature. In specific situations we might choose to favor man andin othersnaturebut overallwe have to protect both. Because its not just a matter of the direct goods that ecosystems offer us. Insteadits about seeing the needs of human society and wild ecosystems as inseparable. This view is callednature and people.

    1. What does the first paragraph serve as?

    A. An introduction. B. A comment.   C. An explanation.   D. An example.

    2. Why do environmentalists cut off part of the rhino horns?

    A. They value the practical worth of rhino horns.

    B. They believe rhino horns can cure people of diseases.

    C. They intend to keep rhinos from being killed by hunters.

    D. They want to use rhino horns to provide financial support.

    3. What can we infer from the new way of thinking about protection?

    A. We choose to live in harmony with nature.

    B. We would like to protect significant creatures.

    C. We prefer to favor man rather than protect nature.

    D. We are more likely to value the direct goods from nature.

    4. Which of the following is the main point of the passage?

    A. The ways that environmentalists set up nature reserves.

    B. The profit that environmentalists gain from protecting animals.

    C. The action that environmentalists take to save wildlife.

    D. The reason why environmentalists save wildlife.

    . 七选五

    An endangered species is a group of animals that could soon become extinct.  1  Many species are nearly extinct and could disappear off the face of the earth very soon if we dont do anything to save them. There are many reasons why species become endangered.

      Habitat destruction is the main reason why animals become endangered and this happens in two ways. When humans move into a new areathe animals habitat is destroyed and there is nowhere for them to live and nothing to eat because humans chop down trees and build houses and farms.  2  Chemicals in rivers and poisons on farms cause the destruction of animals homes and food supplies.

       3  Animals have been brought to the edge of extinction because they are killed for their highly-valued meatfurbones or skinor just for sport. Overfishing has resulted in many large sea creatures like whales and sharks becoming endangered species.

      So what can individuals and governments do to protect endangered species? We should take care not to pollute natural areasand farmers or companies who destroy animal habitats should face severe financial penalties.  4  Governments can helptooby making it against the law to huntfish or trade in endangered species.  5 

    A. Animal habitats are also destroyed because of pollution.

    B. Endangered species are also the result of hunting and fishing.

    C. Eventuallyall the creatures on Earth will enjoy being together.

    D. Recent changeshoweverhave helped to improve the situation.

    E. The public can help out by refusing to buy any products made from these animals body parts.

    F. Extinction happens when the last of the species has died out and there will be no more.

    G. If we all cooperate and take these stepswe will protect these animals for future generations.


      My parents and I had been planning my brothers birthday party since the beginning of March. Johnny would be six years old in two days. My mom was going to bake her special chocolate cake with white icing. As I watched herI thoughtGeeI wonder what I can do to make my brothers birthday special.

      I knew my parents had already bought a present for me to give to Johnny. But I wanted to buy him something I had chosen myself and with the money I had saved. After giving it some thoughtI wanted to buy him the paint-by-number kit涂色小套装I had seen at the store around the corner.

      I decided to empty my coin jar and see how much money I had saved. HoweverI was disappointed to find there was much less than I had imagined.OhnoI only have about three dollarsI muttered to myself.The set costs more than I have saved.

      Suddenly agreatidea occurred to me. I slid into my parents bedroom where my dad kept loose change on top of the dresser. I stood on my tiptoes and saw some dimesnickelsand a few quarters. I carefully counted out what I needed to make up the difference.Im sure Dad wont mind just this onceI thought.

      HoweverI was soon overcome by guilt. Even though there was no one else in the bedroomI felt like I was being watched. Mom was always telling us about the importance of honesty. Maybe my plan wasnt such a great idea after allI thought. I jingled the change around in my pocket while wondering what to do.

      I grabbed my jacket from the closet and headed toward the door.Where are you goinghoney?Mom asked.Ohjust up to the corner storeI replied.Welldont stay out too long. Daddy will be home soon.OkayMom.I ran out of our house.

      Once I got to the storeI took the paint-by-number kit from the shelf.

      Can I help youyoung lady?the sales clerk asked.

      No. Im just lookingthank youI said.

      Thats a really nice paint kit. We sell a lot of them andas you can seethats the last one she said.

      I nodded my head in agreementwith my mind racing. ________________________________________











      I would just have to wait until I saved the extra money I needed. __________________________________














    Part III  Developing ideas



    1. false 句意他的话给了我们错觉以为他会借钱给我们但实则不然。false adj. 不正确的,错误的。

    2. reserve 句意:这个自然保护区为野生动物提供栖息地。reserve n. (野生生物)保护区。

    3. hunting 句意:钓鱼和打猎是他特别喜爱的运动。hunting n. 打猎,狩猎。

    4. drought 句意:数百万人因干旱和歉收而受到饥饿的威胁。drought n. 旱灾,干旱。

    5. restore 句意:这些举措旨在恢复公众对经济的信心。restore v. 使恢复。

    6. lecture 句意:昨天他的演讲吸引了大批观众。lecture n. (尤指大学里的)讲座,讲课,演讲。

    7. sustainable 句意:环境保护和可持续发展是目前的主要趋势。sustainable adj. 可持续的,不破坏环境的。

    8. renewable 句意:风能和太阳能都是可再生能源。renewable adj. (能源)可更新的,可再生的,可恢复的。

    9. greenhouse 句意:这些西红柿是在温室里栽培的。greenhouse n. 温室,暖房。

    10. staff 句意:我们公司有100多名员工。staff n. 员工,为集合名词。

    . 按照要求完成下列习题

    1. ② 句意:报告强调了当今社会所面临的主要问题。

    2. ① 句意:这次旅行中最精彩的部分是参观长城。

    3. ③ 句意:要是水管破裂,整座房子就会灌满水。

    4. ④ 句意:大量移民涌入这个地区。

    5. ① 句意:大雨使全国许多地方泛滥成灾。

    6. ② 句意:他收到大量表示感谢的电话和邮件。

    . 单句语法填空

    1. established 考查时态。句意:他们于1990年在北京建立了总部。根据时间状语in 1990可知,本空应用一般过去时。

    2. cruelty 考查名词。句意:对敌人的仁慈就意味着对人民的残忍。本空在句中作宾语,故应用名词cruelty“残忍,残酷,残暴”。

    3. by 考查介词。句意:这个地区的动物数量已经从10 000减少到7 000。也就是说,数量减少了3 000。根据句意可知,本空表示减少的幅度,故应用介词by

    4. infectious 考查形容词。句意:笑是最具感染力的情感表达方式之一。本空修饰名词expressions,故应用形容词infectious“有感染力的”。

    5. were removed考查语态。句意:总统只有在开始自由选举时才能被免职。分析语法结构可知,句子主语和动词remove之间为被动关系,故本空应用被动语态。本句中remove意为“免职”。

    6. permission 考查名词。句意:本阅览室参考书不得私自带出。根据空前介词without可知,本空应用名词permission“允许,许可”。

    7. to 考查介词。句意:我确信你的建议将有助于我们解决这个问题。contribute to意为“有助于”,故本空应填介词to

    8. to hand考查不定式。句意:老师敦促他立即交上作业。urge sb. to do sth. 意为“敦促某人做某事”,故本空应用不定式作宾补。


    1. are 考查主谓本句是倒装句主语green truths 为复数故本空应用are

    2. completely 本空修饰形容词false故应用副词completely“完全地”

    3. for 考查固定搭配be bad for意为“对……有害

    4. which 考查非限制性定语从句本空引导非限制性定语从句修饰wild animals本空在从句作主语指物故应用关系代词which

    5. to break 考查非谓语动词本句it为形式主语应用不定式作真正的主语

    6. times 考查名词复数本空提示词在句意为“倍”为可数名词根据空前four可知本空应用复数形式

    7. is turned 考查时态及语态本句阐述的是事实应用般现在时且主语it和动词turn之间为被动关系故用般现在时的被动语态

    8. it 考查强调句本句为强调句故本空应用it

    9. more 考查比较级根据空后的than可知本空应用比较级形式

    10. checking 考查非谓语动词be worth doing sth.意为“值得做某事”故本空应用动名词形式

    . 阅读理解  


    1. A 推理判断题根据第段首句和最后两句内容可推知段的作用是引入章主题故选A

    2. C 细节理解题根据第段第四、五句可知环保主义者剪掉犀牛角的部分是因为他们打算防止犀牛被猎人杀死故选C

    3. A 推理判断题根据最后段内容可知我们可以从新的保护思维方式推断出我们选择与自然和谐相处故选A

    4. D 主旨大意题。文章主要介绍了环保人士通过剪掉犀牛角的部分来保护犀牛不被猎杀引出保护动物免于灭绝的原因以及种关于保护的新思路由此可知,文章的重点是环保主义者保护野生动物的原因

    . 七选五


    1. F 分析第段内容结合空格前句“An endangered species is a group of animals that could soon become extinct. (濒危物种是种很快就会灭绝的动物)”可知F项“当物种的最后个灭绝了再也没有这个物种了灭绝就发生了”能够承接上文。

    2. A 根据段首句可知本段主要介绍的是动物栖息地被破坏的两个原因根据该空后句“Chemicals in rivers and poisons on farms cause the destruction of animals homes and food supplies.(河流的化学物质和农场的毒物会破坏动物的家园和食物供应)”可知A项“动物栖息地也因污染而遭到破坏”能够引起下文,讲的是污染对动物栖息地的破坏

    3. B 空格句为本段主旨句本段主要讲的是人类的过度捕杀是造成物种濒危的原因之一。B项“濒危物种也是狩猎和捕鱼的结果”能够概括段落主旨

    4. E 本段第句“So what can individuals and governments do to protect endangered species?(那么个人和政府能做些什么来保护濒危物种呢?)”后面都是保护濒危物种的做法E项“公众可以通过拒绝购买任何由这些动物的身体部位制成的产品来帮助解决这个问题”承接上一符合语境

    5. G 空格位于段落的最后讲述的是个人和政府为了保护濒危物种可以采取哪些措施G项“如果我们大家合作并采取这些措施我们将为后代保护这些动物”是对以做法的总结符合语境




    One possible version

      I nodded my head in agreementwith my mind racing. But  finallyI decided to place the paint-by-number kit back on the shelf and headed home. Luckilyonce I got homeMom was busy talking on the phone and Dad wasnt back home yetso I was able to slip past the kitchen without being noticed. I went to my parents room to return the coins I had taken. I arranged them into a neat stackjust like they were beforeand sighed with reliefknowing I had done the right thing.

      I would just have to wait until I saved the extra money I needed. The sales clerk had even agreed that she would hold the paint kit behind the counter for me until I had enough money to pay for it. I figured I could earn it by doing odd jobs around the house. Then I was able to buy the paint kit two days laterand it seemed extra special when I was finally able to lay my money on the counter. I smiled as I raced home knowing the paint kit would be the perfect present for Johnny.

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        UNIT 6 Part III Developing ideas(同步练习含答案)
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