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    高中英语外研版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 6 Earth first课文配套课件ppt

    这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 6 Earth first课文配套课件ppt,文件包含Part1pptx、Part2pptx等2份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共120页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1.主题语境类型:人与自然——环保理念和绿色生活。2.语篇类型:报刊社论。3.课文内容分析:介绍了生活中常见的关于环境保护的几个认识误区,引导学生对 所谓的生活常识持批判的态度,辩证地看待问题。
    a danger t wild animals
    energy and water
    the prductin f fd 
    the majrity f us take steps t save energy and reduce waste and pllutin.(教材第68页) ……并且我们大部分人也采取了各种行动来节约能源,减少浪费和污染。
    ◆majrity n.多数,大多数(人或物)The majrity f wrkers find it necessary t learn new skills.大多数职工都觉得学习新技能是有必要的。This treatment isn’t available in the majrity f hspitals.大多数医院都不提供这种治疗。
    温馨提示the majrity f作主语时,谓语动词的数要取决于其后名词的数。The majrity f patients are elderly.大多数患者是老年人。
    单句语法填空①In this city,yung peple are       the majrity. ②The majrity f peple     (be) in favur f banning smking nw.
    2.When yu turn ff a device,it stps using pwer?(教材第69页) 关掉的电器不耗电?
    ◆turn ff关闭,关掉The light is t harsh,and yu can turn it ff.那灯光太刺眼,你可以关掉它。Wuld yu mind if I turn ff the radi?要是我关掉收音机你介意吗?
    单句语法填空①It’s s nisy.Will yu please have yur radi       (turn) dwn a little? ②I have been waiting fr him here.But he hasn’t turned      yet. ③If yu have any prblems,please turn      Mr Li fr help. 
    3.T make sure yur appliance is in fact ff,remve the plug frm its pwer supply.(教材第69页) 为确保你的电器设备彻底关闭,请从电源上拔下电器插头。
    ◆remve v.移走,搬走,去掉Remve the ld wallpaper and fill any hles in the walls.去除旧墙纸,并把墙上的洞都填平。She remved her glasses and rubbed her eyes.她摘下眼镜,并揉了揉眼睛。
    单句语法填空①As sn as the cake is dne,remve it       the ven. ②Illegally parked vehicles will be       (remve). 
    4.In sme cases,lcal prduce might have used mre energy and prduced mre greenhuse gases than prduce grwn a lng way away—even taking int accunt its transprt.(教材第69页) 在有些情况下,即使将运输的因素考虑在内,本地的农产品也可能比距离遥远的外 地种植的农产品耗能更多,所产生的温室气体也更多。
    ◆ accunt 把……考虑进去I sincerely hpe that yu will take my suggestins int accunt.我真诚地希望你将我的建议考虑在内。
    单句语法填空①The flight was pstpned       accunt f bad weather. 完成句子②离开住宅时,千万要锁门。           shuld the huse be left unlcked.  ③这场大雨可能是今天上午这么多学生缺席的原因。 The heavy rain may have        the absence f s many students this mrning. 
    On n accunt
    accunted fr
    5.We are cncerned that...(教材第71页) 我们担心……
    ◆cncerned adj.焦急的,担忧的Cncerned parents held a meeting.忧心忡忡的家长们开了一次会。The president is deeply cncerned abut this issue.总统对这一问题深感焦虑。
    单句语法填空①As far as I’m       (cncern),I have changed a lt because f the lessn. ②We are cncerned       her health and well-being. 
    6.Lk at the three items that cntribute t a carbn ftprint.(教材第 72页) 看一下这三种导致碳足迹的东西。
    ◆cntribute v.促成,造成(某事发生);投稿;捐献I hpe I can cntribute t ur team.我希望我能为我们的团队做出贡献。
    单句语法填空①Running in the mrning      (cntribute) t yur health. ②The writer cntributed his nvel       a newspaper and gt it published. ③These scientists have made great      (cntribute) t ur cuntry. 
    It is the prductin f fd,nt its transprt,that uses mst f the energy and prduces mst f the greenhuse gases.(教材第69页)与运输相比,食物的生产过程才是消耗大部分能源及产生大部分温室气体的原因。◆It is... that... 强调句型It was Peter wh helped me carry these bxes yesterday.昨天正是Peter帮我搬这些箱子的。It was in this park that she met her husband fr the first time.她和丈夫正是在这个公园里第一次见面的。
    ①判断句子是不是强调句,就是把句子中的It is/was和that/wh去掉,将语序加以 调整,能还原为完整句子且句意依然完整,则为强调句型。②强调句型能强调除谓语动词外的句子成分。③被强调部分为人时,可用wh/that;被强调部分是事物时,用that。
    ①                    .②                    .              ③                    .④              ..
    It was Jhn wh/that wre his best suit t the dance last night.
    It was his best suit that Jhn wre t the dance last night.
    It was t the dance that Jhn wre his best suit last night.
    It was last night that Jhn wre his best suit t the dance.
    lcal fd shuld be better fr the envirnment,because it des nt need t be transprted lng distances and kept cld during transprt.(教材第69页)……吃本地产的食物更环保,因为不需要长途低温运输。本句是主从复合句。because引导的是原因状语从句,主句的主语为动名词短语,从句是由and连接的两个并列动作构成。
    1.Hwever,making a paper bag uses fur times as much energy as making a plastic bag and up t three times the amunt f water.(教材第68页) 然而,生产纸袋的耗能为塑料袋的四倍,耗水则多达三倍。
    ◆此句式为倍数+结构My schl has expanded int a big ne,which is three times as big as the previus ne.我们学校已扩大成为一个比原来大三倍的学校。The electrnic waste is increasing three times as fast as traditinal garbage.电子垃圾的增长是传统垃圾的三倍。
    单句语法填空①This bridge is three times the length       that ne. ②My rm is fur times       (large) than yurs. ③His car is twice       expensive as Mr.Green’s. 
    2.T make sure yur appliance is in fact ff,remve the plug frm its pwer supply.(教材第69页) 为确保电器设备彻底关闭,请从电源上拔下电器插头。
    ◆make sure确定,确信,查明,弄清楚In rder t make sure all f us are in gd health,and she makes specific plans fr us.为了确保我们身体健康,她为我们制定了具体计划。First f all,parents shuld make sure that their children receive a gd schl educatin.首先,父母应确保他们的孩子接受良好的学校教育。
    温馨提示make sure一般不跟不定式,make sure后跟从句时,常用一般现在时态代替将来时。
    完成句子①Yu shuld          (确保)that the dr is lcked befre yu leave the ffice. ②I knw he will cme t see me tmrrw           (无疑地).③As far as I knw,she                   (一定会 参加明天的会议). 
    is sure t attend tmrrw’s meeting
    Writing a persuasive letter
    1.文体类型:劝说信,属于应用文。2.要点内容:(1)介绍“光盘行动”及其原因;(2)就如何做到提出3条建议;(3)活动 的意义,并发出号召。
    劝说信首段常用句式:I’m writing t persuade yu f all,I think it wuld be better I’d like t give my advice n I wuld like t suggest that...劝说信中段常用句式:If I were yu,I ’m writing t give sme suggestins t I will try my best t make sme cnstructive suggestins.
    劝说信尾段常用句式:In my take gd cnsideratin f my advice.Thank yu.Please take my advice int cnsideratin and make a final decisin.These are my suggestins and I hpe they culd mean smething fr a better future f...
    假设你是李华,最近“光盘行动”在社会上很受欢迎,所以你准备用英语写一份倡议书,在校英语报上发表,鼓励你校的学生也积极参与“光盘行动”,杜绝食物浪费。内容包括:  1.“光盘行动”的目的;  2.校园内的食物浪费现象;  3.具体倡议。  注意:  1.词数为80左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    Ⅰ.对接单元词汇1.         n.运动,活动 2.         v.把……作为目标 3.         v.减少,降低 4.         n.餐厅,食堂 5.         adj.很严重的 
    Ⅱ.巧用单元句式、语法完成句子1.最近,在我们的社会中,“光盘行动”运动已经变得越来越受欢迎。 Recently,the“Clear Yur Plate”campaign has               .           in ur sciety. 2.这项运动旨在提高人们减少浪费的意识。 The campaign targets peple’s                    .3.这项运动让我注意到校园里的食物浪费现象。 The campaign                 fd waste n campus.4.在我们学校,一些学生被注意到在食堂扔掉很多食物。 In ur schl,sme students                   .                        in the canteen. 
    5.毫无疑问,食物浪费已经成为校园里一个严重的问题。                           fd waste has becme a severe prblem n campus. 6.为了改善这种情况,我们应该对食物浪费说“不”。 In rder t imprve the situatin,we shuld          .               .7.我们应该养成不买超过自己需要的东西的习惯。 We shuld                      never buying mre than                .8.节约粮食是我们的责任。                   t save fd. 9.让我们行动起来,创造一个更美好的世界。 Let’s            t create a better wrld. 
    Recently,the“Clear Yur Plate” campaign has becme mre and mre ppular in ur sciety,which targets peple’s awareness f reducing waste.
    In rder t imprve the situatin,we shuld say “N” t fd waste and frm the habit f never buying mre than what we need. 
    Dear fellw students,I’m Li Hua.Recently,the “Clear Yur Plate” campaign has becme mre and mre ppular in ur sciety,which targets peple’s awareness f reducing waste.The campaign draws my attentin t fd waste n campus.In ur schl,sme students are nticed t thrw away a lt f fd in the canteen.There is n dubt that fd waste has becme a severe prblem n campus.In rder t imprve the situatin,we shuld say “N” t fd waste,and frm the habit f never buying mre than what we need.It’s ur duty t save fd.S let’s take actin t create a better wrld.Thank yu!
    假设你是某中学高一学生会主席李华,你们学校被选定为垃圾分类试点单位。请你根据以下要点,用英语写一份倡议书,倡议全体同学参与垃圾分类,写作要点包括:  1.介绍主题;  2.提出建议;  3.说明垃圾分类的意义。  注意:  1.写作词数为80左右;  2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;  3.开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数。  参考词汇:试点单位 experimental unit;可回收利用的 recyclable。
    Dear fellw students,
    One pssible versin:Dear fellw students,I’m Li Hua.Our schl has been selected as ne f the experimental units fr garbage classificatin.Therefre,it’s ur duty t carry ut the prgram.My suggestin is that different kinds f garbage shuld be srted ut and placed in different dustbins.Fr example,paper can be srted int the recyclable waste,while leftvers shuld be classified as kitchen waste.What’s mre,pisnus things such as used batteries shuld nt be mixed with ther garbage.The prgram is f great benefit.We will be able t save resurces by making use f recyclable garbage and prevent pisnus things frm plluting ur envirnment after special treatment.S let’s wrk tgether t make ur campus mre beautiful.Thank yu!
    Ⅰ.语境填词1. They       (establish)the headquarters in Beijing in 1990. 2.I was       (cncern)that I was nt prtected and wuld get a sunburn. 3.The president culd nly       (remve)frm pwer nce free electins were rganised. 4.I’m sure yur suggestin will cntribute     slving the prblem.
    5.The plan is tp-secret and we can’t allw it       (leak) t anyne. 6.Plastic bags cause litter and are a danger t wild animals which mistake them       fd. 7.Our English teacher creates a relaxed atmsphere in class      we are free t express urselves. 8.If the manager has t chse between the tw applicants,he will say Jhn is       better chice. 9.It’s yur effrts nt yur intelligence that       (determine) yur success. 10.Their new system lks mdern and advanced      urs,in cntrast, seems very ld-fashined. 
    t be leaked
    Ⅱ.单句情境写作1.每次我见到他的时候,他都在全身心地工作。 Every time I saw him,he always                    . 2.日晒、吸烟和饮酒都会对外表造成不良影响。 Sun expsure,smking and alchl use were all fund t      . appearance. 3.汽车的功率越大,就越难驾驶。           the car is,           it is t handle.4.政府将投巨资修建一座博物馆。 The gvernment will invest               in building a museum. 
    devted himself t his wrk
    have a negative
    The mre pwerful
    the mre difficult
    a large amunt f mney
    Ⅰ.阅读理解 Human demands fr natural resurces have dubled in less than 50 years and are nw beynd what the earth can prvide,a reprt warned.If humans carry n like this,we will need tw earths by 2030.The ppulatin f wildlife has fallen by 60% in thirty years. The reprt said British peple are cnsuming (消耗) far mre than the earth can deal with.If everyne lived such a lifestyle,humans wuld need 2.75 planets t survive.Peple are nw living lifestyles which wuld require 1.5 planets,thugh there are great differences between rich and pr natins.
    Researchers studied the glbal change in land use and water cnsumptin.The UK cmes the 31st in a list f cuntries based n “eclgical ftprint (生态足迹)” that measures hw much land and sea each persn needs t prduce the resurces they cnsume and t absrb (吸收) the wastes.The UK has fallen dwn frm the 15th place in the last reprt tw years ag t the 31st place,but the WWF believes it is an increase in ther cuntries’ effrts rather than a reductin in the UK’s use f resurces.
    Ireland has the 10th highest eclgical ftprint,while the United Arab Emirates,Qatar,Denmark,Belgium and the US are the five wrst cuntries fr ver-cnsumptin f resurces.The study suggests if the expected glbal ppulatin f 9.2 billin in 2050 were t eat a Malaysian diet,1.3 planets wuld be needed but if everyne were t eat an Italian diet,humans wuld need almst tw planets.Thse cuntries that can prvide the highest quality f life using the lwest amunt f resurces will nt nly serve the glbal interest,but will be the leaders in a resurce-limited wrld.语篇导读:本文为一篇说明文,讲述人类在透支地球的资源。阅读本文有利于培养学生的环境保护意识。
    1.We will prbably need    earths if we fllw the British lifestyle. A.1.3 C.2 D.1.5
    1.B 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据第二段中的“If everyne lived such a lifestyle,humans wuld need 2.75 planets t survive.”可知,如果按照英国的生活方式,我们可能需要2.75个地球。故选B。
    2.What d we knw abut “eclgical ftprint”? A.It has smething t d with human demands fr resurces and their wastes. B.It is used t prduce the resurces and absrb the wastes. C.We can knw the ttal amunt f resurces n the earth thrugh it. D.It is abut changes in land use and water cnsumptin acrss the glbe.
    2.A 推理判断题。考查学生根据文本信息进行推理判断的能力。根据第三段中的“ n ‘eclgical ftprint’ that measures hw much land and sea each persn needs t prduce the resurces they cnsume and t absrb the wastes.”可知,生态足迹与人类对资源的需求和浪费有关。故选A。
    3.The WWF believes that    .  A.the earth wn’t be able t meet human needs after 50 years B.the UK has pssibly nt reduced the use f resurces ver the past tw years C.Ireland has a lwer eclgical ftprint than the UK D.there are n big differences in lifestyle between rich and pr natins
    3.B 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据第三段最后一句可知,WWF组织认为,英国可能没有减少对资源的使用。故选B。
    4.It can be learned frm the text that Malaysia    .  A.has a larger ppulatin than Italy B.cnsumes fewer resurces than Italy C.wuld need almst tw planets D.has the highest quality f life
    4.B 推理判断题。考查学生根据文本信息进行推理判断的能力。根据最后一段第二句“如果2050年全球92亿人口以马来西亚人的饮食为标准,那么就需要1.3个星球,而如果每个人都以意大利人的饮食为标准,那么人类就需要两个星球”可推断,马来西亚人的消费模式消耗的资源比意大利人的少。故选B。
    Ⅱ.完形填空 Travelling t a Eurpean cuntry with my mther was exciting.Hwever,it wuld nt be  1  withut facing prblems and figuring them ut.  We had just started t get  2  with the Paris subway system.Thus using it was very difficult.We were walking at a slw pace until we  3  the subway was abut t leave.As sn as I  4 ,the drs shut with Mum n the ther side.I did nt have my cellphne,neither f us spke a wrd f French,and we had n idea hw t  5  each ther.Mum and I wh were bth  6 ,began t pund (猛击) n the drs.Suddenly,a man with a very puzzled lk n his face walked ver t the drs and simply  7  them.Mum stepped n and we hugged as if we  8  fr the first time in years.A huge sense f  9  washed ver us,fllwed by embarrassment. 
     10 ,Mum and I were able t  11  the victries f finding destinatins.We began t familiarise urselves with the neighburhd, 12  finding ur favurite breakfast café,and walking t museums and back.The trip t Paris was  13 .It taught me it is unavidable t run int  14  when trying t explre an unfamiliar area,but  15  yu cntinue t wrk,yu will imprve. 语篇导读:这是一篇夹叙夹议文。通过讲述“我”和妈妈在巴黎乘坐地铁发生的故事,说明了迎接挑战会让人进步。阅读本文有利于培养学生积极的心理品质,养成自信自爱、坚韧乐观的品质。思维导图
    B.typical C.practicalB.familiar C.bred D.ppular
    1.D 结合下文“It taught me it is unavidable t run int  14  when trying t explre an unfamiliar area,but  15   yu cntinue t wrk,yu will imprve.”可知,“我”和妈妈去巴黎的经历对“我们”是有好处的,让“我们”得到进步。所以,清楚了“我们”在巴黎旅游中碰到的问题让“我们”的这次旅行变得完整(cmplete)。故选D。 2.B 结合下文“Thus using it was very difficult.”因此使用起来非常困难。可知,对于巴黎的地铁“我”和妈妈是刚刚开始熟悉(familiar)。故选B。
    B.realised C.predicted nB.speeded up C.started ffD.fell ver
    3.B 结合本句中“We were walking at a slw pace(我们走得很慢)”以及“the subway was abut t leave(地铁即将离开)”可知,地铁要离开时“我”和妈妈才意识到(realised)这点。故选B。4.A 根据本句中“the drs shut with my mum n the ther side”并结合上文“我”和妈妈在坐地铁的情境,可知,此处指的是“我”一上车(gt n),车门就关了。故选A。
    B.encurage C.remind B.regretful C.anxius B.destryed C.clsed D.repaired
    5.D 根据上文“the drs shut with my mum n the ther side”可知,车门把“我”和妈妈隔开了。结合“I did nt have my cellphne,neither f us spke a wrd f French”可知,此处表示“我”和妈妈没法取得联系(cnnect)。故选D。6.C 根据前一句“we had n idea hw t  5  each ther”可知,“我”和妈妈都比较着急(anxius)。故选C。 7.A 结合上文“the drs shut with my mum n the ther side”可知,这个人应该是把车门打开(unlck)。故选A。
    B.reunited C.respndedB.anger C.relief D.peace
    8.B 根据上文“the drs shut with my mum n the ther side”及“Suddenly,a man with a very puzzled lk n his face walked ver t the drs and simply  7  them.”可知,打开门之后,妈妈上了车,“我”和妈妈是又一次在一起(reunited)了。故选B。 9.C 根据上文“My mum stepped n and we hugged”可知,此处表示对“我”和妈妈而言,此刻就是一种欣慰(relief),不再担心被分开。故选C。
    B.Eventually C.ThankfullyB.miss C.recrd D.celebrate
    10.B 根据上文的“ by embarrassment”及下文的“ destinatins”可知,此处表示“我”和妈妈终于(Eventually)找到了目的地。故选B。11.D 根据本句中“the victries f finding destinatins(胜利地找到了目的地)”可知,对于这个胜利而言,是要庆祝(celebrate)的。故选D。
    asB.instead f C.rather than D.apart B.disappinting C.unfrgettableD.fruitless
    12.A 根据空前“We began t familiarise urselves with the neighburhd”和空后“finding ur favurite breakfast cafe,and walking t museums and back”可知,此处表示对“我们”熟悉环境的情况的列举。such as意为 “例如”,符合语境。故选A。13.C 根据下文“It taught me...(这次旅行教会了我……)”可知,这次旅行对“我”而言的意义是难以忘怀的(unfrgettable)。故选C。
    B.arguments C.fights B.until C.if D.since
    14.A 结合前文,“我”和妈妈在乘坐地铁时的经历,可知,这次经历对“我”而言就是挑战,说明了在陌生的地方会不可避免地遇到挑战(challenges)。故选A。15.C 根据空后“yu cntinue t wrk,yu will imprve”可知,努力是进步的条件,if 意为“如果”,符合语境。故选C。
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