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    高中英语人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 2 Bridging Cultures教案设计

    这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 2 Bridging Cultures教案设计,共18页。教案主要包含了热点品味,教材原句,实例品读,热点归纳,考点精练等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Unit 2 Bridging Cultures
    Period 3 Discover useful structures 教学设计
    Period 3 Discover useful structures
    Unit2 Bridging Cultures
    Grade 2
    This is the third period of this unit. The emphasis of this period will be placed on the grammar of this unit. The four activities in this section reflect the process of grammar learning from induction of grammar rules, to controlled written exercises, and then to half-open oral output. Activity 1 presents several examples of noun clauses that have appeared in the text. Activity 2 gives the lead words and let the students connect the two simple sentences into a complex sentence with a noun clause. Activity 3 tells about Leon’s cross-cultural experience in China. Activity 4 provides students with four typical sentence structures that contain noun clauses.
    Knowledge objectives: Enable the Ss to grasp the rules of noun clauses.
    Skill objectives: Enable the Ss to analyse the given sentences.
    Develop the ability to use the noun clause in the listening, speaking and
    Emotional objectives: Improve students to increase grammar learning’s experience and improve their ability of writing and speaking.
    Thinking quality objectives: Inspire the students to review the grammar they have learned and systematically sort out the function and usage of noun clauses

    1. The rules of the noun clause;
    2. The usage of the noun clause.
    The difference between the noun clause and the attributive clause.

    Lead –in (PPT2-6)
    1. Read the comments some people are giving on studying abroad. Underline the noun clauses.
    (1) One possibility encountered by students studying abroad is that they might get depressed because of the challenges they face, such as a heavy workload and the language barrier.
    (2) It is true that the development of modern technology has greatly relieved the loneliness of those who are studying abroad. Nowadays students can keep in touch with their family more easily using email, mobile phones, or other methods.
    (3) That students have to speak a foreign language well enough to study in that country is a challenge for those who hope to get an overseas degree.
    (4) In some cultures, people don’t like to make physical contact of any kind with strangers. That is why they feel very uncomfortable if anyone stands too close to them.
    (5) Now that you have passed the examination with such a high score, the question is which school you are going to apply for.

    Read the sentences and underline the relative clauses.

    To guide students to discover the rules of the noun clauses.
    To sum up PPT 7-8
    1. Study the sentences below and mark the noun clauses. What is the function of each noun clause in the sentences?
    1) What seemed strange before now appears quite normal to Xie Lei.
    2) What surprised Xie Lei was that she found herself speaking up in class after just a few weeks.
    3) It’s important that Xie Lei keeps a balance between her studies and her social life.
    4) Her tutor explained that she must acknowledge what other people had said if she cited their ideas.
    2. Analyse the sentences and answer the following questions.
    1) How did you decide which is the main clause and which is the subordinate(次要) clause?
    2) What’s the function of each subordinate clause in the sentence?
    Answers: 1) By finding words like who, when, where, etc., in front of a clause.
    2) As the subject or predicative(表语)
    Grammar Rules PPT9-11

    连词 连接代词 连接副词


    Discover useful structures PPT12-17
    1. Combine each pair of sentences using the worlds in brackets(括号)
    1) The adviser talked about maintaining reasonable expectations when studying abroad. His words were quite helpful to May. (what)
    What the adviser talked about maintaining reasonable expectations when studying abroad were quite helpful to May. 主语从句
    2) Students have to write countries research papers as part of their coursework. This was not something that Chen Hao was ready for. (that)
    That students have to write countries research papers as part of their coursework was not something that Chen Hao was ready for. 主语从句
    3) Who will be the successful applicant for the summer job at the law firm? This is the question. (who)
    The question is who will be the successful applicant for the summer job at the law firm. 表语从句
    4) Exposure to another culture and its people can give exchange students great insights into the world. This is an advantage of studying abroad. (that)
    An advantage of studying abroad is that exposure to another culture and its people can give exchange students great insights into the world. 表语从句
    5) Schools in the States are quite multicultural, with students and teachers from many different ethnic backgrounds. This impressed Liu Yang. (It... that)
    It impressed Liu Yang that schools in the States are quite multicultural, with students and teachers from many different ethnic backgrounds. 主语从句
    6) Should she stick to her own way of life or follow the American way? This is her confusion. (whether)
    Her confusion is whether she should stick to her own way of life or follow the American way. 表语从句

    To mark the noun clauses by students.

    Answer the questions by students.

    To make some conclusion by students.

    Students have a try to make sentences using noun clauses.

    Use what students have learnt in the previous activity to combine sentences using noun clauses.

    To make a further analysis of the grammar rules of the noun clauses

    To find out the grammatical features of these sentences.

    Explore the use of nominal clauses

    Practice PPT18-28
    1. Fill in the blanks with leading words.
    1) (2020·浙江卷) Over thousands of years, they began to depend less on ____ could be hunted or gathered from the wild, and more on animals they had raised and crops they had sown.
    2) (2020·江苏卷) It Is not a problem_______we can win the battle; it’s just a matter of time.
    3) (2020·天津卷) The student completed this experiment to make come true ______Professor Joseph had said.
    4) (2019·江苏卷) Scientists have obtained more evidence _______ plastic is finding its way into the human body.
    5) (2020·河北邢台八中试题) The question is ________the two countries can reach agreement at the conference.
    6) (2020·全国2. 语法填空. 改编) This is ________decorating with plants, fruits and flowers carries special significance.
    7) (2020·河南焦作模考) left the door unlocked must be responsible for the accident.
    8) (2020·大连一模) ________they found was that expressing and receiving appreciation increased happiness for both sides.
    Answers: 1. what 2. whether 3. what 4. that 5. whether 6. why 7. whoever 8. what

    2. that 的用法
    9) They share little in common except_____they are from the same country.
    10) I believe you’re done your best and _____things will improve.
    11) The car driver didn’t admit the fact he was over-speed driving at the turning.
    总结:主句谓语动词后接两个或两个以上宾语从句时,除第一个that 省略外,其余不省。
    12) everything in the world changes was often a theme in poetry of the Romantic Movement.
    13) It seems ________ there are people from all over the world.
    总结:that 在主语从句,表语从句和同位语从句中一般不省略。
    Answers: 9. that 10. that 11. that 12. that 13. that
    3. whether 与if的用法
    14. 14) The question is we can get support from our parents. A.if B.whether C.that D.where
    15. 15) It is doubtful there is a seat left in the theatre. A. whether B.if C. which D.that
    16. 16) They are faced with the problem they should continue the work. A. who B. if C. whether D. that
    Answers: 14. B 15. C 16. C
    总结:if 与whether均意为“是否”,但引导主语从句,表语从句和同位语从句时,一般只用whether, 不用if。
    17) That depends on you are suitable for the job.
    总结:从句作介词的宾语时,需 “是否”之意,一般用whether不用if.
    18) I don’t know he benefited from the voluntary work or not.
    总结:在宾语从句中,与or not 连用时,一般用
    Answers: 17. whether 18. whether
    4. 同位语从句与定语从句
    18) The only way to succeed at the highest level is to have total belief ________you are better than anyone else on the sports field.
    19) There are many things   everyone can do to help stop desertification.
    20) It is a truly delightful place, ________looks the same as it must have done 100 years ago with its winding streets and pretty cottages.
    21) He finished college at fifteen, I found hard to believe.
    Answers: 18. that 19. that 20. which 21. which
    总结:1. 同位语从句先行词一般为idea, fact, news, hope, belief, suggestion, proposal, thought, doubt, truth, possibility等,而定语从句的先行词可以是名词,代词,主句的一部分或整个主句.
    22) The question________should do the job requires consideration.
    23) We haven’t yet settled the question________we are going to spend the summer holiday.
    24) I live next to door to a couple______ children often make a lot of noise.
    25) Australia is the only country is also a continent.
    26) The hope _____ he may recover is not gone yet.
    总结:2. 从句的作用不同:同位语从句表示同位名词的具体内容,而定语从句是对先行词的限制、描绘或说明。
    3. 引导词不同:what, how, whether等不能用引导定语从句,但可用于引导同位从句。
    Answers: 22. who 23. where 24. whose 25. that 26. that

    After the students have done it by themselves, ask them to discuss the answers in groups.

    To make a study of the
    grammar rules, especially the methods to form the clauses.

    Distinguish the similar structures to make their ability improved.

    Let the students think about how to determine the leading words of noun clause.

    To summarize grammar rules by observing and discussing.

    To give students detailed and concrete situations.

    To find out the grammatical features of these sentences.

    The choice is made according to the meaning of the clause, and the confirmation is made according to whether and what the leading word acts as a component in the clause.
    Discussion PPT27-32
    1. Read the passage below and complete it with A-D.
    A that he enjoys being with Chinese people
    B How he can learn to appreciate it more deeply
    C What impressed him first
    D that people can eat almost everything with chopsticks
    After just a few months in China, Leno, an exchange student from Germany, says that he has fallen in love with Chinese culture. ______ was the Chinese food there are! He couldn’t believe how many different kinds of Chinese food there are! Something else he found impressive was .
    Then there’s China’s colourful culture, from art to music, and from calligraphy to literature. ____remains an important goal for him, as he is truly fascinated by it. Leno is also amazed by the convenience of cashless payments in China. He can go outside without any need for cash --all he needs is his mobile phone! The biggest reason why he loves China, however, is_______. He has made great friends here--friends that he was still remember long after his departure.
    Answers : CDAB
    2. Read the passage again and answer the questions.
    1. What does Leon like about his life in China?
    2. What other things do you think might attract international students to China?
    3. What does Leon’s account make you feel about China?
    Answers: 1. The Chinese food, the way people can eat almost everything with chopsticks, China’s colourful culture, the convenience of cashless payments and Chinese people.
    2. Beautiful scenery all over China and China’s high speed railway.
    3. China is an attractive independent country that we are proud of.
    3. Work in pairs and take turns to talk about Xie Lei’s experience by completing the following sentences with your own words.
    1 That... made Xie Lei confused at first.
    That people in London speak fast and use unfamiliar words made Xie Lei confused at first.
    2 It surpried Xie Lei that...
    It surprised Xie Lei that her host family are so keen to learn about China.
    3. What Xie Lei’s tutor wanted to say was that...
    What Xie Lei’s tutor wanted to say was that she must acknowledge what other people had said if she cited their ideas.
    4. The motivation for XieLei to study abroad was that...
    The motivation for Xie Lei to study abroad was that she wanted to set up a business in China after graduation.
    Make up a short article with the sentences above to describe Xie Lei’s experience.
    That people in London speak fast and use unfamiliar words made Xie Lei confused at first. It surprised Xie Lei that her host family are so keen to learn about China. What Xie Lei’s tutor wanted to say was that she must acknowledge what other people had said if she cited their ideas. The motivation for Xie Lei to study abroad was that she wanted to set up a business in China after graduation. Xie Lei said that besides studying hard, she also participated in various social activities. Acting as a cultural messenger is what she didn’t expect to do before going abroad.

    Individual and group work.

    After the students have done it by themselves, ask them to discuss the answers in groups
    General exercises, adding the difficulty gradually on the basis of the dialogue.

    Have a deep understanding of the characteristics of English sentence patterns and think about the differences in thinking habits behind the language.
    Important words
    1. expectation 考查热度★★
    【热点品味】expectation n. 期待;预期;期望
    【教材原句】The advisor talked about maintaining reasonable expectations when studying abroad. His words were quite helpful to May. 导师谈到了出国留学时要保持合理的期望。他的话对梅很有帮助。
    Their hope, and their expectation, was that she was going to be found safe and that she would be returned to her family. 他们的希望和期盼是她被找到时安全无恙并被送回她家。销售经理对新产品进行介绍。
    (1) beyond expectation 出乎意料
    live up to/meet/answer/come expectations 不负某人所望
    (2) expect sb. to do sth.    期望某人做某事
    (3) as expected 如预期的一样
    (1) They closed the windows in____ (expect) of rain.
    (2) Don’t expect me ________ (finish) all this work in so little time.
    Answers: expectation; to finish
    2. applicant 考查热度★★
    【热点品味】applicant n. 申请人,申请者;请求者
    【教材原句】Who will be the successful applicant for the summer job at the law firm? 谁会成功地申请到那家律师事务所的暑期工作?
    We have had lots of applicants for these positions.
    The applicant has experience in teaching and industry. 这名申请者有教学经验和有企业工作的经验。
    (1) apply v. 申请;涂,敷;应用
    apply for 申请......
    apply... to... 把...... 运用到......
    (2) application n. 申请;应用;申请书
    (1) Mike has ________(apply) himself to this task with considerable energy these days.
    (2) This is a new invention that will have a wide range of_________ (apply) in industry.
    Answers: applied; application
    3. exposure 考查热度★★
    【热点品味】exposure n. 暴露;曝光;揭露;陈列
    【教材原句】Exposure to another culture and its people can give exchange students great insights into the world. 接触另一种文化和人民可以让交换生对世界有深刻的认识。
    Exposure to lead is known to damage the brains of young children. 已知接触铅会损害幼童的大脑。
    He undertook increasingly dangerous assignments until his exposure as a spy. 在间谍身份暴露之前他一直从事日益危险的任务。
    (1) exposure to... 暴露在...... 中
    the exposure of... 对...... 的揭露
    (2) expose v. 揭露,揭发;使曝光;显示
    expose oneself to... 使自己曝光 /暴露于......
    (3) exposed adj. 无遮蔽的;无保护的;易受攻击的
    (1) They had not (expose) to most diseases common to urban populations.
    (2) Larger drawings tend to require two or three____ (expose) to cover them.
    Answers: been exposed; exposures
    4. insight 考查热度★★
    【热点品味】insight n. 洞察力;洞悉
    【教材原句】Exposure to another culture and its people can give exchange students great insights into the world. 接触另一种文化和人民可以让交换生对世界有深刻的认识。
    The project would give scientists new insights into what is happening to the Earth’s atmosphere.
    (1) insight into 深刻理解,洞察…
    gain an insight into 看透, 识破
    (2) insightful adj. 有深刻见解的,富有洞察力的
    (1) He was a man of forceful character, _________
    considerable insight and relevant experience.
    (2) She offered some really interesting, __________
    (insight) observations.
    Answers: with; insightful
    5. departure 考查热度★★
    【热点品味】departure n. 离开;出发;违背
    【教材原句】He has made great friends here--friends that he was still remember long after his departure. 他在这里交了很多好朋友,这些朋友在他离开后仍然让他久久难忘。
    They hoped this would lead to the departure of all foreign forces from the country. 他们希望这会导致所有外国军队从该国的撤离。
    (1) departure from 离开;违反,违背
    point of departure 出发地
    departure time 出发时间;撤离时刻;起飞时刻
    (2) depart v. 离开;出发,起程;违反;去世
    (1) It was a radical _____________(depart) from tradition.
    (2) Why is it in this country that we_______(depart) from good educational sense so far?
    Answers: departure; have departed
    Practice: Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the phrases
    speak up ; keep a balance between... and... ; an advantage of; stick to; fall in love with; be fascinated by... ; cashless payment; the motivation for...
    1. As far as I am concerned, ______________should not be negated merely because of their security concerns.
    2. In my opinion, we should amusement _______study or work.
    3. Girls are more likely _________frequently and make significant contributions to class.
    4. I’ve always___________ his ideas.
    5. _________ publicity attacks is that the attackers want to make a name for themselves.
    6. I managed to the diet and keep off sweet foods.
    7. Many foreign tourists ________China the first time they pay a visit to this great country.
    8. __________using the solar energy is that it won "t create any pollution. "
    Answers: 1. cashless payments; 2. keep a balance between... and... 3. to speak up 4. been fascinated by
    5. The motivation for 6. stick to 7. fall in love with
    8. An advantage of

    To instruct the students to complete the exercise independently.

    To improve the quality of students’ language expression, so that they can find their own shortcomings.

    Learn and master key vocabulary.

    Think about the differences in the habits of thought behind language.
    Writing PPT45-46
    Rewrite the composition using clauses
    Dear Sir,
    I’m Xie Lei, an exchange student from China. I learnt that volunteer students are wanted for a Chinese painting exhibition to be held in the local art gallery. I’m so delighted. So now I’m writing to apply for the position.
    The reasons for my application are as follows. Firstly, my good command of English makes me stand out. I acquired this skill from my exposure to English from an early age. What’s more, years of being a school monitor has made me a brilliant organizer. It will really help to keep the exhibition in order. It’s worth mentioning. My related knowledge will undoubtedly help your visitors learn more about Chinese art. This is perhaps the most important factor.
    In addition, my sense of responsibility will make me a very reliable volunteer. I believe that. I’d appreciate it if you could take my application into consideration. Yours, Xie Lei
    Dear Sir,
    I’m Xie Lei, an exchange student from China, I’m delighted to learn that volunteer students are wanted for a Chinese painting exhibition to be held in the local art gallery. So now I’m writing to apply for the position.
    The reasons for my application are as follows. Firstly, what makes me stand out is my good command of English, which I acquired from my exposure to English from an early age. What’s more, it’s worth mentioning that years of being a school monitor has made me a brilliant organiser, which will really help to keep the exhibition in order. The most important factor is perhaps that my related knowledge will undoubtedly help your visitors learn more about Chinese art.
    In addition, I believe my sense of responsibility will make me a very reliable volunteer. I’d appreciate it if you could take my application into consideration. Yours, Xie Lei

    Read and discuss in groups.

    Teacher asks several representatives to share their ideas, and guide students to experience, analyze, compare and discuss how to modify the best effect.
    Highlight the possibility of using nominal clauses in writing.
    1. Conclude the grammar rules of noun clause.
    2. Help students experience the detailed grammar learning.
    3. Learn and practise some language points.

    Do the exercises on page 69 of the workbook.

    1. To find the noun clauses and
    sum up the grammar rules.
    2. Make a comparison.
    3. Multiple exercises.
    4. Fill in the blanks with leading words.

    1. To discover the grammar rules by themselves.
    2. To find out the grammatical features of these sentences.

    To test students’ ability.


    Language points:
    1. expectation
    2. applicant
    3. exposure
    4. Insight
    5. departure
    speak up ;
    keep a balance between... and... ;
    an advantage of;
    stick to;
    fall in love with;
    be fascinated by... ;
    cashless payment;
    the motivation for...


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