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    这是一份2022年高考英语押题预测卷+答案解析+听力音频03(浙江专用),文件包含2022年高考押题预测卷浙江专用03解析版-英语docx、2022年高考押题预测卷浙江专用03考试版-英语docx、2022年高考押题预测卷浙江专用03音频-英语mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共27页, 欢迎下载使用。

    (考试时间:120分钟 试卷满分:150分)
    1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。
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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
    1. Where are the speakers?
    A. In an office. B. In an apartment. C. In an elevator.
    【解析】W: Excuse me, could you press Floor 15 for me? Thank you.
    M: I’m afraid this one only goes to all the office floors, which stops at Floor 12. You need to take the elevators on the other side of the hall to go to the apartment floors.
    2. What time will the woman be at the party?
    A. At about 8:30 p.m. B. At about 8:00 p.m. C. At about 7:30 p.m.
    【解析】M: Simon is throwing a party at 8:00 tonight at his place. I’ll get there at half past seven. Would you like to come?
    W: I’d like to come, but I can only get there around half past eight.
    3. Why was the man in New York?
    A. He was on vacation. B. He was visiting his uncle. C. He was on a business trip.
    【解析】W: How was your trip to New York? Did you stay at the same hotel as last time?
    M: No, it was fully booked because of the tourist season. I ended up staying with my uncle, whose place was very close to all my work meetings.
    4. What will the woman probably do?
    A. Clean the shirt. B. Buy a new white shirt. C. Get some tomato juice.
    【解析】M: I spilled the tomato juice on my new white shirt. Do you think it will come out?
    W: That’s too bad. Leave it there and I’ll see what I can do.
    5. What does the woman think of the lecture?
    A. Interesting but too long. B. Exciting but too short. C. Too short and boring.
    【解析】M: Hey, how was the lecture you attended this morning?
    W: Well, I wouldn’t say it is the most exciting lecture that I’ve ever been to.
    M: Why? Was it very boring?
    W: No. It was quite interesting, but it just went on for too long.
    6. What does the woman think of the man?
    A. He’s relaxed. B. He’s anxious. C. He’s annoyed.
    7. What does the man finally decide to do this weekend?
    A. Write his paper. B. Teach a few classes. C. Have a good night’s sleep.
    【解析】M: Good morning!
    W: Good morning, Gavin. Did you sleep well last night?
    M: I fell asleep right away last night. I didn’t wake up once, and I didn’t have any bad dreams.
    W: That’s great news! But you still look worried. Why?
    M: Just one more thing. A school called me this morning to see if I could teach a few classes this weekend. I don’t know what to do.
    W: Do you have any other plans this weekend?
    M: I’m supposed to work on a paper that’s due on Monday.
    W: Try not to take on more than you can handle.
    M: You’re right. I probably should just work on my paper. Thanks!
    8. What business are the speakers in?
    A. Athletic shoes. B. Sports clothes. C. Sports equipment.
    9. What is the second choice of sport in the 36-to-45 age group?
    A. Jogging. B. Skiing. C. Tennis.
    【解析】M: Jane, could you review the results of the survey on sporting activities again? I'm planning out our proposal for today's business meeting. I think we should consider expanding our line of athletic shoes. Maybe we should consider developing a new market — targeting sports clothes or equipment.
    W: Sure, Sam. I've summarized the results, broken down by consumer age groups and sporting activities. The survey was carried out among people between the ages of 18 and 55, and the results have been organized in terms of the following age groups: 18-to-26, 27-to-35, 36-to-45, and 46-to-55.
    M: Okay.
    W: People in the last two groups reported jogging as their favorite sport followed by skiing, tennis, swimming, and cycling.
    10. Why was the boy a bit nervous?
    A. He is a newcomer to the school.
    B. He has to give a speech in public.
    C. He hasn't prepared for his lessons.
    11. What should the students do before morning reading?
    A. Do morning exercises. B. Hand in homework. C. Have some bread.
    12. What is the most probable relationship between the speakers?
    A. Mother and son. B. New classmates. C. Colleagues.
    【解析】W: Hello, Ben. You’re getting ready for tomorrow’s lessons, aren’t you?
    M: Yes. I’m a bit nervous. I have no idea what’ll happen in class and how I’ll get along with my classmates.
    W: I understand how you’re feeling. Just take it easy. You’ll make a lot of new friends very soon.
    M: Thank you. I’ll try my best to get used to my new school life as soon as possible. By the way, what time does the first class begin?
    W: At 8 o’clock. But before that we have 10 minutes to hand in homework and then 20 minutes for morning reading.
    M: So we must get to school before 7: 30. Right?
    W: Right.
    M: How long does each class last?
    W: 45 minutes, I think, with a 10 or 15 minutes break between classes.
    M: Well, I hear that lunchtime is nearly 12 o’clock and I’ll be starving by then.
    W: Don’t worry. During the break after the second class, we can buy something to eat.
    M: That’s good.
    13. What kind of place does the man like?
    A. Sunny places. B. Rainy places. C. Cold places.
    14. What does the man think of the summer in Britain?
    A. It is too hot. B. It is quite cold. C. It is nicely warm.
    15. What do most British men wear in the office?
    A. Shorts. B. Jackets. C. Suits.
    16. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
    A. Living in Britain. B. Weather around the world. C. The tradition of cloth industry.
    【解析】W: Oh, the one thing I don't like about Britain is the weather.
    M: Well, I agree. I've lived in a number of countries around the world, and I always like to come home to Britain. But I don't usually stay for long because I really enjoy the sunshine, and you just can't be sure of getting the sunshine at all in Britain.
    W: Even in the summer?
    M: Even in the summer. No, of course, sometimes we have a warm summer's day, but it can be really quite cold most of the time. I'd say the average temperature during the summer is about 18 or 19 degrees.
    W: Is it easy to get good clothes in Britain?
    M: I would say yes. It's quite easy, although obviously for really good clothes you have to pay quite a lot of money. But there's the tradition of the cloth industry, especially in the Midlands and in the North.
    W: So you can get good clothes but you have to pay a lot for them.
    M: That's right, in proportion to what most people earn, anyway.
    W: Do people dress formally in Britain?
    M: In comparison with other countries, I'd say no, certainly not in social situations. I mean, it depends on what you mean by formal, but apart from the office, most men don't wear suits, and many people come to dinner parties dressed very casually. Of course, there are some social circles where it's still very formal, but I'd say for the average Britain it's fairly informal.
    17. What can we learn about Jay Chou?
    A. He is very stupid. B. He is a talented writer. C. He is good at playing the piano.
    18. What is the speaker’s attitude toward the concert?
    A. Very positive. B. Really disappointed. C. Totally unconcerned.
    19. Where did the speaker buy the CD?
    A. In the stadium. B. Outside the stadium. C. At school.
    20. What did the woman find on the CD?
    A. More than 300 photos. B. More than 300 songs. C. Nothing.
    【解析】M: Hello, Nana! I have to tell you about last night’s Jay Chou’s concert. It was so wonderful. He is so talented. He played the piano and sang. But you know, after the concert, I went to buy those photo sets from the stalls outside the stadium and guess what? The salesman cheated me. He said there were more than 300 photos on the CD that came with the set. So, I bought it without thinking about it. That was stupid, because when I put the disk into my computer to look at the photos, it was blank! He gave me a BLANK disk! That salesman tricked me. Poor me.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节, 满分35分)
    第一节(共10小题;每小题2.5分, 满分25分)
    阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    Moscow-based photographer Anastasiya Dobrovolskaya is not a typical “pet photographer.” Her trademark photos look like something out of a fairy tale, but everything is real—from beautiful and unique people to breathtaking landscapes, and various animals you wouldn’t expect to pose alongside people. Tigers, owls, horses... anything you can think of is featured in Dobrovolskaya’s incredible portfolio, including the most wanted bear model, Stepan, who was rescued as a cub and raised by loving humans.
    In July of 2018, Anastasiya started taking photos by accident. After three failed attempts at photography, giving up trying, and finding her way to photography again, she received a message from a woman who wanted a photo shoot with a rooster. Although she had never photographed people with animals and didn’t have much experience altogether, she took on a challenge and fell in love. In a week, she photographed an owl, then a horse, and it kicked off from there with some of her photos going viral online. It was enough to quit her job and pursue a career in commercial photography.
    The 30-year-old photographer takes dreamlike photos that capture the magical bond between animals and humans and show how beautifully diverse, yet similar they are. “In my work, I want to show common features between people and animals so that animals become more respected by people and people will do their best to minimize the harm they do to nature.” She says.
    However, some people accuse her of using animals—animals suffer during photoshoots, and so on. But they don’t even know how far they are from the truth. In most cases, the animals were rescued from poor conditions, from fur factories, or were abandoned by the owners. Almost all large animals live in the countryside, in spacious areas, in specially equipped enclosures with regular walking. Each animal feeds on the basis of its species. “Only those animals with a certain character are selected for the photoshoots, and the process is almost always very comfortable,” explained the photographer.
    The photographer now has an astonishing 179, 000 followers on Instagram—an audience that has become a source of endless support, energy, and inspiration.
    21. What does the underlined word “portfolio” mean in paragraph 1?
    A. Self-introduction. B. Photography works. C. Exhibitions. D. News reports.
    22. The photographer would probably take a photo of ________.
    A. a baby sleeping in its mother’s arms B. a parrot resting on a girl’s shoulder
    C. a stream winding through a valley D. a fox running after a rabbit
    23. What can we infer from the passage?
    A. The animals are treated badly.
    B. Few people appreciate the photos.
    C. The photos may arouse people’s awareness of protecting nature.
    D. The photographer has worked on photography.
    【答案】B B C
    21. 词句猜测题。根据划线词所在句前一句“Her trademark photos look like something out of a fairy tale, but everything is real—from beautiful and unique people to breathtaking landscapes, and various animals you wouldn’t expect to pose alongside people.(她标志性的照片看起来就像童话故事,但一切都是真实的,从美丽独特的人物到壮丽的风景,以及各种你不曾预料到的会在人们身边摆姿势的动物)”可知,这里是在介绍Anastasiya摄影作品的特点,接下来句中的“Tigers, owls, horses...anything you can think of(老虎、猫头鹰、马……,任何你能想到的动物)”都是指出现在Anastasiya摄影作品中的动物,由此可以推知,划线词“portfolio”指的“Photography works摄影作品”。故选B。
    22. 推理判断题。根据第三段第一句“The 30-year-old photographer takes dreamlike photos that capture the magical bond between animals and humans and show how beautifully diverse, yet similar they are.(这位30岁的摄影师拍摄了梦幻般的照片,捕捉到了动物和人类之间的神奇纽带,展示了它们是多么美丽多样,却又如此相似)”可知,摄影师Anastasiya拍摄的主题是人与动物。因此,摄影师可能会拍下的照片是B项“a parrot resting on a girl’s shoulder(一只鹦鹉栖息在一个女孩的肩膀上)”。故选B。
    23. 推理判断题。根据第三段最后一句““In my work, I want to show common features between people and animals so that animals become more respected by people and people will do their best to minimize the harm they do to nature.” She says.(她说:“在我的工作中,我想展示人和动物之间的共同特征,这样动物就更受人尊重,人们就会尽最大努力把它们对自然的伤害降到最低。”)”可知,摄影师Anastasiya拍摄的主题是人与动物,以此号召人们降低对自然的伤害。因此可推知,这些照片可能会唤起人们保护自然的意识。故选C。
    Sunaian’s family left India and moved to the UK when she was 13. She had to start a new school...
    I remember it really well. My parents drove me to the school and said goodbye to me. I took a deep breath and walked into the school.
    I didn’t know what to feel. I was excited and scared and a bit nervous, all at the same time. There were lots of other kids around. They were already in groups of friends, but none of them said hello or anything. It was a strange feeling for me, like I didn’t really belong there. I wanted to be somewhere else, but that wasn’t possible.
    The first thing I had to do was register, so I went to a room in the school that had a sign saying “Administration”. Suddenly, I felt like I was some kind of criminal. They started asking me all kinds of questions. Then I went off to my first class.
    My first class. Wow, that was horrible. Perhaps it was because my hair or clothes were different, but everyone just looked at me in such a strange way. And just like when I arrived, no one came to talk to me. Incredibly, that’s never happened: no one has even taken the time to get to know me or like me. I have friends because I made the first move to meet people.
    Maybe the worst class that day, though, was Science. The teacher wasn’t too bad. She introduced me to the class and showed me where to sit. But the other students? Well, they looked at me like I was a guinea pig or something they were going to use for an experiment. I hated every minute.
    Then there was a break and I went to sit somewhere alone, missing my mum and dad. But I thought they’d want me to keep trying, so I tried to be more positive in the next class. Not so good, though. Everyone talked to other students, but I sat by myself. At the end of the day, I couldn’t wait to get out of there.
    But, as time passed, things have got better. Now I’m doing fine and I get OK grades. I’ve learned lots of things -but not what the teachers teach. I’ve learned that I’m strong and brave. I’ve learned that I will succeed even if some things aren’t the way I want them to be.
    24. From the passage, we can learn that________.
    A. Sunaina was well received upon the arrival at school
    B. Sunaina was treated as a criminal in the register department.
    C. Nobody wanted to waste time getting to know Sunaina at first.
    D. Other students’ hair and clothes were similar to Sunaina in her class.
    25. What made Sunaina think Science the worst class that day?
    A. The Science teacher’s quality and qualification.
    B. The way the other students looked at Sunaina.
    C. The way the teacher introduced Sunaina to the class.
    D. The other students’ thinking of using Sunaina for an experiment.
    26. Which of the following is suitable to describe Sunaina?
    A. Weak and scary. B. Tough and courageous.
    C. Sensitive and shy. D. Generous and outgoing.
    【答案】CB B
    24. 细节理解题。根据第五段“Incredibly, that’s never happened: no one has even taken the time to get to know me or like me.(令人难以置信的是,甚至都没有人花时间去了解我,喜欢我。)”可知,一开始没人想浪费时间去了解Sunaina。故选C。
    25. 推理判断题。根据第六段“But the other students? Well, they looked at me like I was a guinea pig or something they were going to use for an experiment. I hated every minute. (而其他学生呢?他们看着我就像我是实验用的豚鼠一样。每一分钟都让我很厌恶。)”可推断,其他同学对待作者的方式让作者觉得科学课是那天最糟糕的课。故选B。
    26. 细节理解题。根据最后一段“I’ve learned that I’m strong and brave. (我知道自己坚强且勇敢。)”可知,Sunaina坚强和勇敢。选项中的tough与strong含义相近,courageous和brave含义相近。故选B。
    It was a pleasant surprise to learn this week that three large poultry companies had greatly reduced their use of antibiotics in healthy chickens, a move that could help slow the appearance of antibiotic resistance in bacteria that cause diseases in humans. Other companies ought to follow the lead of these pioneers, and Congress ought to ban the use of medically important antibiotics in animal husbandry except to cure sick animals.
    Strong action is needed because many germs that infect humans are growing resistant to treatment with antibiotics. Such resistance occurs unavoidably over time as antibiotic kills off vulnerable strains of a germ and leaves only the more resistant strains to multiply. But in recent decades the growth of resistance has been increased by overuse of antibiotics in agriculture, where companies routinely use the drugs to promote growth on less feed and to prevent disease in healthy animals. As a result, some germs that infect both animals and humans have become resistant to antibiotics, and even germs that do not infect humans are capable of transferring their antibiotic-resistance genes to germs that do.
    That is why the report in Sunday’s Times by Marian Burros was so encouraging. She found that three poultry companies that produce a third of the chickens consumed by Americans each year - Foster Farms, Perdue Farms and Tyson Foods — have greatly reduced the use of antibiotics in healthy chickens and are using them primarily to treat sick chickens.
    There is no reason that other poultry producers could not do the same, and probably the pork and beef industries as well. It is unacceptable that any industry should use medically important antibiotics for the economic purpose of fostering growth. Congress and the Food and Drug Administration need to restrain the use of animal antibiotics that are related to human medicines.
    27. it can be inferred from the first paragraph that _________ .
    A. three poultry companies are forced to use fewer antibiotics
    B. other companies have followed the practice of the pioneers
    C. antibiotic resistance in bacteria may result in human disease
    D. antibiotics are never needed in whatever kind of situations
    28. Why does the author mention Marian Burros’ report?
    A. To illustrate how the three poultry companies use antibiotics
    B. To emphasize the functions of antibiotics in animal husbandry
    C. To show the author’s prediction of the future use of antibiotics
    D. To represent the decline in antibiotics use in the poultry industry
    29. Which of the following can replace the underlined word “restrain” in Paragraph 4?
    A. increase B. limit C. promote D. restore
    30. What is the author’s attitude to the use of antibiotics to make profit?
    A. Intolerable B. Favorable C. Neutral D. Ambiguous
    【答案】CDB A
    27. 细节理解题。根据第一段中“It was a pleasant surprise to learn this week that three large poultry companies had greatly reduced their use of antibiotics in healthy chickens, a move that could help slow the appearance of antibiotic resistance in bacteria that cause diseases in humans.(令人惊喜的是,本周得知三家大型家禽公司大幅减少了健康鸡的抗生素使用量,这一举措可能有助于减缓导致人类疾病的细菌出现抗生素耐药性的速度。)”可知,细菌对抗生素的耐药性可能导致人类疾病。故选C。
    28. 推理判断题。根据第三段中“She found that three poultry companies that produce a third of the chickens consumed by Americans each year—Foster Farms, Perdue Farms and Tyson Foods—have greatly reduced the use of antibiotics in healthy chickens and are using them primarily to treat sick chickens.(她发现,美国人每年消费的鸡中有三分之一是由三家家禽公司生产的——福斯特农场、珀杜农场和泰森食品——已经大大减少了对健康鸡使用抗生素,而主要是用于治疗生病的鸡。)”可推断,三家家禽公司抗生素使用减少,作者提到了Marian Burros的报告是为了表示家禽行业抗生素使用量的下降。故选D。
    29. 词义猜测题。根据第四段中“There is no reason that other poultry producers could not do the same, and probably the pork and beef industries as well. It is unacceptable that any industry should use medically important antibiotics for the economic purpose of fostering growth.(没有理由其他家禽生产商不能这样做,也许猪肉和牛肉行业也可以。任何行业为了促进增长的经济目的而使用医学上重要的抗生素,这是不可接受的) ”可知,家禽饲养使用抗生素是不对的,故国会和食品药品管理局需要限制使用与人类药物有关的动物抗生素。故画线词restrain意思是“限制”。故选B。
    30. 推理判断题。根据最后一段中“It is unacceptable that any industry should use medically important antibiotics for the economic purpose of fostering growth.(任何行业为了促进增长的经济目的而使用医学上重要的抗生素,这是不可接受的) ”可推断,作者认为用抗生素赚钱不可容忍。故选A。
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2分, 满分10分)
    阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
    Communicating with the elderly can often be challenging. However, there are techniques you can use.
    Be aware of the person’s health issues. Older adults may have health problems that add difficulty to speaking and understanding. ____31____ For example, they may have hearing problems, speech problems, and memory loss. These factors complicate communication.
    Pay attention to the environment in which you are communicating. Be sure to evaluate the environment in which you are communicating, which might have an effect on hearing and speech problems. Is there any disturbing background noise? Are many people speaking in the same room? ____32____ If you sense any disturbance, try to move to a more peaceful and quiet location.
    ____33____ Older adults may have trouble hearing. Direct your speech at the individual’s face—not to their side. Do not eat your words: move your mouth and pronounce each word carefully and precisely.
    Adjust your volume appropriately. Learn to adapt your voice to the needs of the individual. Evaluate the environment and how it relates to the person’s hearing abilities.   ____34____ Treat the individual with respect by articulating and speaking at a comfortable volume that is suitable for both of you.
    Take it slow, be patient, and smile. A sincere smile shows that you are understanding. It also creates a friendly environment in which to communicate. Remember to pause between sentences and questions. Give the individual an opportunity to understand and digest information and questions. ____35____
    A. Employ visual aids, if possible.
    B. Speak clearly and make eye contact.
    C. Don’t shout simply because the listener is older.
    D. Avoid the confusion of mixed ideas and questions.
    E. Ask the older adult if the place is comfortable for them.
    F. This is a particularly valuable technique if a person has memory loss.
    G. Make sure you consider the person’s health before you engage in communication.
    【答案】 GE B CF
    31. 根据前文“Older adults may have health problems that add difficulty to speaking and understanding. (老年人可能有健康问题,这增加了说话和理解的困难。)”可知,跟老人沟通之前要考虑到老人的健康状况。所以选择项G“Make sure you consider the person’s health before you engage in communication.(在沟通之前,一定要考虑到对方的健康状况。)”符合上下文语境。故选G。
    32. 根据前文“Pay attention to the environment in which you are communicating. (注意你沟通的环境。)”和后文“If you sense any disturbance, try to move to a more peaceful and quiet location.(如果你感觉到任何干扰,试着搬到一个更和平和安静的地方。)”可知,跟老人沟通要选择老人舒适的地方。所以选择项E“Ask the older adult if the place is comfortable for them. (问问老年人这个地方对他们来说是否舒适。)”符合上下文语境。故选E。
    33. 根据后文“Older adults may have trouble hearing. Direct your speech at the individual's face—not to their side. Do not eat your words: move your mouth and pronounce each word carefully and precisely. (老年人可能有听力障碍。把你的语言指向对方的脸——而不是他们的一边。不要收回你说的话:动你的嘴,仔细而准确地发音每个单词。)”可知,本段主要介绍老年人可能有听力障碍,沟通时直接对着对方的脸,而不是看旁边,还有注意吐字清晰准确。所以选择项B“Speak clearly and make eye contact. (口齿清晰,眼神交流)”符合上下文语境。故选B。
    34. 根据前文“Adjust your volume appropriately. (适当调整你的音量。)”和后文“Treat the individual with respect by articulating and speaking at a comfortable volume that is suitable for both of you.(要尊重对方,说话的声音要清晰,音量要适中,对双方都合适。)”可知,跟老人沟通要大声又要尊重老年人。所以选择项C“Don’t shout simply because the listener is older. (不要仅仅因为听众年龄大就大喊大叫。)”符合上下文语境。故选C。
    35. 根据前文“Give the individual an opportunity to understand and digest information and questions.   (给个人一个理解和消化信息和问题的机会。)”可知,跟失忆老人沟通之前更要注意技巧,让老人更易理解和消化问题。所以选择项F“This is a particularly valuable technique if a person has memory loss. (如果一个人有失忆,这是一个特别有价值的技巧。)”符合上下文语境。故选F。
    阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    The brown bear was walking quietly behind the pink duck, ready to put his paws around her neck and throw her into a pot of boiling soup.
    We turned the ____36____. While I laughed quietly at the ____37____ of a bear boiling water to ____38____ a duck, I lifted my head to find little Victoria sat huddled (蜷缩的) next to my arm, honestly ____39____ to turn the page and find her favorite pink creature in a bear’s ____40____.
    My mind began to wander. I ____41____ the Thursday when Victoria ran into the reading room showing a golden certificate from her ____42____. “Best reader,” it glistened (闪光). A smile came across my face as I looked into the eyes of the7-year-old who just last year had been ____43____ in first grade ____44____ her reading was not up to standard.
    It was the same _____45_____ that had filled my face six months before, when Victoria joined the _____46_____ program. After spending the first session responding to a stream of questions, I _____47_____ that Victoria’s talkative nature and _____48_____ for answers overshadowed her desire to _____49_____ and read. I _____50_____ her energy and great curiosity and fueled it with my own enthusiasm. For every _____51_____ she presented, I took her to scan the library shelves _____52_____ a related book. I watched her eyes grow with excitement as I _____53_____ helped her press through the stories, a journey in search of her _____54_____.
    Though I go in the library each week to be these kids’ _____55_____, I come out, having been their student. They have introduced me to a side of me I never realized existed.
    36. A. key B. light C. subject D. page
    37. A. impracticality B. cause C. consequence D. result
    38. A. eat B. wash C. drown D. catch
    39. A. amused B. afraid C. delighted D. excited
    40. A. home B. story C. stomach D. mind
    41. A. imagined B. remembered C. regretted D. accepted
    42. A. family B. community C. school D. library
    43. A. held back B. cheered for C. looked after D. depended on
    44. A. if B. unless C. until D. because
    45. A. surprise B. relief C. smile D. sweat
    46. A. performing B. writing C. cooking D. reading
    47. A. agreed B. recognized C. recalled D. complained
    48. A. memory B. impatience C. pressure D. motivation
    49. A. sit down B. move around C. look forward D. go back
    50. A. shared B. aroused C. treasured D. studied
    51. A. interest B. achievement C. design D. challenge
    52. A. in praise of B. in place of C. in support of D. in search of
    53. A. finally B. carelessly C. tirelessly D. luckily
    54. A. identities B. chances C. prizes D. answers
    55. A. friend B. teacher C. listener D. author
    36. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们翻开了新的一页。A. key关键;B. light光;C. subject主题;D. page页。由后文的“honestly __ to turn the page”可知,空格处用turn,turn the page意为“翻页”,故选D。
    37. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我对熊用沸水来煮鸭子吃的不现实行为暗自发笑时,我抬起头,发现小维多利亚蜷缩在我的胳膊旁,真的不敢翻页,发现她最喜欢的粉色动物在熊的肚子里。A. impracticality不切实际;B. cause原因;C. consequence后果;D. result结果。由上文的“The brown bear was walking quietly behind the pink duck, ready to put his paws around her neck and throw her into a pot of boiling soup.”和“a bear boiling water to ____ a duck”可知,熊不可能烧水煮鸭子,因此这是不切实际的,作者为这种不实际的行为感到好笑,故选A。
    38. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我对熊用沸水来煮鸭子吃的不现实行为暗自发笑时,我抬起头,发现小维多利亚蜷缩在我的胳膊旁,真的不敢翻页,发现她最喜欢的粉色动物在熊的肚子里。A. eat吃;B. wash洗;C. drown(使)淹死;D. catch抓住。根据第一段的“The brown bear was walking quietly behind the pink duck, ready to put his paws around her neck and throw her into a pot of boiling soup”可知,熊是要煮鸭子来吃,故选A。
    39. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当我对熊用沸水来煮鸭子吃的不现实行为暗自发笑时,我抬起头,发现小维多利亚蜷缩在我的胳膊旁,真的不敢翻页,发现她最喜欢的粉色动物在熊的肚子里。A. amused觉得好笑的;B. afraid害怕的;C. delighted高兴的;D. excited兴奋的。由上文的“sat huddled (蜷缩的) next to my arm”可知,Victoria很害怕,故选B。
    40. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我对熊用沸水来煮鸭子吃的不现实行为暗自发笑时,我抬起头,发现小维多利亚蜷缩在我的胳膊旁,真的不敢翻页,发现她最喜欢的粉色动物在熊的肚子里。A. home家;B. story故事;C. stomach胃;D. mind精神。由上文的“a bear boiling water to _____ a duck”可知,熊烧水要煮鸭子,因此鸭子是会在熊的胃里,故选C。
    41. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我记得周四那天,维多利亚跑进阅览室,手里拿着学校颁发的金色证书。A. imagined想象;B. remembered记得;C. regretted后悔;D. accepted接受。由后文的“the Thursday when Victoria ran into the reading room showing a golden certificate from her ____”可知,这是作者在回忆以前的事情,因此空格处是“记得”,故选B。
    42. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我记得周四那天,维多利亚跑进阅览室,手里拿着学校颁发的金色证书。A. family家人;B. community社区;C. school学校;D. library图书馆。由下文的“in first grade”可知,维多利亚是小学生,那个证书是学校发的,故选C。
    43. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:当我看着这个7岁的孩子的眼睛时,我的脸上浮现出一丝微笑。去年,她还因为阅读水平不达标而被留级在一年级。A. held back使……留级;B. cheered for为……欢呼;C. looked after照顾;D. depended on取决于。由后文的“her reading was not up to standard”可知,她的阅读水平不达标,所以被留级,故选A。
    44. 考查连词词义辨析。句意:当我看着这个7岁的孩子的眼睛时,我的脸上浮现出一丝微笑。去年,她还因为阅读水平不达标而被留级在一年级。A. if如果;B. unless除非;C. until直到;D. because因为。由本处的“the7-year-old who just last year had been ____ in first grade ____ her reading was not up to standard”可知,她因为阅读水平不达标而被留级在一年级,故选D。
    45. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:六个月前,当维多利亚参加阅读项目时,我的脸上也洋溢着同样的笑容。A. surprise惊讶;B. relief宽慰,轻松;C. smile微笑;D. sweat汗水。由上一段的“A smile came across my face”和空前的“It was the same”可知,空格处是smile,表示“我的脸上洋溢着同样的笑容”,故选C。
    46. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:六个月前,当维多利亚参加阅读项目时,我的脸上也洋溢着同样的笑容。A. performing表演;B. writing写;C. cooking烹饪;D. reading读。由第14空后的“and read”可知,维多利亚参加阅读项目,故选D。
    47. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:在第一节课上,我回答了一连串的问题,我意识到维多利亚健谈的天性和对答案的不耐烦掩盖了她坐下来阅读的欲望。A. agreed同意;B. recognized意识到;C. recalled回想起;D. complained抱怨。由后文的“that Victoria’s talkative nature and _______ for answers overshadowed her desire to _______ and read”可知,空后的内容是作者所意识到的,故选B。
    48. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:在第一节课上,我回答了一连串的问题,我意识到维多利亚健谈的天性和对答案的不耐烦掩盖了她坐下来阅读的欲望。A. memory记忆;B. impatience不耐烦;C. pressure压力;D. motivation动机。由前面的“talkative nature”及下文的“her energy and great curiosity”可知,Victoria生性活泼好动,爱说话,本空应填描写这种性格特征的词,四个选项中只有impatience有此作用,“impatience for answers”形象地刻画了一个性格急躁按捺不住,要找答案的小女孩,故选B。
    49. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:在第一节课上,我回答了一连串的问题,我意识到维多利亚健谈的天性和对答案的不耐烦掩盖了她坐下来阅读的欲望。A. sit down坐下;B. move around走来走去;C. look forward期待;D. go back回去。由上文的“talkative nature”可知,本空用“sit down”,“sit down and read”与“Victoria’s talkative nature”意义相对立,本句解释了Victoria阅读差的原因,故选A。
    50. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我珍视她的精力和巨大的好奇心,并用我自己的热情为之加油。A. shared分享;B. aroused唤醒;C. treasured珍视;D. studied学习。由后面的“fueled it with my own enthusiasm”可知,作者十分珍视Victoria表现出的活泼好动和极大的好奇心,为了满足Victoria的各种好奇心,作者倾注了极大的热情,故选C。
    51. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:对于她表现出的每一种兴趣,我都带她去图书馆的书架上寻找相关的书。A. interest兴趣;B. achievement成就;C. design设计;D. challenge挑战。由上文的“great curiosity”可知,本空用interest,表示“对于她表现出的每一种兴趣,我都带她去图书馆找相关的书”,故选A。
    52. 考查固定短语辨析。句意:对于她表现出的每一种兴趣,我都带她去图书馆的书架上寻找相关的书。A. in praise of为赞扬;B. in place of代替;C. in support of支持;D. in search of寻找。由前面的“scan the library shelves”可知,是在图书馆的书架上寻找相关的书,故选D。
    53. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:当我不知疲倦地帮助她寻找故事的时候,我看着她的眼睛变得兴奋起来,这是一段寻找她的答案的旅程。A. finally最后;B. carelessly粗心地;C. tirelessly不知疲倦地;D. luckily幸运地。由上文的“fueled it with my own enthusiasm”可知,作者对帮助Victoria这件事倾注了极大的热情,本空应填能表示这种热情的副词,只有tirelessly(不知疲倦地)可以,故选C。
    54. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我不知疲倦地帮助她寻找故事的时候,我看着她的眼睛变得兴奋起来,这是一段寻找她的答案的旅程。A. identities身份;B. chances机会;C. prizes奖品;D. answers回答。由上文的“great curiosity”可知,Victoria对很多事物都充满了好奇,作者带着她在书中寻找答案,满足她的好奇心,故选D。
    55. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:虽然我每周去图书馆是为了当这些孩子的老师,但我出来的时候,已经是他们的学生了。A. friend朋友;B. teacher老师;C. listener听者;D. author作者。根据本句中的“Though”可知,设空处前后呈转折关系,故本空应填teacher,与本句中的“their student”语义相对,故选B。
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分, 满分15分)
    阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    One of the unique parts of Chinese architecture is altar(坛). If you do a Beijing tour, you will see many altars. The Chinese tan is an altar where ancient ____56____( ruler) used to offer sacrifices (祭品)to Heaven, and architecturally it ____57____ ( refer) to a special type of terrace (柱廊)—like building. A number of Beijing’s parks, ____58____ instance, still have the word tan in their names: Tiantan, Yuetan, Ditan, Ritan, and Xiannongtan.
    The most celebrated altar in China is Huanqiutan in Beijing’ s Temple of Heaven, ____59____ (religious) the most important temple construction. ____60____( build) in 1530 under the Ming, the all marble tenace is five metres high and consists of three tiers(层), respectively 30, 40 and 70 metres across. The terrace is circular, in keeping with the ancient Chinese ____61____ (believe) that Heaven was round. ____62____ number of the stones used for the surfaces of the terrace and on the steps and the number of the balusters(栏杆)for each tier are all nine, the ____63____ (high) masculine( 阳的)figure or ____64____(it) multiples. The tenace doesn’t have any other structure and it was to this bare altar _____65_____the Ming or Qing emperor came to offer sacrifices to Heaven.
    【答案】56. rulers
    57. refers
    58. for
    59. religiously
    60. Built
    61. belief
    62. The
    63. highest
    64. its
    65. that
    56. 考查名词的数。句意:中国坛是古代统治者用来祭天的祭坛,在建筑上它指的是一种特殊的梯田式建筑。ruler是可数名词,且ancient前没有不定冠词修饰,因此此处用复数。故填rulers。
    57. 考查主谓一致。句意:中国坛是古代统治者用来祭天的祭坛,在建筑上它指的是一种特殊的梯田式建筑。陈述客观事实,用一般现在时。主语是it,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。故填refers。
    58. 考查介词。句意:例如,北京的一些公园的名字中仍然有“坛”这个词:天坛、月坛、地坛、日坛和仙农坛。固定短语for instance例如。故填for。
    59. 考查副词。句意:中国最著名的祭坛是北京天坛的天坛,天坛在宗教上是最重要的寺庙建筑。此处为副词作状语,修饰 the most important temple construction。故填religiously。
    60. 考查非谓语动词。句意:建于1530年的明朝,所有的大理石纹理高5米,由三层组成,分别为30米、40米和70米。逻辑主语是the all marble terrace与build之间为被动关系,所以用过去分词作状语。故填Built。
    61. 考查名词。句意:露台是圆形的,这与中国古代的天圆之说相一致。空前有形容词Chinese,因此此处用名词作宾语,后跟同位语从句。故填belief。
    62. 考查冠词。句意:用于露台表面和台阶上的石头数量和每层栏杆的数量都是9个,最高的男性形象或其倍数。从are all nine可知,此处用短语the number of ,表示“……的数量”。故填The。
    63. 考查形容词最高级。句意:用于露台表面和台阶上的石头数量和每层栏杆的数量都是9个,最高的男性形象或其倍数。9是阳数中最大的数字,因此用形容词最高级形式。故填highest。
    64. 考查代词。句意:用于露台表面和台阶上的石头数量和每层栏杆的数量都是9个,最高的男性形象或其倍数。此处为形容词性物主代词作定语,修饰名词multiples。故填its。
    65. 考查强调结构。句意:它没有任何其他的结构,明清皇帝就是到这个光秃秃的祭坛上祭天的。本句考查强调结构,其结构为it is+强调部分+that从句。故填that。
    第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)
    第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
    1. 介绍科技节的相关信息(时间,活动内容等);
    2. 邀请对方来参加。
    注意:1. 词数100左右;
    2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
    Dear Jim,
    How is everything going?
    I’m writing to invite you to attend the Science and Technology Festival at our school with me.
    It will be held in the school hall next Sunday morning. The opening ceremony starts at 9:00 a.m., and the schoolmaster will deliver a speech. Then a famous scientist will give a lecture on science. After that, participants can enjoy the exhibition about the development of high-technology and try to do different experiments in person.
    I think it’s a good chance for us to broaden our vision and have hands-on experiences. Most importantly, I know you’re very keen on science and curious about the world. I’m sure it’ll be a fantastic experience. And I really hope you can come.
    I’m looking forward to your earliest reply.
    Li Hua
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    I was excited. I had been invited to go to my friend's birthday party. Tori was not my best friend, but she was in my class and we did stuff together. And I liked to go to parties. I asked my mom and she said I could go, so I told Tori that I’d be there.
    And then, two days later, my very, very best friend called. She and her family were going to Disneyland for the whole day. She invited me to go with them. Disneyland! I loved Disneyland so much. I really wanted to go... more than anything. I ran to ask my mom if it was okay. That’s when my mom reminded me that Tori’s party was on the same day. She said I couldn’t change my mind just because something better came along.
    I was mad. So mad. Disneyland was my favorite place in the whole world and I loved to go there ... and I especially liked going with my best friend. My excitement about going to the birthday party was gone. Tori’s party would be okay but not as fun as a whole day at Disneyland and besides that, Tori wasn’t even my best friend. I begged my mom. She said no. I cried. I sulked (生闷气). My mom still said no.
    My mom explained to me – once you accept an invitation to something, you can’t change your mind and go to something just because you want to do the other thing more. That isn’t nice. She asked me to think about how I would feel if someone did that to me. I didn’t want to admit it, but my mom was right. It would hurt my feelings if someone did that to me.
    Although I didn’t want to, I told my best friend that l wouldn’t be able to go to Disneyland with her. So my friend and her family went to Disneyland and my mom dropped me off at Tori’s party.
    1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
    2. 应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;
    3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;
    4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。
    Paragraph 1:
    In spite of the fact that I had not wanted to go, I had a great time at the party!
    Paragraph 2:
    When my mom came to pick me up, I didn’t want to leave.
    In spite of the fact that I had not wanted to go, I had a great time at the party! We did stuff that was fun and different. We watched a movie that hadn’t come out in theaters yet; we were the first people to see it and that was pretty amazing. There was also a make-your-own pizza contest. Laughter filled the house as we saw each other covered in pizza dough and cheese. And the most exciting moment came when we were awarded presents for the first pizza we had made in life. I was so immersed in the enjoyable atmosphere that I totally forgot my annoyance at not being able to go to Disneyland with my best friend.
    When my mom came to pick me up, I didn’t want to leave. On the way home, I kept talking about the fun things we had done, my face glowing with excitement. My mom was glad that I’d had a good time at the birthday party and she told me that she was proud of me for understanding what a friend should do. Not only did I love the party and have a great time, but I also learned an important lesson: you can’t just dump someone because something better comes along. My mom was right... as usual.

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