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    这是一份2022年高考英语新材料仿真模拟押题卷(浙江专用)04,文件包含2022年高考英语新材料仿真模拟押题卷浙江专用04解析版docx、2022年高考英语新材料仿真模拟押题卷浙江专用04考试版docx、2022年高考英语新材料仿真模拟押题卷浙江专用04答题卡docx、2022年高考英语新材料仿真模拟押题卷浙江专用04音频mp3等4份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共34页, 欢迎下载使用。


    (考试时间:120分钟  试卷满分:150分)


    1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。

    2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。

    3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)



    1. What has the woman’s granny been doing all afternoon?

    A. Cooking. B. Gardening. C. Surfing the Internet.

    2. What does the man need?

    A. Some books. B. New trousers. C. Music CDs.

    3. Where does the conversation most probably take place?

    A. In a shop. B. In a hotel. C. In a hospital.

    4. What may lead to the man finding no job ?

    A. His age.

    B. His living address.

    C. His email address.

    5. Why isn't the man's brother bringing Jennifer to the party?

    A. They are divorced now.

    B. They live very far away.

    C. Jennifer broke her leg.




    6. What does the woman say about the bus?

    A. It is very cheap. B. It is very slow. C. It is crowded.

    7. How will the man go to work?

    A. By bike. B. By car. C. By bus.


    8. What is the name of the cat?

    A. Alice. B. Lola. C. Jenny.

    9. What is Alice's advice for the pregnant woman?

    A. Name her baby what she wants.

    B. Make her sister get another cat.

    C. Find another name for her baby.

    10. Why does the woman read the advice page?

    A. To feel better about h self.

    B. To get good advice.

    C. To be entertained.


    11. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

    A. Interviewer and interviewee.

    B. Boss and employee.

    C. Customer and waiter.

    12. Why does the woman want to leave her present company?

    A. She hasn’t had a promotion.

    B. The company isn’t doing well.

    C. She can’t display her abilities there.

    13. When can the woman start her new job?

    A. At once.

    B. In about a week.

    C. In about a month.


    14. Who has not given up smoking ?

    A. Sarah.

    B. Bill.

    C. Bill's wife

    15. Why did Sarah give up smoking?

    A. Because she took Bill’s advice.

    B. Because it was bad for her temper.

    C. Because her husband often became angry with her.

    16. What happened to Bill and Sarah's husband?

    A. They never stayed at home.

    B. They suffered from their wives' bad temper.

    C. They bought cigarettes for their wives.


    17. How many books has Nicholas Sparks sold in the United States?

    A. Over 65 million. B. Over 75 million. C. Over 97 million.

    18. What does the Nicolas Sparks Foundation do?

    A. It teaches the students respect

    B. It offers books to distant communities.

    C. It helps poor kids receive education.

    19. Why did Sparks found the Epiphany School?

    A. To help students raise money

    B. To help students practice values.

    C. To help students read books.

    20. According to Sparks, does he have a successful career?

    A. Because of his wife.

    B. Because of his education.

    C. Because of his personality.

    部分 阅读(共两节, 满分35分)

    第一节(共10小题每小题2.5分, 满分25分)

    阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。


    I had just delivered a memorized speech that I had labored over for months, and I was about to learn how the experts judged my performance. The polite audience leaned forward in their folding chairs. Silence fell across the room and the drum rolled in my mind.

    The contest organizer announced the third-place winner. Alas, the name was not mine. Then the second, and once again it was not me. At last, the moment of truth came. Either I was about to be bathed in the warmth of victory or regretted the last several months spent preparing. While neither of these came to pass, my heart just sank.

    Losing is a part of life, but it was an indescribable depression to drive 200 miles round trip, get up early on a freezing Saturday morning, and yet still finish fourth out of four contestants. After Lincoln lost the 1858 Illinois Senate race, he reportedly said, “I felt like the 12-year-old boy who stubbed his toe. I was too big to cry and it hurt too bad to laugh.” Oh yeah, I could relate.

    Months before the contest, I had spent hours in front of a computer and in libraries doing research for the Lincoln Bicentennial Speech Contest. As I read through several biographies, one idea stood out: Lincoln was handed many sound defeats, but he never allowed them to permanently stop his spirit or ambition. I thought “failing successfully” was a very appropriate topic, given the many letdowns Lincoln experienced, and so this became the title of my speech.

    Never mind the lost prize money and praise — I did gain a new perspective. Through learning about Lincoln, I discovered that I could fail successfully. Now, whenever I’m faced with a failure, I remember what Lincoln said after his unsuccessful 1854 Senate race, “The path was worn and slippery. My foot slipped from under me, knocking the other out of the way, but I recovered and said to myself, ‘It’s a slip and not a fall.’”

    21. How did the author feel when waiting for the announcement of the result?

    A. Relieved. B. Thrilled. C. Nervous. D. Desperate.

    22. Why did the author mention Lincoln’s failures in Senate race?

    A. To show Lincoln’s determination to win Senate race.

    B. To present his research findings of Lincoln’s biographies.

    C. To compare what they had in common in their experiences.

    D. To indicate that he drew inspiration from Lincoln’s failures.

    23. What can be a suitable title for the text?

    A. An Unexpected Speech B. A Slippery Path

    C. A Successful Failure D. An Impressive Example


    When I stepped into the Samcheong Park Library in Seoul, I saw the future. The simple building had a nice selection of books and a cafe where readers could enjoy coffee while gazing at the leaves outside. It was specifically designed without any latest technology.

    “What’s so innovative about that?” a librarian in Toronto asked when I showed her pictures. Innovation to her meant digital technology, like 3D printers. “Why couldn’t they both be innovative?” I asked.

    We are constantly told that innovation is the most important force in our economy, without which we would be left behind. But that fear of missing out has led us to fall into the false trappings of innovation over truly innovative ideas that may be simpler and more effective. This mindset implies that if you just buy the new thing, you have innovated! Each year, businesses and individuals run around like broken toy robots, trying to figure out their strategy for the latest buzzword equipment.

    At best, this is a waste of resources. Devices are bought, used and abandoned, as the technology’s capabilities fall short of its promise. But at its worst, this approach can truly cause damage. Schools cut field trips to purchase tablets with few proven benefits. Companies that applied A. I. into hiring have actually strengthened gender and racial prejudices.

    True innovation isn’t just some magic devices. It is a continuing process of reflection and reassessment, which often means adopting “old” ideas and tools in a new context, or even returning to methods that worked in the past. Adjusted properly, these rearview (后视的) innovations have proved as transformative as novel technologies.

    Look no farther than the streets of New York, which have been redesigned recently to accommodate cyclists with car-free zones. The idea isn’t new. It was created half a century ago, with the aim of bringing cities back to their residents. And while e-reader sales have been exploding, Penguin just announced it would publish tiny printed books, an ideal solution for a market demanding both convenience and physicality.

    24. Why is a librarian mentioned?

    A. To set an example. B. To cite an authority.

    C. To make a prediction. D. To present an argument.

    25. What does the underlined “buzzword” mean in Para.3?

    A. Fashionable. B. Affordable. C. Practical. D. Imaginative.

    26. What does the writer agree with about innovation?

    A. Wasted resources lead to innovation. B. Magic devices encourage innovation.

    C. Innovation should be human-centered. D. The power of technology is undervalued.

    27. What is probably the best title of the text?

    A. Innovation Is Not That Expensive B. Future Lies in Returning to the Past

    C. Some Best Ideas Are in the Rearview Mirror D. Innovation: the Most Important Force in Economy


    It’s an attractive idea: By playing online problem-solving, matching and other games for a few minutes a day, people can improve such mental abilities as reasoning, verbal skills and memory. But whether these brain training games deliver on those promises is up for debate.

    A research team gathered more than eight thousand volunteers globally after collecting their submission of an online questionnaire about their training habits and which, if any, programs they used. Some one thousand participants reported using brain training programs for about eight months, on average, though durations ranged from two weeks to more than five years. Next, the volunteers completed 12 cognitive (认知) tests assessing their mental abilities. They faced specially designed memory exercises, such as mentally rotating objects, pattern-finding puzzles and strategy challenges.

    When looking at the results, researchers saw that brain trainers on average had no mental edge. Even among the most dedicated, who had used training programs for at least 18 months, brain training didn’t boost thinking abilities above the level of people who didn’t use the programs. Participants who had trained for less than a month, also performed on par with people who didn’t train at all.

    “No matter how we sliced the data, we were unable to find any evidence that brain training games were connected with cognitive abilities,” says leader of the team. That held true whether the team analyzed participants by age, program used, education or socioeconomic status – all were cognitively similar to the group who didn’t use the programs, suggesting that brain training games don’t live up to its name. Accordingly, the study advocates no more time sitting at a computer and doing little tasks.

    28. How does the author introduce the topic?

    A. By questioning an idea. B. By having a debate.

    C. By explaining an example. D. By making a comparison.

    29. What can be learned about the brain training games from the research result?

    A. They cost time to play well. B. They improve mental abilities.

    C. They aren’t as helpful as imagined. D. They aren’t so popular as before.

    30. Why do the researchers analyze the data from different angles?

    A. To engage more participants. B. To further confirm the research result.

    C. To test the limitation of the research. D. To provide evidence for the association.

    第二节(共5小题每小题2分, 满分10分)

    阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    The most important thing to keep in mind when deciding to serve another is that service expects no rewards. When you expect something in return, and are not serving out of the goodness of your heart, others will notice. Sure they’ll thank you. ___31___

    When you give from your heart, the real power of service comes into play. Serving is a great opportunity to strengthen your trust and respect for another, and for them to do the same to you. Not only do you feel great about helping out, but you build your relationship with them, and they will feel more willing to help you in the future. ___32___

    However, why is service so rarely seen these days? ___33___ Sure, living in this day and age does not leave us much time, and the last thing people want to do is more work. I'm too busy, there's too much work, or I don't have the time, ” may run through your head when you hear the word service, but the truth is the benefits are worth the sacrifice. Gandhi once said that, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. ” ___34___ Some ideas of places you can serve are volunteer centers, nursing homes, boys and girls clubs, and so on. You can serve people as long as you want to.

    ___35___ Although it does take some work, the benefits are more than worth the sacrifice. Not only do you feel better about making another's day a little less stressful, but you strengthen your relationship with them and they will be more willing to help you in the future.

    A. It's a win-win situation.

    B. Service is simple.

    C. Overall, service and selflessly giving to others is very powerful and has many benefits.

    D. And they will offer you worse service.

    E. Service is a complex event.

    F. The problem is, there's always an excuse not to serve.

    G. But the service becomes more of a situation, “I’ll do this for you if you do this for me”.



    阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    If you took the strengths of others, and compared them to your weaknesses, do you think this would make you feel good? The funny thing is, this is ____36____ most of us do at one time or another-and some of us do it pretty ____37____.

    It’s surely a ____38____ for a drop in self-confidence and for unhappiness. Let’s say I take a look at someone who creates amazing artwork on their website and I look at my art, and realize I don’t come close to being ____39____ with him. In fact, I look pretty ____40____. But it’s not a fair ____41____. If I looked at my strengths-writing useful and honest posts-I can see that I have a lot to ____42____, a lot to be happy about.

    That’s so important-being able to look at your own strengths, and see your true ____43____. It’s actually one of the keys to success and happiness.

    I want to talk about this issue ____44____ an email from a reader recently: I have some teammates from very rich families, I can’t stop myself comparing my _____45_____ with theirs. I must say that my financial planning is sound enough to take care of my _____46_____ family; and I can take care of new family members also, at least for some time _____47_____ I lose my current job. But _____48_____ I see or hear them spending so much money after possessions, I start comparing again. How can I stop this habit, without changing jobs?

    This is an excellent but tough _____49_____. I think it’s _____50_____ to compare ourselves to others, but it often makes us unhappy even if we have enough and should be _____51_____ what we have. My quick _____52_____: try to be aware of when you start comparing yourself to others. . . once you’ve developed this _____53_____, stop yourself and tell yourself, “Stop that!” And then _____54_____ thinking about all the things you do have, the things you love, the people you have and the blessings that _____55_____ has given you. Make this a regular practice, and you’ ll start to be happier with your life.

    36. A. why B. what C. that D. how

    37. A. often B. hard C. soon D. well

    38. A. theory B. option C. practice D. idea

    39. A. blessed B. connected C. weighed D. matched

    40. A. grateful B. pitiful C. shocked D. confident

    41. A. comparison B. communication C. competition D. combination

    42. A. regret B. correct C. offer D. afford

    43. A. thoughts B. values C. alternatives D. weaknesses

    44. A. because of B. according to C. apart from D. in spite of

    45. A. concept B. health C. profession D. lifestyle

    46. A. developing B. working C. existing D. coming

    47. A. as if B. even if C. in case D. now that

    48. A. however B. whatever C. wherever D. whenever

    49. A. programme B. fantasy C. question D. reality

    50. A. strange B. natural C. difficult D. important

    51. A. sorry for B. curious about C. guilty at D. happy with

    52. A. judgement B. conclusion C. formula D. advice

    53. A. awareness B. hobby C. tradition D. custom

    54. A. require B. risk C. fancy D. start

    55. A. happiness B. life C. success D. confidence

    第二节(共10小题每小题1. 5分, 满分15分)

    阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    We high school students do have some growing pains, but we can get rid of them correctly and______56______ (wise). First, some of us are upset ____57____their body styles and looks. It’s unnecessary and it’s not important at all. We needn’t care about it. It is one’s inner beauty ____58____ matters. Second, we sometimes seem to ____59____ (misunderstand) by our teachers, parents and classmates. ____60____ (face) with this, we can find a proper time to have a heart-to-heart talk with them, ___61___ (try) to remove the understanding. Some of us have fewer friends. I think being open-minded and friendly will do you good. Third, we may fall behind others, which ____62____ (make) us stressed. Actually we can encourage ____63____ (we) to work efficiently, full of ____64____ (determine). At last, some of us don’t have much pocket money, so they feel unhappy. Isn’t it strange? So long as we have some, that’s enough. And we can learn _____65_____ to spend money.

    部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)

    第一节  应用文写作(满分15分)


    1. 表示支持;

    2. 对此项运动的理解;

    3. 给出建议。

    参考词汇:cross-country running race越野赛

    注意:1. 词数100左右;

    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。


    第二节  读后续写(满分25分)


    In 1985 my parents made the big move from Illinois, to southern Califormia, along with three very tiny children and all their household possessions. My mother had carefully wrapped and packed four boxes of her mother’s hand-painted dinner china. Grandmother had painted this lovely set herself, choosing a forget-me-not pattern (勿忘我图案).

    Unfortunately, something happened during the move. One box of the china didn’t make it. It never arrived at our new house. So my mother had only three-quarters of the set — she had plates of different sizes and some serving pieces, but missing were the cups and saucers (茶碟) and the bowls. Often at family gatherings or when we would all sit down for a Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner, my mother would say something about the missing china and how she wished it had survived the trip.

    When my mother died I inherited Grandmother’s china. I, too, used the set on many special occasions, and I, too, wondered what had happened to the missing box.

    I love to visit flea markets (跳蚤市场), hunting for treasures. It’s great fun to walk up and down the streets early in the morning, watching as the vendors (摊主) spread their wares on the ground.

    I hadn’t been to a flea market in over a year when, one Sunday in 2013, I got the itch to go. So I crawled out of bed at 5 a.m., and drove an hour to the Giant Rose Bowl Flea Market in another town. I was looking around and after a couple of hours I was thinking about leaving. I rounded the last corner and took a few steps down the street when I noticed some china spread on the floor. I saw that it was hand-painted china...With forget-me-nots! I raced over to look at it more closely, and picked up a cup and saucer...Forget-me-nots! Exactly like Grandmother’s china, with the same delicate strokes (笔画) and the same thin gold bands around the edges. I looked at the rest of the items-there were the cups! The saucers! The bowls! It was Grandmother’s china!

    注意:1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

    2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

    3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头已为你写好;

    4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

    Paragraph 1

    The vendor had noticed my excitement.


    Paragraph 2

    I left the Flea Market with my amazing treasure.




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    高考英语新材料仿真模拟押题卷(浙江专用): 这是一份高考英语新材料仿真模拟押题卷(浙江专用),文件包含高考英语新材料仿真模拟押题卷浙江专用卷解析版docx、高考英语新材料仿真模拟押题卷浙江专用卷原卷版docx、浙江卷听力mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共47页, 欢迎下载使用。

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