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    高中英语人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 5 First Aid导学案及答案

    这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 5 First Aid导学案及答案,共22页。学案主要包含了易混辨析,要点拾遗,句式解构等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Unit 5  First Aid
    Using Language
    Ⅰ. 根据语境及汉语提示写出正确的单词
    1. slip on the ice    在冰上打滑
    2. an elderly man living alone 一位独居老人
    3. fall onto the carpet 掉到地毯上
    4. send for an ambulance 叫一辆救护车来
    5. without delay 毫不拖延; 立刻
    6. in a state of panic 处在惊恐状态
    7. sorry to interrupt 对不起打扰一下
    8. scream at me 冲着我喊
    9. choke to death 窒息而死
    10. a desperate man 一个绝望的人
    11. the sufficient practical experience 丰富的实践经验
    12. justify paying such huge salaries 证明支付这么高的薪水是正当的
    13. a social welfare programme 一项社会福利计划
    14. collapse on the sofa 倒在沙发上
    15. on foggy days 多雾天气
    16. get a gym membership 获得健身房会员资格
    Ⅱ. 选择恰当的短语填空
    help. . . to one’s feet, face down, no longer, have trouble, sleep in, be concerned about , out of shape, keep fit, force out , stand by
    1. Suddenly she could no longer feel the right side of her body.  
    2. With the help of Tom’s friends, he was able to help Tom to his feet.  
    3. Slapping the victim’s back will often force out the obstruction.  
    4. A blow of wind knocked him off balance and he fell face down in the mud.  
    5. You can’t just stand by and do nothing.  
    6. The Red Cross is looking for volunteers who are concerned about the welfare of their fellow men.  
    7. These trousers are too loose—I’m having trouble keeping them up.  
    8. John’s alarm didn’t go off, so he slept in.  
    9. I weighed 245 pounds and was out of shape.  
    10. Doing exercise regularly can help us keep fit.  
    翻译下列课文原句, 并观察黑体部分
    1. Chen Wei, a high school student in Beijing, had his dinner interrupted when he heard someone screaming from another table.
    译文: 当听到旁边桌有人喊叫时, 北京的高中生陈伟的晚餐被打断。
    2. They suggested he eat more slowly and take smaller bites before they left.
    译文: 他们在离开之前建议他吃得慢些, 小口吃。
    3. Luckily, Chen had learnt how to give first aid in school.
    译文: 幸运的是, 陈在学校学会了如何进行急救。
    4. How could I justify sitting there and doing nothing?
    译文: 我有什么理由坐在那儿什么都不做呢?
     Task 1 框架宏观建构: 整体理解 
    Skim the passage and fill in the blanks.

     Task 2 文本微观剖析: 细节探究 
    1. Choose the best answer.
    (1)What would be the best title for the passage?
    A. The history of the Heimlich manoeuvre.
    B. How to give first aid.
    C. An experience of giving first aid.
    D. A young middle school student.
    (2)What was Chen doing when Zhang Tao was choking?
    A. He was cooking.
    B. He was having dinner at the restaurant.
    C. He was serving the customers.
    D. He was on his way home.
    (3)Henry Heimlich created the Heimlich manoeuvre to    .  
    A. help those who have a sore throat
    B. help those who are bleeding
    C. save those who are choking
    D. help those who get injured
    (4)Which is the right order of doing the Heimlich manoeuvre?
    ①Grab your fist with your other hand tightly, push up and into his stomach in one motion.
    ②Stand behind the victim and wrap your arms around his waist.
    ③Make sure that the victim is really choking.
    ④Make a fist with one hand and place it in the upper part of his stomach.
    A. ②①③④        B. ③①②④
    C. ③④①② D. ③②④①
    (5)What kind of person is Chen Wei?
    A. Careful. B. Diligent.
    C. Responsible. D. Friendly.
    答案: (1)~(5)CBCDC
    Reread the passage and fill in the blanks.
      Chen Wei was having dinner (1)when he heard someone screaming. Then he noticed that a man (2)was choking(choke). He ran to help him to his (3)feet(foot), and did the Heimlich manoeuvre, which (4)was created(create) by Henry Heimlich. (5)Before you do the Heimlich manoeuvre, you should make sure that the victim is really choking. You should stand (6)behind the victim and wrap your arms around his waist, make a fist with one hand and place (7)it in the upper part of his stomach, and grab your fist with your other hand (8)tightly(tight), push up and into his stomach in one motion. Chen (9)had learnt(learn) this before in school, and thought we all had a (10)responsibility(responsible) to look after one another’s welfare.  
    2. Long sentence analysis.

    译文: 为了解决这个问题, 美国医生亨利·海姆利希于1974年发明了“海姆利希急救法”, 挽救了世界上成千上万个生命。

    译文: 窒息患者通常在昏倒和死亡之前只有四分钟时间, 这导致没有时间等待救护车的到来。
     Task 3 阅读思维升华: 主题实践 
    (1)What can you learn from the story? (Critical Thinking 批判性思维)
    Chen Wei is a responsible student, and the knowledge of first aid is important.  
    (2)If you have a chance to learn how to give first aid, will you grasp it? Why? (Creative Thinking 创造性思维)
    Yes, I will grasp this chance to learn some basic knowledge about first aid, because it can save somebody’s life.  
    1. slip vi. 滑倒; 滑落; 溜走 n. 滑倒; 小错误; 纸条
    *As I was walking on the path, I saw a boy suddenly slip on the snow-covered ground. 我在路上走着的时候, 我看到一个男孩突然滑倒在被大雪覆盖的地上。
    *During these waits, the brain slips away from the body.
    在这些等待期间, (我们经常)会心不在焉。
    *I feel sorry to know your grades have been slipping down because of your pride and laziness.
    得知你因为骄傲和懒惰导致成绩下滑, 我很抱歉。

    (1)a slip of the tongue  口误; 失言
    slip away 消失; 悄悄溜走
    slip by (时间等)快速流逝, 溜走
    slip down (成绩等)下滑
    slip in   悄悄溜入, 混入
    slip out   溜出; 掉落; 无意中说出
    (2)slippery adj. 滑的; 狡猾的; 不稳定的

    Between the cup and the lip a morsel may slip.
    功亏一篑。(喻指: 在成功之际出现纰漏, 结果以前的功夫白费了)
    【易混辨析】slide与slip, 如何“滑动”
    (1)slide主要表示某物在另一物表面的滑动, 可能是有意的, 也可能是无意的;
    (2)slip多指无意的、急速的、短距离的滑动, 常有因不小心或失去平衡等造成之意。常指由于不小心、路滑等而滑倒。

    ①The clay court was slippery(slip)and he was unable to move freely.
    ②The days slipped by quickly as I finished the last several weeks of my summer job.
    ③I guess it must have slipped out of my pocket during the flight.
    (2)选词填空(slide, slip)
    ①My knife slipped and cut my hand.
    ②He slipped and broke his leg.
    ③The book slid off the desk.
    2. delay vi. &vt. 推迟; 延期(做某事) vt. 耽搁; 耽误 n. 延误; 耽搁(的时间); 推迟
    *(2021·浙江高考)If there are three lines in the store, delays will happen randomly at different registers.
    如果杂货店中有三列队伍, 延迟将在不同的队伍中随机发生。
    *Mr Green slipped on the way and got injured, therefore the meeting was delayed.
    格林先生在路上滑倒受伤了, 因此, 会议推迟了。
    *(2020•浙江高考) I did as told without delay. Letting out loud noises, the bear ran away.
    我毫不延迟地照吩咐做了。熊发出很大的声响, 跑开了。

    delay doing sth.   耽误做某事; 延缓做某事
    without delay 毫不拖延; 立即

    Never delay doing something you should finish today.
    今日事今日毕。(喻指: 做事情不耽误、不拖延)

    (1) 语法填空
    ①He delayed telling(tell) her the news, waiting for the right moment.
    ②All these measures must be carried through without delay.
    (2)There was a one-hour delay on flights yesterday.  
    3. panic vi. &vt. (使)惊慌 n. 惊恐; 恐慌
    *If you are type A, there is no need to panic. It does not mean you will be infected 100 percent. 如果你是A型血, 没有必要恐慌。这不意味着你会百分之百感染。
    *She’s in a panic about her final exams, because her grade has been slipping down these days.  
    由于这些天她的成绩一直在下滑, 她为期末考试恐慌。
    *It’s natural that people will get into a panic when faced with unknown things.
    面对未知事物人们会恐慌, 这是自然的。

    in a panic    在恐慌中
    get into a panic     陷入恐慌
    panic about/over sth.     对某事物感到恐慌
    panic sb. into doing sth. 使仓惶行事; 使仓促行动

      panic是一个不规则动词, 它的过去式和过去分词均为panicked, 现在分词为panicking。
    *The gunfire panicked the little child. 枪炮声让小孩感到恐慌。

    ①I’m in a panic about getting everything done in time.
    ②Shoppers are panicked(panic) into buying things they don’t need.  
    ③The animals panicked over the forest fire.
    The audience were thrown into a panic when the fire started.
    →The audience got into a panic when the fire started.  
    4. desperate adj. 绝望的; 孤注一掷的; 非常需要的
    *Stuck in my house, I feel really desperate, but seeing delivery riders outside my window gives me some hope. 被困在家里, 我感觉真的很绝望, 但从窗外看到了外卖骑手, 让我燃起了一丝希望。
    *If their kids are desperate for the support from them, they ought to be the devoted parents. 如果孩子们急需父母的支持, 那么父母就应该全身心投入支持孩子。
    *(2020·浙江高考)I ran desperately but failed to catch up.
    我拼命地跑, 但没能追上。

    be desperate for sth.   极想得到某物; 渴望某物
    be desperate to do sth. 渴望做某事
    desperately    adv. 拼命地; 绝望地; 极严重地; 孤注一掷地

    ①Judging from what he said and did, we can conclude that he is desperate for fame.
    ②After ten years of hard study, he is desperate to pass(pass) the college entrance examination.  
    ③He desperately(desperate) saw her disappear into the crowd.
    (2)You really can’t predict how people will act when they are in desperate situations.  
    5. help sb. to one’s feet 帮助某人站起身来
    *He offered to help the old man to his feet and accompanied him to the safe area.
    他主动帮助老人站起来, 并陪他到达安全地带。
    *You need someone to take the pressure off and help you get back on your feet. 你需要有人为你分担压力, 帮你恢复元气。
    *I suppose that you haven’t found your feet in your class yet.
    *Refusing to give up, he rose to his feet and continued to run as fast as possible.
    拒绝放弃, 他站起来, 继续尽可能快地跑下去。

    be on one’s feet  站起来; 起立
    get back on one’s feet (经历困境后)恢复; (病后)复原
    find one’s feet 适应环境; 站稳脚跟; 立足
    rise/get to one’s feet 起立; 站起来

    (1)Once he had found his feet he was able to deal with any problem. 他一旦适应了环境, 就能处理任何问题了。 
    (2)The delegates cheered and rose to their feet.  
    (3)You should first help the victim to his feet.  
    6. face up/down 面朝上(朝下)
    *Instead, lay the child face down on your lap with the head lower than the rest of his body.
    相反地, 让孩子面朝下趴在你的膝盖上, 并让头部保持低于身体的其他部位。
    *French authorities warned that anyone caught jogging or exercising in public will be faced with fines between $135 and $375. 法国当局警告, 任何在公共场所慢跑或锻炼的人将面临135美元至375美元的罚款。
    *(2020·浙江高考) When I’m face to face with a polar bear, I like it to be through a camera with a telephoto lens. 当我和北极熊面对面的时候, 我喜欢用一个有长焦镜头的相机。

    I can’t face it   我不能接受; 我不愿这么做
    face up to sth.    敢于接受; 勇敢面对; 敢于正视
    face to face 面对面地
    face sth. =be faced with sth. 面对某事

    ①(2019•北京高考)Nervously facing(face) challenges, I know I will whisper to myself the two simple words “Be yourself”.
    ②Faced(face)with some tough problems, you might consider asking your teachers for help.
    (2)It’s about time you faced up to your responsibilities bravely as a parent.  
    (3)My children want me with them for Christmas Day, but I can’t face it.  
    我的孩子们想要我跟他们一起过圣诞节, 但我办不到。
    1. interrupt vi. &vt. 打断; 打扰 vt. 使暂停; 使中断
    *When someone is talking to you, don’t interrupt him.
    当有人和你谈话的时候, 不要打断他。
    *She has kept up physical training for several years without interruption. 她坚持锻炼, 多年来从未间断。

    interruption   n. 中断; 阻断物
    without interruption 不间断地
    interruptive adj. 阻碍的; 打扰的
    指的是打断别人的交谈, 或者是正在进行的事情
    指的是别人在专心做某件事情或者是在休息的时候, 去打扰对方

    ①Let’s go somewhere we can talk without interruption.
    ②It is bad manners to interrupt others while they are having a conversation.
    ③I am not accustomed to being interrupted when studying or working, so please remember this and don’t do it again.  
    ④Because the children keep interrupting her whenever she reads a book, she is always losing her place.
    (2)选词填空(interrupt, disturb, bother)
    ①You’d better not interrupt him. He is sleeping.
    ②The noise of the machine disturbed my sleep last night.
    ③I can’t bother him with my little affairs.
    2. sleep in 迟起; 睡过头; 睡懒觉
    *If you’re tired out by Friday night, sleeping in on Saturday could sound wonderful.
    如果你周五晚上很疲倦, 周六睡懒觉听起来不错。
    *Therefore, remember to go to sleep early and get up early.
    因此, 要牢记早睡早起。

    (1)go to sleep 入睡; 睡着
    (2)asleep adj. 睡着的
    fall asleep 睡着; 入睡
    (3)sleepy adj. 欲睡的; 困倦的

    ①She was still tired and sleepy when he woke her.
    ②He was so exhausted that he fell asleep at his desk.
    ③He was so tired that he went to sleep over his study.
    (2)I love to sleep in on Sundays! It helps me catch up on my sleep.  
    我很喜欢在星期天睡懒觉! 它帮我补觉。
    3. practical adj. 切实可行的; 实际的; 实践的
    *(2020·全国Ⅰ卷) Data about the moon’s composition, such as how much ice and other treasures it contains, could help China decide whether its plans for a future lunar base are practical.
    有关月球成分的数据, 比如它含有多少冰和其他宝藏, 可以帮助中国决定其未来月球基地的计划是否切实可行。
    *They have legal rights, but in practice these rights are not always respected.
    他们虽有合法的权利, 但实际上这些权利常未受到尊重。
    *Don’t ask me to speak French! I’m out of practice.
    可别让我讲法语! 我已经生疏了。
    *If we learn to drive cars in the holidays, we can practise driving every day.
    如果我们在假期学车, 我们就可以每天练习驾驶。

    (1)practice     n. 实践练习; 习惯, 常规
    in practice   在实践中; 实际上
    out of practice   生疏, 久不练习
    (2)practise vt. &vi. 练习; 实践
    practise doing sth. 练习做某事

    ①At the same time, I spared some time every day to practise listening(listen)skills.
    ②Our system is the most practical(practice)way of preventing pollution.
    (2)He lost the competition because he was out of practice for months.  
    他比赛失利, 因为他已经疏于练习好几个月了。
    (3)They offer practical suggestions for healthy eating.  
    4. out of shape 健康状况不好
    *Nancy Jones felt that she was getting out of shape and decided that she needed to get some exercise.
    南希·琼斯感到自己身体状况不好, 决定进行身体锻炼。
    *(2020• 天津高考)For my fifth birthday, my mother baked me a cake in the shape of a monkey.
    为了我的五岁生日, 我妈妈给我做了一个猴子形状的蛋糕。
    *(2018·浙江高考)By choosing to keep the outside of the home in great shape, you will help to improve the look and feel of the area.
    通过选择保持住宅外观的良好状况, 你可以提升整个地区的风貌和感觉。

    in the shape of    以……的形式; 呈……的形状
    in good shape/in shape 情况良好; 身体健康
    in bad/poor shape   情况不好; 身体不健康
    stay in shape   保持体形

    ①Tim is in good shape physically even though he doesn’t get much exercise.
    ②We came into a room in the shape of a star.
    (2)Tom always goes jogging in the morning and he usually does push-ups too to stay in shape.  
    汤姆早上总是慢跑, 为了保持身材, 他还经常做俯卧撑。
    (3)The old man felt he was out of shape and that he should get some medical treatment.  
    这个老人感到身体状况不好, 他应该接受医疗救治。
    5. Chen Wei, a high school student in Beijing, had his dinner interrupted when he heard someone screaming from another table.  
    当听到旁边桌有人喊叫时, 北京的高中生陈伟的晚餐被打断。
      本句是一个复合句。句中when引导时间状语从句, 句中含有一个have sth. done结构。
      have sth. done结构中过去分词作宾语补足语, 表示被动的含义, 此结构有时也可以用get sth. done来替换; 其常用三种含义如下:
    (2)表示“遭遇某种不幸; 受到打击”;
    *Later, Catherine Ⅱ had the Amber Room moved to the palace outside St Petersburg.
    后来, 凯瑟琳二世派人把琥珀屋搬到圣彼得堡以外的宫殿。
    *Tom had his pocket picked in the supermarket.
    *I want to have my daughter educated in England.

    (1)have sb. do sth. 表示叫(请、使、让)某人做某事。
    (2)have sb. doing sth. 表示使(让)某人一直做某事。用于否定句时, have表示“容忍、容许”之意。
    (3)have sth. done 表示请(让)别人做某事或表示经历或遭遇某情况。
    (4)have sth. to do有某事要做。其中不定式作定语。

    ①I can’t have you speaking(speak) to your mom in a rude manner.
    ②I can’t go to see the movie with you because I have a lot of homework to finish(finish).  
    ③Tim remembers to have some flowers sent(send) to his mom on her birthday.
    (2)Unfortunately, he had his wallet stolen on the street.  
    不幸的是, 他的钱包在街上被偷了。

      实施急救的故事属于叙事性文体。文章应该按照时间顺序写, 内容安排条理清晰。写作内容应该集中在实施急救的过程描述以及急救的最终结果上。

      假设你和你班同学李华从锅炉房打完开水, 在回寝室的路上, 李华的热水瓶突然破裂, 开水烫伤了李华的脚。你对此进行了必要的急救。请用英语写一篇80词左右的文章, 向学校英文报投稿讲述这件事, 内容包括:
      1. 事情发生的经过;
      2. 你是如何实施急救的(冷水冲洗、送医院做进一步处理等);
      3. 对掌握一定急救知识重要性的认识。
    参考词汇: 锅炉房boiler house 热水瓶thermos bottle

    1. 我和李华从锅炉房取热水后正在往回走。
    Li Hua and I were on our way back from boiler house after fetching some hot water.  
    2. 突然一声爆炸把我吓了一跳。
    Suddenly a sound of explosion scared me.  
    3. 我尽力保持镇定, 与此同时, 疯狂地搜寻着我从急救课上学到的知识。
    I managed to stay calm, and at the same time, I crazily searched for what I had learnt from my first-aid class.  
    4. 那时我意识到关于急救的基本知识能够产生多么大的影响。
    I then was aware what a difference a basic knowledge of first aid can make.  
    5. 用when引导的时间状语从句合并句1和句2。
    Li Hua and I were on our way back from boiler house after fetching some hot water when suddenly a sound of explosion scared me.  
    6. 用现在分词短语作伴随状语改写句3。
    I managed to stay calm, crazily searching for what I had learnt from my first-aid class.  
    7. 用倒装句改写句4。
    Only then was I aware what a difference a basic knowledge of first aid can make.  

    Accidents happened. That day, Li Hua and I were on our way back from boiler house after fetching some hot water when suddenly a sound of explosion scared me. Li Hua’s thermos bottle burst and the spilt boiling water caused severe injuries to his feet. The burn was so severe that the skin was red and swollen.  
    I could tell Li Hua was in extreme pain. I managed to stay calm, crazily searching for what I had learnt from my first-aid class. Immediately, I carried him to the water tap nearby and put his feet under the cold running water until the pain lessened. Afterwards, I called a taxi and rushed him to the hospital where he received further treatment. I was finally relieved.  
    Only then was I aware what a difference a basic knowledge of first aid can make, especially in such a case.  

    1. 话题词汇
    (6)stay calm
    (7)deal with
    (8)fall ill or get injured
    (9)make a big difference
    (10)perform first aid on sb.
    (11)be of great benefit
    2. 话题句式
    (1)When you see someone get injured, what should you do?
    当你看到某人受伤的时候, 你应该做什么?
    (2)Be careful not to move the victim violently.
    要当心, 不要剧烈移动患者。
    (3)If victim is facing severe condition, it is vital to give him first aid at once.
    如果患者状况严重, 立刻对他进行急救是最为重要的。
    (4)At the same time, you must/should call for help.
    与此同时, 你必须/应该打电话求助。
    (5)Before the ambulance came, the lady performed first aid on the kid.
    救护车来之前, 这位女士对这个孩子实施急救。
    (6)The story is a good example in which first aid makes a big difference.
    Ⅰ. 语用功能表达
    请求帮助, 描述情况:
    1. I am calling for help.
    2. He got a heart attack, and he has difficulty breathing now.
    他心脏病发作, 并且现在呼吸困难。
    3. His left foot is badly cut and is bleeding now.
    他的左脚严重割伤, 正在流血。
    4. He gets a sprained ankle, and his foot is swollen.
    他脚踝扭伤, 脚部肿胀。
    5. Her hand got burned, and there are some blisters.
    她的手烧伤, 有一些水疱。
    6. Press down, twice a second.
    按压, 一秒钟两次。
    7. Check to see if there is food in his mouth.
    8. Lay the victim on his back.
    9. Perform mouth-to-mouth rescue breathing.
    10. Perform CPR.
    11. Push down on the center of his chest.
    Ⅱ. 话题情景交流
      一位老人心脏病复发, 李华拨打120求助, 并在接线员的提示下先行实施急救。
    Li Hua: This is Li Hua. 1. I am calling for help(我打电话求助).  
    Operator: What’s wrong?
    Li Hua: An old man got a heart attack, and 2. he has difficulty breathing(他呼吸困难)now.  
    Operator: Keep calm and give him first aid. I will give you some instructions.
    Li Hua: OK, I will have a try.
    Operator: First, you should 3. check to see if there is food in his mouth(检查他嘴里是否有食物).  
    Li Hua: Nothing. Next?
    Operator: 4. Lay the victim on his back(让患者平躺着), and then perform CPR. Now 5. push down on the center of his chest(按压他的胸部正中位置). Press down, twice a second.  
    . . .
    Happy, happy, never-returning time of childhood! How can we help loving and dwelling upon its recollections? They cheer and elevate the soul, and become to one a source of higher joys.
    Sometimes, when dreaming of bygone days, I fancy that, tired out with running about, I have sat down, as of old, in my high arm-chair by the tea-table. It is late, and I have long since drunk my cup of milk. My eyes are heavy with sleep as I sit there and listen. How could I not listen, seeing that Mamma is speaking to somebody, and that the sound of her voice is so melodious and kind? How much its echoes recall to my heart! With my eyes veiled with drowsiness I gaze at her wistfully. Suddenly she seems to grow smaller and smaller, and her face vanishes to a point; yet I can still see it—can still see her as she looks at me and smiles. Somehow it pleases me to see her grown so small. I blink and blink, yet she looks no larger than a boy reflected in the pupil of an eye. Then I rouse myself, and the picture fades. Once more I half-close my eyes, and cast about to try and recall the dream, but it has gone.
    I rise to my feet, only to fall back comfortably into the arm-chair.
    “There! You are failing asleep again, little Nicolas, ” says Mamma. “You had better go to by-by. ”
    “No, I won’t go to sleep, Mamma, ” I reply, though almost inaudibly, for pleasant dreams are filling all my soul. The sound sleep of childhood is weighing my eyelids down, and for a few moments I sink into slumber and oblivion until awakened by some one. I feel in my sleep as though a soft hand were caressing me. I know it by the touch, and, though still dreaming, I seize hold of it and press it to my lips. Every one else has gone to bed, and only one candle remains burning in the drawing-room. Mamma has said that she herself will wake me. She sits down on the arm of the chair in which I am asleep, with her soft hand stroking my hair, and I hear her beloved, well-known voice say in my ear:
      “Get up, my darling. It is time to go by-by. ”
    No envious gaze sees her now. She is not afraid to shed upon me the whole of her tenderness and love. I do not wake up, yet I kiss and kiss her hand.
    “Get up, then, my angel. ”
    She passes her other arm round my neck, and her fingers tickle me as they move across it. The room is quiet and in half-darkness, but the tickling has touched my nerves and I begin to awake. Mamma is sitting near me—that I can tell—and touching me; I can hear her voice and feel her presence. This at last rouses me to spring up, to throw my arms around her neck, to hide my head in her bosom, and to say with a sigh:
    “Ah, dear, darling Mamma, how much I love you! ”
    She smiles her sad, enchanting smile, takes my head between her two hands, kisses me on the forehead, and lifts me on to her lap.
    “Do you love me so much, then? ” she says. Then, after a few moments’ silence, she continues: “And you must love me always, and never forget me. If your Mamma should no longer be here, will you promise never to forget her—never, Nicolas? ” And she kisses me more fondly than ever.
    “Oh, but you must not speak so, darling Mamma, my own darling Mamma! ” I exclaim as I clasp her knees, and tears of joy and love fall from my eyes.
    列夫·托尔斯泰的处女作《童年》(1852)通过对小主人公伊尔倩耶夫的单纯而又富有诗意的内心世界的细致入微的描摹, 出色地表现了一个出身贵族家庭的、聪颖、敏感、感情热烈并爱作自我分析的儿童的精神成长过程。

    1. dwell   v. 想着某事
    2. melodious adj. 悦耳的; 优美动听的
    3. wistfully adv. 望眼欲穿地; 渴望地
    4. oblivion n. 无意识状态; 沉睡; 昏迷
    5. enchant v. 使着迷; 使陶醉

    1. (语言能力)What does the underlined phrase mean?
    Mom asked “I” to go to sleep.  
    2. (思维品质)What can we know about “my” childhood?
    “My” childhood was happy and full of my mother’s love.  
    3. (思维品质)What can we infer from the hero’s recalling?
    The hero in this part of the novel recalled his happy childhood when his mom loved him so much, from which we can infer that his life as an adult may be not satisfactory.  
    4. (文化意识)What’s your opinion about mother’s love?
    We human beings as a whole think that mother’s love is the greatest love.  
    幸福的, 幸福的, 一去不返的童年时代啊! 怎能不爱惜, 不珍重对童年的回忆呢? 这些回忆使我精神舒爽, 心情振奋, 是我的无上乐趣的源泉。
    有时回忆起逝去的日子, 我就会想起这样的情景: 跑够了, 我依旧就坐在茶桌旁那把高背的安乐椅里; 时候不早了, 我早就喝完了我那杯牛奶, 睡意朦胧地闭上眼睛, 但是一动也不动地坐着聆听。我怎么能不听呢? 妈妈在同什么人谈话, 她的声音是那么悦耳, 那么动人。那声音不停地在我的心灵深处荡漾, 让我想起那段美妙的时光! 我用朦胧的睡眼渴望地凝视着她的脸, 它突然变得越来越小, 她的脸只有圆点那么大, 依然可以看到它——我看见, 她望了我一眼, 微微一笑。我喜欢看见她只有这么一点点大。我眨了眨眼, 她变得还没有瞳仁里的小人那么大; 然后, 我惊醒了, 这种魔力就破灭了。我眯起眼睛, 扭过身去, 拼命想使这种现象重现, 但是徒劳无益。
      我站起来, 舒适地躺到安乐椅里。
    “你又要睡着了, 小尼古拉斯 , ”妈妈对我说, “你最好上楼睡觉去。”
    “我不想睡, 妈妈, ”我回答, 声音小得几乎都听不见, 因为那个甜美的幻想充满我的脑际。小孩子天生入睡快, 我很快闭上了双眼, 转瞬就进入梦乡, 一直睡到我被唤醒为止。朦胧中我常常感到什么人温柔的手抚摸我; 单凭这种抚摸, 我就知道是她, 还在梦中我就不由自主地拉住那只手, 把它紧紧地, 紧紧地按在嘴唇上。所有的人都已经散去; 客厅里只点着一根蜡烛; 妈妈说, 她要亲自唤醒我; 是她坐在我睡的那张椅子的扶手上, 用那温柔得惊人的手抚摸着我的头发, 用我听惯了的、可爱的声音在我耳边说:
    “起来, 我的宝贝, 该去睡了。”
    没有任何人的嫉妒的眼光会使她拘束。她不怕把她的全部温柔和慈爱倾注到我身上。我合着眼, 但是我又吻了吻她的手。
    “起来, 我的天使。”
    她用另外一只手托住我的脖子, 她的手指迅速地动着, 使我发痒。房间里一片寂静, 半明半暗; 搔痒使我清醒, 使我的神经兴奋; 妈妈坐在我身边; 她爱抚着我; 我能听到她的声音, 感觉到她的存在。这一切使我跳起来, 双手搂住她的脖颈, 把头依偎在她怀里, 叹息了一声道:
    “噢, 亲爱的, 亲爱的妈妈, 我多么爱你呀! ”
    她忧愁而迷人地微微一笑, 双手抱住我的头, 吻我的前额, 让我坐在她的膝头上。
    “这么说你非常爱我? ”她说, 沉默了片刻, 她随后说: “你要永远爱我, 决不要忘记我。如果妈妈不在了, 你不会忘掉她吧? 尼古拉斯, 你不会忘记吧? ”她更加温柔地吻我。
    “得了, 别说这种话, 我亲爱的妈妈, 我最亲爱的妈妈! ”我紧紧抓住她的双膝, 大声说道。我泪如泉涌, 这是爱和狂喜的眼泪。

    2021学年Unit 5 First Aid学案设计: 这是一份2021学年Unit 5 First Aid学案设计,共22页。学案主要包含了易混辨析,要点拾遗,句式解构等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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