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    高中英语人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 4 Journey Across a Vast Land课堂检测

    这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 4 Journey Across a Vast Land课堂检测,共15页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分37,  B.£80,5分,满分15分)等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    【语篇解读】 本文介绍了几个旅游广告。
    1.What is the cst fr tw nights f accmmdatin fr tw peple at the Yakamz Htel with the Lnely Planet guide bk discunt?
    A.£88. B.£80. C.£72. D.£64.
    C [数字计算题。根据Turkey—Yakamz Htel部分中的“2021 rates—twin­bedded rms £20 per persn”和“Shw this ad t get an exclusive 10% Lnely Planet guide bk discunt”,并结合题干可知,两个人两夜优惠后应付的费用是:£20×2×2×90%=£72,故选C。]
    2.Rail hlidays are available fr .
    A.Nrth America, Eurpe and Australia
    B.Nrth America, Suth America and Asia
    C.Australia, Asia and Eurpe
    D.Nrth America, Suth America and Australia
    D [推理判断题。根据Rail Hlidays f the Wrld部分中提到的“Peru”“Brazil”“Califrnia”“Eastern Canada”“Australia&New Zealand”可推知,在这个度假活动中可以去北美洲、南美洲和澳大利亚,故选D。]
    3.Hw many advertisements ffer hlidays t Peru?
    A.One. B.Tw. C.Three. D.Fur.
    B [细节理解题。通读全文可知,在ONCE­IN­A­LIFETIME PERU ADVENTURE部分和Rail Hlidays f the Wrld部分中提到了去Peru度假,故选B。]
    It's ften hard t find family hlidays that everyne will enjy. Cruises (海上航游) can be fun, but may ffer activities either fr small children r adults, with nt much fr teenagers.
    Fifteen­year­ld Jsh Sandfrd and his 13­year­ld sister Rwena tk a cruise last year, n a ship called the Rega.“Befre we left, I'd spent ages lking at the brchure (宣传册), and all the activities n ffer, s I was really lking frward t it,” says Jsh. “When we gt n, I culd see they had activities that teenagers culd jin in, s we culdn't really say the brchure was wrng. But they were a bit bring—things like ld mvies we'd seen befre. I wish there'd been smewhere fr peple f my age t just hang ut tgether. My parents really enjyed it, but they were disappinted that we didn't. ”
    Jsh's parents had almst decided they'd never take their family n a cruise again when they heard abut sme new cruises that were specially fr families with teenagers. S earlier this year the Sandfrd family set ff again, this time n a ship called the Flra. “We did sme turs rganised by the Flra when the ship stpped in different prts (港口),” says Jsh. “We went ff and explred sme ld ruins. I was wrried it'd be bring, but I have t admit the ruins were actually quite cl.”
    “The biggest difference was the activities n bard,thugh, like a great gym and tw pls. There was a fantastic rck­climbing wall, t, althugh lts f the teenagers n bard didn't seem t want t try it. Maybe they were t scared, as it was really high. But my sister immediately managed t get all the way up it, s I just had t d the same!”
    Jsh and Rwena's family had such a gd time n their last cruise that they're thinking f ging again—in fact, they're already saving up fr it!
    【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍了适合青少年的海上航游。
    4.It seems that the Rega .
    A.prvided wrng infrmatin in the travel brchure
    B.didn't ffer satisfying activities fr teenagers
    C.nly prvided activities suitable fr adults
    D.didn't satisfy the needs f Jsh's parents
    B [推理判断题。根据第二段中Jsh将自己在上船前看Rega的宣传册和上船后经历的实际情况对比可知,Rega没能提供令人满意的适合青少年的活动。]
    5.After the trip n the Rega, Jsh's parents .
    A.cnsidered giving up cruise hlidays
    B.started t lk fr adventurus cruises
    C.fund it hard t get alng with teenagers
    D.decided they wuld never take children alng
    A [细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Jsh's parents had almst decided they'd never take their family n a cruise again”可知,在经历了Rega提供的海上旅行之后,Jsh的父母准备放弃此类的海上航游。]
    6.What did Jsh think f the turs rganised by the Flra?
    A.He fund them a little bring.
    B.He didn't think they were special.
    C.He was surprised t find he enjyed them.
    D.He was wrried that his parents wuldn't lve them.
    C [推理判断题。根据第三段中的“I was wrried it'd be bring,but I have t admit the ruins were actually quite cl.”可知, Jsh一开始担心Flra的那些游览项目会令人厌倦,然而最后他却非常喜欢。]
    7.What des the text mainly talk abut?
    A.Teen cruises. B.Family hlidays.
    C.Difficult teenagers. D.Special families.
    A [主旨大意题。文章主要介绍了适合青少年的海上航游,第二段的“they had activities that teenagers culd jin in”和第三段的“new cruises that were specially fr families with teenagers”是提示。]
    The first peple in Canada crssed the Bering Strait frm Asia. In the nrth the Inuit lived by hunting seals, walruses (海象) and whales. They als hunted caribu (北美驯鹿). On the west cast peple hunted deer, bears and beavers (海狸).They als fished. On the plains peple lived by hunting buffal. In the east peple grew crps f beans, squash (南瓜), maize (玉米) and sunflwer seeds.
    The first Eurpeans t reach Canada were the Vikings. In 986 a Viking called Bjarni Herjlfssn was blwn ff curse by a strm and he sptted a new land. Hwever he sailed away withut landing. In 1001 a man named Leif Erikssn landed in the new land, which he named Vinland (it was part f Canada). Hwever, Erikssn did nt stay permanently. Later the Vikings did establish a clny (殖民地) in Nrth America but they abandned it because f cnflict with the natives.
    Hwever, after the Vikings Canada was frgtten until the end f the 15th century. In 1497 the English king Henry Ⅶ sent an Italian named Jhn Cabt n an expeditin acrss the Atlantic t Newfundland. Cabt discvered rich fishing waters ff the cast f Canada.
    Then in 1534 and in 1535—1536 a Frenchman named Jacques Cartier (1491—1557) sailed n tw expeditins t Canada. On 10 August 1535 (St. Lawrence's Day) he sailed int the St. Lawrence River, which he named after the saint.
    Hwever n permanent Eurpean settlements were made in Canada until the early 17th century. In 1603 a Frenchman named Samuel de Champlain (1567—1635) sailed up the St. Lawrence River. In 1604 he funded Prt Ryal in Acadia (Nva Sctia). In 1608 Samuel de Champlain funded Quebec.(The name Quebec is believed t be an Algnquin wrd meaning a narrw part f a river). In 1642 the French funded Mntreal. The new clny in Canada was called New France.By 1685 the ppulatin f New France was abut 10,000. By 1740 it was 48,000.
    【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了加拿大人口的构成及城市的逐渐形成。
    8.In which part f Canada did peple grw crps?
    A.In the nrth. B.In the east.
    C.On the west cast. D.On the plains.
    B [细节理解题。根据文章第一段最后一句“In the east peple grew crps f beans,squash,maize and sunflwer seeds.”可知答案。]
    9.Wh was the first Eurpean t reach Canada?
    A.Leif Erikssn. B.Bjarni Herjlfssn.
    C.Jhn Cabt. D.Samuel de Champlain.
    B [细节理解题。根据文章第二段“The first Eurpeans t reach Bjarni Herjlfssn was blwn ff curse by a strm and he sptted a new land.”可知Bjarni Herjlfssn是最早来到加拿大的欧洲人。]
    10.What is the last paragraph mainly abut?
    A.Eurpeans set ft n Canada.
    B.Eurpeans started expeditins.
    C.Eurpeans fught against the natives.
    D.Eurpeans began t make permanent settlements.
    D [段落大意题。文章最后一段第一句为该段的主题句。]
    11.What is the best title fr the passage?
    A.The early histry f Canada
    B.The languages f Canada
    C.Eurpeans started expeditins
    D.The war between Eurpeans and Canadians
    A [标题归纳题。文章各段落主要讲述了加拿大人口的构成及城市的逐渐形成。综合来看,文章讲述了加拿大早期的历史。]
    There's n dubt that ne f the greatest human achievements is the explratin f the space. Ever since astrnaut Yuri Gagarin became the first persn t be sent int the rbit arund the mn in 1961, scientists have been pushing the bundaries further and further. But until nw the explratin int the unknwn has been dminated (主导) by men.
    Of curse, in the past, wmen were als included in the space prjects and played an active rle n the grund and behind the scenes. Fr example, they wrked as seamstresses(女裁缝师), sewing vital space flight cmpnents. In fact,much f NASA's key wrk wuld never have been pssible withut them. Recently Hllywd prduced a mvie called Hidden Figures t fcus n a grup f American female mathematicians, especially the black wmen, wh helped NASA send the first American int space. But this was nt wmen's nly cntributin. Back in 1963, Sviet astrnaut Valentina Tereshkva became the first wman t be sent int space. Hwever, after that, space flight prgrams were slw t emply wmen. In the USA, NASA didn't accept applicatins frm wmen t becme astrnauts until 1978.
    But attitudes have changed and leading fficials at NASA say that the first persn t set ft n Mars shuld be a wman. The space agency aims t have a sex­balanced wrkfrce but can nly achieve that if equal numbers f men and wmen are trained fr science and technlgy jbs. As Allisn McIntryre tld the BBC, “My directr is a wman.We have female astrnauts. We haven't put a wman n the mn yet. And I think that perhaps the first persn t step n Mars shuld be a wman. ”
    【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。虽然太空探索迄今为止主要由男性主导,但是女性也一直在默默地发挥着重要作用。NASA也准备让女性在太空探索中走向前台,女性甚至可能成为登陆火星的第一人。
    12.What did Yuri Gagarin d in 1961?
    A.He landed n the mn successfully.
    B.He discvered many new bundaries.
    C.He led scientists t explre the mn.
    D.He made the first jurney int the space.
    D [细节理解题。根据第一段“Ever since astrnaut Yuri Gagarin became the first persn t be sent int the rbit arund the mn in 1961,scientists have been pushing the bundaries further and further.”可知,1961年,尤里·加加林成为第一个完成太空旅行的人。]
    13.Why des the authr mentin the film Hidden Figures?
    A.T shw wmen are the true heres f NASA's first launch.
    B.T stress that black peple have wn equal rights in NASA.
    C.T prve wmen can d as well as men in NASA's prjects.
    D.T present wmen's cntributins t NASA's space prgrams.
    D [推理判断题。根据第二段“In fact,much f NASA's key wrk wuld never have been pssible withut them.Recently Hllywd prduced a mvie called Hidden Figures t fcus n a grup f American female mathematicians,especially the black wmen,wh helped NASA send the first American int space.But this was nt wmen's nly cntributin.”可知,作者提到《隐藏人物》这部电影是为了举例说明在太空探索这一领域,女性也做出过重大贡献。]
    14.What is Allisn McIntryre's attitude tward wmen astrnauts?
    A.Uncaring. B.Disapprving.
    C.Supprtive. D.Disappinted.
    C [观点态度题。根据最后一段“My directr is a wman.We have female astrnauts.We haven't put a wman n the mn yet.And I think that perhaps the first persn t step n Mars shuld be a wman.”可知,Allisn McIntryre不但认可自己的女性上司,也支持女性成为第一个登上火星的人。]
    15.What is the best title fr the text?
    A.Will the First Persn t Step n Mars Be a Wman?
    B.Great Achievements Have Been Made in Space Explratin
    C.Why Did Men Play an Imprtant Rle in Explring the Unknwn?
    D.Men and Wmen Have Made Equal Cntributins t NASA's Prjects
    A [标题归纳题。根据全文,尤其是最后一段中“But attitudes have changed and leading fficials at NASA say that the first persn t set ft n Mars shuld be a wman.”可知答案。]
    Sme peple chse t live in a flat sharing with thers.Others can't imagine leaving their perfect flats t live with lts f ther peple.
    If yu live alne, yu're respnsible fr yur wn space. If yu need yur quiet space, yu're guaranteed t have it. 16 And yu can catch up with wrk withut being interrupted r have a lng and undisturbed bath.
    Hwever, there's n ne arund if yu need a helping hand. If smething gets brken, yu'll have t fix it yurself. 17 Yu dn't have friends at hme t invite yu ut and help yu meet peple. There's n ne at hme t have a cup f tea with and talk abut hw yur day was.
    18 Smetimes when yu get hme, the cake yur clleague gave yu as a thank­yu present is mysteriusly gne. Whenever yu want a relaxing bath, there's n ht water left and smene wants t cme in every five minutes. It's als rarely quiet. Smene always seems t have a birthday party when yu want t g t bed early.
    But in spite f all that, there can be sme wnderful mments, like waking up t the sund f the hver (吸尘器). 19 And when yu cme hme after a lng day, yu find yur husemates making pizza with leftver vegetables while yu watch a film. 20
    S, what's yur chice?
    A.Yu can be alne quite a lt.
    B.That's when it all seems wrth it.
    C.Yu dn't have t share the sfa with anyne.
    D.Living alne has becme mre ppular in recent years.
    E.It's nt all gd when yu live with ther peple, thugh.
    F.Yu will realize hw imprtant yur friends and family are.
    G.Yu will realize smene else is ding the cleaning fr a change.
    【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了独自生活以及与别人合住的优缺点。
    16.C [本空承接上文,是对上一句“If yu need yur quiet space,yu're guaranteed t have it.”的举例:如果你需要安静的空间,你肯定会拥有它。C项:Yu dn't have t share the sfa with anyne.你不需要和别人分享沙发。符合文意,故选C项。]
    17.A [本空后两句是对这一处内容的具体说明:你不会收到舍友的外出邀请,也没有人和你在家里边喝茶边聊天;由此可推知,本空是指你会经常感到孤独。故选A。]
    18.E [根据下文内容可知,本段谈论了和别人住在一起也并不总是那么美好。此段首句为主题句,后文为阐述说明,对主题句进行解释。E项符合文意,故选E。]
    19.G [本空承接上一句中提到的那些美妙时刻中的一种情况:在吸尘器的声音中醒来,你会意识到有人正在打扫房间。]
    20.B [本空是对本段内容的概括:这些美妙的时刻会使你感到做出和别人住在一起这个选择是值得的。]
    I was brn legally blind. Of all the stries f my early childhd,the ne abut a 21 is my mther's favurite.
    I was nly tw when the 22 ccurred. We had just arrived hme frm a trip. Mm lifted me ut f the car and 23 t speak t the driver. I tk advantage f my brief 24 t dash acrss the lawn (草坪)—and hit a large maple tree! I was running s fast that I bunced ff the trunk and 25 n my backside. Mm 26 me t start crying, but I just sat there fr a minute. Then I 27 myself up and kept right n ging. Mm always adds here that, as many times as I 28 acrss the lawn after that,I never again 29 int that tree.
    Mm lves t use this stry as an 30 . It reminds her that children dn't enter life afraid t take risks r unwilling t 31 again when they fall dwn. She never wanted me t lse that 32 as I grew lder. When I made my majr life decisins, I was still that little girl tearing full­speed acrss the lawn. I studied abrad and later mved away frm my parents' hme t lk fr a 33 . Thrugh years f 34 ,I have becme a respected teacher in a schl serving high­need students.
    We are almst certain t get 35 at sme pint during the prcess f achieving ur gal. When that happens,dn't sit in the grass and cry. Just get up and keep n ging. It will all be wrth it in the end.
    【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。作者先天失明,两岁时有一天趁妈妈无暇顾及之时,飞快地跑过草坪,却不小心撞到了一棵树上。跌倒后的作者并没有坐在原地哭泣,而是爬起来继续跑,并且以后再也没有撞到那棵树。这种不怕冒险、遇到挫折仍勇于尝试的精神一直伴随着作者的生活、学习和工作。
    21.A.trip B.race
    C.tree D.driver
    C [根据第二段中的“hit a large maple tree”可知,作者主要讲述的是自己两岁时撞到一棵枫树的前后经过以及由此感悟到的人生哲理。]
    22.A.incident B.change
    C.illness D.prblem
    A [下文讲述的是整个事件(incident)的经过。]
    23.A.feared B.refused
    C.frgt D.turned
    D [根据此空前面的“Mm lifted me ut f the car”和下文作者独自跑开可知,此处母亲应该是抱作者下车后转身(turned)去和司机说话。]
    24.A.delay B.absence
    C.freedm D.rest
    C [根据第一段首句“I was brn legally blind.”可知,作者先天失明,身边应该总有人照顾;再结合文中的关键词tk advantage f,dash和fast可知,作者当时应该是趁大人不注意时,获得短暂的自由(freedm),一溜烟就跑开了。]
    25.A.landed B.slept
    C.laughed D.wept
    A [根据“I was running s fast that I bunced ff the trunk”可知,作者跑得太快撞上树干后一屁股坐到地上。land n my backside意为“摔了个屁股蹲儿”。]
    26.A.prmised B.encuraged
    C.allwed D.expected
    D [根据“but I just sat there fr a minute”可知,妈妈以为(expected)作者会哭,但是作者没哭。]
    27.A.wke B.picked
    C.warmed D.gave
    B [根据上文“I just sat there fr a minute”和下文“kept right n ging”,以及最后一段倒数第二句“Just get up and keep n ging.”可知,此处应该是指从地上爬起来。pick neself up意为“(跌倒后)爬起来”。]
    28.A.drve B.lived
    C.std D.ran
    D [与第二段中的“dash acrss the lawn”呼应。]
    29.A.crashed B.brke
    C.climbed D.lked
    A [与第二段中的“hit a large maple tree”呼应。crash int sth.意为“撞上某物”。]
    30.A.answer B.example
    C.excuse D.rder
    B [根据下文可知,妈妈在后来的孩子教育上一直拿此事举例(example)。]
    31.A.ask B.share
    C.learn D.try
    D [此处用“when they fall dwn”比喻失败或受挫后,害怕冒险或再次尝试(try)。]
    32.A.hnesty B.tughness
    C.kindness D.curisity
    B [根据第二段中作者撞倒后继续坚强前行和本段上句中的“这件事提醒了妈妈,孩子们不会在失败、受到挫折后,就害怕或者不愿意再尝试了”可知,妈妈希望作者保持这种坚韧不拔(tughness)的精神。]
    33.A.jb B.friend
    C.frtune D.huse
    A [根据下一句可知,此处指作者出国留学、后来搬出父母家去找工作(jb)。]
    34.A.memries B.effrts
    C.research D.experience
    B [根据本句后半部分中的“becme a respected teacher”可知,作者后来成为一位备受尊敬的老师,这是需要多年的努力(effrts)才能做到的。]
    35.A.mixed up B.fed up
    C.kncked dwn D.settled dwn
    C [根据上文作者的故事和本段中的“When that happens,dn't sit in the grass”可知,此处表示在实现目标的过程中,总会有挫折。knck dwn意为“打/击/撞倒”,此处指受挫。]
    China's research icebreaker Xuelng, 36.________ 126 crew members abard n the 35th Antarctic research missin, n Thursday lcal time left the Zhngshan Statin n 37.________ (it) way back t China.
    Snw Eagle 601, China's first fixed­wing aircraft fr plar flight, n Thursday night als departed frm the Antarctic after 38.________ (cmplete)all assignments.
    Xuelng, 39.________ arrived near Zhngshan n Feb. 9, supplied the statin with fuel il, and then picked up summer expeditin team members at the Kunlun, Taishan and Zhngshan statins, as well as 40.________(member)f the fixed­wing aircraft prject.
    Sixteen members f the Kunlun team 41.________(previus)cmpleted all scientific expeditins at Dme Argus (Dme A), the Suth Ple's highest icecap. They,tgether with 21 members f the Taishan team, 42.________(return)t Zhngshan n Feb. 8.
    The Zhngshan team cmpleted tasks including installatin f and tests fr LiDAR, drilling f ice bedrck, atmspheric sunding 43.________(bserve),surveys f birds and aerial explratin carried ut by the fixed­wing aircraft.
    As the summer expeditin team at Zhngshan left, 19 members wuld stay fr winter expeditins.
    Als 44.________(knw) as the Snw Dragn, the icebreaker carrying a research team set sail frm Shanghai n Nv. 2 last year, beginning 45.________ cuntry's 35th Antarctic expeditin. It is expected t arrive in Shanghai in mid­March.
    【语篇解读】 本文为一篇记叙文,讲述了雪龙号科考船在南极的科考经历。
    36.with [考查介词。根据句意可知,设空处表示伴随的意思,需用“with+宾语+宾语补足语”的结构。]
    37.its [考查代词。设空处修饰名词way,故用其形容词性物主代词its。]
    38.cmpleting [考查非谓语动词。设空处位于介词after之后,故用其动词­ing形式作宾语。]
    39.which [考查定语从句。根据句子结构以及设空处前的逗号可知,设空处引导非限制性定语从句,修饰Xuelng,在非限制性定语从句中作主语,故填which。]
    40.members [考查名词的数。根据as well as前面的members为复数形式可知,此处的member也需用复数形式。]
    41.previusly [考查副词。设空处修饰动词cmpleted,故用其副词形式。故填previusly。]
    42.returned [考查时态。根据全文时态为一般过去时可知,设空处也需用一般过去时,表示过去发生的动作。]
    43.bservatin [考查名词。根据设空处前的atmspheric以及sunding可知,设空处需用名词形式。]
    44.knwn [考查非谓语动词。根据句子结构可知,设空处需用非谓语动词形式;the icebreaker与knw构成被动关系,故用过去分词作状语。]
    45.the [考查冠词。根据上文的“the 35th Antarctic research”可知,设空处特指我国第35次科学考察任务,故填the。]
    参考词汇:文化交流周Cultural Exchange Week
    Dear Kelly,
    I've been back hme safely frm New Zealand.Thank yu fr the warm help during my stay in New Zealand.

    Li Hua
    Dear Kelly,
    I've been back hme safely frm New Zealand.Thank yu fr the warm help during my stay in New Zealand.
    I participated in the Cultural Exchange Week this summer, I enjyed myself in yur cuntry. The city museum and sme places f interest which I visited helped me have a better understanding f yur sciety, culture and histry. Of curse, I als made many new friends there,including yu.
    What's mre, I'll never frget the days we spent tgether. Here I especially thank yu fr the dictinary yu ffered me as a gift. I will treasure and make full use f it.
    Welcme t China when it's cnvenient fr yu!
    Li Hua
    As a sixth grader,I began nticing hw ther kids were separating int grups. I wasn't sure where I belnged. I fund it hard t fit in.
    Our teacher had assigned “secret friends” fr the cming week. She wrte each kid's name n a piece f paper and threw them int a glass;then we each clsed ur eyes and drew the name f a classmate wh we were t secretly befriend and supprt ver the next five schl days. By the middle f the week, everyne, including me,had turned this assignment int a cntest t see whse secret friend culd leave the best gift. We left cards, pens and even mney. It seemed that everyne was getting cl presents frm their friend except me.
    On the last mrning f ur assignment, I walked int my classrm and nticed there was a package. I pened the wrapping paper and inside was a bx f pwder(胭脂粉). The girls sitting near me laughed the gift I had received. T make matters wrse, the pwder had already been pened.
    I tried t frget abut the embarrassing gift, but when I was in the bathrm during the break, the girls wh had seen me pen the pwder started speaking ill f my secret friend f giving it t me. I quickly jined in “Hw terrible,”I heard myself saying “What culd my friend be thinking by giving me such a stupid gift? My grandmther wuldn't even want it. ” The girls laughed at my remarks and rushed ut f the bathrm. I stayed t wash my hands and let the water run thrugh my fingers as I thught abut what I had just said. It wasn't nrmal like me t say mean things like that abut smene.
    Then I saw my classmate Janet cme ut f a bathrm bth,tears streaming dwn her face.

    Alng with my aplgies,I explained the reasn.

    Then I saw my classmate Janet cme ut f a bathrm bth,tears streaming dwn her face. She shuted at me with anger,“If yu dn't want my gift, yu can just leave it instead f laughing at it. This is the best pwder frm my mum!” Befre I culd say a wrd,Janet dashed ut,leaving me dumb with deep regret. But sn I clenched my fingers and made up my mind t find Janet and say srry t her. There she was,sitting in a tree shadw wiping her eyes.
    Alng with my aplgies,I explained the reasn. I was nt a mean girl by judging peple's presents. The reasn why I cmplained in frnt f the girls was that I wanted t fit in,having a sense f belnging in the grup.Hearing my sincere wrds,Janet calmed herself dwn after cnstant sbs and said, “True friendship cmes frm sincere care and lve fr each ther. I think that's ur teacher's intentin f this ‘secret friend’assignment.”That day,I learned t cherish real friendship.
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