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高中英语人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 4 Journey Across a Vast Land优秀教案设计
选修二 Unit 4 Journey Across A Vast Land
1. 本单元由名人名言、游记、加拿大风景人文介绍、古今中外旅游介绍、视频等多模态语篇构成。
2. 本单元围绕“广袤的异国探索旅行”这一主题展开,属于《课标》明确的课程内容中“人与自然”这一主题群中“自然生态”这一主题语境内容中的“主要国家地理概况”。同时也涵盖了“人与社会”中的跨文化沟通;“人与自我”中的认识自我,丰富自我,完善自我。
Quote from David Mitchell
Seeing the True North Via Rail: Vancouver and the Heart of Canada
介绍Li Daiyu 和Liu Qian在加拿大的旅游所见
Talk about scenery and culture along a journey
旅游见闻 (听力)
Li Daiyu 和Liu Qian在加拿大旅游中所见所闻
Seeing True North Via Rai:Toronto and Montreal
介绍Li Daiyu 和Liu Qian在多伦多和蒙特利尔的旅游
Xu Xiake’s Guilin
1. 学生在初中阶段的已经储备了相对于同龄人较为扎实的英语学科基础。用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力较为出众。
2. 对于本单元的主题——长途旅行学生们很感兴趣。根据学情调查,了解到学生们对于加拿大的风土人情一直都是非常感兴趣的,学生有着强烈的愿望探索长途旅行这一主题。
1. 问题与不足:学生对于语篇衔接词意识淡薄。
2. 问题与不足:学生对于本单元的语法现在分词和过去分词学起来感觉难度较大。
3. 问题与不足:学生个体发展差异较大,听说读写各项技能发展不均衡。
发展路径:提炼学生长途旅行主题意义下的共同点:strong desire。以此为出发点通过多种活动引领学生在听说读写四个方面加强训练,提升技能,争取在学生的薄弱环节逐渐突破取得长足的发展。
1. 获取、梳理、整合长途旅行主题相关的信息。
2. 巩固提高听、说、读、写技能。
3. 观察文本,辨别现在分词和过去分词,理解其功能和意义,并在主题语境下运用到口头和笔头表达中。
4. 理解长途旅游在一个人生活中的重要意义。
5. 根据本单元所学设计一个自己喜爱的横跨加拿大的长途旅游路线。
Opening Page
Seeing the True North Via Rail: Vancouver and the Heart of Canada
1. locate details about the
rail journey by skimming and scanning the passage;
2. find discourse markers
and understand the function of them;
3. retell the four-day journey
and have evaluation;
4. compare different travel
airline, bay, antique, pleasant, arise, massive, literally, bound, awesome,
peak, highlight, goat, grizzly bear,
drill, anticipate, bunch, thunder,
frost, curtain, border, duration
take sb’s breath away, freezing cold,
a bunch of, bound north,
wheat-growing countries,
wide stretch of , all in all,
draw the curtain, beauty and charm,
admire the antique, bound for,
urban areas, commercial world,
a massive amount of money,
a pleasant evening, a mild winter,
an awesome experience
exciting, seeing, selling, pleased,
looking, passing, seen, amazed,
rolling, confirming
Reading and Thinking
Reading and
Seeing the True North Via Rail: Vancouver and the Heart of Canada
1. improve the awareness of collocation by reviewing the text and finishing some relevant exercises;
2. focus on four chunks and complete a short story with necessary discourse markers;
3. find some descriptive words from the text and use some of them to make a dialogue.
Listening and
Talk about scenery and culture along a journey
1. predict what will be heard
in reference to pictures;
2. learn to get some vital information while listening;
3. understand some idioms while communicating with foreigners;
4. talk about one’s own traveling experience and end the conservation naturally.
freeze, idiom, contrary, anyhow,
words fail me, as hot as an oven,
as flat as a pancake,
as far as the eye can see,
dead centre, kill time, you name it,
contrary to
Discover useful structures
Xu Xiake’s Guilin
1. deduce the rules of –ed and –ing forms in context;
2. compare the difference between –ed and –ing forms ;
3. use –ed and –ing forms appropriately in language output.
burning hot, reach full strength,
have fun, flow down, stick up into
the sky, explore the world,
a golden age of tourism,
visit temples
traveling, surrounded, sticking,
formed, leaving, giving, related,
fascinating, golden, climbing
Reading for Writing
Seeing the True North Via Rail:
Toronto and Montreal
1. predict content by referring to pictures and title;
2. draw a simple route on the map by scanning ;
3. identify the features of travel journal by reviewing two reading passages;
4. write an email to introduce the cousins’ trip.
proceed, shore, astonish,
mist, steel, advertisement, accent,
photographer, owe, toast
proceed to, in contrast to,
owe sth to, with wonderful sights
and sounds,
Astonished, old-fashioned,
rolling by, hear people talking, spend…visiting,
Watch a video and then give a presentation on competition for the best journey route
1. watch a video about Quebec and compare with one similar place in China;
2. have the awareness of team spirits by preparing for a competition;
3. practise spoken English by giving a presentation;
4. reflect on what have been learned .
by rail, on foot, by air, by boat, on a bicycle, supplies and equipment, an amazing journey, maintenance kit, a good backpack, bicycle helmet
1. What is journey?
2. What is a vast land?
3. What do you know about Canada?
4. What is your understanding of travelling far?
5. What benefits can journey bring to us?
6. As for the scenery and culture, what are the differences between ancient times and modern times? Home and abroad?
1. To accumulate and consolidate what they have learned, students need to draw mind maps for the theme-related expressions (words, chunks, sentences etc.) by the end of period 1, period2, period 4, period 5 respectively.
2. To promote students’ reading abilities, students have SSR(sustained silent reading持续默读) in the morning class every other day. (Some reading materials in workbook and some supplements which are related to the theme of this unit— Journey across a vast land are provided.)
3. To further students’ oral English, theme-related daily report is involved.
4. To further students’ oral English, theme-related daily report is involved.
1. Write a short passage to voice your opinion on rail journey in a vast land.
2. To introduce one of your rail journeys in a vast land by using two noun collocations from E1, two chunks from E2 and all the three descriptive words from E3. To make your story go logically, some discourse markers are needed.
1. To summarize what you have read and listened about Canada, write a short passage to compare your own experience of travelling with Li Daiyu and Liu Qian’s journey in Canada.
2. Among the four pictures, choose one of your favorite place to introduce in brief English. As for the scenery, please compare the difference between China and Canada. You may surf the internet to find necessary information. (at least five –ed or –ing should be included in your presentation)
1. Polish your e-mail and prepare for handwriting show;
2. Surf the internet and find more information about your favorite vast land to prepare for a presentation.
Project: Give a presentation to show your journey route across a vast land.
After class: do some extensive readings to broaden your horizon on vast land journey.
Supplement reading materials:
1. 2018年9-12月雅思口语新题范文:长途旅行计划
I’ve always wanted to go and see Niagra Falls near Ontario; well actually it’s on the border of Canada and the USA. There are three big waterfalls there and I remember seeing them in a documentary in TV when I was younger and I thought it was very impressive. It was my first impression of Canada.
I remember watching a boat do a tour of the Falls and it looked amazing as the people went really close to the waterfalls and the noise was incredible.
I’m planning to go with my friend. In fact we hope to go there next year because we have a plan to study English in Canada for a year and we’d love to visit Niagra Falls and lots of other places while we’re in Canada.
At the moment we’re researching possible schools to study at and all the different courses available but hopefully by the summer we’ll have made our final decision and organized our visas and everything so that we can go and live in Canada and improve our English. I think I might like to live there in the future.
There’s quite a lot to organize before we go, there’s a lot of documentation such as visa applications, medical exams, and some other official documents we need to arrange and send to the school we’ll be studying at.When we’re there we’ll obviously go and visit some of the famous places in Canada such as Lake Ontario, the CN Tower and of course Niagra Falls, so I think between our studies and doing some travelling and sightseeing in different parts of the country we’ll be busy most of the weekends and any other free time we have.
I think it’ll be a great opportunity to meet a lot of different people and practice my English as well as learn about living in a different country and culture. I’m really looking forward to our trip because I’m sure it will be really exciting.
Is it better to travel alone or with a tour group?
Everybody is different and they have their own preferences. As far as I’m concerned, either way, it has its pros and cons and one way is not better than the other. Some people say that traveling alone is unsafe and that they would never do it. I, on the other hand, disagree because traveling in a small or large group can be dangerous too. Yes, I agree it can be more dangerous traveling solo sometimes, but one has to take precautions like not walking dark streets alone at night, hitching a ride with a stranger, or staying in high-risk neighborhoods. The same goes when traveling in a larger group.
What makes a tourist attraction popular?
I never considered this question before. I need some time to think a little……umm. I believe it has to do with what the place offers. For instance, take Machu Picchu in Peru. Thousands of people all over the world travel there because of its historical background of being the “Lost City of the Incas”. In addition, it has breathtaking views and ancient ruins. Now take the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia. Thousands of people pilgrimage there every year for religious reasons. I’m sure there are other motives that make a place a tourist trap, but these were the only ones I could think of
What are the advantages and disadvantages of going on a vacation/holiday during low season?
Right off the bat, It’s definitely advantageous to go on vacation during the non-peak season because the costs for plane tickets, accommodations, and tour packages are less expensive. However, the weather may wreck havoc on your travel plans. I remember going to the beach one year during the low season and it rained almost every day. Another downside is that the local businesses might not be operating due to a lot fewer vacationers. Speaking for myself, I prefer to go on vacation during low season to avoid the crowds and high prices. I can find activities to do even when businesses are closed for the season.
I'm not sure if I know anyone who enjoys long flights — sitting too long in acramped area just doesn't feel
Also if youfind yourself unable to sleep, you may end up feeling bored for hours. Check out these items that'll help your plane ride be a little more smooth and enjoyable.
Cushion Your Seat
Sitting in a cramped space for hours on end can be uncomfortable. Get a seat cushion that will contour itself to fit your body.
Warm Shawl
It gets cold on the plane, and although a good cardigan or jacket will warm you up, a cashmere wool ruffle wrap is even handier because you can also use it as a blanket.
Peaceful Earplugs
Bring some earplugs with you, just in case there's a crying baby near you on the plane. They may also help with the air pressure during takeoff and landing.
Refreshing Mist
Riding in airplanes can take the moisture out of your skin. This Mineral Water Spray is definitely a travel
Book of Sudoku
Every traveler needs a Sudoku book to fight off boredom. The Mammoth Book of Sudoku will give you endless airplane entertainment.
Lavender Aromatherapy Set
There's nothing more relaxing than the scent of lavender, and this lavender neck wrap and eye mask will
surely ease your tensions on the plane. Once you're in your hotel room, you can even heat these up or chill them
in the fridge for an even more relaxing time.
Pick-Me-Up Spray
Staying in the plane for too long a period can make you moody and cranky. Uplift your spirits with this 12 Uplift Essential Oil Rollerball. The cheery smell includes rose flower oil, lavender flower oil, and German cham-omile flower oil.
Life-Changing Books
Lifechanging books usually takes more concentration and are longer reads than most books, because you have to take the time to soak in the words to really remember them. Long flights are perfect for those types of books because you have very little distractions and all the time in the world to read a book of your choosing. Skip the
quick romance novels or cheap thrillers for a book that will improve your life.
Baby Wipes
If you find it a hassle to get out of your seat to wash your hands, use the wipes to clean your hands before
the meal. Instead of using deodorant, you can even use these wipes to freshen up as well. It's great for your sensitive skin!
Media Players
Bring on gadgets that will be able to play all sorts of media such as an iPod, tablet, or laptop. You can listen to books, lectures, watch movies or TVs on the players.
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高中英语人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 5 First Aid精品教学设计及反思: 这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 5 First Aid精品教学设计及反思,共16页。