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    Here are sme things that yu can buy as gifts fr yur friends wh are birdwatchers.
    A windw-munted bird feeder
    One way t guarantee a clse-up lk at the birds in yur garden is t bring them all the way t the huse.This bird feeder is slidly built with strng suctin (吸) cups that yu can tie t yur windws,giving yu a gd view f yur winged visitrs.
    A pair f binculars
    Binculars are a birdwatcher's best friend!They wrk like tw small telescpes jined tgether,allwing yu t use bth eyes t see distant birds as if they were right in frnt f yu.They're perfect fr sptting feathered friends in the wild,whether the birds are high up in the trees r saring acrss the sky.When yu peer thrugh them,yu get a view that makes every little detail f the birds—their clrs,beaks,and even the texture f their feathers.
    The Rbin:A Bigraphy by Stephen Mss
    This beautifully illustrated bk draws readers int the mysterius wrld f Britain's favurite bird,the red rbin—a familiar sight in all winter gardens,but as naturalist Stephen Mss demnstrates,ne we hardly knw.Cmbining cnvincing strytelling with bilgical fact,Mss guides us thrugh a year in the life f the rbin,frm the mment it hatches frm its egg t its all t timely mrtality (死亡)— the rbin tends t live a mere 13 mnths,adding t its precius quality.
    A reusable thermal bttle
    Every gd birding expeditin needs a bttle f steaming ht tea.A reusable bttle decrated with lifelike drawings f classic British birds cmbines a natural aesthetic (美感)with practicality.It can keep nt nly ht drinks but als cld drinks.
    1.What d we knw abut binculars? ______
    A. They can attract birds t yur huse.
    B. They shw images in black and white.
    C. They can prvide detailed views f birdwatching.
    D. They're t heavy t carry fr birdwatchers.
    2.What des The Rbin:A Bigraphy tell us abut? ______
    A. The birth f a bird.B. The death f a bird.
    C. The quantity f a bird.D. The lifetime f a bird.
    3.Which gift may attract birds t ne's huse? ______
    A. A windw-munted bird feeder.B. A pair f binculars.
    C. The Rbin:A Bigraphy.D. A reusable thermal bttle.
    Lexi is just a little girl frm Canada wh fund herself in a heart-stpping situatin.It started ff as a nrmal car trip.Angela Shymanski,Lexi's mm,was at the wheel,navigating the tricky rads f the Rckies with her daughter Lexi and her baby Peter in the car.An unexpected animal ran int the rad.Angela swerved (突然转向) t avid the animal.Unfrtunately,their car was ff the rad,falling dwn a steep embankment (路堤).
    The crash was nthing shrt f terrifying.Angela ended up with a brken back.She was uncnscius,and unable t help her babies.Meanwhile,baby Peter's cries eched in the chas.But Lexi,nly five years ld,didn't freeze.Instead,she shwed curage that wuld leave many grwn-ups in awe.
    She quickly jumped int actin.The little girl,withut even shes n her feet,wrestled free frm her seatbelt and climbed the 40-ft embankment.Once she reached the tp,Lexi did everything she culd t flag dwn a passing car in rder t get help fr her mm and brther.
    Lexi's insistence finally paid ff.A car stpped,and the peple inside didn't hesitate t help her call fr emergency services.When the paramedics (护理人员) arrived,they fund Angela in a severe state,and her heart had stpped.Thankfully,they managed t bring her back.
    Lexi's dad,reflecting n the incident,culdn't help but be amazed by his daughter's bravery.He stressed hw imprtant it is fr kids t be prepared fr emergencies,shcked at hw Lexi remembered and acted n what she had been taught.It's a pwerful reminder f what kids can d when push cmes t shve.
    And Lexi's herism didn't g unnticed.She was awarded a Brnze Medal fr Bravery by the plice.But fr the Shymanskis,the real prize was being back in each ther's arms,safe and sund.
    4.What caused the accident? ______
    A. The tugh rad.B. The children's nise.
    C. A car that suddenly swerved.D. An animal appearing suddenly.
    5.What was Lexi's first mve after the accident? ______
    A. Putting n her shes.B. Managing t get ut f the car.
    C. Flagging dwn a passing car.D. Scaling the 40-ft embankment.
    6.What can we learn abut Lexi frm paragraph 5? ______
    A. Her heric actin deserved recgnitin.
    B. Her dad knew her daughter well enugh.
    C. She had learned hw t deal with emergencies.
    D. It was imprtant fr her t face sme emergencies.
    7.Which f the fllwing can best describe Lexi? ______
    A. Brave and hnest.B. Calm and curageus.
    C. Thughtful but stubbrn.D. Caring but naughty.
    A recent study reveals that flat-faced dgs,such as French bulldgs,have difficulty sleeping because f an unusual feature:their head shape.French bulldgs specifically suffer frm increased daytime sleepiness,prbably due t nt getting enugh night-time sleep.
    With their big eyes staring right back at the wner,and wrinkles rlled ver their nses,French bulldgs have sht up in ppularity in recent years.But their distinct features and small size cme with a number f health issues.
    The researchers studied the sleep patterns f 92 dgs accmpanied by their wners.They fund that cmpared with ther dgs,the flat-faced dgs experience a lnger perid f rapid eye mvement (REM),regarded as the stage f sleep with mst vivid dreams where the brain is active while the bdy remains still.Researchers said this was similar t the way babies sleep,suggesting that dgs,like French bulldgs,keep up the sleep patterns f puppyhd.Their night-time sleep is shrter and flat-faced dgs are als mre likely t snring (打鼾). "Sleep deprivatin is increasingly recgnized as a majr cause f suffering in dgs with extreme brachycephaly (短头畸形)," said Dan O'Neill,an assciate prfessr frm the University f Lndn.
    The researchers emplyed an electrencephalgram (脑电图) thrughut the dgs' sleep.They lked particularly at sleep spindles (睡眠纺锤波).They fund that dgs with brachycephaly had an increase in sleep spindles,which in dgs has been assciated with prer learning when it cmes t training.
    A researcher said, "We knw that sme f these dgs will sleep with a ball in their muth,and peple think it's cute,but they're actually ding it in rder t keep their airways pen." O'Neill agreed, "Many wners find this phenmenn very funny and pst vides nline shwing hw cmical their dgs are as they sleep with a ty in their muth r with their neck extended r repeatedly waking up t breathe during sleep."
    8.What may lend t flat-faced dgs increased daytime sleepiness? ______
    A. Their tendency t sleep with wners.
    B. Their preference fr daytime napping.
    C. Their shrter night-time sleep due t the head shape.
    D. Their habit f sleeping in uncmfrtable psitins.
    9.What d we say abut flat-laced dgs frm paragraph 3? ______
    A. They differ frm human beings in REM.
    B. They require less sleep than ther species.
    C. They're less likely t suffer sleep disturbances.
    D. They maintain puppy-like sleep patterns as adults.
    10.What des the increase in sleep spindles in flat-laced dgs imply? ______
    A. They have a strnger memry during sleep.
    B. They have a strng desire t sleep during the night.
    C. They are mre likely t succeed in hard training.
    D. They may face challenges in learning during training.
    11.Why d sme flat-faced dgs sleep with a ty in their muths? ______
    A. They want t have pleasant dreams.
    B. It prevents them frm snring ludly.
    C. It helps them maintain an pen airway.
    D. They enjy playing with tys while sleeping.
    Researchers have develped a rbtic sensr that cmbines artificial intelligence techniques t read Braille (盲文) at speeds rughly duble that f mst human readers.The research team,frm the University f Cambridge,used machine learning algrithms (算法) t teach a rbtic sensr t quickly slide ver lines f Braille text.
    The rbtic sensr the researchers used has a camera in its "fingertip",and reads by using a cmbinatin f the infrmatin frm the camera and the sensrs. "This is a hard prblem fr rbticists as there's a lt f image prcessing that needs t be dne t remve mtin blur (模糊),which is time and energy-cnsuming," said Parth Ptdar frm Cambridge's Department f Engineering.
    "There are existing rbtic Braille readers,but they nly read ne letter at a time,which is nt hw humans read, " said Ptdar. "Existing rbtic Braille readers wrk in a static way:They tuch ne letter pattern,read it,pull up frm the surface,mve ver,lwer nt the next letter pattern,and s n.We want smething that's mre realistic and far mre efficient. "
    The team develped machine learning algrithms s the rbtic reader wuld be able t "deblur" the images befre the sensr attempted t recgnise the letters.They trained the algrithms n a set f sharp images f Braille with fake blur applied.After the algrithms had learned t deblur the letters,they used a cmputer visin mdel t detect and classify each character.
    Once the algrithms were incrprated,the researchers tested their render by sliding it quickly alng rws f Braille characters.The rbtic Braille render culd read 315 wrds per minute with 87% accuracy,which is twice as fast and abut as accurate as n human Braille reader.
    "Braille reading speed is a great way t measure the dynamic perfrmance f tactile(能触知的)sensing systems,s ur findings culd be applicable beynd Braille,fr applicatins like detecting surface textures r slippage in rbtic manipulatin," said Ptdar.
    In the future,the researchers are hping t scale the technlgy t the size f a humanid hand.
    12.What is difficult fr rbticists t deal with in the reading prcess? ______
    A. Ridding f mtin blur.B. Teaching a rbt t learn.
    C. Prcessing rbtic sensrs.D. Fixing a camera n the fingertip.
    13.What des the underlined wrd "static" in paragraph 3 mean? ______
    A. Still.B. Fast.C. Clever.D. Lazy.
    14.What did Ptdar want t express in paragraph 6? ______
    A. The gd perfrmance f the rbt sensr.
    B. The prmising future f their research results.
    C. The factrs in making the tactile sensing systems.
    D. The way t ensure the accuracy f the technlgy.
    15.Which can be the best title fr the text? ______
    A. Technlgy t be scaled t the size f a humanid hand
    B. Rbts trained t read Braille at twice the speed f humans
    C. A great way t measure the perfrmance f sensing systems
    D. Machine learning algrithms expected t change Braille writing
    It's hard t please everybdy all the time.Whatever yu d,and n matter hw hard yu try,there will always be certain peple wh dislike yu.There are ften times yu can verlk them and g n with yur life.Smetimes,hwever,a persn's negative feelings fr yu might affect yur grades r yur ability t meet and get alng with ther peple. (1) ______ .
    Have an pen cnversatin
    This might be awkward,but smetimes the nly way t knw what is ging n r why smene has a prblem with yu is t speak ut straightfrwardly. (2) ______ .That means instead f saying "Why dn't yu like me? ",say smething like "I feel like there is sme tensin between us.Is there anything I have dne r anything I can d t help? "
    ( 3) ______
    If yu've dne smething t hurt r ffend smene and that is the reasn why the persn dislikes yu,the best curse f actin is t try t make it right.Clearly say the wrds, "I'm srry. " Be sure nt t say "I'm srry yu were ffended. " r "I'm srry yu felt that way. " r anything else that places the blame n the ther persn fr misinterpreting yur intentins. (4) ______ .
    Learn t let it g
    ( 5) ______ .Imprtantly,yu have t chse nt t allw the persn wh dislikes yu t influence yu r get yu dwn.It is OK t be disliked.Remember that even the mst ppular and well-lved celebrities are disliked by sme peple!
    A.Build self-cnfidence
    B.Aplgize and make it right
    C.Try t redirect feelings f anger by breathing deeply
    D.In these situatins,it might be time t deal with the prblem
    E.Instead,be humble and wn t the fact that yu've hurt smene
    F.It's OK t be disliked if yu've dne everything and are still disliked
    G.Try t express yur ideas with "I-phrases",which fcus n yur feelings
    16.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    17.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    18.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    19.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    20.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    As an assistant manager at a restaurant,I encuntered a heart-warming experience.One day,a father and his yung sn (1) ______ the restaurant and spent a very lng time lking thrugh the menu. (2) ______ , the father came up and started asking me abut (3) ______ because his sn was allergic(过敏的)t sme fd.
    At sme pint,the by,wh was prbably six r seven,( 4) ______ me a laminated(覆膜的) card that listed all his allergies.They were a lt.It was (5) ______ fr me t remember them,and I didn't knw what the seasning mixtures were,s I asked t brrw the (6) ______ s I culd g check.He (7) ______ , and ff I went.
    It (8) ______ that many f ur seasning and sauces cntained allergens fr the by.After much effrt,I fund a (9) ______ ptin fr him and tk extra precautins due t his meat allergy.The father was grateful and explained they had (10) ______ t find suitable dining ptins.This (11) ______ the beginning f a special cnnectin,as they became (12) ______ custmers,visiting at least nce a week.
    The psitive (13) ______ I received was a heartening reminder that thrugh genuine care and understanding,we can make a (14) ______ .It reinfrces my cmmitment t ensure that each guest's experience is memrable and that they can (15) ______ their unique needs.
    21.A. enteredB. deniedC. nticedD. checked
    22.A. FrmallyB. GraduallyC. ImmediatelyD. Eventually
    23.A. expensesB. ingredientsC. tastesD. quantities
    24.A. wrteB. drewC. handedD. lent
    25.A. interestingB. enjyableC. uselessD. impssible
    26.A. cardB. byC. mneyD. menu
    27.A. hesitatedB. agreedC. criedD. laughed
    28.A. came tB. lked likeC. ended upD. turned ut
    29.A. cleverB. cheapC. safeD. new
    30.A. struggledB. pretendedC. decidedD. frgtten
    31.A. designedB. brkeC. markedD. kept
    32.A. privateB. regularC. nrmalD. curius
    33.A. lessnB. presentC. envyD. respnse
    34.A. differenceB. changeC. senseD. prmise
    35.A. acceptB. prmteC. tailrD. dismiss
    36.N structure is as symblically significant r (1) ______ (cultural) imprtant t China as the Great Wall.Architectural (2) ______ (engineer)are part f a huge prject t repair this centuries-ld structure.
    Jianku (3) ______ (believe) t be ne f the mst rugged stretches f the relic.Sme f the mst dangerus wrk includes labrers hanging frm twering heights.With rpes tied arund (4) ______ (they) waists,repair wrkers spread cement n the wall's steep sides,while thers hld the rpes fr supprt. (5) ______ (survive) a fall frm the steep sides wuld be unlikely.A labrer explains (6) ______ he risks his life t make repairs t the ancient structure,saying that it is an hnr t be part f such a great cause,and it is very (7) ______ (meaning) t d s.
    Getting supplies t this part f the wall is als a demanding effrt.Because the path is s steep,dnkeys and mules must be used t transprt bricks,( 8) ______ can weigh as much as 150 kg each.The repair team ges t great lengths (9) ______ (keep) the principle f minimal interventin. "We have t stick (10) ______ the riginal frmat,the riginal material and the riginal craftsmanship,s that we can better preserve the histrical and cultural values, " said Cheng Yngma,the engineer leading Jianku's restratin wrk.
    Dear Julia,

    Li Hua
    38.Brad Hward,a Texas father,had enugh f his sn's disruptive(扰乱性的) behavir in physics class.Despite multiple warnings and cmplaints frm the teacher abut his sn's excessive(过多的) talking,the situatin didn't imprve.
    S,Brad decided t take matters int his wn hands and gave his sn,Bradley,a final warning.Brad made a bld prmise t his sn,saying, "Hey,if we get anther call,I'm ging t shw up in schl and sit beside yu in class."
    The 17-year-ld Bradley prbably thught his dad was just bluffing(唬人) and cntinued his chatty(爱闲聊的) ways.But when Brad received anther email frm the teacher,he knew he had t fllw thrugh with his threat.
    On the mrning f the imprtant day,Brad's wife wke him up and said,"Brad,it's time fr yu t g t schl."It struck him what he had said.He just culdn't but a bit regret,"Oh,n,what have I dne?"
    Despite his unwillingness,Brad was determined t keep his wrd and headed t his sn's high schl.
    The sight f Brad sitting next t Bradley in class was a surce f amusement fr Bradley's friends,wh fund the situatin ridiculus.Bradley,n the ther hand,was less than thrilled.
    He culdn't believe that his dad had actually gne thrugh with his threat.The embarrassment f having his wn father sitting beside him in class was enugh t make him regret his behavir.As the class started,Bradley culd feel all eyes n him and his dad.He culd sense the judgment and the whispers frm his classmates.
    "Hey,Bradley,it lks like yur dad is really serius abut this,"ne f his friends whispered acrss the hallway,trying t hld back a laugh.
    "Yeah,this is s embarrassing,"Bradley whispered,his cheeks turning a deep shade f red.
    But as the class prgressed,smething unexpected happened._______
    After schl,Bradley hesitantly apprached his dad with newfund appreciatin._______
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据A pair f binculars部分When yu peer thrugh them,yu get a view that makes every little detail f the birds—their clrs,beaks,and even the texture f their feathers.(透过它们,你可以看到这些鸟的每一个细节——它们的颜色、喙,甚至羽毛的质地)可知,望远镜能让观鸟爱好者观察到鸟的每一个小细节。故选C。
    (2)细节理解题。根据The Rbin:A Bigraphy by Stephen Mss部分Cmbining cnvincing strytelling with bilgical fact,Mss guides us thrugh a year in the life f the rbin,frm the mment it hatches frm its egg t its all t timely mrtality (死亡)— the rbin tends t live a mere 13 mnths,adding t its precius quality.(结合令人信服的故事和生物学事实,莫斯带领我们经历了知更鸟一年的生活,从它从蛋里孵出来的那一刻到它及时的死亡——知更鸟往往只活13个月,这增加了它宝贵的品质)可知,该书介绍了欧洲知更鸟的一生。故选D。
    (3)细节理解题。根据A windw-munted bird feeder部分One way t guarantee a clse-up lk at the birds in yur garden is t bring them all the way t the huse.This bird feeder is slidly built with strng suctin (吸) cups that yu can tie t yur windws,giving yu a gd view f yur winged visitrs.(保证近距离观察花园中的鸟类的一种方法是把它们一直带到家里。这个喂鸟器是坚固的,有很强的吸盘,你可以把它绑在你的窗户上,给你一个很好的视野)可知,只有安装在窗户上的喂鸟器可能吸引鸟到家里。故选A。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段An unexpected animal ran int the rad.Angela swerved(突然转向) t avid the animal.Unfrtunately,their car was ff the rad,falling dwn a steep embankment (路堤).(一只意想不到的动物跑到了路上。安吉拉突然转向以避开那只动物。不幸的是,他们的车偏离了道路,掉下了陡峭的路堤。)可知,事故的原因是一只意外冲到路上的动物,故选D。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第三段The little girl,withut even shes n her feet,wrestled free frm her seatbelt and climbed the 40-ft embankment.(小女孩连鞋都没穿,她挣脱了安全带,爬上了40英尺高的堤坝。)可知,事故发生后Lexi首先设法从车里出来。故选B。
    (3)细节理解题。根据第五段He stressed hw imprtant it is fr kids t be prepared fr emergencies,shcked at hw Lexi remembered and acted n what she had been taught.(他强调了孩子们为紧急情况做好准备的重要性,并对莱西如何记住并按照她所教的内容行事感到震惊。)可知,Lexi学习过如何应对紧急情况。故选C。
    (4)推理判断题。根据第二段Instead,she shwed curage that wuld leave many grwn-ups in awe.(相反,她表现出的勇气会让许多成年人敬畏。)以及第三段She quickly jumped int actin.The little girl,withut even shes n her feet,wrestled free frm her seatbelt and climbed the 40-ft embankment.(她迅速投入行动。小女孩连鞋都没穿,她挣脱了安全带,爬上了40英尺高的堤坝。)可知,Lexi在面对紧急情况时勇敢且冷静,最终她成功地救了她的妈妈和弟弟,说明了Lexi冷静、勇敢,故选B。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段中的French bulldgs specifically suffer frm increased daytime sleepiness,prbably due t nt getting enugh night-time sleep. (法国斗牛犬白天嗜睡加剧,可能是因为夜间睡眠不足)可知,扁脸狗白天嗜睡加剧的原因是由于头部形状导致他们夜间睡眠时间较短。故选C。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第三段中的Researchers said this was similar t the way babies sleep,suggesting that dgs,like French bulldgs,keep up the sleep patterns f puppyhd. (研究人员表示,这与婴儿的睡眠方式相似,这表明狗和法国斗牛犬一样,保持着婴儿时期的睡眠模式)可知,该段中提到的扁脸狗成年后仍然保持着幼犬般的睡眠模式。故选D。
    (3)推理判断题。根据第四段中的They fund that dgs with brachycephaly had an increase in sleep spindles,which in dgs has been assciated with prer learning when it cmes t training. (他们发现,患有短头畸形的狗的睡眠纺锤波增加,这与狗在训练中学习能力较差有关)可知,扁脸狗睡眠纺锤波的增加意味着他们在训练中可能会面临学习方面的挑战。故选D。
    (4)细节理解题。根据最后一段中的A researcher said, "We knw that sme f these dgs will sleep with a ball in their muth,and peple think it's cute,but they're actually ding it in rder t keep their airways pen."(一位研究人员说:"我们知道,这些狗中的一些会嘴里叼着球睡觉,人们认为这很可爱,但它们这样做实际上是为了保持呼吸道畅通。")可知,有些扁脸狗睡觉时嘴里叼着玩具是为了有助于保持它们的呼吸道畅通。故选C。
    【解析】(1)推理判断题。根据第二段"This is a hard prblem fr rbticists as there's a lt f image prcessing that needs t be dne t remve mtin blur (模糊),which is time and energy-cnsuming," said Parth Ptdar frm Cambridge's Department f Engineering. (剑桥大学工程系的Parth Ptdar说:"这对机器人专家来说是一个难题,因为需要进行大量的图像处理来消除运动模糊,这既耗时又耗能。")可知,机器人专家在阅读过程中很难消除运动模糊。故选A。
    (2)词义猜测题。根据第三段"There are existing rbtic Braille readers,but they nly read ne letter at a time,which is nt hw humans read, " said Ptdar. (Ptdar说:"现有的机器盲文阅读器,但它们一次只能读一个字母,这不是人类的阅读方式。")以及划线词后冒号后的内容They tuch ne letter pattern,read it,pull up frm the surface,mve ver,lwer nt the next letter pattern,and s n. (它们触摸一个字母图案,阅读它,从表面向上拉,移动到下一个字母模式,等等。)可知划线词意思是"静态的"。A.Still.静止的;B.Fast.快速的;C.Clever.聪明的;D.Lazy.懒惰的。故选A。
    (3)推理判断题。根据倒数第二段"Braille reading speed is a great way t measure the dynamic perfrmance f tactile(能触知的)sensing systems,s ur findings culd be applicable beynd Braille,fr applicatins like detecting surface textures r slippage in rbtic manipulatin," said Ptdar. (Ptdar说:"盲文阅读速度是衡量触觉传感系统动态性能的一个很好的方法,因此我们的发现可能适用于盲文之外的应用,如检测表面纹理或机器人操作中的滑动。")可知该研究结果是有前景的。故选B。
    (4)标题归纳题。根据第一段Researchers have develped a rbtic sensr that cmbines artificial intelligence techniques t read Braille(盲文)at speeds rughly duble that f mst human readers.The research team,frm the University f Cambridge,used machine learning algrithms(算法)t teach a rbtic sensr t quickly slide ver lines f Braille text. (研究人员开发了一种机器人传感器,该传感器结合了人工智能技术,以大约两倍于大多数人类读者的速度读取盲文。来自剑桥大学的研究团队使用机器学习算法教机器人传感器在盲文文本线上快速滑动。)可知,本文主要介绍了剑桥大学研究团队开发的机器人传感器,该传感器结合了人工智能技术,能以近似人类读者两倍的速度读取盲文。B项"机器人被训练以两倍于人类的速度阅读盲文"为最佳标题,故选B。
    【解析】(1)联系上文题。根据上文It's hard t please everybdy all the time.Whatever yu d,and n matter hw hard yu try,there will always be certain peple wh dislike yu.There are ften times yu can verlk them and g n with yur life.Smetimes,hwever,a persn's negative feelings fr yu might affect yur grades r yur ability t meet and get alng with ther peple.(总是让每个人都满意是很难的。无论你做什么,无论你多么努力,总会有一些人不喜欢你。很多时候你可以忽略它们,继续你的生活。然而,有时候,一个人对你的负面情绪可能会影响你的成绩或你与他人相处的能力)结合后文主要介绍了一些可以帮助你应对别人对你的负面情绪的方法。由此可知,D选项In these situatins,it might be time t deal with the prblem(在这些情况下,也许是时候解决这个问题了。)符合语境,故选D。
    (2)联系下文题。根据后文That means instead f saying "Why dn't yu like me? ",say smething like "I feel like there is sme tensin between us.Is there anything I have dne r anything I can d t help? "(这意味着不要说"你为什么不喜欢我?",你可以这样说:"我觉得我们之间有些紧张。我做了什么或者我能帮上什么忙吗?")可知,后文主要以"I"作为主语来替代"Yu",故G选项Try t express yur ideas with "I-phrases",which fcus n yur feelings(试着用"I-phrases"来表达你的想法,这些短语集中在你的感受上。)符合语境,故选G。
    (3)标题归纳题。根据后文If yu've dne smething t hurt r ffend smene and that is the reasn why the persn dislikes yu,the best curse f actin is t try t make it right.Clearly say the wrds, "I'm srry. " Be sure nt t say "I'm srry yu were ffended. " r "I'm srry yu felt that way. " r anything else that places the blame n the ther persn fr misinterpreting yur intentins.(如果你做了一些伤害或冒犯别人的事情,而这正是那个人不喜欢你的原因,那么最好的做法就是努力纠正它。清楚地说:"对不起。"一定不要说"很抱歉冒犯了你"。或者"我很抱歉你那样想。"或者其他任何将责任归咎于他人误解你的意图的话语。)可知,本段主要介绍了道歉和纠正错误。由此可知,B选项Aplgize and make it right(道歉并纠正错误。)符合语境,故选B。
    (4)联系上文题。根据上文Be sure nt t say "I'm srry yu were ffended. " r "I'm srry yu felt that way. " r anything else that places the blame n the ther persn fr misinterpreting yur intentins.(一定不要说"很抱歉冒犯了你"。或者"我很抱歉你那样想。"或者其他任何将责任归咎于他人误解你的意图的话语)可知,上文提到了不要说某种话。由此可知,本句是在说明正确的处理方式。故E选项Instead,be humble and wn t the fact that yu've hurt smene(相反,要谦虚,承认你伤害了别人的事实。)符合语境,故选E。
    (5)联系下文题。根据后文Imprtantly,yu have t chse nt t allw the persn wh dislikes yu t influence yu r get yu dwn.It is OK t be disliked.Remember that even the mst ppular and well-lved celebrities are disliked by sme peple!(重要的是,你必须选择不让不喜欢你的人影响你或让你失望。被人讨厌也没关系。请记住,即使是最受欢迎和最受欢迎的名人也会被一些人不喜欢!)可知,本段主要介绍了学会释怀。由此可知,F选项It's OK t be disliked if yu've dne everything and are still disliked(如果你做了所有的事情,但仍然不受欢迎,那么不受欢迎也没关系。)符合语境,故选F。
    【解析】(1)考查动词及语境理解。A.entered进入;B.denied否认;C.nticed注意;D.checked检查。句意:一天,一位父亲和他的小儿子走进餐厅,花了很长时间浏览菜单。根据下文"spent a very lng time lking thrugh the menu"可知,应是一位父亲和他的儿子先进入餐厅,然后浏览菜单。故选A。
    (2)考查副词及语境理解。A.Frmally正常地;B.Gradually逐渐地;C.Immediately立即;D.Eventually最后。句意:最后,这位父亲走了过来,开始问我有关食物材料的问题,因为他的儿子对一些食物过敏。根据上文"spent a very lng time lking thrugh the menu"可知,这位父亲花了很长时间浏览菜单。最后走过来问我有关配料的问题。故选D。
    (3)考查名词及语境理解。A.expenses开支;B.ingredients材料;成分;C.tastes口味;D.quantities质量。句意:最后,这位父亲走了过来,开始问我有关食物材料的问题,因为他的儿子对一些食物过敏。根据下文"because his sn was allergic(过敏的)t sme fd"可知,小男孩对一些食物过敏,所以询问的是有关食物材料的问题。故选B。
    (4)考查动词及语境理解。A.wrte写;B.drew画;C.handed递;D.lent借出。句意:某个时候,这个可能六七岁的男孩递给我一张覆膜卡片,上面列出了他所有的过敏反应。根据下文"s I asked t brrw the (6)"可知,男孩递给我一张卡片。故选C。
    (5)考查形容词及语境理解。A.interesting有趣的;B.enjyable令人愉快的;C.useless无用的;D.impssible不可能的。句意:我不可能记住它们,也不知道调料混合物是什么,所以我要求借卡片,这样我就可以去检查了。根据上文"They were a lt."可知,男孩的过敏原很多,所以作者不可能记住它们,于是要求借卡片。故选D。
    (6)考查名词及语境理解。A.card卡片;B.by男孩;C.mney钱;D.menu菜单。句意:我不可能记住它们,也不知道调料混合物是什么,所以我要求借卡片,这样我就可以去检查了。根据上文"a laminated(覆膜的) card"可知,男孩给作者递了一张卡片。作者要求借卡片。card是原词复现。故选A。
    (7)考查动词及语境理解。A.hesitated犹豫;B.agreed答应;C.cried哭;D.laughed笑。句意:他同意了,我就走了。根据下文"and ff I went"可知,男孩的父亲同意了作者的请求。故选B。
    (8)考查动词短语及语境理解。A.came t来到;B.lked like看起来像;C.ended up结果;最终;D.turned ut结果是,事实证明。句意:事实证明,我们的许多调味料和酱汁都含有男孩的过敏原。It turned ut that是固定句型,意为"结果证明;事实证明"。故选D。
    (9)考查形容词及语境理解。A.clever聪明的;B.cheap便宜的;C.safe安全的;D.new新的。句意:经过努力,我为他找到了一个安全的选择,并因他对肉类过敏而采取了额外的预防措施。根据下文"tk extra precautins"可知,作者采取了额外的预防措施,为小男孩找到了一个安全的选择。故选C。
    (10)考查动词及语境理解。A.struggled努力;B.pretended假装;C.decided决定;D.frgtten忘记。句意:这位父亲很感激,并解释说他们一直在努力寻找合适的用餐选择。根据本句的过去完成时态以及空后的"t find suitable dining ptins"可知,他们一直在努力寻找合适的用餐选择。struggle t d sth.意为"努力做某事"。故选A。
    (11)考查动词及语境理解。A.designed设计;B.brke打破;C.marked标志;D.kept保持。句意:这标志着一种特殊联系的开始,因为他们成为了常客,每周至少访问一次。根据下文"as they became (12)custmers,visiting at least nce a week."可知,父子俩成为了餐馆的常客,所以那一次就餐标志着一种特殊联系的开始。故选C。
    (12)考查形容词及语境理解。A.private私人的;B.regular有规律的;经常的;C.nrmal正常的;D.curius好奇的。句意:这标志着一种特殊联系的开始,因为他们成为了常客,每周至少访问一次。根据下文"visiting at least nce a week"可知,父子俩成为了餐馆的常客。故选B。
    (13)考查名词及语境理解。A.lessn课,教训;B.present礼物;C.envy羡慕;D.respnse反应。句意:我得到的积极回应令人振奋地提醒我,通过真正的关心和理解,我们可以有所作为。根据上文"This (11)the beginning f a special cnnectin,as they became (12)custmers,visiting at least nce a week."可知,这是作者得到的积极回应。故选D。
    (14)考查名词及语境理解。A.difference差异;B.change改变;C.sense意义;D.prmise承诺。句意:我得到的积极回应令人振奋地提醒我,通过真正的关心和理解,我们可以有所作为。make a difference意为"有影响;起(重要)作用"。此处指通过真正的关心和理解,我们可以有所作为。故选A。
    (15)考查动词及语境理解。A.accept接受;B.prmte促进;C.tailr定制;D.dismiss解雇。句意:这强化了我的承诺,即确保每位客人的体验都令人难忘,并且他们可以定制自己的独特需求。根据下文"their unique needs"可知,此处指定制顾客的独特需求。故选C。
    【小题3】is believed
    【小题9】t keep
    (3)考查动词时态语态和主谓一致。句意:箭扣被认为是最崎岖的遗迹之一。分析句子可知,believe与主语是动宾关系,所以要用被动语态;根据句意和下文动词的时态可知,本句要用一般现在时,所以此处要用一般现在时的被动语态,主语为Jianku ,表示单数意义,be动词为is。故填is believed。
    (9)考查动词不定式。句意:维修团队竭尽全力保持最小干预的原则。g t great lengths t d sth 意为"竭尽全力做某事"。故填t keep。
    (10)考查介词。句意:"我们必须坚持原始的形式、原始的材料和原始的工艺,这样我们才能更好地保存历史和文化价值,"负责箭扣修复工作的工程师程永茂说。此处为动词短语stick t sth 意为"坚持某事",t为介词。故填t。
    37.【答案】Dear Julia,
    I'm s srry t hear abut yur recent exam experience.Please knw that everyne has setbacks,and its cmpletely understandable t feel disheartened.【高分句型一】Remember,ne exam desn't define yur entire learning ability.(表示理解)
    It's during these tugh times that we must be kind t urselves.Take this as a learning pprtunity and believe in yur capacity t imprve.I have n dubt that yu'll bunce back strnger because yu've always been a dedicated student.【高分句型二】Stay psitive and dn't let this shake yur cnfidence.Break dwn yur study tasks int manageable parts and tackle them ne by ne.I'm here fr yu,and I believe in yu.Yu've gt this!(安慰并鼓励她积极面对学业压力)
    Yurs, Li Hua
    【解析】高分句型一:Please knw that everyne has setbacks,and its cmpletely understandable t feel disheartened.
    高分句型二:I have n dubt that yu'll bunce back strnger because yu've always been a dedicated student.
    38.【答案】 But as the class prgressed,smething unexpected happened.Brad didn't just sit there quietly,he actively participated in the lessn.He listened intently,raised his hand t answer questins,and even asked questins himself.Bradley culdn't help but ntice the surprised lks n his teacher's face and the nds f apprval.As the day went n,it became clear t Bradlley that his dad's intentin was nt t embarrass him but t teach him a valuable lessn. 【高分句型一】(描写了布拉德上课时的表现以及对儿子的影响)
    After schl,Bradley hesitantly apprached his dad with newfund appreciatin. "Thanks,Dad, " he said quietly. "I didn't realize that yu were trying t teach me smething imprtant. 【高分句型二】I knw the imprtance f taking educatin seriusly and respecting teachers.I realized that my attitude nt nly affected my wn learning,but als disrupted the learning envirnment f thers. " Bradley's dad put a hand n his shulder and smiled. "I lve yu,sn.Smetimes we need t learn in difficult ways,but I will always be by yur side."(描写了儿子的感悟)
    高分句型一:As the day went n,it became clear t Bradlley that his dad's intentin was nt t embarrass him but t teach him a valuable lessn.
    高分句型二:I didn't realize that yu were trying t teach me smething imprtant.

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