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    Our Summer Internship (实习) Prgram at the Natinal Gallery is intended t prvide a deep dive int the wrld f art.Our prgram is pen t all wh have a passin fr art and culture.Yur internship experience is mre than just an additin t yur resume —it's a summer that'll shape yur future in the arts.
    Highlights f Our Prgram
    • Yur summer with us is tailred t fit yu.We'll find the prject that matches yur interests and challenges yu t learn and grw.
    • As an intern,yu're paired with experienced prfessinals wh prvide guidance t enrich yur learning jurney and sense f belnging.Besides,yu'll becme part f an intern cmmunity where yu can share experiences,and grw cllectively.
    • We believe in making ur internships accessible.We ffer paid pprtunities t.eliminate financial barriers,ensuring that talent and enthusiasm are the keys t jining ur prgram.
    Prgram Details:
    • Duratin:Frm June 10 t August 9,2024.Full cmmitment t the nine-week perid is essential.
    • Hybrid Wrk Mdel:Yu'll fllw a hybrid schedule cmbining n-site and remte wrk.Expect t wrk n-site at the Natinal Gallery three days a week,with the pssibility f mre depending n prject requirements.
    Imprtant Ntes:
    • Applicatins must be submitted nline by February 29,2024.
    • All applicatin materials are accepted nly thrugh ur nline prtal.Direct email r pstal submissins are nt accepted.
    • If yu're shrtlisted,yu'll be cntacted fr a virtual interview.Final decisins will be made by late March/early April.
    Seeking answers t mre specific questins,please click here t visit ur cmprehensive FAQ page fr mre infrmatin.
    1.What is the Summer Internship Prgram intended fr? ______
    A. Helping the interns make imprvements in the arts.
    B. Training the interns t better design their resumes.
    C. Prviding life guidance frm prfessinals fr the interns.
    D. Offering the interns paid pprtunities t earn mre mney.
    2.What are the applicants required t d? ______
    A. Cmmit themselves t wrking the whle duratin.
    B. Wrk n-site at least three mnths at the Natinal Gallery.
    C. Send applicatin materials via email r pst.
    D. Submit the applicatin n later than Feb.29,2024.
    3.If the applicant has passed the qualificatin test,what shuld he/she d next? ______
    A. Attend an nline interview.
    B. Make a final decisin himself/herself.
    C. Seek answers n the given website.
    D. Visit the prgram's FAQ page fr the result.
    At every wedding I attended this past year,the event space has been decrated with family prtraits-black-and-white phts f grandparents,parents in 1970s hairstyles and family heirlms (传家宝) passed dwn frm generatins.
    As a child,I used t cry when lking at thse reminders.When my husband suggested making a slideshw f ur family phts fr ur wedding,I realized we barely had any.It was at that time that I understd just why these kinds f items inspired s many cmplicated feelings.
    My grandparents immigrated frm Pland t Cuba in the 1930s.During the Cuban Revlutin,their business and hme were shut dwn.The family came t the United States in 1968,leaving everything but a few pieces f clthing behind.My grandparents and mther respnded t the pain they had experienced by hlding n t things.
    Tday,when my mther cmes t visit,she still brings bags full f useful items even if we have plenty f fd.A full cupbard,a huse stcked with usable bjects,is the ultimate expressin f lve.
    Like many wh are privileged (幸运) enugh nt t have t wrry abut having basic things,I tended t admire the ppsite —the empty spaces f yga studis,the delightful feeling f srting thrugh a pile f stuff that I culd abandn.
    Nw that my brther and I have cme f age,my parents have bth expressed a desire t dwnsize ur pssessins.I went thrugh the things that mattered mst t me:the bks I lved as a child;the CDs made by friends;the cllege textbks I never remembered t return.They say that we can appreciate the bjects we used t lve deeply just by saying gdbye t them.But I didn't want t give any f them up because they filled with memries f a persn I nce was,and a persn that part f me always will be.
    4.The authr realized the meaning f family ld items when ______ .
    A. she was attending a friend's wedding
    B. she was preparing fr her wn wedding
    C. her family came t the United States in 1968
    D. her mther came t visit,bringing bags full f useful items
    5.What des the authr want t shw us by sharing her grandparents' stry? ______
    A. In the ld days,the elders suffered a lt.
    B. The Cuban Revlutin brught peple much pain.
    C. Sme ld items represent ne's precius memries.
    D. The yung shuld treasure tday's happy life.
    6.Why didn't the authr want t give up her previus bjects? ______
    A. They were the symbls f lve.
    B. They gave her a sense f identity.
    C. They reminded her f the ld days.
    D. They were n lnger available anywhere.
    7.What can we infer frm this text? ______
    A. Lst time wn't return any lnger.
    B. A picture is wrth a thusand wrds.
    C. Sme srt f stuff is wrth keeping.
    D. It's never t late t make a change.
    The American rbin (知更鸟) is the state bird fr Cnnecticut,Michigan and Wiscnsin because it is a very cmmn,easily seen and handsme bird with a beautiful sng.But it is nw facing extinctin due t the hidden dangers invlved in the use f insecticides,a chemical used fr killing insects.
    Insecticides is usually sprayed n lawns t kill the grass disease.The chemicals used in the US break dwn int nn-pisnus mlecules (分子) far faster than DDT did,but mst are still highly pisnus t rbins fr the time that they wrk n insects.Adult rbins hpping n a freshly-sprayed lawn get their feathers cated,and then if they hatch their eggs r babies,the pisn can be taken in,t kill the babies.
    Elm trees in the United States,like thse in Eurpe,are being attacked by Dutch elm disease.This disease is spread by the elm bark beetle.American scientists have attacked the disease by attacking the carrier.They have treated the trees with a chemical which kills the beetles.But the substance they use sticks t the leaves f the trees.These leaves are a basic fd f a certain type f earthwrm (蚯蚓) which is itself nt attacked by the insecticide.The wrms can stre up huge quantities f this pisn in their bdies.The rbin eats these wrms and is thus being pisned by its nrmal fd.The bird is already in danger f dying ut in sme areas.
    It is smetimes difficult t fresee side effects like these,which is why many peple bject t the use f chemical sprays.They fear that man may be pisning himself the same way as he has pisned the American rbin and ther higher rganisms at the tp f the fd chains.
    8.What is the carrier that spreads Dutch elm disease? ______
    A. The American rbin.B. The earthwrm.
    C. The elm leaf.D. The elm bark beetle.
    9.What d the American scientists use the insecticide fr? ______
    A. Killing the beetles.B. Pisning the earthwrms.
    C. Prtecting the rbins.D. Attacking the elm trees.
    10.The American rbins will die when they ______ .
    A. tuch the insecticide.B. tuch the elm leaves
    C. eat the earthwrms.D. eat the beetles
    11.What is the text mainly abut? ______
    A. The side effects f insecticide is endangering the rbin.
    B. American scientists have attacked Dutch elm disease.
    C. The rbin is dying ut in sme parts f the wrld.
    D. Many peple bject t the use f chemical sprays.
    Pliticians,business bsses,and ther types f leaders indeed tend t like speaking with their hands,but des the habit influence hw thers interpret thse wrds?T get t the bttm f it,a team f researchers frm the Max Planck Institute fr Psychlinguistics cnducted a series f experiments n vlunteers wh viewed vides f peple speaking with and withut hand mvements.
    After shwing the vlunteers vides f peple speaking under different cnditins,the researchers asked them questins abut what they had heard.Sme cnditins invlved the speaker stressing different parts f wrds in a sentence.Other cnditins invlved the speaker making varius types f hand gestures,such as pinting and sweeping mvements.The team recrded the vlunteers as they viewed the vide recrdings,questining the vlunteers afterward abut what they had seen and heard.
    Researchers fund that the vlunteers were mre affected by syllables (音节) spken with the cnjunctin f hand gestures:In 20 percent f the cases,the viewers were mre likely t have heard and interpreted the wrd spken with a hand gesture.Interestingly,hwever,vlunteers were 40 percent mre likely t hear the wrng sund when a mismatch between the wrd spken and the hand gesture ccurred.
    Bdy language expert Carl Gman said, "Studies have fund that speaking with yur hands really can change the view f yur character.Peple wh cmmunicate thrugh active gesturing tend t be cnsidered warm,agreeable,and energetic,while thse wh remain still are seen as lgical,cld,and analytic.In fact,a 2015 study that studied TED Talks,which psts internatinal talks nline,fund that the mst ppular speakers used nearly twice as many gestures as the least ppular speakers used."
    The research team said that their findings suggest that hand gestures are an imprtant part f in-persn cmmunicatin that have a direct impact n what the listener hears.Furthermre,they suggest that ur respnses t hand gestures may be smething we learn as we grw up.
    12.What's the researchers' purpse f ding the experiments? ______
    A. T examine the vlunteers' interpreting skills.
    B. Test the effect hand gestures have n speaking.
    C. T recrd the vlunteers' questins fr the speaker.
    D. T cnfirm the influence hand mvements have n leaders.
    13.What did the researchers find in the experiments? ______
    A. Hand mvements affected what the listener heard.
    B. The speaker stressed different parts f wrds in a sentence.
    C. Peple speaking with different hand gestures had different effects.
    D. The mst ppular speakers used mre gestures than the least ppular speakers did.
    14.What des the underlined wrd "cnjunctin" mean in Paragraph 3? ______
    A. Assistance.B. Cmbinatin.C. Disturbance.D. Interpretatin.
    15.What may the researchers agree with? ______
    A. Gestures can influence thers' view n ne's persnality.
    B. Understanding gestures is a must in every language.
    C. In-persn cmmunicatin helps interpret gestures.
    D. Respnses t gestures are learning behavir.
    Prcrastinatin is the habit f delaying,finding an excuse t pstpne,r aviding wrk that needs t be dne.Prcrastinatin can ften be used by peple wh want t avid the negative emtins f a task.In this way,they will priritize (优先考虑) their immediate feelings ver their lng-term gals.(1) ______ .If yu als struggle with putting things ff,try any f these tips t get yu n track:
    1.Get clarity n the gals.
    A cmmn reasn that peple prcrastinate is that they dn't have a clear idea f what is expected f them.Whether it's schlwrk r a wrk task,there is n use sitting and wrrying abut gals when yu can simply ask.Yur bss r teacher wuld likely rather yu ask a few questins abut the task than miss the deadline altgether.(2) ______ .
    2.Clarify yur pririties.
    Take sme time t get rganized.What needs t be dne and what desn't?What is the mst imprtant task?(3) ______ .The simple act can be an effective way f rganizing yurself and priritizing yur tasks.
    3.Start small.
    ( 4) ______ .Therefre,breaking it dwn int smaller parts can make it mre manageable.Like the 2-Minute Rule,there are many strategies fr breaking yur task dwn int smaller tasks that ensure yu can fcus n the deadline.It is a way fr yur brain t nt feel verwhelmed by the deadline.
    4.(5) ______
    Establish specific deadlines fr cmpleting a task.Then find smene wh will help yu be accuntable.Peer pressure wrks!This is the principle behind self-help grups.If yu dn't have anyne t ask,an nline tl such as Prcrustes can help yu t self-mnitr.
    A.Step up and seek supprt
    B.Wrk with a prfessinal anyway
    C.Try writing a list and creating sme structure
    D.Smetimes a difficult task is t stressful t begin with
    E.S asking fr clearer instructins is at the tp f yur t-d list
    F.A big task that we have put ff can lead t a cycle f shame and guilt
    G.This leads t many prblems that they have t deal with subsequently
    16.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    17.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    18.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    19.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    20.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    Eli walked t schl every day,a familiar rutine that never failed t bring him a sense f peace.The schl day (1) ______ with the bell,and Eli wuld walk hme,his (2) ______ ften included a shrtcut thrugh a vacant (空着的) lt where beautiful flwers and trees were grwing wild.
    One particular day,Eli's eyes were caught by a (3) ______ f blue in the ld maple tree n the vacant lt.A blue bird had flwn int the tree,( 4) ______ ludly as it landed n a lw branch.Eli watched as the bird flew up t higher branches and (5) ______ int the distance.
    With the bird gne,Eli nticed smething (6) ______ .The branch where the bird had been sitting wasn't empty.There was a bright red (7) ______ hanging frm it,swaying gently in the breeze (微风). (8) ______ ,Eli walked twards the tree fr a clser lk.It was a flat balln.Eli (9) ______ that ballns were a frm f (10) ______ and wndered what if a bird tried t (11) ______ it.He reached ut t grab the balln,( 12) ______ t thrw it away.
    But as he picked up the balln,Eli nticed a (13) ______ attached t it,which read "these beautiful trees are the hme f sme special birds.Let's d ur bit t (14) ______ them".Having seen this,Eli (15) ______ put back the balln and walked at a brisk pace twards his hme.
    21.A. startedB. cntinuedC. endedD. wrked
    22.A. ruteB. directinC. planD. gal
    23.A. blckB. flashC. leafD. light
    24.A. cryingB. shutingC. singingD. screaming
    25.A. fadedB. fllwedC. wentD. fell
    26.A. amazingB. familiarC. unusualD. imprtant
    27.A. ballnB. bagC. stringD. bject
    28.A. CuriusB. SeriusC. UpsetD. Scared
    29.A. saidB. knewC. fundD. cnfirmed
    30.A. tyB. giftC. litterD. material
    31.A. eatB. kickC. getD. take
    32.A. ceasingB. intendingC. hesitatingD. pretending
    33.A. letterB. paperC. nteD. pster
    34.A. preserveB. keepC. watchD. trap
    35.A. secretlyB. carefullyC. reallyD. ultimately
    36.Have yu ever been t Fshan city and visited China's statue f liberty —the 30-meter-tall sculpture f Bruce Lee?Bruce Lee,knwn as Li Xialng in Chinese,(1) ______ (intrduce) Chinese kungfu t the wrld thrugh televisin and film.In memry f him,artists in Fshan created this amazing and(2) ______ (attract) sculpture in 2010.
    The twering sculpture,which lks like a stp-mtin capture f Lee (3) ______ (d) ne f his explsive high kicks,tk mre than 100 peple six mnths t cmplete. "We hpe it can cmpete with the Statue f Liberty f the US,(4) ______ the sculpture f Bruce Lee,the Kungfu Gd f 1,000 Legs,(5) ______ (mean) t symblize Chinese wisdm,creativity and health." artist Shu Yng said.
    Bruce Lee was the first actr(6) ______ (bridge) East and West.His impact cntributed t(7) ______ shift in the verall culture f the West.Despite his shrt life,Bruce Lee challenged the(8) ______ (establish) cnventins,kicked dwn racial barriers and paved the way fr future film makers and actrs.His influence,(9) ______ in martial (武术) arts,filmmaking,r in culture,scial custms still remains in tday's(10) ______ (increasing) intercnnected wrld.
    37.假定你是光明中学学生会主席李华,为迎接第55个世界地球日的到来,你组织同学们举办了一些有意义的活动,响应今年世界地球日主题"Planet vs Plastics:全球战塑"。请写一篇报道投寄给English Frum.cm,内容包括:
    Planet vs Plastics—we are cming________
    In the heart f Silicn Valley,Ethan and Olivia,tw high-schl teens,fund themselves part f a big change:using AI in their studies.They were at a famus schl where they were cnstantly under pressure t be excellent,but fr bth f them,English,especially the writing sectin,was a cnstant headache.
    Ethan was great with analyzing but struggled when it came t creative writing.He fund it hard t put his thughts int wrds and his essays didn't have the emtinal depth that tuched readers.Olivia,hwever,was a natural stryteller wh culd spin exciting tales that kept her friends n the edge f their seats,but she wasn't s gd with grammar and sentence structure.
    One day,their teacher shwed them an AI helper called "WrdsAI".In the beginning,they dubted hw a machine culd pssibly understand the slight differences f human emtin and thughts.But as they tried it ut,they were surprised by hw well it understd what they needed.WrdsAI nt nly prvided real-time grammar and spelling checks but als ffered practical suggestins t imprve their writing.It even helped them develp their wn unique writing styles,and lked as if it culd read their thughts!With WrdsAI's help,Ethan culd express himself clearly and emtinally,while Olivia imprved her writing withut lsing her creativity.
    Hwever,their jurney with WrdsAI was nt smth all the way.With time ging n,Ethan fund Olivia started depending t much n the AI's advice,even using it t cme up with stry ideas,which made her lse her unique perspective (观点) ver time.Ethan was cncerned that she was cpying thers' wrk,s he suggested she shuld nt rely n WrdsAI t ften.This caused a disagreement between them.Ethan questined if Olivia was t dependent n AI,while Olivia argued that he was t stubbrn t embrace technlgy that culd assist them.
    After a big talk,they realized they weren't using WrdsAI in the prper way.________
    Over time,they figured ut hw t mix technlgy with their wn creativity in a harmnius way.________
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段Our Summer Internship (实习) Prgram at the Natinal Gallery is intended t prvide a deep dive int the wrld f art.Our prgram is pen t all wh have a passin fr art and culture.(我们在国家美术馆的暑期实习项目旨在提供一个深入了解艺术世界的机会。我们的课程对所有热爱艺术和文化的人开放)可知,暑期实习计划的目的是帮助实习生提高艺术水平。故选A。
    (2)细节理解题。根据Imprtant Ntes部分Applicatins must be submitted nline by February 29,2024.(申请必须在2024年2月29日之前在线提交)可知,申请者必须不迟于2024年2月29日提交申请。故选D。
    (3)细节理解题。根据Imprtant Ntes部分If yu're shrtlisted,yu'll be cntacted fr a virtual interview.(如果你入围,你会被联系进行虚拟面试)可知,如果申请人已通过资格考试,他/她下一步应该参加线上面试。故选A。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第二段When my husband suggested making a slideshw f ur family phts fr ur wedding,I realized we barely had any.It was at that time that I understd just why these kinds f items inspired s many cmplicated feelings. (当我丈夫建议为我们的婚礼制作一个家庭照片幻灯片时,我意识到我们几乎没有家庭照片。就是在那个时候,我才明白为什么这些物品会激发出如此复杂的感情。)可知,作者在准备自己的婚礼时意识到了家庭旧物的意义。故选B。
    (2)推理判断题。根据第三段My grandparents and mther respnded t the pain they had experienced by hlding n t things. (我的祖父母和母亲对他们所经历的痛苦的反应是紧紧抓住东西不放。)可知,作者想通过分享她祖父母的故事向我们表明一些旧物品代表着一个人珍贵的回忆。故选C。
    (3)推理判断题。根据第六段But I didn't want t give any f them up because they filled with memries f a persn I nce was,and a persn that part f me always will be. (但我不想放弃任何一个,因为它们充满了我曾经的回忆,也永远会是我的一部分。)可知,作者不想放弃以前的东西是因为它们给了她一种认同感。故选B。
    (4)推理判断题。根据第六段But I didn't want t give any f them up because they filled with memries f a persn I nce was,and a persn that part f me always will be. (但我不想放弃任何一个,因为它们充满了我曾经的回忆,也永远会是我的一部分。)可知,从文中可知有些东西是值得保存的。故选C。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第三段Elm trees in the United States,like thse in Eurpe,are being attacked by Dutch elm disease.This disease is spread by the elm bark beetle. (和欧洲的榆树一样,美国的榆树也受到了荷兰榆树病的侵袭。这种病是由榆树树皮甲虫传播的。)可知,榆树树皮甲虫是传播荷兰榆树病的载体。故选D。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第三段American scientists have attacked the disease by attacking the carrier.They have treated the trees with a chemical which kills the beetles. (美国科学家通过攻击带菌者来对付这种疾病。他们用一种能杀死甲虫的化学物质处理过这些树。)可知,美国科学家用杀虫剂杀死甲虫。故选A。
    (3)细节理解题。根据第三段The rbin eats these wrms and is thus being pisned by its nrmal fd. (知更鸟吃了这些蠕虫,因此被它的正常食物毒死了。)可知,美洲知更鸟吃了蚯蚓就会死。故选C。
    (4)主旨大意题。根据第一段The American rbin (知更鸟) is the state bird fr Cnnecticut,Michigan and Wiscnsin because it is a very cmmn,easily seen and handsme bird with a beautiful sng.But it is nw facing extinctin due t the hidden dangers invlved in the use f insecticides,a chemical used fr killing insects. (美国知更鸟是康涅狄格州、密歇根州和威斯康辛州的州鸟,因为它是一种很常见、很容易看到、很漂亮的鸟,叫声很好听。但由于使用杀虫剂(一种用于杀虫的化学物质)存在隐患,它现在正面临灭绝。)可知,文章主要是讲杀虫剂的副作用正危及知更鸟的生命。因此A.The side effects f insecticide is endangering the rbin.(杀虫剂的副作用正在危及知更鸟。)符合题意。故选A。
    【解析】(1)目的意图题。根据第一段Pliticians,business bsses,and ther types f leaders indeed tend t like speaking with their hands,but des the habit influence hw thers interpret thse wrds?T get t the bttm f it,a team f researchers frm the Max Planck Institute fr Psychlinguistics cnducted a series f experiments n vlunteers wh viewed vides f peple speaking with and withut hand mvements. (政治家、商业老板和其他类型的领导人确实倾向于用手说话,但是这种习惯会影响其他人如何理解这些话吗?为了弄清真相,马克斯•普朗克心理语言学研究所的一组研究人员对志愿者进行了一系列实验,这些志愿者观看了人们说话时有和没有手部动作的视频。)可知,研究人员做实验的目的是测试手势对说话的影响。故选B。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第三段In 20 percent f the cases,the viewers were mre likely t have heard and interpreted the wrd spken with a hand gesture.Interestingly,hwever,vlunteers were 40 percent mre likely t hear the wrng sund when a mismatch between the wrd spken and the hand gesture ccurred. (在20%的情况下,观众更有可能听到并理解用手势说的话。然而,有趣的是,当说的话和手势不匹配时,志愿者听到错误声音的可能性要高出40%)可知,研究人员在实验中发现手的动作会影响听者听到的内容。故选A。
    (3)词句猜测题。根据第三段In 20 percent f the cases,the viewers were mre likely t have heard and interpreted the wrd spken with a hand gesture. (在20%的案例中,观众更有可能听到并理解结合手势说的话。)可推知,此处是指志愿者更容易受到与手势相结合的音节的影响,所以cnjunctin意为"结合"。A.Assistance协助;B.Cmbinatin组合;C.Disturbance干扰;D.Interpretatin解释。故选B。
    (4)推理判断题。根据最后一段Furthermre,they suggest that ur respnses t hand gestures may be smething we learn as we grw up. (此外,他们还认为,我们对手势的反应可能是在成长过程中习得的。)可推知,研究人员可能认同"对手势的反应是一种学习行为"的观点。故选D。
    【解析】(1)联系上文题。根据前文Prcrastinatin can ften be used by peple wh want t avid the negative emtins f a task.In this way,they will priritize (优先考虑) their immediate feelings ver their lng-term gals. (拖延症通常被那些想要避免一项任务的负面情绪的人所使用。通过这种方式,他们会优先考虑自己的即时感受,而不是长期目标。)可知,此处是指这会导致他们随后不得不处理一些问题,所以选项G"这导致了许多问题,他们不得不随后处理"切合文意。故选G。
    (2)联系上文题。根据前文Yur bss r teacher wuld likely rather yu ask a few questins abut the task than miss the deadline altgether. (你的老板或老师可能更希望你问一些关于任务的问题,而不是完全错过最后期限。)可知,此处是指要首先把任务要求问清楚,所以选项E"因此,征求更明确的指示是你待办事项清单上的首要任务"切合文意。故选E。
    (3)语境衔接题。根据前文Take sme time t get rganized.What needs t be dne and what desn't?What is the mst imprtant task?(花点时间整理一下。哪些需要做,哪些不需要?最重要的任务是什么?)和后文The simple act can be an effective way f rganizing yurself and priritizing yur tasks.(这个简单的行为可以是一种有效的方式来组织你自己和优先处理你的任务。)可知,此处是指给任务按照一定结构列一个清单,所以选项C"试着写一个列表,并创建一些结构"切合文意。故选C。
    (4)联系下文题。根据后文Therefre,breaking it dwn int smaller parts can make it mre manageable. (因此,将其分解成更小的部分可以使其更易于管理。)可知,此处是指困难的任务会让人觉得无从下手,很难开始,所以选项D"有时一项困难的任务开始时压力太大"切合文意。故选D。
    (5)标题归纳题。根据后文Establish specific deadlines fr cmpleting a task.Then find smene wh will help yu be accuntable.(为完成一项任务设定具体的最后期限。然后找一个能帮你负责的人。)可知此处指抓紧行动然后寻求帮助。所以"A.Step up and seek supprt站出来寻求支持"符合语境。故选A。
    【解析】(1)考查动词及语境理解。A.started开始;B.cntinued继续;C.ended结束;D.wrked工作。句意:放学铃声一响,伊莱就会走回家,他的路线通常包括一条捷径,穿过一片空地,那里长满了美丽的鲜花和树木。根据下文"and Eli wuld walk hme"可知,此处是指放学铃声。故选C。
    (2)考查名词及语境理解。A.rute路线;B.directin方向;C.plan计划;D.gal目标。句意:放学铃声一响,伊莱就会走回家,他的路线通常包括一条捷径,穿过一片空地,那里长满了美丽的鲜花和树木。根据下文"ften included a shrtcut thrugh a vacant (空着的) lt"可知,此处是指他的回家路线。故选A。
    (3)考查名词及语境理解。A.blck街区;B.flash闪现;C.leaf叶子;D.light光。句意:有一天,伊莱的眼睛被空地上那棵老枫树上的一个蓝色的闪现吸引住了。根据后文"A blue bird had flwn int the tree"可知,此处是指一个蓝色的闪现。故选B。
    (4)考查动词及语境理解。A.crying哭喊;B.shuting大喊;C.singing唱歌;D.screaming尖叫。句意:一只蓝鸟飞到树上,落在一根低矮的树枝上,大声地唱着歌。根据下文"as it landed n a lw branch"可知,此处是指鸟儿唱歌。故选C。
    (5)考查动词及语境理解。A.faded逐渐消失;B.fllwed跟随;C.went走;D.fell掉落。句意:伊莱看着鸟儿飞到更高的树枝上,消失在远处。根据下文"int the distance"可知,此处是指消失在远处。故选A。
    (6)考查形容词及语境理解。A.amazing令人惊奇的;B.familiar熟悉的;C.unusual不寻常的;D.imprtant重要的。句意:鸟不见了,伊莱注意到一些不寻常的事情。根据后文"The branch where the bird had been sitting wasn't empty."可知,此处是指不寻常的事情。故选C。
    (7)考查名词及语境理解。A.balln气球;B.bag包;C.string弦;D.bject物体。句意:树上挂着一个鲜红的气球,在微风中轻轻地摇摆。根据后文"It was a flat balln."可知,此处是指树上挂着一个鲜红的气球。故选A。
    (8)考查形容词及语境理解。A.Curius好奇的;B.Serius严肃的;C.Upset失落的;D.Scared恐惧的。句意:出于好奇,伊莱走向那棵树,想近距离看一看。根据下文"Eli walked twards the tree fr a clser lk"可知,此处是指出于好奇。故选A。
    (9)考查动词及语境理解。A.said说;B.knew知道;C.fund发现;D.cnfirmed确认。句意:伊莱知道气球是一种垃圾,他想知道如果一只鸟试图吃掉它会怎么样。根据下文"that ballns were a frm f"可知,此处是指伊莱知道气球是一种垃圾。故选B。
    (10)考查名词及语境理解。A.ty玩具;B.gift礼物;C.litter垃圾;D.material材料。句意:伊莱知道气球是一种垃圾,他想知道如果一只鸟试图吃掉它会怎么样。根据后文"thrw it away(扔了它)"可知,此处是指气球是一种垃圾。故选C。
    (11)考查动词及语境理解。A.eat吃;B.kick踢;C.get得到;D.take带走。句意:伊莱知道气球是一种垃圾,他想知道如果一只鸟试图吃掉它会怎么样。根据上文"wndered what if a bird tried t"和"thrw it away"可知,此处是指伊莱担心鸟会吃掉气球。故选A。
    (12)考查动词及语境理解。A.ceasing停止;B.intending打算;C.hesitating犹豫;D.pretending假装。句意:他伸手去抓气球,打算把它扔掉。根据后文"put back the balln"可知,此处是指打算把气球扔掉。故选B。
    (13)考查名词及语境理解。A.letter信;B.paper纸;C.nte便签;D.pster海报。句意:但当他拿起气球时,伊莱注意到气球上的一个便签,上面写着:"这些美丽的树木是一些特殊鸟类的家园。让我们尽自己的一份力量来保护它们。"根据下文"attached t it,which read"可知,此处是指气球上有一个便签。故选C。
    (14)考查动词及语境理解。A.preserve保护;B.keep保持;C.watch观看;D.trap设陷阱捕捉。句意:但当他拿起气球时,伊莱注意到气球上的一个便签,上面写着:"这些美丽的树木是一些特殊鸟类的家园。让我们尽自己的一份力量来保护它们。"根据上文"these beautiful trees are the hme f sme special birds"可知,此处是指尽自己的一份力量保护树木。故选A。
    (15)考查副词及语境理解。A.secretly秘密地;B.carefully小心地;C.really真地;D.ultimately最终。句意:看到这一切,伊莱小心翼翼地放回气球,轻快地朝家走去。根据上文"Having seen this"和"put back the balln"可知,此处是指伊莱小心翼翼地放回气球。故选B。
    (5)考查动词时态语态和主谓一致。句意:"我们希望它能与美国的自由女神像一较高下,而1000条腿的功夫之神李小龙的雕像象征着中国的智慧、创造力和健康。"艺术家舒勇说。be meant t d意为"意在做某事",为固定搭配,此处描述现在的情况,应用一般现在时,主语sculpture是单数,be动词用is。故填is meant。
    (6)考查动词不定式。句意:李小龙是第一个弥合东西方的演员。动词bridge意为"弥合",名词actr被序数词the first修饰,应用动词不定式作后置定语。故填t bridge。
    37.【答案】Planet vs Plastics—we are cmingLast week witnessed a meaningful event held by students in Guangming Middle Schl,in respnse t this year's theme f Earth Day—Planet vs Plastics,whse aim was t raising the awareness f earth prtectin against plastic.【高分句型一】(活动目的)
    First f all,a lecture n why we shuld reduce use f plastic was given by an envirnmental expert,frm whm we knew what serius challenges frm plastic ur earth is facing.【高分句型二】Then,we scattered t the nearest park t pick up plastic bags,cups and dispsable bjects.(活动内容)
    The event was a great success and was highly spken by all the teachers and students.(活动反响)
    【解析】高分句型一:Last week witnessed a meaningful event held by students in Guangming Middle Schl,in respnse t this year's theme f Earth Day—Planet vs Plastics,whse aim was t raising the awareness f earth prtectin against plastic.
    高分句型二:First f all,a lecture n why we shuld reduce use f plastic was given by an envirnmental expert,frm whm we knew what serius challenges frm plastic ur earth is facing.
    38.【答案】 After a big talk,they realized they weren't using WrdsAI in the prper way.Ethan recalled each time he set pen t paper,he always turned t WrdsAI fr mre creative and vivid expressins thugh he cnsidered his great.As fr Olivia,it was a must fr her t check each grammar and sentence that she was nt sure f befre cmpleting the whle stry.Bth f their abilities declined but they never knew. "We have depended n WrdsAI t much.If we cntinue like this,we will lse the natural ability f writing!【高分句型一】" Hearing Ethan's wrds,Olivia agreed that it's high time that they shuld make a change.(两个人反思自己的问题,意识到太过于依赖WrdsAI软件写作)
    Over time,they figured ut hw t mix technlgy with their wn creativity in a harmnius way.Ethan had first finished his writing befre he tk advantage f WrdsAI t create a similar article.Then,he did sme research n hw WrdsAI managed t cmplete the writing,using specific vcabulary,which impressed him a lt.【高分句型二】Olivia tried her best t crrect all the grammar and sentence mistakes in the beginning and then referred t WrdsAI t crrect the mistakes.With time ging by,their writing capabilities imprved a lt due t the prper use f WrdsAI.【高分句型二】(两个人如何正确运用WrdsAI帮助他们在写作上得到提高)
    高分句型一:Then,he did sme research n hw WrdsAI managed t cmplete the writing,using specific vcabulary,which impressed him a lt.
    高分句型二:With time ging by,their writing capabilities imprved a lt due t the prper use f WrdsAI.

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