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    Events and festivals in Italy are sme f the main draws t this histric cuntry.The traditins,culture,and incredible art all cme tgether t prvide sme f the biggest and best events in the wrld.
    Carnival f Viareggi
    In 2024,the Carnival f Viareggi will hst six parades in February.What nce started as a simple parade with carriages in 1873 has nw turned int a large event,with thusand sat tending each year t catch a glimpse f the famus allegrical papier mache flats that twer abve the prmenade.
    Venice Carnival
    The 2024 Venice Carnival is bund t be ne f the best yet.The theme is travel and discvery with a celebratin f Marc Pl n the 700th anniversary f his death.Originating frm Venice,the 2024 Venice Carnival is all abut celebrating ne f its mst famed travellers.The icnic Italian celebratins take place between January 27th and February 13th with a hst f fantastic feasts,sensatinal celebratins,passinate parades,and captivating cstumes,transprting yu t anther wrld.
    Pali di Siena
    The Pali di Siena is a histric hrse race where ten hrses,each representing a different Siena neighburhd race arund Piazza del Camp.There are tw races each year,n July2nd,the Pali di Prvenzan,and n August 16th,the Pali dell'Assunta.While the races nly last less than tw minutes,it is the electric energy,prminent parades,and exciting celebratins leading up t the races that have kept this Italian event alive since the 1600s.
    Verna Opera Festival
    Each year between June and September,the Arena di Verna,a 1st-century Rman amphitheatre,basts a true celebratin f the art f pera with varius perfrmances.The2024 Verna Opera Festival takes place frm June 8th thrugh September 7th,prviding visitrs ample pprtunity t see sme f the mst famus peras in the wrld in the cuntry it riginated.
    1.When can yu take part in the event with a histry f arund 150 years? ______
    A. In January.B. In February.C. In July.D. In August.
    2.What is the theme f the 2024 Venice Carnival? ______
    A. Marking a famus traveller.B. Telling the histry f Venice.
    C. Prmting the culture f Italy.D. Sensing the beauty f carnival.
    3.Which suits thse wh want t see a hrse race? ______
    A. Carnival f Viareggi.B. Venice Carnival.
    C. Pali di Siena.D. Verna Opera Festival.
    My family visited the castal twn f St.Pete its pretty sandy beaches,deep blue waters and year-rund sunshine,it's clear t see why St.Pete is a ppular turist destinatin amng travelers frm arund the wrld.
    Just a few feet frm ur apartment,we fund urselves walking n white sand twards the bright blue cean.We were sn greeted by a man ffering us the use f ne f his luxury beach cabanas (小屋) fr the day at a very reasnable price and settled int a full day f relaxatin.The peaceful atmsphere was a true escape frm the hustle and bustle (喧嚣) f the city.It was s easy t while away the days frm mrning until dusk,enjying the warmth f the sun's rays and getting lst in a gd bk,befre taking a quick swim in the calm waters t cl ff.
    Once the sun set,there was a varius range f bars and restaurants t chse frm just a few steps away.The warm evening atmsphere was peppered with the muthwatering smell f sizzling freshly-caught fish.The nly hardship was trying t decide where t dine each evening with s many tasty ptins!
    After a while,we began t desire a bit mre adventure n ur trip which,t ur delight,we discvered was easy t cme by.On ne f ur utings,we tk a bat trip t the undisturbed island f Egmnt Key State Park.There we explred the ruins f a military utpst built in 1898 and a 150-year-ld wrking lighthuse.The island is als a prtected wildlife reserve.On ur return jurney,we were excited t discver we were being fllwed by ver a dzen dlphins,wh were taking turns t leap ut f the water playfully in the wake f ur bat.
    4.What made the authr's family select St.Pete Beach as the destinatin? ______
    A. Water sprts.B. The city's busy nightlife.
    C. Sme histrical buildings.D. The beautiful beach and weather.
    5.Why did the family decide t spend a day in a beach cabana? ______
    A. Because f sme fun activities.
    B. Because f a cst-effective ffer.
    C. Because f near histrical landmarks.
    D. Because f the distance f it frm their apartment.
    6.What trubled the authr's family when they chse a place t eat? ______
    A. Friendly atmsphere in each restaurant.
    B. High prices in mst restaurants.
    C. Diverse chices available.
    D. Family members' preferences fr fd.
    7.What added excitement t the family's return bat trip? ______
    A. The presence f a wildlife expert in the bat.
    B. Dlphins fllwing and playing arund the bat.
    C. The discvery f hidden treasures n the bat.
    D. A surprising visit frm sme lcal residents.
    Climate change is causing mre areas t turn int deserts.This issue is affecting the lives f 250 millin peple as land that used t be gd fr farming becmes dry and unprductive.Arund ne-third f the wrld's land is impacted,including regins in Africa,suthern Eurpe,Asia and America.
    Sand t Green is a Mrccan cmpany that can transfrm a patch f desert int a sustainable (可持续的) and prfitable plantatin in five years,accrding t Wissal Ben Mussa,its c-funder and chief agricultural fficer.The slutin is using agrfrestry (农林业)t create a new kind f agriculture that is sustainable and that can be resilient (有适应力的) in frnt f climate change.
    The system can be set up clse t any surce f salty water,which Sand t Green cleans using energy frm the sun.It then grws different types f fruit trees and plants tgether in the same area—a methd called mixed planting—and waters the plants' rts directly with the cleaned water,t reduce water lss t the air.The sil is regenerated using what Sand t Green calls "green manure",a mixture that includes cmpst,bichar(生物炭)and micrrganisms that help the sil "wake up".Bichar is a frm f charcal that can help dry sil hld n t water.
    In a five-hectare trial in suthern Mrcc that's been running since 2017,Sand t Green has tried ut a variety f plants in search f the best perfrmers.Amng the intercrpping herbs (草本植物) that have been successfully trialed are rsemary,geranium,vetiver and citrnella,which Ben Mussa describes as "very lw-maintenance and very high-prfit".
    Sand t Green is nw wrking t scale up t a 20-hectare cmmercial site,als in suthern Mrcc.It says a site f that size wuld cst arund $475,000 t set up and wuld start bringing financial returns in abut five years.
    Accrding t Ben Mussa,with this system they create bidiversity,which means better sil,healthier crps and a bigger yield.The plantatin can generate 1.5 times mre yield,thus making mre mney than a farm that grws nly ne type f crp in the same space.
    8.What phenmenn des the authr describe in paragraph 1? ______
    A. Defrestatin.B. Desertificatin.
    C. Glbal warming.D. Urbanizatin.
    9.Why did Sand t Green use agrfrestry? ______
    A. T preserve the crp's survival rate.
    B. T prtect water frm pllutin.
    C. T make a new type f sil.
    D. T help peple adapt t climate change.
    10.What can we learn abut Sand t Green? ______
    A. It aims t plant mre trees.B. It earns a gd reputatin.
    C. It develps new plants.D. It prduces gd results.
    11.What des the underlined phrase "scale up" mean in paragraph 5? ______
    A. Expand.B. Object.C. Refer.D. Prefer.
    A sugar replacement called erythritl (赤藓糖醇) has been linked t bld cltting (血液凝固),strke,heart attack and death,accrding t a new study.
    "The degree f risk was nt mdest," said lead study authr Dr.Stanley Hazen.Peple with existing risk factrs fr heart disease will be twice as likely t experience the risk if they have the highest levels f erythritl in their bld.Erythritl appears t be causing bld platelets (血小板) t clt mre readily.Clts can break ff and travel t the heart r the brain,causing a heart attack r a strke.
    Erythritl is a sugar alchl,a carb fund naturally in many fruits and vegetables.Hwever,artificially manufactured in massive quantities,erythritl has becme an extremely ppular additive t lw-carb prducts.
    The discvery f the cnnectin between erythritl and cardivascular issues was purely accidental.Hazen's research had a simple gal:find unknwn chemicals r cmpunds in a persn's bld.T d s,the team analyzed 1,157 bld samples. "We fund this substance that seemed t play a big rle,but we didn't knw it was erythritl,a sweetener until later," said Hazen.T cnfirm the findings,the team tested anther tw batches f bld samples and fund that higher levels f erythritl were cnnected t a greater risk f heart attack,strke r death within three years.
    "This certainly sunds an alarm," said Dr.Andrew Freeman,directr f a hspital in Denver. "Science needs t take a deeper dive int erythritl and in a hurry,because this substance is widely available right nw.If it's harmful,we shuld knw abut it."
    Hazen agreed,"I nrmally dn't get up n a pedestal (崇高地位) and sund the alarm,but this is smething that I think we need t be lking at carefully."
    12.Abut the risk,what des Hazen's wrd in paragraph 2 mean? ______
    A. It is nt wrth cnsidering.
    B. It is remved by erythritl.
    C. It shuld nt be underestimated.
    D. It is just present in peple with disease.
    13.What d we knw abut erythritl? ______
    A. Its quality is uncertain.B. It has been used widely in fd.
    C. It is manufactured by artists.D. It mainly exists in fruits.
    14.What can be cncluded frm the last tw paragraphs? ______
    A. Erythritl is nt available t peple.
    B. Hazen likes warning peple abut ptential dangers.
    C. Peple have realized that erythritl is dangerus.
    D. Further research shuld be dne n erythritl.
    15.What can be the best title fr the text? ______
    A. The Accidental Discvery f a New Sweetener
    B. The Ptential Health Risks f Erythritl Uncvered
    C. The Rise f Erythritl as a Ppular Sugar Substitute
    D. The Surprising Benefits f Erythritl in Diet Prducts
    We watch ur salt and fat intake t prtect ur hearts.We exercise and take calcium t prtect ur bnes.We use sunscreen t prtect ur skin.(1) ______ A lt.We asked experts what lifestyle steps peple shuld be taking t prtect their visin and eye health.
    Invest in quality sunglasses.Prtecting the eyes frm ultravilet rays(紫外线) is very imprtant.(2) ______ T shield yur eyes,wear sunglasses certified t blck ut 99 t 100 percent f UVA and UVB rays.
    ( 3) ______ Yu dn't have t be ding cnstructin wrk r factry wrk t need prtective eyewear.Gardening,yard wrk,hme repairs and sprts all pse the risk f trauma(损伤) t the eyes.It's estimated that up t 90 per cent f sprts-related eye injuries are actually preventable with prper eye prtectin.Experts recmmend wearing sprts r safety glasses with ply-carbnate lenses,which are a type f plastic that will nt easily shatter r break.
    Take a break frm screens.(4) ______ But staring at a screen can leave eyes fatigued(疲惫的) and may blur visin.Experts suggest fllwing the 20-20-20 rule:Every 20 minutes,take a break and lk at smething abut 20 feet away fr 20 secnds.
    Get yur eyes checked regularly.That means having yur eyes tested by an ptmetrist r health care prvider every ne t tw years.Dn't frget t see an eye specialist fr acheck up regularly,if pssible.(5) ______
    A.Stay away frm dangerus wrk.
    B.Wear safety glasses when needed.
    C.But hw can we prtect ur eyes frm screen?
    D.But what can we d t prtect ur eyes all year rund?
    E.Nt all eye prblems are nticeable,and all are best treated when fund early.
    F.It's ne f the biggest things in ur envirnment t have an impact n the eyes.
    G.There's n scientific evidence that the light frm electrnic screens damages eyes.
    16.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    17.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    18.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    19.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    20.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    I'm a teacher at a lcal high schl.One day,I fund myself (1) ______ a brilliant mment in the cafeteria.During lunch,I nticed ne f my (2) ______ Jasn hlding up his tray(托盘) with a cnfused expressin.(3) ______ , he was having truble deciding where t sit in the (4) ______ cafeteria.After sme hesitatin,he apprached a table where a few students were absrbed in their wn (5) ______ and asked if he culd jin them.They welcmed him,and he (6) ______ , lking cntent.
    Mments later,anther student apprached the table and asked if he culd jin them.Jasn seized the (7) ______ t intrduce an element f fun and challenge.He asked the by if he culd answer a riddle befre jining them.Interested,the by (8) ______ , and Jasn presented him with the riddle:"What has (9) ______ but can't pen lcks?"After a mment f thught,the by admitted he didn't knw the answer.With a mischievus grin,Jasn pinted t the pian in the crner f the cafeteria and (10) ______ that the answer was"a pian".The ther students(11) ______ .The table sn became knwn as the"riddle table",attracting students wh were(12) ______ t slve riddles fr the chance t jin.
    As a teacher,I culdn't help but appreciate the (13) ______ and friendship unflded during the lunch perid.It turns ut that smetimes,a little intellectual challenge can (14) ______ a randm cafeteria table int the httest spt in schl.Definitely a (15) ______ mve by Jasn.
    21.A. witnessingB. bringingC. prvidingD. explring
    22.A. teachersB. custmersC. studentsD. clleagues
    23.A. IdeallyB. ObviuslyC. MdestlyD. Literally
    24.A. fashinableB. splendidC. beautifulD. crwded
    25.A. prfessinsB. territriesC. cnversatinsD. situatins
    26.A. ran awayB. settled inC. stepped utD. lked up
    27.A. pprtunityB. emphasisC. advcateD. absence
    28.A. resistedB. calmedC. hesitatedD. agreed
    29.A. drsB. armsC. keysD. legs
    30.A. insistedB. revealedC. suggestedD. thught
    31.A. laughedB. expldedC. shutedD. aplgized
    32.A. cleverB. tiredC. eagerD. afraid
    33.A. creativityB. kindnessC. missinD. relatin
    34.A. ladB. injectC. feedD. turn
    35.A. curiusB. geniusC. suitableD. pwerful
    36.On Thursday mrning,Jasn Sean jined a lng line f peple (1) ______ ( eager) waiting t buy a cmmemrative Year f the Dragn stamp (2) ______ ( issue) by the US Pstal Service.He was amng the (3) ______ ( participant) wh waited at the Internatinal District/Chinatwn Cmmunity Center in Seattle,Washingtn,fr the first day f the issue ceremny fr the stamp.Sean said (4) ______ ( purchase) stamps t celebrate the Lunar New Year is a traditin in his family.
    Fr many Asian Americans,the Lunar New Year ffers the chance (5) ______ ( leave) behind the trubles f the past year and invite prsperity and gd luck mving frward.This Year f the Dragn stamp ceremny (6) ______ ( recgnize) the imprtance f the diversity and cultural significance Asian Americans bring t the United States and prvides Seattle with (7) ______ pprtunity t prmte the significance f the Lunar New Year.
    ( 8) ______ mre than three decades,the Pstal Service has issued stamps highlighting the Lunar New Year,and it has been sme f the mst successful stamp releases in the lng histry f the Pstal Service,( 9) ______ has varius wrkplaces in the United States,and its custmer base is as (10) ______ ( diversity) as the cuntry itself.This stamp is a great example that reflects the natin's rich,multicultural heritage and traditins.
    37.最近,你班围绕"Hw shuld we spend vacatin?"的话题进行了讨论。请你写一篇短文向英语校刊投稿,内容包括:
    Hw shuld we spend vacatin?______
    38.Hudsn is 8 years ld nw.He has a favrite little ty,a crcheted little ghst named Casper.The ty was given t him by his grandmther n his 5th birthday,and he has treasured it ever since.Hudsn lves Casper s much that he ften brings it with him wherever he ges.He even talks t Casper as if it's his best friend.
    One day,while playing with Casper,Hudsn turned t his mther Ruthie with a wrried lk n his face."Mmmy,if I shuld get Casper lst,I wuld cry s much and be sad frever,"he cnfessed,tears welling up in his eyes.
    Ruthie culdn't help but smile at her sn's inncence and affectin fr his little ty.She gently reassured him, "Yu haven't lst Casper yet,sweetheart.Yu take gd care f it,and I'm sure yu wn't lse it.But even if yu d,remember that I'll always be here t cmfrt yu."
    Curisity sparked in Hudsn's eyes as he listened t his mther's wrds.He lked up at her with a serius expressin and asked,"Mmmy,have yu ever lst a ty?"
    Lking at her lvely kid,Ruthie shared her stry with her sn.When she was six years ld,her wrld turned upside dwn when her father tragically passed away.Their family was in truble,and they faced financial struggles.Ruthie's mther had t take up dd jbs t make ends meet,and they had t mve frequently t save mney.
    During ne f her mves,she fund that every ne f her favrite girl tys was missing,including Mlly,an American Girl dll.Everywhere she went,she wuld bring the dll and she was bsessed with it.
    After hearing his mther's stry,the by hugged his mther tightly,withut saying anything.
    Days turned int weeks,and sn it was New Year's Day.______
    Ruthie carefully unwrapped the gift bx.______
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据Carnival f Viareggi部分的In 2024,the Carnival f Viareggi will hst six parades in February.What nce started as a simple parade with carriages in 1873 has nw turned int a large event(2024年,Viareggi狂欢节将在2月举办6场游行。1873年一开始只是一个简单的马车游行,现在已经变成了一个大型活动),可知在二月举办的Viareggi狂欢节从1873年开始,有大概150年的历史,所以你在二月可以参加有150年历史的活动,故选B。
    (2)细节理解题。根据Venice Carnival部分的The theme is travel and discvery with a celebratin f Marc Pl n the 700th anniversary f his death.Originating frm Venice,the 2024 Venice Carnival is all abut celebrating ne f its mst famed travellers(主题是旅行和发现,纪念马可波罗逝世700周年。起源于威尼斯,2024年的威尼斯狂欢节是为了庆祝威尼斯最著名的旅行家之一),可知2024年威尼斯狂欢节的主题是纪念一个著名的旅行家,故选A。
    (3)细节理解题。根据Pali di Siena部分的The Pali di Siena is a histric hrse race where ten hrses,each representing a different Siena neighburhd race arund Piazza del Camp(锡耶纳赛马是一场历史悠久的赛马比赛,十匹马,每匹马代表锡耶纳不同的街区,围绕着坎波广场比赛),可知Pali di Siena适合那些想看赛马的人,故选C。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段的My family visited the castal twn f St.Pete Beach.With its pretty sandy beaches,deep blue waters and year-rund sunshine,it's clear t see why St.Pete is a ppular turist destinatin amng travelers frm arund the wrld(我的家人去了海滨小镇圣彼得海滩。有着美丽的沙滩、深蓝的海水和全年的阳光,这就是为什么圣彼得是世界各地游客的热门旅游目的地)可知,因为St.Pete Beach拥有美丽的沙滩和良好的天气,所以作者一家选择到这里度假。故选D。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第二段的We were sn greeted by a man ffering us the use f ne f his luxury beach cabanas (小屋) fr the day at a very reasnable price and settled int a full day f relaxatin(很快,迎接我们的是一位男士,他以非常合理的价格为我们提供了一天的豪华海滩小屋,让我们放松了一整天)可知,因为小屋的主人给了一个经济实惠的报价,所以作者一家选择在沙滩小屋度过一天。故选B。
    (3)细节理解题。根据第三段的The nly hardship was trying t decide where t dine each evening with s many tasty ptins(唯一的困难是决定每天晚上在哪里吃饭,有这么多美味的选择)可知,因为有太多美味的食物可选择,所以他们很难决定去哪里吃饭。故选C。
    (4)细节理解题。根据最后一段的On ur return jurney,we were excited t discver we were being fllwed by ver a dzen dlphins,wh were taking turns t leap ut f the water playfully in the wake f ur bat(在我们的回程中,我们很兴奋地发现身后跟着十几只海豚,它们在我们的船后面轮流顽皮地跳出水面)可知,有十几只海豚跟在他们船后嬉戏给全家的返航之旅增加了多少乐趣。故选B。
    本文是一篇记叙文。文章描述了作者一家去St.Pete Beach度假的经历。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段Climate change is causing mre areas t turn int deserts.This issue is affecting the lives f 250 millin peple as land that used t be gd fr farming becmes dry and unprductive.Arund ne-third f the wrld's land is impacted,including regins in Africa,suthern Eurpe,Asia and America.(气候变化导致越来越多的地区变成沙漠。这一问题正在影响2.5亿人的生活,因为过去适合耕种的土地变得干旱和贫瘠。全球约三分之一的土地受到影响,包括非洲、南欧、亚洲和美洲地区。)可知,作者在第一段描述了沙漠化的现象。故选B项。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第二段The slutin is using agrfrestry(农林业)t create a new kind f agriculture that is sustainable and that can be resilient(有适应力的)in frnt f climate change.(解决方案是利用农林业来创造一种可持续的新型农业,这种农业可以在气候变化面前具有弹性。)以及第三段The sil is regenerated using what Sand t Green calls "green manure",a mixture that includes cmpst,bichar(生物炭)and micrrganisms that help the sil "wake up".(土壤的再生使用"从沙到绿"所谓的"绿肥",这是一种混合物,包括堆肥、生物炭和微生物,可以帮助土壤"苏醒"。)可知,沙改绿采用农林业是因为可以保持作物的存活率。选项A.T preserve the crp's survival rate.(为了保持作物的存活率)符合题意。故选A项。
    (3)推理判断题。根据第四段Amng the intercrpping herbs(草本植物)that have been successfully trialed are rsemary,geranium,vetiver and citrnella,which Ben Mussa describes as "very lw-maintenance and very high-prfit".(在已成功试验的间作草药中,有迷迭香、天竺葵、香根草和香茅,本•穆萨称这些草药"维护成本低,利润高"。)可推知,从沙到绿,我们能了解到它产生了良好的效果。故选D项。
    (4)词义猜测题。根据第五段It says a site f that size wuld cst arund $475,000 t set up and wuld start bringing financial returns in abut five years.(该公司表示,这种规模的网站将花费约47.5万美元来建立,并将在大约五年内开始带来经济回报。)由此可知,此处为"从沙到绿"目前正在努力扩大到20公顷的商业用地。故可猜测划线短语scale up为"扩大"的意思,结合选项A项Expand"扩大"意思一致。A.Expand扩大;B.Object反对;C.Refer参考;D.Prefer更喜欢。故选A项。
    【解析】(1)推理判断题。根据第二段"The degree f risk was nt mdest," said lead study authr Dr.Stanley Hazen.Peple with existing risk factrs fr heart disease will be twice as likely t experience the risk if they have the highest levels f erythritl in their bld.Erythritl appears t be causing bld platelets(血小板)t clt mre readily.Clts can break ff and travel t the heart r the brain,causing a heart attack r a strke.(该研究的主要作者斯坦利•哈森博士说:"风险程度并不低。"如果血液中赤藓糖醇的含量达到最高水平,有心脏病风险因素的人患心脏病的可能性会增加一倍。赤藓糖醇似乎能使血小板更容易凝结。血块会破裂并进入心脏或大脑,导致心脏病发作或中风。)可推知,关于风险,哈森在第二段的话是为了表明它不应被低估。选项C.It shuld nt be underestimated.(不应低估这一点)符合题意。故选C项。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第三段Erythritl is a sugar alchl,a carb fund naturally in many fruits and vegetables.Hwever,artificially manufactured in massive quantities,erythritl has becme an extremely ppular additive t lw-carb prducts.(赤藓糖醇是一种糖醇,是一种存在于许多水果和蔬菜中的天然碳水化合物。然而,大量人工制造的赤藓糖醇已经成为一种非常受欢迎的低碳水化合物产品添加剂。)可知,赤藓糖醇它被广泛应用于食品中。选项B.It has been used widely in fd.(它已广泛用于食品中)符合题意。故选B项。
    (3)推理判断题。根据倒数第二段"This certainly sunds an alarm," said Dr.Andrew Freeman,directr f a hspital in Denver. "Science needs t take a deeper dive int erythritl and in a hurry,because this substance is widely available right nw.If it's harmful,we shuld knw abut it."(丹佛一家医院的院长安德鲁•弗里曼博士说:"这无疑敲响了警钟。""科学需要对赤藓糖醇进行更深入的研究,而且要抓紧时间,因为这种物质现在已经广泛存在。如果它有害,我们应该知道它。")可推知,科学应该对赤藓糖醇进行进一步的研究。故选D项。
    (4)标题归纳题。根据文章大意以及第一段A sugar replacement called erythritl(赤藓糖醇)has been linked t bld cltting(血液凝固),strke,heart attack and death,accrding t a new study.(一项新的研究表明,一种名为赤藓糖醇的糖替代品与血液凝固、中风、心脏病发作和死亡有关。)可知,文章主要讲的是研究表明,一种名为赤藓糖醇的糖替代品与血液凝固、中风、心脏病发作和死亡有关。故文章最好的标题是"发现赤藓糖醇的潜在健康风险"。故选B项。
    【解析】(1)语境衔接题。根据前句We use sunscreen t prtect ur skin(我们使用防晒霜来保护我们的皮肤)以及后句A lt(很多),可知表示"但是我们一年四季都能做些什么来保护我们的眼睛呢"的选项D可以承接上文"用保护"的话题,说明我们能很多事做来保护我们的眼睛,故选D。
    (2)联系上文题。根据前句Prtecting the eyes frm ultravilet rays(紫外线) is very imprtant(保护眼睛免受紫外线照射是非常重要的),可知表示"这是我们环境中对眼睛产生影响最大的因素之一"的选项F可以承接上文,介绍紫外线是环境中对眼睛产生影响最大的因素之一,故选F。
    (3)主题判断题。根据后句Yu dn't have t be ding cnstructin wrk r factry wrk t need prtective eyewear.Gardening,yard wrk,hme repairs and sprts all pse the risk f trauma(损伤) t the eyes.It's estimated that up t 90 per cent f sprts-related eye injuries are actually preventable with prper eye prtectin.Experts recmmend wearing sprts r safety glasses with ply-carbnate lenses,which are a type f plastic that will nt easily shatter r break(你不需要做建筑工作或工厂工作就需要防护眼镜。园艺、庭院作业、家庭维修和运动都会对眼睛造成创伤。据估计,通过适当的眼部保护,高达90%的运动相关眼部损伤实际上是可以预防的。专家建议佩戴带有聚碳酸酯镜片的运动或安全眼镜,聚碳酸酯是一种不容易破碎或破裂的塑料),可知表示"必要时佩戴安全眼镜"的选项B可以作为本段的主题句,介绍佩戴安全眼镜的必要性,故选B。
    (4)联系下文题。根据后句But staring at a screen can leave eyes fatigued(疲惫的) and may blur visin(但是盯着屏幕会让眼睛疲劳,并可能模糊视力),可知表示"没有科学证据表明电子屏幕发出的光会损害眼睛"的选项G可以引出下文,构成转折关系,故选G。
    (5)联系上文题。根据前句Dn't frget t see an eye specialist fr acheck up regularly,if pssible(如果可能的话,别忘了定期去看眼科专家检查),可知表示"并不是所有的眼部问题都是显而易见的,所有的问题都在早期发现时得到了最好的治疗"的选项E可以承接上文,介绍定期去看眼科专家检查的重要性,故选E。
    【解析】(1)考查动词及语境理解。A.witnessing目击;B.bringing带来;C.prviding提供;D.explring探索。句意:有一天,我发现自己在自助餐厅见证了一个辉煌的时刻。根据下文"a brilliant mment in the cafeteria."可知,作者见证了一个辉煌的时刻。故选A。
    (2)考查名词及语境理解。A.teachers老师;B.custmers顾客;C.students学生;D.clleagues同事。句意:午餐时,我注意到我的一个学生杰森带着一种困惑的表情拿着他的盘子。根据上文"I'm a teacher at a lcal high schl."和下文"he apprached a table where a few students"可知,Jasn是作者的学生。故选C。
    (3)考查副词及语境理解。A.Ideally理想地,理论上;B.Obviusly明显地;C.Mdestly谦虚地;D.Literally字面上。句意:显然,他在拥挤的自助餐厅里找不到座位。根据下文"he was having truble deciding where t sit"和"After sme hesitatin"可知,显然,他找不到座位。故选B。
    (4)考查形容词及语境理解。A.fashinable时尚的;B.splendid壮观的;C.beautiful美丽的;D.crwded拥挤的。句意:显然,他在拥挤的自助餐厅里找不到座位。根据下文"Mments later,anther student apprached the table and asked if he culd jin them."可知,食堂很拥挤,没有很多空余的座位。故选D。
    (5)考查名词及语境理解。A.prfessins职业;B.territries领土;C.cnversatins谈话;D.situatins情况。句意:犹豫了一阵之后,他走近一张桌子,那里有几个学生正在全神贯注地交谈,他问他是否可以加入他们。根据下文"asked if he culd jin them"可知,那几个学生正在交谈。故选C。
    (6)考查动词短语及语境理解。A.ran away逃跑;B.settled in定居,安顿下来;C.stepped ut离开,退出;D.lked up查阅,向上看。句意:他们欢迎他,他安顿下来,看起来很满足。根据上文"They welcmed him"可知,他找到座位安顿下来。故选B。
    (7)考查名词及语境理解。A.pprtunity机会;B.emphasis强调,重点;C.advcate拥护者,支持者;D.absence缺席。句意:Jasn抓住机会引入了有趣和挑战的元素。根据下文"He asked the by if he culd answer a riddle befre jining them."可知,Jasn让那个男孩猜谜语,因此是抓住机会引入有趣和挑战的元素。故选A。
    (8)考查动词及语境理解。A.resisted抵制;B.calmed使平静下来;C.hesitated犹豫;D.agreed同意。句意:男孩很感兴趣,同意了,杰森给他出了一个谜语:"什么东西有钥匙却打不开锁?"根据下文"Jasn presented him with the riddle"可知,男孩同意了Jasn的提议。故选D。
    (9)考查名词及语境理解。A.drs门;B.arms手臂;C.keys琴键,钥匙;D.legs腿。句意:男孩很感兴趣,同意了,杰森给他出了一个谜语:"什么东西有钥匙却打不开锁?"根据下文"that the answer was"a pian""可知,此处的谜语是"什么东西有钥匙却打不开锁?"key也有琴键的意思。故选C。
    (10)考查动词及语境理解。A.insisted坚持;B.revealed揭露;C.suggested建议;D.thught认为。句意:杰森调皮地笑了笑,指着餐厅角落里的钢琴,说答案是"钢琴"。根据上文"After a mment f thught,the by admitted he didn't knw the answer."可知,Jasn揭开谜底。故选B。
    (11)考查动词及语境理解。A.laughed笑;B.explded爆炸;C.shuted喊叫;D.aplgized道歉。句意:其他学生都笑了。根据下文"The table sn became knwn as the "riddle table",attracting students"可知,猜谜语的游戏吸引了很多学生,因此其他学生觉得有趣,笑了。故选A。
    (12)考查形容词及语境理解。A.clever聪明的;B.tired劳累的;C.eager渴望的;D.afraid害怕的。句意:这张桌子很快就被称为"谜语桌",吸引了渴望猜谜的学生加入。根据下文"t slve riddles fr the chance t jin"可知,此处表示猜谜语游戏吸引了很多渴望参加的学生。故选C。
    (13)考查名词及语境理解。A.creativity创造力;B.kindness善良;C.missin使命,任务;D.relatin关系。句意:作为一名教师,我不禁欣赏午餐期间展现的创造力和友谊。根据下文"It turns ut that smetimes,a little intellectual challenge can(14)a randm cafeteria table int the httest spt in schl."可知,一个小小的智力挑战可以把一张随机的食堂桌子变成学校里最热门的地方,这是富有创造力的事。故选A。
    (14)考查动词及语境理解。A.lad承载,装载;B.inject给……注射;C.feed喂养;D.turn转变,转向。句意:事实证明,有时候,一个小小的智力挑战可以把一张随机的食堂桌子变成学校里最热门的地方。根据下文"a randm cafeteria table int the httest spt in schl."可知,把一张随机的食堂桌子变成学校里最热门的地方,为固定搭配,意为"把……转变成……"。故选D。
    (15)考查形容词及语境理解。A.curius好奇的;B.genius天才般的;C.suitable合适的;D.pwerful强大的,有影响力的。句意:绝对是杰森的天才之举。根据上文"a little intellectual challenge can(14)a randm cafeteria table int the httest spt in schl."可知,作者认为这一切都是Jasn的天才之举。故选B。
    【小题5】t leave
    【解析】(1)考查副词。句意:周四早上,Jasn Sean加入了排队购买美国邮政发行的龙年纪念邮票的队伍。分析句子可知,空处需用副词eagerly作状语修饰动词waiting。故填eagerly。
    (2)考查过去分词。句意:周四早上,Jasn Sean加入了排队购买美国邮政发行的龙年纪念邮票的队伍。分析句子可知,空处修饰a cmmemrative Year f the Dragn stamp,作后置定语,二者为逻辑上的动宾关系,需用过去分词形式作后置定语。故填issued。
    (5)考查动词不定式。句意:对许多亚裔美国人来说,农历新年提供了一个机会,让他们放下过去一年的烦恼,迎接繁荣和好运的到来。分析句子可知,空处需用动词不定式作后置定语修饰名词chance。故填t leave。
    (6)考查动词的时态和主谓一致。句意:今年的龙年邮票发行仪式认识到亚裔美国人给美国带来的多样性和文化意义的重要性,并为西雅图提供了一个推广农历新年重要性的机会。分析句子可知,空处作句子谓语,根据This year可知,本句使用一般现在时,主语为This Year f the Dragn stamp ceremny,谓语动词使用第三人称单数形式。故填recgnizes。
    (9)考查定语从句。句意:三十多年来,美国邮政一直在发行突出农历新年的邮票,这是邮政服务悠久历史上最成功的邮票发行之一。分析句子可知,空处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词为the Pstal Service,指物,在定语从句中作主语,所以用关系代词which引导该从句。故填which。
    本文是一篇说明文。主要通过Jasn Sean排队购买美国邮政发行的龙年纪念邮票,反映了这个国家丰富的多元文化遗产和传统。
    37.【答案】Hw shuld we spend vacatin?Students in ur class held a discussin n hw high schl students shuld spend their vacatin,f which the results are as fllws.(开篇点题)
    Mst believe that the break is crucial fr academic preparatin. 【高分句型一】It ffers students a chance t review,catch up,and prepare fr the challenges ahead.By fcusing n academics,students can maximize their learning ptential and lay a strng fundatin fr the future.(介绍讨论结果)
    While ther students,me included,think it is equally crucial fr us t d sme husewrk and supprt ur parents.Balancing bth respnsibilities can help students develp a sense f respnsibility and time management skills,which are essential fr their future success.【高分句型二】(个人的观点)
    【解析】高分句型一:Mst believe that the break is crucial fr academic preparatin.
    高分句型二:Balancing bth respnsibilities can help students develp a sense f respnsibility and time management skills,which are essential fr their future success.
    38.【答案】Days turned int weeks,and sn it was New Year's Day.The excitement f the hliday seasn filled the air,but Hudsn culdn't shake ff the wrry abut lsing Casper.He fund himself cnstantly checking his pckets and surrundings t ensure Casper was safe by his side.Despite his mther's cmfrting wrds,the fear lingered in his mind,reminding him f the fragility f his belved ty.【高分句型一】(描写了尽管是在假期的喜悦中,但Hudsn害怕失去Casper,他经常翻口袋查看Casper是否还在的经过及相关细节)
    Ruthie carefully unwrapped the gift bx.Inside was a beautifully crafted keychain with a miniature Casper attached t it.She smiled warmly at Hudsn and said, "Nw,yu can keep Casper clse t yu wherever yu g,and yu wn't have t wrry abut lsing him." Hudsn's eyes lit up with jy as he hugged the keychain tightly,feeling grateful fr his mther's thughtful gesture.With Casper nw securely attached t his belngings,Hudsn felt a sense f relief and reassurance,knwing that his cherished cmpanin wuld always be by his side.【高分句型二】(描写了Ruthie送给Hudsn一个制作精美的钥匙链,连接上Casper后Hudsn就不用担心会失去它了,Hudsn充满喜悦并对母亲充满了感激,Hudsn感到了放松并一直带着Casper在身边的过程及相关细节)
    高分句型一:Despite his mther's cmfrting wrds,the fear lingered in his mind,reminding him f the fragility f his belved ty.
    分析:本句运用了现在分词短语reminding him f the fragility f his belved ty作状语。
    高分句型二:With Casper nw securely attached t his belngings,Hudsn felt a sense f relief and reassurance,knwing that his cherished cmpanin wuld always be by his side.
    分析:本句运用了with复合结构With Casper nw securely attached t his belngings作状语,that引导的宾语从句和现在分词短语knwing that his cherished cmpanin wuld always be by his side作状语。

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