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    人教版2019必修第二册Unit4 History and Traditions单元综合检测(分层作业)
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    高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 4 History and traditions精品测试题

    这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 4 History and traditions精品测试题,共20页。试卷主要包含了本试卷分第Ⅰ卷两部分等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共30分,略)
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Seasnal city breaks: 4 f the best pre-Christmas Eurpean getaways t start yur festive spirit.
    Zagreb, Cratia
    The Cratian capital takes the Christmas seriusly, with street decratins, utdr cncerts and a traditinal Christmas market. Mst f the actin is centred n Ban Jsip Jelačić Square, which has a histry f mre than 3 centuries, and Eurpean Square. The tw squares have market stands and live music perfrmances given by ppular musicians.
    The recmmended htel: President Pantvcak Dubles: £200, (a parent and a kid with a 10% discunt)
    Málaga, Spain
    Start yur day at the Casa Aranda befre diving int the Atarazanas Market. In the afternn, take yur pick f the city’s cultural spts the Picass Museum, r the Centre Pmpidu Málaga. Then head t Calle Marqués de Laris, the main shpping place, at dusk when the Christmas lights are switched n: the sight attracts visitrs frm all ver Spain.
    The recmmended htel: Rm Mate Laris Dubles: £250(a parent and a kid with a 20% discunt)
    Le Tuquet, France
    Frm 30 Nvember, the trees lining the avenues f this city are decrated with fairy lights, and there are facilities, like a skating spt and hrse-drawn carriage rides. The pedestrianized(步行的)street Rue St. Jean is lined with stres selling everything frm chclates t jewellery. Jin the lcals in gathering cheese at the Marché Cuvert and wines at the excellent Le Tuquet-Vins.
    The recmmended htel: Htel Bristl Dubles: £180, (a parent and a kid with a 10% discunt)
    Aarhus, Denmark
    Head t the Latin Quarter fr independent stres, cafés and a great Christmas market. Shp fr Scandi hmeware(家居用品) and fashin n Strøget, the city’s imprtant shpping street, befre heading t the rftp f the histric Salling Department stre, fr a glass f wine with views f the city, lit up fr Christmas.
    The recmmended htel: The Mayr Htel Dubles: £200, (a parent and a kid with a 20% discunt)
    1.What can we knw abut Ban Jsip Jelačić Square and Eurpean Square?
    A.They have a very lng histry.
    B.They ffer cncerts and stands.
    C.They are attractive t thse fnd f quietness.
    D.They are the mst attractive places in Cratia.
    2.What d Rue St. Jean in Le Tuquet and Strøget in Aarhus have in cmmn?
    A.They bth have lts f entertainment facilities.
    B.They bth have a lt f well-knwn museums.
    C.They are bth imprtant shpping streets f the tw cities.
    D.They are bth famus fr their culture and tasty fds.
    3.Which htel mentined abve csts the least fr a parent with a kid?
    A.President Pantvcak.
    B.Rm Mate Laris.
    C.Htel Bristl.
    D.The Mayr Htel.
    Peru is famusly knwn as the “land f the Incas”. A trip t Peru has been n my wish list fr quite a while. It was finally time fr me t visit the cuntry.
    My first day started in Lima, the capital f Peru. I met with the G Adventures representative (代表) here abut the tur. G Adventures is an rganizatin that helps yu t cnnect with ther like-minded peple in small grup-based travel adventures. They played a big part in helping t make Peru an unfrgettable experience fr me! In Lima, my representative discussed the plan f my tur, and I als had the chance t explre Lima in my wn time, with many activities, including a city tur, shw, biking tur, and mre.
    Day tw had me taking a flight frm Lima t Cusc. Many peple visit Cusc fr shpping but fr me, the main reasn fr spending a day r tw in Cusc was t acclimatize (适应) t the altitude (海拔). As I’d decided t reach the wnder f Machu Picchu, acclimatizing had becme imprtant t avid altitude sickness. I was happy t spend a day explring Cusc. Cusc was nce the capital f the Inca Empire. Tday, it’s famus fr its artists, paintings, clthing and traditinal instruments. There’s smething fr everyne in this city.
    The day finally came! Day three had me enjying a lvely guided visit t Machu Picchu at sunrise. I had free time t explre the city n my wn as well as with my guide. It was a lt t take in! I had t stp fr a mment and felt the energy f such an ancient city. The histry here was unbelievable and I will never frget my time here fr as lng as I live!
    4.What is the authr’s attitude t G Adventures?
    5.Why did the authr stay at Cusc?
    A.T g shpping.
    B.T find a lcal guide.
    C.T get used t the high altitude.
    D.T d research abut the Inca Empire.
    6.Hw did the authr feel when traveling arund Machu Picchu?
    A.Full f excitement.B.Out f luck.
    C.Lst in dubt.D.Deep in regret.
    7.What is the best title fr the text?
    A.My lve f travelingB.My wnderful trip t Peru
    C.Peru: the “land f the Incas”D.Traveling: the future f Peru
    Fr late 19th-century Nrth Americans and Eurpeans, a display f tableware (餐具)culd reveal much abut smene’s scial psitin, as the wealthy tk great care t get different kinds f frks fr everything. Befre the 18th century, peple f all classes usually ate with a knife and a spn.
    The frk’s path t the table was hard-wn and slw. In ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rme, frks were used fr slicing fd int pieces r lifting meat frm a pt r fire.
    Fllwing a reductin in size, the frk appeared t have entered dining areas in the curts f the Middle East and Byzantine Empire by the eighth and ninth centuries, and became cmmn amng wealthy families there by the tenth century. Early in the 11th century, it appeared in varius pieces f Eurpean art. In the late 11th century, St.Peter Damian frm Ostia wrte abut a Byzantine princess wh used frks and regarded her dying f a disease as punishment fr such “luxury”.
    The frk’s slw cnquest f Eurpe was carried ut frm Italy. Mtivated by the same cncerns fr hygiene(卫生),frks were bught by wealthy Britns,inspired by Queen Victria, wh regarded frk use as a sign f gd manners.
    The frk’s intrductin t Nrth America dates back t 1633, when Jhn Winthrp, a funder f the Massachusetts Bay Clny, was gifted a set f frks. The Industrial Revlutin strengthened the frk’s presence n dining rm tables as prductin f flatware became less expensive. Writing in 1896 inScial Eriquere,Maud C.Cke declared the frk had finally cnquered the knife in America and “any attempt t give the knife imprtance at table is lked upn as an ffense(冒犯)against gd taste.”
    8.What can we learn abut frks frm paragraph1?
    A.They were used imprperly in the 18th century.
    B.They had many different types in the 19th century.
    C.They were ppular in Eurpe befre the 18th century.
    D.They led t Nrth American’s rise in scial psitin.
    9.What was a functin f frks in ancient Egypt?
    A.T eat fd.B.T decrate tables.
    C.T cut fd.D.T create wrks f art.
    10.Wh was against the use f frks?
    A.St.Peter Damian.B.Thmas Cryate.
    C.Queen VictriaD.Maud C.Cke.
    11.What marked the beginning f the frk’s intrductin t Nrth America?
    A.The appearance f flatware
    B.The start f the Industrial Revlutin.
    C.Jhn Winthrp receiving frks as presents.
    D.Maud C.Cke writing Scial Etiquette.
    ‌“Red turism”, a new frm f turism in which peple visit lcatins and memrials(纪念碑)f histrical significance t the Cmmunist Party f China, has given a much-needed sht in the arm f the dmestic(国内的)turism industry in summer. And red turism will be mre ppular during the Natinal Day Glden Week hliday.
    Ticket bkings fr red turism sites in June increased by five times with lcal and shrt trips t red turism sites being the chice f abut 88 percent f such turists. And the search fr the term ‌“red turism” n Mafengw, a Chinese travel service and scial-netwrking platfrm, increased by 300 percent during the summer hlidays.
    Red turism is nt nly abut the jy f visiting a new place and taking in the wnderful sights. It is als abut gaining knwledge abut histry and being inspired by the stries f the peple wh gave their lives t the funding f the Peple’s Republic in 1949 and wrked fr the wellbeing f the Chinese peple. By rediscvering histry and passing n the stries f the Chinese revlutin and its heres t the next generatins, peple can uplift their spirit.
    Red turism can als be used as an pprtunity t develp rural(农村的)areas because mst f the revlutinary bases and red turism sites are in the cuntryside. It can raise the incmes f lcal peple, Since red turism creates jbs and helps increase farmers’ incmes, it can develp lcal develpment.
    Data shw that in the first half f 2022, mre than 30 percent f all turists visited red turism sites in rural areas, which was 10 percent mre than the last year. Yet red turism faces certain develpmental prblems, mainly because sme lcal gvernment fficials have failed t make the best use f red turism resurces fr lcal develpment.
    12.What can we knw abut red turism?
    A.It has brught life t turism.B.It is nt ppular with the yung.
    C.It is a traditinal frm f turism.D.It is abut visiting beautiful scenery.
    13.Why des the authr list the numbers in paragraph 2?
    A.T describe a scene.B.T prve his idea.
    C.T illustrate the stry.D.T intrduce a platfrm.
    14.What is the benefit f red turism fr rural areas?
    A.It can help imprve farming facilities.
    B.Lcal peple can make mre mney.
    C.It can ffer jb pprtunities t visitrs.
    D.Lcal peple can receive much help frm sciety.
    15.What will be mentined in the fllwing paragraphs?
    A.Mre and mre peple will chse red turism.
    B.Many travel cmpanies will benefit frm red turism.
    C.Sme measures shuld be taken t slve prblems.
    D.Mre red turism sites shuld be pen t the public.
    Plan a Budget-Friendly (省钱的) Summer Vacatin
    It’s never t early t start thinking abut yur summer vacatin. Deciding where t g and what attractins t see can actually be a fun and exciting part f the experience—particularly when yu find ways t save yur travel dllar.
    Rethink yur “summer vacatin”.
    If yur summer vacatin windw is wide pen, why nt skip July and August? The flights and accmmdatins are abut 25% cheaper in the spring r early fall. If yu must travel during the busy seasn, yu can still save by being flexible.____17____Flying ut n a Tuesday instead f a Friday culd save yu a bit f mney, and flying in the afternn will likely be cheaper than a mrning flight.
    It’s always in yur best interest t bk yur summer vacatin early. If yu plan n flying t yur destinatin, fr example, it will be much easier t find seats n yur preferred flights if yu bk in March than if yu were t wait until the last minute. The same applies t htels, where prices are based n supply and demand.
    Use the right websites.
    There are a lt f websites cmpeting fr yur travel dllar. ____19____ Fr example, when yu make five reservatins with Bking.cm, yu can have access t their “Genius Prgram” which gives yu 10% ff as well as early check-in and late check-ut.
    Cnsider a tur.
    With s many places t see and things t d, planning a trip can wear yu ut quickly. ____20____ Seasned tur peratrs, such as Trafalgar, take the stress ut f travel s all yu have t d is shw up and enjy yurself. Mre imprtantly, a guided vacatin represents a significant saving.
    A.Plan yur flights.
    B.Bk in advance.
    C.In that case, a tur is a fantastic chice.
    D.Chse the ne that ffers the best service.
    E.That cmpetitin has led t many benefits fr travelers.
    F.When bking flights, chse the least ppular travel times.
    G.Here are tips t plan a summer vacatin within yur budget.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    A 24-year-ld wman has achieved an unbelievable achievement that many f us dream f − visiting every cuntry n Earth.
    Lexie Alfrd was brn int a family f travel agents, which gave her the pprtunity t ____21____ places such as Cambdia, Dubai and Egypt during her childhd, accrding t Frbes magazine. She began saving up at age 12 t __22__ her gal f visiting all cuntries. By her 18th birthday, she had travelled t 72 natins. In Octber, 2016 she realized she culd see the __23__ natins n her list in time t set an fficial recrd. Many peple __24__ her travel n scial media platfrm Instagram, s she decided t chase the wrld recrd partly t __25__ thers. “Hnestly, in the beginning, I ____26____ wanted t push the __27__ f what I thught I culd d with my life and see as much f the wrld as pssible in the __28__,” she tld Frbes. “It wasn’t until things started getting really__29__ that I realized I was inspiring peple arund me, especially the __30__.”
    “I als lved visiting Nrthern Pakistan, fr the natural beauty f the muntains and kindness f the lcals were astnishing.” Lexie Alfrd said. “The mst pleasant surprise abut travelling t all these misunderstd areas f the wrld was that the cuntries that I had the __31__ expectatin fr _____32_____ being the mst incredible.”
    “My__33__ fr yung peple is t believe that yu can d anything yu set yur mind t d. If yu want t travel, yu have t dream BIG − t travel arund the wrld and never ___34___; it’s nly a matter f ___35___ until yu make it a reality.”
    32.A.started withB.shwed ffC.ended upD.searched fr
    34.A.make upB.cut upC.clean upD.give up
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分, 满分15分)
    阅读下面材料,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词,或括号内单词的正确形式。
    The Great Wall is cnsidered the firm backbne f China, while the Grand Canal is the bldline____36____flws thrugh the hearts f Chinese peple. With____37____histry f mre than 2,500 years, the Grand Canal stretches nearly 3,200 kilmeters and is the wrld’s___38____(lng) man-made waterway.
    Cnnecting the nrth and suth f China, the Grand Canal cnnects trade and___39___(shape) culture.
    That was als the riginal reasn_____40_____the Grand Canal was built. Hwever, as sme sectins f the canal____41____(dry) up and been disused due t histrical evlutin and climate change, sme peple seem t frget its_____42_____(culture) value.
    The urbanizatin (城市化) has led t garbage and ther waste t be willfully (蓄意地) piled up n the waterway by sme residents, while____43____have even been building illegal structures beside the canal. All f this has damaged the scenic and hydraulic (水力的) qualities f the canal.
    But just as Chinese President Xi Jinping nce said, “The cultural relics_____44_____(we) ancestrs entrusted (委托) t us must be cherished.”
    Many measures have been adpted tward revitalizing (使恢复生机) the Grand Canal. The Grand Canal is taking a turn fr the better. There is n dubt that the time-hnred Chinese culture is capable f_____45____(add) glry t it tday and in the days t cme.
    第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)
    1. 旅游景点;
    2. 住宿问题;
    3. 交通方式。
    1. 词数应为80左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    Dear David,
    Li Hua
    I think that yu are never ging t be as happy as yu were when yu were little. There are n wrries when yu are little. The things that wrried yu mst are nt imprtant things. My mst memrable mments happened when I was a child. I can nt remember a lt f them because I was very little but I remember the mst exciting thing fr me at that time.
    Sme f my friends that I have nw have been my best friends since childhd. It is really nice t still have them in my life. Mst f them I knw are frm schl but sme f them are because f ur mthers. And it is really strange t think that yu have spent all yur life with them. We ften went ut fr sightseeing during hlidays, which really made us kids happy and helped establish sincere friendship.
    One trip that I remember a lt was when I went with ne f my best friend Kate t a cruise (乘船游览) t the Caribbean islands in a summer hliday when I was 10 years ld. Ging there was a perfect thing that I’d always dreamed f. On the way t the cruise, we were very excited. We bth were ging with ur families. We were tgether all f the time. Smetimes she came t sleep in my rm and smetimes I went t hers. When we gt dwn in the islands we als spent all f the time tgether because ur mthers are als very gd friends. On the mrning f the last day f the trip the cruise stpped near a mall t let turists g int the mall t d sme shpping. Bth Kate’s and my parents were busy in chsing clthes and we shwed n interest in clthes, s we felt a little bred, having nthing t d.
    Kate and I decided t g t a ty cunter t buy sme Barbie dlls.
    Tur disappintment, ur mthers didn’t appear.
    1.B 2.C 3.D
    1.细节理解题。根据文章Zagreb, Cratia部分的“The Cratian capital takes the Christmas seriusly, with street decratins, utdr cncerts and a traditinal Christmas market. Mst f the actin is centred n Ban Jsip Jelačić Square, which has a histry f mre than 3 centuries, and Eurpean Square. The tw squares have market stands and live music perfrmances given by ppular musicians.(克罗地亚首都认真对待圣诞节,拥有街头装饰,户外音乐会和传统的圣诞市场。大部分活动集中在有3个多世纪历史的Jsip jelavic广场和Eurpean Square。这两个广场上有市场摊位和流行音乐家的现场音乐表演。)可知在Ban Jsip Jelačić Square and Eurpean Square这两个广场上有市场摊位和流行音乐家的现场音乐表演。故选B项。
    2.细节理解题。根据文章Le Tuquet, France部分的“The pedestrianized(步行的)street Rue St. Jean is lined with stres selling everything frm chclates t jewellery.(步行街Rue St. Jean两旁的商店从巧克力到珠宝应有尽有。)以及Aarhus, Denmark部分的“Head t the Latin Quarter fr independent stres, cafés and a great Christmas market. Shp fr Scandi hmeware(家居用品) and fashin n Strøget, the city’s imprtant shpping street,(前往the Latin Quarter的独立商店,cafés和一个很棒的圣诞市场。在该市重要的购物街Strøget购买Scandi家居用品和时尚品)可知Rue St. Jean in Le Tuquet and Strøget in Aarhus的共同之处在于两者都有大型的购物街。故选C项。
    3.细节理解题。根据文章Zagreb, Cratia部分的“The recmmended htel: President Pantvcak Dubles: £200, (a parent and a kid with a 10% discunt)(推荐酒店:President Pantvcak双人间:200英镑(父母和孩子9折优惠))以及Málaga, Spain部分的“The recmmended htel: Rm Mate Laris Dubles: £250(a parent and a kid with a 20% discunt)(推荐酒店:Rm Mate Laris双人间:250英镑(父母带孩子8折))以及LeTuquet, France部分的“The recmmended htel: Htel Bristl Dubles: £180, (a parent and a kid with a 10% discunt)(推荐酒店:布里斯托尔酒店双人间:180英镑(父母带孩子打9折))以及Aarhus, Denmark部分的“The recmmended htel: The Mayr Htel Dubles: £200, (a parent and a kid with a 20% discunt)(推荐酒店:市长酒店双人间:200英镑(父母带孩子8折))可知上面提到的The Mayr Htel对带孩子的父母来说价格最低。故选D项。
    4.B 5.C 6.A 7.B
    4.推理判断题。由文章第二段“G Adventures is an rganizatin that helps yu t cnnect with ther like-minded peple in small grup-based travel adventures. They played a big part in helping t make Peru an unfrgettable experience fr me! (G Adventures是一个组织,帮助您在基于小组的旅行冒险中与其他志同道合的人建立联系。他们在帮助让秘鲁成为我难忘的经历中发挥了重要作用!)”可知,作者对G Adventures是非常满意的。故选B项。
    5.细节理解题。由文章第三段“Many peple visit Cusc fr shpping but fr me, the main reasn fr spending a day r tw in Cusc was t acclimatize (适应) t the altitude (海拔).(许多人来Cusc购物,但对我来说,在Cusc一两天的主要原因是适应海拔。)”可知,作者呆在Cusc是为了适应高海拔。故选C项。
    6.推理判断题。由文章最后一段“Day three had me enjying a lvely guided visit t Machu Picchu at sunrise. I had free time t explre the city n my wn as well as with my guide. It was a lt t take in! I had t stp fr a mment and felt the energy f such an ancient city. The histry here was unbelievable and I will never frget my time here fr as lng as I live!(第三天,日出时分,我在导游的带领下参观了Machu Picchu。我有空闲时间独自和导游一起探索这座城市。这是一个很大的挑战!我不得不停下来,感受一下这样一座古城的活力。这里的历史令人难以置信,我将永远不会忘记我在这里的时光!)”可知,在拜访Machu Picchu时,作者心里充满激动。故选A项。
    7.主旨大意题。由文章第一段“Peru is famusly knwn as the “land f the Incas”. A trip t Peru has been n my wish list fr quite a while. It was finally time fr me t visit the cuntry.(秘鲁以“印加人的土地”而闻名。秘鲁之行一直是我的愿望之一。我终于到了访问这个国家的时候了。)”以及后文可知,本文主要讲作者拜访秘鲁的旅行。所以B项My wnderful trip t Peru(我的秘鲁之旅)切合文意。故选B项。
    8.B 9.C 10.A 11.C
    8.细节理解题。根据文章第一段“Fr late 19th-century Nrth Americans and Eurpeans, a display f tableware (餐具)culd reveal much abut smene’s scial psitin, as the wealthy tk great care t get different kinds f frks fr everything.(对于19世纪晚期的北美和欧洲来说,餐具的摆放能展示一个人的社会地位,因为有钱人非常小心地为所有的东西准备了不同种类的叉子。)”可知,在19世纪,叉子有着不同的类型,故选B。
    9.细节理解题。根据文章第二段“In ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rme, frks were used fr slicing fd int pieces r lifting meat frm a pt r fire.(在古埃及、希腊和罗马,叉子被用来将食物切片,或者从锅里和火里将肉取出。)”可知,在古埃及,叉子是用来切割食物的,故选C。
    10.推理判断题。根据文章第三段“In the late 11th century, St.Peter Damian frm Ostia wrte abut a Byzantine princess wh used frks and regarded her dying f a disease as punishment fr such “luxury”.(在11世纪末,奥斯蒂亚的St.Peter Damian写了一篇关于拜占庭公主使用叉子的文章,并将她死于疾病视为这种“奢侈”的惩罚。)”可知,St.Peter Damian是反对使用叉子的,故选A。
    11.细节理解题。根据文章最后一段“The frk’s intrductin t Nrth America dates back t 1633, when Jhn Winthrp, a funder f the Massachusetts Bay Clny, was gifted a set f frks.(叉子被引入到北美可以追溯到1633年,当时马萨诸塞湾殖民地的创始人Jhn Winthrp收到了一套叉子。)”可知,Jhn Winthrp收到叉子的礼物,标志着叉子被引入北美,故选C。
    12.A 13.B 14.B 15.C
    12.细节理解题。根据文章第一段““Red turism”, a new frm f turism in which peple visit lcatins and memrials(纪念碑)f histrical significance t the Cmmunist Party f China, has given a much-needed sht in the arm f the dmestic(国内的)turism industry in summer.(“红色旅游”是一种新的旅游形式,人们参观对中国共产党有历史意义的地点和纪念馆,在夏季给国内旅游业注入了急需的一剂强气剂。)”可知红色旅游给旅游业带来了新的生机。故选A项。
    13.推理判断题。根据文章第二段“Ticket bkings fr red turism sites in June increased by five times with lcal and shrt trips t red turism sites being the chice f abut 88 percent f such turists. And the search fr the term “red turism” n Mafengw, a Chinese travel service and scial-netwrking platfrm, increased by 300 percent during the summer hlidays.( 6月份,红色旅游景点的订票量增长了5倍,其中约88%的游客选择了当地和短途的红色旅游景点。在中国旅游服务和社交网络平台蚂蜂窝上,“红色旅游”一词的搜索量在暑假期间增加了300%。)”可知暑假期间红色旅游景点的订票量飙升,而“红色旅游”一词也成为了网络高频搜索词,由此可以推断作者列举数字是为了进一步证明自己在第一段提出的观点——红色旅游给旅游业带来了新的生机。故选B项。
    14.细节理解题。根据文章第四段“Red turism can als be used as an pprtunity t develp rural(农村的)areas because mst f the revlutinary bases and red turism sites are in the cuntryside. It can raise the incmes f lcal peple, Since red turism creates jbs and helps increase farmers’ incmes, it can develp lcal develpment.(红色旅游也可以作为发展农村的机会,因为大多数革命根据地和红色旅游景点都在农村。它可以提高当地人的收入,因为红色旅游创造就业机会,帮助增加农民的收入,它可以促进当地的发展。)”可知因为大多数革命根据地和红色旅游景点都在农村,所以当地农民可以赚更多的钱。故选B项。
    15.推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“Yet red turism faces certain develpmental prblems, mainly because sme lcal gvernment fficials have failed t make the best use f red turism resurces fr lcal develpment.(然而,红色旅游面临着一定的发展问题,主要是因为一些地方政府官员没有充分利用红色旅游资源,促进地方发展。)”可知虽然红色旅游会促进当地经济的发展,但是因为一些地方政府官员没有充分利用红色旅游资源,导致红色旅游发展存在一些问题,所以接下来要讲的应该是要采取一定的措施来解决这些问题,以促进红色旅游的进一步发展。故选C项。
    16.G 17.F 18.B 19.E 20.C
    16.根据前文“Deciding where t g and what attractins t see can actually be a fun and exciting part f the experience—particularly when yu find ways t save yur travel dllar.”(决定去哪里和去看什么景点实际上可以是一个有趣和令人兴奋的经验的一部分——特别是当你找到节省旅行费用的方法。)可知当你找到节省旅行费用的方法时,度假就会变得有趣并令人兴奋,同时根据下文的几个黑体字可知,下文提到了省钱的技巧。因此空处应承接前文,讲述以下就是一些省钱的方法。选项G.“Here are tips t plan a summer vacatin within yur budget.”(这里有一些在你的预算范围内计划一个暑假的建议。)切题,故选G。
    17.根据前文“If yu must travel during the busy seasn, yu can still save by being flexible.”(如果你必须在繁忙季节旅行,灵活一点还是可以省钱的。)下文“Flying ut n a Tuesday instead f a Friday culd save yu a bit f mney, and flying in the afternn will likely be cheaper than a mrning flight.”(在星期二而不是星期五飞行可以为你节省一点钱,而且下午的飞行可能比早上的飞行更便宜。)可知,选择非周末时间出行可以为你节省钱,同样乘坐下午飞机比早上的飞行更便宜。即我们选择乘坐飞机出行要选择人们不愿选择的时间可以省钱。选项F.“When bking flights, chse the least ppular travel times.”(在预订机票时,选择最不受欢迎的旅行时间。)是对后文列举事例的总述,符合题意。故选F。
    18.根据下文“It’s always in yur best interest t bk yur summer vacatin early. If yu plan n flying t yur destinatin, fr example, it will be much easier t find seats n yur preferred flights if yu bk in March than if yu were t wait until the last minute.”(提前预定你的暑假总是对你最有利的。例如,如果你计划飞往目的地,那么如果你在三月份预订,比等到最后一分钟更容易找到你喜欢的航班座位。)举例说明提前预定航班的好处是可以让你更容易找到你喜欢的航班座位。因而,作为段落的标题句,应概括本段主旨,讲述要提前预定。选项B.“Bk in advance.”(提前预定。)符合题意,故选B。
    19.根据上文“There are a lt f websites cmpeting fr yur travel dllar.”(有很多网站在竞争你的旅游收入。)可知多家网站在通过竞争想要争取到作为消费者的你。下文“Fr example, when yu make five reservatins with Bking.cm, yu can have access t their “Genius Prgram” which gives yu 10% ff as well as early check-in and late check-ut.”(例如,当你在 Bking.cm 预订了五个房间,你可以访问他们的“天才项目”,这个项目可以给你打九折,还可以提前登记和延迟退房。)举例说明在同一家网站上预定房间后,通过网站提供的优惠条件不但可以给你省钱,还可以提前登记和延迟退房。说明多家网站的竞争可以给消费者带来很多好处。选项E.“That cmpetitin has led t many benefits fr travelers.”(这种竞争给旅行者带来了许多好处。)起到了承上启下的作用,选项中“That cmpetitin”指代前文的多家网站之间的竞争;“benefits fr travelers”和下文提到的省钱、提前登记和延迟退房语义相符,故选E。
    20.根据本段标题“Cnsider a tur.”(考虑一个旅行)可知本段讲述的内容应和旅行有关。下文“Seasned tur peratrs, such as Trafalgar, take the stress ut f travel s all yu have t d is shw up and enjy yurself. ”(像Trafalgar这样经验丰富的旅游经营者,可以减轻旅行的压力,所以你要做的就是出席并享受旅行。)选项C.“In that case, a tur is a fantastic chice.”(这样的话,旅行是个很棒的选择。)选项中关键词“tur”和段落标题的关键词一致,同时也为下文讲述要享受旅行提供了依据。符合题意,故选C。
    21.C 22.A 23.D 24.C 25.A 26.B 27.A 28.C 29.D 30.B 31.B 32.C 33.A 34.D 35.C
    【导语】这是一篇新闻报道。文章主要讲述了一名23岁的女子莱克西·阿尔福德(Lexie Alfrd)完成了一件令人难以置信的事情——访问地球上的每个国家,这一举动激励着无数年轻人。
    21.考查动词词义辨析。句意:据《福布斯》杂志报道,莱克西·阿尔福德出生于一个旅行社家庭,这让她在童年时期有机会游览柬埔寨、迪拜和埃及等地。A. master掌握;B. settle定居;C. tur游览;D. lve喜爱。由前文“a family f travel agents”可知,出生于这样的家庭,莱克西·阿尔福德“游览”了很多地方。故选C项。
    22.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她在12岁时开始攒钱,为她游览所有国家的目标提供资金。A. fund为……提供资金;B. quit停止,放弃;C.change改变;D. register登记。根据句中“saving up”可知,她攒钱的目的应该是为游览所有国家“提供资金”。故选A项。
    23.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:2016年10月,她意识到她可以及时去看清单上剩下的国家,以创造一个官方记录。A. pwerful强大的;B. ideal理想的;C. fficial官方的;D. remaining剩下的。根据上文“By her 18th birthday, she had travelled t 72 natins.”可知,她已经游览了72个国家,由此可知,她打算去看清单上“剩下的”国家。故选D项。
    24.考查动词词义辨析。句意:许多人在社交媒体平台Instagram上关注她的旅行,因此她决定努力获得世界纪录,部分是为了激励他人。A. ranked排列;B. analyzed分析;C. fllwed密切关注;D. criticized批评。根据后文“I realized I was inspiring peple arund me”可知,她意识到她的旅行激励了周围的人,由此可知,有许多人在社交媒体平台上“关注”她的旅行。故选C项。
    25.考查动词词义辨析。句意:许多人在社交媒体平台Instagram上关注她的旅行,因此她决定努力获得世界纪录,部分是为了激励他人。A. inspire激励;B. cntact联系;C. understand理解;D. accmpany陪伴。根据后文“I realized I was inspiring peple arund me”中的“inspiring”可知,她意识到她的旅行激励了周围的人,由此可知,她决定努力获得世界纪录,部分是为了“激励”他人。故选A项。
    26.考查副词词义辨析。句意:她告诉《福布斯》:“老实说,一开始,我仅仅是想去追求我认为我这一生可以实现的梦想,并在这个过程中尽可能多地看世界。”A. ccasinally偶尔地;B. simply仅仅;C. cmpletely完全地;D. bviusly明显地。根据句中“in the beginning”可知,空格这句介绍的是莱克西·阿尔福最开始的想法,刚开始她“仅仅”是为了追求梦想。故选B项。
    27.考查名词词义辨析。句意:她告诉《福布斯》:“老实说,一开始,我仅仅是想去追求我认为我这一生可以实现的梦想,并在这个过程中尽可能多地看世界。”A. dreams梦想;B. buttns按钮;C. families家庭;D. cmments评论。根据上文“She began saving up at age 12 t 2 her gal f visiting all cuntries.”可知,游览所有国家是她的目标,是她的梦想,由此可知,一开始,她只是想去追求她的“梦想”。故选A项。
    28.考查名词词义辨析。句意:她告诉《福布斯》:“老实说,一开始,我只是想去追求我认为我这一生可以实现的梦想,并在这个过程中尽可能多地看世界。”A. platfrm平台;B. event大事件;C. prcess过程;D. cuntry国家。根据句中“see as much f the wrld as pssible”可知,游览所有国家是她的梦想,由此可知,是在追求梦想的“过程”中尽可能多地看世界。故选C项。
    29.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:直到事情开始变得真正具有挑战性,我才意识到我在鼓舞周围的人,尤其是年轻人。A. awkward尴尬的;B. fficial官方的;C. natural自然的;D. challenging具有挑战性的。根据句中“I realized I was inspiring peple arund me”可知,她意识到我的旅行经历在鼓舞周围的人,不再只是单纯的旅行,由此可知,旅行这件事被赋予了更深的意义,开始变得“具有挑战性”。故选D项。
    30.考查名词词义辨析。句意:直到事情开始变得真正具有挑战性,我才意识到我在鼓舞周围的人,尤其是年轻人。A. adult成年人;B. yuth年轻人;C. bsses老板;D. agents代理人。根据最后一段第一句“My 13 fr yung peple is t believe that yu can d anything yu set yur mind t d.”中的“yung peple”可知,我的经历主要鼓舞的是“年轻人”。故选B项。
    31.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:前往世界上所有这些被误解的地区旅行,最令人惊喜的是,我最不期待的国家最终成为了最不可思议的国家。A. mst最多的;B. least最少的;C. greatest最好的;D. wrst最差的。根据句中“misunderstd areas f the wrld”可知,句中指的是前往世界上被误解的地区旅行,由此可知,这些被误解的地区本来是我“最不”期待的国家,least意为“最少的”,修饰expectatin,符合语境。故选B项。
    32.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:前往世界上所有这些被误解的地区旅行,最令人惊喜的是,我最不期待的国家最终成为了最不可思议的国家。A. started with以……开始;B. shwed ff炫耀;C. ended up(通常指意外地)以最终;D. searched fr搜索。根据句中“the 11 expectatin”和“the mst incredible”可知,句中指的是最不期待的国家“最终”成为了最不可思议的国家,所以是被误解的地区,ended up意为“(通常指意外地)最终”,符合语境。故选C项。
    33.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我给年轻人的建议是相信你可以做任何你下定决心要做的事。A. advice建议;B. thery理论;C. belief信仰;D. infrmatin信息。根据句中“t believe that yu can d anything yu set yur mind t d”可知,“相信你可以做任何你下定决心要做的事”应该是莱克西·阿尔福德给年轻人的“建议”。故选A项。
    34.考查动词词组辨析。句意:如果你想旅行,你必须梦想远大——周游世界,永不放弃。A.make up编造;B.cut up切碎;C.clean up打扫;D.give up放弃。由前文“yu can d anything yu set yur mind t d”可知,作者建议“永不言弃”地追求梦想。故选D项。
    35.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这只是一个时间问题,直到你能把它变成现实。A. hnr荣誉;B. career职业;C. time时间;D. energy能量。根据上文“My 13 fr yung peple is t believe that yu can d anything yu set yur mind t d.”可知,她建议年轻人相信自己可以做任何自己下定决心要做的事,由此可知,只要肯努力,实现梦想只是一个“时间”问题。故选C项。
    36.that##which 37.a 38.lngest 39.shapes 40.why 41.have dried 42.cultural
    43.thers 44.ur 45.adding
    37.考查冠词。句意:大运河有2500多年的历史,全长近3200公里,是世界上最长的人造水道。分析句子可知,此处应用冠词,修饰“histry”,with a histry f... 意为:有着一段……的历史,符合句意。故填a。
    38.考查形容词。句意:大运河有2500多年的历史,全长近3200公里,是世界上最长的人造水道。分析句子可知,此处应用形容词,作定语,修饰名词短语“man-made waterway”;由“the wrld's”并结合常识,大运河在世界上是最长的人造水道,所以应用最高级。故填lngest。
    41.考查动词时态、语态和主谓一致。句意:然而,由于历史演变和气候变化,运河的一些部分已经干涸和废弃,因此一些人似乎忘记了它的文化价值。分析句子可知,此处应为谓语动词;由“and”可知,它与“been disused”为并列谓语,结合主句谓语动词“seem”可知,此处应用现在完成时;主语是“sme sectins”,谓语应用复数形式;dry up 意为:干涸,应为主动语态。故填have dried up。
    43.考查代词。句意:城市化导致一些居民在运河上蓄意堆放垃圾,甚至在运河旁建造非法建筑。分析句子可知,此处应用代词,在连词“while”引导的从句中作主语;根据主句中“sme residents”及句意,此处应指“其他居民”,应用thers。故填thers。
    46.Dear David,
    I’m mre than glad t hear that yu are cming t Beijing fr a visit this summer hliday. Since it’s the first time fr yu t visit here, I’d like t give yu sme suggestins.
    Beijing, the capital city f China, has a lt f places f interest, such as the Frbidden City, the Summer Palace, and the Great Wall and s n. Nt nly can yu enjy the beautiful scenery but als learn mre abut Chinese culture. As fr accmmdatin, I will bk a htel fr yu in advance, which is cnvenient fr yu t g wherever yu want. Althugh there are many means f transprtatin in Beijing, what I recmmend is t take the subway r the bus.
    Lking frward t meeting yu.
    Best wishes!
    Li Hua
    参观:visit→pay a visit t
    原句:Beijing, the capital city f China, has a lt f places f interest, such as the Frbidden City, the Summer Palace, and the Great Wall and s n.
    拓展句:Beijing, which is the capital city f China, has a lt f places f interest, such as the Frbidden City, the Summer Palace, and the Great Wall and s n.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】I’m mre than glad t hear that yu are cming t Beijing fr a visit this summer hliday. (由that引导的宾语从句)
    【高分句型2】Since it’s the first time fr yu t visit here, I’d like t give yu sme suggestins. (由Since引导的原因状语从句)
    【高分句型3】Nt nly can yu enjy the beautiful scenery but als learn mre abut Chinese culture. (由Nt nly引导的部分倒装结构)
    【高分句型4】Althugh there are many means f transprtatin in Beijing, what I recmmend is t take the subway r the bus. (由Althugh引导的让步状语从句和what引导的主语从句)
    Kate and I decided t g t a ty cunter t buy sme Barbie dlls. As we all knw, Barbie dlls are almst all girls’ favrite. There were varieties f Barbie dlls in the ty cunter. We were s attracted that we really hated t leave there. After buying ur favrite Barbie dlls, hwever, we gt lst. We were very wrried because we had thught the cruise was ging t g withut us. We went t the entrance, waiting fr ur mthers t cme.
    T ur disappintment, ur mthers didn’t appear. Feeling t frightened, we cried ludly. Then a lady that we had already seen in the cruise came t us. She asked us what had happened. Realizing the situatin, she helped us withut any hesitatin. With her help, we fund ur mthers finally. Althugh I met sme truble during the trip, I think that was the mst unfrgettable trip f my life. And I learn that as a child, whenever we g ut with parents, we shuldn’t leave ut f parents’ eyesight.
    ②吸引:attract/appeal t
    ①担心的:wrried /cncerned
    【点睛】[高分句型1] As we all knw, Barbie dlls are almst all girls’ favrite. (由关系代词as引导的非限定性定语从句)
    [高分句型2] We were very wrried because we had thught the cruise was ging t g withut us. (由连接词because引导的原因状语从句)
    [高分句型3] She asked us what had happened. (由连接词what引导的宾语从句)

    必修 第二册Unit 5 Music精品达标测试: 这是一份必修 第二册<a href="/yy/tb_c4002237_t7/?tag_id=28" target="_blank">Unit 5 Music精品达标测试</a>,共19页。试卷主要包含了本试卷分第Ⅰ卷两部分等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 4 History and traditions优秀习题: 这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第二册<a href="/yy/tb_c4002236_t7/?tag_id=28" target="_blank">Unit 4 History and traditions优秀习题</a>,共12页。试卷主要包含了 defend v, surrund vt, evident adj, achieve vt, lcate v, crwd n, annunce vt, generus adj等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    人教版高考英语一轮复习课时分层作业10必修第二册 UNIT 4 HISTORY AND TRADITIONS含答案: 这是一份人教版高考英语一轮复习课时分层作业10必修第二册 UNIT 4 HISTORY AND TRADITIONS含答案,文件包含人教版高考英语一轮复习课时分层作业10必修第二册UNIT4HISTORYANDTRADITIONS含答案docx、人教版高考英语一轮复习课时分层作业10参考答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共11页, 欢迎下载使用。

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