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    北师大版高中英语必修第一册UNIT2 Section C课件

    这是一份北师大版高中英语必修第一册UNIT2 Section C课件,共60页。

    Section C Lesson 2 Rules of the GameⅠ.基础词汇1.____________ vi.& vt. (使)弹起,(使)反弹2.____________ vi.& vt. 停止(做某事)3.____________ n. 观众;听众4.____________ n. 腰带,皮带5.____________ n. 建议,忠告,窍门6.____________ vi.& vt. 咬7.____________ n. 状况,场合;事例,实例8.____________ n. 热身运动,准备活动bounce quit audience belt tip bite case warm­upⅡ.拓展词汇1.announce vt.宣布→____________ n.通告,公告2.box v.拳击运动中击打→________ n.拳击(运动)3.fence n.篱笆→________ n.防守队员,后卫→________ vt.防卫,防御4.apply v.申请,应用→___________ n.申请;申请书;应用5.amaze vt.使惊愕→________ adj.令人惊异的,了不起的→________ adv.令人惊奇地;了不起地announcementboxing defencedefend application amazingamazingly 6.disappoint v.使失望→_____________ n.失望;扫兴;沮丧→_____________ adj.令人失望的7.mind n.头脑,智力,想法,心情;记忆 v.介意,在意→________ vt.使(某人)想起,提醒8.annual adj.一年一度的,每年的 annuals n.年刊;年鉴→________ adv.每年;一年一次地→___________ n.(每年的)纪念日9.occupy vt.占用;占去(时间)→____________ n.职业;占领,占有;居住,占据→____________ n.居住者disappointmentdisappointing remind annuallyanniversary occupationoccupantⅢ.重点短语(英汉互译)(A) 写出下列短语的汉意1.be reminded to do sth. ________________2.be prohibited from doing sth. ________________3.turn off the phones ________________4.put the phones on silence ________________5.feel disappointed ________________6.be unprepared for ________________7.quit the race halfway ________________8.feel sick ________________被提醒做某事被禁止做某事关闭手机,把电话关机把电话设置为静音感到失望没准备好……中途退赛想吐(B) 写出下列汉语所对应的英语短语1.________________ 关闭闪光灯2.________________ 以防万一3.________________ 报名参加……4.________________ 申请表5.________________ 感到有点儿紧张turn off the flashin casesign up foran application formfeel a bit nervous►第一版块|重点单词诠释1)bounce vi.& vt.(使)弹起,(使)反弹;蹦;颠簸行进 n.跳;弹回,跃,弹力) (教材原句)A player must bounce the ball as he or she moves down the court.球员必须在场上移动时把球弹回来。bounce along 颠簸前进bounce off 被……弹开bounce back 反弹;重整旗鼓;迅速恢复活力bounce into 以上上下下的动作进入bounce up and down 蹦蹦跳跳bounce the ball against the wall 对着墙打球get on...in a single bounce 一跃跳上……lose its bounce 失去弹力jump over...at a bounce 一跃跳过……❶The child bounced up and down on the bed.孩子在床上蹦蹦跳跳。❷He bounced the ball against the wall.他对着墙打球。❸I bounced the baby on my knee.我把婴儿放在膝上上下颠着。❹The new car bounced along the rough mountain road.这辆新汽车在崎岖的山路上颠簸行驶。❺The ball will bounce back.这个球会反弹。❻She came bouncing into the room.她蹦蹦跳跳地进了房间。[语境助记]I was running so fast that I bounced off the trunk and landed on my backside.我跑得太快了,结果被树干弹回来,屁股着地了。[即学即练] 单句语法填空①The ball hit the wall and bounced ________ it.②We all pile in and bounce ________ dirt roads for a couple of hours.③We lost two or three early games but we bounced ________.④The ball bounced ________ the hole beside the tree.完成句子⑤He is young enough to ________________ (恢复过来) from this failure.⑥The car was ________________ (上下颠簸) as if someone were jumping on it.off along back into bounce backbouncing up and down2)announcement n.通告,公告;宣布;声明 announce vt.宣布;宣告;广播) (教材原句)...“an announcement and two conversations about sports”.……“一则公告和两段关于体育的对话”。(1)make an announcement 发表声明;发布公告announcement of a peace agreement 和平协议的公布library announcements 图书馆公告an official announcement 官方公告a formal announcement 正式通告(2)announce sth. to sb. 向某人宣布某事;告诉某人某事announce to sb. that... 向某人宣布……❶Share library announcements on your social media.在你的社交媒体上分享图书馆的公告。❷He made the announcement in a speech on television.他在一次电视讲话中发表了这一声明。❸They officially announced the news to the reporters.他们正式地向记者发布了这条新闻。❹Mary announced to her parents that she was going to run for monitor.玛丽向她父母宣布她准备竞选班长。❺The dark clouds announced the coming of a storm.乌云预示暴风雨就要来临。❻She announces three programmes a week.她每周广播三个节目。❼It is announced that Professor Wang is coming to make a speech about his adventures at sea.据说王教授要来做一个关于他在海上冒险的演讲。❽As is announced, Professor Wang makes a speech to us once a week.正如宣布的那样,王教授每周给我们做一次演讲。[句式]It is announced that...据宣布……as is announced正如宣布的那样[即学即练] 单句语法填空①It's due in at 6:20 pm, but the _____________ (announce) said just now there was a 30­minute delay because of the bad weather.②The date of the examination will _____________ (announce) to all school later in the year.③He announced ________ us his plan of leaving us.完成句子④________________________ (据宣布) new speed restrictions would be introduced.⑤I've got ____________________________ (一则重要通知要宣布).announcement be announcedto It was announced thatan important announcement to make3)audience n.观众;听众) (教材原句)Audiences are reminded to turn off the phones or put them on silence.提醒观众关掉手机或把手机调成静音。a large/small audience 大量观众/少数观众in front of a live audience 在现场观众面前hold/seat an audience of... 容纳……观众❶The objective of most speeches is to benefit the audience.大多数演讲的目的是使听众受益。❷Her lecture attracted a crowded audience.她的演讲吸引了很多听众。❸She has addressed the audiences all over the country.她曾向全国各地的听众发表了演讲。[说明] ①audience是集合名词,用作主语时,若将其视为整体,其谓语可用单数;若将其视为个体,则谓语要用复数。②audience是集合名词, an audience不是指“一个观众”,而是指某一群观众,某一个场次或某一方面的观众。同样地, audiences也不是指“多个观众”,而是指多群观众、多个方面的观众等。such a big audience这么多听众 poor audiences观众人数少③形容听(观)众人数之多或少,通常用big, huge, mass, wide或small, thin等形容词修饰,但是不用many, few修饰。a large audience of young people许多年轻听众[即学即练] 单句语法填空①The audience _____ (be) enjoying every minute of the performance.②The speaker had ________ small audience who listened to him carefully.③Entertaining ____________ (audience) is the aim of movies.完成句子④I knew my lines, but I was terrified to have to recite them ________________________ (在观众面前).⑤The audience ________________________ (鼓掌10分钟).⑥His book reached ________________________ (更广大的观众) when it was made into a movie.is/area audiences in front of an audiencewas/were clapping for 10 minutesan even wider audience4)defence n.防御;防卫;防守队员,后卫;辩解 defend vt.保护,防卫;辩解,辩护) (1)in defence of 保护;为了保卫;为……辩护in one's defence 为某人辩护come to one's defence 出来为某人辩护defence works 防御工事,防御工程a defence satellite 防御卫星flood defences 防洪a defence against... 对……的防御物(2)defend oneself against an attack from sb. 保卫自己抵御来自某人的攻击defend one's country against the enemies 保卫国家抵御敌人defend sb. from sb. else/sth. 保护某人免受他人/他物的伤害defend one's rights 保护自己的权利defend oneself with sth. 用某物自卫defend one's actions/cause/ideas/leader 为自己的行为、事业、想法、领导辩护defend the goal (against attack) 防守球门❶The behaviour of the defence was rather disappointing.那个后卫的行为相当令人失望。❷Offense is the best defence.攻击是最好的防御。❸In 1937, the Chinese soldiers had to rise and fight in defence of our country.在1937年,中国士兵被迫站起来战斗来保卫我们国家。❹When the dog attacked me, I defended myself with a stick.那狗扑向我时,我用棍子自卫。❺The newspaper defended her against the accusations.报纸为她辩护,驳斥对她的指责。[拓展] defenceless adj.没加防卫的,不能保护自己的defend vt.辩护;防护 vi.& vt.保卫;防守defender n.后卫be good at defending擅长打防卫Some players are better at defending.有些运动员更擅长打防卫。[即学即练] 单句语法填空①The high wall was built ________ a defence ________ invaders.②The book is a brilliant ________ (defend) of our policies.③He had to beat several ________ (defend) to score.④The immune system is the body's ________ (defend) against infection.完成句子⑤我得为她说句话,她先前并不负责此事。I have to say ________________ that she was not responsible for it beforehand.⑥They had 3 players ________________ (防守球门) against attack.asagainst defence defenders defence in her defencedefending the goal5)remind vt.使(某人)想起,提醒 reminder n.提醒人的事物;提示信,通知单) (教材原句)Audiences are reminded to turn off the phones or put them on silence.提醒观众关掉手机或把手机调成静音。remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事remind sb. of... 使某人想起……remind sb. (that) ... 提醒某人……❶Be sure to remind her to return early.一定要提醒她早点儿回来。❷This song reminds me of Australia.这首歌使我想起了澳大利亚。❸Passengers are reminded (that) no smoking is allowed on this train.旅客们请注意,本次列车禁止吸烟。❹I'm king of this forest, and here is your reminder!我是这片森林的国王,这是给你的提醒![拓展] 与remind sb. of sth.结构相同的短语还有:warn sb. of sth. 提醒/警告某人某事inform sb. of sth. 通知某人某事convince sb. of sth. 使某人相信某事cure sb. of sth. 治愈某人的疾病;纠正某人的坏习惯rob sb. of sth. 抢某人的某物rid sb. of sth. 使某人摆脱某事accuse sb. of sth. 指控某人犯有……罪suspect sb. of sth. 怀疑某人有……罪inform sb. of sth. 通知某人某事[即学即练] 单句语法填空①The seventeen­year­old boy put up a picture of Bill Gates beside the bed to keep himself reminded ________ his own dream.②He reminds me ________ (lock) up the house when I go out.③These ruins are a ________ (remind) of the horrors of war.④We shall inform you ________ the date of our arrival.⑤We were able to convince the students ________ the need for wider reading.完成句子⑥The rolling sea of clouds you see once you are at the top of the mountain will ________________________________ (让你想起我们人类是多么渺小).of to lockreminderof of remind you how tiny we humans are6)prohibit vt.禁止;阻止(→prohibition n.禁止;禁令)) (教材原句)You're prohibited from hitting the other person with your head, shoulder or arm.禁止用你的头、肩膀或手臂击打他人。prohibit doing sth. 禁止做某事prohibit sb. from doing sth. 禁止某人做某事❶The police prohibit parking in the city centre.警方禁止在市中心停车。❷We prohibit pupils from smoking.我们禁止学生抽烟。❸The bags are prohibited in some 90 cities in California, including Los Angeles.包括洛杉矶在内的加利福尼亚州约90个城市禁止使用这种袋子。❹There is evidence that prohibition of plastic bags can work.有证据显示,禁止塑料袋会起作用。[拓展] forbid sb. from doing sth.禁止某人做某事forbid sb. to do sth.禁止某人做某事stop/prevent/keep sb. from doing sth.阻止某人做某事[即学即练] 单句语法填空①The ________ (prohibit) order meant that the book could not be sold in this country.②His small size prohibits his ________ (become) a policeman.③He threw himself in front of the door and prohibited us ________ leaving.④The high cost ________ (prohibit) the widespread use of the drug.prohibition becoming from prohibits7)case n.状况,场合;事例,实例;论据;箱子;案件) (教材原句)The gloves and mouth guards also help, in case anything happens.手套和护齿也有帮助,以防发生意外。in case 以防万一;如果,假使in no case 决不(位于句首时句子用部分倒装)in any case 无论如何,不管怎样in some cases 在某些情况下in this/that case 既然这样/那样;在这种/那种情况下It is often the case that... 通常情况下……as is often the case (with...) (对……)是常有的事❶She argued her case calmly and rationally.她冷静而又理智地为她的情况辩解。❷Could you give us a concrete case?你能不能给我们举个具体的事例?❸The judge quotes various cases in support of his opinion.法官引证了各种论据来支持他的观点。❹The case was full of clothes.这箱子满是衣服。❺The doctor shares his phone number with the patients in case they need medical assistance.医生把他的电话号码告诉病人,以防他们需要医疗帮助。❻In no case can I make an exception to this regulation.在任何情况下我都不能对这条规定破例。❼It may rain tomorrow, but we are going home in any case.明天可能下雨,但不管怎样,我们打算回家。❽In case of emergency, break the glass and press the button.遇到紧急情况时,击碎玻璃罩并按下按钮。❾It is often the case that haste makes waste.欲速则不达是常有的事。【10】I have known cases where/in which dogs have nipped babies.我知道一些狗咬婴儿的事例。【11】I got to the stage where/in which I wasn't coping any more.到了这个阶段,我已经无法应付了。[拓展] case+where定语从句Let's imagine a case where we disagree.让我们假设一个我们不同意的情况。[说明] 在定语从句中,当先行词为case (情况), situation (情况,形势), position (位置,职位), condition (情形,条件), point (境地), stage (境地,阶段)等,并且关系词在从句中作状语时,常用where或in which引导定语从句。[即学即练] 单句语法填空①________ is often the case, he is late for school again.②This time, we stayed together, ________ case anything else unusual happened.③My mother was so touched by her gesture that she decided to go back to the store and give the cashier a five­dollar bill to keep on hand ________ case the same happened to someone else.④Cases ________ which many species become extinct within a geologically short interval of time are called mass extinctions.As in in in 写出句中case的含义⑤The ten runners­up will receive a case of wine.________⑥But that is not always the case, sometimes the table can turn.________⑦The court case will do serious harm to my business.________完成句子⑧________________________ (就像生活中经常发生的情况一样), making something that looks easy is very difficult.⑨________________ (在某些情况下) people have to wait several weeks for such a chance.⑩________________ (那样的话), I think that I understand your decision and you have my support.箱子情况案件As is often the case in lifeIn some casesIn that case8)annual adj.一年一度的,每年的 n.年刊;一年生植物(→annually adv.每年,一年一次地)) (教材原句)Is this where I sign up for the Annual Fun Run?我是在这里报名参加年度趣味跑吗?an annual income/magazine/meeting 年收入/年刊/年会annual output/production 年产量an annual report/salary 年度报告/年薪❶Your birthday is an annual event.你的生日是一年一度的大事。❷I looked for Wyman's picture in my high­school annual.我在我的中学年鉴里找过怀曼的照片。❸Maybe this year I'll sow brilliant annuals everywhere.也许今年我会到处种上鲜艳的一年生植物。❹There are three books I reread annually.有三本书我每年重读一遍。❺They celebrate their wedding anniversary annually.他们每年都庆祝结婚纪念日。[即学即练] 单句语法填空①Under this Act, all waterfowl hunters 16 years of age and over must ________ (annual) purchase and carry a Federal Duck Stamp.②________ annual rainfall of four inches is often used to define the limits of a desert.写出句中annual的词性及含义③His essay is copied from a college annual.________④Earth Day, marked on 22 April, is an annual event aiming to raise public awareness about environmental protection.________annuallyAn 名词,年刊形容词,一年一度的9)application n.[C,U]申请,申请书;应用;应用程序) (教材原句)Here's your application form...这是你的申请表……(1)fill in an application form 填写申请表a job application 求职信a letter of application 申请信written application 书面申请college application 大学(入学)申请(2)apply...to... 把……应用到……apply oneself to 致力于/专心于……apply (to sb.) for... (向某人)申请……apply to... 适用于……❶Barbara made an application for a job as a nurse.芭芭拉申请护士的工作。❷The invention would have wide application in industry.这项发明会在工业中得到广泛应用。❸The right thing would be to apply direct pressure to the wound.正确的做法是在伤口上施加直接压力。❹He has applied himself to this task with considerable energy.他以极大的精力致力于这项工作。❺They applied to other medical institutions for assistance.他们向其他医疗机构申请援助。❻We have had lots of applicants for these positions.对于这些职位我们已有了很多申请者。❼I'm going to take a course in applied mathematics this semester.我这学期打算学习应用数学课程。[拓展] apply v.应用;申请;勤奋工作applicant n.申请人applied adj.应用的,实用的[即学即练] 单句语法填空①She plans to take a course in ________ (apply) linguistics.②________ (apply) in technical assignments must have reached the last year of their studies in a technical institution (机构).③We regret to tell you that your ________ (apply) has not been successful.④I'd like to make an application ________ a loan.⑤We had rather few ___________ (application) for the job.appliedApplicants application for applications ⑥This smart keyboard precisely measures the cadence with which one types and the pressure fingers apply ________ each key.⑦You may apply ________ tickets in person or by letter.⑧It is difficult to apply oneself ________ a boring task.⑨Our results suggest that the successful dogs realised that a smiling mouth means the same thing as smiling eyes, and the same rule applies ________ an angry mouth having the same meaning as angry eyes.to for to to 10)quit vi.& vt.停止(做某事);离开;离任;离校) quit sb./oneself of... 使某人/自己摆脱……quit doing sth. 停止做某事quit as... 辞去……的职务❶We soon quitted ourselves of fear.我们很快消除了恐惧。❷I'd like to quit myself of any blame in this affair.我想使自己在这件事中不受任何责备。❸He quit studying to take a walk.他停止学习去散步。❹If I don't get a pay rise I'll quit.如果不给我加薪我就辞职。❺The guard didn't quit his post all night long.卫兵整夜没离岗。❻He quit school due to illness.他因病辍学。[拓展] quit doing sth.停止做某事quit smoking戒烟quit one's job辞职quit the city离开该城市quit the habit of...放弃……的习惯[拓展] quit as manager of the team辞去团队经理的职务(此处表示“作为”某种职务而辞职)[即学即练] 单句语法填空①What he said didn't quit her ________ fear.②She relied on tough love to help him quit ________ (drink).③He __________ (quit) when he realised he could not win.④He has decided to quit ________ manager of the team.of drinking quit/quittedas11)tip n.建议,忠告,窍门;小费;尖端,尖儿) (教材原句)Any other tips you can give me?你还能给我别的建议吗?on the tip of sb.'s tongue 话到嘴边give/offer a tip 付小费,给小费leave a tip 留小费the tip of the iceberg (问题的)冰山一角top tips 主要提示;最佳建议the tip of her nose 她的鼻尖a simple tip 简单的窍门a useful tip 有用的建议❶It's common to leave a tip in many Western countries.在很多西方国家,给小费是很平常的。❷His nose is pink at the tip.他的鼻尖是粉红色的。❸The title of the article is right on the tip of my tongue.我就是想不起来那篇文章的标题。❹The cases that rise to public attention are only the tip of the iceberg.引起群众关注的事件只是冰山一角。[语境助记]Here are a few tips to help you win over everyone in the neighborhood quickly.这里有一些建议可以帮助你迅速赢得邻居的支持。[即学即练] 单句语法填空①Her telephone number is right ________ the tip of my tongue.写出句中tip的含义②That stick has a metal tip.________③It shows how to prepare a resume, and gives tips on applying for jobs.________④Most restaurants now include the tip in the price of the meal.________on 名词,尖端名词,建议名词,小费12)occupy vt.占用,占去(时间、空间等);占领,占据;使忙于) (教材原句)I know you've had lots to occupy your time...我知道你有很多事情要做……(1)occupy sb./oneself with sth. 使某人/自己忙于某事occupy sb./oneself in doing sth. 使某人/自己忙于做某事❶Some occupied themselves with English study.有几个人在学英语。❷Haas occupied himself in writing his research paper.哈斯忙于写他的调查报告。❸Reading occupies most of my free time.阅读占去了我大部分的闲暇时间。❹Members of the group occupy positions of power in the country.那个组织的成员在该国身居要职。❺He is occupied in writing a novel.他正忙于小说创作。❻The reading room seems to be always well occupied.阅览室似乎总是坐满了人。❼I suppose I was looking for an occupation which was going to be an adventure.我想我那时在寻找一份冒险型职业。[拓展] occupied adj.被占有的,无空闲的occupation n.职业;占领[即学即练] 单句语法填空①The factory ________ (occupy) four acres of ground.②He ________ (occupy) in translating an English novel.③All territory ________ (occupy) by the British at the end of the war was returned to the US.④Please state your name, age and ________ (occupy) below.⑤She was occupied ________ the cleaning of the big house.⑥He occupied himself ________ collecting stamps.occupies is occupiedoccupied occupation with in 完成句子⑦I'm afraid that you won't be able to see the doctor for _________________________________________________ (他今天下午的预约已经排满了).⑧It's not easy to get over a broken heart, but if you believe that you are strong enough and ________________________ (让自己别闲着), time does the rest.he is fully occupied with appointments this afternoonkeep yourself occupied❶Much to my disappointment/To my great disappointment, they refused my request.令我非常失望的是,他们拒绝了我的要求。❷I'm afraid you're very disappointed with me.恐怕你对我非常失望。❸We were disappointed at the results.我们对结果感到失望。❹I hate to disappoint you, but I'm just not interested.我不想使你扫兴,但我确实不感兴趣。❺The film was built up to be a masterpiece but I found it very disappointing.这部影片被捧为杰作,可我却大失所望。[拓展] disappoint vt.使失望→disappointed adj.失望的,沮丧的→disappointing adj.令人失望的,令人沮丧的[即学即练] 单句语法填空①To my ________________ (disappoint), nothing has resulted from my efforts.②Some found the conclusion of the film Titanic very _____________ (disappoint).③I found, much ________ my disappointment, that he didn't finish his work in time.④The students are disappointed ________ their new maths teacher.⑤He was disappointed ________ not getting the job, but he'll get over it.⑥My parents will be ______________ (disappoint) with me if I fail the examination.disappointmentdisappointing to with/inatdisappointed❶Amazingly, the building has no heating or air conditioning.令人惊奇的是,这座建筑没有暖气或空调。❷She was an amazingly good cook.她是一个厨艺精湛的厨师。❸She is amazingly clever.她极为聪明。❹It amazed us to hear that you were leaving.听到你要走,我们都很吃惊。❺It's amazing how soon you adapt.(it作形式主语, how soon引导的从句作真正主语)你这么快就适应了,真是令人惊奇。❻She is amazed that people still risk travelling without insurance.对于人们在没有保险的情况下仍然冒险去旅行,她很惊愕。❼There's an amazed look on his face.他脸上露出惊讶的表情。❽He held up his hand in amazement.他惊讶地举起了手。❾To my amazement, the boy could recite the poem from memory.令我吃惊的是,那个男孩能把这首诗背出来。[辨析] (1)in amazement翻译为“在……中”,表示“完全处于惊奇的状态”,作方式状语。如:They listened to the music in amazement.他们(完全)陶醉在音乐中。with amazement翻译成“惊奇地”,“饶有兴致地”,修饰动词时使用。如:They observed the vase in exhibition with amazement.他们饶有兴致地观赏着展会上的花瓶。[即学即练] 单句语法填空①________ (amazing), Taylor had just taken a CPR course the day before.②________ (amaze) at my classmates' fluent spoken English, I was determined to be as good as they were.③What ________ (amaze) me is how long she managed to hide it from us.④She was shaking with fear, while the two men were looking at her in ___________ (amaze).⑤It was one of the most ________ (amaze) films I've ever seen.⑥Much to his ___________ (amaze), she liked the idea.Amazingly Amazed amazes amazement amazing amazement►第二版块|重要短语讲解(1) sign up报名;签约雇用;注册(教材原句)Is this where I sign up for the Annual Fun Run?我是在这里报名参加年度趣味跑吗?sign up for 报名参加……sign up for the course 报名参加该课程sign up for a new email account 注册一个新电子邮件账号sign up online for language classes 在网上报名参加语言课程sign up to do sth. 报名做某事❶Lucy decided to sign up for yoga classes.露西决定报名上瑜伽课。❷They manage to sign up all the best performers.他们设法跟所有最佳演员签约。❸Many men sign up for the army out of respect for the soldiers.许多男人出于对军人的尊敬而报名参军。❹This was one of the first companies to sign up to make smartphones.这家是首批签约生产智能手机的公司之一。❺The company has signed up three top models for the fashion show.为了时装表演,公司签约聘用了三位顶尖模特儿。[拓展] sign in签到sign out签退sign sb. up for...签约聘用某人参加……sign the letter在信上签字[即学即练] 单句语法填空①You can sign up ________ an appointment on the sign­up sheet outside the door.②You just sign up ________ (be) on the team of whoever you can gather.③He signed ________ as a flight attendant with Korean Air.for to beup2)ought to aux.应该,应当) (教材原句)And I suppose I ought to get a big breakfast before, right?我想我应该提前吃一顿丰盛的早餐,对吧?ought to do sth. 应该做某事ought not to do sth. 不应该做某事ought to have done sth. 过去本该做某事(而没有做)ought not to have done sth. 过去本不该做某事(但已做)❶You ought to have a haircut.你该去剪发了。❷You oughtn't to forget something so important.你不应该忘记这么重要的事情。❸You ought to have told me that yesterday.那件事你本应昨天就告诉我。(但实际没告诉我)❹You oughtn't to have told me that yesterday.你昨天本不该告诉我那件事儿。(但实际昨天告诉我那件事儿了)[误区警示] (1)ought to是情态动词,没有人称、数和时态的变化,用法与should基本相同。(2)ought to的否定式是ought not to或oughtn't to,疑问式是把ought放在主语前。Ought the food to be enough for the four of us?这些食物够我们四个人吃吗?(3)陈述句谓语动词含有ought to时,反意疑问句句式结构为“ought+主格人称代词”或“oughtn't+主格人称代词”。He oughtn't to speak in class, ought he?他上课不应该讲话,是吗?[比较] ought to/should·ought to多反映一种客观情况。·should多表示说话者的一种主观看法。本应该做某事(实际上并没有做):should have done sth.ought to have done sth.[即学即练] 单句语法填空①Children ought to ________ (be) able to read by the age of 7.②You ought to ________ (come) to the meeting. It was interesting.③Such things ought not to ________ (allow).④I ought not to ___________ (mention) the subject at the conference.完成句子⑤You ________________________________ (本不应该把书带出) the reading room.⑥He ________________________________ (本该到达这所房子了) some time ago.⑦The company ought to do something about the poor service, _______ (不是吗)?be have comebe allowedhave mentionedought not to have taken the book out ofought to have reached the house oughtn't it►第三版块|疑难句型剖析1)What's up?怎么了?) (教材原句)What's up?怎么了?/出什么事了?句式分析 (1)“What's up?”常用作熟人之间打招呼时的问候语,相当于“What's new?/What's update?”,即汉语中的“最近咋样?”“最近有啥新鲜事?”。答语往往有:Nothing much/Nothing.还行。  Nothing new.没什么新鲜事。Not much.还行。 Not a lot.没太多新鲜事。The usual.老样子。(2)如果想要跟对方多聊聊,还可以用“What's up with you?”反问对方,类似中国人的寒暄:A: Hey, what's up, man?嘿,怎么样,伙计?B: Oh, not much. What's up with you?哦,还行。你呢?A: Same here.我也一样。❶Hello, Betty. What's up? What are you doing in the library?你好,贝蒂。怎么了?你在图书馆干什么?❷What's up for today? You are really dressed­up today.今天做什么呢?你今天穿得好正式。[常用表达] What for?为什么?So what?那又怎么样?(认为某事无关紧要,尤用于反驳他人的指责时)How come?怎么会呢?(表示惊讶)[即学即练] 单句语法填空①What's ________? Hope you're all having a good week.②“What if there is no kerosene this winter?” said AI.“So ________?” she said. “We still have electricity.”③—They don't say a single word to each other.—________ come?④—________ is up?—Just tired.完成句子⑤_____________ (发生什么事了)? Hey, don't look at me with a face like this. I am not your punching bag.⑥_____________ (怎么会呢)? I mean, why wasn't it a joyous moment for you?up what How What What's upHow come❶This teacher is so kind that we all like him.这位老师非常和蔼,我们都喜欢他。❷This is so interesting a book that we all enjoy reading it.这本书非常有趣,我们都喜欢看。❸I've had so many falls that I have pains here and there.我摔了很多跤,处处都疼。❹It is such a little dog that it can't run fast.这是一只小狗,它跑不快。❺They are such nice apples that we would like to eat them.这些苹果是如此的好,以至于我们想要吃它们。❻It was such fine weather that they all went swimming.天气这么好,他们都去游泳了。❼So excited was Mike that he forgot to bring me the gift.迈克是如此兴奋,竟然忘记给我带礼物了。❽Such a big mistake did he make that the teacher criticised him.他犯了如此大的一个错,老师批评了他。[拓展] (1)so+adj.+a(n)+可数名词单数=such+a(n)+adj.+可数名词单数so difficult a problem=such a difficult problemso good a teacher=such a good teacher(2)so/such...that...结构中, so/such...置于句首时,主句要用部分倒装结构。[即学即练] 单句语法填空①Miss Gao asked so difficult ________ question that nobody could answer it.②They are ________ interesting books that we all enjoy reading them.③The works on display there are ________ fantastic that I am deeply impressed.④He spends ________ much time on computer games that he falls behind his classmates in his study.asuch so so ⑤He seems such a nice man ________ we all believe him.⑥We have ________ little money that we can't lend you any.⑦It was such a fine day ________ we went out for a walk.⑧________ well did our group do in the experiment that we were praised.⑨Such a beautiful gift did he give me ________ I was deeply touched.that so that So that 完成句子⑩There is ___________________________ (杯子里的水太少了以至于) I can't drink any more.用倒装句改写下列句子⑪The food is so delicious that you don't need much of it to make you happy.________________________________________________________so little water in the glass that So delicious is the food that you don't need much of it to make you happy.3)祈使句+and/or+陈述句) (教材原句)...don't run too fast for the first hour or you won't have enough energy left for the rest of the race.……第一个小时不要跑得太快,否则你将没有足够的体力来跑完剩下的赛程。句式分析 该句型中祈使句相当于一个条件,陈述句相当于一个结果,因此可将祈使句改写成一个条件状语从句。例如:❶Find ways to praise your children often, and you'll find they will open their hearts to you.想办法经常表扬你的孩子,你会发现他们会对你敞开心扉。(and表示顺承)❷Prepare for your final exam ahead of time, or you may fail it.提前准备一下你的期末考试,否则你可能会不及格。(or表示“否则,不然的话”)第一句可改写为:If you find ways to praise your children often, you'll find they will open their hearts to you.第二句可改写为:If you don't prepare for your final exam ahead of time, you may fail it.[句型拓展] 该句型还有一种变式:“名词词组+并列连词+陈述句”。One step further and you will fall down.再向前走一步,你就会跌倒。Follow it up, and you will have something worth thinking about to occupy your mind.继续追查,你将有某种值得考虑的东西占据你的大脑。Work harder and you will make greater progress.更加努力,你就会取得更大的进步。[即学即练] 单句语法填空①Obey the rules ________ you will get punished.②________ (practise) more and you will get a higher score.③Go to bed now ________ you'll be really tired tomorrow.or Practise orⅠ.单词拼写1.The dog was about to ________ (咬) a bone when the owner came in.2.The boy ________ (弹跳) up and down on the trampoline (蹦床).3.The immune system is our ________ (防守) against disease.4.The ________ (观众) clapped for 10 seconds for his wonderful performance.bite bounced defence audienceⅡ.短语填空turn off, be related to, warm up, in case, at least, sign up1.You should gather your clothes ____________ it rains.2.Please remind me to ____________ the light when I leave.3.My uncle hasn't been able to quit smoking, but ____________ he has cut down.4.The athletes should ____________ before doing some exercise.5.The secondary carbon footprint ____________ the production.6.I waited an hour to ____________ for a distance learning course.in caseturn off at leastwarm upis related tosign upⅢ.单句语法填空1.I am seeking to quit ________ (drink) at the moment in order to keep fit.2.The native girl smiled suddenly, exposing a set of ________ (amaze) white teeth.3.The producers should pay attention to the ________ (apply) of the new technology in particular.4.However, her dad reminded her ________ sugary treats were bad for her teeth.drinking amazing application that 5.It can do things such as reminding an elderly family member ________ (take) medicine or taking family photos.6.Back in 1983, two scientists, Jack Schultz and Ian Baldwin, reported that young maple trees getting ________ (bite) by insects send out a particular smell that neighboring plants can get.7.I can't meet you on Sunday. I'll be otherwise ________ (occupy).8.The professor was deaf and any talking ____________ (prohibit).to takebitten occupied was prohibitedⅣ.完成句子1.To be frank, you ______ (应该) seek professional tips from experts.2.The courses were _________________ (如此有趣以至于) my parents urged me to sign up.3.___________________ (令……失望的是) the audience, the athlete got an injury in the leg and was defeated in the game.4.The album always ________ me ________ (使想起) my promise.5.I will be out for some time. __________ (万一) anything important happens, contact me immediately.6.The work is tough, but ____________ (至少) the pay is good.ought toso interesting thatTo the disappointment ofremindsof In caseat leastⅤ.单句写作1.在进行仪式时不要中途离开。(祈使句)_________________________________________________________2.(我们)待在一起,以防发生其他不寻常的事情。(in case)_________________________________________________________3.尽管被蛇咬了,但他仍然显得很镇静。(状语从句的省略)_________________________________________________________4.你先热一下身,以防在比赛时受伤。(in case)_________________________________________________________Don't leave halfway through the ceremony.Stay together, in case anything else unusual happens.Although/Though bitten by a snake, he still looked calm.Warm up first in case you get injured in the match.
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