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    Unit 2 WILDLIFE PROTECTION单元综合(同步练习)-高中英语人教版(2019)必修第二册(含答案)
    Unit 2 WILDLIFE PROTECTION单元综合(同步练习)-高中英语人教版(2019)必修第二册(含答案)01
    Unit 2 WILDLIFE PROTECTION单元综合(同步练习)-高中英语人教版(2019)必修第二册(含答案)02
    Unit 2 WILDLIFE PROTECTION单元综合(同步练习)-高中英语人教版(2019)必修第二册(含答案)03
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    英语必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection同步训练题

    这是一份英语必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection同步训练题,共16页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,短文填空,书面表达,读后续写等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Summer reading
    Finding Junie Kim
    by Ellen Oh
    Middle schler Junie Kim is facing bullying (欺凌) at schl, but she keeps quiet. Then, fr a schl prject, Junie interviews her grandparents, wh grew up in Krea during wartime in the 1950s. In their stry f struggle, Junie finds the curage t speak up. The bk will encurage any kid wh has ever been in Junie’s shes.
    Simn B. Rhymin’
    by Dwayne Reed
    Simn is starting fifth grade and wants everyne t call him Ntrius because he wants t be a famus rapper (说唱歌手). But he’s shy abut using his vice t express his thughts. When a teacher asks the class t give a talk, Simn must face his fears. Simn B. Rhymin’ is a great bk that will give cnfidence t readers wh are ging thrugh similar struggles.
    A Sht in the Arm!
    by Dn Brwn
    A Sht in the Arm! is a nvel abut the histry f vaccines (疫苗). Readers learn hw vaccines have been used thrughut histry t fight disease. The authr als intrduces peple arund the wrld wh helped with the develpment f vaccines. A Sht in the Arm! is an exciting read that uses clrful drawings t pull the reader in.
    The One Thing Yu’d Save
    by Linda Sue Park
    If yur huse were n fire, what ne thing wuld yu save? Writer Linda Sue Park explres different answers t this questin in pems that shw the different vices f a middle schl class. Sme chse baseball cards r ty animals. One picks a sweater that was passed dwn fr generatins. The bk is illustrated (给……作插图) with black-and-white art. Readers f all ages will like this bk. It helps yu realize what matters mst.
    1、What prblem des Simn have?
    A. He is bullied at schl.
    B. He fears receiving vaccines.
    C. He dislikes ding his hmewrk.
    D. He is afraid f expressing his ideas.
    2、Which bk will yu chse if yu’re interested in histry r science?
    A. Finding Junie Kim. B. Simn B. Rhymin’.
    C. A Sht in the Arm! D. The One Thing Yu’d Save.
    3、What d we knw abut The One Thing Yu’d Save?
    A. It is fr teenage readers. B. It is written in pem frm.
    C. It has many clrful pictures.D. It was written by Dwayne Reed.
    Bergl desn’t cnsider himself the next Thmas Edisn. He’s just a man wh lves animals, Africa and adventure. Yet, Bergl might have invented a tl as great as the light bulb (灯泡) — a tl that uses mdern-day technlgy t slve an almst prehistric prblem.
    The tl is called the Spatial Mnitring and Reprting Tl (SMART). It is designed t be waterprf (防水的), shckprf and pacher (偷猎者) prf. Bergl wrked with the Brnx Z and wrldwide wildlife grups t develp it in 2011. Since then, it has been seen in mre than 55 cuntries where pachers have frced the best-knwn but mst threatened species t near extinctin.
    SMART wrks as a very simple smart phne — it lets the user recrd bservatins, like animal sightings, behaviral changes in animals and illegal activities. If a park ranger (管理员) sees smething that is very imprtant, that infrmatin gets entered, sent t the clud and sent ut t the base camp s they can take actin and stp the killing.
    Bergl and his wrkmates travel t African wildlife reserves nw and then. They teach park rangers in sme f the mst remte cuntries hw t use SMART. “SMART makes cllectin f infrmatin easier. It allws us t fcus n the things that really matter, accrding t what the infrmatin is telling us,” said Kim Yung, directr f the Panthera cheetah prgram at Etsha Natinal Park in Namibia. “Thanks t SMART, mst f Africa’s endangered species seem t be cming back.”
    Bergl never plans t make mney frm his small but great inventin. SMART is free and desn’t even have a patent (专利).
    4、What can we learn abut SMART?
    A. It lks like a light bulb.
    B. It is used t prevent paching.
    C. It was invented by Bergl alne.
    D. It can help deal with water prblems.
    5、What is paragraph 3 mainly abut?
    A. Hw SMART wrks.B. What SMART is like.
    C. Why SMART gt ppular.D. Hw SMART was created.
    6、What des Kim Yung think f SMART?
    A. It is easy t hld. B. It is very helpful.
    C. It desn’t cst much.D. It will be used widely.
    7、Which f the fllwing can best describe Bergl?
    A. He dislikes taking risks in life.
    B. He’s a creative and giving persn.
    C. He’s determined t succeed in life.
    D. He never wants t depend n thers.
    In the early 1990s, Ashk Kumar and I ran TRAFFIC-India, an rganisatin that wrked t stp illegal wildlife trade in India. That was when the first letter frm the famus American cnservatinist (自然环境保护主义者), Gerge Schaller, arrived n ur desk. Tibetan antelpes were being killed in their thusands, he wrte, and their wl (毛) was taken illegally t India. “N use in India fr antelpe wl,” we wrte back, nt knwing the seriusness f the illegal trade here. Schaller sent us back pictures t prve it and asked us t begin a Tibetan investigatin.
    We dug arund and fund that Schaller was right. We realised that antelpe wl was the same as shahtsh, the famus Kashmiri shawl (披肩). The shawl was made frm the underwl f Tibetan antelpes, cnsidered the warmest and sftest wl in the wrld. A single shawl needed the wl f three t five antelpes. We had t save the animal.
    Then began India’s first campaign (运动) t prtect Tibetan antelpes. A lt f designers and mdels jined us. Slwly, the message was being driven hme: shahtsh was ut f style, shahtsh was illegal and alternative (可替代的) shawls wuld save the antelpes frm extinctin.
    There were, f curse, thse wh tried t buck the campaign. The wife f a well-knwn army fficer f India refused t give up her shahtsh till she was frced ut f it. She said: “I knw the lvely antelpe is dying and I s want t save it. But, the shawl is s light n my shulders!”
    Smene suggested farming the antelpes, but studies shwed that it was an impractical idea. The antelpes culd nt even survive in lw altitude zs. The underwl is nature’s gift t the animal t keep it warm at great heights. Later, we set up a business t prcess high quality pashmina wl and make an alternative shawl.
    In 2000, gd news came in frm China. With strict plicies in place, the number f Tibetan antelpes was n the rise again.
    8、 What did the authr think f the antelpe wl trade Schaller mentined at first?
    A. It wasn’t true. B. It wasn’t unusual.
    C. It was a serius matter. D. It was difficult t deal with.
    9、 What can be inferred abut India’s first campaign t prtect Tibetan antelpes?
    A. It gt a lt f supprt.
    B. It was unacceptable t mdels.
    C. It failed t achieve its purpse.
    D. It was brught t an end by Ashk Kumar.
    10、What des the underlined wrd “buck” in paragraph 4 prbably mean?
    A. Lead.B. Fight against.C. Change.D. Keep up.
    11、What measure did India take t save Tibetan antelpes?
    A. Cutting dwn the shawl business.
    B. Asking farmers t raise antelpes.
    C. Stpping keeping antelpes in zs.
    D. Encuraging the use f pashmina wl shawls.
    A team f bilgists (生物学家) recently studied wildlife in the frests f nrthern Ecuadr. While ding s, they made a surprising discvery: a Mind harlequin tad (明多斑足蟾). The creature hadn’t been seen alive in 30 years. The scientists culdn’t believe their eyes. “It tk ur brains a while t believe it was a Mind harlequin tad,” says Melissa Cstales, a cnservatin bilgist frm University f New Brunswick.
    The Mind harlequin is the latest harlequin tad species “t cme back frm the dead,” says Cstales. Since 2003, eight thers have been fund, three f them in Ecuadr.
    Until recently, 13 f the 25 species f harlequin tads in Ecuadr had gne unseen since the 1980s r early 1990s. Scientists thught mst f them had been killed by a disease called chytrid (壶菌). This illness is especially harmful t the harlequin tad.
    Cstales says the Mind harlequin tad may have develped a resistance (抵抗力) t the disease. That wuld explain the tad’s reappearance. And it culd spell gd news fr ther harlequins. Since discvering the first ne, Cstales’s team has fund five mre. They were all tested fr chytrid. Nne had the disease. But that desn’t mean the survival f the species is guaranteed (保证), Cstales says. The harlequin tad is still endangered.
    Cstales is develping a cnservatin plan with a zlgy museum in Ecuadr. She wants t make sure the Mind harlequin tad desn’t fall back int extinctin. “Each rediscvery gives us a secnd chance t develp better cnservatin plans,” she says. “Nt every day d we have the chance t rediscver a species that we believed t be extinct.”
    12、Why were the scientists surprised at finding the Mind harlequin tad?
    A. It culd live fr 30 years.
    B. It had been thught t be extinct.
    C. It was a freign species in Ecuadr.
    D. It lived tgether with ther species.
    13、What des Cstales say abut the Mind harlequin tad?
    A. It is huge in number.
    B. It might disappear sn.
    C. It can spread diseases quickly.
    D. It may have survived chytrid.
    14、What des Cstales plan t d?
    A. Treat harlequin tads fr chytrid.
    B. Discver mre endangered species.
    C. Save the Mind harlequin tad frm extinctin.
    D. Take harlequin tads back t the zlgy museum.
    15、Which f the fllwing can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Lst and Fund B. Back t the Wild
    C. Hpe fr Animals D. The Knwn and the Unknwn
    16、Bees ( 蜜蜂) tuch ur lives in ways we may nt realize. They are respnsible fr as much as ne third f the fd that we eat, and even play a rle in grwing the cttn (棉花) used in much f ur clthing.①_____ Here’s hw yu can help:
    1. Plant mre flwers
    Bees depend n garden flwers t ensure they have different kinds f diet. By planting flwers in yur garden yu can create a pleasant place fr bees. ②_____ Anther idea is t add hanging baskets f flwers next t yur frnt dr.
    2. Find a space fr a beehive (蜂窝) in yur garden
    Many wuld-be beekeepers find it difficult t find a safe space fr their bees. If yu have sme space, cntact yur lcal beekeeping rganizatin. ③_____Yu will be surprised what a difference a beehive will make t yur garden.
    3. Give bees water
    ④_____They use water t prduce fd fr their bee families and cntrl the temperature in their hives. Bees lk fr a clean surce f water. Leave ut cntainers filled with clean water in yur utdr spaces and refresh them ften.
    4. Be bee friendly
    Bees are gd neighbrs, and nly sting (蜇) when they feel threatened. Beekeepers wear prtective clthing when they are dealing with bees. If a bee flies in frnt f yu when unprtected, d nt flap (拍打) yur hands. ⑤_____ The bee will sn lse interest.
    A. Stay calm and mve slwly away.
    B. Fight the diseases that affect bees.
    C. They culd find a beekeeper in need f a site.
    D. One way t help bees is t buy lcal prduce.
    E. Like every living creature, bees need water t survive.
    F. But mre than ne quarter f the species is facing extinctin.
    G. Yu dn’t even need a garden space t attract bees; yur windw bx will d.
    Dean Mberg wrks at SeaWrld, which rescues mre birds than any ther type f animal. The hardest part f Dean’s 1 is when he finds birds that were hurt 2 . Smetimes Dean finds sandhill cranes (沙丘鹤) that have been sht by arrws (箭) r hit by glf balls. Mst f the time, the cranes that Dean 3 have been injured by chance. One way that they can get hurt is by lking inside rubbish fr fd.
    When peple see a crane that 4 help, they knw t call SeaWrld. Dean and his team will drive hurs t 5 the bird.
    Usually, sandhill crane adults are fund in pairs. The mther crane and the father crane wrk 6 t raise their babies. Dean knws hw 7 the cranes are when they are separated, but if ne f them is hurt, it must g back t SeaWrld fr 8 .
    Dean writes dwn exactly where he 9 each crane. When the cranes are 10 , he takes them back t the same place. He lets them g and they are able t find their 11 again.
    Saving sandhill cranes with serius injuries isn’t 12 ! Inventive, specially designed lift and supprt tls allw injured cranes t eat and rest while keeping weight ff their 13 legs.
    It takes a great deal f patience, determinatin, and lve fr these special birds t fully 14 . Luckily, that’s smething they find with Dean and the ther 15 members f his team.
    17、A. plan B. jb C. jurney D. chice
    18、A. in turn B. at firstC. by chance D. n purpse
    19、A. saves B. lves C. remembers D. raises
    20、A. receives B. refuses C. needs D. ffers
    21、A. shw ff B. learn frm C. pick upD. lk fr
    22、A. again B. alne C. insteadD. tgether
    23、A. sad B. excited C. luckyD. shy
    24、A. study B. treatment C. adviceD. service
    25、A. keeps B. stps C. findsD. drps
    26、A. lder B. quieter C. safer D. better
    27、A. wners B. families C. fd D. wrk
    28、A. pssible B. dangerus C. interestingD. easy
    29、A. brken B. lst C. pwerful D. new
    30、A. recver B. prepare C. changeD. understand
    31、A. hnest B. serius C. caring D. cnfident
    Huang Shunjie might have the best jb in the wrld. The 24-year-ld is ①________ panda phtgrapher and zkeeper. Huang spends each day ②________ (lk) after 18 baby pandas at the Giant Panda Prtectin and Research Center in China. He prepares their meals, checks n their health and ③________ (carry) them between their sleeping pens and their public enclsure (围场).
    “I can get very clse t the baby pandas, ④________ makes many peple jealus (忌妒的),” Huang says.
    Any jb ⑤________ (certain) has dwnsides. In Huang’s case, it’s the regular scratches (抓伤) he gets frm the 45 - t 55-pund bears. But it’s a small price t pay t spend each day with the cute pandas.
    “I’m a full-time daddy fr these baby pandas,” says Huang. “If I take sme ⑥________ (day) ff t g hme, I feel empty inside.”
    Fr many years, giant pandas were ne f the wrld’s mst endangered creatures as cnstructin destryed their ⑦________ (nature) habitat in bamb frests.
    But ppulatins have recvered in recent years due ⑧________ prgrams t help pandas breed (繁殖). Tday, there ⑨________ (be) 1,864 pandas in the wild, up frm nly 1, 114 in the 1970s, accrding t China’s Natinal Frestry and Grassland Administratin. Tw-thirds f ⑩_______ (they) live acrss 67 nature reserves.
    33、假定你是李华,你校下周五将举办主题为Wildlife Prtectin的海报设计大赛。请给交换生Jim写一封邮件,告诉他这一活动并请他参与你班的海报设计。
    It was last August. We were n vacatin, having driven frm ur hme in Washingtn, DC, t New Hampshire. We wuldn’t see friends — it wuld be just me, my husband, and ur tw kids ut fr a nice week away. We had walked abut half a mile t a ppular place called Diana’s Baths, near the twn f Nrth Cnway, where the water falls ff a series f flat large rcks. The baths were full f families, s we made ur way t ne f the upper levels f rck t keep ur distance (距离).
    Bth where we sat and dwn belw, the water fell int small pls, where kids in swimsuits were playing. I watched as sme yunger parents nervusly asked their tddlers (学步的小孩) t keep away frm the rcks’ edges (边缘), feeling thankful that ur kids, at six and eight, knew hw t be careful. But I was still wrried as I saw my tw bys jump between the rcks.
    “N running,” I said again and again. “Stay away frm all thse edges.”
    But I sn relaxed, and we were all having fun, playing in the pls. My kids were laughing as my husband put his head under the running water. Then, secnds later, every fear I’d ever had rse t the surface.
    I turned and saw my sn Wyatt sitting dwn between tw rcks in a fast-mving stream (小溪). I shuted at him t get ut. He shuted back smething that I culdn’t hear, and then he disappeared ver the edge.
    My husband was already running dwn the rcks. I finally saw that Wyatt was sitting up — he was alive. My biggest fear was erased. As I held my yunger sn, Jed, clse, I heard a wman shut. “That child just went ver the waterfall! He fell n his back, straight nt the rcks.”
    It was abut 12 feet frm the tp f the waterfall t the pl belw.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。
    While everyne else lked n frm a distance, t afraid t help, this wman didn’t hesitate (犹豫).
    The rescue team came.
    解析:细节理解题。根据Simn B. Rhymin’ 部分中的Simn is starting ... a famus rapper. But he’s shy abut using his vice t express his thughts可知,Simn B. Rhymin’一书中的主人公Simn总是不敢表达自己的想法。
    解析:细节理解题。根据A Sht in the Arm! 部分中的A Sht in the Arm! is a nvel abut the histry f vaccines. Readers learn hw vaccines have been used thrughut histry t fight disease. The authr als intrduces peple arund the wrld wh helped with the develpment f vaccines可知,A Sht in the Arm!一书主要讲述疫苗的发展史。因此,该书适合爱好历史或科学的读者。
    解析:细节理解题。根据The One Thing Yu’d Save部分中的Writer Linda Sue Park explres different answers t this questin in pems that shw the different vices f a middle schl class可知,该书是以诗歌形式书写的。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的The tl ... is designed t be waterprf, shck prf and pacher prf及it has been seen in mre than 55 cuntries where pachers have frced the best-knwn but mst threatened species t near extinctin可知,SMART主要被用来防止非法偷猎。
    解析:段落大意题。根据第三段中的it lets the user recrd bservatins和that infrmatin gets entered, sent t the clud and sent ut t the base camp s they can take actin and stp the killing可知,本段主要介绍SMART是如何帮助公园管理员防止非法偷猎的。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第四段中Kim Yung对SMART的描述可知,智能SMART使得收集信息变得很容易。这样,人们就可以将更多的时间用来分析重要的信息。在SMART的辅助下,非洲的许多濒危动物的数量在回升。由此可推断,他认为SMART很有用。
    解析:推理判断题。第一段中描述了Gerge Schaller在给作者的来信中提到成千上万的藏羚羊被掠杀后,皮毛被走私到印度。根据本段中的 “N use in India fr antelpe wl,” we wrte back, nt knwing the seriusness f the illegal trade here 可知,作者认为Gerge Schaller信中所说的藏羚羊绒走私不是真的。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的A lt f designers and mdels jined us. Slwly, the message was being driven hme可知,印度首次发起的保护藏羚羊的运动得到了许多人的支持。drive hme 使人理解。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段的描述可知,藏羚羊的绒毛被用来编织成一种叫“沙图什”的高贵披肩。再根据倒数第二段中的we set up a business t prcess high quality pashmina wl and make an alternative shawl可知,为了阻止人们猎杀藏羚羊做沙图什,印度尝试加工高质量的羊绒披肩来代替人们所追逐的沙图什。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的they made a surprising discvery: a Mind harlequin tad. The creature hadn’t been seen alive in 30 years及第二段中的The Mind harlequin is the latest harlequin tad species “t cme back frm the dead,”可知,生物学家们发现明多斑足蟾时,简直无法相信自己的眼睛,因为它已消失30年了。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第四段中的Cstales says the Mind harlequin tad may have develped a resistance t the disease及Since discvering the first ne, Cstales’s team has fund five mre. They were all tested fr chytrid. Nne had the disease可知,Cstales认为,明多斑足蟾可能对壶菌产生了抗体。本段中的spell意为“意味着”。
    解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段中的Cstales is develping a cnservatin plan with a zlgy museum in Ecuadr. She wants t make sure the Mind harlequin tad desn’t fall back int extinctin可知,Cstales正在制定保护计划,以确保明多斑足蟾不会灭绝。
    解析:标题归纳题。本文讲述了科学家在厄瓜多尔北部的森林里发现了被认为已灭绝的明多斑足蟾。A项Lst and Fund表示“失而复得”,符合文章大意。
    16、答案:①-⑤ FGCEA
    解析:①由空后的Here’s hw yu can help及下文给出的具体建议可知,蜜蜂需要我们的帮助。由此可知,本空应该讲述蜜蜂所面临的问题。所有选项中,只有F项符合语境。F项中的the species指代bees。
    ②本段讲述你可以通过种花来帮助蜜蜂。结合空前的By planting flwers in yur garden 及空后的Anther idea is t add hanging baskets f flwers next t yur frnt dr可知,本空内容应该与“在家里的某个地方种花”相关,故选G项。G项中的Yu dn’t even need a garden space t attract bees顺接上文By planting flwers in yur garden yu can create a pleasant place fr bees,yur windw bx will d 引出下文中的Anther idea is t ...。
    ③本段讲述在花园里找个合适的位置建蜂窝。根据空前的描述可知,有人想养蜜蜂但却没有合适的地方建蜂窝。结合空前的If yu have sme space, cntact yur lcal beekeeping rganizatin可知,C项符合语境。C项中的a site与上文中的space相照应。
    ④本段讲述要给蜜蜂提供水。E项“像其他生物一样,蜜蜂需要水来维持生命”符合语境。空后的They use water t ... temperature in their hives可提示本空答案。
    ⑤本段讲述要善待蜜蜂。根据空前的If a bee flies in frnt f yu when unprtected, d nt flap yur hands可知,本空应该讲述“当有蜜蜂在你面前飞来飞去而你却没有保护措施时,你应该如何做”。结合空后的The bee will sn lse interest可知,A项符合语境。d nt flap yur hands及Stay calm and mve slwly away可支撑小标题Be bee friendly。
    解析:根据文章首句Dean Mberg wrks at SeaWrld, which rescues mre birds than any ther type f animal可知,此处在谈论Dean的工作,故选jb。
    解析:根据下文中的Smetimes Dean finds sandhill cranes that have been sht by arrws r hit by glf balls可知,有时候,Dean救助的鸟儿由于人为因素而受伤。n purpse (故意地)符合语境。下文中的Mst f the time, the cranes that Dean ... have been injured by chance与本空所在句形成对比,也可提示本空的答案。
    解析:根据第一段的描述和本句中的they knw t call SeaWrld及下文中的if ne f them is hurt, it must g back t SeaWrld可知,有人发现有沙丘鹤“需要(needs)”帮助时,便会给SeaWrld打电话。Dean会和他的团队开车去“接(pick up)”沙丘鹤,然后将它带回SeaWrld。
    解析:根据上文中的sandhill crane adults are fund in pairs可知,沙丘鹤爸爸和沙丘鹤妈妈会“一起(tgether)”抚养小沙丘鹤。
    解析:根据本段中的sandhill crane adults are fund in pairs及本句中的when they are separated可知,通常,沙丘鹤一家生活在一起。因此,当它们被分开时,会很“难过(sad)”。
    解析:根据下文中的he takes them back t the same place可知,Dean会记录他们是在什么地方发现受伤的沙丘鹤。设空处所填的词应该与“发现”具有相同或相近的含义,故选finds。
    解析:根据下文中的Inventive, specially designed lift and supprt tls allw injured cranes t eat and rest while keeping weight ff their ... legs可知,救助受伤严重的沙丘鹤并不“容易(easy)”。
    解析:根据上文中的sandhill cranes with serius injuries可知,此处应该表示减少沙丘鹤受伤的腿所承受的压力。设空处所填的词应该与“受伤的”具有相同或相近的含义,brken(伤残的)符合语境。
    解析:根据上文的描述可知,Dean和他的团队会想方设法将受伤的沙丘鹤带回SeaWrld, 给它们疗伤。等沙丘鹤身体康复后,他们会帮助它们和家人团聚。由此可知,Dean和他的团队非常体贴、充满爱心,故选caring。
    ②考查动词-ing形式。spend time ding sth. 花时间做某事。
    ⑥考查可数名词的复数。设空处作宾语,表示“天”,day是可数名词,由空前的sme可知,此处应填days。take sme days ff 休几天假。
    ⑧考查固定搭配。由语境可知,此处表示“由于”,故填介词t。due t 由于。
    ⑩考查代词。设空处作宾语,指代上文中的1,864 pandas,故填them。
    Dear Jim,
    There’s sme gd news. Our schl is ging t hld a pster cmpetitin next Friday. The pster shuld be abut wildlife prtectin. All the classes are expected t take part.
    As far as I knw, yu lve animals and have been expecting t d smething t prtect wildlife. Besides, yu’re gd at drawing. S I hpe yu can jin us in designing a pster fr the cming cmpetitin. It’s a great chance t express yur ideas and shw yur creativity.
    Lking frward t yur reply.
    Li Hua
    While everyne else lked n frm a distance, t afraid t help, this wman didn’t hesitate. In fact, by the time I had climbed dwn the rcks and my husband had pulled Wyatt ut f the water, she had already made a call t the rescue center. She tld me that she was a nurse. She put a twel under Wyatt’s head. She asked us t keep him still and n his back in case he had injured his back.
    The rescue team came. We were taken t the lcal hspital. After sme tests, we were tld that Wyatt had sme slight injuries. As sn as I knew that Wyatt was ging t be OK, my thughts fell t the wman. If she had nt stepped up, wuld smene else have dne s? Perhaps. But it was her. I felt s drawn t her, s encuraged by her because she had been the ne wh had the curage t act instead f turning away.

    高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection优秀综合训练题: 这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第二册<a href="/yy/tb_c4002234_t7/?tag_id=28" target="_blank">Unit 2 Wildlife protection优秀综合训练题</a>,共19页。试卷主要包含了本试卷分第Ⅰ卷两部分等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection课后复习题: 这是一份人教版 (2019)必修 第二册<a href="/yy/tb_c4002234_t7/?tag_id=28" target="_blank">Unit 2 Wildlife protection课后复习题</a>,共7页。试卷主要包含了vt, hunt vt, mass adj, reserve n,  2,make ut 11等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection练习题: 这是一份人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection练习题,共16页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,短文填空,书面表达,读后续写等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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