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    Unit 2 Wildlife Protection B卷·综合能力提升练-【单元测试】2022-2023学年高一英语分层训练AB卷(人教版2019必修第二册)
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      Unit 2 Wildlife Protection B卷·综合能力提升练(原卷版)-【单元测试】2022-2023学年高一英语分层训练AB卷(人教版2019必修第二册).docx
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      Unit 2 Wildlife Protection B卷·综合能力提升练(解析版)-【单元测试】2022-2023学年高一英语分层训练AB卷(人教版2019必修第二册).docx
    Unit 2 Wildlife Protection B卷·综合能力提升练-【单元测试】2022-2023学年高一英语分层训练AB卷(人教版2019必修第二册)01
    Unit 2 Wildlife Protection B卷·综合能力提升练-【单元测试】2022-2023学年高一英语分层训练AB卷(人教版2019必修第二册)02
    Unit 2 Wildlife Protection B卷·综合能力提升练-【单元测试】2022-2023学年高一英语分层训练AB卷(人教版2019必修第二册)03
    Unit 2 Wildlife Protection B卷·综合能力提升练-【单元测试】2022-2023学年高一英语分层训练AB卷(人教版2019必修第二册)01
    Unit 2 Wildlife Protection B卷·综合能力提升练-【单元测试】2022-2023学年高一英语分层训练AB卷(人教版2019必修第二册)02
    Unit 2 Wildlife Protection B卷·综合能力提升练-【单元测试】2022-2023学年高一英语分层训练AB卷(人教版2019必修第二册)03
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    人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection单元测试课后练习题

    这是一份人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection单元测试课后练习题,文件包含Unit2WildlifeProtectionB卷·综合能力提升练解析版-单元测试2022-2023学年高一英语分层训练AB卷人教版2019必修第二册docx、Unit2WildlifeProtectionB卷·综合能力提升练原卷版-单元测试2022-2023学年高一英语分层训练AB卷人教版2019必修第二册docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共31页, 欢迎下载使用。

    必修Book 2 Unit 2 Wildlife Protection
    (时间:90分钟 满分:120分)
    第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    (2022·河南平顶山·高一期末)Wildlife of Madagascar
    Put yourself in Madagascar’s rich and unique ecosystems, seeing animals including these not found in the wild anywhere else in the world.
    Day 1: Arrive into Antananarivo
    On arrival, drive to the Relais des Plateaux Hotel and enjoy an evening meal. The name Antananarivo means “City of the Thousand”, referring to the 1,000 Merina tribe soldiers used by a king as protection of his city. More familiarly, it is known as Tana. Split into two parts (upper and lower towns), it is full of colourful markets, ancient stone steps and historical sites.
    Day 2: Antananarivo: Andasibe
    Head for Andasibe National Park. This 4-hour journey is an adventure, with the drive taking in huge mountain highlands and traditional Merina villages, with rice fields stretching away into the distance.
    Andasibe is one of Madagascar’s most popular wildlife parks and offers great opportunities to see some of the country’s excellent wildlife, including the unique indri (大狐猴). The pack’s popularity is reflected in the high-quality accommodation and guiding available.
    After lunch, venture into Andasibe National Park for the first time. It is one of the best places to see the largest lemur—the indri.
    Day 3: Mantadia
    Head out early for a tour of Montadia National Park, mainly covered by towering primary forest, which is sadly becoming less and less in Madagascar. Ranging in altitude from 800 to 1,260 metres, the park has a great variety of species and some good paths with beautiful views across the forest.
    Day 4: Mantadia to Kirindy
    Drive to the airport for a flight to Morondava, followed by a road trip to Kirindy via a stop at the iconic Avenue of Baobabs, where ancient baobabs (a kind of tree) line either side of the road. Check into Relais du Kirindy, and take a night walk in search of night-time wildlife.
    1.What make Andiasibe National Park popular?
    A.Its rice fields. B.Its good service.
    C.Its historical sites. D.Its unique location.
    2.On which night are visitors likely to come across wildlife?
    A.The night of Day 1. B.The night of Day 2.
    C.The might of Day 3. D.The might of Day4.
    3.Which may bring a feeling of unhappiness?
    A.The ancient baobabs in Kirindy. B.The traditional villages near Andasibe.
    C.The primary forest in Mantadia. D.The Relais des Plateaux Hotel in Antananarivo.
    【答案】1.B 2.D 3.C
    1.细节理解题。 根据 Day 2: Antananarivo: Andasibe介绍中的“The park’s popularity is reflected in the high-quality accommodation and guiding available.(该旅行团的受欢迎程度体现在高质量的住宿和导游服务上)”可知,公园的受欢迎程度反映在高质量的住宿和导游服务上。即其良好的服务令其深受欢迎。故选B项。
    2.细节理解题。根据Day 4: Mantadia to Kirindy介绍的“Check into Relais du Kirindy, and take a night walk in search of night-time wildlife.(入住金林迪驿站(Relais du Kirindy),在夜间散步,寻找夜间的野生动物)”可知,第四天入住金林迪驿站,在夜间散步,寻找夜间野生动物。故选D项。
    3.推理判断题。 根据 Day 3: Mantadia介绍的“Head out early for a tour of Mantadia National Park, mainly covered by towering primary forest, which is sadly becoming less and less in Madagascar.(早点出发去蒙塔迪亚国家公园游览,这里主要被高耸的原始森林覆盖,遗憾的是,马达加斯加的原始森林越来越少了)”可知,马达加斯加的原始森林越来越少了,这可能会带来不愉快的感觉。故选C项。

    (2022·北京昌平·高一期末)Will Gladstone remembers first learning about the blue-footed booby in his fifth grade science class. They are a symbol of the Galapagos Islands.
    The blue-footed booby population in the Galapagos has fallen to a third of its size since the1960s. This fact stayed with Will, who grew up bird-watching with his dad around their hometown. Will had never been to the Galapagos, nor seen a blue-footed booby in person, but decided he wanted to help protect them.
    A few days later, he came up with a plan: He could sell blue socks, the same color as the bird's feet, to raise money for protection efforts. Will set up his online site The Blue Feet Foundation in March 2016. The website was up for three months before Will and his younger brother Matthew sold their first pair of socks. “We reached out to a lot of people and they wouldn't take us seriously...because we were just kids.”
    But being “just kids” comes with its own strengths. They made an Instagram account for the foundation and started direct-messaging stars. Will says one of their biggest supporters is his longtime favorite hockey player, Kevan Miller. They have sold about 10,000 pairs of socks to customers in 46 countries, raising about $90, 000 after costs. All profits go to the Galapagos Conservancy and the Charles Darwin Foundation, two research and protection organizations based in the Galapagos Islands.
    Will's and Matthew's efforts are already having a beneficial effect. Their money was used for a blue-footed booby population survey in 2017 by a team of 10researchers. The researchers report that they did see many more baby birds than in their previous study in 2012.
    Three years after forming the foundation, Will got to visit the Galapagos on a weeklong school trip. And Will finally got to see a blue-footed booby in person. “I was crazily looking around and when l saw one, it was really cool,” Will said.
    The brothers have won several awards for their work. But they each say the biggest award they've got is perseverance.
    8.What inspired Will to protect the blue-footed booby?
    A.The drop of the birds' number. B.His trip to Galapagos Islands.
    C.His experience of bird-watching. D.The symbolic meaning of the bird.
    9.What did Will and Matthew do while people didn't take them seriously?
    A.They started The Blue Feet Foundation.
    B.They asked protection organizations for help.
    C.They reached out to their classmates and other kids.
    D.They opened an account and contacted famous people.
    10.The money Will and Matthew raised was used to______.
    A.take care of more baby birds B.do scientific research on the birds
    C.attract people to watch the birds D.award people who protect the birds
    11.Which of the following words can best describe Will?
    A.Humorous. B.Generous. C.Determined. D.Creative.
    【答案】4.A 5.D 6.B 7.C
    【解析】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述一个名叫Will Gladstone的孩子保护加拉帕戈斯蓝脚鲣鸟的故事。
    4.细节理解题。由文章第二段“The blue-footed booby population in the Galapagos has fallen to a third of its size since the1960s. This fact stayed with Will, who grew up bird-watching with his dad around their hometown. Will had never been to the Galapagos, nor seen a blue-footed booby in person, but decided he wanted to help protect them.(自20世纪60年代以来,加拉帕戈斯蓝脚鲣鸟的数量已下降到其数量的三分之一。这一事实一直伴随着Will,他和父亲一起在家乡观鸟长大。Will从未去过加拉帕戈斯,也没有亲眼见过蓝脚鲣鸟,但他决定要帮助保护他们。)”可知,加拉帕戈斯蓝脚鲣鸟的数量减少的这件事让Will决定帮助它们。故选A项。
    5.细节理解题。由文章第四段“But being “just kids” comes with its own strengths. They made an Instagram account for the foundation and started direct-messaging stars. Will says one of their biggest supporters is his longtime favorite hockey player, Kevan Miller.(但“只是孩子”有其自身的优势。他们在Instagram上为该基金会注册了帐号,并开始了明星直销。威尔说,他们最大的支持者之一是他长期以来最喜欢的曲棍球运动员凯文·米勒。)”可知,他们注册了该基金会帐号并联系明星来帮助。故选D项。
    6.细节理解题。由文章第五段“Their money was used for a blue-footed booby population survey in 2017 by a team of 10 researchers. (他们的资金被一个由100名研究人员组成的团队用于2017年的蓝脚鲣鸟数量调查。)”可知,他们筹集的钱被用来做科学研究了。故选B项。
    7.推理判断题。由文章最后一段“The brothers have won several awards for their work. But they each say the biggest award they've got is perseverance.(兄弟俩的工作获得了好几个奖项。但他们都说,他们获得的最大奖项是坚持。)”可知,Will很有决心,故选C项。
    (2022·湖南·高一期末)Shipping a Major Threat to World’s Biggest Fish
    Marine biologists have noticed that whale shark numbers have been falling in recent years. But people just take it for granted. A new international study suggests that collisions (碰撞) with shipping traffic could be a major reason for the decrease.
    The study was led by the Marine Biological Association of the U.K. and the University of Southampton, along with experts in Australia and New Zealand. The study appeared in the publication Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
    Researchers examined satellite data to observe about 350 whale sharks. They found that the world’s largest fish spend most of their time in waters used by large shipping boats.
    The study showed that information from the devices used to track their movements often ended in busy shipping paths. The researchers believe many sharks are probably being hit and killed by boats before sinking to the ocean floor.
    Mark Erdmann is with the University of Auckland in New Zealand and a scientist at the non-profit environmental organization Conservation International. He was one of the writers of the new study. Erdmann believes shipping is a major threat (威胁) to whale shark populations.
    “...What the study found is that, indeed, there is a huge amount of overlap (重叠) between where whale sharks are moving and global shipping traffic. So, those are real collision-risk areas. Most deadly strikes between whale sharks and boats are likely to go unobserved or unreported. There are currently no laws to protect whale sharks against these kinds of collisions.” Erdmann said.
    Whale sharks can grow up to 20 meters long. They play an important part in providing healthy ocean environments.
    12.What is the finding of the new study?
    A.Whale shark numbers have been falling.
    B.People take the decrease in the number of sharks for granted.
    C.Whaling ships mainly caused the decrease in the number of sharks.
    D.Sharks could mostly die from crashes into ships.
    13.What contributed to the researchers’ finding?
    A.The place where sharks’ movement ended.
    B.Sharks’ unusual movement in the paths.
    C.Ships’ unusual travelling manners.
    D.Violent fight between sharks and ships.
    14.What can we infer from Erdmann’s statement?
    A.Why sharks die is hard to find out.
    B.The number of ships should be reduced.
    C.Sharks are not important for reporters.
    D.The current laws are not strict enough.
    15.What can we know from the last paragraph?
    A.Sharks are the biggest animals. B.The new finding is very important.
    C.Sharks will die out soon. D.It is hard to protect huge sharks.
    【答案】8.D 9.A 10.A 11.B
    8.细节理解题。根据第一段“A new international study suggests that collisions (碰撞) with shipping traffic could be a major reason for the decrease.(一项新的国际研究表明,与运行船只的碰撞可能是减少的主要原因)”可知,新研究发现鲨鱼可能大多死于撞船事故。故选D项。
    9.细节理解题。根据第四段“The study showed that information from the devices used to track their movements often ended in busy shipping paths.(研究表明,用于跟踪其活动的设备的所提供的信息通常在繁忙的运输路径上结束)”可知,提供信息结束意味着鲨鱼死亡了,鲨鱼死亡的地点促成了研究人员的发现。故选A项。
    10.推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“Most deadly strikes between whale sharks and boats are likely to go unobserved or unreported.(鲨鱼和船只之间最致命的袭击很可能未被发现或未报告)”可推知,鲨鱼和船只碰撞而死不易被发现,也不被报道,这导致了鲨鱼的死因很难找到。故选A项。
    11.推理判断题。根据最后一段“Whale sharks can grow up to 20 meters long. They play an important part in providing healthy ocean environments.(鲸鲨可以长达20米。它们在提供健康的海洋环境方面发挥着重要作用)”可知,鲨鱼在平衡海洋生态环境方面发挥重要作用,所以发现鲨鱼的死亡原因,可以帮助保护鲨鱼,这一新发现是很重要的。故选B项。
    (2022·河南安阳·高一期末)A recent scientific report says that more than one-fifth of the world’s reptiles (爬行动物) are faced with extinction. The main threat (威胁) to reptiles is the loss of their natural homes, as humans take over more and more natural areas.
    The study, written by 52 scientists, is the first worldwide measurement of how threatened different species (物种) of reptiles are. The new report has shown some unhappy news — 21% of all reptile species are in danger of extinction. That’s over 1,800 species in all.
    The main reason why these reptiles are dying out is that humans are taking over more and more of their habitats — the places where they naturally live. More land continues to be cleared to make room for cities and towns. Large areas of land are also being cleared so that they can be used as farmland. Logging — cutting down trees for wood — is another big threat to reptile habitat. Turtles and crocodiles are among the most threatened reptiles. Humans are a direct threat here, often killing these animals for their skin or meat.
    Similar worldwide studies of birds and mammals (哺乳动物) were made more than ten years ago. The authors of the report say it was harder to collect the money needed to study reptiles. They believe that’s because furry or feathery animals like mammals and birds are more popular with most people. But even if reptiles aren’t considered cute, they play a very important part in nature’s food chains. One service performed by reptiles that humans should appreciate is helping control certain pests, like insects and rats.
    We know what must be done to protect reptiles. Bruce Young, one of the leaders of the study, says, “We have all the tools we need.” Protecting natural areas is at the top of the list. Studies show that saving natural areas doesn’t just protect mammals or birds, but all kinds of animals, including reptiles. So the time is always right to do the right thing!
    4.What is the top reason for reptiles’ dangerous situation?
    A.The lack of food. B.People’s killing them.
    C.The loss of their natural homes. D.People’s cutting down trees.
    5.What can we infer from paragraph 4?
    A.Reptiles are prettier than mammals.
    B.People care more about mammals than reptiles.
    C.Mammals are more important than reptiles.
    D.Reptiles are better protected than mammals.
    6.What is the purpose of the last paragraph?
    A.To share some good news. B.To teach some useful skills.
    C.To call on people to take action. D.To give people some confidence.
    7.What might be the best title for the text?
    A.Reptiles Are at Risk of Dying Out.
    B.A New Report Showed Some Bad News.
    C.What Should We Do to Protect Reptiles?
    D.Why Reptiles Are in Danger?
    【答案】12.C 13.B 14.C 15.A
    13.细节理解题。根据第一段的最后一句“The main threat (威胁) to reptiles is the loss of their natural homes, as humans take over more and more natural areas.(爬行动物的主要威胁在于,人类不断地占据自然区域,导致这些动物失去了自然栖息地)”可知,导致爬行动物面临险境的最大原因是失去了自然栖息地。故选C项。
    13.推理判断题。根据第四段的前三句“Similar worldwide studies of birds and mammals (哺乳动物) were made more than ten years ago. The authors of the report say it was harder to collect the money needed to study reptiles. They believe that’s because furry or feathery animals like mammals and birds are more popular with most people. (十多年前,世界各地均对鸟类和哺乳动物开展了类似的研究。该报告的作者称,筹集爬行动物研究资金会更加困难。他们认为这是因为像哺乳动物和鸟类这样毛茸茸或有羽毛的动物更受大多数人欢迎)”可知,和哺乳动物和鸟类相比,筹集用于研究爬行动物的资金会更难,而且爬行动物也不如哺乳动物和鸟类受欢迎。由此可知,人们更关心哺乳动物,而不是爬行动物。故选B项。
    14.推理判断题。根据最后一段“We know what must be done to protect reptiles. Bruce Young, one of the leaders of the study, says, “We have all the tools we need.” Protecting natural areas is at the top of the list. Studies show that saving natural areas doesn’t just protect mammals or birds, but all kinds of animals, including reptiles. So the time is always right to do the right thing! (我们知道必须要做什么来保护爬行动物。研究负责人布鲁斯·扬说:“所需工具齐全。”保护自然栖息地是首要任务。研究表明,保护自然栖息地不仅仅是保护哺乳动物或鸟类,而是应该保护含爬行动物在内的所有动物。所以只要是做正确的事情,任何时机都正确!)”可知,最后一段强调要采取行动保护爬行动物,说明该段目的是呼吁人们采取行动。故选C项。

    (2022·全国·高一课时练习)Knitting (编织) for a cause
    It isn’t often that zookeepers call on craftspeople for help, but cold weather at the Wildlife SOS Elephant Conservation and Care Center in northern India was putting elephants at risk. ____16____ . Now the elephants are stepping out in style, thanks to volunteers who used their crafting talents to knit big sweaters to protect the animals.
    Rescuing elephants
    ____17____ . It has been taking action against animal cruelty and saving wildlife in trouble since 1995. Its Elephant Conservation and Care Center is devoted to rescuing the gentle elephants from being treated with extreme cruelty in circuses. ____18____ , and the staff hopes to take in 50 more of the creatures this year.
    A tall order
    ____19____ , so they are particularly vulnerable (易受影响的) to cold weather. When staff reported near-freezing night time temperatures this winter, volunteers from surrounding villages began knitting big sweaters to keep the elephants warm. The monumental sweaters, which are large enough to cover the elephants’ backs, bellies, and legs, are beautiful and cheerful.
    ____20____ —each one takes about four weeks to create with volunteers working together. Centered on a common goal, the project helps foster (培养) a sense of community in all who participate.
    A.Wildlife SOS is a conservation group
    B.Making sweaters is a big undertaking
    C.A few elephants have recovered from injuries
    D.There are 20 elephants living at the center at present
    E.Some volunteers even make sweaters for elephants in India
    F.Most of the elephants housed at the center are in poor health
    G.Thus the center’s staff joined forces with locals to find a creative way to keep the animals warm
    【答案】16.G 17.A 18.D 19.F 20.B
    16.根据前文“but cold weather at the Wildlife SOS Elephant Conservation and Care Center in northern India was putting elephants in danger. (但在印度北部的野生动物SOS大象保护和护理中心,寒冷的天气让大象处于危险之中)”可知,大象因寒冷的天气处于危险之中。G选项“Thus the center worked together with locals to find a creative way to keep the animals warm (因此,该中心与当地人合作,找到了一种创造性的方法来保持动物的温暖)”承接上文,表明保护中心针对动物园大象“缺衣”的困境,找出解决办法,保护大象。故选G。
    17.根据下文“It has been taking action against animal cruelty and saving wildlife in trouble since 1995. (自1995年以来,它一直在采取行动反对虐待动物,拯救困境中的野生动物。)”可知,该处应该是介绍一个致力于拯救保护动物的机构。而A选项“Wildlife SOS is a conservation group (野生动物SOS是一个动物保护组织)”符合上下句文意连贯。故选A。
    18.根据后文“and the center hopes to take in 50 more of the creatures. (保护中心希望能再接纳50头大象)”可知,空格处应介绍目前保护中心内的大象数量,D选项“There are 20 elephants living at the center at present (目前有20头大象生活在该中心)”符合上下文连贯。故选D。
    19.根据后文“so they easily fall ill in cold temperatures. (所以它们很容易在低温下得病)”可知,空格处应表明大象容易生病的原因,且由空格后句中的指代上文代词they可知,空格处应出现复数名词“大象”。F选项“Most of the elephants housed at the center are in poor health (保护和护理中心的大多数大象健康状况不佳)”符合上下文因果逻辑。故选F项。
    20.根据后文“each one takes about four weeks to create with volunteers working together. (每一件都需要志愿者们共同努力,花费数周完成)”可知,编织帮助大象御寒的毛衣相当耗时耗力。B选项“Making the sweaters is a large task (制作毛衣是个宏大的任务)”符合上下文语义连贯。空格后句更具体地解释毛衣制造的困难之处。故选B。

    第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    (2022·全国·高一课时练习)Last fall I hung outside my window a bird feeder (喂鸟的食槽). Knowing ___21___ about wild birds, I assumed that ___22___ I hung this bird feeder outside, numbers of beautiful birds would be swooping (飞扑) to my new addition. However, days, weeks, and months ___23___ , NO BIRDS.
    I asked so many people, “What to do? ___24___ was I doing wrong?” “Nothing,” most of them replied, “just   ___25___!” So I waited and waited and waited, trying everything ___26___ to attract these birds. I cleaned off the deck (平台),   ___27___ the feed and washed the feeder. I ___28___ made the cat go out of the other door! Nothing seemed to ___29___. But I waited with patience and ____30____. Two months later, on a Saturday afternoon, I ____31____! What came to my eyes was the most beautiful bird I have ever seen in my life! All of a sudden, hundreds of birds were ____32____ from everywhere!
    What a beautiful lesson I learned from this little creature! Patience and hope will attract the beautiful things in life. Yet I had never ____33____ how much patience I really do have and how much I do rely on hope to ____34____ the questions in my heart.
    So I keep hoping and waiting, waiting and hoping. I will try to use this “little lesson” with so many other things in my life. I guess patience is a ____35____ after all.
    21.A.something B.nothing C.anything D.everything
    22.A.once B.since C.until D.before
    23.A.ran out B.got through C.went by D.passed on
    24.A.When B.Why C.How D.What
    25.A.wait B.seek C.try D.watch
    26.A.reliable B.movable C.possible D.incredible
    27.A.cleared B.picked C.selected D.changed
    28.A.still B.even C.just D.too
    29.A.run B.work C.do D.go
    30.A.courage B.hope C.attention D.desire
    31.A.failed B.sighed C.calmed D.froze
    32.A.climbing B.spreading C.gathering D.disappearing
    33.A.admitted B.recognized C.realized D.neglected
    34.A.adjust to B.focus on C.deal with D.make up
    35.A.gift B.virtue C.pleasure D.belief
    【答案】21.B 22.A 23.C 24.D 25.A 26.C 27.D 28.B 29.B 30.B 31.D 32.C 33.C 34.C 35.B
    21.考查代词词义辨析。句意:我对野生的鸟一无所知,我以为一旦我把这个喂鸟的食槽挂在外面,就会有很多漂亮的鸟扑向我的新添加物。A. something某事;B. nothing没有;C. anything什么都可以;D. everything每件事。根据下文“I assumed that   ___2___   I hung this bird feeder outside, numbers of beautiful birds would be swooping to my new addition.”可知,作者关于野生的鸟一无所知。故选B项。
    22.考查连词词义辨析。句意:我对野生的鸟一无所知,我以为一旦我把这个喂鸟的食槽挂在外面,就会有很多漂亮的鸟扑向我的新添加物。A. once一旦;B. since自从;C. until直到;D. before在……之前。根据下文“I hung this bird feeder outside, numbers of beautiful birds would be swooping to my new addition.”可知,作者认为一旦喂鸟的食槽挂在外面,就会有很多漂亮的小鸟来。故选A项。
    23.考查动词短语辨析。句意:然而,几天、几周、几个月过去了,没有鸟儿。A. ran out用完了;B. got through完成;C. went by过去;D. passed on传递。根据上文“However, days, weeks, and months”以及语境可知,此处表示几天、几周、几个月的时间过去了。故选C项。
    24.考查疑问词词义辨析。句意:我做错了什么?A. When当……时;B. Why为什么;C. How如何;D. What什么。根据下文“was I doing wrong”以及语境可知,此处表示作者询问别人自己做错了什么。故选D项。
    25.考查动词词义辨析。句意:就等一等!A. wait等;B. seek寻找;C. try尝试;D. watch看。根据下文“So I waited and waited and waited”可知,此处表示就等一等。故选A项。
    26.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:所以我等啊等啊等,尝试一切可能的事情来吸引这些鸟。A. reliable可靠的;B. movable可移动的;C. possible可能的;D. incredible难以置信的。根据下文“to attract these birds. I cleaned off the deck,     ___7___   the feed and washed the feeder. I   ___8___   made the cat go out of the other door!”可知,为了吸引鸟儿,作者尝试一切可能的事情。故选C项。
    27.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我清理了甲板,换了饲料,洗了饲料。A. cleared清理;B. picked挑选;C. selected选择;D. changed改换。根据下文“the feed”可知,此处表示作者改换了饲料。故选D项。
    28.考查副词词义辨析。句意:我甚至让猫从另一扇门出去!A. still仍然;B. even甚至;C. just仅仅;D. too也。根据下文“made the cat go out of the other door”可知,作者甚至让猫从另一扇门出去,空处应用even表示递进。故选B项。
    29.考查动词词义辨析。句意:似乎什么都不起作用。A. run跑;B. work起作用;C. do做;D. go去。根据下文“But I waited with patience and   ___10___ .”可知,此处表示作者做的事情没有起作用。故选B项。
    30.考查名词词义辨析。句意:但我怀着耐心和希望等待。A. courage勇气;B. hope希望;C. attention注意;D. desire愿望。根据下文“Patience and hope will attract the beautiful things in life.”可知,作者怀着耐心和希望在等。故选B项。
    31.考查动词词义辨析。句意:两个月后的一个星期六下午,我呆住了!A. failed失败;B. sighed叹气;C. calmed使平静;D. froze使停住不动。根据下文“What came to my eyes was the most beautiful bird I have ever seen in my life!”可知,作者非常惊讶,呆住了。故选D项。
    32.考查动词词义辨析。句意:突然间,数百只鸟儿从四面八方飞来!A. climbing攀登;B. spreading传播;C. gathering聚集;D. disappearing消失。根据下文“from everywhere”以及语境可知,此处表示作者看到数百只鸟儿从四面八方聚集过来。故选C项。
    33.考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,我从未意识到我有多大的耐心,我有多依赖希望来应对心中的问题。A. admitted承认;B. recognized辨别出;C. realized意识到;D. neglected忽略。根据下文“how much patience I really do have and how much I do rely on hope to   ___14___   the questions in my heart.”可知,作者从未意识到自己有多大的耐心和希望来应对心中的问题。故选C项。
    34.考查动词短语辨析。句意:然而,我从未意识到我有多大的耐心,我有多依赖希望来应对心中的问题。A. adjust to调整;B. focus on关注;C. deal with应对;D. make up组成。根据下文“the questions in my heart.”可知,此处表示应对问题。故选C项。
    35.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我想耐心毕竟是一种美德。A. gift礼物;B. virtue美德;C. pleasure高兴;D. belief相信。根据上文“I will try to use this “little lesson” with so many other things in my life. I guess patience is”以及语境可知,作者认为耐心是一种美德。故选B项。

    Scientists have discovered the world’s fastest ant. It is the Saharan silver ant. It runs ____36____ a speed of just over 3kph. The ant runs 108 times the ____37____ (long) of its own body every second. This is ____38____ (quick) than an Olympic 100-meter runner. The world’s fastest man, Usain Bolt, ran the 100 meters ____39____ (use) 4 strides (大步) a second while the Saharan silver ant uses up to 50 strides a second. The scientists say this much movement almost breaks the limits of ____40____ is physically possible for a living thing. Each of the ants’ feet makes contact with the ground for just seven milliseconds before they take ____41____ next stride.
    The scientists said the Saharan silver ant runs so fast because it lives in the hot desert ____42____ the sand can reach temperatures of up to 60 degrees Celsius, so the ant desires ____43____ (spend) as little time as possible with its feet on the scorching ground. Another reason is that if the ants’ feet spend a longer time on the sand, they ____44____ (sink)a little and slow down. Professor Wolf told CNN, “We knew these ants would be fast, but nobody knew how fast _____45_____ (exact), and how they would achieve that speed.”
    【答案】36.at 37.length 38.quicker 39.using 40.what 41.the 42.where 43.to spend 44.will sink 45.exactly
    36.考查介词。句意:它的速度刚刚超过每小时3公里。结合句意表示“以……的速度”短语为at a speed of。故填at。
    37.考查名词。句意:蚂蚁每秒钟跑的路程是自己身体长度的108倍。此处应填抽象名词length,构成倍数表达:倍数+the length of+比较对象。故填length。
    38.考查比较级。句意:这比奥运会上的100米跑步者跑得还快。根据后文than an Olympic 100-meter runner可知应用比较级。故填quicker。
    39.考查非谓语动词。句意:世界上跑得最快的人尤塞恩·博尔特跑100米的速度是每秒4步,而撒哈拉银蚁的速度是每秒50步。分析句子结构可知use在句中应用非谓语动词形式,与逻辑主语Usain Bolt构成主动关系,故用现在分词作状语。故填using。
    41.考查冠词。句意:蚂蚁的每只脚与地面接触只有7毫秒,然后它们就会迈出下一步。表示“下一个”短语为the next。故填the。
    43.考查非谓语动词。句意:科学家们表示,撒哈拉银蚁之所以跑得这么快,是因为它们生活在炎热的沙漠中,那里的沙子温度可以达到60摄氏度,所以它们希望尽可能少地在灼热的地面上停留。此处为短语desire to do sth.表示“希望做某事”,不定式作宾语。故填to spend。
    44.考查时态。句意:另一个原因是,如果蚂蚁的脚在沙子上停留的时间更长,它们会下沉一点,速度会变慢。if引导的条件状语从句用了一般现在时,故主句用一般将来时。故填will sink。

    第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
    1. 自我介绍;
    2. 介绍野生动物的生存状况;
    3. 简要介绍中国野生动物的保护现状及保护措施。
    1. 词数80左右;
    2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

    【答案】Dear teachers and students,
    Dear teachers and students, I’m a volunteer called Li Hua from the Wildlife Conservation Charity. I’m glad to stand here to share the mystery of wildlife with you.   
    Advanced technology destroyed many habitats of the wild animals and they were forced to migrate to other areas, which had extremely negative effects on their survival. Faced with this condition, our government has taken varieties of steps to protect endangered species in China, such as founding specific departments and issuing laws to protect wildlife from being damaged.
    It’s high time that we should make efforts to care for the wild animals. That’s all, thank you.
    高兴的:glad→ delighted
    毁坏:destroyed → demolished
    及其:extremely → highly/greatly
    被迫做某事:were forced to → were obliged to
    采取措施:has taken steps to→ has taken measures to
    努力做某事:make efforts to → strive to
    原句:Faced with this condition, our government has taken varieties of steps to protect endangered species in China, such as founding specific departments and issuing laws to protect wildlife from being damaged.
    拓展句:Our government that is faced with this condition, has taken varieties of steps to protect endangered species in China, such as founding specific departments and issuing laws to protect wildlife from being damaged.
    【高分句型1】Advanced technology destroyed many habitats of the wild animals and they were forced to migrate to other areas, which had extremely negative effects on their survival. (运用了which 引导非限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】Faced with this condition, our government has taken varieties of steps to protect endangered species in China, such as founding specific departments and issuing laws to protect wildlife from being damaged. ( 运用了过去分词做原因状语的结构以及to do 不定式做目的状语的结构)

    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    On his way home, Jonathon saw a gray, long-haired cat sitting on the sidewalk. As he stopped to pet her, he noticed that she was not wearing a collar. She rubbed her head against his hand and began to purr (发呼噜声). She reminded Jonathon of Smoky, the cat he had when he was younger. Smoky’s fur had been long and gray too.
    Jonathon petted the cat for a while. Then he said, “I have to go,” and continued home. To his surprise, the cat followed him.
    When Jonathon was home, he walked up the porch steps and went in the kitchen. The cat followed him up the steps and sat quietly outside the door, watching him closely. Jonathon made a sandwich. The cat continued to stare at him. Jonathon sighed. “I know it’s not a good idea to feed a stray cat,” he said, “but you look so hungry! I can’t sit here and eat without feeding you too!”
    Jonathon put some turkey on a plate for the cat. As Jonathon watched, she ate every scrap of turkey and then began to clean her face and paws. “Wow!” Jonathon said, “You must have been starving. I wonder how long it has been since someone fed you.”
    Jonathon finished his sandwich and looked at the cat. Her long fur was matted (乱蓬蓬的). Jonathon remembered that Smoky’s brush and toys were stored in the garage. “I’m going to clean you up a little,” Jonathon said to the cat.
    Jonathon found Smoky’s brush and got to work. As the dirt came out, the cat’s fur began to get lighter. “Hey!” Jonathon said, realizing the truth. “You’re not gray—you’re white!”
    After her brushing, the cat climbed onto Jonathon’s lap and purred. “You’re so friendly, you probably belong to someone,” Jonathon said. “I bet you’re just lost.” When Jonathon’s father came home, Jonathon showed him the cat that had stretched out in a patch of sun on the porch. “Why don’t you make some signs to place in the neighborhood,” his father suggested.
    1. 续写字数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    His father said that if no one called about the cat after a week, Jonathon could keep her.
    “Okay,” Jonathon’s father finally said, “I think you’ve waited long enough.”
    【答案】Possible version
    His father said that if no one called about the cat after a week, Jonathon could keep her. Jonathon made some signs that read “Cat Found” and hung them around his neighborhood. He could not help crossing his fingers, though. On one hand, he knew it was right to give the cat back to its owner; on the other hand, he did like the cat very much and wanted to adopt it. Jonathon fed and brushed her every day, and he and the cat became inseparable. The week crawled by and no one called to claim the cat.
    “Okay,” Jonathon’s father finally said, “I think you’ve waited long enough.” “You mean I can keep the cat?” Jonathon was wild with joy. His father gave a nod and said, “Why don’t you name the cat? That will make her a member of the family.” Thinking it over and over again, Jonathon decided to call the cat Snowy because she was as white as snow. Although Snowy and Smoky were different in many ways, they had one thing in common: love and company.
    ②喜欢:like/be fond of
    [高分句型 1] His father said that if no one called about the cat after a week, Jonathon could keep her.(由if引导的条件状语从句)
    [高分句型 2] on the other hand, he did like the cat very much and wanted to adopt it.(用did强调谓语)
    [高分句型 3] Thinking it over and over again, Jonathon decided to call the cat Snowy because she was as white as snow.(现在分词作状语)


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        Unit 2 Wildlife Protection B卷·综合能力提升练-【单元测试】2022-2023学年高一英语分层训练AB卷(人教版2019必修第二册)
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