1.在村民们的共同努力下,这个曾经的贫困村面貌焕然一新,脱贫取得显著成效。(With) (汉译英)
2.我能在自己的专业领域为中西方文化交流做出贡献,已经感到十分满足。(satisfy) (汉译英)
3.表姐过去积极参加所有的跑步比赛,但现在她已经放弃了跑步。(give) (汉译英)
9.老年人晚上不要喝浓茶,以免睡不着。(in case) (汉译英)
10.虽然坚持原则、明辨是非是立身之本,但有时灵活变通也不失明智。(sense) (汉译英)
11.他刚到机场就被告知他乘坐的航班因天气原因取消。(No sooner .….) (汉译英)
12.我对你慷慨帮助的感激之情难以言表。(appreciation) (汉译英)
13.面对纷繁芜杂的证据,只有经过缜密分析和严格考证,我们才有可能找到事实的真相,并做出正确的判断。(Only) (汉译英)
15.正是谷爱凌(Eileen Gu)的坚持不懈让她在本届冬奥会上创造了奇迹。(It, enable) (汉译英)
16.无需多久,无人驾驶飞机送外卖,这个当下鲜为人知的小行业,将迅速发展成为一个年销售额愈千亿美元的大产业。(before) (汉译英)
19.“多一分理解,少一分指责”,这句话适用于生活的方方面面,它对社会的积极影响不可小觑。(whose) (汉译英)
20.凭良心说,生活中总有我们在乎的人,也有在乎我们的人,所以每个人都值得善待。(deserve) (汉译英)
21.近年来减少中小学生过重的学业负担和课外辅导是公众主要关注的问题。(concern) (汉译英)
22.由于通信网络的快速发展,智能手机用户数量近年来以惊人速度增长,这极大地改变了人们的阅读方式。 (increase)(汉译英)
23.赶紧拖一下地板上的水,以免有人滑倒。(in case)(汉译英)
24.那个曾经一贫如洗的小山村近几年发展迅猛。(witness) (汉译英)
26.比起第一个版本,这一版更详尽且生动。 (compare)(汉译英)
28.那年夏天,我和小学同学结伴在庐山骑行,我们有一度看到山巅近在咫尺,然而它实则遥不可及。(once) (汉译英)
29.湛蓝天空映衬着雪白的梨花,景色美丽独特,吸引着络绎不绝的游客。(attract) (汉译英)
30.研究表明饲养宠物有助于人的心理健康和性格培养。(contribute) (汉译英)
32.对铁路迷来说,没有什么比看着窗外飞快略过的风景更棒。(gaze v.) (汉译英)
36.演讲者在演讲中投入的情感越多,观众越容易被打动并产生共鸣。(the more…the more) (汉译英)
37.健康专家建议毛巾、牙刷等物品要定期更换。(suggest) (汉译英)
38.图书馆数字化借阅服务何时投入使用无从得知。(no telling)(汉译英)
39.想到睡在帐篷的硬地上,野营就没那么诱人了。(thought) (汉译英)
40.如果社区遭灾,及时提供救援常常是最关键的一环。(It) (汉译英)
42.一部文学作品,无论灵感来自梦境或是现实,只有融入个人的社会经历,才可能成为佳作。(inspire) (汉译英)
43.北京冬奥会吉祥物(mascot)冰墩墩(Bing Dwen Dwen)广受追捧得益于设计中的众多中国元素。(why)(汉译英)
44.孩子们从未想过有一天能有幸观看宇航员在空间站做实验。(occur to) (汉译英)
45.正是这些非营利组织采取的有效举措为残疾人的事业发展创造了良好的条件。(that) (汉译英)
47.除非严格控制煤炭消耗量,否则应对气候变化的方案无论制订得多周详,都无法获得成功。(Never) (汉译英)
48.那个退休老大爷每天都要上抖音做节目,他还有不少的粉丝,这可能是他如此痴迷于抖音的具体原因吧!(which) (汉译英)
49.有些电视节目几十年来在形式和内容上一成不变,与当今观众的期待相差甚远,遭到市场淘汰是迟早的事。(far from)(汉译英)
50.期望外国游客能了解并遵守当地的法律法规。(expect) (汉译英)
1.With the joint efforts of the villagers, the once poor village has taken on a new look and achieved remarkable results in poverty alleviation.
考查短语和时态。根据汉语提示,表示“在村们们的共同努力下”应该使用介词短语With the joint efforts of the villagers,作状语;表示“面貌焕然一新”应该用动词短语take on a new look;表示“取得显著成效”应该用动词短语achieve remarkable results;表示在“在脱贫方面”应该用 in poverty alleviation。本句描述的是动作发生在过去,对现在造成的影响,故使用现在完成时。故翻译为With the joint efforts of the villagers, the once poor village has taken on a new look and achieved remarkable results in poverty alleviation。
2.I am very satisfied that I can make contributions to the cultural exchanges between China and the West in my professional field.
考查从句和时态。表示“感到十分满足”的短语为be very satisfied;表示“为中西方文化交流做出贡献” 短语为make contributions to the cultural exchanges between China and the West;表示“在自己的专业领域”短语为in my professional field。分析句子可知,句子描述的是一般的情况,用一般现在时。be satisfied that 后接宾语从句。故可翻译为I am very satisfied that I can make contributions to the cultural exchanges between China and the West in my professional field.
3.My cousin used to take an active part in all the running competitions, but now she has given up running.
考查动词时态和短语。表示“表姐”的英文为 cousin;表示“过去”短语为used to;表示“积极参加所有的跑步比赛”短语为take an active part in all the running competitions;表示“放弃跑步”短语为give up running。表示“但现在”短语为but now。根据句意“已经”可知,后半句用现在完成时。故可翻译为My cousin used to take an active part in all the running competitions, but now she has given up running.
4.Don’t you think watching this movie is a waste of money?
考查非谓语动词和名词短语。根据句意可知,句子描述一般性事实,应用一般现在时,根据汉语提示,表示“你不觉得”应该用don’t you think;“看这部电影就是在浪费钱”可以写成宾语从句,表示“看这部电影”应该用watch this movie,在从句句中作主语,应该使用动名词;表示“浪费钱”应该使用名词短语a waste of money。故翻译为Don’t you think watching this movie is a waste of money?
5.It is your support that has made many people see the importance of this research, which makes a difference to my cause.
考查时态,强调句和定语从句。由“正是”可知,句子用强调句,结构是“it is+被强调的部分+that/who+其他部分”,强调“你的支持”,是your support,后跟that,“令很多人看到了”是make many people see,时态用现在完成时,“这项研究的重要意义”是the importance of this research,“这对我的事业很有作用”用which引导非限制性定语从句,先行词是“the importance of this research”,“对……很有作用”是make a difference to,用一般现在时表示客观事实,“我的事业”是my cause,因此整句话翻译为“It is your support that has made many people see the importance of this research, which makes a difference to my cause”。故答案为It is your support that has made many people see the importance of this research, which makes a difference to my cause.
6.To our relief, it was two hours before the police found the missing girl.
考查固定短语和固定句型。根据句意用一般过去时,表示“令人宽慰的是”短语为to one’s relief;此处为句型“it+was+一段时间+before”,表示“过了多久就……”;表示“警察找到那个失踪的孩子”翻译为the police find the missing girl,为一般过去时。故翻译为To our relief, it was two hours before the police found the missing girl.
7.Losing your temper doesn’t/can’t help solve any problem.
考查非谓语动词。表示“发脾气”短语为lose one’s temper,此处用动名词形式作主语;表示“帮助解决问题”应用help solve problem,此处为否定陈述句,可用doesn’t或can’t。故翻译为Losing your temper doesn’t/can’t help solve any problem.
8.The shop interprets the concept of innovation with what it sells.
考查宾语从句和固定短语。此处主语为shop;表示“诠释了“创新”这个概念”翻译为interpret the concept of innovation;表示“通过它所卖的东西”翻译为with what it sells,为what引导的宾语从句,时态为一般现在时,结合主谓一致。故翻译为The shop interprets the concept of innovation with what it sells.
9.The elderly should not drink strong tea at night in case they stay awake.
考查目的状语从句。表示“老年人”应用the elderly作主语,表示“浓茶”应用形容词strong表示“浓的”修饰名词tea,表示“以免”应用in case引导目的状语从句,表示“睡不着”应用动词短语stay awake。此处描述客观事实,所以应用一般现在时。再结合其它汉语意思,故翻译为The elderly should not drink strong tea at night in case they stay awake.
10.Although sticking to your principle and telling right and wrong are the basis of being a man, it sometimes makes sense to have flexible changes.
考查状语从句和固定短语。此处为although引导的让步状语从句,从句省略了主语和be动词,表示“坚持原则”短语为stick to your principle;表示“明辨是非是立身之本”翻译为tell right and wrong are the basis of being a man;主句主语为it作形式主语,表示“有时灵活变通也不失明智”翻译为it sometimes makes sense to have flexible changes。故翻译为Although sticking to your principle and telling right and wrong are the basis of being a man, it sometimes makes sense to have flexible changes.
11.No sooner had he arrived at the airport than he was told that his flight had been canceled due to the weather.
考查部分倒装,时态,动词和介词短语。结合句意和提示词可知使用no sooner...than句型,“到达机场”用arrive at the airport,no sooner之后的句子时态用过去完成时且部分倒装,把助动词had放在主语he之前,即No sooner had he arrived at the airport;than之后的句子使用一般过去时,主语是he,“被告知”用一般过去时的被动语态was told,之后用that引导的宾语从句,宾语从句主语是his flight,航班取消发生在被告知之前,时态用过去完成时,即that his flight had been canceled,最后接介宾短语“由于天气原因”due to the weather作状语。故翻译为No sooner had he arrived at the airport than he was told that his flight had been canceled due to the weather.
12.My appreciation for your generous help is beyond words.
考查时态。句子描述现在的一般情况,应用一般现在时,主语“我的感激之情”译为my appreciation,“对你慷慨帮助的”译为for your generous help,主语是appreciation,be动词应用is,表语“难以言表”译为beyond words。故翻译为My appreciation for your generous help is beyond words.
13.Only through careful analysis and strict research can we find the truth of the facts and make a correct judgment/judgement in the face of numerous and complicated evidence.##Only through careful analysis and strict research can we find the truth of the facts and make a correct judgment/judgement faced with numerous and complicated evidence.
考查倒装句,形容词,介词短语。副词only(只有)+介词through(通过)位于句首时,需采用倒装句式,表示“缜密分析”用形容词careful修饰名词analysis,and连接并列宾语“严格考证”,形容词strict修饰名词research;can(可以)提到主语we前形成倒装句式,“找到”用动词find,“事实的真相”用名词短语the truth of the facts,and连接并列谓语,“做出判断”用动词短语make a judgment/judgement,形容词correct(正确的)作定语修饰judgment/judgement,介词短语in the face of或分词短语faced with表示“面对”,宾语为“纷繁复杂的证据”,用形容词 numerous and complicated(纷繁复杂的)修饰名词evidence(证据)。故翻译为:Only through careful analysis and strict research can we find the truth of the facts and make a correct judgment/judgement in the face of numerous and complicated evidence.或Only through careful analysis and strict research can we find the truth of the facts and make a correct judgment/judgement faced with numerous and complicated evidence.
14.Facing/Faced with/In face of the rare virus, the experts are busy making a series of urgent measures to cope with the large-scale community transmission.
考查时态、非谓语动词和固定短语。根据句意可知,句子陈述的是正在发生的事,应用现在进行时,“experts”表示“专家们”,作主语,用定冠词“the”修饰,表特指,“be busy doing sth.”,意为“忙于做某事”,“be”用“are”,“a series of…”意为“一系列……”,“urgent measures”表示“紧急措施”,“the experts are busy making a series of urgent measures”表示“专家们正在紧锣密鼓地制定一系列紧急措施”,后接不定式作目的状语,“cope with…”意为“应对……”,“large-scale community transmission”表示“大规模的社区传播”,“to cope with the large-scale community transmission”表示“来应对这场大规模的社区传播”,“face”意为“面对”,动词词性,“rare virus”意为“罕见的病毒”,可用“face”的现在分词短语“facing the rare virus”作状语,或用“face”的过去分词短语“faced with the rare virus”作状语,或用“in face of the rare virus”作状语,句首单词首字母大写,“Facing/Faced with/In face of the rare virus”表示“面对这一罕见的病毒”。故翻译为Facing/Faced with/In face of the rare virus, the experts are busy making a series of urgent measures to cope with the large-scale community transmission.
15.It was Eileen Gu’s persistence that enabled her to do/work/perform wonders/miracles in this Winter Olympics.
考查强调句,时态和主谓一致。分析句意可知,句子用强调句,强调“谷爱凌(Eileen Gu)的坚持不懈”,时态用一般过去时。强调句的结构是“it was+被强调的部分+that+其他部分”,“谷爱凌(Eileen Gu)的坚持不懈”是Eileen Gu’s persistence,“让某人做某事”是enable sb. to do,“在本届冬奥会上”是in this Winter Olympics,“创造了奇迹”是do/work/perform wonders/miracles,因此整句话翻译为“It was Eileen Gu’s persistence that enabled her to do/work/perform wonders/miracles in this Winter Olympics”。故答案为It was Eileen Gu’s persistence that enabled her to do/work/perform wonders/miracles in this Winter Olympics.
16.It will not be (too) long before drone delivery/delivering takeout by drone, (which is) a little-known/seldom-known small business/industry (a small business/industry that people seldom know/know little), quickly/rapidly develops into a large industry with annual sales of over/more than 100 billion dollars.
考查固定句型,定语从句,时态和主谓一致。“无需多久”用固定句型It will not be (too) long before,其后时态用一般现在时,“无人驾驶飞机送外卖”是drone delivery/delivering takeout by drone,其中后者为动名词作主语,“这个当下鲜为人知的小行业”可用同位语或定语从句,可翻译为(which is) a little-known/seldom-known small business/industry (a small business/industry that people seldom know/know little),“将迅速发展成为一个年销售额愈千亿美元的大产业”应用一般现在时,“迅速发展成为”是quickly/rapidly develops into,“一个年销售额愈千亿美元的大产业”是a large industry with annual sales of over/more than 100 billion dollars,因此整句话翻译为“It will not be (too) long before drone delivery/delivering takeout by drone, (which is) a little-known/seldom-known small business/industry (a small business/industry that people seldom know/know little), quickly/rapidly develops into a large industry with annual sales of over/more than 100 billion dollars.”。故答案为It will not be (too) long before drone delivery/delivering takeout by drone, (which is) a little-known/seldom-known small business/industry (a small business/industry that people seldom know/know little), quickly/rapidly develops into a large industry with annual sales of over/more than 100 billion dollars.
17.Sometimes keeping yawning doesn’t mean (that) you are sleepy, and it may / might / can / could (also) be the signal that / it may / might / can / could (also) signal that there is something wrong with your body / you don’t feel (very) well.
考查非谓语动词、时态和宾语从句。本句为主谓宾结构,陈述客观情况,用一般现在时,keeping yawning(哈气连天),动名词作主语; 谓语doesn’t mean (并不意味着);宾语为that引导的宾语从句,只起连接作用,不作成分,也可省略,从句中还包含一个that引导的同位语从句,解释signal(征兆)的具体内容,there is something wrong with……有毛病、不适,结合其他汉语提示,故翻译为: Sometimes keeping yawning doesn’t mean (that) you are sleepy, and it may / might / can / could (also) be the signal that / it may / might / can / could (also) signal that there is something wrong with your body / you don’t feel (very) well.
18.I’ll fetch/pick up the package(s)/parcel(s) by myself in order not to bother him/in case I bother him.
考查时态、目的状语从句、固定短语、动词和名词。根据句意可知,句子陈述的是将要发生的事,应用一般将来时,“I”作主语,“fetch”意为“取来,拿来”,动词词性,或用“pick up”表示“取走”,用“package(s)”或“parcel(s)”表示“包裹”,名词词性,“by oneself”意为“亲自”,句子主语为“I”,故应用“by myself”,“I’ll fetch/pick up the package(s)/parcel(s) by myself”表示“我自己去取包裹吧”,“in order not to do sth.”意为“为了不做某事”,“bother”意为“给(某人)造成麻烦”,动词词性,“in order not to bother him”表示“省得麻烦他”,作目的状语,或者用“in case”引导目的状语从句,“in case I bother him”表示“省得麻烦他”,从句为一般现在时,句首单词首字母大写。故翻译为I’ll fetch/pick up the package(s)/parcel(s) by myself in order not to bother him/in case I bother him.
19.The saying that there should be more understanding and less finger-pointing can apply to every aspect in our life, whose positive impact on society can’t be underestimated.
考查同位语从句,时态和定语从句。“这句话”用the saying that,其中that引导同位语从句,“多一分理解,少一分指责”是一句俗语,是there should be more understanding and less finger-pointing,“适用于”是can apply to,“生活的方方面面”是every aspect in our life,“它对社会的积极影响不可小觑”用定语从句,先行词是前面的整句话,作定语从句的定语,用whose引导定语从句,翻译为whose positive impact on society can’t be underestimated,因此整句话翻译为“The saying that there should be more understanding and less finger-pointing can apply to every aspect in our life, whose positive impact on society can’t be underestimated”。故答案为The saying that there should be more understanding and less finger-pointing can apply to every aspect in our life, whose positive impact on society can’t be underestimated.
20.In (all/good) conscience, there are always people (whom) we care about and people who care/caring about us in life, so everyone deserves to be treated/treating well/good treatment.
考查固定短语,时态,主谓一致和定语从句。分析句意可知,句子描述客观事实,时态用一般现在时,“凭良心说”是固定短语in (all/good) conscience,“生活中”是in life,“总有我们在乎的人”是there are always people (whom) we care about,是whom引导的定语从句,“也有在乎我们的人”是and people who care/caring about us in life,是who引导的定语从句或现在分词作后置定语,“所以每个人都值得善待”是so everyone deserves to be treated/treating well/good treatment,因此整句话翻译为“In (all/good) conscience, there are always people (whom) we care about and people who care/caring about us in life, so everyone deserves to be treated/treating well/good treatment”。故答案为In (all/good) conscience, there are always people (whom) we care about and people who care/caring about us in life, so everyone deserves to be treated/treating well/good treatment.
21.In recent years, reducing excessive academic work and off-campus tutoring for primary and middle school students has been a major issue of public concern.
考查时态和主谓一致。“近年来”是in recent years,因此句子时态用现在完成时,“减少中小学生过重的学业负担和课外辅导”用动名词短语作主语,翻译为reducing excessive academic work and off-campus tutoring for primary and middle school students,动名词作主语,其后谓语动词用单数,“是公众主要关注的问题”是has been a major issue of public concern,因此整句话翻译为“In recent years, reducing excessive academic work and off-campus tutoring for primary and middle school students has been a major issue of public concern.”。故答案为In recent years, reducing excessive academic work and off-campus tutoring for primary and middle school students has been a major issue of public concern.
22.Because of /Due to the rapid development of communication network, the number of smartphone users has increased/has been increasing at an astonishing rate in recent years, which has significantly changed the way that/in which /省 many people read.
考查动词和从句。由于可用短语“because of”或者“due to ”,通信网络的快速发展可以翻译为“the rapid development of communication network”;...的数量可用短语“the number of ”,后面加名词做主语时,谓语动词都用单数;智能手机用户可以翻译为“smartphone users ”;时间状语为in recent years,所以句子时态为现在完成时,谓语动词用increase“增长”,以惊人速度可以翻译为“at an astonishing rate ”;后面用非限定性定语从句修饰限定前面的句子,关系词在定语从句中作主语,所以用which引导,定语从句中的时态也用现在完成时;极大地改变了方式可以翻译为“significantly change the way”;后面用定语从句修饰先行词the way,先行词在定语从句中做方式状语,所以可用that/in which/省略。故翻译为Because of /Due to the rapid development of communication network, the number of smartphone users has increased/has been increasing at an astonishing rate in recent years, which has significantly changed the way that/in which /省 many people read.
23.Mop up the water on the floor at once in case someone slips.
考查祈使句和条件状语从句。“赶紧拖一下地板上的水”用祈使句,翻译为mop up the water on the floor at once,“以免”是in case,“有人滑倒”时态用一般现在时,翻译为someone slips,因此整句话翻译为Mop up the water on the floor at once in case someone slips.
24.Recent years has witnessed the quick development of the mountain village which was extremely poor.
考查固定句型,时态和主谓一致。分析句意和括号内提示witness可知,句子可用固定句型Recent years has witnessed......,表示近几年发生了什么事情;“小山村发展迅猛”用名词短语the quick development of the mountain village,作witnessed的宾语,“那个曾经一贫如洗的”用定语从句修饰village,时态用一般过去时,翻译为which was extremely poor,因此整句话翻译为Recent years has witnessed the quick development of the mountain village which was extremely poor.
25.It occurred to him that he could order hometown dishes / cuisine on the cellphone app and he placed an order without hesitation to cure homesickness / relieve the feeling of missing home.
考查固定句型和固定短语。表示“某人突然想到……”句型为it occur to sb. that…;表示“这款手机应用上能够点到家乡菜”翻译为he could order hometown dishes / cuisine on the cellphone app;表示“毫不犹豫下了单”翻译为he placed an order without hesitation;表示“解思乡之愁”应用不定式to cure homesickness / relieve the feeling of missing home,作目的状语。句子用一般过去时。故翻译为It occurred to him that he could order hometown dishes / cuisine on the cellphone app and he placed an order without hesitation to cure homesickness / relieve the feeling of missing home.
26.Compared with the first version, this version is more detailed and vivid.
考查短语、形容词比较级和非谓语。表示“第一个版本”短语为the first version;compare with sth.意为“与某物相比”;表示“更详尽且生动”短语为more detailed and vivid。根据句意可知,句子描述的是一种看法,故用一般现在时。分析句子可知,the first version与compare 是被动关系,用过去分词表被动,作句子的状语。故翻译为Compared with the first version, this version is more detailed and vivid.
27.The beauty of traditional lanterns lies in the interaction between / combination of / mixture of / integration of candlelight and paper-cutting.
考查固定短语和时态。结合句意表示“传统灯笼之美”短语为the beauty of traditional lanterns;表示“构成”可用短语lie in;表示“烛光和剪纸的交融”翻译为the interaction between / combination of / mixture of / integration of candlelight and paper-cutting。句子用一般现在时。故翻译为The beauty of traditional lanterns lies in the interaction between / combination of / mixture of / integration of candlelight and paper-cutting.
28.When I rode in Lushan Mountain with my primary school classmates that summer, we once saw that the top of the mountain was close at hand, but it was out of reach in fact.
考查时间状语从句和宾语从句。句子是描述过去发生的事情,应用一般过去时,“那年夏天,我和小学同学结伴在庐山骑行”可译为一个时间状语从句,“那年夏天”译为that summer,“骑行”使用动词ride,“小学同学”译为primary school classmates,故从句翻译为when I rode in Lushan Mountain with my primary school classmates that summer,“一度”使用副词once,“看到”使用动词see,“山巅近在咫尺,然而它实则遥不可及”译为一个宾语从句,作动词see的宾语,“山巅”译为the top of the mountain,“近在咫尺”使用固定短语be close at hand,“然而”使用表示转折的连词but,“遥不可及”使用固定短语be out of reach,“实则”使用固定短语in fact,故翻译为:When I rode in Lushan Mountain with my primary school classmates that summer, we once saw that the top of the mountain was close at hand, but it was out of reach in fact.。
29.The scenes of the white pear blossoms against the clear blue sky are beautiful and unique, attracting a steady stream/continuous flow of tourists.
考查时态、句子结构和非谓语动词。本句为主系表结构,主语The scenes of the white pear blossoms(雪白梨花……的美景);介词短语against the clear blue sky(在湛蓝天空的映衬下),作后置定语;陈述客观情况,用一般现在时,系动词用are;形容词beautiful and unique(美丽独特)作表语;“吸引着络绎不绝的游客”用非谓语形式,表示一种必然的结果,用现在分词作结果状语,表达为:attracting a steady stream/continuous flow of tourists,故全句翻译为:The scenes of the white pear blossoms against the clear blue sky are beautiful and unique, attracting a steady stream/continuous flow of tourists.
30.Research/A study shows/indicates that keeping pets contributes to people’s mental health and character cultivation/building/development.
考查宾语从句,动名词,时态和主谓一致。分析句意可知,句子表示客观事实,时态用一般现在时,“研究”是research/a study,“表明”是show/indicate,用第三人称单数,其后跟that引导的宾语从句,“饲养宠物”用动名词短语作主语,是keeping pets,“有助于”是contribute to,动名词作主语时谓语动词用单数,“人的心理健康”是people’s mental health,“性格培养”是character cultivation/building/development,两者用and连接,因此整句话翻译为“Research/A study shows/indicates that keeping pets contributes to people’s mental health and character cultivation/building/development”。故答案为Research/A study shows/indicates that keeping pets contributes to people’s mental health and character cultivation/building/development.
31.The elder sister differs completely from the younger one in character.
考查时态、固定短语和副词。根据句意可知,句子陈述的是客观事实,应用一般现在时,“elder sister”表示“姐姐”,作主语,“differ from…”,意为“与……不同”,“sister”为可数名词单数,“differ”用三单形式“differs”,“completely”意为“完全地”,作状语,放在“differs”后面,“younger one”表示“妹妹”,“in character”表示“在性格上”,放在句末,句首单词首字母大写。故翻译为The elder sister differs completely from the younger one in character.
32.For railway fans, nothing is/there is nothing better than gazing out of the window at the view flying past.
考查动词短语。for“对于”,铁路迷可以翻译为“railway fans”,nothing better than“没有什么比……更好”;也可以用there be 句型。句子为描述一般事实,所以用一般现在时态。gaze at“凝视”,窗外可以翻译为“out of window”,飞快略过的风景可以翻译为“the view flying past”,其中flying为现在分词作定语,修饰view,和修饰的名词之间为主动关系。故翻译为For railway fans, nothing is/there is nothing better than gazing out of the window at the view flying past.
33.After going through a series of incidents, he came to realize that only by keeping calm and having one heart to help each other in an emergency can people find a solution more quickly.
考查非谓语动词、从句和倒装句。根据汉语提示,陈述过去的事情,应用一般过去时;表示“在……之后”应该使用介词after,其后接动名词作宾语,表示“经历一系列的事件”应使用going through a series of incidents;only后接介词短语作状语时,后面的句子应该使用部分倒装,表示“只有通过保持镇静、同心协力”应该使用介词短语only by keeping calm and having one heart to help each other ;表示“才能更快找到应对之法”应该使用can people find a solution more quickly 。故翻译为After going through a series of incidents, he came to realize that only by keeping calm and having one heart to help each other in an emergency can people find a solution more quickly.
34.I was absorbed in reading a detective story in my dormitory and didn’t notice what was happening in the corridor.
考查句子结构、宾语从句等。分析可知,本句描述过去发生的事情,用一般过去时。表示“我正埋头读一本侦探小说”用be absorbed in doing sth结构,动名词作介词宾语,连接主语I,为I was absorbed in reading a detective story;表示“在宿舍”用介词短语in my dormitory作地点状语;表示“没留意走廊里发生了什么”可用and连接并列谓语,didn’t notice表示“没留意”,后接what引导的宾语从句what was happening in the corridor,根据句意,用过去进行时。故可翻译为I was absorbed in reading a detective story in my dormitory and didn’t notice what was happening in the corridor.
35.This dance inspired by famous paintings of the Song Dynasty is popular across the country.
考查非谓语动词和时态。分析句子结构可知,该句子是主系表结构,主语是“这段舞蹈”翻译为This dance,“灵感来自于宋代名画的”可以写成非谓语动词做后置定语,“赋予灵感”为动词inspire,且dance和inspire二者之间是被动关系,应用过去分词inspired做后置定语,故“灵感来自于宋代名画的”翻译为inspired by famous paintings of the Song Dynasty,放在dance后面;句子描述的是客观事实,应用一般现在时,主语是单数,系动词用is,“火遍大江南北”翻译为popular across the country,故整句翻译为This dance inspired by famous paintings of the Song Dynasty is popular across the country.
36.The more feelings a lecturer puts into a speech, the more easily the audience will feel moved and identify with the lecturer.
考查固定句型和固定短语。表示“越……越……”句型为the more…the more;表示“演讲者在演讲中投入的情感”翻译为feelings a lecturer puts into a speech;表示“观众越容易被打动并产生共鸣”翻译为the more easily the audience will feel moved and identify with the lecturer,句子用一般现在时和一般将来时。故翻译为The more feelings a lecturer puts into a speech, the more easily the audience will feel moved and identify with the lecturer.
37.Health experts suggest that items such as towels and toothbrushes should be replaced / changed regularly.
考查固定短语和虚拟语气。表示“健康专家”短语为health experts;表示“建议”应用suggest,后跟宾语从句时,从句需用虚拟语气,should+动词原形;表示“毛巾、牙刷等物品”翻译为items such as towels and toothbrushes;表示“定期更换”应用be replaced / changed regularly。句子为一般现在时。故翻译为Health experts suggest that items such as towels and toothbrushes should be replaced / changed regularly.
38.There is no telling when the digital lending service in the library will be put into operation/be put into use/open to the public.
考查固定句型、宾语从句、时态、语态和固定短语。根据句意和句中“no telling”可知,句中涉及固定句型“there is no telling…”,意为“无从得知,难以预料”,后接“when”引导的从句,作“telling”的宾语,从句陈述的是将来发生的事,应用一般将来时,“digital lending service”表示“数字化借阅服务”,“in the library”表示“在图书馆”,“put into operation”表示“投入使用”,“service”和“put”为被动关系,故应用一般将来时的被动语态,也可用“put into use”或“open to the public”表示“投入使用”,“when the digital lending service in the library will be put into operation/be put into use/open to the public”表示“图书馆数字化借阅服务何时投入使用”,句首单词首字母大写。故翻译为There is no telling when the digital lending service in the library will be put into operation/be put into use/open to the public.
39.The thought of sleeping on the hard ground of the tent makes camping less attractive.
考查时态和非谓语以及形容词。根据汉语可知,想到睡在帐篷的硬地上为The thought of sleeping on the hard ground of the tent ,谓语动词选择make表示让,使的意思,使用一般现在时,野营camping做宾语,没那么诱人作为野营的补语,译为less attractive放在camping的后面作宾补,故翻译为The thought of sleeping on the hard ground of the tent makes camping less attractive。
40.It is often crucial/critical/essential that assistance (should) be provided right away if a disaster strikes/hits a community.
It is often crucial/critical/essential to provide assistance right away if a disaster strikes/hits a community.
考查固定句型、主语从句、非谓语动词和虚拟语气。分析句子可知,“如果社区遭灾”是条件状语从句,用从属连词if引导,主语用单数名词disaster,谓语动词用strike或hit,陈述客观事实,用一般现在时态,可译为if a disaster strikes/hits a community;“及时提供救援常常是最关键的一环”是主句,可用固定句型“It is often crucial/critical/essential that...”或“It is often crucial/critical/essential to do...”表示,其中it是形式主语,that引导主语从句,to do是不定式作主语,“及时提供救援”处理为从句为that assistance (should) be provided right away,其中使用虚拟语气should+动词原形或直接用动词原形,处理为不定式结构为to provide assistance right away。综上,全句译为:It is often crucial/critical/essential that assistance (should) be provided right away if a disaster strikes/hits a community.或者It is often crucial/critical/essential to provide assistance right away if a disaster strikes/hits a community.
41.This shirt is made of real silk and is very comfortable to wear in summer .
考查形容词、短语和时态表示“由......制作的”应用短语be made of;表示“很舒服”短语为very comfortable。本句为一般现在时,and 连接并列句。故翻译为This shirt is made of real silk and is very comfortable to wear in summer。
42.A literary work, whether inspired by dreams or reality, can become a great one only when it is integrated into personal social experiences.
考查非谓语动词、被动语态和时间状语从句。表示“一部文学作品”应该用a literary work做主语;表示“无论灵感来自梦境或是现实”应该用whether inspired by dreams or reality,inspire和a literary work之间是被动关系,使用过去分词做状语;“能够可能成为佳作”应该用系表结构can become a great one;表示“只有融入个人的社会经历”可处理为when引导的时间状语从句,表达为only when it is integrated into personal social experiences,it指代“文学作品”与“融入”之间是被动关系,表示的是客观事实,故用一般现在时的被动语态。故翻译为A literary work, whether inspired by dreams or reality, can become a great one only when it is integrated into personal social experiences.
43.The key reason why the Beijing Winter Olympics mascot Bing Dwen Dwen is gaining much popularity is the wide use of Chinese elements in its design.
考查短语和定语从句。表示“北京冬奥会吉祥物”短语为the Beijing Winter Olympics mascot;表示“广受追捧”短语为gain much popularity;表示“众多中国元素”短语为the wide use of Chinese elements;表示“设计中”短语为in its design。根据句意“得益于”可知,此句可以用“the key reason why… is …”,意为“……的主要原因是……”结构处理。句子描述的是一个事实,用一般现在时。故翻译为The key reason why the Beijing Winter Olympics mascot Bing Dwen Dwen is gaining much popularity is the wide use of Chinese elements in its design.
44.Never did it occur to / It never occurred to the kids/children that they would one day be lucky to watch astronauts doing experiments at the space station.
考查部分倒装,固定短语,时态。分析句意可知,句子描述过去的事情,时态用一般过去时,“某人从未想过”用固定句型It never occurred to that...,其中it是形式主语,that从句是主语从句,也可倒装为Never did it occur to sb. that...,“孩子们”是kids/children,“有一天能有幸观看宇航员在空间站做实验”用过去将来时,即would do,“有一天”是one day,“有幸做某事”是be lucky to do,“看宇航员在空间站做实验”是watch astronauts doing experiments at the space station,其中watch sb. doing sth.是固定搭配,意为“观看某人正在做......”,因此整句话翻译为Never did it occur to/It never occurred to the kids/children that they would one day be lucky to watch astronauts doing experiments at the space station,故答案为Never did it occur to/It never occurred to the kids/children that they would one day be lucky to watch astronauts doing experiments at the space station.
45.It is the effective measures taken by the non-profit organizations that have created good conditions for the career development of the disabled.
考查强调句,过去分词,时态和主谓一致。分析句意可知,句子使用强调句,时态用一般现在时,表客观事实,结构为“it is+被强调的部分+who/that+其他部分”,“有效举措”是the effective measures,“这些非营利组织采取的”用过去分词表被动,作measures的后置定语,是taken by the non-profit organizations,“这些非营利组织采取的有效举措”是被强调的部分;“为残疾人的事业发展创造了良好的条件”用现在完成时,“创造了良好的条件”是have created good conditions,“为残疾人的事业发展”是for the career development of the disabled,因此整句话翻译为“It is the effective measures taken by the non-profit organizations that have created good conditions for the career development of the disabled.”。故答案为It is the effective measures taken by the non-profit organizations that have created good conditions for the career development of the disabled.
46.That ordinary-looking old man turned out to be a famous diplomat when he was young.
考查动词短语和状语从句。“那位相貌平平的老大爷”翻译为that ordinary-looking old man,“是知名的外交家”,根据所给关键turn可知,应使用固定短语turn out意为“原来是;结果是”,所以翻译为turned out to be a famous diplomat,“年轻时”应是时间状语从句,所以是when he was young。故翻译为That ordinary-looking old man turned out to be a famous diplomat when he was young.
47.Never will the program to deal with climate change work no matter how complete and thorough it’s developed unless coal consumption is strictly controlled.
考查倒装句和短语。“除非”的英文是unless;“方案”的英文是program;表示“煤炭消耗量”短语为coal consumption;表示“严格控制”的短语为strictly control,在此与coal consumption构成被动关系,应用被动语态;表示“应对”短语为deal with;表示“气候变化”短语为climate change;表示“无论制订多周详”短语为no matter how complete and thorough it’s developed;表示“成功”,在此可用work,意为“奏效”。Never意为“从不”,放在句首使用部分倒装。故翻译为Never will the program to deal with climate change work no matter how complete and thorough it’s developed unless coal consumption is strictly controlled.
48.The old retired man is always making his own program on TikTok every day, and he has a lot of fans, which might be the concrete reason he is so fascinated with TikTok.
考查动词、短语和定语从句。分析句意可知,本句是which引导的非限制性定语从句。表示“那个退休老大爷每天都要上抖音做节目”可用现在进行时翻译为:The old retired man is always making his own program on TikTok every day;表示“他还有不少的粉丝”可用一般现在时翻译为:and he has a lot of fans;表示“这可能是他如此痴迷于抖音的具体原因吧!”用which引导的非限制性定语从句,翻译为:which might be the concrete reason he is so fascinated with TikTok。故整句话翻译为:The old retired man is always making his own program on TikTok every day, and he has a lot of fans, which might be the concrete reason he is so fascinated with TikTok。
49.Some TV programs have remained unchanged in form and content for decades , which is far from the expectations of the audience nowadays and they will be eliminated by the market sooner or later .
考查短语、定语从句和动词时态。表示“有些电视节目”短语为some TV programs;表示“几十年来”短语为for decades;表示“一成不变”可翻译为remain unchanged;表示“在形式和内容上”短语为in form and content;表示“当今观众的期待”短语为the expectations of the audience nowadays;表示“相差甚远”短语为be far from;表示“淘汰”的动词为eliminate;表示“迟早”短语为sooner or later。分析句子可知,“几十年来”指从过去到现在,应用现在完成时。“与当今观众的期待相差甚远”可作为前文的定语从句。根据“遭到市场淘汰是迟早的事”可知,主语“有些电视节目”与“淘汰”构成被动关系,且此事未发生,应用将来时的被动语态。故翻译为Some TV programs have remained unchanged in form and content for decades , which is far from the expectations of the audience nowadays and they will be eliminated by the market sooner or later .
50.Foreign tourists are expected to know and obey the local laws and regulations.
考查句子结构。本句描述目前要求,用一般现在时。expect (sb) to do sth“期望某人做某事”是固定句型,其被动结构为be expected to do sth。表示主语“外国游客”为名词短语foreign tourists,零冠词可数名词复数表泛指;主语为复数,表示复合谓语“被期望能了解并遵守”为are expected to know and obey;表示宾语“当地的法律法规”为名词短语the local laws and regulations,根据句意,短语中名词用复数。句首字母大写,故翻译为Foreign tourists are expected to know and obey the local laws and regulations.