汉译英1.我们应该大规模地普及科学常识。 (scale)(汉译英)2.我小的时候,总是纳闷着地平线的那一边是什么。(what)(汉译英)3.昨天会议期间,彼得突然发表了一通奇怪的演讲, 搞得大家一头雾水。(leave)(汉译英)4.奥林匹克精神强调的是参与而不是不惜一切代价取胜的竞技精神。 (lie)(汉译英)5.开车时用手机,会有生命危险。(cost)(汉译英)6.听到他安然无恙的消息,我们都如释重负。(relief)(汉译英)7.这次展览会引进了更多互动体验,例如:使参观者可以在机器人的引导下到处游览,吸引了很多年轻人。(which)(汉译英)8.在经历了一系列的事件后,他开始意识到:面对紧急情况时,人们只有保持镇静、同心协力才能更快找到应对之法。(only)(汉译英)9.成功者有很多共同的品质,比如坚持不懈。(common) (汉译英)10.无论我们追求什么,真正重要的是内心的幸福和满足。(matter) (汉译英)11.此次疫情(pandemic) 提醒我们,人类比以往更加紧密相连,我们要守望相助,共克时艰。(reminder) (汉译英)12.通过这部纪录片,小朋友们不仅能欣赏到布景优美的水墨动画(ink-wash animation),还不用死记硬背就能学习古诗词。(not only) (汉译英)13.海豚疗法真的有助于缓解紧张情绪吗?(help)(汉译英)14.用户没想到那张智能书桌能用手机调整高度。(occur)(汉译英)15.注意力持续时间变短以及加快的生活节奏或许有助于解释为什么观众倾向跳过片头曲。(explain)(汉译英)16.考上心仪的大学需要花大力气,这可能会让一些学生望而生畏,然而,对成功的渴望将最终使他们拥有足够的动力。(which)(汉译英)17.正巧这几天有空,去公园散步如何?(happen)(汉译英)18.一副油画赠予了该美术馆,以纪念两个城市间的珍贵友谊。(honor) (汉译英)19.与诗歌欣赏有关的电视节目倍受欢迎,以致于越来越多的人开始关注中国古典文学。 (So...) (汉译英)20.这位年轻的科学家把获得的众多突出成就归功于从高中时期开始就博览群书、做事持之以恒、不甘落后。 (owe) (汉译英)21.想和我一起看电影的人请举手。(those)(汉译英)22.背包旅行(backpacking)不仅是一种度假形式,也是一种受教育方式。(Not only) (汉译英)23.人们理所应当地认为花的钱越多就越有可能获得高品质的体验。(grant)(汉译英)24.网购是一种电子商务,它让顾客可以足不出户地购买心仪的商品或服务。(commerce)(汉译英)25.运动的人不大可能有睡眠障碍。(likely) (汉译英)26.这位外科医生还没来得及好好休息就立即投入到下一场手术中。(before) (汉译英)27.这个时期的文学作品反映出我国人民在面临民族危机时不屈不挠的情神.(mirror) (汉译英)28.那位作家把书房看作是私人领域和精神家园,在那里,他可以坐拥书籍之乐,将尘世烦恼抛诸脑后。(leave) (汉译英)29.她为了纪念已故母亲拍了这部电影,却不料大受欢迎。(memory)(汉译英)30.这位老人尽管生活条件一般,却似乎很满足于退休后自由自在的生活。(content)(汉译英)31.这位刚毕业的年轻老师特别热爱这份工作,不断地追求卓越,所以同事们都寄予他厚望。(pursue)(汉译英)32.只有提前了解所申请学校的要求,且充分做准备,你才有可能在面试中脱颖而出。(Only)(汉译英)33.自古以来,中国人便用简单的原材料制作美食。(out of)(汉译英)34.交警示意他停车,因为他忽视了单行街道标志。(signal) (汉译英)35.令我们高兴的是,这里的食物都按小份供应,光盘行动的标语随处可见。(serve) (汉译英)36.这部电影制作精良,主题鲜明,剧情真挚动人,被人们奉为永久的经典。(whose) (汉译英)37.在旅游旺季机票订得越早越便宜。(book) (汉译英)38.无论白天在学校发生了什么事情,晚上要尽量把负担卸下。(No matter) (汉译英)39.随着互联网的发展,海量信息唾手可得,或许你觉得再也没有必要去图书馆了。(need n.) (汉译英)40.正是她那种急于求成的心态让她无缘决赛。(It)(汉译英)41.观众在进入体育馆前须把个人物品寄存在入口处的储物柜中。(require)(汉译英)42.兼备书本知识与实践经验,为毕业生将来的职业生涯打基础。(combination)(汉译英)43.在这部电影中,两位主人公虽然家境不同,但是志趣相投,共同创业,最终成了莫逆之交。(common)(汉译英)44.“爱你的邻居”对每个人而言都是一项艰巨的任务。(tough)(汉译英)45.诸如地震这一类的自然灾害,对某些地区的影响远比其他地区更大。(like) (汉译英)46.如果你的演讲有良好的规划和充满热情的演绎,肯定会打动听众的。(inspire) (汉译英)47.为了让各类型的无线网络系统都能更快速连线,5G连线将使用毫米波的频率。(available) (汉译英)48.不言而喻,像打电话这样的语音通信,尽管不受年轻人的青睐,但比发短信更能增强 社交联系。(It)(汉译英)49.接到通知,我们出游的日期已定,风雨无阻。(regardless)(汉译英)50.为了您的安全,请不要在走路时盯着手机看。(fix)(汉译英) 参考答案:1.We should popularize scientific knowledge on a large scale.2.When I was young, I always wondered what was on the other side of the horizon/beyond the horizon.3.During the meeting yesterday, Peter suddenly gave a strange speech, leaving everyone confused.4.What the Olympic spirit emphasizes lies in participation rather than winning at all costs. (lie)5.Using a mobile phone while driving could cost you your life.6.Hearing the news that he was safe and sound, we breathed a sigh of relief.7.The exhibition has introduced more interactive experiences, for example, allowing visitors to tour around under the guidance of robots, which has attracted a lot of young people.8.After going through a series of incidents, he came to realize that only by keeping calm and having one heart to help each other in an emergency can people find a solution more quickly.9.Successful people have a lot in common in personality, such as perseverance.10.No matter what we pursue, what matters is the inner sense of happiness and satisfaction.11.The pandemic is a reminder that all human beings are more connected than before, so we should help each other to overcome the difficulties. (so we should unite to overcome the difficulties together)12.Through (By means of) the documentary, not only can children enjoy the ink-wash animation with beautiful scenery, but also learn some ancient poems without rote learning. (but also learn some ancient poems naturally instead of memorizing them mechanically.)13.Does dolphin therapy really help to relieve nervousness?14.It never occurred to the customer that the height of the smart desk could be adjusted by a mobilephone.15.Shortened attention span and quickened life pace might help to explain why audience tend to skip the opening song.16.Although being admitted to the university one loves requires a lot of efforts, which might be a little forbidding for some students, the desire for success will finally get them motivated enough.17.It happens that we are free these days. What/How about taking / having a walk in the park?18.An oil painting was given / presented to the gallery in honor of / to honor / honoring the precious friendship between the two cities.19.So popular / well received are the TV programs about poetry appreciation that more and more people are beginning to pay attention to Chinese classic / classical literature.20.The young scientist owed the many outstanding achievements he had made to the fact that since high school, he had been reading widely, always persevered in whatever he was doing and unwilling to lag behind.21.Those who want to see the movie with me, please raise your hand.22.Not only is backpacking a way of taking a holiday/ spending a vacation, but also a means of being educated/ education.23.People take it for granted that the more you spend the more likely you are to get a quality experience.It is taken for granted that the more you spend the more likely you will get quality experiences.24.Online shopping is a form of electronic commerce, which allows consumers to purchase ideal goods or service without stepping out of their houses.25.People who exercise are less likely to have sleep disturbances.26. The surgeon immediately devoted himself to the next operation before he could take a good rest.27.The literary works of this period mirror the indomitable spirit of our people in the face of the national crisis.28.The writer regards his study as his private territory and spiritual home, where he can enjoy the company of the books, leaving behind worries of everyday life. 29.She made the film in memory of her late mother, but it was not expected to be popular.30.Although the old man's living conditions are ordinary, he seems to be content with his free life after retirement.31.The young teacher who just graduated loves the job and pursues excellence constantly, so his colleagues have high hopes for him.32.Only by knowing the requirements of the school you are applying to in advance and making sufficient preparation can you stand out in the interview.33.The Chinese have made/have been making fine/decent/delicious food out of simple raw ingredients since ancient times.34.The traffic policeman signaled to him to pull over, because he overlooked the single-lane sign.35.To our delight, the food here is served in small portions/servings and the signs of “clear/empty your plate(s)” can be seen everywhere.To our delight, the food here is served in small portions/servings and the signs “clear/empty your plate(s)” are everywhere.What delights us is that the food here is served in small portions/servings and the signs of “clear/empty your plate(s)” can be seen everywhere.What delights us is that the food here is served in small portions/servings and the signs “clear/empty your plate(s)” are everywhere.36.The carefully-made film, whose theme is distinct and plot is moving, is regarded/praised as an undying classic/a timeless classic/a long-lasting classic.37.The earlier you book a plane ticket in a tourist season, the lower its price will be.38.No matter what happens at school during the day, as early in the evening as you can, put all your burdens down.39.With the development/ growth of the Internet, an enormous amount of information is at hand / at our fingertips /available so (that ) you may think there is no need to go to the library any longer/ any more.40.It is her eagerness for success that has made her miss the final.41.The audience are required to leave their personal belongings in the lockers at the entrance before entering the stadium.42.The combination of book knowledge and practical experience lays a/the foundation for the future career of the graduates.43.In the film, the two characters were born with different backgrounds, but they had a lot/much in common, started business together/started an enterprise together/cofounded a company and became close/intimate friends at last.44.“Love your neighbour” is a tough job for everyone.45.Natural disasters like earthquakes affect certain areas more than others.46.If your presentation is well-planned and passionately given, it's sure to inspire the audience.47.To make faster connections available for all types of wireless system, 5G connections will use millimeter wave frequencies.48.It goes without saying that though voice communications, such as phone calls, are unpopular with young people, it could enhance social connections better than text messages.49.We have been informed that the date of our trip has been fixed, regardless of the weather.50.For your safety, please don't fix on your mobile phone while walking .