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    高中英语人教版 (新课标)选修7&8Unit 1 A land of diversity教课ppt课件

    这是一份高中英语人教版 (新课标)选修7&8Unit 1 A land of diversity教课ppt课件,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了entry,clumsy,adapt,bench,fellow,conduct,disable,disabled,ambitious,dictation等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Ⅰ. 下面是本部分的重点词汇,你能准确填出内容吗?1. 根据词性及汉语意思写出单词或其拓展形式。(1)_____(n. )项目;进入;入口(2)_______(adj. )笨拙的(3)_____(vt. )使适应,改编(4)______(n. )长凳(5)______(adj. )同伴的;同类的(n. )同伴;同志;伙伴
    (6)_______(n. )行为;品行(vt. )指挥;管理;主持(7)disability(n. )伤残,无力;无能→_______(vt. )使(某人)残废→________(adj. )伤残的(8)ambitin(n. )雄心;野心→_________(adj. )有雄心的;有野心的(9)dictate(v. )听写→________(n. )口授,听写(的文字)(10)nise(n. )吵闹声→_____(adj. )吵闹的;嘈杂的
    (11)suit(v. )适合→_______(adj. )适合的;适宜的(12)benefit(v. )有益于;获益(n. )益处,好处→_________(adj. )有益的;受益的(13)absence (n. )缺席;不在某处→______ (adj. )缺席(14)anny(vt. )使……不悦;惹恼→________(adj. )颇为生气的(15)encurage(vt. )鼓励→______________(n. )鼓励;奖励
    2. 短语互译。(1)in ther wrds_________(2)adapt t_____(3)cut ut________________________(4)ut f breath_____________(5)all in all_________
    (6) _________闲坐着(7) ________和;也(8) ____________在很多方面(9) ___________取笑(10) ________一次
    in many ways
    Ⅱ. 语篇导读A)请根据文章内容在下表中填入最恰当的词。注意: 每空一词。
    B)Read the text and chse the best answers. 1. Marty is _______ persn. A. a healthy B. an illC. a disabled D. a rich2. Marty has _______ disease. A. a mental B. a muscleC. an eye D. a leg
    3. What’s Marty’s dream? A. Being a dctr. B. Being a famus ftball player and representing his cuntry in the Wrld Cup. C. Being a cllege student. D. Being a basketball player.
    4. When Marty says “ I am ne in a millin”, he really means _______. A. he is uniqueB. he has a rare diseaseC. he has a muscle diseaseD. he lives a hard but happy life5. What is the tne f the text? A. Sad. B. Happy. C. Psitive. D. Negative.
    【读·悟·思】Generalize the main idea f the passage using abut 30 wrds. Thugh Marty is a disabled persn, he never feels srry fr himself and he enjys his life.
    1. ★suitable adj. 适合的;适宜的①Althugh sme may think the cinema is nisy,it is suitable fr Sally’s cnditin. 尽管有人可能认为电影院里太吵了,但它很适合萨利的身体状况。
    【拓展】(1)be suitable fr适合于be suitable t d sth. 适合做某事It’s suitable fr sb. t d sth. 适合某人做某事(2)suitably adv. 合适地;适宜地;适当地(3)suit v. 对(某人)方便;满足(某人)需要;合(某人)心意
    ②Such vilent films are nt suitable fr teenagers t see. 此类暴力影片不适合青少年观看。③She thught it was nt suitable fr yu t dress like that fr a party. 她认为你穿那样的衣服参加聚会十分不得体。④N dish suits all tastes. 众口难调。
    【即学即练】完成句子①我想买一些适合寒冷天气穿的衣服。I want t buy sme clthes ______________________. ②我们应该言行一致。We shuld _______________________.
    suitable fr cld weather
    suit the actin t the wrd
    2. ★beneficial adj. 有益的;受益的①Glance at the title and picture, then discuss with a partner what kind f thing yu think peple wuld write abut and why disabled peple find the website beneficial. 浏览标题和图片,然后和你的一个伙伴讨论你认为人们会写什么样的内容以及为什么残疾人觉得这家网站对他们有益。
    【拓展】(1)be beneficial t sth. /sb. (=be f benefit t sth. /sb. )对……有益(2)benefit v. & n. 有助于;受益;利益,好处fr the benefit f sb. =fr sb. ’s benefit为了某人的利益A benefits B=B benefits frm/by AA对B有益
    ②As we all knw, a gd diet is beneficial t health. 众所周知,良好的饮食有益于健康。③Bth sides will benefit frm the talks. 双方都会从会谈中受益。
    【即学即练】完成句子①为了惠及全民,中国一直在推动公共医疗改革。China has been pushing the refrm f public hspitals _______________ all its citizens. ②新鲜空气和优良食物对健康有益。Fresh air and gd fd _____________________ health.
    are beneficial t/benefit
    3. in ther wrds(=that is t say)换句话说①In ther wrds,there are nt many peple like me. 换句话说,像我这样的人并不多见。②They asked him t leave the cmpany — in ther wrds, he was fired. 他们要他离开公司——换句话说,他被解雇了。
    【拓展】 in a wrd简言之,总之beynd wrds无法用语言描述have a wrd with sb. 与某人说话have wrds with sb. 与某人吵嘴keep/break ne’s wrd遵守诺言/失信
    ③In a wrd, we shuld imprve the quality f ur service. 总之,我们应该改善我们的服务质量。④The Chinese peace-keeping plice keep their wrd t prtect the peple’s safety. 中国维和警察坚守诺言,保护人民的安全。
    【即学即练】完成句子①这对年轻的夫妇昨天吵架了。The yung cuple ______________ each ther yesterday. ②他们失信降低税收。They _______________ f lwer taxes.
    had wrds with
    brke their wrd
    4. ★adapt vt. 使适应; 改编①Unfrtunately,the dctrs dn’t knw hw t make me better,but I am very utging and have learned t adapt t my disability. 不幸的是,医生不知道如何使我(的病情)好转,但是我非常乐观,而且已经学会了适应我的残疾。
    【拓展】 adapt t适合adapt neself t使……适应或习惯于adapt sth. fr sth. 把……改编成……adapt sth. frm sth. 根据……改编
    ②Hw t adapt t the requirements f a lw-carbn ecnmy is a challenge fr us. 如何适应低碳经济的要求对我们来说是个挑战。③Jeremy Shu-Hw Lin tried hard t adapt himself t the new cnditins when he just jined in New Yrk Knicks. 林书豪刚加盟纽约尼克斯时就努力使自己适应新环境。④The authr is ging t adapt his play fr televisin. 作者将把他的剧本改编成电视剧。
    ⑤The film Yu Are the Apple f My Eye is adapted frm a nvel with the same name. 电影《那些年我们一起追过的女孩》是根据同名小说改编的。
    【即学即练】选词填空adapt/adjust①Yu shuld _____ yurself t the climate here. ②Yu can’t see thrugh the telescpe until it is ________ t yur eyes.
    5. ★cut ut切去;省略;停止(做某事)①I think I had at least a billin tests,including ne in which they cut ut a piece f muscle frm my leg and lked at it under a micrscpe. 我想我做过无数次检查了,包括有一次检查,他们从我的腿部切下一小块肌肉,把它放在显微镜下观察。②If yu cut ut drinking, yu’d feel much healthier. 如果你戒酒,你就会觉得身体好得多。③I’m sick f yu tw arguing — just cut it ut. 我真烦你们俩吵来吵去——住口吧!
    【拓展】 cut acrss sth. 抄近路穿过,横越cut dwn砍倒;削减cut in插话cut ff切断(……的供应);切掉;隔断cut up切碎cut thrugh走近路,从……中开辟出路
    ④We cut acrss the field t save time. 为了节省时间我们抄近路从田地里穿过。⑤Hw can yu cut dwn the risk f cancer? 你怎样才能降低患癌症的风险?
    【即学即练】用适当的介词或副词填空①Bill needed t cut ___ thse extra things in his schedule. ②The sldiers tried their best t get clse t the twns cut ___ by flds. ③Cutting _____ trees and digging up grass can make land becme desert. ④Dn’t cut __ when yur parents are talking.
    6. ut f breath上气不接下气①S smetimes sme children in my primary schl wuld laugh,when I gt ut f breath after running a shrt way r had t stp and rest halfway up the stairs. 我跑了很短的一段路之后就上气不接下气了,或者爬楼梯才爬到一半就得停下休息,因此,有时我小学的同学们见了我这种情况就会笑。②We were ut f breath after climbing nly t the sixth flr. 我们仅爬到六楼便气喘吁吁了。
    【拓展】(1)hld ne’s breath屏息take a deep breath深深地吸了一口气lse ne’s breath喘不过气来; 呼吸困难(2) breathe v. 呼吸
    ③Hld yur breath and cunt t ten. 屏住呼吸,数到十。④She leant against the dr, breathing deeply. 她靠在门上深呼吸。
    【想一想】 ut f breath是由“ut f+名词”构成的短语,动脑想一想,我们还学过哪些这样的短语,请把它们写下来。【拓展延伸】ut f sight看不见ut f cntrl失去控制ut f date过时ut f rder出毛病
    ut f wrk失业ut f patience失去耐心ut f questin没问题;毫无疑问ut f respect出于尊敬ut f danger脱险ut f shape变形
    【即学即练】完成句子①当他急速跑回时,已经是上气不接下气。When he dashed back, he was already ____________. ②当我看到一只老虎时,我屏住了呼吸。I ______________ when I saw a tiger cming near.
    ut f breath
    held my breath
    7. ★anny vt. 使……不悦;惹恼①The few wh cannt see the real persn inside my bdy d nt make me annyed,and I just ignre them. 少数同学看不到我的内心世界,但是我并不生气,只是不去理会他们罢了。②I dn’t dislike her, but she just annys me smetimes. 我不是不喜欢她,但她有时就是使我烦。
    【拓展】(1)annyed adj.恼怒的;烦恼的be annyed with sb. 对某人生气be annyed at/abut sth. 因……而生气(2)annying adj. 令人恼怒的;令人烦恼的(3)annyance n. 烦恼t ne’s annyance令某人恼怒的是
    ③He was annyed at the by’s stupidity. 他对这个男孩的愚蠢行为感到恼怒。④I was really annyed that I hadn’t been invited. 我没有被邀请,真有点恼火。
    【即学即练】用anny的正确形式填空①T her __________, Mary fund that the thers had gne withut her. ②My mther gt ________ with me abut my carelessness. ③It is really ________ when a train is late.
    8. all in all总而言之; 总的来说①All in all I have a gd life. 总而言之,我生活得很好。②All in all, it was a great success. 总之,这是巨大的成功。
    【拓展】 abve all首先; 最重要的是after all毕竟; 终究at all根本,丝毫,(常用于否定句、条件句以加强语气)first f all首先in all总共; 总之all at nce突然;一下子;一起;同时
    ③Abve all, make sure yu keep in tuch. 最要紧的是你们一定要保持联系。【助记】 all短语Yu shuldn’t have sclded the by at all, wh is nly a child after all; abve all he made nly tw mistakes in all. All in all, yu were wrng. 你根本不应该责备那个男孩,他毕竟还是个孩子;更重要的是,他总共才出了两个错。总之,你错了。
    【即学即练】用all in all, after all, abve all, at all填空①T be great, yu must be smart, cnfident, and, ________, hnest. ②Dn’t blame him. ________, he is a child. ③He is suitable fr the jb if he puts his heart in it _____. ④________, every cin has tw sides.
    9. ★as well as除……之外;也;还; 和①As well as ging t the mvies and ftball matches with my friends,I spend a lt f time with my pets. 除了同我的朋友一起去看电影和足球比赛,我还花很多时间和我的宠物在一起。
    【名师点津】(1)as well as作介词时,后面通常接名词或动名词,特别是放在句首时。(2)as well as 作连词时,可用来连接两个相同的成分。连接的部分作主语时,谓语动词应与前面的主语在人称和数上保持一致。
    ②Jack is a talented painter as well as a singer. 杰克不仅是歌唱家而且还是个天才画家。③Jiang Wen directed as well as acted in the film Let the Bullets Fly. 姜文不但在电影《让子弹飞》中扮演角色而且还导演了这部影片。④The teacher, as well as his students, is a ftball fan. 这位老师和他的学生都是足球迷。
    【即学即练】用所给动词的适当形式填空①Tm, as well as his brther __________ t the party yesterday. (invite)②As well as ________ his leg, he hurt his arm. (break)
    was invited
    10. make fun f取笑①S dn’t feel srry fr the disabled r make fun f them, and dn’t ignre them either. 因此,不要感到残疾人可怜,或者取笑他们,也不要不理他们。②Peple make fun f her because she always speaks flishly. 人们嘲笑她,因为她常说傻话。
    【拓展】 have fun 玩得开心fr/in fun为了玩乐,开玩笑地③She said it just fr fun. 她只是说着玩的。
    【想一想】我们还学过哪些常见的表示“取笑、嘲笑”的短语,请把它们写下来。【拓展延伸】表示“取笑,嘲笑”的短语还有: play a jke n sb. 戏弄某人play a trick n sb. 捉弄某人make a fl f sb. 愚弄(或欺骗)某人laugh at sb. 嘲笑某人
    【即学即练】完成句子①取笑残疾人是残忍的。It’s cruel _____________ a persn with disabilities. ②孩子们在海边玩得多开心啊!_________ the children had at the seaside!
    t make fun f
    11. She is prud t have taken part in cmpetitins and t have brken a recrd by running tw laps(800 metres) this year. 今年她参加了比赛,并跑了两圈(800米),打破了一项纪录, 为此她感到非常自豪。【分析】1)此句为简单句,动词不定式在句中作原因状语。
    2)句中的t have taken part in. . . 和t have brken. . . 是不定式的完成时,表示不定式的动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前。①She seemed t have heard abut the news. 她似乎听说过这个新闻。②Rbert is said t have studied abrad, but I dn’t knw what cuntry he studied in. 据说罗伯特在国外学习过,但我不知道他是在哪里学习的。
    【即学即练】仿写句子对不起,让你久等了。I am srry t have kept yu waiting s lng.
    12. Every time I returned after an absence, I felt stupid because I was behind the thers. 【分析】1)该句为复合句,every time引导时间状语从句,because 引导原因状语从句,主句部分为简单句I felt stupid。2)every time此处作连词,意为“每次……,每当……时候”,引导时间状语从句。涉及time的从属连词还有each time(每次), the first time(第一次), next time(下次), the last time(上次)等。
    ①Next time yu’re here, please d let me knw. 下一次你来这里时,一定要通知我。②Every time I see the pht, I’ll think f my childhd. 每次我看到这张照片,就会想起我的童年时代。
    【即学即练】 ①将上面句子翻译成汉语每次请假回来之后,我都觉得自己很笨,因为我比别人落后了。完成句子②我上次见到他时他没有告诉我这件事。He didn’t tell me abut it ____________________. ③每次她和他讲话,他都感到紧张。He felt nervus _______________________.
    the last time I saw him
    each time she spke t him
    1. disability n. [C]伤残,残疾[U]丧失能力①D yu knw anyne with a mental r physical disability? 你认识患有精神或身体残疾的人吗?②Deafness is a very serius disability. 耳聋是非常严重的残疾。
    ③She never received a penny during her disability. 她在伤残期间分文未收。④The China’s Disabled Persns’ Federatin is ding its best t help the disabled lead a nrmal life. 中国残联在尽力帮助残疾人过上正常的生活。
    disabled adj.丧失能力的
    disabled vt.使丧失能力
    disability n.无能
    able adj. 能够
    unable adj.不能的
    enable v.使能够
    ability n.智慧、才智天资、天分
    【即学即练】用disability的正确形式填空①Physical ________ causes mental anguish(苦闷). ②We shuld try ur best t help the ________. ③He was ________ in a car accident.
    2. absence n. 缺席;不在某处①His absence caused me sme truble. 他的缺席给我带来了些麻烦。②Please lk after my huse during my absence. 我不在时,请帮我看房子。
    【拓展】(1)during/in ne’s absence(=in the absence f sb. )当某人缺席/不在的时候absence frm缺席,不在(2)absent adj. 缺席的,不在的be absent frm缺席,不在③Hw many peple are absent frm the meeting tday? 今天有多少人缺席会议?
    【即学即练】完成句子①在当事人不在时,她从不说他们的坏话。She never speaks ill f anyne __________________. ②你昨天为什么旷课了?Why _____ yu _________________ yesterday?
    in his r her absence
    absent frm schl
    3. sit arund闲坐着①I have a very busy life with n time t sit arund feeling srry fr myself. 我的生活很充实,没有时间闲坐着顾影自怜。②Are we ging t sit arund all night, r shall we g ut? 我们就这么整夜闲坐着,还是出去玩?
    【拓展】sit by袖手旁观sit dwn坐下sit up(使)坐起来③D yu feel well enugh t sit up yet? 你感觉怎么样,能坐起来了吗?
    【即学即练】完成句子①他整天闲坐着看电视。He just ______________________ all day lng. ②我们不能坐看这样的悲剧发生。We _______________ and watch this tragedy happen.
    sits arund watching TV
    cannt just sit by
    4. in many ways在很多方面①In many ways my disability has helped me grw strnger psychlgically and becme mre independent. 在许多方面,我的残疾已经使我在心理上变得更加坚强、更加独立。②She perfrms better than I in many ways. 在很多方面,她都表现得比我好。
    【拓展】way与介词in连用,可构成许多短语。常见的有: in a way(=in sme ways)在某种程度上in ne way r anther以某种方式in every way在各方面;以各种方式in n way决不,无论如何不in the way挡住路;妨碍in this way以这种方式in the same way以同样的方式in a different way以不同的方式
    ③In this way they can better apply thery t practice. 用这种方式他们就能更好地把理论运用到实践中去。④The wrk is well dne in a way. 这工作在某种程度上做得不错。
    【即学即练】用含way的短语填空①________ I agree with yu, it’s kind f nice t be studying alne. ②We are making use f energy frm the sun ____________. ③I’m afraid yur car is _________.
    5. Just accept them fr wh they are, and give them encuragement t live as rich and full a life as yu d. 接受他们的现状,并给予他们鼓励,让他们和你们一样过上丰富多彩而充实的生活。【分析】1)本句为复合句,wh引导的宾语从句作介词fr 的宾语,as. . . as引导比较状语从句。2)“as+adj. +a/an+n. +as”表示“像……一样的……”。as. . . as. . . 结构用来比较说明前后两者在某方面相同。这种结构与形容词和单数名词连用时,形容词要放在冠词之前,形成“as +adj. + a/an +n. + as”结构。
    ①Jenny is as friendly a student as Tm. 珍妮和汤姆是一样友好的同学。【拓展】除as外,还有一些词,如s, hw, hwever, t与一个带有形容词和不定冠词的名词词组连用时,a/an要放在形容词后面,其结构是s/hw/hwever/t+adj. +a/an+n. 。如果没有不定冠词,就不能用这个结构。
    ②Hw clever a student she is! 她是多么聪明的学生。③Tm is t yung a by t jin the army. 汤姆太小,不能参军。
    【即学即练】仿写句子她和她妈妈一样是位好老师。She is as gd a teacher as her mther.
    Ⅰ. 阅读理解 He was struggling(费劲) t tie his shes. I was struggling with whether I shuld help him. I did, and he was grateful. “Thank yu, ” he said. “I’m glad I culd help. I just thught it wuld be easier fr me t reach, ” I said.
    He was a disabled man, and frced t lk dwn mst f the time. His arms and legs were twisted(扭曲的) terribly, and he culdn’t d what the rest f us wuld cnsider easy tasks. He always managed t lk up t see hw yu reacted(反应) t his wrds, hwever, he had a big smile, making me feel cmfrtable. I was still n my knees by his wheelchair. “ Nice shes, ” he said. “Thanks. N ne ever cmplimented me n them befre, ” I said. “N ne has the same view f the wrld as I d, ” he replied.
    “Tell me abut the wrld as yu see it, ” I said smiling. “Mst peple can see if smene is cmfrtable with them r nt in their eyes. I see it in their feet. ” he said. “If peple keep mving their feet, I just let them g, because I knw they’re impatient with me. I dn’t want t make peple uncmfrtable. “What abut me? ” I asked.
    “I culd see yur cmpassin. And then yu came dwn t my level. I was the ne wh was nervus. ” he said. “I dn’t nrmally have smene lk me in the eye. ” “They dn’t knw what they’re missing, ” I tld him. “My ld face is nthing t brag(自夸) abut. ” he said. “But that smile is s big. ” Yes, and it’s nt nly a big smile but an attitude. 本文是一篇小故事。通过作者帮助一位残疾人系鞋带而告知我们,并不是很多人都愿意来帮助残疾人,他们的帮助里更多的是一种同情和怜悯。
    1. The disabled man knew peple were impatient mstly by their _______. A. wrds B. eyes C. feet D. smile【解析】选C。 细节理解题。从文章中的句子“If peple keep mving their feet, I just let them g, because I knw they’re impatient with me. ”可知答案为C。
    2. The underlined wrd cmpassin is the clset in meaning t _______. A. attentin B. pity C. trust D. duty【解析】选B。词义猜测题。单词cmpassin的意思为“同情;怜悯”,从选项中看只有B项最接近其意,故选B。
    3. We learn that the disabled man _______. A. had great difficulty lking after himselfB. always asked peple fr helpC. culdn’t have a big smileD. liked t talk abut peple’s shes【解析】选A。 综合判断题。从整篇文章可知,作者帮助其系鞋带,可见这位残疾人是不能自己照顾自己的。
    4. The writer felt cmfrtable because _______. A. he had a nice talk t the manB. the man lked him in the eyeC. he didn’t mve his feet befre the manD. the man had a big smile n the face【解析】选D。细节理解题。从文中“he had a big smile, making me feel cmfrtable. ”可知答案为D。
    5. We can infer frm the passage that _______. A. the disabled man had smething wrng with his mindB. nt many peple went dwn t the man’s levelC. the man was gd at telling peple abut the wrldD. the writer wuld nt give the man mre help【解析】选B。主旨理解题。从整篇文章我们可知,并不是所有人都愿意来帮助残疾人,所以答案为B。
    Ⅱ. 信息匹配阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。以下是演讲会的资料: A. Are yu interested in Dream f the Red Mansin (Hng Lu Meng)? Listen t a lecture n this classical nvel. Venue: Natinal Museum f Chinese Mdern Literature (Beijing)Time: 9: 30 a. m. Price: free Tel: 010-84615522
    B. “Jiaguwen” is amng the ldest pictgraphic characters in the wrld.Hw much d yu knw abut it? Get all the answers at this free lecture. Venue: Dngcheng District Library (Beijing)Time: 9: 00 a.m. Price: freeTel: 010-64013356
    C. Frmer United Natins interpreter Prfessr Wang speaks abut her experiences and shares her understanding f the cultural differences between East and West. Venue: Natinal Library f China (Beijing)Time: 1: 30 p. m. -4: 00 p. m. Price: free Tel: 010-68488047
    D. Qi Baishi, ne f China’s greatest mdern painters, was als a pet, calligrapher(书法家) and seal-cutter(刻印者). Can yu appreciate his wrks? Then cme t spend the time with us. Venue: Beijing Art AcademyTime: 9: 00 a.m. -11: 00 a.m. Price: 10 yuan Tel: 010-65023390
    E. It is the year f the Dg, and yu can see “Fu” everywhere. But hw much d yu knw abut dgs—man’s best friend? What is “Fu” and where des it cme frm? Why d peple hang “Fu” character upside dwn n the dr? Get all the answers frm this free lecture. Venue: Capital Library (Beijing)Time: 2: 00 p. m. Price: free Tel: 010-67358114
    F. Abut 160 cultural relics frm Guangdng, Maca and Hng Kng are n display t April 15th. Meanwhile experts will talk abut the imprtant rles these three cities have played in the past tw thusand years f Sin-Western exchanges. Venue: Beijing Art MuseumTime: 2: 00 p. m. -5: 00 p. m. Price: 20 yuan, students 10 yuanTel: 010-83659337
    以下是想去听演讲的人员的基本信息,请匹配适合他们的演讲内容。1. Edward is a senir student in Beijing Freign Language University. He likes traveling and has made up his mind t wrk as an interpreter fr sme jint-venture enterprises (合资企业). 2. Steve and Mark are bth studying in the Chinese Department f Renmin University f China. They want t d sme research n Chinese ancient literature.
    3. Lra and Peter, visiting prfessrs frm Australia, are bth crazy abut Chinese traditinal culture. At weekends they like t call n Chinese families t learn abut Chinese festivals as well as their histry. 4. Simn cmes frm Egypt. He is nw studying in Beijing Art Academy. He shws great interest in Chinese ancient characters. Nw he wants t knw much abut it. 5. Alice is nw studying in Beijing University, and she is especially interested in Chinese writing. In her spare time she enjys drawing, writing pems and is fnd f sharing her pieces with her classmates.
    1. 【解析】选C。关键词: interpreter, the cultural differences between East and West。2. 【解析】选A。关键词: Dream f the Red Mansin (Hng Lu Meng), Chinese ancient literature。3. 【解析】选E。关键词: the year f the Dg, see “Fu” everywhere, Chinese festivals as well as their histry。4. 【解析】选B。关键词: Jiaguwen, the ldest pictgraphic characters in the wrld, Chinese ancient characters。5. 【解析】选D。关键词: a pet, calligrapher and seal-cutter;Chinese writing, drawing, writing pems。

    英语选修7&8Unit 2 Cloning说课ppt课件: 这是一份英语选修7&8Unit 2 Cloning说课ppt课件,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了desire,satisfied,alarmed,sympathy,overweight,elegant,elegantly,favourable,accompany,necklace等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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    人教版 (新课标)选修7&8选修7Unit 4 Sharing备课ppt课件: 这是一份人教版 (新课标)选修7&8选修7Unit 4 Sharing备课ppt课件,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了relevant,otherwise,privilege,mud,adjustment,arrange,hear from,adapt to,for sure,说实话等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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