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    高中英语课件 选修七:Unit 2 Warming Up & Reading
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    英语选修7&8Unit 2 Cloning说课ppt课件

    这是一份英语选修7&8Unit 2 Cloning说课ppt课件,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了desire,satisfied,alarmed,sympathy,overweight,elegant,elegantly,favourable,accompany,necklace等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Ⅰ. 下面是本部分的重点词汇,你能准确填出内容吗?1. 根据词性及汉语写出单词及其拓展形式。(1)______(n. )渴望;欲望;渴求(vt. )希望得到;想要(2)satisfy(vt. )满足;使满意→__________ (n. )满意;满足→___________________ (adj. )令人满意的→________(adj. )满足的;(感到)满意的
    (3)alarm (vt. )使警觉;使惊恐;惊动(n. )警报;惊恐→________(adj. )担心的;害怕的(4)sympathetic (adj. )有同情心的→_________(n. )同情(心)(5)__________(adj. )超重的;体重超常的(6)elegance(n. )优雅,高雅→_______(adj. )优雅的;高雅的;讲究的→________(adv. )优雅地;高雅地
    (7)favur (n. )喜爱;恩惠(vt. )喜爱;偏袒→__________(adj. )喜欢的;有利的(8)__________(vt. )陪伴;伴奏(9)________(n. )项链(10)_____(adj. )极坏的;极讨厌的;可怕的;(口语)糟透的(11)declare(vt. )宣布;声明;表明;宣称→__________(n. )宣布;声明(12)envius(adj. )忌妒的;羡慕的→_____(vt. )忌妒;羡慕
    2. 短语互译。(1) _______ 试验;考验(2) ________ 更确切地说(3) ________伸手去够(4) _______给……打电话(5)turn arund___________(6)fall ff a ladder_______________
    (7)mre than_____________(8)leave. . . alne________________________________________________
    Ⅱ. 语篇导读A)根据文章内容,在表格中的空格里填入最恰当的单词。注意: 每空格只填1个单词。
    B)根据文章选择最佳答案。1. We can infer that when Claire first saw Tny, she felt alarmed by _______. A. his appearanceB. his abilityC. his facial expressinsD. his cleverness
    2. Tny did the fllwing things t help Claire EXCEPT _______. A. giving her a new haircutB. changing her makeupC. having the huse cmpletely transfrmed and imprvedD. ging int a jewellery shp t buy her a necklace
    3. Which f the fllwing is NOT the reasn why Tny pened the curtains? A. T let ther wmen see everything. B. T shw the risk f Claire’s marriage. C. T let ther wmen envy Claire. D. T make Claire elegant just like her neighbr.
    4. As a result, the experiment shws _______. A. Claire and Tny fell in lve with each therB. Tny had t be rebuiltC. Tny was angry with his designerD. Bth A and B
    5. All the fllwing statements are true except that _______. A. Tny tried t please ClaireB. Claire tried t please TnyC. Tny managed t prtect ClaireD. Gladys admired Claire fr Tny
    【读·悟·思】Generalize the main idea f the passage using abut 30 wrds. The text mainly tells us hw Claire became mre cnfident with the help f Tny, the rbt, and gradually fell in lve with him.
    1. ★desire(1)n. [C, U]渴望;欲望;渴求①D yu think it is pssible fr a rbt t have its wn needs and desires? 你认为机器人有可能有自己的需求和愿望吗?
    【名师点津】desire作名词时,后常接fr sth. 或t d sth. 作定语;也可接that引导的同位语从句和表语从句,从句的谓语动词用虚拟语气,即“(shuld+)动词原形”。
    ②Wang Ha has a strng desire t win in the final match. 王皓强烈渴望在决赛中获胜。③Anna has a great desire fr success. 安娜非常渴望成功。④It’s my desire that all the members f the family (shuld)gather nce a year. 我的愿望是所有家庭成员一年团圆一次。
    (2)vt. 希望得到;想要【拓展】 sth. 希望得到某物desire t d sth. 渴望做某事 sb. t d sth. 希望某人做某事 that. . . (shuld) d sth. 希望……能做某事
    ⑤Peple in the wrld desire peace. 世人都渴望和平。⑥We all desire t live in peace with ur neighburs. 我们都希望与邻居和睦相处。⑦Afghan peple desire that the war (shuld)cme t an end sn. 阿富汗人民希望战争早日结束。【名师点津】desire作动词,后面跟宾语从句时,从句的谓语动词也要用虚拟语气,即(shuld+)动词原形。
    【即学即练】完成句子①大家的愿望是要尽一切努力来减少我们城市的污染。It is everybdy’s desire that every effrt _______________ t reduce the pllutin in ur city. ②我被学习的欲望驱赶着,决心超过我的同学们。I was driven by a _____________ and determined t be ahead f my classmates.
    (shuld) be made
    desire t learn
    2. test ut试验;考验①It was ging t be tested ut by Larry’s wife, Claire. 这项试验将由拉里的夫人克莱尔来尝试。②Russia tested ut the Bulava ballistic missile recently. 俄罗斯最近试验了布拉瓦弹道导弹。
    【拓展】test sb. n sth. 就某事(物)测试某人test sth. n sb. /sth. 在某人/某物身上做试验test sb. fr sth. 为某事检查某人③Scientists have tested the new medicine n rats. 科学家们已经在老鼠身上试验了这种新药。
    【即学即练】完成句子①The lng race _________ the swimmers’ endurance. 长跑比赛考验游泳者的耐力。②My grandma ________________________ last week. 我奶奶上周接受了心脏病检查。
    was tested fr heart disease
    3. sympathy n. [U]同情(心)①Claire thught it was ridiculus t be ffered sympathy by a rbt. 克莱尔觉得,被一个机器人同情有点荒唐。【拓展】(1)express/feel/have sympathy fr sb. 同情某人get/win sb. ’s sympathy获得某人的同情ut f sympathy 出于同情(2)sympathetic adj. 同情的;有同情心的
    ②He has n sympathy fr beggars. 他不同情乞丐。③As Chinese, we expressed sympathy fr the Libyans’ sufferings. 作为中国人,我们对利比亚人民的遭遇表示同情。
    【即学即练】完成句子①I _____________________________ (对盲人深表同情). ②He gave the pr child much help ______________ (出于同情).
    felt much sympathy fr the blind
    ut f sympathy
    4. ★favur(1)n. 喜爱;恩惠①As a favur Tny prmised t help Claire make herself smarter and her hme mre elegant. 作为帮忙,托尼答应帮助克莱尔,使她变得更时髦,使她的家变得更高雅大方。
    【拓展】d sth. as a favur帮忙做某事d sb. a favur=d a favur fr sb. 帮某人一个忙ask a favur f sb. 请某人帮忙in sb. ‘s favur对某人有利in favur f赞同;支持
    ②I am in favur f ging t see the film The King’s Speech. 我赞成去看电影《国王的演讲》。③I hpe yu will d me a favur/a favur fr me. 我希望你能帮我一个忙。(2)vt. 喜爱;偏袒;有利于④A mther shuldn’t favur ne f her children. 做母亲的不应过分偏袒某一个孩子。
    【即学即练】完成句子①我支持这个计划。I’m ___________ the plan. ②帮个忙——在我打电话时把收音机调小声一点好吗?______________—turn the radi dwn while I’m n the phne, will yu?
    D me a favur
    5. accmpany vt. 陪伴;伴奏;伴随,和……一起发生①As he was nt allwed t accmpany her t the shps,he wrte ut a list f items fr her. 因为克莱尔不让托尼陪她去商店,所以托尼就给她写了一份购物清单。 ②Lightning usually accmpanies thunder. 闪电通常伴着雷声。
    【拓展】accmpany sb. t smeplace陪某人到某地accmpany sb. =keep sb. cmpany陪伴某人accmpany sb. at/n sth. 用……给某人伴奏be accmpanied by. . . 由……伴奏/陪同
    ③I must ask yu t accmpany me t the plice statin. 我必须请你陪我去警察局。④His wife accmpanied him n the trip. 他的妻子陪他旅行。
    【即学即练】用accmpany的适当形式填空①Children under 14 must be ____________ by an adult. ②I feel like _____________ my wife at hme.
    6. ring(up)vt. &vi. 给……打电话①When the clerk at the cunter was rude t her, she rang Tny up and tld the clerk t speak t him. 当柜台售货员对她态度粗鲁时,她就打电话给托尼,让售货员同托尼说话。②Ring(up) the airprt and find ut when the plane leaves. 给机场打个电话,问清楚飞机什么时候起飞。
    【想一想】ring up表示“给……打电话”,动脑想一想,还有哪些词或短语可以表示“打电话”及打电话时常用的表达?【拓展延伸】(1)“给……打电话”的词或短语有: ring sb. (up)=call sb. (up)phne sb. =telephne sb. give sb. a ring/a call/a telephne callmake a(phne)call t sb.
    (2)“打电话”时常用的表达有: get/have/receive a call frm sb. 接到某人的电话ring/call back回电话answer the phne接电话ring ff/hang up挂断电话hld n/hang n别挂断
    【即学即练】同义句转换①She made a call t me yesterday. →She ____ ___ __ ____ yesterday. ②Dn’t hang up please and I’ll g t see if he is free. →Dn’t ____ ___ please and I’ll g t see if he is free.
    7. ★turn arund/rund转向;回转①As she turned arund,there std Gladys Claffern. 她刚一转过身去,就看到格拉迪丝·克拉芬站在那儿。②When yu turn arund in the street, yu must be careful. 在大街上拐弯的时候必须小心。
    【拓展】turn dwn减弱;降低(声音等);拒绝turn t翻到,转到;向……求助turn ver翻过来;认真思考,深思熟虑turn up把声音开大;出现;露面turn ut生产;结果是;证明是turn ff关闭
    ③Will yu please turn up the radi? 你把收音机声音调大点好吗?④This factry turns ut varius kinds f prducts. 这家工厂生产各种各样的产品。
    【即学即练】用适当的副词填空①—Yu lk upset. What’s the matter?—I had my prpsal turned _____ again. ②Thusands f peple turned ___ t watch yesterday’s match against Ireland. ③Turn _______ and see wh is standing behind yu.
    8. ★declare vt. 宣布;声明;表明;宣称①She cried ut “Tny” and then heard him declare that he didn’t want t leave her the next day and that he felt mre than just the desire t please her. 她大叫一声“托尼”,然后听到托尼一本正经地说,第二天他不想离开她,而且他并不满足于仅仅使她开心。
    【拓展】 war n/against. . . 向……宣战declare that. . . 声明…… sb. /sth. (t be). . . 宣布某人或某事……
    ②President Obama has declared that he will run fr a secnd term as the US president. 奥巴马总统宣布他将参加下一届的美国总统竞选。③The referee declared the Chinese team(t be) the winner f the wmen’s 3, 000 meters relay shrt track speed skating. 裁判宣布中国队为女子3,000米短道速滑接力的获胜者。
    【即学即练】选词填空declare/annunce①The Republic f Suth Sudan ________ itself independent n Feb. 16, 2011. ②They __________ the date f their wedding in the newspaper.
    9. ★leave. . . alne不管;别惹;让……独自待着;和……单独在一起①She shuted “Leave me alne” and ran t her bed. 她高声嚷着: “让我独自待一会儿”然后就跑向她的床。②Leave her alne and she will be better. 别管她,她会好起来的。
    【拓展】leave behind留下;遗忘;把……抛在后面leave ut遗漏;省去;不考虑leave sth. as it is听任某事自由发展③In her reprt she left ut sme imprtant details. 在她的报告中,她遗漏了一些重要细节。
    【即学即练】完成句子①不要逗那条狗,否则它会咬你的。_________________ r it will bite yu. ②忘记带行李了。The luggage has been __________.
    Leave the dg alne
    left behind
    10. It was then that Claire realized that Tny had pened the curtains f the frnt windw. 也就在那时候,克莱尔才意识到托尼早就把前边窗户的窗帘拉开了。【分析】 1)句中It was. . . that. . . 是一个强调句。强调句是为了突出句子中的某一成分,达到强调或使人特别注意该成分的目的。2)强调部分可以是句子的主语、宾语、状语等,但不能强调谓语和定语。
    ①It was Wang Baqiang that he met in the street yesterday. (强调宾语)昨天他在街上见到的是王宝强。②It was he that met Wang Baqiang in the street yesterday. (强调主语)昨天是他在街上遇到王宝强的。③It was yesterday that he met Wang Baqiang in the street. (强调时间状语)他是昨天在街上遇到王宝强的。
    【拓展】 1)强调句的句型: (1)陈述句: It is/was+被强调部分+that+其他部分。(2)一般疑问句: Is/Was it+被强调部分+that+其他部分?(3)特殊疑问句: 疑问词+is/was+it+that+其他部分?2)nt. . . until. . . 句型的强调句为: It is/was nt until. . . +that+其他部分。
    ④Was it in the street that he met Wang Baqiang yesterday? 昨天他是在街上见到王宝强的吗?⑤Where was it that yu were brn? 你到底是在何地出生的?⑥It was nt until his wife came back that he went t bed. 直到他的妻子回来他才去睡觉。
    【想一想】强调句型很容易和其他从句混淆,你知道如何判断它们吗?【拓展延伸】删减法判断强调句式判断的方法是把it is/was和that去掉后,适当调整句子的语序,如果句子不缺少成分,句意通顺就是强调句型,否则考虑其他从句。例如: It is said that he is studying in the USA nw. (主语从句)据说他现在在美国学习。It was he that helped me. (强调句)是他帮助了我。
    【即学即练】仿写句子。是他说的话使我很失望。It was what he said that made me disappinted.
    11. He had pened the curtains that night s that the ther wmen wuld see him and Claire, knwing that there was n risk t Claire’s marriage. 【分析】
    He had pended... s that ther wmen wuld see him and Claire.
    knwing (that there was n risk t Claire’s marriage.)
    1. satisfactin n. [U]满意;满足 [C]令人满意的事物①It is a great satisfactin t knw yu are well again. 获悉你身体康复非常欣慰。②He agreed with me with satisfactin. 他满意地同意了我的观点。
    【拓展】(1)t sb. ’s satisfactin=t the satisfactin f sb. 令某人满意的是with satisfactin满意地(2)satisfy v. 满足, 使满意satisfied adj. 满意的(修饰人)be/feel satisfied with. . . 对……感到满意(3)satisfactry adj. 令人满意的(修饰物)satisfying adj. 令人满意的
    ③I’m satisfied with my jb. 我对我的工作很满意。
    【即学即练】用satisfy的适当形式填空①Her ________ smile suggested that she was very satisfied with the answer. ②The artist lked at his finished painting with __________. ③What a _________ result it is!
    2. alarm vt. 使警觉;使惊恐;惊动 n. 警报;惊恐①Hwever, when she first saw the rbt, she felt alarmed. 然而她初次见到这个机器人的时候就感到有点吃惊。②Many peple tk the alarm at the news f the nuclear leak. 许多人对核泄漏的消息感到惊恐。
    【拓展】(1)alarmed adj. 担心的;害怕的alarming adj. 令人惊恐的be alarmed at/by sth. 对……感到忧虑或害怕be alarmed t d sth. 害怕做某事(2)give/raise/sund the alarm发出警报;报警in alarm惊恐地③Dn’t be alarmed. I’m n rbber. 别慌,我不是强盗。
    【助记】 图文并解alarmShe was alarmed at the sudden alarm. 突如其来的警报让她惊恐万分。
    【即学即练】完成句子①那声音把鸟吓飞了。___________________, the birds flew away. ②她一想到独自旅行的情景就害怕。She ______________ the prspect f travelling alne.
    Alarmed by the nise
    was alarmed at
    3. envy(1)vt. 忌妒;羡慕①What a sweet victry t be envied by thse wmen! 受到那些女士的忌妒,这该是多么甜美的胜利! 【拓展】 (sb. )sth. /fr sth. 忌妒或羡慕(某人)某事envy sb. ding sth. 忌妒或羡慕某人做某事②We all envy him his gd frtune. 我们羡慕他的好运气。
    (2)n. [U] 羡慕;忌妒【拓展】feel envy at对……感到忌妒或羡慕ut f envy出于忌妒with envy羡慕地;忌妒地be the envy f sb. /sth. 羡慕(或忌妒)的对象/东西③He is the envy f the whle street. 整条街的人都羡慕他。
    【即学即练】介词填空①Everyne feels envy __ his success. ②He was cnsumed ____ envy. ③She is the envy __ the whle twn.
    4. Claire didn’t want the rbt in her huse, especially as her husband wuld be absent fr three weeks, but Larry persuaded her that the rbt wuldn’t harm her r allw her t be harmed. 【分析】本句是由but连接的并列句。(1)第一个分句中的especially as. . . fr three weeks是由as引导的时间状语从句;
    (2)第二个分句中that the rbt wuldn’t harm her r allw her t be harmed作persuade的宾语从句,r在从句中连接了两个并列谓语。I’ve tried t persuade my father that he cmes here with me, but it’s unsuccessful. 我曾设法劝我的父亲同我一起来这儿,但没有成功。
    5. It was disturbing and frightening that he lked s human. 机器人如此人性化,这使她觉得心烦和害怕。【分析】 It was disturbing and frightening that he lked s human.It’s very clear that he’s rund and tall like a tree. 很明显,他像一棵树一样粗一样高。
    【想一想】it作形式主语可以代替哪些成分?【拓展延伸】it作形式主语可以代替主语从句、动词不定式、动名词等,而把真正作主语的从句、动词不定式、动名词置于句尾。例如: ①It’s a pity that she refused t accept the suggestin. 真遗憾,她拒绝接受这个建议。②It’s n use cmplaining abut it. 抱怨是没有用的。③It’s very imprtant t learn English well. 学好英语很重要。
    【即学即练】仿写句子①熬夜不是个好习惯。It is nt a gd habit t stay up late. ②在薄冰上行走是危险的。It is dangerus walking n thin ice.
    Ⅰ. 阅读理解 There are rbts all arund us. Sme d very cmplicated(复杂的)jbs like flying airplanes and driving subway trains. And sme d ne simple jb. When an autmatic washing machine is switched n, water purs in. The machine waits until the water is warm enugh fr
    washing clthes. It des this by “feedback”(反馈). Infrmatin abut what is happening is feedback int the rbt t tell what t d next. Our eyes, ears and ther senses are ur feedback. They tell us what is ging n arund us. S rbts are like human beings in tw ways. They wrk and they have feedback.
    In sme ways rbts are better than human beings. They wrk quickly and d nt make mistakes. They d nt get bred ding the same jb ver and ver again. And they never get tired. S rbts are very useful in factries. They can be taught t d many different jbs. First their electrnic brain must be shwn hw the jb is dne. A persn mves the rbt’s “arms” and “hands” thrugh each part f the jb.
    The mst intelligent(智能的)rbts can mve and see. Their eyes are cameras. Their fingers can feel shapes and sizes f the bjects. These rbts have cmputer brains linked t their eyes and fingers, which cntrl their actins. The expensive “Times New Rman”—the mst intelligent rbts are used in scientific research. They d such a jb as handling radiactive materials. 本文介绍了机器人的特点及优点。
    1. In this passage the authr tells us that _______. A. rbts are very ppularB. there are varius kinds f rbtsC. we see rbts nly at certain timesD. rbts can be easily cntrlled【解析】选 A。事实细节题。由第一段第一句话“There are rbts all arund us. ”得出选项A正确。
    2. What des the authr seem t infrm yu abut rbts? A. They shuld be greatly imprved. B. They will prbably take ver human beings in the future. C. They are very helpful and useful t humans. D. They are machines that break dwn a lt. 【解析】选C。推理判断题。由第三段“ They wrk quickly and d nt make mistakes . . . . And they never get tired. S rbts are very useful in factries. ”(机器人工作快……不会觉得累)可知对人类有很大的帮助,故答案选C。
    3. The authr says that in industry _______. A. rbts break dwn a ltB. rbts can d many jbsC. rbts nly get in the wayD. rbts smetimes cause truble【解析】选B。事实细节题。由第三段第六句话“They can be taught t d many different jbs. ”可知选B。
    4. The fact that a rbt never gets bred ding the same jb means that _______. A. it is very much like human beingsB. it can d bring jbs fr pepleC. it will never bre pepleD. it will wrk much better than human beings【解析】选 B。推理判断题。由第三段第三句话“They d nt get bred ding the same jb ver and ver again. (机器人对重复做同一工作从不会感到厌烦),可知选B。
    5. The rbts used fr scientific research _______. A. are nt very cleverB. are very cheapC. are very bigD. are very cstly【解析】选 D。事实细节题。由最后一段倒数第二句话The expensive“Times New Rman”—the mst intelligent rbts are used in scientific research. 可得知答案为D。
    Ⅱ. 信息匹配阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。ATriband M800 Unlcked Watch Mbile Phne Main features: Telephne directries: 250 grups f phne bks,supprt calling shw, MP3 ring tne
    Messages & Multimedia messaging: SMS/MMSSchedule pwer n/ff: aut pwer n and ffAlarm clck: alarm clck when pwer ffGames: smart puzzle gameMre infrmatin: MP3, MP4, Handsfree, SMS grup sending, Vice recrder, WAP, Handwritten input, Bluetth, GPRS dwnlad, MMS, E-bk, IP dialing, calendar, health manager, calculatr, unit cnverter, rate exchange, mem, wrld clck, nte
    B P-Skin is easy n yur hands with its sft texture. Made ut f specially blended silicn materials, it can stretch and flex t cushin yur device frm hard bumps and falls. Anti-slip material gives the device added tractin and hlding cmfrt, preventing the device frm sliding ff smth surfaces. (Great fr being placed n car dashbard) with this lw-prfile case, yu get the best f bth wrlds. It will remain fully usable, stylish and prtected. P-Skin is the smart way t prtect yur device.
    CSlar energy panel: 6V/130mACharging utput vltage: 5. 5-6. 0VCharging utput current: 450mAFY slar energy charger is a charger that can be mved; it is specially fr yu alng with the electrnic installatin charge, des nt need any pwer surce plug, and is different frm the frmer slar energy battery charger. When there is n sunshine, it can als charge handset.
    D iPhne is a revlutinary new mbile phne that allws yu t make a call by simply tapping a name r a number in yur address bk, a favrites list, r a call lg. It als autmatically syncs all yur cntacts frm a PC, Mac, r Internet service. And it lets yu select and listen t vicemail messages in whatever rder yu want—just like email.
    iPhne is a widescreen iPd with tuch cntrls that lets yu enjy yur cntent—including music, audibks, vides, TV shws, and mvies—n a beautiful 3. 5-inch display. It allws yu t sync the cntent frm the iTunes library n yur PC r Mac and get access t it all with the tuch f a finger.
    E Cmpatible with any Bluetth-enabled mbile phnes that supprt headset and hands-free prfiles, Ergnmic earhk with imprved back husing design t frm fit t yur ear.
    Remvable earhk t allw the headset t be wrn n either ear. Advanced vlume cntrls include rientatin technlgy t assure that vlume cntrls will always be upright. Blue LED light t ntify whether the headset is in use.
    FHeight: 2. 75 inches (69. 8 mm) Width: 2. 06 inches (52. 3 mm) Depth: 0. 26 inch (6. 5 mm) Weight: 1. 74 unces (49. 2 grams) Capacity: Hlds up t 1, 000 r 2, 000 sngs in 128-Kbps AAC frmat 2
    Hlds up t 3, 500 r 7, 000 iPd-viewable phts 3 Hlds up t 4 hurs (4GB) r up t 8 hurs (8GB) f vide 4Stres data via USB flash drive Display: 2-inch (diagnal) liquid crystal display with blue-white LED backlight
    1. Mr. Jeffersn needs t buy a charger which can turn the slar energy int the pwer needed by his mbile phne and which shuld be accessible t his phne even if there is n surce pwer plug. 2. Amy is a music-lver wh is always wearing her earphnes t appreciate the fascinating music and her favrite sngs. With earphnes wrn n her ears fr abut 3~4 hurs each day, she needs ne pair f high quality and als cmfrtable t her ears.
    3. Jack is crazy abut the iPd devices. He wants t wn varius electrnic prducts f iPd. Nw he is eager t get an Apple mbile phne—iPhne n ht sale. 4. Kate wants t buy a mbile phne which is very cnvenient t carry, fr she has lst three mbile phnes that she brught with her either in her handbag r in her pcket. S it will be better if she can put the mbile phne arund her wrist.
    5. Miss White wants t buy a mbile hlder fr her iPhne. It shuld be stretchy and flexible and can prtect her iPhne frm hard bumps and falls. It can als prevent her mbile phne frm sliding ff smth surfaces. 【答案】1~5. CEDAB

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