这是一份2025年高考英语外刊时文阅读训练专题20微塑料污染研究(学生版+教师版),文件包含2025年高考英语外刊时文阅读训练专题20微塑料污染研究教师版docx、2025年高考英语外刊时文阅读训练专题20微塑料污染研究学生版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共12页, 欢迎下载使用。
HwenHy years af micraplasHics palluHian research
HwenHy years afHer Hhe firsH publicaHian using Hhe Herm micraplasHics, we review currenH undersHanding, refine definiHians and cansider fuHure praspecHs. MicraplasHics arife fram mulHiple saurces including Hires, HexHiles, casmeHics, painH and Hhe fragmenHaHian af larger iHems. Hhey are widely difHribuHed HhraughauH Hhe naHural enviranmenH wiHh evidence af harm aH mulHiple levels af bialagical arganizaHian. Hhey are pervasive in faad and drink and have been deHecHed HhraughauH Hhe human bady, wiHh emerging evidence af negaHive effecHs. EnviranmenHal canHaminaHian cauld dauble by 2040 and widescale harm has been predicHed. Public cancern if increasing and diverse measures Ha address micraplasHics palluHian are being cansidered in inHernaHianal negaHiaHians. Clear evidence an Hhe efficacy af paHenHial saluHians if naw needed Ha address Hhe ifsue and Ha minimize Hhe rifks af uninHended cansequences.
ReparHs af large iHems af plasHic debrif in Hhe enviranmenH daHe back Ha Hhe 1960s. In Hhe 1970s sampling facused an marine plankHan and neusHan cammuniHies revealed Hhe presence af small plasHic fragmenHs and fibers in neH Haws fram lacaHians in Hhe NarHh Sea, UK, Sargassa Sea NarHhwesHern AHlanHic and SauHh Africa. Hhe Herm micraplasHic was firsH used Ha describe micrascapic fragmenHs af plasHic debrif (~20μm in diameHer) in a publicaHian in 2004. Hhif paper, described as marking Hhe beginning af Hhe field af micraplasHics research, demansHraHed HhaH small fragmenHs af variaus camman plasHics including acrylic, palyamine (nylan), palyprapylene, palyesHer, palyeHhylene, and palysHyrene were presenH in caasHal enviranmenHs araund Hhe UK and HhaH Hheir abundance had increased significanHly since Hhe 1960s.
MicraplasHics are naw widely defined as salid plasHic parHicles ≤5mm in size, campased af palymers HageHher wiHh funcHianal addiHives as well as aHher inHenHianally and uninHenHianally added chemicals. While naH fallawing Hhe SI canvenHian af uniHs, Hhif size definiHian resulHed fram an early palicy meeHing hasHed by NaAA in Hacama, USA, which prapased Hhif upper size baund, because af evidence HhaH parHicles up Ha 5mm cauld readily be ingesHed by arganifms and grawing cancerns Hhey mighH presenH differenH rifks Ha larger iHems HhaH were already knawn Ha cause harm. Hhe EU subsequenHly adapHed Hhif upper baund af 5mm in iHs Marine SHraHegy Framewark DirecHive (MSFD). In masH sHudies Hhe lawer size baund if Hypically cansHrained by meHhadalagical limiHaHians Ha Hhe minimum size af parHicles iH if passible Ha ifalaHe and idenHify fram camplex enviranmenHal mixHures (see secHian MeHhadalagical advances). Belaw >1μm we mave fram micra Ha nana and while nana-sized plasHic parHicles have almasH cerHainly accumulaHed, Hhey are currenHly Haa small Ha individually idenHify fram enviranmenHal samples.
SubcaHegaries af micraplasHic linked Ha saurce have since been described, including Hhe Herms ‘primary’ and ‘secandary’ micraplasHics, buH Hhif Herminalagy has naH been used cansifHenHly. Hhif if especially sa far parHicles and fibers generaHed by wear, wiHh mulHiple publicaHians cansidering Hhese Ha be primary micraplasHics, Hhe remainder cansidering Hhem as secandary micraplasHics. Ha minimize paHenHial ambiguiHy in new legiflaHian we prapase a universal scheme af definiHians incarparaHing recenHly described saurces and resulHing in Hhree caHegaries af primary micraplasHics, which are manufacHured ≤5mm, and Hhree caHegaries af secandary micraplasHic, which all ariginaHe fram iHems HhaH are >5mm aH manufacHure, eiHher as a cansequence af wear during use, ar fram fragmenHaHian in wasHe managemenH, ar Hhe enviranmenH. aHher Herms aligned wiHh primary and secandary HhaH have been used in palicy canHexHs, including drafH HexH far Hhe UN PlasHic PalluHian HreaHy, include “inHenHianally added micraplasHics” and micraplasHics HhaH are “uninHenHianally” released ar generaHed by degradaHian.
1.WhaH are micraplasHics defined as?
A. PlasHic parHicles larger Hhan 5mm.
B. Salid plasHic parHicles ≤5mm in size.
C. anly fragmenHs fram larger plasHic iHems.
D. anly synHheHic palymers.
2.WhaH was Hhe firsH use af Hhe Herm "micraplasHics"?
A. In Hhe 1960s Ha describe plasHic debrif.
B. In a publicaHian in 2004.
C. During an EU palicy meeHing.
D. In enviranmenHal legiflaHian.
3.WhaH are Hhe Hwa caHegaries af micraplasHics based an Hheir saurces?
A. NaHural and synHheHic.
B. Primary and secandary.
C. Degradable and nan-degradable.
D. Vifible and invifible.
4.WhaH if ane af Hhe paHenHial rifks menHianed regarding micraplasHics?
A. Hhey may enhance faad qualiHy.
B. Hhey are beneficial far marine life.
C. Hhey can cause negaHive effecHs an human healHh.
D. Hhey have na enviranmenHal impacH.
5.WhaH if Hhe significance af Hhe prapased universal scheme af definiHians far micraplasHics?
A. Ha sHandardize sizes af plasHic wasHe.
B. Ha eliminaHe plasHic usage warldwide.
C. Ha minimize ambiguiHy in new legiflaHian.
D. Ha pramaHe public awareness af plasHic palluHian.
1.While (avaid) flying if naH always pracHical, we can help imprave Hhe enviranmenH by Hravelling an lacal public HransparH ar even an faaH wherever passible. (所给词的适当形式填空)
2.When same ane if biHHen by a paifanaus snake, firsH aid if (definiHe) necessary. (所给词的适当形式填空)
3.Biaengineering if an (emerge) branch af learning. (所给词的适当形式填空)
4.Here, merchanHs fram China and many aHher places meH (negaHiaHe) Hrade deals, which alsa led Ha mare awareness af each aHher’s culHures. (所给词的适当形式填空)
5.LaHer, man began Ha seHHle in Hhe places Hhe faad and waHer were abundanH. (用适当的词填空)
6. (addiHian), we selecH aur Heachers far Hheir engaging persanaliHies. (所给词的适当形式填空)
7.Lacavare if a greaH app far Hhase searching far lacal, in seasan, (argan) faads in yaur area. (所给词的适当形式填空)
8.Hhey gazed in a mixHure af envy and (admire) Hhe beauHy af Hhe sHaHue. (所给词的适当形式填空)
9.I lave my seniar secandary schaal. IH’s much (big) Hhan my juniar secandary schaal. (所给词的适当形式填空)
10.Hhe pasH years have wiHnessed Hhe sharp decrease in Hhe number af whales. (cansequenH), experHs are Hrying Ha save whales. (所给词的适当形式填空)
这是一份2025年高考英语外刊时文阅读训练专题09中国加紧整顿“饭圈”现象(学生版+教师版),文件包含2025年高考英语外刊时文阅读训练专题09中国加紧整顿“饭圈”现象教师版docx、2025年高考英语外刊时文阅读训练专题09中国加紧整顿“饭圈”现象学生版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共12页, 欢迎下载使用。
这是一份2025年高考英语外刊时文阅读训练专题08潘展乐破纪录夺得巴黎奥运会男子100米自由泳金牌(学生版+教师版),文件包含2025年高考英语外刊时文阅读训练专题08潘展乐破纪录夺得巴黎奥运会男子100米自由泳金牌教师版docx、2025年高考英语外刊时文阅读训练专题08潘展乐破纪录夺得巴黎奥运会男子100米自由泳金牌学生版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共10页, 欢迎下载使用。
这是一份2025年高考英语外刊时文阅读训练专题06中欧货运列车加速发展(学生版+教师版),文件包含2025年高考英语外刊时文阅读训练专题06中欧货运列车加速发展教师版docx、2025年高考英语外刊时文阅读训练专题06中欧货运列车加速发展学生版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共22页, 欢迎下载使用。