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    人教版高中英语必修第一册UNIT4 Period7学案01
    人教版高中英语必修第一册UNIT4 Period7学案02
    人教版高中英语必修第一册UNIT4 Period7学案03
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    人教版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 4 Natural disasters导学案及答案

    这是一份人教版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 4 Natural disasters导学案及答案,共30页。

    2.drught n.旱灾;久旱
    3.slide vi.&vt.(使)滑行;滑动
    4.fld n.洪水;大量vi.淹没;大量涌入vt.使灌满水;淹没
    5.brick n.砖;砖块
    6.metal n.金属
    7.cntext n.上下文;语境;背景
    8.kit n.成套工具;成套设备
    9.pipe n.管子;管道
    10.emergency n.突发事件;紧急情况
    11.electricity n.电;电能
    12.vlcan n.火山
    13.hurricane n.(尤指西大西洋的)飓风
    1.rescue n.&vt.营救;救援
    2.damage vt.损害;破坏n.损坏;损失
    3.destry vt.摧毁;毁灭
    4.shelter n.避难处;居所;庇护vt.保护;掩蔽vi.躲避(风雨或危险)
    5.trap vt.使落入险境;使陷入圈套n.险境;陷阱
    6.bury vt.埋葬;安葬
    7.effrt n.努力;艰难的尝试;尽力
    8.ruin n.&vt.破坏;毁坏
    9.percent n.百分之……adj.& adv.每一百中
    10.calm adj.镇静的;沉着的vt.使平静;使镇静
    11.aid n.援助;帮助;救援物资vi.& vt.(frmal)帮助;援助
    12.supply n.[pl.]补给品;供应(量);补给vt.供应;供给
    13.crash vt.& vi.碰撞;撞击n.撞车;碰撞
    14.sweep vt.& vi.(swept,swept)打扫;清扫
    15. wave n.海浪;波浪vi.&vt.挥手;招手
    16.strike vi.& vt.(struck,struck/stricken)侵袭;突击;击打 n.罢工;罢课;袭击
    17.affect vt.影响;(疾病)侵袭;深深打动
    1.die v.死(亡)→death n.死;死亡→dead adj.死的,无生命的→deadly adj.致命的
    2.shck n.震惊;令人震惊的事;休克 vt.(使)震惊→shcking adj.令人震惊的→shcked adj.感到震惊的
    3.breath n.呼吸→breathe vi.& vt.呼吸→breathless adj.气喘吁吁的,喘不过气来的
    4.wise adj.明智的;聪明的→wisdm n.智慧;才智
    5.suffer vt.遭受;蒙受 vi.(因疾病、痛苦、悲伤等)受苦→suffering n.折磨;苦难
    6.erupt vi.& vt.(火山)爆发;(岩浆、烟等)喷出→eruptin n.火山爆发;(战争等)爆发
    7.survive vi.生存;存活 vt.幸存;艰难度过→survival n.幸存,存活;幸存事物,残存物→survivr n.幸存者,生还者
    8.pwer n.电力供应;能量;力量;控制力→pwerful adj.强大的;有力的→pwerless adj.无力的
    9.deliver vt.& vi.递送;传达 vt.发表→delivery n.递送;交付
    10.summary n.总结;概括;概要→summarise vt.& vi.总结;概括
    11.effect n.影响;结果;效果→effective adj.有效的
    12.lng adj.长的→length n.长;长度→lengthen v.(使)变长
    1.as if 似乎;好像;仿佛
    2.cme t an end 终结;走向末日
    3.in ruins 严重受损;破败不堪
    4.in shck 震惊;吃惊
    5.in the pen air 露天;在户外
    6.n hand 现有(尤指帮助)
    7.sweep away 消灭;彻底消除
    1.It seemed as if the wrld were cming t an end!
    2.Chickens and even pigs were t nervus t eat,and dgs refused t g inside buildings.
    3.Water,fd and electricity were hard t get.
    4.Hwever,dangerus cnditins and damaged rads will make it difficult t deliver fd and supplies.
    5.I was having breakfast with my three children when water started filling my hme.
    6.In less than ne minute,a large city lay in ruins.
    7.But hpe was nt lst.
    8.Slwly,the city began t breathe again.
    Dear David,
    I'm lking frward t hearing frm yu!
    Li Hua
    Dear David,
    Learning abut frm the Internet that yur hmetwn was struck by the trnad,I felt terribly srry.
    Accrding t the vide f the reprt,s strng was the trnad that it led t a lt f lsses. A large number f huses were destryed and wrse still,many peple were injured r even killed.
    Seeing the disaster,I have been cncerned abut yu and yur family. I'm anxius t knw yur present situatin. Please tell me what yu experienced these days. I knw that help has already arrived. I hpe that everything is all right fr yu!
    I'm lking frward t hearing frm yu!
    Li Hua
    Everyne has ne persn they lk up t as a rle mdel.T me there is nne ther than my mum.She has beauty,brains,and ne f the best hearts I knw.Withut her in my life,I wuld have n idea whether I can be a famus dancer.
    He declared alud,“Wh cares? He wanted me t have it anyway.I might as well enjy it nw.” With that,he unwrapped the white tissue paper,but t his surprise,there was n hard rck candy inside.Instead,int his fingers fell a shiny white pearl wrth thusands f dllars.
    他大声宣布: “谁在乎呢?不管怎样,他还是想让我拥有它。我还不如现在就享受呢。”说着,他打开了白色的纸巾,但令他惊讶的是,里面没有硬糖。相反,一颗价值数千美元的闪亮的白珍珠掉进了他的手指里。
    第一部分 阅读
    Sitting n the edge f the wrld,Sydney is cnsidered as ne f the wrld's greatest cities fr a reasn.Want t relax yurself in Sydney? This shrtlist f things t d and see in Sydney shuld pint yu in the right directin.
    Hit the beaches
    Everyne knws abut Bndi Beach and its Icebergs pl,restaurants and the crashing waves are the pstcard image f Sydney.Bndi is a great place t start.But after yu've caught sme sun r taken a surf lessn with Let's G Surfing,we'd suggest taking the Cgee Castal Walk.Beginning at the Bndi Icebergs swim club,the 3.7-mile walk affrds amazing cliffside views f rck pls and bays.
    Catch a shw
    Sydney is full f events and perfrmances every night f the week.The first place that jumps t mind is the icnic Sydney Opera Huse,designed by Jrn Utzn.A UNESCO Wrld Heritage site,this incredible piece f architecture desn't just d pera.Yu'll als find stand-up cmedy,ballets,and mre.But it's nt the nly place in Sydney putting n a shw.The 1920s State Theatre,in the central business district,is knwn t hst internatinal ballets,cncerts and wrld-class rchestras.
    G t the z
    Frm the skyline views t the charming grunds,there's a reasn why Sydney's Tarnga Z attracts mre than 1 millin visitrs every year. The expansive space plays hst t mre than 4,000 animals,including tigers,giraffes,kangars,platypus,kalas,Kmd dragns,elephants,lins,chimps and mre.Lve it s much that yu never want t leave? Stay the night in ne f its luxury safari(狩猎) tents.
    Climb the bridge
    Nicknamed “the cat hanger,” the Sydney Harbur Bridge pened in 1932.Like the Sydney Opera Huses it was an engineering-masterpiece that was way ahead f its time.Sure,yu can walk r cycle acrss the bridge,but the best way t appreciate the architectural wnder is up clse and persnal.
    【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了在悉尼值得做的几件事。
    1.What can yu d at Bndi Beach?
    A.Enjy an utdr cncert.
    B.Appreciate incredible architecture.
    C.Cycle alng the Cgee Cast.
    D.Enjy cliffside views.
    D [细节理解题。根据Hit the beaches中“Beginning at the Bndi Icebergs swim club,the 3.7-mile walk affrds amazing cliffside views f rck pls and bays.”可知,你可以在邦迪海滩欣赏令人惊叹的悬崖风景。故选D项。]
    2.What d yu knw abut Tarnga Z?
    A.It surely csts yu much t stay vernight.
    B.It prvides hme fr many animals.
    C.It is lcated nearby Sydney.
    D.It hasn't gained in great ppularity.
    B [细节理解题。根据G t the z中“The expansive space plays hst t mre than 4,000 animals,including tigers,giraffes,kangars,platypus,kalas,Kmd dragns,elephants,lins,chimps and mre.”可知,塔龙加动物园为许多动物提供了家园。故选B项。]
    3.What d Sydney Opera Huse and Harbur Bridge have in cmmn?
    A.They are engineering classics.
    B.They bth hld peras.
    C.They were built in the 19th century.
    D.They are n the UNESCO Wrld Heritage list.
    A [细节理解题。根据Climb the bridge中“Like the Sydney Opera Huses it was an engineering-masterpiece that was way ahead f its time.” 由此可知,Sydney Harbur Bridge是媲美悉尼歌剧院的超时代的工程,都是工程史上的杰作。故选A项。]
    Ed Jacksn's team were trying t climb t the tp f a Himalayan Muntain.Hwever,weeks after they set ff,they were stranded (滞留) there vernight withut water,fd r tents at a temperature f abut-30℃.They tk turns t keep each ther awake in case they fell asleep and did nt wake up again.
    Actually,that night n the muntain tp was nt the first time that Jacksn had been clse t death.Five years ag,while still a prfessinal rugby player,Jacksn brke his neck in a challenge,which nearly killed him.Jacksn was tld by dctrs that he was likely t face life in a wheelchair.He was frced t retire frm playing rugby.
    Luckily,Jacksn managed t discard his wheelchair six mnths after the accident.T mark the first anniversary f his accident,Jacksn set himself the gal f climbing Munt Snwdn,the highest muntain in Wales,even thugh he was still using tw crutches then.He tried t climb many higher muntains after that.Fur years later,he fund himself in the Himalayas.
    The challenges that Jacksn faced in the muntains have had a great impact n his recvery bth physically and mentally.Jacksn realised that thers might benefit,t.S he started the charity Millimeters t Muntains (M2M) with his wife Lis and his friend Oily Barkley.It takes beneficiaries (受益人) wh have suffered physical r psychlgical injuries in challenges arund the wrld,allwing them t access the healing pwer f nature.
    Jacksn says,“I nce lst hpe in life because f my bad cnditin,thinking there was nthing I culd d.But hpefully what I'm ding,what we're ding with the charity and what ur beneficiaries are prving can give anyne the hpe that they can turn their life arund,n matter hw discuraging it might seem at that mment.”
    【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍了埃德·杰克逊(Ed Jacksn),一个勇于冒险的人,他在冒险中面临的挑战对他的身体和精神恢复都产生了巨大的影响,并且创办了慈善组织M2M,帮助有类似经历的人。
    4.What d the first tw paragraphs mainly talk abut?
    A.Jacksn was tired f ball games.
    B.Jacksn was n stranger t suffering in life.
    C.Jacksn was well respected fr his survival skills.
    D.Jacksn was advised t d exercise by his dctrs.
    B [段落大意题。根据第一段中“Ed Jacksn's team were trying t climb t the tp f a Himalayan Muntain.Hwever,weeks after they set ff,they were stranded there vernight withut water,fd r tents at a temperature f abut-30℃.”和第二段中“Actually,that night n the muntain tp was nt the first time that Jacksn had been clse t death.”可知,前两段主要讲述了Jacksn经历的磨难,即Jacksn对生活中的苦难并不陌生。故选B。]
    5.What des the underlined wrd “discard” prbably mean in the third paragraph?
    A.Give up. B.Rely n.
    C.Tear apart. D.Carry thrugh.
    A [词义猜测题。根据画线词下一句“T mark the first anniversary f his accident,Jacksn set himself the gal f climbing Munt Snwdn,the highest muntain in Wales,even thugh he was still using tw crutches then.”可知,Jacksn不再需要使用轮椅了,故画线词所在句意思是“幸运的是,Jacksn在事故发生六个月后设法丢弃了他的轮椅。”所以画线词discard意为“抛弃”,与动词短语give up同义,故选A。]
    6.Why did Jacksn start M2M?
    A.T educate sprts lvers.
    B.T raise mney fr the disabled.
    C.T encurage safe muntain climbing.
    D.T help peple with similar experiences.
    D [细节理解题。根据倒数第二段可知,Jacksn创办M2M是为了帮助有类似经历的人。故选D。]
    7.What kind f persn is Jacksn prbably?
    A.Enthusiastic and independent.
    B.Creative and aggressive.
    C.Adventurus and inspiring.
    D.Respnsible and humurus.
    C [推理判断题。根据第一段中“Ed Jacksn's team were trying t climb t the tp f a Himalayan Muntain.”,第三段中“T mark the first anniversary f his accident,Jacksn set himself the gal f climbing Munt Snwdn,the highest muntain in Wales,even thugh he was still using tw crutches then.”以及最后一段可知,Ed Jacksn是一个勇于冒险且鼓舞人心的人。故选C。]
    Beach vlleyball is ne f thse sprts that can be an exciting game t play and watch.It's really easy,and all yu need is sand,a net and a grup f peple,f any age r fitness level,wh want t have fun.
    Beach vlleyball can be played with as few as tw peple in each team,making a ttal f fur peple.Hwever,if yu are less skilled and experienced in the game,it will be easier t play with a larger team.The mre players yu have,the less grund each persn will be respnsible fr cvering and the mre time they will have t recver between shts.If yu nly have a few players,each f yu will get a lt f running fr the ball after each vlley.If yu are lking fr a relaxing,fun,lw-key experience,chse larger teams.
    Beach vlleyball is similar t regular vlleyball in its rules.Hwever,even experienced vlleyball players d nt realise hw much mre difficult it is t run and jump n sand.Since it is harder t mve quickly n sand than a hard surface,play will be much slwer than regular vlleyball n a curt.When an athlete trains fr beach vlleyball,he will fcus n building lwer bdy strength as well as upper bdy strength.Strengthening his legs is extremely imprtant.This imprves the player's ability t mve quickly and accurately n sand despite the resistance.The ability t jump high and land withut injury is necessary fr beach vlleyball players.
    Whether yu are in it fr the cmpetitin,r just t have a great time with yur friends,beach vlleyball can be extremely exciting and fun.Yu may start ut with friends and may sn fall in lve with the sprt.
    【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。本文主要向我们介绍了一种很受人们欢迎的体育项目——沙滩排球。
    8.When playing beach vlleyball,in which f the fllwing situatin will yu feel mst relaxed?
    A.Playing in a 2-persn team.
    B.Playing in a 4-persn team.
    C.Playing in a 6-persn team.
    D.Playing in an 11-persn team.
    D [细节理解题。根据第二段中“If yu are lking fr a relaxing,fun,lw-key experience,chse larger teams.”可知,在一支11人的队伍中比赛,打沙滩排球时,你最放松。故选D项。]
    9.We can infer frm paragraph 3 that ________.
    A.experienced vlleyball players knw clearly it is hard t run and jump n sand
    B.lwer bdy strength is mre imprtant than upper bdy strength
    C.a persn must have strng legs if he wants t run and jump quickly n sand
    D.the rules f beach vlleyball are the same as thse f regular vlleyball
    C [推理判断题。根据第三段中“When an athlete trains fr beach vlleyball,he will fcus n building lwer bdy strength as well as upper bdy strength.Strengthening his legs is extremely imprtant.This imprves the player's ability t mve quickly and accurately n sand despite the resistance.The ability t jump high and land withut injury is necessary fr beach vlleyball players.”可知,如果一个人想在沙滩上快速奔跑和跳跃,他必须拥有强壮的双腿。故选C项。]
    10.Why is playing beach vlleyball much slwer than playing regular vlleyball?
    A.Because it is nt easy t mve n sand.
    B.Because beach vlleyball has a larger curt.
    C.Because the teams f beach vlleyball are larger.
    D.Because beach vlleyball players are nt experienced.
    A [细节理解题。根据第三段中“Since it is harder t mve quickly n sand than a hard surface,play will be much slwer than regular vlleyball n a curt.”可知,因为在沙滩上移动不容易,所以打沙滩排球比打普通排球慢得多。故选A项。]
    11.What des the authr think f beach vlleyball?
    A.It's a difficult sprt.
    B.It's an exciting and interesting sprt.
    C.It's a sprt which nly a few peple lve.
    D.It's a sprt which needs few skills.
    B [推理判断题。根据第一段和最后一段中“Whether yu are in it fr the cmpetitin,r just t have a great time with yur friends,beach vlleyball can be extremely exciting and fun.”可知,作者认为沙滩排球是一项令人兴奋和有趣的运动。故选B项。]
    In 1977,Irene Pepperberg,a Harvard graduate,decided t investigate the thught prcesses f anther creature by talking t it.T d this,she wuld teach a ne-year-ld African gray parrt,Alex,t reprduce the sund f the English language.
    Pepperberg bught Alex in a pet stre,where she let the stre's assistant chse him because she didn't want ther scientists t say that she had intentinally chsen an especially smart bird.Given that Alex's brain was just the size f a walnut,mst researchers thught Pepperberg's cmmunicatin study wuld be futile.
    But with Pepperberg's patient teaching,Alex learned hw t fllw almst 100 English wrds.He culd cunt t six and had learned the sund fr seven and eight.But the pint was nt t see if Alex culd learn wrds by heart.Pepperberg wanted t get inside his mind and learn mre abut a bird's understanding f the wrld.
    In ne demnstratin,Pepperberg held up a green key and a green cup fr him t lk at.“What's the same?” she asked.“C-lur,” Alex respnded withut hesitatin.“What's different?” Pepperberg asked.“Shape,” Alex quickly replied.His vice had the sund f a cartn character.But the wrds—and what can nly be called the thughts—were entirely his.Many f Alex's skills,such as his ability t understand the cncepts f “same” and “different”, are rare in the animal wrld.Living in a cmplex sciety,parrts like Alex must keep track f changing relatinships and envirnments.
    During the demnstratin,as if t ffer final prf f the mind inside his bird's brain,Alex spke up.“Talk clearly!” he cmmanded,when ne f the yunger birds Pepperberg was als teaching misprnunced the wrd “green”.
    Alex knew all the answers himself and was getting bred.“He's mdy,” said Pepperberg,“s he interrupts the thers,r he gives the wrng answer just t be difficult.” Pepperberg was certainly learning mre abut the mind f a parrt,but like the parent f a trublesme teenager,she was learning the hard way.
    【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了1977年哈佛大学毕业生艾琳·佩珀佰格(Irene Pepperberg)决定通过与另一种生物交谈来研究它的思维过程,以及她研究鹦鹉的过程和遇到的困难。
    12.Why did Pepperberg let the shp assistant chse the bird?
    A.A bird with a small brain was needed.
    B.She wanted a very smart bird fr her study.
    C.A research subject shuld be randmly chsen.
    D.The shp assistant was better at chsing birds.
    C [细节理解题。根据第二段中“Pepperberg bught Alex in a pet stre,where she let the stre's assistant chse him because she didn't want ther scientists t say that she had intentinally chsen an especially smart bird.”可知,Pepperberg让店员挑选那只鸟,是因为要随机选择研究对象。故选C项。]
    13.What might mst researchers think f Pepperberg's study at first?
    A.Innvative. B.Practical.
    C.Cstly. D.Fruitless.
    D [推理判断题。根据第二段中“Given that Alex's brain was just the size f a walnut,mst researchers thught Pepperberg's cmmunicatin study wuld be futile.”可知,大多数研究人员一开始认为Pepperberg的研究不会成功。故选D项。]
    14.Which f the fllwing aspects f Alex's ability did Pepperberg's study fcus n?
    A.Understanding cncepts.
    C.Recgnising vices.
    D.Creating English wrds.
    A [细节理解题。根据第三段中“Pepperberg wanted t get inside his mind and learn mre abut a bird's understanding f the wrld.”以及第四段中“Many f Alex's skils,such as his ability t understand the cncepts f ‘same’ and ‘different’, are rare in the animal wrld.”可知,Pepperberg的研究关注的是Alex的理解概念的能力。故选A项。]
    15.What caused Pepperberg's struggle in her study?
    A.Her instructins had t be easy fr Alex.
    B.Alex was smetimes t clever t cntrl.
    C.Alex wuld pint ut ther birds' mistakes.
    D.She had truble understanding Alex's md.
    B [推理判断题。根据最后一段中“‘He's mdy,’ said Pepperberg,‘s he interrupts the thers,r he gives the wrng answer just t be difficult.’”可知,Alex有时太聪明了,无法控制,导致Pepperberg在她的研究中陷入困境。故选B项。]
    Hw t Strengthen Yur Willpwer
    Researchers find willpwer is like a muscle—it may get tired frm ver use.S,if it acts like a muscle,can it als be strengthened? The answer is YES. 16
    Ten minutes f reflectin
    Reflectin will give yu the better results. 17 Researchers shw that after just 2-3 days f practicing thinking fr 10 minutes,yur brain will be able t fcus better,yu will have mre energy,and yu will be less stressed.
    Wrk n yur psture
    Wrk n yur psture fr a 2-week perid.Every time yu catch yurself sluching(懒散),crrect it by sitting up straight.This simple practice can vastly imprve yur perseverance.
    Use yur ppsite hand
    Select a chunk f the day t use yur ppsite hand. 18 And frm persnal experience,if yu aim fr mre than an hur,yu will unnecessarily tire ut yur willpwer muscle.
    Crrect yur speech
    Change yur natural speech. 19 Again,it takes willpwer t cnsciusly g against yur instincts.It desn't matter hw yu crrect yur speech,as lng as yu change natural speech habits.
    T get started,select a chunk f the day t practice and chse the wrds yu will change.Persnally,I tried nt using cntractins during wrk hurs and it wrked very well.
    Abve are sme effective ways t strengthen yur perseverance.D nt try t d all at nce. 20 Yu shuld start small and gradually build up as yur muscles get strnger.
    A.Training yur willpwer muscle is like training fr a marathn.
    B.This even includes resisting the urge t say “hell” instead f “hey”.
    C.Yu will be mre mentally strng.
    D.With the right practice willpwer can be strengthened.
    E.It can make yur brain fcus and resist the urge t wander.
    F.Be mre cnscius f yur autmatic decisins.
    G.It desn't need t be mre than an hur in rder t get results.
    【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章就“如何增强你的毅力”为读者提供了一些建议和方法。
    16.D [根据前文的“S,if it acts like a muscle,can it als be strengthened? The answer is YES.”可知,D项“With the right practice willpwer can be strengthened.(如果加以训练,毅力也可以被加强。)”承接上文。故选D。]
    17.E [根据下文的“yur brain will be able t fcus better”与E项中“make yur brain fcus”对应,本段介绍了沉思对锻炼毅力所起的作用。故选E。]
    18.G [根据此处前后内容都与时间有关,介绍每天使用相反的手的时间,G选项中的“mre than an hur”是关键词组。故选G。]
    19.B [本段内容是关于通过纠正语言来达到锻炼毅力的目的,B选项的内容恰好和语言有关。故选B。]
    20.A [最后一段中作者建议人们要循序渐进地去锻炼毅力,A选项内容符合此处语境。故选A。]
    第二部分 语言运用
    This mrning,my daughter,Helen,and I arrived at a twn in Xi'an,China.We came t 21 my husband,James,wh had landed a jb.We had spent the past fur years living in Hng Kng,China,after I 22 my jb as a jurnalist in Sydney.When we saw James,he had never appeared s 23 .He happily kept sharing interesting things with us.
    The next day,James was busy with his wrk.S Helen and I 24 the new twn n ur wn.We were 25 abut everything n the street.Crwds f peple had a strng 26 t knw abut us,t.A girl asked Helen,“Where are yu frm?” Helen began t 27 with her,and sn they seemed t be friends.With curly hair and blue eyes,Helen std ut in the 28 and was very ppular.Peple paid t much attentin t us,but they meant 29 .
    Walking arund,I was 30 by the twn.It was a typical Chinese twn filled with traditinal buildings and red lanterns lining the streets.With such a beautiful area right by ur drstep,I started t feel 31 abut the future.
    After Helen 32 an internatinal schl in Xi'an city,I had a chance t cmmunicate with sme parents f different clurs during the schl run.Befre lng we became familiar and clse,and I made a few 33 frm all ver the wrld.Regardless f 34 , we all shared the basic desire t be lved.After several years,ur family 35 t Sydney,but I culdn't get China ff my mind.
    【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者因丈夫工作原因,举家从悉尼搬到中国生活的故事。
    21.A.meet up with B.break up with
    C.send fr D.stand fr
    A [根据上文“This mrning,my daughter,Helen,and I arrived at a twn in Xi'an,China.”作者和女儿来到了中国西安的一个小镇,以及该句中的“wh had landed a jb”可推知,作者和女儿来西安是来见她的丈夫詹姆斯的。故选A项。]
    22.A.ffered B.cnfirmed
    C.left D.gt
    C [根据上文“We had spent the past fur years living in Hng Kng”可知,该动作是发生在设空处动作之前,由此可推知,作者辞去悉尼记者的工作后,在中国香港生活了四年。故选C项。]
    23.A.grateful B.merry
    C.upset D.desperate
    B [根据下文“He happily kept sharing interesting things with us.”可知,作者和孩子们到来后,丈夫很高兴。故选B项。]
    24.A.prmted B.dminated
    C.described D.explred
    D [根据上文提到的作者和女儿刚来到这个地方,以及下文“We were ________ abut everything n the street.”提到的作者和女儿来到街上可推知,作者和女儿新来到这个地方,应该是对此感到好奇,所以说她们探索了这个新城镇。故选D项。]
    25.A.anxius B.sensitive
    C.curius D.hnest
    C [根据上文提到的作者和女儿一起探索了这个新城镇,以及下文“knw abut us,t”中的t可知,街道上的人们也想了解我们,这说明我和女儿想了解一切,即对一切都感到好奇。be curius abut“对……好奇”。故选C项。]
    26.A.memry B.desire
    C.prpsal D.evidence
    B [根据下文“A girl asked Helen,‘Where are yu frm?’”可推知,街上很多人也都很想了解作者他们。故选B项。]
    27.A.talk B.wrk
    C.fight D.argue
    A [根据上文一个女孩的提问,以及下文“and sn they seemed t be friends”可推知,海伦回答了女孩的问题,即和她说话,所以她们很快他们成了朋友。故选A项。]
    28.A.classrm B.apartment
    C.club D.crwd
    D [根据该句中的“std ut”和上文提到的“Crwds f peple”可知,此处crwd为同词复现,海伦在人群中很显眼,很受欢迎。故选D项。]
    29.A.never B.well
    C.prfessinally D.shallwly
    B [根据上文“Peple paid t much attentin t us”以及该句中的“but”可推知,前后指转折关系,人们很关注作者他们了,但都是出于好意。故选B项。]
    30.A.impressed B.delayed
    C.frightened D.trapped
    A [根据下文对小镇的介绍可知,作者认为这个地方很美,所以说对这个小镇印象深刻。be impressed by “对……印象深刻”。故选A项。]
    31.A.dubtful B.stressful
    C.hpeful D.careful
    C [根据上文“With such a beautiful area right by ur drstep”可推知,作者看到家附近有这么美丽的地方,所以憧憬未来,对未来充满希望。故选C项。]
    32.A.attended B.decrated
    C.visited D.built
    A [根据该句中的“an internatinal schl”和下文“I had a chance t cmmunicate with sme parents f different clurs during the schl run.”提到的作者和接送孩子的家长交谈可知,作者的女儿海伦也在这所学校上学。attend schl“上学”。故选A项。]
    33.A.cmments B.demands
    C.friends D.wishes
    C [根据上文“Befre lng we became familiar and clse”可推知,作者和国际学校的家长变得熟悉,此处指作者交了一些来自世界各地的朋友。故选C项。]
    34.A.fashin B.race
    C.expense D.devtin
    B [根据上文可知,作者的女儿在国际学校,作者交了一些来自世界各地的朋友,以及下文“we all shared the basic desire t be lved”可推知,作者认为,无论种族如何,我们都有被爱的基本愿望。故选B项。]
    35.A.admitted B.applied
    C.turned D.returned
    D [根据上文提到的作者辞去悉尼记者的工作,以及下文“but I culdn't get China ff my mind”可推知,作者再次返回到了悉尼,但无法将中国从她的脑海中抹去。故选D项。]
    A skywell,r “tian jing” (天井) in Mandarin,is a typical feature f a 36.________ (traditin) hme in suthern and eastern China.Different frm a nrthern Chinese curtyard,a skywell is 37.________ (small) and less expsed t the utdr envirnment.
    Skywells are 38.________ (cmmn) seen in hmes dating t Ming and Qing dynasties,which hused different 39.________ (generatin) f relatives.Skywells helped cl buildings in 40.______ era well befre air cnditining existed.When wind blws abve a skywell huse,it can enter the indr space thrugh the pening.41.________ utdr air is ften cler than indr air,the incming breeze travels dwn the walls t the lwer stries and creates airflws by replacing warmer indr air,42. ________ rises and leaves thrugh the pening.
    43.________ (design) t serve as a gathering space fr families r cmmunities as well,skywell buildings 44.________ (exist) in China fr hundreds f years.Althugh in recent times they have ften been frgtten by peple 45.________ (prefer) mdern facilities,due t a revival f traditinal Chinese architecture,skywell buildings have been making a cmeback.
    【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍天井的功能和发展。
    36.traditinal [考查词性转换。句意:天井,普通话中的“天井”,是中国南部和东部传统民居的典型特征。根据空格后的“hme”可知,设空处应填形容词作定语,结合句意“传统的”是traditinal。故填traditinal。]
    37.smaller [考查形容词比较级。句意:与中国北方的庭院不同,天井更小,暴露在户外的环境更少。根据空格前的“is”可知,设空处应填形容词作表语,根据and并列结构可知,设空处应填形容词的比较级。故填smaller。]
    38.cmmnly [考查词性转换。句意:天井常见于明清时期的房屋中,这些房屋居住着不同世代的亲属。设空处修饰动词seen,作状语,应用副词形式。故填cmmnly。]
    39.generatins [考查名词复数。句意见上题。根据空格前的“different”可知,设空处应用名词的复数形式。故填generatins。]
    40.an [考查冠词。句意:在空调设备还没有存在的时代,天井帮助建筑物降温。era为可数名词,且era的发音以元音音素开头,此处表示泛指,应用不定冠词an。故填an。]
    41.Since/Because/As [考查从属连词。句意:因为室外空气通常比室内空气凉爽,所以进来的微风沿着墙壁传播到较低的楼层,并通过取代温暖的室内空气而产生气流,室内空气通过开口上升和离开。前后句为因果关系,前半句为原因状语从句,应用连词Since或Because 或As引导原因状语从句。故填Since /Because/As。]
    42.which [考查定语从句。句意见上题。此处为非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词air,先行词在从句中作主语,只能用which引导从句。故填which。]
    43.Designed [考查非谓语动词。句意:天井建筑在中国已经存在了数百年,旨在作为家庭或社区的聚会空间。设空处作状语,主语skywell buildings和动词design之间为被动关系,应用过去分词形式。故填Designed。]
    44.have existed [考查动词时态。句意见上题。空格处作谓语,根据时间状语fr hundreds f years可知,设空处应用现在完成时。故填have existed。]
    45.preferring [考查非谓语动词。句意:尽管近年来它们经常被偏爱现代设施的人们所遗忘,但由于中国传统建筑的复兴,天井建筑正在卷土重来。have been frgtten是谓语,设空处应填非谓语动词作后置定语,peple和prefer之间为逻辑上的主谓关系,应用动词-ing形式。故填preferring。]
    第三部分 写作
    假定你是李华,你的英国网友迈克(Mike)来信询问你校劳动教育(Labur Educatin)活动开展情况。请你给他回信,内容包括:
    Dear Mike,
    Li Hua
    Dear Mike,
    Hw are yu recently? I am writing t tell yu abut ur schl's activity called Labr Educatin.T frm the students' crrect view f labur,varius labur prgrammes are held every week.Students are encuraged t participate in cmmunity service and vluntary wrk.Besides,we can help plant vegetables r feed animals n the schl-run farm,which is my favurite activity,because I can get clse t nature while enjying the pleasure f labur.Mst f us are fascinated by the activity.
    In my pinin,this activity is very meaningful.Nt nly are we relaxed,but we can gain the significance f labur.
    Li Hua
    At the fanciest restaurant in twn,Emily's mst recent date,Nathaniel,talked abut his bats,hrses,and real estate (房地产) cllectin.He was exactly the kind f man her parents wanted her t marry,but she was unimpressed.Suddenly,a quarrel at the dr caught her attentin.
    “Please,I just want sme fries!” an ld wman in cheap clthing begged.Emily fixed her eyes n her bare feet and frwned.Being bareft was unacceptable at any restaurant.The waiter was displeased and tried t drive her ut,but smething in Emily's heart tld her t stand up.“Wait a secnd,” she said t the waiter.“She's with me.”
    The waiter's eyes widened as Emily gestured fr the wman t jin her table.Nathaniel's face turned red.“What are yu ding,Emily?” he demanded,whispering althugh the ld wman culd hear him.
    “I'm inviting this wman t sit with us.Is that a prblem?” she asked sweetly.The ld wman intrduced herself as Martha.
    “Yes,it is!” Nathaniel replied,thrwing his clth napkin n the table,standing up quickly and ging ut angrily.
    “Bye!” she waved at him as she sat dwn.Her vice termed sympathetic and kind as she lked at Martha.“Nw,what's ging n? Can yu tell me why yu're here? And why are yu bareft?”
    “Oh,madam.Yu didn't have t invite me t yur table,” Martha shk her head.“I just wanted sme fries fr my grandsn.He's just been s sick,and I can't get him t eat anything.He tld me he nly wants sme fries.S I sld my shes t a man walking by and he gave me enugh fr sme.”
    “May I ask,why nt g t a fast fd place?” Emily said gently.
    “Well,this place was clser.It's t ht utside fr me t walk much farther withut shes,” Martha answered.The wman cntinued telling her stry.She and her grandsn had been living n the streets fr a few years since her daughter died,and they culdn't affrd rent because n ne wuld hire her.
    Emily's eyes watered as she tk ff her shes.__________________
    The ther guests put their shes back n.____________________
    Emily's eyes watered as she tk ff her shes.“First f all,take my shes.Yu can't walk arund bareft,” Emily said,trying t hld herself tgether.“N,let me give her my shes,” anther custmer at the restaurant tld Emily,wh had apprached their table.Then,Emily nticed with wide eyes that everyne else had been lking at them and heard the entire cnversatin.All f them had their shes in their hands.Finally,Martha put n Emily's shes—a simple pair f flats.
    The ther guests put their shes back n.They cllected mney and gave it t Martha.The waiter came with an rder f fries packed in a bx and a few ther bxes with mre fd.He aplgised t Martha.Emily decided t d mre fr them.She helped Martha get her grandsn admitted int a hspital and ensured they wuld give him as many fries as he wanted during his stay.She later gt Martha a jb at ne f the lcal supermarkets.The scene in the restaurant was the mst mving display Emily had ever seen.At that mment,she felt hpeful fr the wrld.

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