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    UNIT 4 NATURAL DISASTERS 检测卷-2022版英语必修第一册人教版(2019) 同步练习 (Word含解析)
    UNIT 4 NATURAL DISASTERS 检测卷-2022版英语必修第一册人教版(2019) 同步练习 (Word含解析)01
    UNIT 4 NATURAL DISASTERS 检测卷-2022版英语必修第一册人教版(2019) 同步练习 (Word含解析)02
    UNIT 4 NATURAL DISASTERS 检测卷-2022版英语必修第一册人教版(2019) 同步练习 (Word含解析)03
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    英语人教版 (2019)Unit 4 Natural disasters一课一练

    这是一份英语人教版 (2019)Unit 4 Natural disasters一课一练,共37页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分37等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Vlunteer Day
    What better way is there t enjy yur wn hbbies while helping thers at the same time?Cme t Vlunteer Day and chse which activity yu'd like t jin fr the day.
    See belw fr a list f vlunteer pprtunities fr Vlunteer Day s yu can begin thinking abut which activity yu might want t jin.
    A list f vlunteer activities:
    Plant flwers:D yu enjy being utside in nature? City Parks Assciatin has many great pprtunities fr peple wh lve t be utdrs. Help plant flwers and bushes in city parks, help lay paths at Cave Springs Park, r help pick up rubbish arund the river banks. These activities are very active, s remember t be prepared with plenty f drinking water!
    Play with animals:D yu lve animals? Lvely Friends is an rganizatin that visits lcal animal shelters and enables vlunteers t spend time with the animals while their cages are being cleaned. Play with puppies, snuggle with cats, r hand-feed rabbits.
    Paint huses:D yu enjy making art? If s, this vlunteer pprtunity might be just right fr yu! Happy Hmes is a lcal rganizatin that prvides hme repairs fr needy peple in the frm f painting. Fr elderly r physically disabled peple wh cannt d repairs t their hmes, Happy Hmes enables vlunteer painters t repaint ld hmes, utside r in. Happy Hmes als enables painters t create beautiful wall paintings inside schls r cmmunity centers.
    1.An utdr lver prbably takes part in .
    A.Plant flwers B.Paint huses
    C.Read t children D.Play with animals
    2.What d Lvely Friends vlunteers d?
    A.Read bks t children.
    B.Spend time with animals.
    C.Help plant bushes in parks.
    D.Pick up garbage alng the river.
    3.The purpse f the passage is t .
    A.educate children B.attract vlunteers
    C.cmfrt the elderly D.encurage the disabled
    Maggie, a girl f thirteen years ld, lived n the west cast f the United States. She had never experienced an earthquake befre; she nly prepared fr it. As lng as she culd remember, preparing fr an earthquake was cmmn at her schl. Her family had made plans as well in case f a natural disaster.
    One day, Maggie arrived hme frm schl at the usual time. Hwever, it was nt the same as usual. She was hme alne. Her mm wuld be driving hme n the busy freeway and her dad was t arrive at the airprt. He was cming hme frm a tw-week business trip.
    After finishing her hmewrk, Maggie felt a little hungry, s she went t the kitchen t find smething t eat. Just then she felt a shake, then the vilent shaking. Maggie quickly ran under the large table in the dining rm. The sunds f breaking glass and the crash f many things were deafening, and Maggie hugged herself in fear.
    After what seemed like a very lng time, the earthquake appeared t be ver. Maggie culd hear the sund f water rushing belw her in the basement. And there was the smell f natural gas in the air. Maggie knew where the main water valve(阀门)was and hw t turn it ff. Dad had ever shwn her befre.
    Slwly and carefully she came ut frm under the table. The nce tidy hme was then almst unrecgnizable. Walls had fallen dwn and many things in the rm were in a mess. As Maggie apprached the pen basement dr, she culd see the steps. Carefully she made her way dwn int the dark basement.
    While placing her feet firmly n the flr, Maggie felt a sudden pain as a large wd hit her head and shulder. She fell uncnscius nt a pile f bxes. An hur later, she wke up and fund her parents beside her. She was happy that she was still alive!
    4.What can we infer frm the first paragraph?
    A.Earthquakes are the main natural disasters in the US.
    B.Maggie's parents taught her hw t survive in an earthquake.
    C.Earthquakes ccur ften in the west f the US.
    D.Maggie has sme self-help awareness in earthquakes.
    5.What des the underlined wrd “deafening” in Paragraph 3 mean?
    A.Very lud. B.Quite familiar.
    C.Very distant. D.Quite strange.
    6.What can we knw abut Maggie?
    A.She was the nly child in her family.
    B.She was nt afraid at all during the earthquake.
    C.She was hurt when tuning ff the water valve.
    D.She had experienced an earthquake befre.
    7.What des the passage mainly talk abut?
    A.A stry f a girl in an earthquake.
    B.The imprtance f preparing fr an earthquake.
    C.The ways t escape frm an earthquake.
    D.The danger f an earthquake.
    Phenix, Arizna, the USA was shaken by a big sandstrm recently. It was a huge dust strm that struck Phenix a little after 7:00 p.m. lcal time.
    Arizna has sandstrms particularly during the mnsn(季风) seasn which usually starts frm mid-June until the end f September. Hwever, this was s far the biggest. The clud f dust turned day int night. Sme trees were dwned and gardens were destryed and it cut ff the pwer f thusands f lcal peple alng the area, but luckily n death happened. A number f peple's pls became dirty with dust. Peple wh lived in Phenix fr mre than 40 years said that this was the first time they had experienced this huge dust strm. It culd greatly influence peple's health.
    The big dust clud started in Tucsn traveling nrth acrss the desert. The huge strm ran up t 60 miles per hur. It was mre than 100 miles wide and a mile high. Besides Phenix and nearby cities, the strm als reached Yuma area in suthwestern and far western Arizna. It reduced the visibility (能见度) in these areas, putting ff the flights at Phenix Sky Harbr Internatinal Airprt.
    The strm nly takes place in Arizna, the Sahara Desert and areas f the Middle East, because f the dry envirnment and large amunts f sand. Because f the serius shrtage f rain, there's a large pssibility that the water is plluted because f the strm.
    8.In what seasn d sandstrms usually take place in Arizna?
    A.In fall and winter. B.In summer and fall.
    C.In winter and spring. D.In spring and summer.
    9.The underlined wrd “this” in Paragraph 2 refers t .
    A.the strm B.the wind C.the desert D.the state
    10.It is frtunate that thugh the big sandstrm happened, .
    A.peple's health was nt influenced
    B.it didn't d harm t peple's gardens
    C.all the lcal peple in the area survived
    D.the electricity pwer was nt at all affected
    11.What des the passage mainly talk abut?
    A.Phenix, Arizna has mre sandstrms.
    B.Sandstrms d a great deal f harm t peple.
    C.We must d smething t prevent sandstrms.
    D.Phenix, Arizna experienced a huge sandstrm.
    There are many gardening tips. Sme suggest playing music fr yur huseplants, having cnversatins with them, r even giving them a gentle tuch nw and then. Mst f these practices are prbably mre fr the benefit f the gardener than the garden, and generally harmless enugh but except the last ne. Yur plants really dislike it when yu tuch them.
    A new study ut f the La Trbe Institute fr Agriculture and Fd has fund that mst plants are extremely sensitive t the tuch, and even a light tuch can significantly stunt(遏制)their grwth. “The lightest tuch frm a human, animals, insects, r even plants' tuching each ther in the wind, can cause a huge gene respnse in the plant,”said Jim Whelan, wh led the new study. “Within 30 minutes f being tuched, 10% f the plant's genme(基因组)can be changed. This invlves a huge expenditure(消耗)f energy which is taken away frm plant grwth. If the tuching is repeated, then plant grwth is reduced by up t 30%.”
    Whelan and his team are still trying t find ut why plants respnd, at the genetic level, s strngly. They d have sme theries, hwever. “We knw that when an insect lands n a plant, genes are activated(激活)t prepare the plant fr defending itself against being eaten,” said Dr. Yan Wang, c-authr f the study.
    Until mre research is dne, it's just a guess at this pint. Still, the findings might already lead t new methds fr hw agriculturalists deal with their crps, t best prmte healthier grwth.
    It's wrth nticing that while the study has fund that plants ften respnd t just a single tuch in negative ways, it's really repeated tuch that causes lasting stunted grwth. That's because the plants are lking fr patterns in the tuching, t tell harmful tuch frm randm tuch. S it desn't matter if yu accidentally brush up against a bush during a walk thrugh the wds.
    12.Hw is the passage mainly develped?
    A.By cmparing.
    B.By giving examples.
    C.By listing numbers.
    D.By shwing results f studies.
    13.Why can tuching stunt a plant grwing accrding t the study?
    A.It leads t the plant's energy expenditure.
    B.It makes the plant sensitive t threats.
    C.It causes a genetic disrder in the plant.
    D.It prevents the plant absrbing nutrients.
    14.What's the imprtance f the study by Whelan and his team?
    A.It gives us mre useful gardening tips.
    B.It helps find ways t ensure plants' healthy grwth.
    C.It cntributes t the further study n genes.
    D.It uses data t warn peple nt t tuch plants.
    15.What is the passage mainly abut?
    A.Smething is dne t help plants grw.
    B.Plants' genme can be changed easily.
    C.Plants dn't really like t be tuched.
    D.What we d every day may destry plants.
    Steps t Take Cntrl f Yur Time
    Yur time is valuable. Managing yur wrk and yur life t get everything dne withut mre stress is a big challenge. 16 Fllw them s that yu can find the best part f yur life.
    • Set yur gals. 17 Get t pick up the gals, whether they're what yu're ging t finish tday, this week, r this mnth. Try t keep the gals within smething that's manageable and can adapt t emergencies(紧急情况).
    • 18 Again, it's yur plan, and yu get t chse ne that suits yur ability. It has t include all yur business duties in additin t persnal time. The key is having the rules t stick t the plan. Say n when yu have t, and if necessary, try t meet new demands fr yur time.
    • D the right things right by listing the imprtance f yur activities. The gal is nt t just get things dne, but t finish what's mst imprtant t yu in yur wrk and yur life. 19
    • Imprve prductivity by sharpening yur cncentratin and fcus. Keep yurself away frm emails, phne calls and scial media fr perids f time that yu arrange. 20 Unless yu're waiting fr an imprtant message r phne call, d nt respnd during these perids.
    A.Create and fllw a time management plan.
    B.Figure ut hw imprtant each f yur task is.
    C.It is imprtant t plan well t achieve yur gal.
    D.D what yu can t imprve yur wrk efficiency.
    E.Keep anything that disturbs yur attentin ut f easy reach.
    F.Knw where yu are tday and where yu want t be in the future.
    G.Here are helpful tips n hw t start taking cntrl f yur time.
    16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
    第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    When Hurricane Laura 21 the city f Lake Charles, an evacuatin (疏散;撤离) was rdered. But fr the 19 newly-brn babies, leaving was pretty much 22 . Members at the hspital were 23 that they'd remain with them until the danger passed.
    With the strng wind thrugh the twn, Dr. Juan Bssan with 14 nurses, and sme ther 24 stayed behind in the NICU, 25 their little babies in turn. Later, fr their safety, they sent the babies t their main campus acrss the 26 in under tw hurs. The whle hspital went all ut t make sure the babies and everything necessary safely made the 27 .
    Unfrtunately, during the night the air cnditining was 28 ut and water was cut ff in the hspital. Thrughut the hurricane, Dr. Bssan kept anxius parents calm by frequent 29 n his Facebk page.
    The strm ver, the babies were sent t ther NICUs where necessary services hadn't been 30 by the hurricane. “This mrning, the babies were 31 . Thank gdness, I finally gt a cuple f hurs f 32 ,” said Bssan. It's imprtant t knw the devtin f all the nurses and dctrs t keep taking care f the babies when they didn't even knw the 33 f their hmes. “In a small twn like this, peple have t 34 . I'm prud f them,” Bssan 35 .

    B.left C.hit D.beat
    C.imprtant D.suitable
    B.wrried C.annyed D.determined
    B.parents C.dctrs D.friends
    fr B.caring fr
    C.asking fr D.waiting fr
    B.cuntry C.schl D.university
    B.trip C.day D.plan
    B.turned C.checked D.called
    B.titles C.tpics D.psts
    B.trapped C.suffered D.affected
    B.safe C.awake D.calm
    C.energy D.entertainment
    B.design C.cnditin D.impressin
    tgether B.cme tgether
    C.pull tgether D.get tgether
    B.added C.intrduced D.advanced
    Earthquakes are quite cmmn. In fact, thusands f earthquakes are happening almst at every mment. Hwever, mst f 36 (they) are t weak t be felt. During a big earthquake, there is ften a big nise first. Then the earth shakes 37 (terrible) and many huses fall dwn.
    As ne f the mst deadly natural disasters in the wrld, the earthquake ften results 38 many peple being injured r killed. In 2008, a terrible earthquake 39 (strike) China's Sichuan Prvince, causing severe casualties(伤亡).
    Besides the great damage and deaths 40 (cause) by the earthquake, ther accidents such as fires ften fllw. Mre buildings may be damaged and mre injuries may be caused. Fr 41 (century), peple have been making studies f earthquakes. Abut 2,000 years ag, fr example, 42 Chinese scientist named Zhang Heng invented a machine 43 culd find ut the directin where the earthquake waves came. With the rapid 44 (develp) f mdern science and technlgy, we nw knw a lt mre abut earthquakes. Hwever, it is still difficult fr scientists 45 (predict) exactly when and where the earthquake will happen, and we can't stp it frm happening.
    36. 37. 38. 39. 40.
    41. 42. 43. 44. 45.
    第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    假设你是红星中学高一学生李华。你的美国笔友 Jim 对你校社团的近期活动非常感兴趣。请你用英语给他写一封信,向他介绍你们社团为边远地区的学生提供在线课程的情况。具体内容包括:
    参考词汇:在线课程 nline curses
    Dear Jim,

    Li Hua
    Jacksn, nw a successful architect in New Yrk City, cmes back t his father's small wden huse that is n an island in the middle f a lake in New Hampshire. Jacksn is fnd f fishing. He ften takes his sn and daughters t fish in the same place, where he used t fish when he was a child. His children are addicted t the fishing jy, which reminds him f the day 34 years ag.
    34 years ag, Jacksn was 11 years ld and lived with his family n this island. On the day befre the bass seasn pened, Jacksn and his father were fishing early in the evening, catching sunfish. When his fishing rd dubled ver, he knew smething huge was n the ther end.
    He very carefully lifted the fish frm the water. It was the largest ne he had ever seen, but it was a bass.
    The by and his father lked at the handsme fish, its gills playing back and frth in the mnlight. The father lit a match and lked at his watch. It was 10 pm—tw hurs befre the seasn pened. He lked at the huge fish, then at the by.
    “Yu'll have t put the fish back, sn,” he said.
    “Dad!” cried the by.
    “There will be ther fish,” said his father.
    “Nt as big as this ne,” the by cried and shuted.
    He lked arund the lake. N ther fishermen r bats were anywhere arund in the mnlight. He lked again at his father. Even thugh n ne had seen them, nr culd anyne ever knw what time he caught the fish, the by culd tell frm his father's vice clearly that the decisin culdn't be changed.
    The father patted him slightly n his shulder and sincerely taught him, “My by, rules are a simple matter f right and wrng. It is the practice f rules that is difficult, but it's yur chice.”
    Paragraph 1:
    Jacksn fund himself in a difficult situatin.

    Paragraph 2:
    D we d right when n ne is lking?

    第一部分 阅读
    ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇应用文,主要介绍了在志愿者日这一天有哪些可以参加的活动,并分别介绍了活动内容。
    1.A 细节理解题。根据Plant flwers部分关键句“D yu enjy being utside in nature? City Parks Assciatin has many great pprtunities fr peple wh lve t be utdrs.”可知,Plant flwers为喜欢户外活动的人提供了很多好机会。由此可知,一个户外活动爱好者可能会参加Plant flwers。故选A项。
    2.B 细节理解题。根据Play with animals部分关键句“Lvely Friends is an rganizatin that visits lcal animal shelters and enables vlunteers t spend time with the animals while their cages are being cleaned.”可知,Lvely Friends的志愿者需要做的工作是当动物的笼子被打扫时,和动物待在一起,照顾它们。故选B项。
    3.B 推理判断题。根据文章内容及第一段“What better way is there t enjy yur wn hbbies while helping thers at the same time? Cme t Vlunteer Day and chse which activity yu'd like t jin fr the day.”可知,文章主要介绍了在志愿者日这一天有哪些可以参加的活动,并分别介绍了活动内容,目的是吸引志愿者加入其中。故选B项。
    【高频词汇】 1.lay v.铺放;放置 2.pick up捡起;拾起;用车接某人;得,染(某种疾病);(在实践中)学得(某门外语或技术);接收(信号) 3.shelter n.庇护所;藏身处 4.in the frm f以……形式 5.elderly adj.上了年纪的 6.disabled adj.有残疾的 7.cmmunity n.社区;团体;共同体
    原句 Lvely Friends is an rganizatin that visits lcal animal shelters and enables vlunteers t spend time with the animals while their cages are being cleaned.
    分析 本句为主从复合句。句子主干为Lvely Friends is an rganizatin。that visits lcal animal shelters and enables vlunteers t spend time with the animals while their cages are being cleaned是一个定语从句,修饰先行词rganizatin, 其中,while their cages are being cleaned为时间状语从句。
    句意 “可爱的朋友”是一个拜访当地动物收容所的组织,并在动物们的笼子被清理的时候使志愿者能够陪伴动物们。
    ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了一个居住在美国西海岸的小女孩Maggie在地震中的经历。
    4.D 推理判断题。由文章第一段中的“As lng as she culd remember,preparing fr an earthquake was cmmn at her schl.”可推知,Maggie有在地震中自救的意识,故选D项。A项:地震是美国主要的自然灾害。C项:美国西部经常发生地震。根据第一段第二句“She had never experienced an earthquake befre; she nly prepared fr it.她以前从来没有经历过地震,她只是为它做准备。”可知,A、C两项错误。B项:Maggie的父母教过她怎样在地震中活下来。根据第一段最后一句“Her family had made plans as well in case f a natural disaster.她的家人也制订了计划,以防发生自然灾害。”可知,B项说法与原文所述不一致。
    5.A 词义猜测题。根据第三段中的“Just then she felt a shake, then the vilent hugged herself in fear.”可知,猛烈的摇晃,玻璃破碎的声音和许多东西的碰撞声让Maggie感到很害怕,故可知deafening意为“震耳欲聋的”,故选A项。B项:很熟悉的;C项:很遥远的;D项:很奇怪的。
    6.C 细节理解题。由第四段中的“Maggie culd hear the sund f water rushing belw her in the basement.”和第五段最后一句“Carefully she made her way dwn int the dark basement.”及第六段第一句“While placing her feet firmly n the flr, Maggie felt a sudden pain as a large wd hit her head and shulder.”可知,Maggie在关水阀的时候被木头砸伤了,故选C项。
    7.A 主旨大意题。本文讲述了一个居住在美国西海岸的小女孩Maggie在地震中的经历,故选A项。B项:为地震做准备的重要性;C项:从地震中逃生的方法;D项:地震的危险。B、C、D三项均不是本文表达的主旨。
    【高频词汇】 1.in case f以免;以防 2.vilent adj.猛烈的;剧烈的 3.basement n.地下室 4.tidy adj.整齐的;整洁的
    5.unrecgnizable adj.变得难以辨认的;无法识别的 6.in a mess乱七八糟;凌乱 7.apprach v.靠近,接近;着手处理 n.方法;道路;通路 8.uncnscius adj.没有知觉的;无意识的
    原句 While placing her feet firmly n the flr, Maggie felt a sudden pain as a large wd hit her head and shulder.
    分析 本句为主从复合句。句子主干为Maggie felt a sudden pain。While placing her feet firmly n the flr为时间状语从句的省略,省略了主语Maggie和be动词was;as a large wd hit her head and shulder为as引导的原因状语从句。
    句意 正当她稳稳地把脚放在地板上时,由于一块大木头击中了她的头和肩膀,她感到一阵突如其来的疼痛。
    ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇新闻报道,主要介绍了美国亚利桑那州的菲尼克斯市最近遭受了一场沙尘暴的袭击。
    8.B 推理判断题。根据文章第二段中的“Arizna has sandstrms particularly during the mnsn seasn which usually starts frm mid-June until the end f September.”可知,在亚利桑那州,沙尘暴通常在6月中旬至9月末出现。故选B项(在夏季和秋季)。A项:在秋季和冬季;C项:在冬季和春季;D项:在春季和夏季。
    9.A 词义猜测题。根据画线词前的“Arizna has sandstrms particularly during the mnsn(季风) seasn which usually starts frm mid-June until the end f September.”可知,此处是说居住在菲尼克斯市40多年的人们说,这是他们第一次经历这种巨大的沙尘暴,由此可知,this指的就是上文提到的沙尘暴。故选A项。B项:这场风;C项:这个沙漠;D项:这个州。
    10.C 细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的“The clud f dust turned day int night. Sme trees were dwned, gardens were destryed and it cut ff the pwer f thusands f lcal peple alng the area, but luckily n death happened.”可知,最幸运的是在这场沙尘暴中所有人都幸存下来了。故选C项。
    11.D 主旨大意题。根据文章第一段中的“Phenix, Arizna, the USA was shaken by a big sandstrm recently.”及全文内容可知,文章主要讲了菲尼克斯市最近遭受的一场沙尘暴。故选D项。A项:亚利桑那州菲尼克斯市有更多的沙尘暴;B项:沙尘暴对人们造成了很多危害;A、B两项只是文中涉及的两个方面,不能作为整篇文章的主旨。C项:我们必须做些什么来防止沙尘暴,本文没有提到预防沙尘暴的措施,故C项错误。
    【高频词汇】 1.sandstrm n.沙暴 2.cut ff切断;断绝
    3.influence v.影响 4.put ff推迟 5.shrtage n.缺乏;缺少
    ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文,主要讲述了虽然我们平时很喜欢触摸植物,但是研究表明,植物真的不喜欢被触摸。
    12.D 细节理解题。根据第二段中的A new study ut f the La Trbe Institute fr Agriculture and Fd has fund that mst plants are extremely sensitive t tuch和第三段中的Whelan and his team are still trying t find ut why plants respnd以及第四段中的Until mre research is dne, it's just a guess at this pint.可知,本文主要是通过展示研究成果来展开语篇的,故选D项。
    13.A 细节理解题。根据第二段中的This invlves a huge expenditure(消耗)f energy which is taken away frm plant grwth. If the tuching is repeated, then plant grwth is reduced by up t 30%.可知,这包括从植物生长中带走的巨大的能量消耗。如果重复触碰,植物生长速度将减缓多达30%。因此触摸会消耗植物的能量,故选A项。
    14.B 细节理解题。根据第三段中的Whelan and his team are still trying t find ut why plants respnd, at the genetic level, s strngly.(Whelan和他的团队仍在试图找出为什么植物在基因水平上的反应如此强烈。)及第四段Until mre research is best prmte healthier grwth.(在做更多的研究之前,此时这只是一个猜测,尽管如此,这些发现可能已经为农学家如何处理他们的作物带来了新的方法,以最好地促进更健康的生长。)可知,Whelan和他的团队研究的重要性在于它有助于找到确保植物健康生长的方法,故选B项。
    15.C 主旨大意题。阅读全文尤其是第一段最后一句Yur plants really dislike it when yu tuch them.可知,本文主要介绍了植物真的不喜欢被触摸,故选C项。
    【高频词汇】1.fr the benefit f为了……的利益 2.harmless adj.无害的 3.sensitive adj.敏感的 4.significantly adv.显著地,明显地 5.take away带走 6.respnd v.回应,作出反应 7.defend v.保护,防御 8.prmte v.促进,推动 9.negative adj.消极的,负面的 10.randm adj.随机的,随意的
    ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文,主要就如何控制时间提出了一些建议。
    16.G 上文“Managing yur wrk and yur life t get everything dne withut mre stress is a big challenge.”提出毫无压力地管理好自己的工作和生活是一个巨大的挑战。选项G“这些是关于如何开始控制时间的有用建议。”承接上文,引出下文“Fllw them s that yu can find the best part f yur life.”,达到承上启下的作用。G选项中taking cntrl f yur time和上文中Managing yur wrk and yur life语义相关。故选G项。
    17.F 由上文“Set up yur gals.”可知本段讲的是设定目标,选项F“知道你今天(的目标)在哪里,你将来想达成(的目标)在哪里。”承接上文,说明要了解自己现在的目标和将来要达到的目标,引出下文“Get t pick up the gals, whether they're what yu're ging t finish tday, this week, r this mnth.”。F选项中tday、in the future和下文中tday, this week, r this mnth语义相关。故选F项。
    18.A 由下文“Again, it's yur plan, and yu get t chse ne that suits yur ability. It has t include all yur business duties in additin t persnal time. The key is having the rules t stick t the plan.”可知本段讲的是制订计划并遵守计划,选项A“制订并遵从时间管理计划。”位于段首,点明本段主题。选项A“Create and fllw a time management plan.”和下文中get t chse ne that suits yur ability以及having the rules t stick t the plan语义相关。选项C“为了实现你的目标,做好计划是很重要的。”只提到了“制订”而未提到“遵守”,故排除C。故选A项。
    19.B 由上文“D the right things right by listing the imprtance f yur activities. The gal is nt t just get things dne, but t finish what's mst imprtant t yu in yur wrk and yur life.”可知本段是讲做事要突出重点,选项B“弄清楚每项任务的重要性。”作为本段最后的总结,其中imprtant和上文中imprtance及imprtant语义一致。故选B项。
    20.E 由上文“Keep yurself away frm emails, phne calls and scial media fr perids f time that yu arrange.”可知在安排的时间里要远离干扰你的注意力的东西,选项E“把任何干扰你注意力的东西放在不容易够着的地方。”承接上文,进一步说明怎样处理干扰的东西,选项中ut f easy reach和上文中Keep yurself away语义相关。故选E项。
    【高频词汇】 1.valuable adj.有价值的;宝贵的 2.challenge n.挑战 3.manageable adj.易管理的;易控制的 4.adapt t 适应 5.in additin t 除了……;除……之外 6.stick t坚持;粘住 7.cncentratin n.专心;专注;集中 8.respnd v.回答,回应;作出反应
    第二部分 语言运用
    ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。文章叙述了飓风劳拉袭击莱克查尔斯市时,在民众都撤离的情况下,医院的医护人员照顾19个无法离开的新生婴儿的故事,体现了医护人员的奉献精神。
    21.C 句意:当飓风劳拉袭击莱克查尔斯市时,政府下令民众撤离。arrive到达;leave离开;hit袭击,侵袭;beat打败,战胜。自然灾害“袭击;侵袭”某个地方时,常用动词hit。故选C。
    22.A 句意:但对于这19个新生儿来说,离开几乎是不可能的。 impssible不可能的;necessary必须的; imprtant重要的; suitable合适的。根据本句中的But可知,该句和上一句构成转折。由此推知,在政府下令人们撤离的情况下,19个新生儿无法离开。故选A。
    23.D 句意:医院的工作人员决定,在危险过去之前,他们会留下陪在孩子们身边。frightened害怕的;wrried担心的;annyed生气的,恼怒的;determined下定决心的,坚定的。根据“they'd remain with them until the danger passed”可知,19个新生儿不可能离开,医院的工作人员决定要陪在这些孩子身边。故选D。
    24.C 句意:大风吹过小镇,胡安·博萨诺医生和14名护士以及一些其他医生留在新生儿重症监护病房,轮流照顾小婴儿。sldier战士;parent父亲(或母亲);dctr医生;friend朋友。根据上一段中的“Members at the hspital were 23 that they'd remain with them”可知,陪伴孩子的是医院里的工作人员。结合选项,只有C选项符合条件。故选C。
    25.B 句意同上题。lk fr寻找;care fr照顾,关心,喜欢;ask fr请求;wait fr等待。根据常识,此处指医生和护士照顾新生儿们。最后一段中的“taking care f the babies”也是提示。故选B。
    26.A 句意:随后,为了孩子们的安全,他们在不到两小时的时间里横跨了整个城市把孩子们送到了主院区。city城市;cuntry国家;schl学校;university大学。根据第一段中的“the city f Lake Charles”可知,Lake Charles是个城市。因此该处指他们在不到两小时的时间里横跨了整个城市把孩子们送到了主院区。故选A。
    27.B 句意:整个医院都竭尽全力确保婴儿和所有必要的东西都能安全运送。way方式;trip旅行; day天;plan计划。将婴儿们送到主院区是一次“旅行”。故选B。
    28.A 句意:不幸的是,在夜间,医院的空调被破坏了,供水也被切断了。根据“Unfrtunately”和“water was cut ff”可以推知,空调被破坏了,不运转了。knck ut意为“破坏”。飓风破坏了空调,符合语境。故选A。
    29.D 句意:在整个飓风期间,博萨诺医生通过频繁地在他的Facebk页面上发帖,让焦虑的家长们冷静下来。tip建议;title标题;tpic话题;pst帖子。根据空后的“his Facebk page”可知,博萨诺医生在他的Facebk页面上发帖安慰那些焦虑的父母。故选D。
    30.D 句意:风暴过后,这些婴儿被送到了其他新生儿重症监护病房,在那里必需服务没有受到飓风的影响。apply申请;trap困住;suffer遭受;affect影响。根据常识,婴儿们当然要被送到必需服务没有受到飓风影响的新生儿重症监护病房。故选D。
    31.B 此处指今天早上,婴儿们都安全了。dangerus危险的;safe安全的; awake醒着的;calm平静的,冷静的。根据后面的“Thank gdness”可知,婴儿们终于安全了。故选B。
    32.A 此处指谢天谢地,“我”终于睡了几个小时。sleep睡眠;fcus焦点,中心;energy精力,能量; entertainment娱乐。飓风过去了,婴儿们安然无恙,照看他们的医生终于可以睡几个小时了。故选A。
    33.C 此处指了解所有护士和医生的奉献精神是很重要的,当甚至不知道自己家的情况时,他们一直在照顾这些婴儿。cntent内容;design设计;cnditin情况,条件;impressin印象。故选C。
    34.C 此处指在这样的小镇上,人们必须团结一致。put tgether组合;cme tgether一起来;pull tgether齐心协力;get tgether聚集,聚会。故选C。
    35.B 句意:“在这样一个小镇上,人们必须团结起来。我为他们感到骄傲,”博萨诺补充道。admire羡慕; add补充说;intrduce介绍,引入;advance提出。故选B。
    【高频词汇】 1.remain v.留下;逗留;仍然是 2.in turn轮流
    3.campus n.(学校、医院等机构的)场地;大学校园 4.g all ut t d sth.全力以赴做某事 5.devtin n.奉献;献身
    ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了世界上最致命的自然灾害之一——地震,它给人们带来的灾难以及为研究地震科学家所付出的努力。
    36.them 考查人称代词。句意:然而,大多数地震太微弱了以至于感觉不到。介词f后面用代词宾格。故填them。
    37.terribly 考查副词。句意:然后,大地剧烈地震动,许多房屋倒塌。句中shakes是谓语动词,应用副词修饰。故填terribly。
    38.in 考查介词。句意:作为世界上最致命的自然灾害之一,地震经常导致许多人受伤或死亡。result in导致,造成。故填in。
    39.struck 考查动词时态。句意:在2008年,一场可怕的地震袭击了中国四川省,造成了严重的人员伤亡。根据In 2008可知,句子用一般过去时,动词strike的过去式是struck。故填struck。
    40.caused 考查过去分词。句意:除了地震造成的巨大破坏和死亡,其他事故如火灾经常随之而来。句中the great damage and deaths和cause之间是被动关系,故应用过去分词作后置定语。故填caused。
    41.centuries 考查名词的数。句意:几个世纪以来,人们一直在研究地震。所给词century是可数名词,空前无限定词,根据句意可知这里指“几个世纪”,所以用名词复数。故填centuries。
    42.a 考查冠词。句意:例如,大约2,000年前,一位名叫张衡的中国科学家发明了一种机器,这种机器可以弄清地震波的方向。这里表示“一位名叫张衡的中国科学家”,表泛指,Chinese是以辅音音素开头的词,应用不定冠词a。故填a。
    43.which/that 考查定语从句。句意:例如,大约2,000年前,一位名叫张衡的中国科学家发明了一种机器,这种机器可以弄清地震波是从哪里来的。设空处引导定语从句,修饰先行词machine,指物,关系词在定语从句中作主语,由关系代词which或that引导。故填which或that。
    44.develpment 考查名词。句意:随着现代科学技术的快速发展,我们现在对地震有了更多的了解。空前rapid是形容词,修饰名词,故填develpment。
    45.t predict 考查动词不定式。句意:然而,科学家们仍然难以准确预测地震发生的时间和地点,我们也无法阻止地震的发生。句中第一个it是形式主语,此处动词不定式为真正的主语。故填t predict。
    【高频词汇】 1.cmmn adj.普通的;常见的 2.fall dwn倒塌 3.deadly adj.致命的 4.result in导致,造成 5.severe adj.严重的;严厉的
    第三部分 写作
    One pssible versin:
    Dear Jim,
    Hw is it ging? I'm glad t knw yu're interested in the activities f ur student clubs.
    Frankly, the ne that impresses me mst is the nline curses we ffer t help middle schl students in remte areas in China.Our curses cver a wide variety f subjects, including Chinese, English, math, physics, histry, and s n. We als rganize sme students t answer questins nline every Saturday afternn. I feel prud f helping the students in need.
    D yu have anything similar in yur schl? Write back and share with me!
    Li Hua
    One pssible versin:
    Paragraph 1:
    Jacksn fund himself in a difficult situatin. He really wanted t keep this largest bass in his heart f hearts. Hwever, his father was s determined that he had n chice but t give it up. Tears welling up in his eyes, he tried t hld them back but it was useless. He tk a final lk at the fish as if he were saying gdbye t the fish, and then he slwly put the huge bass back t the lake.
    Paragraph 2:
    D we d right when n ne is lking?I think that if I had been taught t put the fish back when I was yung, I wuld have learned the truth. I am very grateful t my father fr teaching me such a valuable lessn. The decisin t d right keeps fresh and pleasant in my memry. It's nthing abut thers but nly abut urselves, as well as ur hnesty. S, even if n ne is lking at us, we shuldn't break the rules and d wrng. If everyne in the wrld behaves just like this, the future f the wrld will be better and better.
    36.them 37.terribly 38.in 39.struck 40.caused
    41.centuries 42.a 43.which/that 44.develpment
    45.t predict
    Jacksn and his father
    On the island in the middle f a lake
    An evening 34 years ag
    When he was 11, Jacksn went fishing with his father. He caught a huge bass, but his father demanded he put it back t the lake because it was tw hurs befre the bass seasn pened.
    Jacksn在一个傍晚和父亲去钓鱼,他钓到了一条鲈鱼,非常兴奋。没想到的是,父亲要求Jacksn把这条鱼放回湖里,因为离开放捕捞鲈鱼的时间还有两个小时,他必须遵守规定, 即使没有人看到他们。
    Para. 1
    Jacksn fund himself in a difficult situatin.
    ①Why did Jacksn find himself in a hard situatin?
    ②What decisin did he make finally?
    Para. 2
    D we d right when n ne is lking?
    ①What lessn did Jacksn learn frm the incident?
    ②What did Jacksn think f his father?
    ③What else did Jacksn think abut?

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