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    人教版初中英语九上 Unit6 单元话题语法填空练习
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    人教版(2024)九年级全册Unit 6 When was it invented?综合与测试优秀课后测评

    这是一份人教版(2024)九年级全册Unit 6 When was it invented?综合与测试优秀课后测评,共16页。

    Steam engines were used t pull the carriages and it must have been fairly unpleasant fr the passengers, with all the smke and nise. Hwever, the railway quickly prved t be a great success 6 within six mnths, mre than 25,000 peple were using it every day.
    Later, engineers managed t cnstruct railways in a system f deep tunnels, 7 became knwn as the Tube. This develpment was nly pssible with the 8 (intrduce) f electric-pwered engines and lifts. The Central Lndn Railway was ne f the mst 9 (succeed) f these new lines, and was pened in 1900. It had white-painted tunnels and bright red carriages, and prved 10 (extreme) ppular with the public.
    Water is a big part f ur wrld. We use it every day fr many things. But wuld yu ever think f water as being smething 11 (pwer)?
    James Watt thught s. Watt was a British 12 (invent). He was brn in 1736 and died in 1819. Here is 13 stry frm his childhd. One day, he 14 (sit) in his grandmther’s kitchen and watching the fireplace. A kettle (水壶) was hanging n a string abve the fire. “What makes the fire burn, Grandma?” he asked.
    James’s grandma didn’t listen t 15 . She was busy 16 (ck) dinner. James lked at the kettle and nticed it mving. “What’s in the kettle, Grandma?” he asked. “Just water,” she tld him. “ 17 Grandma, there’s smething else inside. It’s making the lid mve.” His grandmther stpped cking and laughed. “It’s steam. It’s made by the water,” she said. James Watt held n 18 this thught until he was lder, and realized steam culd be used t mve big 19 (thing). His realizatin 20 (final) led t the inventin f the steam engine which mves ships and trains.
    Why dn’t humans have tails(尾巴)? Millins f years ag, humans did have tails, but we 21 (slw) lst them. Hwever, Kei University in Japan has built a rbtic tail fr ld peple t help them keep their balance.
    The tail is 1 meter 22 (length). Peple can wear it arund their waist(腰) t keep their balance. “The tail keeps balance like a pendulum(钟摆),” said a scientist frm the 23 (tail) develpment team. When peple walk ne way, the tail mves in the ppsite 24 (direct).
    The rbtic tail 25 (wrk) like a seahrse’s tail. It has a set f plastic vertebrae(椎骨) that allw it t mve easily. Users can take sme f its parts ut 26 (make) the tail lighter.
    Japan has 27 grwing number f ld peple. Sme f them can’t walk steadily(平稳地). This tail can help 28 (they) get arund. The develpment team is als lking at ther pssible use fr the tail. It culd help wrkers keep their balance while 29 (carry) heavy things. It culd als give gamers a better experience 30 they play virtual reality games(虚拟现实游戏).
    Jim Halsey, 83, has always dreamed f travelling arund the wrld alne. But it’s very difficult fr him 31 (make) his dream cme true because he uses a wheelchair t get arund. Thanks t virtual reality (虚拟现实) 32 (glass), he is able t enjy the trip withut leaving his hme. The special glasses let him see travel vides n a small screen that makes him feel as if he were there. S far, he has travelled t Eurpe, Central America and Japan and Suth Krea 33 Asia.
    Carleigh Berryman wh is 22 years ld had the idea tw years ag 34 she was in cllege. She learnt that a lt f lder Americans were ften sad r 35 (wrry), s she decided t start her wn cmpany called Viva Vita. She 36 (use) virtual reality, r VR, t help lder peple tur arund nline.
    “This type f activity is just what they 37 (actual) need. They can’t travel like they used t, but they still have the chances. We can bring smething exciting t them s that they can keep 38 (learn) and explring the wrld,” Berryman said.
    “It’s 39 wnderful prject,” Jim Halsey said. “It’s gd t see all the things withut getting ut f my chair. It has brught 40 (I) t much jy and pleasure.”
    The artificial intelligence (AI) system Arist recently passed the same eighth-grade science test that sme US students take. The New Yrk Times reprted. Arist 41 (crrect) answered 90 percent f the questins n the test.
    This is 42 example f the prgress that 43 (make) in AI develpment. Fur years ag, 700 cmputer scientists tried t develp AI systems that culd pass these kinds f exams. Nte scred 44 (high) than 60 percent.
    Scientists at the Allen Institute in the US develped the system. Arist 45 (be) able t pass the exam because it culd nt nly understand language, but als used lgical thinking 46 (slve) difficult prblems. Fr example, it culd understand 47 a frest fire was and hw it culd affect animals.
    The system used BERT, a kind f neural(神经的) netwrk technlgy develped by Ggle, t answer the questins. BERT has read thusands f articles and can understand English. If it lks at a sentence with a 48 (miss) wrd, it can crrectly guess what the wrd is. 49 BERT’s help, Arist read many multiple-chice(多选的) questins. Over time, it was able t find lgical patterns.
    Arist’s success means that we might see new AI-based prducts, such as search engines and databases fr hspitals. AI systems might be able t, better understand their 50 (use) in the future.
    (广东深圳·九年级深圳市罗湖中学校考开学考试)In the new century, peple invented sme “smart clthes”. They are used nt nly fr cvering 51 (yu)bdy, but als fr many kinds f uses. Sme kinds f smart clthes have cme int the market. A German clthing maker has invented the “MP3 blue jacket”. This kind f jacket has tw functins. It is bth an MP3 player 52 a mbile phne. Besides, 53 English cmpany has develped a clth keybard that can be put nt yur pants. Yu can cntrl yur cmputer with it 54 (easy)anywhere. The keybard can 55 (wash)if it gets dirty. And it can be even irned(熨烫).
    As the technlgy imprves, smart clthes will becme much 56 (smart). Researchers are develping clthes which can shw yur bdy temperature and heat yu up befre yu feel cld. Other smart clthes t wear are special medical nes. They can tell the dctr when yu are 57 danger. This technlgy can als prvide 58 (imprtance)infrmatin abut yur envirnment. Shirts can warn yu f high pllutin levels. Jackets with GPS technlgy can keep yu frm 59 (get)lst.
    Peple have begun lving the idea. Prbably, smart clthes 60 (be)cmmn n Paris streets, and even in yur wn hme ne day.
    (2023秋·山东济宁·九年级济宁学院附属中学校考期末)This is Tammela Schl, a primary schl in Finland. The students are having a math class with their rbt teacher.
    The “teacher” is 61 tiny, blue machine abut 25cm high, Reuters reprted. N matter when students have prblems, it helps them very 62 (patient) and never gets bred.
    “The rbt can make students much 63 (active) in class than usual. I see Elias as ne f the 64 (tl) t get different kinds f practice and activities int the classrm,” a teacher tld Reuters.
    In the past few years, the schl 65 (intrduce) fur rbt teachers, ne f whm is a language teacher that can speak 23 languages and dance t music. “ 66 is necessary t encurage kids t cme up 67 new ways t make use f technlgy in schl life,” the head f the schl 68 (add) in the interview.
    The rbt teachers are used 69 (help) imprve learning. This desn’t mean that human teachers will lse their jbs. The rbts can teach well, 70 they are nt able t keep class in rder. The schl still needs human teachers.
    In late May, 2020, a cuntry in Flrida suffered strng strms. The rads changed int brwn rivers.
    When it rains 71 (heavy), rainwater builds up the streets, the drains (下水道) get plugged (塞住). And it becmes the key cause f weather-related prblem f 72 (die) in the USA.
    A team f teenagers frm lcal middle schl made a plan 73 (slve) this prblem. With the help f their science teacher, they invented a device (装置) t warn city wrkers when and 74 there is a danger f flding (洪水).
    Bianca, ne f the team 75 (member), said, “All f us experienced prblems with flding, and we knew we had t d smething abut it. Students at ur schl hpe ur device 76 (help) because mst f them nce met with this prblem.”
    A laser system (激光系统) 77 (use) in their device. When a drain was plugged up, the device culd warn the city wrkers then 78 (it) culd clean the drain at nce.
    They gt many supprts frm peple arund. Their classmates helped them find infrmatin abut hw t use the laser system. Class parents wh 79 (be) engineers helped them slve the technique (技术) prblems. They each tk n a task that they are gd 80 . Each member put in a lt f effrt and finally they made it.
    Richard Turere has always enjyed making things using ld bjects. Fr example, when he was quite yung, he 81 (make) fans fr his parents’ huse frm car parts and things he fund in the yard.
    Richard 82 (live) near the Nairbi Natinal Park in Kenya. When be was nine, Richard began t lk after his family’s cws and sheep. The big prblem was the lins. “I 83 (grw) up hating lins,” says Richard. “They used t 84 (cme) at night and feed n ur cws when we were sleeping.”
    Then ne night, as he 85 (walk) arund the cwshed (牛舍) with a flashlight in his hand, he nticed smething. “That day the lins didn’t cme.” Richard realized that lins 86 (scare) f a mving light. S, he had an idea. Using sme used parts frm a car and a mtrcycle, Richard set up sme flashing lights t trick the lins int thinking that peple were walking arund the cwshed. The lins didn’t cme near. Sn ther families were using his “lin lights”.
    Richard’s “lin lights” 87 (cst) just ten dllars t make. They 88 (help) the farmers and the lins. Many lins 89 (kill) by farmers befre “lin lights” appeared. Nw acrss Kenya, Richard’s idea has been used by farmers 90 (prtect) their animals.
    Richard has been accepted int ne f Kenya’s tp schls. “One year ag, I was just a by lking after my father’s cws. Nw I want t be an engineer r a pilt.”
    1.t avid 2.frm 3.an 4.building 5.was replaced 6.and
    7.which 8.intrductin
    1.句意:它行驶了不到7公里,让人们在上下班时避开了上面道路上的繁忙交通。根据“allwed traffic n the rads abve”和提示词汇可知,固定搭配allw sb t d sth表示“允许某人做某事”,空处需填“不定式t+动词原形”,avid“避开”,动词。故填t avid。
    2.句意:它行驶了不到7公里,让人们在上下班时避开了上面道路上的繁忙交通。根据“as they traveled t ”可知,此处是当他们上下班时,固定搭配t and frm表示“往返”,空处需填介词,frm“从……来”,介词。故填frm。
    3.句意:它花了三年时间才建成,而且是用一种有趣的方法建造的。根据语境和“interesting methd”可知,用了三年的时间才建成这条铁路,可推测此处是并且用了一种有趣的方法建造,空处需填不定冠词,表泛指,interesting首字母发音为元音音素,其前需用不定冠词an修饰。故填an。
    4.句意:这包括挖掘道路,铺设轨道,然后在顶部建造一个坚固的屋顶。根据“This included digging up the rad, laying the track and strng rf ver the tp.”和提示词汇可知,include ding sth表示“包括做某事”,and连接并列关系,空处需填与动名词digging和laying并列的动名词,building“建造”为动词build的动名词。故填building。
    5.句意:当所有这些都完成后,路面就被替换了。根据“When all thse had been dne, the rad surface...”和提示词汇可知,此处是路面会被替换,the rad surface与replace之间为被动关系,因事情为过去发生的,时态为一般过去时,语态为被动,谓语用“was/were+过去分词”的结构,主语为the rad surface,第三人称单数,be动词用was,replaced“(用……)替换”为动词replace的过去分词。故填was replaced。
    6.句意:然而,这条铁路很快就取得了巨大成功,在六个月内,每天有超过25000人使用它。根据“Hwever, the railway quickly prved t be a great six mnths, mre than 25,000 peple were using it every day.”可知,“这条铁路很快就取得了巨大成功”与“在六个月内,每天有超过25000人使用它”之间为顺承关系,空处需填并列连词,and“并且”,表顺承。故填and。
    7.句意:后来,工程师们设法在一个被称为“Tube”的深隧道系统中建造铁路。根据“Later, engineers managed t cnstruct railways in a system f deep tunnels, knwn as the Tube.”可知,句子为非限制性定语从句,先行词为a system f deep tunnels,为物,空处需填关系代词,作主语,which关系代词,引导非限制性定语从句,指代物,作主语。故填which。
    8.句意:这一发展只有在引入电动发动机和升降机的情况下才有可能实现。根据“ electric-pwered engines and lifts”和提示词汇可知,“the+名词+f”表示“……的”,空处需填名词,intrductin“引进”为动词 intrduce的名词。故填intrductin。
    9.句意:伦敦中心铁路是这些新线中最成功的一条,于1900年开通。根据“ne f the mst...”和提示词汇可知,“ne f+形容词最高级+名词复数”,mst后需填多音节形容词,构成形容词最高级,successful“成功的”为动词succeed的多音节形容词。故填successful。
    10.句意:它有白色的隧道和鲜红色的车厢,并且证明非常受公众欢迎。根据“and with the public”和提示词汇可知,空处需填副词,修饰形容词ppular,extremely“非常”为形容词extreme的副词。故填extremely。
    11.pwerful 12.inventr 13.a 14.was sitting 15.him 16.cking 17.But 18.t 19.things 20.finally
    11.句意:但你会认为水是一种强大的东西吗?根据“But wuld yu ever think f water as being smething...”可知,此空缺形容词作定语,pwerful“强大的”符合题意,故填pwerful。
    12.句意:瓦特是一位英国发明家。根据“Watt was a British...”可知,修饰人所以此空应填inventr“发明家”,名词作表语,故填inventr。
    13.句意:这是他童年时的一个故事。根据“Here frm his childhd.”可知,此处指一个故事,为泛指,且stry为辅音音素开头的单词,用冠词a,故填a。
    14.句意:一天,他坐在祖母的厨房里看着壁炉。根据“One day”以及“watching”可知,此句为过去进行时:was/were+ding,因为主语he为第三人称单数,be用was,故填was sitting。
    15.句意:詹姆斯的奶奶不听他的。根据“James’s grandma didn’t listen t...”可知,此处指詹姆斯的奶奶不听他的,此空指代詹姆斯,且空前有介词t,所以此空应填人称代词宾格,故填him。
    16.句意:她正忙着做饭。be busy ding“忙于做某事”,所以此空应填ck“做饭”的动名词形式,故填cking。
    17.句意:但是奶奶,里面还有别的东西。根据“Just water,”与“Grandma, there’s smething else inside.”为转折关系,需用转折but来引导,故填But。
    18.句意:詹姆斯·瓦特一直坚持着这个想法,直到他长大,他意识到蒸汽可以用来移动大事。hld n t“坚持,保留”,固定搭配,故填t。
    20.句意:他的认识最终导致了蒸汽机的发明,蒸汽机可以驱动船只和火车。根据“His t the inventin f the steam engine which mves ships and trains.”可知,此空缺副词,final“最终的”的副词形式为finally,故填finally。
    21.slwly 22.lng 23.tail’s 24.directin 25.wrks 26.t make 27.a 28.them 29.carrying 30.when
    23.句意:“尾巴像钟摆一样保持平衡,”尾巴开发团队的一位科学家说。此处作定语修饰“develpment team”,用名词所有格形式,故填tail’s。
    25.句意:机器尾巴的工作原理就像海马的尾巴。时态是一般现在时,主语是“The rbtic tail”,动词用三单,故填wrks。
    26.句意:用户可以把它的一些部件取出来,使尾部更轻。此处在句中作目的状语,用动词不定式形式,故填t make。
    29.句意:它可以帮助工人在搬运重物时保持平衡。根据“It culd help wrkers keep their balance things.”可知,主语是动作的发出者,此处用现在分词作状语,故填carrying。
    30.句意:它还可以让玩家在玩虚拟现实游戏时获得更好的体验。根据“It culd als give gamers a better play virtual reality games(虚拟现实游戏).”可知,玩游戏时可以获得更好的体验,用when引导时间状语从句,故填when。
    31.t make 32.glasses 33.in 34.when 35.wrried 36.uses 37.actually 38.learning 39.a 40.me
    31.句意:但他很难实现自己的梦想,因为他需要坐轮椅四处走动。根据“But it’s very difficult fr him ... his dream cme true”可知,此句是it is+形容词+fr sb+t d sth“对某事来说做某事是……”,此处应该用动词不定式作主语。故填t make。
    32.句意:多亏了虚拟现实眼镜,他足不出户就能享受这次旅行。根据“Thanks t virtual reality ...,”可知,此处表示VR眼镜,应该用复数glasses。故填glasses。
    33.句意:到目前为止,他已经去过欧洲、中美洲以及亚洲的日本和韩国。根据“Japan and Suth Krea ... Asia.”可知,此处指的是亚洲的日本和韩国,in“在……范围内”符合。故填in。
    34.句意:22岁的Carleigh Berryman两年前在大学时就有了这个想法。根据“had the idea tw years ag ... she was in cllege”可知,两年前在上大学的时候有了这个想法,此处应该用when引导时间状语从句。故填when。
    35.句意:她了解到许多美国老年人经常感到悲伤或担忧,所以她决定创办自己的公司Viva Vita。根据“lder Americans were ften sad r”可知,美国老年人经常感到悲伤或担忧,此处应该用形容词作表语,wrried“担忧的”符合。故填wrried。
    36.句意:她使用虚拟现实(VR)来帮助老年人在线游览。根据“She ... virtual reality, r VR, t help lder peple tur arund nline.”可知,此处描述的是一般性事实,应该用一般现在时。主语为第三人称单数,谓语动词用单三。故填uses。
    38.句意:我们可以给他们带来一些激动人心的东西,让他们继续学习和探索世界。根据“they can keep ... and explring the wrld”可知,keep ding sth“继续做某事”,此处应该用动名词作宾语。故填learning。
    40.句意:它给我带来了太多的快乐。根据“It has brught ... t much jy and pleasure”可知,此处作brught的宾语,应该用宾格me。故填me。
    41.crrectly 42.an 43.was made 44.higher 45.was 46.t slve 47.what 48.missing 49.With 50.users
    42.句意:这是人工智能开发取得进展的一个例子。根据“this is”可知,空格处缺少不定冠词a/an来表示单数意义,再根据“example”开头字母发音为元音音素可知,此处用an,故填an。
    43.句意:这是人工智能开发取得进展的一个例子。that引导定语从句,在从句中作主语,从句先行词为prgress与动词make之间是被动关系,此处要用被动语态,用“be动词+过去分词”来表示。因为进展在过去已取得,应用一般过去时的被动,且prgress为第三人称单数,所以be动词用was。故填was made。
    46.句意:Arist之所以能通过考试,不仅是因为他能听懂语言,还因为他能运用逻辑思维解决难题。空处表示目的,应用动词不定式,故填t slve。
    47.句意:例如,它可以理解森林火灾是什么以及森林火灾如何影响动物。根据“a frest fire was”可知,此处的引导词作表语,指的是“是什么”,应用what引导宾语从句。故填what。
    49.句意:在BERT的帮助下,Arist读了许多多项选择题。此处是固定短语“with ne’s help”,表示“在……的帮助下”,故填With。
    51.yur 52.and 53.an 54.easily 55.be washed 56.smarter 57.in 58.imprtant 59.getting 60.will be
    55.句意:如果键盘脏了可以清洗。键盘可以被清洗,应用含情态动词的被动语态,结构为:情态动词+be+dne。故填be washed。
    57.句意:它们可以在你有危险的时候告诉医生。in danger“在危险中”,固定短语。故填in。
    59.句意:带有GPS技术的夹克可以让你不迷路。 keep sb frm ding sth“阻止某人做某事”,介词frm后接动名词。故填getting。
    60.句意:也许有一天,智能服装会在巴黎的街道上,甚至会在你自己的家里很常见。根据“ne day”可知,句子时态是一般将来时,结构为will+d,故填will be。
    61.a 62.patiently 63.mre active 64.tls 65.has intrduced 66.It 67.with 68.added 69.t help 70.but
    63.句意:这个机器人使学生们变得比平常更加的活跃。根据句意及句中的“than”可知,这里表示与平时状态的一个对比,应用形容词的比较级形式,故填mre active。
    64.句意:我认为Elias是一种把实践和活动融入课堂的工具。根据“ne f the...”表示“……之一”,后面要跟名词的复数,故填tls。
    65.句意:到目前为止,这个学校已经引进了四个机器人老师。根据句意和句中的时间状语“S far”可知,要用现在完成时,结构是“have/has+过去分词”,主语是“the schl”,为单数,故填has intrduced。
    66.句意:有必要鼓励孩子们想出新的办法在学校生活中利用科技。根据“…is necessary t encurage kids t cme up”可知这句话中使用的是it的固定句型:“It is+形容词+t d sth.”,意为“做某事是……的”,其中“It”是形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式。故填It。
    67.句意:有必要鼓励孩子们想出新的办法在学校生活中利用科技。根据“cme up…new ways”可知这里考查的是一个固定短语cme up with,意思是“想出,提出”,故填with。
    68.句意:校长在采访中补充说……。根据“In the past few years”及文意可知,这个对校长采访时是已经发生的事情了,所以这里应用一般过去时态,故填added。
    69.句意:机器人老师被用来帮助提高学习。根据“are used”可知此处考查短语be used t d sth.“被用来做某事”,指的是机器人老师被用来帮助提高学习,因此这里填动词不定式t help。故填t help。
    70.句意:这些机器人可以教得很好,但是他们不能够维持课堂秩序。根据空前的“teach well”和空后的“they are nt able t keep class in rder”可知前后是转折关系,故这里填连词but“但是”。故填but。
    71.heavily 72.deaths 73.t slve 74.where
    75.members 76.will help
    77.was used 78.they 79.were
    72.句意:它成为美国与天气有关的死亡问题的主要原因。根据“And it becmes the key cause f weather-related prblem the USA.”可知此处应填名词,death“死亡”,此处是指死亡数或死亡人口的具体概念,是可数名词, 应用复数表泛指,故填deaths。
    73.句意:一组来自当地中学的青少年制定了解决这个问题的计划。分析题干可知,制定计划是为了解决问题,应用动词不定式作目的状语,故填t slve。
    74.句意:在他们的科学老师的帮助下,他们发明了一种装置来警告城市工人何时何地有洪水的危险。根据“warn city wrkers when is a danger f flding (洪水).”可知这个装置可以警告城市工人何时何地有洪水的危险。where“哪里”符合语境,故填where。
    75.句意:比安卡是小组成员之。ne f后加名词复数,故填members。
    76.句意:我们学校的学生希望我们的设备能有所帮助,因为他们中的大多数人都曾经遇到过这个问题。根据“Students at ur schl hpe ur device”语境可知,设备有帮助是发生在将来,应用一般将来时,故填will help。
    77.句意:他们的装置中使用了激光系统。主语和动词use是动宾关系,应用被动语态,结合后句可知本句应用一般过去时的被动语态,主语是单数,be动词用was。故填was used。
    80.句意:他们各自承担了一项自己擅长的任务。根据“They each tk n a task that they are gd”可知应该是承担自己擅长的任务,be gd at“擅长”。故填at。
    81.made 82.lived/lives 83.grew 84.cme 85.was walking 86.were scared 87.cst 88.have helped 89.were killed 90.t prtect
    81.句意:例如当他相当年轻时,他用车的零部件和在院子里找到的东西给父母的房间做了风扇。根据“when he was quite yung”可知句子时态为一般过去时,故填made。
    84.句意:它们过去常常在晚上趁着我们睡觉时来吃我们的牛。used t“过去常常”,后接动词原形,故填cme。
    85.句意:然后一天晚上他手里拿着手电筒在牛舍周围巡查时,他注意到了一些事。根据“as”和“he nticed smething”可知此处应用过去进行时,其谓语结构为“was/were+ding”,主语he为第三人称单数,故填was walking。
    86.句意:Richard意识到狮子害怕正在移动的灯。be scared f“害怕”符合语境,而句子时态为一般过去时,主语lins为复数,故填were scared。
    88.句意:它们帮助了村民和狮子。此处强调发明这些灯的影响,时态为现在完成时,其谓语结构为“have/has+dne”,主语they为复数,故填have helped。
    89.句意:许多狮子在出现“狮子灯”之前被农民杀死。根据“befre ‘lin lights’ appeared”可知时态为一般过去时,而主语lins和谓语kill之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,应用被动语态,一般过去时的被动语态的谓语结构为“was/were+dne”,主语为复数,故填were killed。
    90.句意:现在肯尼亚各地,Richard的主意已经被农民们使用去保护他们的动物。根据“prtect their animals”可知此处应用动词不定式表目的,故填t prtect。

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