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      浙江省湖州市2023-2024学年高二上学期期末调研测英语试卷 Word版含解析.docx
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      浙江省湖州市2023-2024学年高二上学期期末调研测英语试卷 Word版无答案.docx
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    这是一份浙江省湖州市2023-2024学年高二上学期期末调研测试英语试卷(Word版附解析),文件包含浙江省湖州市2023-2024学年高二上学期期末调研测英语试卷Word版含解析docx、浙江省湖州市2023-2024学年高二上学期期末调研测英语试卷Word版无答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共34页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1. 答第Ⅰ卷时,考生务必用2B铅笔按“正确涂写”要求涂写答题卡。
    2. 每小题选出答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在试卷上。
    3. 考试结束,考生将答题卡交回。
    1. What’s weather like nw?
    A. Rainy. B. Sunny. C. Cludy.
    2. When will the wman return?
    A On Mnday. B. On Tuesday. C. On Friday.
    3. Hw many tests dcs the wman have t take tday?
    A. One. B. Tw. C. Three.
    4. Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A. At a bkstre. B. At a library. C. At the man’s hme.
    5. Hw much will the man pay fr the tys in ttal?
    A. $10. B. $30. C. $40.
    6. What kind f persn is Mr. Smith?
    A. Humrus. B. Kind. C. Generus
    7. What des the man learn frm Mr. Smith?
    A. Maths. B. Histric stries. C. Jkes.
    8. When will the plane take ff?
    A. At 4:50. B. At 6:30. C. At 7:30.
    9. Hw will the speakers g t the airprt?
    A. By taxi. B. By undergrund. C. By bus.
    10. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Teacher and student.
    B. Interviewer and interviewee.
    C. Clleagues.
    11. What des the man think f Ms. White?
    A Frmal. B. Casual. C. Mean.
    12. Hw ften d the wman and Ms. White have a get-tgether?
    A. Every Friday. B. Twice a week. C. Once a mnth.
    13. Wh are the tw speakers?
    A. Bss and emplyee. B. Husband and wife. C. Parent and child.
    14. What day is it tday?
    A. Wednesday. B. Thursday. C. Friday.
    15. What dessert will be served at the dinner party?
    A. Pie. B. Ckies. C. A cake
    16. What will the man prbably d next?
    A. D sme cleaning. B. Invite the guests. C. Decrate the huse.
    17. What is the talk mainly abut?
    A. Exercise and health. B. Traffic and pllutin. C. Life and wrk.
    18. What are city planners trying t d?
    A. Keep ut cars.
    B. Add mre buses.
    C. Clse shps in the city center.
    19. What is the speaker’s attitude t the practice f city planners?
    A. Uncertain. B. Supprtive. C. Oppsed.
    20. What can we d t make a difference accrding t the speaker?
    A. Make sensible decisins.
    B. Spend mney wisely.
    C. Help peple understand the prblems.
    With a huge variety f animals, plants, and gelgical features, it’s n surprise the Rcky Muntains hst many natinal parks in bth the US and Canada. Here are a few f the natinal parks in the regin dedicated t preserving the unique envirnments f the Rcky Muntains.
    Rcky Muntain Natinal Park
    The first f the great natinal parks in the Rcky Muntains, this park includes 415 square miles f land acrss the Cntinental Divide. Because f its size, visitrs can experience high muntain peaks, grassy valleys, hidden alpine lakes, and beautiful waterfalls. Rck climbers can scale a thusand feet up the sheer rck cliffs f Lngs Peak, and there are many hiking trails.
    Yellwstne Natinal Park
    Yellwstne is prbably ne f the mst well-knwn natinal parks. President Ulyssess S. Grant designated Yellwstne as the very first natinal park in the United States n March 1, 1872. It is famus fr its ht springs, biling mud, fumarles and geysers such as Old Faithful, which shts biling water mre than 100 feet int the air. Yellwstne als has its wn canyn and magnificent waterfall. Visitrs can see bisn, elk, wlves and grizzly bears.
    Grand Tetn Natinal Park
    Travelers can leave Yellwstne n a parkway that brings them right t Grand Tetn Natinal Park, just nrth f Jacksn, Wyming. Humans have lived in the area fr mre than 11,000 years, and traces f this histry can be fund thrughut the park. Grand Tetn has many pprtunities fr hiking, camping, bating, rck climbing, and viewing wildlife, as well as amazing views f the Grand Tetn Muntain Range.
    Banff Natinal Park
    Banff Natinal Park is lcated near Calgary, in Alberta, Canada. Banff was Canada’s first natinal park, and is knwn fr its muntain peaks, its hundreds f glaciers, and glacier-fed lakes such as Lake Luise. Banff has many hiking trails and campsites, and winter visitrs snwshe, ski, and skate.
    1. Which f the fllwing best suits winter sprts lvers?
    A. Rcky Muntain Natinal Park.B. Yellwstne Natinal Park.
    C. Grand Tetn Natinal Park.D. Banff Natinal Park.
    2. What can we learn frm the passage?
    A. Rcky Muntain Natinal Park has its wn canyn.
    B. Yellwstne Natinal Park are famus fr campsites.
    C. Grand Tetn Natinal Park enjys the lngest histry.
    D. Banff Natinal Park is the first natinal park in Canada.
    3. Where is the passage mst likely taken frm?
    A. A science magazine.B. A travel brchure.
    C. A gegraphy textbk.D. A wildlife guidebk.
    【答案】1. D 2. D 3. B
    细节理解题。根据最后一段“Banff has many hiking trails and campsites, and winter visitrs snwshe, ski, and skate.(班夫有许多徒步小径和露营地,冬季游客可以穿雪鞋、滑雪和滑冰)”可知,班夫国家公园最适合冬季运动爱好者。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段“Banff was Canada’s first natinal park, and is knwn fr its muntain peaks, its hundreds f glaciers, and glacier-fed lakes such as Lake Luise.(班夫是加拿大的第一个国家公园,以其山峰、数百座冰川和路易斯湖等冰川湖泊而闻名)”可知,班夫国家公园是加拿大第一个国家公园。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据第一段“With a huge variety f animals, plants, and gelgical features, it’s n surprise the Rcky Muntains hst many natinal parks in bth the US and Canada. Here are a few f the natinal parks in the regin dedicated t preserving the unique envirnments f the Rcky Muntains.(落基山脉拥有种类繁多的动物、植物和地质特征,因此在美国和加拿大拥有许多国家公园也就不足为奇了。这里有几个国家公园致力于保护落基山脉的独特环境)”以及最后一段“Banff has many hiking trails and campsites, and winter visitrs snwshe, ski, and skate.(班夫有许多徒步小径和露营地,冬季游客可以穿雪鞋、滑雪和滑冰)”可知,文章主要介绍了四个国家公园以及旅游特色。由此推知,文章做可能选自一本旅游手册。故选B。
    In 1996, smene fund sme very ld clthes in an ld mine in Nevada, USA; they included a pair f dirty ld jeans. Tday, thse jeans are very valuable, and they are nw in the Levi Strauss Archival Cllectin, in San Francisc. The jeans, which are ver 140 years ld, are the ldest pair f Levi’s 501 jeans in the wrld.
    They are almst the same as a mdern pair f 501’s; there are just sme small differences in the detail Fr instance, tday’s 501’s have tw back pckets, the ld pair just has ne.
    In 1853, a yung tailr frm Germany, called Levi Strauss, began wrking in San Francisc; Levi sld thick canvas t miners; the miners used the canvas t make tents.
    One day, a miner tld Levi that he culd nt find trusers that were strng enugh fr wrk in the gld mines. Levi decided t make sme trusers ut f canvas.
    Very sn, he had sld all the canvas trusers he’d made! They were just what miners wanted.
    Hwever, the canvas was rather heavy and stiff Levi therefre began t lk fr a different textile; sn he fund a heavy textile frm France; it was called serge de Nimes. Americans just called this de Nimes, and this name sn gt reduced t denim.
    Denim was a bit lighter than canvas but it was very strng: it was ideal fr miners.
    Hwever, riginal denim was almst white, and miners did nt like the clr! Their denim trusers gt dirty as sn as they began wrking!
    Levi Strauss therefre decided t use clred denim, and he chse dark blue. In 1873, he began t make denim trusers with metal rivets t make them strnger. This was a radical new idea: “Blue jeans” had arrived!
    Levi’s jeans were s ppular, that his cmpany gt bigger and bigger, sn, ther firms were making blue jeans t. Miners liked them, but s did cwbys and ther wrking men. Blue jeans became classic American wrking trusers. After the Secnd Wrld War, jeans became ppular all ver the wrld. Tday, blue jeans are nw the internatinal unifrm wrn by yung peple.
    4. Why did Levi start t make jeans at first?
    A. T start a business.B. T make use f canvas.
    C. T make a difference.D. T meet the miners’ needs.
    5. What d yu knw abut “denim”?
    A. It was riginally dark blue.
    B. It was intrduced frm France.
    C. It was thught little f by cwbys.
    D. It was heavy and stiff cmpared t canvas.
    6 Which f the fllwing can best describe Levi?
    A. Diligent and hnest.B. Innvative and devted.
    C. Nble and persistent.D. Generus and warm-hearted.
    7. What is the passage mainly abut?
    A. A creative tailr.B. A lng-existing trend.
    C. The rigin f jeans.D. The famus brand f jeans.
    【答案】4. D 5. B 6. B 7. C
    细节理解题。根据第四段中的“One day, a miner tld Levi that he culd nt find trusers that were strng enugh fr wrk in the gld mines. Levi decided t make sme trusers ut f canvas.( 一天,一个矿工告诉Levi,他找不到在金矿工作时穿的结实的裤子。Levi决定用帆布做一些裤子。)”可知,有矿工告诉Levi他们找不到在金矿工作时结实的裤子,Levi决定用帆布做一些裤子,由此可知,Levi最初作牛仔裤是为了满足矿工的需要。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据第六段中的“Hwever, the canvas was rather heavy and stiff Levi therefre began t lk fr a different textile; sn he fund a heavy textile frm France; it was called serge de Nimes. Americans just called this de Nimes, and this name sn gt reduced t denim.(然而,帆布又重又硬,因此Levi开始寻找一种不同的纺织品;很快,他找到了一件来自法国的重纺织品;它叫serge de Nimes。美国人把它叫做de Nimes,这个名字很快就变成了denim。)”可知,denim是Levi寻找到的以一种纺织布,原来叫做serge de Nimes,使用来自于法国的重纺织品,叫做serge de Nimes,由此可知,denim是从法国引进的。故选B项。
    推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的“Levi Strauss therefre decided t use clred denim, and he chse dark blue. In 1873, he began t make denim trusers with metal rivets t make them strnger.(因此,Levi决定使用彩色牛仔布,他选择了深蓝色。1873年,他开始制作带有金属铆钉的牛仔裤,以使其更加坚固。)”可知,在了解到矿工不喜欢白色的牛仔布时,Levi开始选择使用深蓝色,为使牛仔裤坚固,开始制作带有金属铆钉的牛仔裤,由此可知,Levi是一个很有创新能力的人,根据第六段中的“Hwever, the canvas was rather heavy and stiff Levi therefre began t lk fr a different textile; sn he fund a heavy textile frm France;(然而,帆布又重又硬,因此Levi开始寻找一种不同的纺织品;很快,他找到了一件来自法国的重纺织品)”可知,在发现帆布存在的问题后Levi开始寻找不同的纺织品,最后找到了来自于法国的重纺织品,由此可知,Levi是一个全心全意的人,由此可知,Levi是一个富有创新思想和全心全意的人。故选B项。
    主旨大意题。根据首段“In 1996, smene fund sme very ld clthes in an ld mine in Nevada, USA; they included a pair f dirty ld jeans. Tday, thse jeans are very valuable, and they are nw in the Levi Strauss Archival Cllectin, in San Francisc. The jeans, which are ver 140 years ld, are the ldest pair f Levi’s 501 jeans in the wrld.(1996年,有在美国内华达州的一个旧矿里发现了一些非常旧的衣服;其中包括一条又脏又旧的牛仔裤。今天,这些牛仔裤非常有价值,它们现在在旧金山的Levi档案收藏中。这条牛仔裤有140多年的历史,是世界上最古老的Levi 的501牛仔裤。)”可知,本段介绍1996年发现的一件牛仔裤是世界上最古老的牛仔裤,它是Levi的501牛仔裤,由此引出本文讲述的话题,结合下文中介绍的Levi制造牛仔裤的原因,选择牛仔裤的用料和以及颜色的改进可知,本文主要介绍的是牛仔裤的由来。故选C项。
    The Amazn rainfrest spreads acrss nine Suth American cuntries but mst f it (60%) is in Brazil. Brazilian scientists think they might have fund a way t reverse the damage caused by defrestatin and turn farmland back int frest. The secret lies in ancient lcal knwledge f sil.
    Amaznian dark earth (ADE) is a thick, black sil fund deep in the Amazn rainfrest, and it culd help restre frests arund the wrld. ADE is a kind f cmpst — a sil made frm dead plants and animals. Varius kinds f cmpst are sld in gardening centers arund the wrld, but ADE is unique. It was created by indigenus peple (the descendants f peple wh lived smewhere befre anther culture arrived and tk ver) frm the Amazn between 2,000 and 2,500 years ag. The Amaznian peple, tday knwn as Amerindians, created ADE using charcal frm fires, animal bnes, fd waste and p. It cntains micrbes, including bacteria that help t turn chemicals in the sil int useful nutrients that feed plants and trees.
    Vast areas f the Amazn have been cut dwn, mstly t make way fr grassland fr raising cattle. Scientists are lking fr a way t turn grassland back int rainfrest and revive frest ecsystems. These supprt thusands f animal and plant species, many f them unique t the area. Frests als absrb lts f carbn dixide, a gas that cause climate change.
    T see if the Amazn’s special sil culd help, the scientists grew grasses and trees in ADE, regular earth and a mixture f bth. Trees grwn in ADE were up t six times taller than thse in regular sil. ADE takes hundreds f years t create, s the scientists can’t simply make mre. Team member, Dr. Siu Mui Tsai, said that instead they want t try and “cpy its characteristics”, especially its helpful micrbes, and see if it culd help t restre natural habitats.
    8. What are Brazilian scientists trying t d?
    A. T bring frests back.B. T measure damage.
    C. T reduce farmland.D. T dig ut ancient sil.
    9. What made the Amaznian dark earth special?
    A. Dead plants.B. Animal bnes.C. Fd waste.D. Bacteria inside.
    10. What is the main idea f paragraph 3?
    A. The reasns fr cutting dwn frests.B. The benefits f raising cattle.
    C. The significance f frest ecsystems.D. The influence f climate change.
    11. Which f the fllwing might Dr. Siu agree with?
    A. Amaznian dark earth is helpful t micrbes.
    B. Amaznian dark earth is prduced in large quantities.
    C. Micrbes are beneficial t the revival f frests.
    D. Micrbes are the characteristics f the natural habitats.
    【答案】8. A 9. D 10. C 11. C
    细节理解题。根据第一段中“Brazilian scientists think they might have fund a way t reverse the damage caused by defrestatin and turn farmland back int frest. The secret lies in ancient lcal knwledge f sil. (巴西科学家认为,他们可能已经找到了一种方法,可以扭转森林砍伐造成的破坏,让农田重新变成森林。秘密在于当地古老的土壤知识)”可知,这些科学家在尝试恢复被破坏的森林。故选A项。
    细节理解题。根据第二段中“The Amaznian peple, tday knwn as Amerindians, created ADE using charcal frm fires, animal bnes, fd waste and p. It cntains micrbes, including bacteria that help t turn chemicals in the sil int useful nutrients that feed plants and trees. (亚马逊人,今天被称为美洲印第安人,用木炭、动物骨头、食物垃圾和粪便创造了亚马逊黑土。它含有微生物,包括有助于将土壤中的化学物质转化为植物和树木所需的有用营养物质的细菌)”可知,亚马逊黑土的特别之处在于亚马逊人创造它的方法使它最终含有一些细菌,有利于土壤成分的转化。故选D项。
    主旨大意题。根据第三段中“Scientists are lking fr a way t turn grassland back int rainfrest and revive frest ecsystems. These supprt thusands f animal and plant species, many f them unique t the area. Frests als absrb lts f carbn dixide, a gas that cause climate change. (科学家们正在寻找一种将草原变回雨林并恢复森林生态系统的方法。这些系统滋养成千上万的动植物物种,其中许多是该地区独有的。森林还会吸收大量二氧化碳,这是一种导致气候变化的气体)”可知,本段主要介绍恢复森林生态系统带来的好处,包括滋养特有的生物,以及吸收二氧化碳,即森林生态系统的重要性。故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段中“Team member, Dr. Siu Mui Tsai, said that instead they want t try and “cpy its characteristics”, especially its helpful micrbes, and see if it culd help t restre natural habitats. (团队成员Siu Mui Tsai博士说,相反,他们想尝试“复制它的特征”,尤其是它的有益微生物,看看它是否有助于恢复自然栖息地)”可知,他希望通过创造与亚马逊黑土类似的物质,尤其是其中的有益微生物,来恢复自然栖息地。由此推知,他会赞同“微生物对森林的恢复是有益的”的观点。故选C项。
    Des it ever seem like smething is ging n with ur attentin spans? Glria Mark, an attentin researcher at the university f Califrnia, says there is scientific evidence that attentin spans have shrunk cnsiderably. “We started studying attentin span length ver 20 years ag,” Mark said. “In 2003, we fund that attentin spans averaged abut tw-and-a-half minutes n any screen befre peple switched, In the past five, six years, they are averaging 47 secnds n the screen.”
    Mark maintains that a shrter attentin span has three dwnsides: The first is that peple make mre errrs when they d attentin shifting; secnd dwnside is that it takes lnger t d smething, because we have t adjust t every new task every time we shift; the third dwnside — maybe this is the wrst f all — is that stress increases. When peple are wrking n multiple tasks and they have t shift their attentin, their bld pressure rises.
    Yu dn’t have t be a prfessr t guess at the cause f ur great distract ability: It’s technlgy, f curse-phnes, scial media, texting. It might be hard t think f the last time yu even had a tech-free hur. S she ffered a cuple f tips fr staying fcused: First, when yu feel the itch t change tasks, analyze why. If it’s just bredm r prcrastinatin (拖延症), make a deal with yurself t wrk anther 20 minutes, and then treat yurself t a reward.
    Secnd, picture yurself at the end f the day. What d yu want t have accmplished? What d yu want t feel? “A cncrete visualizatin f yurself sitting n the cuch, yu knw, watching yur favurite shw is really gd mtivatin,” she said.
    The internet has this incredible resurce available t us, s rather than be upset by it because it distracts us, hw can we turn that arund and instead find value frm it? And hw can we utilize ur time best when we use the resurces frm the Internet withut getting exhausted frm it? These questins are what Glria Mark will fcus n in her subsequent research.
    12. What is the secnd paragraph mainly abut?
    A. Negative effects f shrt attentin spans.B. Benefits f lng attentin spans.
    C. Causes f shrt attentin spans.D. Ways t deal with shrt attentin spans.
    13. What des the underlined wrd in para. 3 prbably mean?
    A. Necessity.B. Curage.C. DesireD. Chice
    14. Which f the fllwing may Glria Mark suggest?
    A. Imagining what yu will accmplish at the end f the day is a waste f time.
    B. Multitasking is a gd way t extend ur attentin span.
    C. It is necessary t think twice befre shifting yur tasks.
    D. We’d better say n t the internet smetimes as it distracts us.
    15. Which f the fllwing can be the best title f the passage?
    A. Are Our Attentin Spans Getting Shrter?B. Hw D We Live with the Internet?
    C. Is Multitasking Pssible?D. What Can We D t Make Our Attentin Spans Lnger?
    【答案】12. A 13. C 14. C 15. D
    主旨大意题。根据第二段“Mark maintains that a shrter attentin span has three dwnsides: The first is that peple make mre errrs when they d attentin shifting; secnd dwnside is that it takes lnger t d smething, because we have t adjust t every new task every time we shift; the third dwnside — maybe this is the wrst f all — is that stress increases. When peple are wrking n multiple tasks and they have t shift their attentin, their bld pressure rises.(马克认为,较短的注意力持续时间有三个缺点:首先,人们在注意力转移时犯了更多的错误;第二个缺点是,做某件事需要更长的时间,因为每次转换时,我们都必须适应每一项新任务;第三个缺点——也许是最糟糕的——是压力增加。当人们同时处理多项任务,不得不转移注意力时,他们的血压就会升高)”可知,第二段的主要内容是注意力持续时间短的负面影响。故选A。
    词句猜测题。根据划线词后文“If it’s just bredm r prcrastinatin (拖延症), make a deal with yurself t wrk anther 20 minutes, and then treat yurself t a reward.(如果只是无聊或拖延,跟自己约定再工作20分钟,然后给自己一个奖励)”可知,马克建议当你渴望改变任务的时候,要分析一下原因,来让自己保持专注。故划线词意思是“渴望”。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据第三段“S she ffered a cuple f tips fr staying fcused: First, when yu feel the itch t change tasks, analyze why. If it’s just bredm r prcrastinatin (拖延症), make a deal with yurself t wrk anther 20 minutes, and then treat yurself t a reward.(因此,她提供了一些保持专注的建议:首先,当你想要改变任务时,分析一下原因。如果只是无聊或拖延,跟自己约定再工作20分钟,然后给自己一个奖励)”可知,格洛丽亚·马克建议在改变你的任务之前,有必要三思而后行。故选C。
    主旨大意题。根据第一段“Des it ever seem like smething is ging n with ur attentin spans? Glria Mark, an attentin researcher at the university f Califrnia, says there is scientific evidence that attentin spans have shrunk cnsiderably.(我们的注意力有没有出现过变化?加利福尼亚大学的注意力研究员Glria Mark表示,有科学证据表明,注意力持续时间已经大幅缩短)”结合文章主要说明了有科学证据表明,注意力持续时间已经大幅缩短。文章说明了较短的注意力持续时间有三个缺点、注意力持续时间变短的原因以及我们如何应对的建议。由此可知,D选项“我们能做些什么来延长注意力的持续时间?”最符合文章标题。故选D。
    When yu have muntains f hmewrk and studying ahead, getting started can seem like an impssible task. ____16____ Read n t learn hw t stp prcrastinating (拖延) n studying, fcus even when yu’re tired, and get mtivated t d yur schlwrk!
    Start with yur easiest task t get the ball rlling. ____17____ When yu really dn’t feel like getting started, it’s better t set yurself up fr a quick win. Try wrking frm the shrtest t the mst time-intensive task, and wrk frm easiest prject t the hardest. Once yu finish a small step r tw, yu’ll get an awesme sense f accmplishment that’ll make it easier t keep ging!
    ____18____ Pick a few tasks yu can accmplish in just ne sitting. Divide yur larger studying gals int small, cncrete steps. Identify specific, achievable gals that yu can wrk n ne at a time. This way, yu can make gd prgress, and achieving each gal will make yu feel accmplished at the end f yur study sessin.
    Reward yurself when yu cmplete a task. Treat yurself t help yu stay mtivated and make studying fun. If yu’re in the middle f a study sessin, yu can take a quick walk, eat a granla bar, r listen t a favrite sng. ____19____
    Wrk with yur friends r a tutr. Psitive peer pressure can be a great mtivatr! Unless wrking with thers creates mre f a distractin, find a study buddy r grup yu can cllabrate with. ____20____ If grup studying desn’t wrk fr yu, find a tutr wh can help yu wrk thrugh yur assignments.
    A. Break dwn yur wrk int smaller pieces.
    B. Set gals tgether, and check-in alng the way.
    C. Make things less stressful by starting with just a small task.
    D. Try a fresh apprach t yur studies if yu’re sick f reading and writing.
    E. We’ll teach yu hw t get int the right frame f mind befre yu start studying.
    F. If yu’ve finished yur study sessin, feel free t wind dwn by playing a vide game.
    G. If yu’re t attend a cllege, each small study meeting will get yu clser t yur dream.
    【答案】16. E 17. C 18. A 19. F 20. B
    根据上文“When yu have muntains f hmewrk and studying ahead, getting started can seem like an impssible task.(当你有堆积如山的作业和学习时,开始似乎是一项不可能完成的任务)”以及后文“Read n t learn hw t stp prcrastinating (拖延) n studying, fcus even when yu’re tired, and get mtivated t d yur schlwrk!(继续往下读,学习如何在学习上不再拖延,即使累了也要集中精力,并且有动力去做功课!)”可知,后文主要介绍了如何完成作业,集中精力有动力去做功课,故E选项“我们会教你如何在开始学习之前进入正确的心态”符合语境,故选E。
    根据上文“Start with yur easiest task t get the ball rlling.(从你最简单的任务开始)”以及后文“When yu really dn’t feel like getting started, it’s better t set yurself up fr a quick win. Try wrking frm the shrtest t the mst time-intensive task, and wrk frm easiest prject t the hardest. Once yu finish a small step r tw, yu’ll get an awesme sense f accmplishment that’ll make it easier t keep ging!(当你真的不想开始的时候,最好让自己做好快速获胜的准备。试着从最短的任务到最耗时的任务,从最简单的项目到最难的项目。一旦你完成了一两小步,你就会有一种很棒的成就感,这会让你更容易继续前进!)”可知,本段的建议是从最简单的任何开始,从最短的任务到最耗时的任务,且提到了完成了一两小步。由此可知,此处在建议把任务分成小任务去完成,并说明这么做的原因。故C选项“从一个小任务开始,减轻压力”符合语境,故选C。
    根据本段内容“Pick a few tasks yu can accmplish in just ne sitting. Divide yur larger studying gals int small, cncrete steps. Identify specific, achievable gals that yu can wrk n ne at a time. This way, yu can make gd prgress, and achieving each gal will make yu feel accmplished at the end f yur study sessin.(挑选一些你可以一次完成的任务。把大的学习目标分成小的、具体的步骤。确定具体的,可实现的目标,你可以一次完成一个。这样,你可以取得很好的进步,实现每个目标会让你在学习结束时感到很有成就感)”可知,本段的建议是把大的学习目标分成小的、具体的步骤,故A选项“把你的工作分成更小的部分”符合语境,故选A。
    根据上文“Reward yurself when yu cmplete a task. Treat yurself t help yu stay mtivated and make studying fun. If yu’re in the middle f a study sessin, yu can take a quick walk, eat a granla bar, r listen t a favrite sng.(完成任务后奖励自己。善待自己,让自己保持动力,让学习变得有趣。如果你正在学习,你可以散个步,吃个格兰诺拉麦片,或者听一首喜欢的歌)”可知,本段建议完成任何后奖励自己,本句为本段最后一句,故与上文并列,都是就如何奖励自己进行举例。故F选项“如果你已经完成了学习,可以打个电子游戏放松一下”符合语境,故选F。
    根据上文“Wrk with yur friends r a tutr. Psitive peer pressure can be a great mtivatr! Unless wrking with thers creates mre f a distractin, find a study buddy r grup yu can cllabrate with.(和你的朋友或家庭教师一起学习。积极的同伴压力是一个很好的动力!除非和别人一起学习会让你分心,否则找一个可以合作的学习伙伴或小组)”可知,本句承接上文具体说明如何和学习伙伴或小组一起学习,故B选项“共同设定目标,并在此过程中进行检查”符合语境,故选B。
    第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    Mst 13-year-lds might have spent thse three years preccupied with schlwrk r hanging ut with mates. One teenager, hwever, spent his nights sleeping in a ____21____ t raise mney fr the hspice (安养院) that lked after his friend. Nw, Max Wsey has decided t g back indrs after three years and his years-lng fundraising campaign has ____22____ mre than £700,000 in charitable dnatins.
    “I lve camping, it’s ne f my ____23____ things and I’m definitely ging t miss it,” he said. “I think the highlight wuld have t be the secnd camp ut, ____24____ that year was the hardest.” “The first year was quite nice but the secnd was ____25____ and there were wrse strms. It was really ____26____ fr me because all my friends and family were there.” He said that althugh the wind and rain prved t be ____27____ adversaries (对手), it was last summer’s heatwave that almst ____28____ him t return t the cmfrts f his bedrm. “____29____, it was hrrible, and when there’s a heatwave yur tent turns int a greenhuse. It was abslutely biling,” he said. On the prspect f sleeping inside n a ____30____ basis again, he said: “I think it’s ging t be weird (怪异的) the first few nights but I think it is time t cme inside nw. There are future ____31____ that we are hping can becme pssible. It is ging t be strange but I’m just ging t have t ____32____ it.”
    Speaking t ITV’s Gd Mrning Britain, he said: “My friend Rick was abslutely amazing. He ____33____ the utdrs, he enjyed sprts and we gt alng really well. The Nrth Devn hspice just tk brilliant care f him and I wanted t say thank yu in the ____34____ way I culd. S I started sleeping utside and I tried t raise as much mney as I culd fr them.” Dnatins will g t Nrth Devn hspice, which will make a ____35____ t the patients and families.
    21. A. htelB. huseC. bedrmD. tent
    22. A. raisedB. dnatedC. savedD. earned
    23. A. efficientB. ridiculusC. dangerusD. favurite
    24. A. butB. becauseC. sD. unless
    25. A. easierB. strngerC. tugherD. nicer
    26. A. helpfulB. meaningfulC. terribleD. simple
    27. A. brilliantB. cmmittedC. reliableD. tricky
    28. A. frcedB. trubledC. cmmandedD. banned
    29. A. ApparentlyB. CertainlyC. HnestlyD. Equally
    30. A. sundB. regularC. vluntaryD. ccasinal
    31. A. adventuresB. jurneysC. applicatinsD. generatins
    32. A. take verB. pass verC. get verD. engage in
    33. A. respectedB. recalledC. annyedD. lved
    34. A. biggestB. hardestC. earliestD. easiest
    35. A. prpsalB. cntributinC. differenceD. dnatin
    【答案】21. D 22. A 23. D 24. B 25. C 26. B 27. D 28. A 29. C 30. B 31. A 32. C 33. D 34. A 35. C
    【导语】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述13岁少年Max Wsey通过在野外露营来进行慈善筹款的故事。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而,一个少年为了给照顾他朋友的临终关怀医院筹集善款,在帐篷里过夜。A. htel宾馆;B. huse房子;C. bedrm卧室;D. tent帐篷。根据后文“Nw, Max Wsey has decided t g back indrs”以及“I lve camping”可知,一个少年为了给照顾他朋友的临终关怀医院筹集善款,在帐篷里过夜。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:现在,马克斯·伍西决定在三年后回到室内,他长达数年的筹款活动已经筹集了超过70万英镑的慈善捐款。A. raised筹集;B. dnated捐赠;C. saved挽救;D. earned赚得。呼应上文“t raise mney fr the hspice”指他为收容所筹集资金,已经筹集了超过70万英镑的慈善捐款。故选A。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“我喜欢露营,这是我最喜欢的事情之一,我肯定会想念它,”他说。A. efficient有效的;B. ridiculus可笑的;C. dangerus危险的;D. favurite最爱的。根据上文“I lve camping”可知,露营是他最喜欢的事情。故选D。
    考查连词词义辨析。句意:“我认为最精彩的部分应该是第二个夏令营,因为那一年是最艰难的一年。”A. but但是;B. because因为;C. s所以;D. unless除非。分析可知设空处引导原因状语从句,表示“因为”应用because。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“第一年很好,但第二年更艰难,还有更严重的风暴。”A. easier更容易的;B. strnger更强的;C. tugher更难的;D. nicer更好的。根据上文“that year was the hardest”可知,第二年更为艰难。故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这对我来说真的很有意义,因为我所有的朋友和家人都在那里。A. helpful有帮助的;B. meaningful有意义的;C. terrible糟糕的;D. simple简单的。根据后文“fr me because all my friends and family were there”可知,朋友和家人都支持他,即这是有意义的事情。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他说,虽然事实证明风和雨是棘手的对手,但去年夏天的热浪几乎迫使他回到舒适的卧室。A. brilliant出色的;B. cmmitted忠诚的;C. reliable可靠的;D. tricky棘手的。根据上文“the wind and rain prved t be”可知,风雨对于露营来说很棘手。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他说,虽然事实证明风和雨是棘手的对手,但去年夏天的热浪几乎迫使他回到舒适的卧室。A. frced迫使;B. trubled麻烦;C. cmmanded命令;D. banned禁止。根据上文“it was last summer’s heatwave”指夏天的热浪迫使他回到卧室。故选A。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:“老实说,这太可怕了,当有热浪时,你的帐篷就变成了温室。简直沸腾了,”他说。A. Apparently显然;B. Certainly当然;C. Hnestly诚实地;D. Equally平等地。后文“it was hrrible, and when there’s a heatwave yur tent turns int a greenhuse. It was abslutely biling (这太可怕了,当有热浪时,你的帐篷就变成了温室。简直沸腾了)”是他在诚实地说明自己的感受,故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在谈到再次定期睡在室内的可能性时,他说:“我想头几个晚上会很奇怪,但我想现在是时候回到室内了。A. sund无损伤的;B. regular定期的;C. vluntary志愿的;D. ccasinal偶尔的。根据上文“On the prspect f sleeping inside n a”可知,他如今回到了室内,所以是再次定期睡在室内。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:“我们希望未来的冒险能够成为可能。”A. adventures冒险;B. jurneys旅程;C. applicatins应用;D. generatins世代。后文“It is ging t be strange”提到了会感觉奇怪,所以是未来的冒险,故选A。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:“这将会很奇怪,但我必须克服它。”A. take ver接管;B. pass ver忽略;C. get ver克服;D. engage in参与。根据上文“It is ging t be strange but I’m just ging t have t”中but表示转折,说明虽然奇怪,但必须克服。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他喜欢户外活动,喜欢运动,我们相处得很好。A. respected尊重;B. recalled回想起;C. annyed恼怒;D. lved爱。根据后文“the utdrs, he enjyed sprts and we gt alng really well”可知,他喜欢户外活动,喜欢运动,故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:北德文郡临终关怀医院对他照顾非常周到,我想对你们说声最诚挚的感谢。A. biggest最大的;B. hardest最难的;C. earliest最早的;D. easiest最容易的。根据上文“I wanted t say thank yu in the”此处指表达最诚挚的感谢,短语为thank yu in the biggest way。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:捐款将捐给北德文郡临终关怀医院,这将对病人和家属产生影响。A. prpsal提议;B. cntributin贡献;C. difference差异;D. dnatin捐赠。根据后文“t the patients and families”指这笔捐款将对病人和家属产生影响,短语make a difference表示“产生影响”。故选C。
    第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    There are a few ways Chinese restaurants are different frm Western restaurants. In the West, everyne always gets their wn menu ____36____ rders their wn fd. Since the tables are usually small, it is quite difficult t talk t r even see mre than a few peple during the meal. Hwever, ____37____ mdern China, usually everyne sits at large rund tables where it is easy t see and talk with each ther, even if it is ____38____ rather large grup. When the fd cmes and is put in the middle f the table, everyne then serves ____39____ (them) by taking a small bit f fd. Just as in the West, peple can chse what they want t eat. But in the West, ____40____ (imprtant) is placed n the individual and having ne’s wn preferences, while in China n sharing and cmmunity. Everyne still gets what they want, but it is a ____41____ (share) experience. Since peple ____42____ (seat) at arund table, everyne is treated equally. N ne is given ____43____ (great) pwer ver anther. Nevertheless, respect is still shwn t lder peple r peple f higher status, as they always sit at the far end f the rm ____44____ (face) the dr.
    China has many different styles f fd, a wide range f ingredients and cking methds. Therefre, when yu are in China yu shuld make an effrt _____45_____ (enjy) Chinese fd as the Chinese d — as a grup experience — a time fr sharing, family, and friendship.
    【答案】36. and
    37. in 38. a
    39. themselves
    40. imprtance
    41. shared 42. are seated
    43. greater
    44. facing 45. t enjy
    考查连词。句意:在西方,每个人都有自己的菜单,自己点食物。分析句子可知,空处连接前后两个谓语成分gets their wn menu和rders their wn fd,两者之间是顺承关系,应用并列连词and。故填and。
    考查介词。句意:然而,在现代中国,通常每个人都坐在大圆桌旁,这样很容易看到彼此并交谈,即使是一个相当大的群体。分析句子可知,空处和空后的mdern China构成句子的状语,根据上文“In the West”可知,此处是进行比较,指“在现代中国”,应用介词in。故填in。
    考查名词。句意:但在西方,重要的是个人和有自己的喜好,而在中国,是分享和团体。分析句子可知,空处作句子的主语,imprtant的名词形式imprtance“重要性”符合题意,为不可数名词,固定短语place imprtance n表示“重视”。故填imprtance。
    考查时态语态和主谓一致。句意:由于人们围坐在桌子旁,每个人都被平等对待。分析句子可知,空处作从句的谓语,此处在描述通常性的事实,时态应用一般现在时,seat“使就座”和主语peple之间是被动关系,应用被动语态,且主语是复数,be动词应用are。故填are seated。
    考查形容词比较级。句意:没有人被赋予比别人更大的权力。根据“pwer ver anther”可推知,此处表示比较的概念,指被赋予比别人“更大的”权力,空处应用great的比较级形式。故填greater。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:因此,当你在中国时,你应该努力像中国人一样享受中国菜——作为一种集体体验——一种分享、家庭和友谊的时刻。根据“make an effrt”可知,此处用固定短语make an effrt t d sth.表示“努力做某事”,空处应用enjy的不定式形式。故填t enjy。
    46. 假定你是李华,你校将于下个月举办英语书写大赛,请你写一封电子邮件,邀请英国交换生Peter参赛,内容包括:
    1. 发出邀请;
    2. 介绍比赛安排;
    3. 希望尽快回复。
    1. 词数80左右;
    2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    Dear Peter,
    Li Hua
    【答案】Dear Peter,
    I hpe this email finds yu well. I'm writing t extend a warm invitatin fr yu t participate in ur upcming English Essay Writing Cmpetitin, which will take place next mnth at ur schl.
    The theme fr this cmpetitin is “The Pwer f Wrds” and essays shuld be limited t 500 wrds. The cmpetitin will take place n the 20th f next mnth and the winner will be awarded a cash prize f $500.
    We wuld be delighted if yu culd cnfirm yur participatin by the end f this week.
    Li Hua
    参加:participate in→take part in
    原句:The theme fr this cmpetitin is “The Pwer f Wrds” and essays shuld be limited t 500 wrds.
    拓展句:The theme fr this cmpetitin is “The Pwer f Wrds”, where essays shuld be limited t 500 wrds.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] I'm writing t extend a warm invitatin fr yu t participate in ur upcming English Essay Writing Cmpetitin, which will take place next mnth at ur schl. (运用了which引导非限制性定语从句)
    [高分句型2] We wuld be delighted if yu culd cnfirm yur participatin by the end f this week. (运用了if引导条件状语从句)
    47. 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。
    Charlie was very bedient t his parents and teachers, fr which everyne lved him a lt. Due t his father’s jb, his family mved t a new city, where he entered a new schl. As Charlie was a gd by, sn mst f his new classmates became his gd friends. The teachers als praised this new by, because f his intelligence and nice behavir t all.
    But there was ne by in the class wh did nt like Charlie at all! His name was Bill and he was a very naughty by, fr which n ne liked him at all. He fund that Charlie was a quiet by. S he started creating trubles fr his new classmate. At the lunchtime, when Charlie was having lunch, Bill came up t him and asked, “Hey, what d yu have fr lunch?” “It’s cake and sweets,” Charlie replied with a smile.
    “I lve sweets and s I will eat this fd tday.” Bill said grudgingly. He snatched the lunch bx frm Charlie. The ther bys sitting arund were furius, but n ne dared t prtest due t fears f being bullied by Bill and his little gang.
    Frm that day n, Bill regularly ate Charlie’s lunch and even threw away the water frm his water bttle ne day. But Charlie still kept quiet and did nt cmplain t the teacher. Bill never did his hmewrk and always frced the gd bys f the class, including Charlie, t write it dwn n his cpy fr him! When Charlie’s parents learned abut all these bullies f Bill, they wanted t cme t the schl and cmplain abut this naughty by. But Charlie stpped them and said, “Mm, Dad, please d nt wrry. Everything will be all right. After all, Bill is als a kid like me.”
    The days went by and the time came fr the annual sprts at the schl. Charlie was als gd at sprts and he participated in a number f events. Bill als participated in sack race (套袋赛跑), thugh he culd nt run very fast due t his fat bdy.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Seeing Charlie wn first prize in 100 meters, Bill felt very bad and then made a decisin.
    Charlie then tk Bill t the schl dctr wh tended his injured leg.
    Seeing Charlie wn first prize in 100 meters, Bill felt very bad and then made a decisin. Sn it was the time fr the sank race. Bill shwed up n the track early, thinking he wuld spare n effrt in this game t beat Charlie. When the race began, Bill glanced at Charlie next t him and said ,“I will beat yu definitely.” Then Bill jumped frward with all his strength at his first attempt. Slwly Charlie was left behind, but suddenly Bill tripped and fell nt the grund. When Charlie came t him, he fund Bill’s ankle was bleeding and he culdn’t get up.
    Charlie then tk Bill t the schl dctr wh tended his injured leg. Charlie didn’t g back and gave up the race at last. Lking at Charlie, Bill lwered his head full f shame. After a while, he pened his muth and said sincerely, “I’m srry. I knw I was wrng and beg fr yur frgiveness.” Charlie respnded immediately with a smile, “frm tday n we will be friends frever.” S since that day Bill has changed cmpletely.
    ①竭尽全力:try ne's best/use all his strength/exert all his energies
    ②受伤:hutt his ankle/trip himself
    ③站起来:get up/stand up
    ①羞愧:full f shame/ashamed/blushed
    ②放弃:give up/quit
    【点睛】[高分句型1]Bill shwed up n the track early, thinking he wuld spare n effrt in this game t beat Charlie.(运用了现在分词作状语)
    [高分句型2] I knw I was wrng and beg fr yur frgiveness.(运用了省略that的宾语从句)

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