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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例:How much is the shirt?
    A. £ 19.15 B. £ 9.18. C. £ 9.15
    1. What is Tom going to do?
    A. Give a speech.
    B. Listen to a speech.
    C. Prepare for a speech.
    2. When do afternoon classes start?
    A. At 12:00. B. At 1:00. C. At 1:30.
    3. What does the woman suggest the man do?
    A. Cook a big supper. B. Check his report. C. Meet Dr. Smith first.
    4. Where does the conversation probably take place?
    A. At a laundry. B. At a restaurant. C. At a clothing store.
    5. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
    A. A party. B. An exam. C. A match.
    6. What is the relationship between the speakers?
    A. Classmates.
    B. Family members.
    C. Photographer and customer.
    7. Why does the woman refuse to be photographed at first?
    A. She looks terrible now.
    B. She doesn’t like it.
    C. She is too busy.
    8. What do we know about the hotel in Sitges?
    A. It’s far from the beach.
    B. It’s beside a busy road.
    C. It’s near a bus stop.
    9 What can people enjoy in the hotel in Sitges?
    A. Football games. B. KTV. C. Keep-fit classes.
    10. What will the speakers do next?
    A. Ask for a lower price
    B. Look around the hotel.
    C. Complain to the manager.
    11. How long did Jessie work in General Motors?
    A. One month. B. One year. C. Three years.
    12. Why did Jessie go to America?
    A. For marriage. B. For work. C. For study.
    13. What position does Jessie apply for?
    A. A teacher. B. An editor. C. A secretary.
    14. When does the man plan to go to the new museum?
    A. On Friday. B. On Saturday. C. On Sunday.
    15. Why does the man look worried?
    A. He can’t meet with his friends.
    B. He can’t get the movie ticket.
    C. He can’t go to the concert.
    16. What will Mary do tomorrow?
    A. Enjoy a concert.
    B. Receive some guests.
    C. Cook the dinner.
    17. What is Mary’s attitude toward the man’s arrangement in the end?
    A. Angry. B. Happy. C. Disappointed.
    18. What is the speaker doing?
    A. Delivering a speech.
    B. Introducing a restaurant.
    C. Organizing a conference.
    19. Where did the Slow Food Movement start?
    A. In Spain. B. In Japan. C. In Italy.
    20. What does the speaker think Slow Food is more about?
    A. Tradition. B. Lifestyles. C. Healthy food.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    Anxious to keep healthy? Trying to find tips on it? Just see what these experts said to you
    Eat in Season
    “The vegetables in seasons provide the lowest cost, best taste and most nutrition,” said registered dietitian Jill Nussinow, “If possible, grow your own or shop at a farmers market or store with high produce turnover. Become familiar with what’s in season”.
    Stay Hydrated(含水的)
    “Drink at least 3 liters of water daily, but no more than 1 gallon,” said Trinity Perkins, a certified personal trainer, ISSA performance nutrition specialist. “Staying hydrated s essential to your progress-weight loss, energy, immune system functioning and more!” Staying hydrated ensures your body function properly and efficiently.
    Eat Slower and Stop Before You’re Full
    “This is probably one of the most important rules of healthy eating; it means eating until you are satisfied, not stuffed beyond belief,” said Darin Hu slander, a verified nutritionist. “This allows your brain signals to kick in and tell your body when its full and ready to stop eating.”
    Cut Down on Sugar
    Weight gain, heart disease, diabetes, and the list of health issues associated with consuming too much added sugar continue to pile up. The amount of sugar people ingest (摄入) has been climbing. Check the ingredients before you decide on food which is high in sugar to keep you feeling satisfied. When your sweet tooth kicks in, reach for some fruit.
    1. What does Jill Nussinow advise us to do?
    A. To find the cheapest vegetables. B. To start a shop at a farmers market.
    C. To learn the knowledge of seasons. D. To grow vegetables for ourselves.
    2. What does Darin Hu slander want to stress?
    A. The quality of food. B. The quantity of food.
    C. The type of food. D. The taste of food.
    3. How can we cut down on sugar?
    A. To drop food high in sugar for fruit.
    B. To pile up health problems with sugar.
    C. To take more exercise such as climbing.
    D. To check the ingredients of any food.
    【答案】1. D 2. B 3. A
    细节理解题。根据文章第二段““The vegetables in seasons provide the lowest cost, best taste and most nutrition,” said registered dietitian Jill Nussinow, “If possible, grow your own or shop at a farmers market or store with high produce turnover. Become familiar with what’s in season”.(注册营养师Jill Nussinow说:“应季蔬菜成本最低,味道最好,营养最多。如果可能的话,自己种植,或者在农产品周转率高的农贸市场或商店购买。了解当季的食物。”)”可知,Jill Nussinow认为我们可以自己种植蔬菜或者在农产品周转率高的农贸市场或商店购买。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据文章第四段““This is probably one of the most important rules of healthy eating; it means eating until you are satisfied, not stuffed beyond belief,” said Darin Hu slander, a verified nutritionist. “This allows your brain signals to kick in and tell your body when its full and ready to stop eating.”(“这可能是健康饮食最重要的规则之一;它意味着吃到你饱,而不是吃到撑,”资深营养学家Darin Hu说。“这会让你的大脑发出信号,告诉你的身体什么时候吃饱了,什么时候可以停止进食。”)”可知,Darin Hu想要强调的是吃的量。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据文章最后一段“When your sweet tooth kicks in, reach for some fruit.(当你开始想吃甜食的时候,吃点水果吧)”可知,作者建议当我们想吃甜食时,为了减少糖分摄入,我们可以放弃高糖食物,多吃水果。故选A。
    Sean Elliot Martin and Pancho Timmons are friends on a mission to change the world, one small act of kindness at a time. That’s the subject of their new book, Quick and Easy World Change, which they released as an e-book.
    The project is inspired by another kindness-related book Martin worked on years ago. The latest one takes parts of the first book and updates it with more inspiring stories and lists of little things people can do daily to spread goodness wherever they go. “Make a game of giving—you can assign yourself points for different little things,” Martin said. “How many doors can I open each day for someone with their hands full? Or how many different ways can I help someone today? Or how many good deeds can I think of?” It also addresses the concept of compound kindness—a domino effect of good deeds. “If you are kind to one person, he’s likely to be kind to two to five people,” Martin said.
    Both authors’ lives have been impacted by the kindness of others, they each explained. Quick and Easy World Change is their way to pay those experiences forward. For Timmons, a teacher’s mercy in college was a turning point for him. “I did all the things I was supposed to do-worked hard, studied hard-and ended up failing pretty miserably,” he recalled. “But the professor pulled me aside and said, ‘You’re an A student turning in C and D. work because you’re clearly dyslexic (阅读障碍) and not getting the help you need.” “That 5-minute conversation was the difference between dropping out of college and getting two master’s degrees and now running two companies, Timmons said. “I’ve spent my career trying to pay that forward.”
    With the electronic version available, their plan is to release hard copies. The authors hope people will use it like a workbook, a document they can mark up, reflect on and use to make their lives-and the lives of others better.
    4. What is the book Quick and Easy World Change about?
    A. Positive effects of kindness. B. Dreams realized by the authors.
    C. Ways to feel good every day. D. Small acts of kindness.
    5. What does “the concept of compound kindness” in paragraph 2 mean?
    A. Being kind is a life-long mission.
    B. Helping others will make your day.
    C. It is easy to step out of the comfort zone.
    D. An act of kindness can set off a chain of events.
    6. How was Timmons’ life influenced by others’ kindness?
    A. His dyslexic was successfully cured.
    B. His scores were changed by others.
    C. A teacher comforted him with warm words.
    D. A professor assisted him in getting master’s degrees.
    7. In what form is the book accessible to readers?
    A. Electronic version. B. Hard copy.
    C. School workbook. D. Document.
    【答案】4. D 5. D 6. C 7. A
    【导语】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍的是Sean Elliot Martin和Pancho Timmons两位一起出版的新书Quick and Easy World Change。
    细节理解题。根据第一段“Sean Elliot Martin and Pancho Timmons are friends on a mission to change the world, one small act of kindness at a time. That’s the subject of their new book, Quick and Easy World Change, which they released as an e-book.(Sean Elliot Martin和Pancho Timmons是朋友,他们的使命是改变世界,一次做一件小小的善举。这就是他们的新书Quick and Easy World Change的主题,这本书以电子书的形式发行。)”可知,Quick and Easy World Change这本书是关于小小的善举产生的积极影响。故选D。
    词句猜测题。根据第二段的“If you compliment one person, they’re likely to compliment two to five people(如果你赞美一个人,他们可能会赞美两到五个人)”可知,一个善举会引起其他更多的善举,由此猜测“the concept of compound kindness”的意思是“一个善举可以引发一连串的事件”。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的“For Timmons, a teacher’s compassion in college was a turning point for him. “I did all the things I was supposed to do—worked hard, studied hard—and ended up failing pretty miserably,” he recalled. “But the professor pulled me aside and said, ‘You’re an A student turning in C and D work because you’re clearly dyslexic (读写困难) and not getting the help you need.” “That 5-minute conversation was the difference between dropping out of college and getting two master’s degrees and now running two companies,” Timmons said. “I’ve spent my career trying to pay that forward.”(对Timmons来说,大学里老师的同情是他人生的转折点。“我做了所有我应该做的事情——努力工作,努力学习——结果却惨败,”他回忆道。“但是教授把我拉到一边,说,‘你是一个A的学生,却交出了C和D的作业,因为你明显有阅读障碍,没有得到你需要的帮助’。蒂蒙斯说:“那5分钟的谈话就决定了我从大学退学,拿到两个硕士学位,到现在经营两家公司。”“我的整个职业生涯都在努力传递这种精神。”)”可知,一位老师用热情洋溢的话语安慰他,这种善意影响了他。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据第一段“That’s the subject of their new book, Quick and Easy World Change, which they released as an e-book.(这就是他们的新书Quick and Easy World Change的主题,这本书以电子书的形式发行)”可知,这本书是电子版本的。故选A。
    For motorcycle enthusiasts, nothing beats the excitement of riding your motorcycle on the open highway with the wind on your back. With gas prices rising, riding motorcycles is economical and a much greener way to travel. Along with the benefits comes the risk of personal injury if an accident occurs. After all, you’re not protected by steel like you are while driving your car. Besides a helmet (头盔), the latest safety innovations, new airbag jeans, are personal airbags that you can wear to better protect your life.
    Airbags have been protecting people in car accidents for decades. Now, a Swedish company, Mo’cycle, teamed up with an airbag technology company which previously produced upper body protection for motorcycle riders, to design and produce the airbags jeans. This kind of airbag can offer protection for the motorcycle rider’s lower body, especially the tailbone, in case of an accident. According to the company, “It reformed the airbag technology to protect the first bone of the spinal column (脊柱), because spinal column injury is the leading cause of disability among motorcycle riders.”
    The airbag jeans look like conventional trousers. Its component is removable and the jeans can be washed, dried, and worn again. The jeans are made of a fabric called Armalith which is stronger and weighs less than steel. Armalith helps to prevent riders from injuries caused by force of friction after a fall. The airbags fixed into the fabric help protect the rider if he or she falls off the motorcycle. If the rider is separated from the vehicle, the airbags are touched off in seconds. That’s because the mechanism is actually a chain that connects the jeans to the motorcycle.
    Mo’cycle’s airbag jeans are available on the company’s crowdfunding campaign along with an airbag shirt and a complete protection package. Obviously, they can provide protection for more motorcycle riders. Making the roads safer for them is certainly a worthy effort.
    8. What is the purpose of Paragraph 1?
    A. To show the popularity of motorcycles. B. To stress the necessity of airbags jeans.
    C. To state the importance of wearing helmets. D. To display the excitement of highway riding.
    9. What can be inferred from Paragraph 2?
    A. The tailbone injuries are hard to identify.
    B. Airbags offer overall protection for riders.
    C. Mo cycle is famous for airbag design and production.
    D. The airbag jeans are based on the existing technology.
    10. What is a feature of airbag jeans?
    A. They lead a new fashion trend. B. They are comfortable to wear.
    C. They are quick in response. D. They need fixing regularly.,
    11. How does the author feel about the future of the airbag jeans?
    A. Indifferent. B. Uncertain. C. Promising. D. Curious.
    【答案】8. B 9. D 10. C 11. C
    推理判断题。根据第一段“For motorcycle enthusiasts, nothing beats the excitement of riding your motorcycle on the open highway with the wind on your back. With gas prices rising, riding motorcycles is economical and a much greener way to travel. Along with the benefits comes the risk of personal injury if an accident occurs. After all, you’re not protected by steel like you are while driving your car. Besides a helmet (头盔), the latest safety innovations, new airbag jeans, are personal airbags that you can wear to better protect your life.(对于摩托车爱好者来说,没有什么比骑着摩托车在开阔的高速公路上迎风而行更令人兴奋的了。随着汽油价格的上涨,骑摩托车是一种既经济又环保的出行方式。随着这些好处而来的是,如果发生事故,人身伤害的风险。毕竟,你不像开车时那样受到钢铁的保护。除了头盔之外,最新的安全创新产品——新型安全气囊牛仔裤——是一种个人安全气囊,你可以穿上它来更好地保护你的生命)”可推知,第一段的目的是强调安全气囊牛仔裤的必要性。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据第二段“Now, a Swedish company, Mo’cycle, teamed up with an airbag technology company which previously produced upper body protection for motorcycle riders, to design and produce the airbags jeans. This kind of airbag can offer protection for the motorcycle rider’s lower body, especially the tailbone, in case of an accident. According to the company, “It reformed the airbag technology to protect the first bone of the spinal column (脊柱), because spinal column injury is the leading cause of disability among motorcycle riders.”(现在,一家瑞典公司Mo’cycle与一家安全气囊技术公司合作,设计和生产安全气囊牛仔裤。该公司之前为摩托车手生产上半身保护装置。这种安全气囊可以在发生事故时保护摩托车骑手的下半身,特别是尾骨。据该公司介绍,“它改革了安全气囊技术,以保护脊柱的第一块骨头,因为脊柱损伤是摩托车骑手致残的主要原因。”)”可推知,安全气囊牛仔裤是基于现有技术。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“If the rider is separated from the vehicle, the airbags are touched off in seconds.(如果骑手与车辆分离,安全气囊会在几秒钟内被触发)”可知,安全气囊牛仔裤的特点反应迅速。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“Obviously, they can provide protection for more motorcycle riders. Making the roads safer for them is certainly a worthy effort.(显然,他们可以为更多的摩托车骑手提供保护。让道路对他们来说更安全当然是值得的)”可推知,作者认为安全气囊牛仔裤的未来很有前途。故选C。
    NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has taken its first image of a planet outside of our solar system. The telesco pe recorded four different views of HIP 65426 b, a large planet about 6 latest one takes to 12 times the mass of the planet Jupiter.
    “This is a historic moment, not only for Webb but also for astronomy generally,” said Sasha Hinkley, associate professor of physics and astronomy at the University of Exeter. Astronomers discovered HIP 65426 b in 2017 using the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope in Chile. It is a young exoplanet (系外行星) around 15 to 20 million years ole-Earth is 4.5 billion years old.
    According to NASA, taking direct images of exoplanets presents a challenge because stars are much brighter than their surrounding planets-HIP65426 b is more than 10,000 times duller than its host star in the near-infrared(近红外光), and a few thousand times duller in the mid-infrared.
    Webb has a near-infrared camera and mid-infrared instrument, which are both equipped with coronagraphs (日冕仪). “It was really impressive how well the Webb coronagraphs worked to suppress the light of the host star,” Prof. Hinkley said. Since the planet is around 100 times further away from its host star than Earth is from the Sun, the telescope can easily separate it from the star in the image.
    Although this is not the first direct image of an exoplanet taken from space, as the Hubble Space Telescope has taken direct exoplanet images previously, the image points the way to future observations that will disclose more information about exoplanets. “I think what’s most exciting is that we’ve only just begun,” said Aarynn Carter, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of California. “There are many more images of exoplanets to come that will shape our overall understanding of their physics, chemistry and formation. We may even discover previously unknown planets, too.”
    12. What do we know about HIP65426 b?
    A. It was first observed in Chile. B. It is a planet of the solar system.
    C. It is about the size of Jupiter. D. It has a longer history than Earth.
    13. Why is it hard to take direct images of HIP 65426 b?
    A. It’s very close to its host star. B. Infrared cameras can’t spot it.
    C. It’s surrounded by other planets. D. The light of its host star is too strong.
    14. The underlined word “suppress” in paragraph 4 can be replaced by .
    A. strengthen B. block C. check D. adjust
    15. What does Aarynn Carter say about the image of HIP 65426 b?
    A. It is the only image of exoplanets.
    B. It is useful in exploring other exoplanets.
    C. It has already provided details of the exoplanets.
    D. It helps understand the solar system better.
    【答案】12. A 13. D 14. B 15. B
    【导语】本文是一篇新闻报道。文章主要报道了美国宇航局的詹姆斯·韦伯太空望远镜首次拍摄到太阳系外行星的图像。该望远镜记录了HIP 65426 b的四种不同视角,这是一颗大约6倍于木星质量的大行星。
    细节理解题。根据文章第二段“Astronomers discovered HIP 65426 b in 2017 using the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope in Chile.( 2017年,天文学家在智利使用欧洲南方天文台的甚大望远镜发现了HIP 65426 b)”可知,HIP 65426 b是2017年在智利被观察到的。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据文章第三段“According to NASA, taking direct images of exoplanets presents a challenge because stars are much brighter than their surrounding planets-HIP65426 b is more than 10,000 times duller than its host star in the near-infrared(近红外光), and a few thousand times duller in the mid-infrared. (根据美国宇航局的说法,直接拍摄系外行星的图像是一个挑战,因为恒星比周围的行星要亮得多——HIP 65426 b在近红外波段比它的主恒星暗1万多倍,在中红外波段暗几千倍)”可知,直接拍摄HIP 65426 b的图像很难是因为它在近红外波段比它的主恒星暗1万多倍,在中红外波段暗几千倍。也就是它的主恒星要亮的多。故选D。
    词义猜测题。根据划线单词上一段“According to NASA, taking direct images of exoplanets presents a challenge because stars are much brighter than their surrounding planets-HIP65426 b is more than 10,000 times duller than its host star in the near-infrared(近红外光), and a few thousand times duller in the mid-infrared. (根据美国宇航局的说法,直接拍摄系外行星的图像是一个挑战,因为恒星比周围的行星要亮得多——HIP 65426 b在近红外波段比它的主恒星暗1万多倍,在中红外波段暗几千倍)”可知,HIP 65426 b的主恒星要亮的多,所以直接拍摄HIP 65426 b的图像很难。而根据划线单词下一句“Since the planet is around 100 times further away from its host star than Earth is from the Sun, the telescope can easily separate it from the star in the image.(由于这颗行星与它的主星之间的距离是地球与太阳之间距离的100倍左右,因此望远镜可以很容易地将它与图像中的恒星分开)”可知,韦伯日冕仪可以很好地“挡住、抑制住”主星光芒,所以照片才会拍得很清晰。选项A“strengthen(加强)”;选项B“block(阻挡)”;选项C“check(检查)”;选项D“adjust(调节)”。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“Although this is not the first direct image of an exoplanet taken from space, as the Hubble Space Telescope has taken direct exoplanet images previously, the image points the way to future observations that will disclose more information about exoplanets.(虽然这不是第一张从太空拍摄的系外行星的直接图像,因为哈勃太空望远镜之前曾拍摄过系外行星的直接图像,但这张照片为未来的观测指明了道路,将揭示更多关于系外行星的信息)”以及““There are many more images of exoplanets to come that will shape our overall understanding of their physics, chemistry and formation. We may even discover previously unknown planets, too.”(“未来还会有更多系外行星的图像,这些图像将塑造我们对它们的物理、化学和形成的整体理解。我们甚至还可能发现以前未知的行星。”)”可知,HIP 65426b的图像对探索其他系外行星很有用。故选B。
    Everyone has one or more talents. Bringing out the best in others can gradually change the world. ____16____ With patience, you can gradually find the admirable characteristics of people around you. Here are some ways to help you to identify and admire the talents of people around you.
    Giving is a good way to find out the good qualities in others. Being kind doesn’t just mean helping someone financially. You can assist them with your advice, talents and so on. ____17____ Besides, you will know how they deal with their problems in life with a mind: never give up.
    Talents adopt several forms and they put people in different circumstances. Thus, you need to be flexible to discover good qualities in others. Some people you come across may have different attitudes towards life from you. ____18____
    Nobody is perfect and everyone has some shortcomings. However, these are useful to you. ____19____ Start by analyzing the shortcomings in others, and then you can easily find out the good qualities they already have.
    ____20____ One of the finest ways to discover good characteristics of others is to ask them something about their success and failure. The more you are curious, the more you will know about a person.
    A. Develop an interest in others.
    B. Live in the present to spot others’ talents.
    C. Knowing one’s weaknesses is a great way to understand them.
    D. For that, you need to learn to explore good qualities in others.
    E. Discovering the good in others can bring out the best in yourself.
    F. During this process, you will know what difficulty they are facing now.
    G. Your biggest challenge is to put aside your own mind and see the bright spot of them.
    【答案】16. D 17. F 18. G 19. C 20. A
    上文“Bringing out the best in others can gradually change the world.”(激发别人最好的一面可以逐渐改变世界。)下文“With patience, you can gradually find the admirable characteristics of people around you.”(有了耐心,你会逐渐发现周围人的令人钦佩的特点。)可知,空前提到激发别人最好的一面可以逐渐改变世界。空后又提到有了耐心,你就会逐渐发现身边人令人钦佩的特质。结合选项D项For that, you need to learn to explore good qualities in others.(为此,你需要学会发掘别人身上的优点。)其中“For that”与前文相呼应,“learn to explore good qualities in others”与下文衔接,上下文语意连贯。故选D项。
    上文“You can assist them with your advice, talents and so on.”(你可以用你的建议、才能等等来帮助他们。)下文“Besides, you will know how they deal with their problems in life with a mind :never give up.”(此外,你会知道他们如何处理他们的问题在生活中有一个头脑:永不放弃。)空前提到你可以通过你的建议、天赋等来帮助他们,空后提到此外,你会知道他们如何不放弃地处理生活中的问题。由此可推断空处应介绍了通过建议等帮助他人的结果。结合选项F项During this process, you will know what difficulty they are facing now.(在这个过程中,你会知道他们现在面临着什么样的困难。)其中“During this process”指代空前提到的帮助他人,上下文语意连贯。故选F项。
    空处所在段主要强调了天赋有多种形式,并且会让人有不同的经历,因此你需要灵活地发现他人的优点。空前“Some people you come across may have different attitudes towards life from you.”(你遇到的一些人对生活的态度可能与你不同。)又提到你遇到的一些人对于生活可能和你有不同的看法。由此可推断空处应介绍在这种情况下如何发现别人的优点。结合选项G项Your biggest challenge is to put aside your own mind and see the bright spot of them.(你最大的挑战是把自己的想法放在一边,看到他人身上的闪光点)符合此推断,上下文语意连贯。故选G项。
    上文“Nobody is perfect and everyone has some shortcomings. However, these are useful to you.”(没有人是完美的,每个人都有缺点。然而,这些对您是有用的。)下文“Start by analyzing the shortcomings in others, and then you can easily find out the good qualities they already have.”(从分析别人的缺点开始,然后你可以很容易地发现他们已经拥有的优点。)空前提到了每个人都有一些缺点,但是这些缺点对你是有用的。空后又提到通过分析他人的缺点,你可以轻松地发现他人已有的优点。由此可推断空处应提到了他人的缺点对你有用的原因。结合选项C项Knowing one’s weaknesses is a great way to understand them.(了解一个人的弱点是了解他们的好方法。)符合此推断,说明了他人的缺点对你有用的原因,上下文语意连贯。故选C项。
    空处位于最后一段段首,应是对整段内容的概括总结。分析整段内容尤其是最后一句“The more you are curious, the more you will know about a person.”(你越好奇,你就越了解一个人。)可知,本段主要介绍的是发现别人优点的方法是对他人充满好奇。结合选项A项Develop an interest in others.(培养对他人的兴趣)是对整段内容的概括性描述,选项中的“interest”与下文中的“curious”相照应。故选A项。
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Nick was troubled and aimless. Then one night, everything changed.
    At first, it was just faint light as Nick drove past a two-story house. Then he realized the house was on fire. He immediately pulled up to investigate. ____21____ was climbing up the front porch. Hurrying out of the ____22____, he yelled, “Help, fire!” A car drove past and Nick tried to ____23____ it to stop, but in vain.
    He ran to the back door, sure it would be ____24____. To his amazement, it swung open. Without ____25____, Nick ran inside, peering into rooms to see if anyone was home. He had just started climbing when he ____26____ and saw four faces emerge at the top of the stairs. After Nick’s warning, they came pouring down and rushed out
    “Anybody else in there?” Nick asked. When told a 6-year-old was still in, he ran back. By now, the whole house was in flames. The smell was ____27____. The smoke was thick. He lifted his T-shirt to cover his mouth and nose. As he hesitated, he heard the kid crying ____28____. Nick stumbled into the blackness, ____29____ on smoke. His _____30_____ stayed alert as he moved toward the sound. Then suddenly the kid was in front of him and Nick quickly grabbed her into his arms. The flames were _____31_____ even closer. Nick took a few steps _____32_____ and threw himself out of the window. Outside, the firefighters had arrived. He handed over the girl—crying, but miraculously uninjured _____33_____ a cut on her arm—before collapsing on the sidewalk.
    Nick’s burns have mostly healed, but other changes have been far greater. As news about his _____34_____ spread, a GoFundMe account for his hospital bills exploded, reaching $600,000. “It somehow feels like both a near-death experience and a _____35_____.” Nick said.
    21. A. Air B. Water C. Smoke D. Mist
    22. A. vehicle B. house C. bay D. fire
    23. A. put B. signal C. break D. take
    24. A. locked B. frozen C. wrapped D. melted
    25. A. interruption B. delay C. motion D. sympathy
    26. A. looked up B. got up C. looked down D. got down
    27 A. dizzy B. pleasant C. bitter D. intense
    28. A. desperately B. patiently C. tightly D. precisely
    29. A. hesitating B. spraining C. choking D. collapsing
    30. A. ankles B. throats C. ears D. fists
    31. A. skipping B. inching C. sinking D. fading
    32. A. forward B. downward C. upward D. backward
    33. A. due to B. instead of C. apart from D. as for
    34. A. realism B. heroism C. criticism D. pessimism
    35 A. recovery B. reputation C. reform D. rebirth
    【答案】21. C 22. A 23. B 24. A 25. B 26. A 27. D 28. A 29. C 30. C 31. B 32. D 33. C 34. B 35. D
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:烟顺着前廊往上窜。A. Air空气;B. Water水;C. Smoke烟;D. Mist雾。根据前文“Then he realized the house was on fire.”可知,房子着火了烟顺着前廊往上窜。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:他急忙下了车,喊道:“救命,着火了!”A. vehicle车辆;B. house房子;C. bay海湾;D. fire火。根据前文“At first, it was just faint light as Nick drove past a two-story house.”可知,尼克开车经过房子,故看到房子着火,他从车上下来。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:一辆汽车开过,尼克试图打信号让它停下来,但没有成功。A. put放;B. signal发信号;C. break打破;D. take带走。根据后文“to stop”可知,发出信号,示意他人停车。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他跑向后门,他认为后门应该是锁着的。A. locked被锁住;B. frozen冻住;C. wrapped包裹;D. melted融化。根据后文“To his amazement, it swung open”可知,后门并没有如他所想,是锁着的,门是开着的。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:尼克毫不迟延地跑进屋里,朝房间里张望,看是否有人在家。A. interruption打扰;B. delay推迟;C. motion移动;D. sympathy同情。根据“peering into rooms to see if anyone was home”可知,尼克毫不迟延地跑进屋里,朝房间里张望,看是否有人在家。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他刚开始往上爬,就抬起头来,看见楼梯顶上出现了四个人的面孔。A. looked up查阅;B. got up起床;C. looked down看不起;D. got down静下心。根据后文“saw four faces emerge at the top of the stairs.”可知,他抬头向上看,看见了四个人的面孔。故选A。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:气味很强烈。A. dizzy头晕目眩的;B. pleasant愉快的;C. bitter苦的,心酸的;D. intense强烈的。根据前文“By now, the whole house was in flames.”以及后文“The smoke was thick.”可知,火势凶猛,烟很浓,烧灼的气味很浓烈。故选D。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:就在他犹豫的时候,他听到了孩子绝望的哭声。A. desperately渴望地,绝望地;B. patiently耐心地;C. tightly紧紧地;D. precisely精确地。根据前文“he heard the kid crying”可知,他听到了孩子绝望的哭声。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:尼克在黑暗中跌跌撞撞,被烟呛得喘不过气来。A. hesitating犹豫;B. spraining扭;C. choking窒息;D. collapsing倒塌。根据后文“on smoke”可知,尼克被烟呛得喘不过气来。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:他朝声音的方向移动时,耳朵保持警觉。A. ankles脚踝;B. throats喉咙;C. ears耳朵;D. fists拳头。根据后文“Then suddenly the kid was in front of him and Nick quickly grabbed her into his arms.”可知,他朝声音的方向移动时,耳朵保持警觉,然后突然,孩子出现在他面前,尼克迅速地把她抱在怀里。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:火焰越来越近了。A. skipping跳过,略过;B. inching缓慢移动;C. sinking下沉;D. fading褪色。根据后文“even closer”可知,尼克距离火焰越来越近,火焰慢慢的靠近(吞噬着)尼克。故选B。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:尼克后退了几步,跳出了窗户。A. forward向前;B. downward向下;C. upward向上;D. backward向后。根据后文“threw himself out of the window.”可知,尼克后退了几步,用来缓冲,然后跳出窗户。故选D。
    考查固定短语辨析。句意:他把那个哭着的女孩交给了她,但除了手臂上的伤口外,她奇迹般地没有受伤,然后倒在人行道上。A. due to因为;B. instead of反之;C. apart from除了;D. as for至于。根据后文“a cut on her arm”可知,女孩除了手臂上的伤口外,其他地方没有受伤。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:当他的英雄事迹传开后,一个为他的医院账单筹款的GoFundMe账户爆炸了似的,达到了60万美元。A. realism现实主义;B. heroism英雄行为;C. criticism批判主义;D. pessimism悲观主义。根据前文“He handed over the girl—crying, but miraculously uninjured ____13____ a cut on her arm—before collapsing on the sidewalk.”可知,尼克在熊熊火海之中拯救了一位儿童,这是他的英雄事迹。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:不知何故,这感觉既像是濒死体验,又像是重生。A. recovery恢复;B. reputation声望;C. reform改革;D. rebirth重生。根据前文“a near-death experience”可知,从火海中逃生这段经历感觉既像是濒死体验,又像是重生。故选D。
    In 2008, Du Meng graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts with a major in Visual Communication Art. Before ____36____ (specialize) in glass art at the Rochester Institute of Technology’s Master of Fine Arts program in the United States, a memorable trip sparked her interest in the craft.
    “At the end of 2008, our supervisor ____37____ (take) me and my classmates on a trip to the U. S. In ____38____ art museum on the trip, I first saw artists using glass as a material ____39____ (create) their work. I was curious about how glass could be used in such a way,” said Du Meng.
    “I ____40____ (particular) like to see the changing state of ____41____ (shadow) cast by light passing through glass at different times and seasons,” Du explained. “The interesting thing about glass ____42____ (be) that you not only need to consider the glass itself, ____43____ the light it reflects.”
    There’s a group of works ____44____ Du Meng is currently experimenting with. The name is “Drift Through the Forest, Silence in the Valley,” and in the work she has recycled a lot of glass soda bottles. She said it’s completely different _____45_____ what she imagined. It’s not clear, and there are many textures similar to cracked ice. She believed the naturally formed state is very beautiful.
    【答案】36. specializing
    37. took 38. an
    39. to create
    40. particularly
    41. shadows
    42. is 43. but
    44. that ##which
    45. from
    考查冠词。句意:在旅途中的一个艺术博物馆,我第一次看到艺术家们用玻璃作为材料来创作他们的作品。句中art museum为名词,设空处使用冠词,同时art首字母为元音音素,此处表示泛指。故填an。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:同上。句中use sth to do sth为固定短语,此处使用不定式结构作宾补结构。故填to create。
    考查动词。句意:同上。分析句子,设空处使用动词作谓语,句子表述客观事实,故使用一般现在时。句子的主语为the interesting thing为单数。故用is。
    考查连词。句意:同上。句中not noly…but also…意为“不但……而且……”为固定短语。故填but。
    考查介词。句意:她说这和她想象的完全不同。句中be different from为固定短语,意为“不同于”。故填from。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46. 假定你是高二学生李华,你校上周举办了第五届社团成果展(the Fifth Club Exhibition),请你写一篇活动报道,介绍本次活动。内容包括:
    The Fifth Club Exhibition in Our School
    【答案】The Fifth Club Exhibition in Our School
    Aimed at providing a platform for students to show their talents, the Fifth Club Exhibition was held in our school last week, which attracted all students and teachers.
    In the opening ceremony, the principle made a speech to announce the start of the exhibition. Then, students from different clubs offered all kinds of performances, including singing, dancing, drama, poetry reading, walk show and so on. The exhibition lasted 2 hours and won a lot of applause.
    Through this exhibition, not only did students feel more relaxed and energetic, but also the clubs earned wider recognition among students.
    目的是……:aimed at→ targeted at
    做演讲:make a speech → deliver/give a speech
    各种各样:all kinds of → a variety of
    提供:provide→ offer
    原句:Then, students from different clubs offered all kinds of performances, including singing, dancing, drama, poetry reading, walk show and so on.
    拓展句:Then, students from different clubs offered all kinds of performances, which included singing, dancing, drama, poetry reading, walk show and so on.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Aimed at providing a platform for students to show their talents, the Fifth Club Exhibition was held in our school last week, which attracted all students and teachers.(运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】Through this exhibition, not only did students feel more relaxed and energetic, but also the clubs earned wider recognition among students.(运用了部分倒装)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    I keep a two-dollar bill in my wallet that was given to me by my mother when I was six years old. I still remember the day when she pulled me into the living room and said, “You are brilliant in my mind, but if you fail once don’t give up. Don’t fear failure. It is a way of getting us to try harder. You will succeed, I promise.”
    She looked at me and continued, “I want you to carry this two-dollar bill for extra good luck.”
    “Thanks mom,” I replied. “I will keep it close to me always.”
    I am not superstitious(迷信的), but from that day on the bill goes with me wherever I go. I firmly believe that luck would follow me everywhere.
    Every morning I would get dressed and my two-dollar bill went into my pocket. My mother passed away when I was 17 years old and I remember taking out my two-dollar bill. I held it in my hand for the longest time and knew that she would be watching over me the rest of my life.
    Each time I felt I had a crisis on my hands, I would reach for my two-dollar bill and set it on the table. I would stare at it for several hours and could always come up with a solution.
    When I applied for my first job, I was thirty years old and very shy. The thought of being interviewed for a job was scary but I had to work. On my first interview, as I sat in the waiting room, I noticed there were five women ahead of me. All of the women were younger and very well dressed. One of them looked perfect in her blue striped suit with matching purse and shoes. I knew I was up against women better qualified by looking at the length of their resumes(简历).
    Paragraph 1: Mrs. Martin, the office manager, called me into her office.
    Paragraph 2: Late that afternoon, while I was cooking, the telephone rang.
    【答案】Mrs. Martin, the office manager, called me into her office. “What makes you feel you are qualified for this job?” she asked. “I really need this job and there is nothing I cannot do, I responded. She asked me a series of questions and the interview was over. As I exited her office, I turned around and said, “Mrs. Martin, I know that I am not qualified like your other applicants but please give me a chance. I learn quickly and can be a very productive member of your team.” I thanked her and went home exhausted. Oh well, I thought tomorrow would be another day.
    Late that afternoon, while I was cooking, the telephone rang. It was from Mrs. Martin Gina. She said, “you were not the most qualified applicant, but you have so much confidence in yourself that we decided to give you a chance to prove yourself.” I screamed out loud, jumping all over the room in disbelief. I could hear Mrs. Martin laughing in the background and suddenly I realized that Mrs. Martin was still on the line. “Thank you Mrs. Martin, you will not regret this decision,” I said and hung up the phone.
    ①回答:respond /answer
    ①精疲力竭的:exhausted / weary
    ②不相信:disbelief /doubt/suspicion
    【点睛】[高分句型1] I screamed out loud, jumping all over the room in disbelief.(运用了现在分词作状语)
    [高分句型2] I could hear Mrs. Martin laughing in the background and suddenly I realized that Mrs. Martin was still on the line.(使用了that引导的宾语从句)
    听力答案:1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. B 7. A 8. C 9. A 10. A
    11. B 12. C 13. B 14. C 15. C 16. A 17. B 18. A 19. C 20. B

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