
- 【人教版】英语必修一 Unit 3 单元测试卷 试卷 4 次下载
- 人教版(2019)高中英语必修一Unit4 Natural Disasters Words and Expressions 词汇用法课件 其他 4 次下载
- 人教版(2019)高中英语必修一 Unit4 Natural Disasters Reading and Thinking 阅读课件 课件 6 次下载
- 人教版(2019)高中英语必修一 Unit4 Natural Disasters Discovering useful structures 语法课件 其他 5 次下载
- 人教版(2019)高中英语必修一 Unit4 Natural Disasters Reading for Writing 读写课件 课件 3 次下载
人教版(2019)高中英语必修一Unit4 Natural Disasters Listening and Speaking,Talking听说课件(含音频)
B1U4 Natural DisasterListening and SpeakingReport natural disasters Learning Objectives:By the end of this class, you will be able to: Listen for details by viewing and listening to news reports.Report a natural disaster with key information such as time, types, deaths, effects, and rescues.Introduce preparations and solutions in the face of natural disasters by giving instructions.Learn to cope with negative effects caused by natural disasters with positive attitudes.01020304While-listeningLead inPost-liseningPre-listening1. n.灾难;灾害2. n.旱灾;久旱3. vi.& vt.(使)滑行;滑动4. n.洪水;v.淹没;大量涌入5. n.(地)震级;重大6. n.& vt.营救;救援7. vt.损害;破坏n.损坏;损失8. vt.摧毁;毁灭9. vt.疏散;撤出10. n.直升机11. vt.影响;(疾病)侵袭;深深打动12. n.避难处;vt.保护;掩蔽vi.躲避(风雨或危险)13. n.死;死亡 → v.死 → adj.死的disasterdroughtslidefloodmagnituderescueshelterhelicopteraffectdamagedestroyevacuatedeathdiedeadReview LEAD INPART 01Lead inWhat`s going on in this photo?An earthquake hit/struck the area.Live to tell: Raising Awareness, Reducing Mortality.--United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (2016)Lead in What does the earthquake bring to us?Lead inLead inTornadoTsunamiEarthquakeWildfireFloodVolcano EruptionLead inMudslideHurricaneLandslideAvalance/SnowslideTyphonDroughtLead inaftershock(余震)magnitude(震级)mudslide(泥石流)crop (庄稼)heat waves (热浪)volcanic eruption (火山喷发)active volcano (活火山)snowstorm(暴风雪)smog (烟雾) Pre-listeningPART 02Pre-listeningFrom New report.While-listeningPART 02Listen for the gistListen to the news reports and tick the disasters you hear. Listen for detailsWhat kind of detailed information do we often listen for?.......Listen for detailsnumberplaceactivitiestimeaddressreasonNEWS REPOTR 1Good morning, it's . A strong hit Ecuador yesterday. The 7.8 magnitude earthquake damaged many buildings, and early reports said that about people were killed and more than were injured. Volunteers and rescue workers are the survivors.150017 April230helpingearthquakemorning news袭击量级超过救援人员NEWS REPOTR 17.8230 were killed/ more than 1500 were injured.Time + damage+ rescue work Good morning, it’s 17 April. A strong earthquake hit Ecuador yesterday. The 7.8-magnitude earthquake damaged many buildings, and early reports said that about 230 people were killed and more than 1,500 were injured. Volunteers and rescue workers are helping the survivors.NEWS REPOTR 2 Good evening. Today is _________. More news about the ________ in central China. The government is helping more than _______ people in Hunan and Jiangxi get away from the rising water. Homes and land have been destroyed, but no one has been killed. Rescue workers and soldiers are working day and night to make sure that people are _____. They are also bringing ______________ to those whose homes were lost in the disaster.safe27 March12,000food and waterfloodsevening news摆脱;逃离;离开日日夜夜确保NEWS REPOTR 2In central China. Good evening. Today is 27 March. More news about the floods in central China. The government is helping more than 12,000 people in Hunan and Jiangxi get away from the rising water. Homes and land have been destroyed, but no one has been killed. Rescue workers and soldiers are working day and night to make sure that people are safe. They are also bringing food and water to those whose homes were lost in the disaster.Worked to make people safe.Time + damage+ rescue workNEWS REPOTR 3At 9:25am on Saturday 12 August. Breaking news, Saturday 12 August. A tornado was just seen in southern Memphis, the USA. Eyewitnesses said that at 9:25 am, the tornado destroyed four homes. A police officer tells us that at least one person has died. More tornados are possible, and the police advise avoiding the area.Time + damage+ rescue workNEWS REPOTR 3breaking news12 AugustTornadoFour homesoneavoiding the areaNEWS REPOTR 2 1. Whcih buildings were damaged in Seoul?A library and a supermarket 2. What caused the landslide in Seoul?By heavy rain that has fallen in the last week. And in Seoul, a landslide damaged a library and a supermarket in a southern neighbourhood. The landslide was caused by the heavy rain that has fallen in Seoul over the past week. According to the police, no one was injured in the landslide, but several cars were damaged. Those are the top news for today, Wednesday 21 July.NEWS REPOTR 4A library and a supermarket.Place + damage+causeA heavy rain.Post-readingWhat are the basic elements in a disaster report?Disaster ReportdoctorsnursessoldiersPost-readingLet`s make a short news report.Event: ___________________Time: ____________________Damage: __________________ __________________________Rescue work: _____________Place: ________________________________________________________.Post-readingSample News Reports Good morning. Today is 13 May. A huge earthquake hit Wenchuan, China yesterday. It has killed at least 8,500 people by now. The earthquake measured 7.8 on the Richter scale. Injured survivors have been moved to safety by rescue workers, including medical workers, troops, and volunteers, who organised quickly.Group WorkPrepare a short news report based on the disasters below. Then present your news report to your group.Useful Expressions A huge earthquake hit... yesterday afternoon. Firefighters were battling a wildfire which was raging on Thursday at ..., A wildfire swept ... in July 2018, causing 102 deaths. The wildfire has killed at least 85 people. It has destroyed 4,293 buildings and affected 13,972 people. There have been no reports of major damage or injuries. Troops are always the first to respond. We saw many volunteers and organizations rescuing thousands trapped in the rubble after the earthquake.国际减灾政策提高意识提及;谈到灾害安全措施写概要 / 总结灾害救援工作写下它们的名字火山喷发圈出关键词自然灾害地震的震级international strategy for disaster reductionraise awarenessnatural disastersdisaster safety measurewrite a summarydisaster relief workwrite down their namesvolcanic eruptioncircle the key wordrefer tothe magnitude of the earthquake救援人员和士兵们遭洪水袭击的地区无人员伤亡准备一篇简短的新闻报道向某人展示你的新闻报道至少医疗队员过去常常做某事救火造成山体滑坡创立;发起;建立加粗的字母rescue workers and soldiers the flood-hit area cause the landslide prepare a short news report present your news report to sbat leastmedical teamsused to do sthfight the fire no deaths, no injuriesset up letters in boldPronunciation Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the letters in bold.【语音技巧】辅音按照发声时声带的振动模式分为清辅音和浊辅音。清辅音:发音时声带不振动;浊辅音:发音时声带振动。清辅音浊辅音【语音技巧】以-ed结尾的单词的发音规律:(1)在清辅音/p/、/t/、/k/、/f/、/s/、/h/等后读/t/,如: watched, marked,finished,stopped,cooked等。(2)在浊辅音/v/、/z/、/r/、/m/、/n/等后或元音后读/d/,如:cleaned,played,prepared等。(3)在/t/、/d/后读/Id/,如:painted,started,visited,minded等。Pronunciation1. 在清辅音/p/、/tʃ/、/k/、/f/、/s/、/ʃ/等后读/t/, 2. 在浊辅音和元音/b/、/ð/、/g/、/v/、/z/、/n/等后读/d/, 3. 在音标/t/、/d/后读/ɪd/,Read the words aloud. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the -ed endings. Then write the words in the boxes.B1U4 Natural DisasterListening and TalkingPrepare for a disasterwhatto do where to gowho to contactdropcoverhold onopenbuildingstreesa wallcell phone1. Mrs Fors is a rescue worker. She and her dog, Lucky, are visiting a senior high school. Listen to the conversation and complete the table below.2. Work in pairs. Choose a disaster and prepare a list of safety instructions. The expressions below may help you.Suggested answer First of all, you should stay calm if you’re in a tornado. Cover your ears if the noise is too loud. Stay indoors and get to a low place. Stay away from windows. Don’t drive or walk outside in a tornado.Giving instructionsFirst/First of all, you should...Stay calmDon’t drive or walk outsideCollect water and food if you canCover your ...Listen to the news.Move to a safe place.Finally,...Call an emergency number.Stay away from...Make sure...Say indoorspower bank......Having an emergency kit prepared is also very imoportant. Look at the emergency supplies below. Discuss with a partner what else you would add.THANK YOU FOR LISTENING