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    1.What des the wman prefer?
    2.What will the man d tmrrw?
    A.Attend a basketball game.
    B.Take the girl t see a dctr.
    C.Wrk at his ffice.
    3.What will the weather be like tnight accrding t the wman?
    4.What meal is the man ging t eat?
    5.What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A.Fire practice
    B.A meeting.
    C.Plans fr the weekend.
    第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 读两遍。
    6.Hw many cats des the wman want?
    7.What clr cat des the wman chse?
    8.What is the wman's jb?
    A.An artist.
    B.A designer.
    C.A plice fficer.
    9.Hw many paintings has the wman just sld?
    10.Where des the wman display her paintings?
    A.In a shp.
    B.In an ffice.
    C.In a gallery.
    11.What caused the man's pr eyesight?
    A.An accident.
    B.His age.
    C.A disease.
    12.Where are the speakers?
    A.In a bank.
    B.In a shp.
    C.In a park.
    13.What des the man think abut the wman?
    A.She is kind
    B.She is smart.
    C.She is prfessinal.
    14.What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    B.Husband and wife.
    C.Sheeper and custmer.
    15.What is nt in the wman's basket?
    16.Hw much des the wman pay fr the items?
    17.Hw will the wman mstly likely g hme?
    A.On ft
    B.By bus
    C.By car
    18.Why is the speaker making a speech?
    A.She is retiring.
    B.She has wn a prize.
    C.She will set up her business.
    19.Hw lng has the speaker wrked fr the schl?
    A.Fr 12 years.
    B.Fr 18 years.
    C.Fr 25 years.
    20.What's the speaker's attitude twards the schl?
    Since its launch in 1981,China Daily has served a vital rle in telling the wrld abut ecnmy.Therviding valuable insight int the wrld's secnd-largest ecnmy.The fllwing are sme branding events,cnducted by it,which have advanced public diplmacy(外交)and internatinal cmmunicatin.
    Visin China Lectures
    A series f talks are rganized by China Daily in which leading plitical and business audiences.Thenvited t speak and interact live with dmestic and freign audiences.The Visin China lectures fcus r majr issues facing China and the wrld and explre what China’s successful stries mean fr the wrld and hw Chinese wisdm can help the wrld.
    China Watch Think Tank Frum
    Elites(精英),including pinin leaders,pliticians and businesspersns with expertise(专业知识)n China,discuss tpics n the develpments and the future f China and the wrld in China Watch Think Tank Frum.
    Asia Leadership Rundtable
    The China Daily Asia Leadership Rundtable prvides a platfrm fr high-level dialgue and cmmunicatin amng(leaders and scial elites )n the fields f plitics business and academia in Asia.
    TESOL China Assembly
    Organized by China Daily in partnership with TESOL Internatinal Assciatin Teachers f English t Speakers f Other Languages),TESOL China Assembly is a high-level China.Itinal English Language Teaching (ELT)event in China.It aims t prmte schlarship and crss-cultural understanding amng English educatrs in China,and t enhance dialgue between China's ELT prfessinals with their peers wrldwide.
    21.What can participants f "Visin China Lectures"get?
    A.Sme practical skills f public speaking.
    B.Sme wisdm implied in the Chinese fictinal stries.
    C.Sme helpful inspiratins and experience f develpment f China.
    D.Sme differences f lifestyle between dmestic and freign audiences.
    22.Wh may nt be invited t attend Asia Leadership Rundtable?D
    A.Ecnmists frm Japan.
    C.Finance Minister f India.
    B.Managers frm Germany.
    D.The head f Peple's Bank f China.
    23.Which f the fllwing may interest teachers f ELT in China?
    A.TESOL China Assembly.
    C.Asia Leadership Rundtable.
    B.Visin China Lectures.
    D.China Watch Think Tank Frum.
    Jeremiah Thrnka was brn in the fighting f the Sierra Lene civil war and grew up in the gutter(贫民窟)n the suburbs f the capital Freetwn,having t burn wd fr lighting saw with his wn eyes hw,in additin t the smg making breathing prblems cmmn,his yung cntempraries fell behind in their schlwrk because f a lack f decent lighting.
    Energy pverty is a majr issue in Sierra Lene—with just 26%f the ppulatin having access t electricity.In rural parts f the cuntry,nly 6%f peple have electricity access,mst f whm turn t slar lanterns and dry-cell batteries.As a result,it's led t the destructin f frests as peple cut dwn trees fr firewd,which leaves Sierra Le ne highly sensitive t extreme events like flding and landslides.Families reliance n firewd als leads t frequent huse fires.
    These life-threatening disadvantages and hardships fuelled Jeremiah's passin fr renew able energy and climate change advcacy.At 17 when studying at the African Leadership University in Rwanda,he launched a start-up called Optim Energy that transfrms vibratins(震动)frm vehicles and ftfall n rads int an electric current.It is different frm established renewable energy surces including wind r slar because it generates pwer withut relying n changeable weather.
    Optim Energy ran a successful pilt prgram in Jeremiah's neighburhds,Makaw in the nrthern part f Sierra Lene and Kuntluh east f Freetwn.With just tw devices,the startup prvided free electricity t 150 husehlds cmprising arund 500 citizens as well as15 schls where mre than 9,000 students attend.
    Jeremiah is currently develping plans t expand int the healthcare field which needs pwer t cl medicines and create enugh light fr treating patients after dark.
    24.What affected the yung fellws academic perfrmance?
    A.The war.
    C.The pr lighting.
    B.The smg.
    D.The breathing prblem.
    25.What can we learn abut"energy pverty"frm paragraph 2?
    A.It is caused by slar lanterns and dry-cell batteries.
    B.It has a wrse impact n the city area.
    C.It brings abut the destructin f frests.
    D.It increases the risk f frest fires.
    26.What is special abut Optim Energy?
    A.It draws n vibratins t make electricity
    B.It upgrades the use f slar energy.
    C.It runs a pilt prgram thrughut the city.
    D.It helps 9,000 students return t schl.
    27.What message des the text want t cnvey?
    A.Electricity is the lifebld f the city.
    B.Whever is happy will make thers happy t.
    C.Life is either a daring adventure r nthing at all.
    D.We are all in the gutter,but sme are making it better.
    Fr a century,Jrdan Creek cut acrss dwntwn Springfield.Over the decades the stream regularly flded int the city's cmmercial heart.Residents had been tired f the flds s they created cncrete banks t cage the stream and in 1932 buried the waterway,hiding it in culverts(排水管)under city streets.It was man's attempt t cntrl fldwater.That was the ld way f thinking.
    Fr a while,that cntrlled the flds.But the rads and ther hard surfaces prevented water frm ging int the grund and allwing mre rainwater int the enclsed streams than they culd handle.Eventually,the water wn.The neighbrhd flded in 2000,2008 and2016.Fr tw decades,the city discussed freeing the stream and allwing water t run ver the fldplain.Finally,a prject t uncver 1,100 feet f Jrdan Creek and build three bridges is mving frward.The new way f thinking is t give the water sme rm,leave sme areas fr flds and just let nature be nature.
    Uncvering buried waterways t bring them back t life is a prcess knwn as“day lighting”.Cverings are remved and an attempt is made t restre the natural flw and the surrunding ecsystem.
    The primary gal f the prject is fld cntrl.But the wrk has a variety f benefits.Native plantings will help imprve the water quality by filtering(过滤)rainwater.The stream will replace an unsightly landscape and becme a“string f pearls(珍珠)”cnnecting parks and green areas in the city's "Quality f Place"initiative.
    The benefits g beynd that.Stream restratin is neighbrhd restratin.The prject may prmte ecnmic develpment and increase prperty values and tax revenue.While the prjects can be expensive,they end cstly maintenance.Returning t nature is cheaper than maintaining cncrete culverts.
    28.What did Springfield citizens in the 1930s prbably believe?
    A.Man can cntrl nature.
    C.Business is the heart f a city.
    B.Life is prir t develpment.
    D.Residents shuld nt live by a river
    29.What was ne result f cvering Jrdan Creek?
    A.Three bridges were remved.
    B.Water went int the grund.
    C.Flds hit the neighbrhd.
    D.Rainwater was well handled
    30.Which aspect f the prject des paragraph 4 mainly discuss?
    A.Ecnmic value.
    C.Fld management.
    B.Cnstructin planning
    D.Envirnmental impact.
    31.Which can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A.A Slutin That Prves a Prblem
    B.Old Thinking Inspires New Changes
    C.“Buried”Streams Turn int Urban Centers
    D.“Daylighting”Buried Waterways t Refresh Cities
    Philsphers have a bad reputatin fr expressing themselves in a dry and bring way.The ideals fr mst philsphical writing are precisin.clarity,and the srt f cnceptual analysis that leaves n hair un-split.
    There is nthing wrng with clarity,precisin,and the like —but this isn't the nly way t d philsphy.Outside academic ,abstract philsphical ideas are ften expressed thrugh literature,cinema,and sng.There's nthing that grabs attentin like a gd stry,and there are sme great philsphical stries that delight and engage,rather than putting the reader t sleep.
    One f the great things abut this is that,unlike frmal philsphy,which tries t be very clear,stries dn't wear their meanings n their sleeve —they require interpretatin,and ften express cnflicting ideas fr the reader t wrestle with.
    Cnsider what philsphers call the metaphysics(形而上学)f race —an area f philsphy that explrers the questin f whether r nt race is real.There are three main psitins that yu can take n these questins.Yu might think that a persn's race is written in their genes(a psitin knwn as“bilgical realism”).Or yu might think f race as scially real,like days f the week r currencies ("scial cnstructinism").Finally,yu might think that races are unreal —that they're mre like leprechauns(一种魔法精灵)than they are like Thursdays r dllars(“anti-realism”).
    A great example f a stry with scial cnstructinist taking n race is Gerge Schuyler's nvel Black N Mre.In the bk,a Black scientist named Crkman invents a prcedure that makes Black peple visually indistinguishable frm Whites.Thusands f African Americans flck t Crkman's Black N Mre clinics and pay him their hard-earned cash t underg the prcedure.White racists can n lnger distinguish thse peple wh are "really"White frm thse wh merely appear t be White.In a final episde,Crkman discvers that new Whites are actually a whiter shade f pale than thse wh were brn that way,which kicks ff a trend f sunbathing t darken ne's skin-darkening it s as t lk mre White.
    Philsphically rich stries like this bring mre technical wrks t life.They are stries t think with.
    32.What des the authr think f philsphical stries?
    A.The meaning behind is very bvius.
    B.They am extremely precise and frmal.
    C.They ften cause cnflicts amng readers.
    D.They are engaging and inspire critical thinking.
    33.Which categry might "Christmas"fall int accrding t paragraph 4?
    A.Scial cnstructinism.
    C.Bilgical realism.
    D.Literary realism.
    34.What is Black N Mre in paragraph 5 mainly abut?
    A.Racial issues caused by skin clrs.
    B.A sciety view n race and self-image:
    C.Black peple accepted by the white sciety.
    D.The rigin f sun bathing amng white peple.
    35.What is the best title f the text?
    A.Stries Made Easy
    C.Psitins in Philsphy
    B.Stries t Think with
    D.Nature f Philsphical Writing
    D Lbsters Feel Pain?
    The traditinal methd fr cking a lbster(龙虾)—biling it alive —raises the questin f whether r nt lbsters feel pain. 36 .Lbsters g bad very quickly after they die,and eating a dead lbster,increases the risk f illness and reduces the quality f its flavr.Hwever,if lbsters are capable f feeling pain,the methd and thers,such as string the live lbster n ice,raise mral questins fr chefs and lbster eaters alike.
    37 Lbsters have a peripheral system like humans,but instead f a single brain,they pssess nerve cluster(神经簇).Because f this difference,sme researchers argue lbsters are t dissimilar t vertebrates(脊椎动物)t feel pain.Nnetheless,lbsters d satisfy all f the standard fr a pain respnse.Lbsters guard their injuries,learn t avid dangerus situatins,respnd t anesthetics,and are believed t pssess sme level f cnsciusness.S mst scientists believe that injuring a lbster causes physical pain.
    38 ,s it is nw becming illegal t bil lbsters alive r keep them n ice.Currently,biling lbsters alive is illegal in Switzerland,New Zealand,and the Italian city Reggi Emilia.
    The mst humane tl fr cking a lbster is the CrustaStun.This device electrcutes a lbster,making it uncnscius in less than half a secnd r killing it in 5 t 10 secnds. 39 .
    Unfrtunately,the CrustaStun is t expensive fr mst restaurants and peple t affrd.Sme restaurants place a lbster in a plastic bag and place it in the freezer fr a cuple f hurs,during which time it lses cnsciusness and dies. 40 ,but it is prbably the mst humane ptin fr killing a lbster befre cking and eating it.
    A.This slutin is nt ideal
    B.And then,it can be cut apart r biled
    C.Lbsters are ppular fd in many cuntries
    D.There is grwing evidence that lbsters may feel pain
    E.Scientists disagree ver whether r nt lbsters feel pain
    F.Many restaurants chse mre humane methds t ck it
    G.This cking way is used t imprve humans' dining experience
    Last May,my 15-year-ld sn,Beniamin,tld my wife and me that he wuld attend a Kendrick Lamar cncert.We 41 him that he was t yung t g.But my sn and his 42 friend,Jsh.t take n fr an answer.
    Later I received a 43 frm Jsh's father:“Hw abut taking the bys t the44Kendrick Lamar cncert!?"While I felt 44 t attend a rap cncert in my fifties,Jsh's father was as excited as the bys.He als knew hw t get tickets and had started 45 the whle evening.By this 46 ,it was impssible t say n.I culdn't imagine anywhere I wuld 47 less.
    T learn abut Mr Lamar and his 48 ,I dwnladed and listened t all his sngs days befre heading dwn t the Sctiabank Arena.
    The truth is the cncert was really 49 .The best part f curse was hw happy my sn was.I std when 50 ,I didn't dance and ccasinally my sn gave me an encuraging accepting nd. 51 Kendrick Lamar is still nt my favurite artist,I'm glad my sn 52 me t him,and I'm glad I went.
    It's s easy t sit in ur twers, 53 by age r upbringing backgrund. 54 we have children,like Benjamin,t expse us t new experiences.If,f curse,we have the 55 t listen t them.
    41. A.cnvinced
    42. A. refused
    43. A. ntice
    44. A. relieved
    45. A. singing
    46. A. rule
    47. A. fit in
    48. A. stry
    49. A. creative
    50. A. apprpriate
    51. A. As lng as
    52. A. cmpared
    53. A. divided
    54. A. Eventually
    55. A. hbby
    B. infrmed
    B. struggled
    B. ticket
    B. guilty
    B. sharing
    B. means
    B. benefit frm
    B. music
    B. frmal
    B. bearable
    B. In case
    B. referred
    B. threatened
    B. Cnsequently
    B. sense
    C. prepared
    C. message
    C. embarrassed
    C. planning
    C. rund
    C. care fr
    C. family
    C. nisy
    C. useful
    C. Because
    C. intrduced
    C. brken
    C. Gradually
    C. right
    D. prmised
    D. expected
    D. gift
    D. cnfident
    D. welcming
    D. pint
    D. cmplain abut
    D. influence
    D. impressive
    D. cnvenient
    D. While
    D. recmmended
    D. tested
    D. Frtunately
    D. freedm
    A dance called "Subject Three"perfrmed by waiters at the ht pt chain Haidila in Shandng prvince has becme an internet sensatin .
    The dance, 56 (rigin)frm a wedding in Guangxi Zhuang autnmus regin,gained ppularity after guests 57 (shwcase)their mves.Jkingly 58 (assciate)with Guangxi residents having t pass three life subjects-----singing flk sngs,eating rice ndles and dancing,the dance fund its way t a Haidila stre in Qingzhu,Shandng prvince.A waiter knwn as Xia Pang intrduced the dance,rking 59 trend amng Haidila waitstaff t perfrm "Subject Three"upn custmer request.
    In Wuhan,Hubei prvince,custmers can nw request the dance by 60 (simple)saying "I want subject three"at Haidila.
    Hwever,the widespread adptin f the "Subject Three"dance has ignited debates n Sina Weib.While many find it 61 (amuse)and enjy the interactive experience,sme express discmfrt,especially when dining. 62 (critic)argue that the dance can be awkward and intrusive,disrupting the dining atmsphere and causing the 63 (disturb).And the cmpany des nt,cmment n reprts that sme branches have stpped ffering the dance in the wake 64 the recent debate.
    Amid the fervr,cncerns abut ptential health risks have als surfaced.In Huzhu,Zhejiang prvince,a yung man65 tried the dance was hspitalized due ta knee pan.Medical experts have warned that the energetic and lively mves in the dance put pressure n the knee and ankle jints,and imprper mvement culd lead t ligament injuries r even fractures.

    The Student Unin
    When I was a kid in Pennsylvania,my family rehabilitated(使康复)wild animals.
    I grew up with animals running arund the huse.We wuld g travelling t Bermuda and I wuld watch the whales ff the shre.I fell in lve with them and wanted t knw mre abut what they gt up t underwater.Nw I've been studying whales fr mre than30 years and I am the president f the Center fr Whale Research and Cnservatin.
    In 2017,I was n a bat arund Rartnga in the Ck Islands,wrking n a film abut whale cnservatin.The crew wanted t get mre ftage f me in the water with the humpback whales座头鲸—I ften slip in quietly t recrd their behaviur fr research.Seeing a cuple f humpbacks in the distance,I slid ff the bat wearing a mask and swam twards them.
    As I was appraching,ne f the male humpbacks came right up t me,tuching me with his head and pushing me thrugh the water.It caught me ff-guard使我措手不及—in 33years f ding this wrk,this had never happened.I put my arm ut and tried t push myself away while he attempted t rll up me under his pectral fin(胸鳍).
    My scientist brain was in verdrive(超速行驶)as I tried t wrk ut what he was ding.I felt a mixed sense f excitement and fear.Then the whale swam underneath me and lifted me ut f the water n his fin.I signaled t the bat,then —swsh搜的一声—I was pushed back under.
    After minutes f being pushed arund by the humpback,I saw what I thught was a secnd,smaller whale.But then I nticed the tail —whales mve theirs up and dwn,and this ne was mving side t side.I realized with hrrr that it belnged t a huge,18-ft tigers hark.Tiger sharks are knwn t attack peple,smetimes fatally(致命地).
    The shark had arched its bdy拱起身子,which meant that it was in attack mde.

    Just ver a year later,I was n a bat in the same area when I heard f a whale sighting in the harbur.

    1-5 ABCAA 6-10 CBCCB 11-15 BAACC 15-20 BCACA
    21-23 CBA 24-27 CCAD 28-31ACDD 32-35DABB
    36-40 GEDBA 41-45 BACCC 46-50 DABDA 51-56 DCADB
    56-65 riginating; shwcased; assciated; a; simply; amusing; Citics; disturbance; f; wh;
    T prvide a platfrm fr students t shwcase their yuthful spirits and artistic talent,enriching the spiritual and cultural cnstructin f the campus,ur schl will hld a micrfilm cmpetitin n 25,June.The theme is abut the campus life.All participants will be asked t prvide a film with a time limit f five minutes,which they shuld strictly adhere t.Interested students can submit their names t the schl ffice byI5th June.After that,n ne is allwed t participate.Fr mre details,cntact us in time.
    The student Unin
    Versin 2:
    T rk students' passin fr campus life,ur schl will hld a micrfilm cntest n1st June.The theme is featuring after class activities such as schl clubs,sprts and games,and labr experience.All the students frm ur schl can take part in the cntest.Each entry must be within 5 minutes.Mst imprtantly,psitive cntents are highly valued.Besides,the entry shall be submitted by20 May.Otherwise it will be disqualified.Yu can send yur wrks by email r,alternatively ,thrugh weChat.Fr mre details,please cntact us in time.
    The student Unin
    The shark had arched its bdy,which meant that it was in attack mde.Panic rse and ran thrugh me as I realized what a situatin I was in.I yelled ut t the bat,but befre I knew it,the whale had psitined me n the frnt f his head and was gracefully racing thrugh the water.It was terrifying and yet peaceful.Within minutes.the whale had safely returned me t the bat and ut f the shark's way.I felt lve,cncern and care frm the whale.I tld the whale that l lved him and thanked him as he swam ff.With a mixture f relief and gratitude,I returned t the bat,my heart still punding.
    Just ver a year later,I was n a bat in the same area when I heard f a whale sighting in the harbur.Memries f that astnishing encunter with the humpback whale were still vivid in my mind.I headed there and saw the whale wh had prtected me.I recgnized him frm the signs in his tail and the wunded mark n his head.I slid verbard and swam twards him;he apprached and lked at me in the eye.I rubbed his face and he extended his pectral fin.I began t cry.I swam back t the bat and he stayed arund fr abut 20 minutes after l gt back n it.It was a lvely reunin!
    ①心怦怦跳:heart punds/beats
    ②接近:apprach/cme up t
    ③哭:cry/be full f tears/tears well up in ne's eye
    [高分句型1]I tld the whale that l lved him and thanked him as he swam ff.(运用了that引导的宾语从句和as引导的时间状语从句)
    [高分句型2]l headed there and saw the whale wh had prtected me.(运用了wh引导的限制性定语从句)

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