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    这是一份2022-2023学年河南省信阳市浉河区信阳高级中学高二下学期6月月考英语试题含答案,共13页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分37,00; Students,00 each applies等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    The Charles Dickens Museum in Lndn is the wrld’s mst imprtant cllectin f material relating t the great Victrian nvelist and scial cmmentatr (评论员). The nly surviving Lndn hme f Dickens (frm 1837 until 1839) was pened as a museum in 1925 and is still welcming visitrs frm all ver the wrld. On fur flrs, visitrs can see paintings, rare editins, manuscripts, riginal furniture and many items relating t the life f ne f the mst ppular and belved persnalities f the Victrian age.
    Opening Hurs:
    The Museum is pen frm Mndays t Saturdays 10:00-17:00; Sundays 11:00-17:00.
    Last admissin is 30 minutes befre clsing time.
    Special pening times can be arranged fr grups, wh may wish t bk a private view.
    Admissin Charges:
    Adults:£5.00; Students:£4:00; Senirs:£4.00; Children:£3.00; Families:£14.00 (2 adults & up t five children).
    Grup Rates: Fr a grup f 10 r mre, a special grup rate f £4.00 each applies. Children will still be admitted fr £3.00 each.
    We are cnstantly wrking t imprve access t the Museum and its cllectin. Our current prjects invlve the fitting f a wheelchair ramp (活动坡道) fr better access, a custmer care kit and an audi tur fr visitrs with impaired visin. Our Handling Sessins are als suitable fr the visually impaired. The Museum has develped an nline virtual tur thrugh the Museum. Click here t visit all the rms in the Museum nline.
    Hire the Museum:
    The Museum can be hired fr private functins, parties and many ther scial ccasins.
    Find Us:
    The Museum may be reached by using the fllwing buses: 7, 17, 19, 38, 45,46, 55, 243. And by these undergrund services: Piccadilly Line; Central Line. Fr a map, please click here. The British Museum and the Fundling Museum are within walking distance.
    1. Hw much will they pay if a family with tw adults and three children g t the Museum tgether?
    A. £10. 00B. £14. 00C. £19. 00D. £22. 00
    2. What can be learned frm the passage abut the Museum?
    A. Individuals cannt hire the Museum fr parties.
    B. Visitrs with pr visin can enjy the Museum.
    C. In n case can peple visit the Museum after 17:00.
    D. Visitrs can see rare editins f many Victrian nvelists.
    3. Where des this text prbably cme frm?
    A. WebsiteB. MagazineC. NewspaperD. Guidebk
    Mark asked “D yu think they’ll let me play?” Mark’s father knew that few bys wuld want smene like Mark, mentally and physically disabled, n their team, but the father still apprached t ask the bys if Mark culd play. They exchanged glances with each ther and said, “We’ll try t put him in t bat.”
    Mark struggled ver t the team’s bench and his father had a small tear in his eye and warmth in heart. The bys saw the father’s jy at his sn being accepted.
    In the bttm f the final inning, Mark was scheduled t be at bat. Everyne knew that a hit was almst impssible. The first pitch (投) came and Mark missed. The pitcher again tk a few steps frward t thrw the ball sftly twards Mark. As the pitch came in, Mark swung at the ball and hit a slw grund ball right back t the pitcher.
    The pitcher culd have easily thrwn the ball t the first baseman, but he just threw the ball right ver the head f the first baseman, beynd the reach f all teammates. The audience and the players frm bth teams started screaming, “Mark, run t first!” Never in his life had Mark ever run that far but made it t first base, wide-eyed and shcked.
    By the time Mark runded twards secnd base, the smallest guy n their team, wh had a chance t be the her fr his team fr the first time, understd the pitcher’s intentins and he t intentinally threw the ball high and far ver the third baseman’s head.
    All were screaming. “Mark, run t third.” As Mark runded third, all were n their feet, crying, “Mark, run hme!” Mark ran t hme, stepped n the hme base and was cheered as the her wh wn the game fr his team. Tears rlled dwn the father’s cheeks.
    That day, the bys frm bth teams helped bring true lve and humanity int this wrld.
    4. Why did Mark’s father, nt expecting much, still asked if Mark culd jin the team?
    A. Because he nticed sme f the bys n the field were friendly.
    B. Because he knew sme f the bys n the field knew Mark well.
    C. Because he understd Mark did need a feeling f being accepted.
    D. Because he guessed Mark’s disability wuld affect the bys’ decisin.
    5. What des the underlined wrd “intentins” in paragraph 5 refer t?
    A. The pitcher wanted t help Mark win the game.
    B. The pitcher pretended t thrw the ball high and far.
    C The pitcher lked frward t winning the game fr his team.
    D. The pitcher had intended t thrw the ball t the first baseman.
    6. Which has nthing t d with Mark’s becming the her fr his team?
    A. Sme f the ppsing players ran t help him.
    B. The pitcher did nt thrw the ball t the first baseman.
    C. The ppsing players failed t stp his running t hme.
    D. The audience and the players frm bth teams cheered fr him.
    7. What is the theme f the stry?
    A. True human nature culd be realized in the way we treat each ther.
    B. Everyne can develp his team spirit in sprts and please his parents.
    C. The results f the game shuld nt be the nly cncern f the players.
    D. Everyne has his wn strength even if mentally r physically disabled.
    There is a dangerus view in tday’s sciety, and it is a restrictin t happiness, success, and grwth. The view states that human beings are inner fragile (内在脆弱) and that the nly way t be happy and successful in life is t prtect neself by aviding misfrtune.
    Nt nly are thse statements false, but the actins we take believing them-t be “prtective” als usually limit happiness and even stp persnal and prfessinal grwth. Take sprts as an example, seldm d thse wh play the game f life nt t lse ever really win.
    Rather than fear and try t avid all misfrtune, perhaps we shuld accept the misfrtune and the ccasinal crises in life and prepare fr them. As a muscle grws strnger with stress, s can peple, teams, rganizatins, even cmmunities. Crisis reveals true strength.
    Sprts psychlgists Fletcher and Sarkar have studied Olympic gld medal winners. They cnclude, “Indeed, mst f the participants argued that if they had nt experienced certain types f stressrs at specific times, including highly demanding misfrtunes, they wuld nt have wn their gld medals.”
    Psychlgists Richard Tedeschi and Lawrence Calhun created the term “psttraumatic grwth.” They describe it as the experience f psitive change that ccurs as a result f highly challenging life crises. It is shwn in a variety f ways, including an increased appreciatin fr life in general, mre meaningful interpersnal relatinships, an increased sense f persnal strength, changed pririties, and a richer existential and spiritual life.
    The remarkable success stries that can arise after mments f great challenge and failure are cuntless. Thmas Edisn failed thusands f times trying t create a light bulb filament (灯丝) that wuld light and burn in a cnsistent manner, but finally created the wrld’s first practical light bulb. Harland Sanders develped the brand Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) in his 60s while recvering frm a failed career as a lawyer. There are thusands f ther lesser-knwn peple, whse lives are characterized by key mments f great recvery frm difficulty. Let us understand that grwth arises frm challenge and even failure. The myth f fragility and verprtectin keeps us all frm realizing ur full ptential.
    8. What des the “dangerus view” say abut peple?
    A. Peple are brn shy.B. Peple are afraid f misfrtune.
    C. Peple want wealth.D. Peple are ften in need f help.
    9. What is the authr’s pinin abut misfrtune?
    A. It’s a must in life and the mre, the better.
    B. It mstly cmes frm ur fragile inner heart.
    C. It’s ften met by wrld famus sprts stars.
    D. It shuld be treated with the right attitude.
    10. What des the tw psychlgists’ term imply?
    A. A failed life is nt wrth living at all.
    B. Peple need always lead a wrriless life.
    C. Psitive changes will ccur after crises.
    D. Try nt t express ur pinins in public.
    11. Why are the stries f Thmas Edisn and Harland Sanders inspiring?
    A They made great inventins.B. They gt remarkable supprt.
    C. They didn’t easily give up.D. They restricted their ptential.
    Wireless Charging:
    Deliver Electricity thrugh the Air
    A wireless charging rm has been develped by scientists. It can deliver pwer thrugh the air t any laptp, tablet r phne withut the need fr plugs r cables.
    The new technlgy invlves generating magnetic fields ver lnger distances withut als prducing electrical fields that wuld prve harmful t any peple r animals within the rm, accrding t the team frm the University f Tky.
    The system, which has been tested in a single rm but is still in its infancy (在初始阶段), can deliver up t 50 watts f pwer withut exceeding current guidelines fr human expsure t magnetic fields, the study authrs explained. It culd be used t charge any device with a wire cil (电线圈) fitted inside, similar t the system used with wireless charging pads currently in use—but withut the pad. As well as remving bundles f charging cables frm desks, it culd allw fr mre devices t be fully rbtized withut the need fr prts, plugs r cables.
    T demnstrate the new system, they installed the unique wireless charging infrastructure in a purpse- built aluminum “test rm” that was 10 feet by 10 feet. They then used it t pwer lamps, fans and mbile phnes that drew current frm anywhere in the rm, regardless f where furniture r peple had been placed.
    Researchers didn’t say what the technlgy might cst because it is still very early in develpment and “years away” frm being made available t the public. “This really ups the pwer f the ubiquitus (无所不在的) cmputing wrld- yu culd put a cmputer anywhere withut ever having t wrry abut charging r plugging in,” said study cauthr Alansn Sample frm the University f Michigan.
    There are als clinical applicatins, accrding t Sample, wh said heart implants currently require a wire frm the pump t run thrugh the bdy and int a scket. “This culd eliminate that,” the authr said, adding it wuld act t reduce the risk f infectin and imprve patients’ quality f life by eliminating the wire cmpletely.
    12. What’s the advantage f the new technlgy accrding t the text?
    A. It is widely used.
    B. It’s envirnmentally friendly.
    C. The cable is essential in the new technlgy.
    D. It nly culd be used t charge sme devices.
    13. What des the underlined wrd in Para. 3 mean?
    A. Awkward.B. Artificial.
    C. Cntrllable.D. Autmatic.
    14. What can we infer frm this text?
    A. The technlgy takes a lt f investment.
    B Peple can benefit a lt frm this technlgy.
    C. Heart plants can be cnducted with the new technlgy.
    D. The technlgy ups the pwer f the cmputing wrld.
    15. What’s the purpse f the text?
    A. T persuade.B. T advertise.
    C. T infrm.D. T educate.
    5 Uses fr Leftver Fruit Peels
    Eating fruit is ne f the healthiest eating habits that mst f us fllw.____16____N, they aren’t. The skins and peels f fruit are full f flavr and nutritin, and these waste prducts actually have a lt t ffer.
    Clean greasy metal.
    Lemn is a citrus fruit (柑橘类水果). It cntains acid. Yu can use lemn t clean metals with grease (油脂). Yu can use lemn t reduce the effect f the xidatin (氧化) prcess. Spread salt r baking sda n the affected area and then rub it with lemn.____17____
    Clean yur kettle.
    Tea kettles get mineral depsits (沉积) t build up in them.____18____Then, clse the heat and let it settle fr an hur. After that, rinse (冲洗) it ff.
    Make fruit zest(水果外皮).
    Zest is the uter layer f fruits. Citrus fruits like lemn, range, lime, etc. can be used t add flavr t ther fd prducts r fd items. Yu can als stre it in the frst fr future use. It gives all yur dishes a sweet flavr and taste.
    Yu can use fruit peels t make brwn sugar sft. Yu need t cver the sugar with lemn peel. Make sure that it cntains sme lemn juice and pith (橙子等外皮之下的海绵层,中果皮).
    Refresh yur skin.
    ____20____They refresh yur skin and give it a new lk. Yu can rub range r grapefruit peel and then rinse in warm water.
    A. Misturize the skin.
    B. Keep brwn sugar sft.
    C. It acts as a natural beauty prduct.
    D. Fruit peels are beneficial fr yur skin.
    E. This way, yur metals can get rid f rust and xidatin.
    F. Yu need t fill the kettle with water and lemn peels and bring it t a bil.
    G. But we always eat the fruits and thrw their peels as we think they are useless.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Danielle Allre-Taylr always lved her stuffed animals.
    “This is Rabbit. My mm used t fix him fr me.____21____, that’s kind f where I started thinking as I gt lder, I culd fix him and fix ther stuffed animals,” Danielle said.
    But a bit f luck, a stuffed dg named Max, and a viral vide made it smething mre. Smene she didn’t knw ____22____her ut f the blue (意外地;突然地), asking if she culd help fix a stuffed dg. Danielle recrded the restratin (修复) prcess n TikTk. The vide went____23____sn.
    “That night was kind f a game- changer fr me,” Danielle said. “Overnight I went frm ‘What am I ging t d fr a____24____?’ t ‘I may need help with all f this____25____pprtunity.’”
    Danielle has restred arund 100 stuffed animals since starting her____26____. Her 10-year-ld daughter helps ut and smetimes gets____27____by the number f stuffed animals they receive.
    Danielle isn’t ding this just fr a paycheck. “Sme peple tell me, ‘Oh, yu’re nt____28____enugh,’ but I think it’s nt abut that,” Danielle said. “Fr me, it’s abut giving____29____. There are memries______30______t these stuffed animals, blankets, dlls. whatever it may be, and these peple want t______31______that memry. That’s why I d it.”
    Danielle realized it was nt just abut fixing and mending fabric; it was abut mending______32______t. She started a trauma (创伤) relief fund fr peple wh had gne thrugh a traumatic event.
    “If there are peple wh have a stuffed animal they went thrugh a traumatic event with, that’s when I cme in and use______33______that were given t me t d that restratin fr them fr______34______. It makes me happy that I can be a part f that______35______,” Danielle said.
    21. A. TherefreB. HweverC. BesidesD. Als
    22. A. cntentedB. cntractedC. cntactedD. cntrasted
    23. A. ptentialB. widespreadC. ptinalD. frmal
    24. A. funB. lifeC. turningD. living
    25. A. uniqueB. amazingC. necessaryD. terrible
    26. A. affairB. cnditinC. businessD. research
    27 A. annyedB. frustratedC. interestedD. verwhelmed
    28. A. chargingB. fferingC. payingD. checking
    29. A. backB. upC. inD. ff
    30. A. addictedB. assciatedC. cncernedD. attached
    31. A. bserveB. preserveC. deserveD. receive
    32. A. lksB. sulsC. heartsD. bdies
    33. A. dnatinsB. devtinsC. mneyD. salary
    34. A. funB. gdC. freeD. sure
    35. A. changingB. healingC. stringD. sparing
    “A barbecue restaurant wner I knw tld me t cme back n Mnday, s as t leave the weekends t ut-f-twn visitrs,” said Huang Yang. a native f Zib City in Shandng Prvince___36___wrks utside his hmetwn. He recently returned hme fr a visit and wanted t have sme barbecue.___37___ he failed t find seats.
    Thanks t scial media recmmendatins. Zib has gne viral n Chinese scial media platfrms. ___38___ (vide) n sites such as Xiahngshu shw thusands f peple traveling t the city t try its lcal barbecue, which___39___ (wrap) m a pancake and has a distinct taste.
    Taking advantage f the barbecue craze, Zib has gne all ut t prmte lcal turism resurces, while___40___(wrk) t ensure the safety f visitrs and the quality f turism prducts. T prvide visitrs___41___a happy experience, plice have increased___42___number f patrl(巡逻) persnnel t ensure visitrs’ safety. Railway authrities have even added tw additinal high-speed trains between the___43___ (prvince) capital Jinan and Zib n weekends. The lcal gvernment nw has released a map f barbecue jints and added 21 new bus rutes___44___ (facilitate) urban transprtatin.
    Accrding t data frm Meituan. Zib has seen an 800 percent increase in accmmdatin bkings fr the upcming hliday_____45_____ (cmpare) t 2019, ranking first in Shandng Prvince in terms f grwth rate.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46. 你校英文报正在组织作文比赛,请你以“Failure Is Nt Necessarily Bad”为题写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:
    1. 你的理解;
    2. 举例说明。
    注意:1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Failure Is Nt Necessarily Bad
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。
    Gerge’s Feast
    Gerge’s mther was very pr. Instead f having bright, blazing (熊熊燃烧的) fires in winter, she had nthing t burn but dry sticks, which Gerge picked up frm under the trees and hedges.
    One fine day in July, she sent Gerge t the wds, which were abut tw miles frm the village in which she lived. He was t stay there all day, t get as much wd as he culd cllect.
    It was a bright, sunny day, and Gerge wrked very hard s that by the time the sun was high, he was ht, and wished fr a cl place where he might rest fr a while and eat his dinner.
    While he hunted arund the bank f the stream, he saw amng the mss (苔藓) sme fine wild strawberries, which were a bright red with ripeness (成熟).
    “Hw gd these will be with my bread and butter!” thught Gerge. Lining (垫在……里) his little cap with leaves. he set t wrk eagerly (急切地) t gather all he culd find, and then seated himself by the brk.
    It was a pleasant place, and Gerge felt happy and cntented. He thught hw much his mther wuld like t see him there, and t be there herself instead f in her dark, clse rm in the village. Cerge thught f all this and just as he was lifting the first strawberry t his muth, he said t himself, “Hw much Mm wuld like these!” He stpped and put the strawberry back again.
    “Shall I save them fr her?” said Gerge, thinking hw much they wuld refresh his sick mther, yet still lking at them with a lnging eye. “I will eat half and take the ther half t her,” said he at last and he divided them int tw piles. But each pile lked s small that he put them tgether again.
    “I will nly taste ne,” thught he; but, as he again lifted it t his muth, he saw that he had taken the finest, and he put it back. “I will keep them all fr her,” said he, and he cvered them up nicely till he shuld g hme.
    Paragraph 1:
    When the sun was beginning t sink, Gerge set ut fr hme.
    Paragraph 2:
    Gerge ran in t Mm and jyfully ffered his wild strawberries.

    2023-2024学年河南省信阳市浉河区高二上册1月月考英语试题(附答案): 这是一份2023-2024学年河南省信阳市浉河区高二上册1月月考英语试题(附答案),共15页。试卷主要包含了请将答案正确填写在答题卡上等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2022-2023学年河南省信阳市浉河区信阳高级中学高一下学期7月月考英语试题含答案: 这是一份2022-2023学年河南省信阳市浉河区信阳高级中学高一下学期7月月考英语试题含答案,共7页。试卷主要包含了15等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2022-2023学年河南省信阳市浉河区高一下学期4月期中英语试题含答案: 这是一份2022-2023学年河南省信阳市浉河区高一下学期4月期中英语试题含答案,共7页。

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