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    这是一份2023-2024学年福建省宁德市部分达标中学高二上学期期中考试英语试题含答案,文件包含福建省宁德市部分达标中学2023-2024学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题原卷版docx、福建省宁德市部分达标中学2023-2024学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共47页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号、考场号、座位号填写在答题卡上。
    2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. What is the purpse f the wman’s call?
    A. T pen a new accunt. B. T pay the gas bill. C. T ask abut a bill.
    2. What time will the man arrive in Lndn?
    A. At 8:30. B. At 8:00. C. At 7:30.
    3 Where are the tw speakers prbably?
    A. In a htel. B. In a hspital. C. In a car.
    4. What are the speakers prbably ding?
    A. Watching TV. B. Taking pictures. C. Ding exercise.
    5. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Bss and emplyee. B. Waiter and custmer. C. C-wrkers.
    6. When did the speakers g t Mexic last time?
    A. In August. B. In February. C. In January.
    7. What can the speakers find in Mexic this time?
    A. Whales. B. Snw. C. Warm sea water.
    8. What means f transprtatin did the wman just take?
    A. A taxi. B. A train. C. A plane.
    9. Hw lng des the man suggest the wman rent the car?
    A. Fr fur days. B. Fr seven days. C. Fr five days.
    10. What subject is the wman interested in?
    A. Business. B. Music. C. Maths.
    11. What des the man want the wman t study?
    A. Cmputer prgramming r music.
    B. Business r cmputer prgramming.
    C. Business r music.
    12. What d we knw abut the wman?
    A. She cnsiders interest mre imprtant.
    B. She will take the man’s advice.
    C. She is nt gd at cmputer science.
    13. Why are many animals in danger accrding t the wman?
    A. The envirnment is seriusly plluted.
    B. Many animals are suffering frm diseases.
    C. There is nt enugh fd fr animals.
    14. What is advised nt t d when traveling abrad?
    A. Intrduce new species. B. Buy pets. C. Buy skin cats.
    15. What can peple d in their neighbrhds?
    A. Call fr new laws.
    B. Lk after hmeless animals.
    C. Make the envirnment cleaner.
    16. Hw can peple imprve animals’ living cnditins in the zs?
    A. By hiring mre staff t lk after them.
    B. By building natural cnditins.
    C. By ffering them mre fd.
    17. Wh is the speaker?
    A. Jenny. B. Maria. C. Ellen.
    18. When is the rain expected t stp?
    A. After Wednesday afternn.
    B. After Friday night.
    C. After Sunday afternn.
    19. What was tday’s temperature?
    A. Arund sixteen degrees. B. Arund ten degrees. C. Arund six degrees.
    20 What will the listeners hear next?
    A. Plitical news reprt. B. Weather reprt. C. Traffic reprt.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Australia is a vast cntinent rich in extrardinarily beautiful views. Here are sme f the mst beautiful views in Australia.
    Mindil Beach, Darwin
    Sme f the mst impressive Australian sunsets can be witnessed frm Mindil Beach as the sun dips belw the Arafura Sea. Beautiful clrs f pink, range, blue and purple paint the sky each night. Frm April t Octber, yu can enjy the festive nightlife f the famus Mindil Beach Sunset Markets which celebrate the wnderful view each night.
    Sydney Harbr, Sydney
    It’s a view knwn as ne f the mst ppular shts f Australia. The famus Sydney Harbr can be best experienced frm a bird’s eye view, ne yu can experience yurself if yu have the nerve t climb 143 meters abve sea level t the tp f the Sydney Harbr Bridge. It will be an amazing view that yu’ll remember fr a lifetime.
    Cape Byrn Lighthuse, Byrn Bay
    The Cape Byrn Lighthuse is the mst easterly pint in the entire cuntry. Each year mre than 500, 000 peple visit the lighthuse which rises up abve Byrn Bay ffering striking views f the bay, the beach and even an pprtunity fr whale watching when the seasn is right.
    Whitehaven Beach, Whitsundays
    Fr many, the typical Australian image is f a beautiful beach with sft sand and blue waters all arund. The 7-kilmeter area f sand knwn as Whitehaven Beach n Whitsunday Island is abut as beautiful f a beach view as ne can get anywhere in the cuntry. The beach is knwn fr its pwder white sand. The sand als desn’t keep heat meaning that walking bareft n the beach is cmfrtable even at the httest pints f the day. Whitehaven can nly be accessed by bat, making this a picture wrthy f any pstcard.
    1. What can yu enjy at Mindil Beach?
    A. Beautiful sunrises.B. The festive nightlife.
    C. A famus lighthuse.D. Clrful architecture.
    2. Which place can ffer yu a chance t see whales?
    A. Mindil Beach.B. The Sydney Harbr Bridge.
    C. Whitehaven Beach.D. The Cape Byrn Lighthuse.
    3. What makes Whitehaven Beach unique?
    A. The sand.B. The climate.C. The transprt.D. The seawater.
    Lcated at the ft f the Wudang Muntains in China’s Hubei Prvince is the hme f 64-year-ld Marc Verlant, which pssesses a fascinating cllectin f Chinese artifacts. The artfully arranged decratins such as miniatures (微缩模型) f ancient Chinese twers, traditinal wden carvings and Chinese paintings clearly cnvey that the huse wner is trying t creatively explre and develp a better understanding f Chinese culture.
    As a keen enthusiast f martial arts, Chinese architecture and histry, this Frenchman is currently savring his 19th year f living in a rural Chinese-style envirnment and finds it pleasant t live here. “Wudang is like my secnd hme, and sme lcals say that I am almst a native f Wudang,” said Verlant.
    The Wudang Muntains, a UNESCO wrld cultural heritage site, are cnsidered “the cradle f Tai Chi” and are hme t numerus palaces and temples that shw the wisdm and beauty f ancient China’s architecture. In 2004, t treat his bdy after an accident, Verlant mved here t learn Chinese martial arts, and gradually fell in lve with martial arts as well as Wudang’s culture. Fr him, it all started when his French-language student, wh was a lcal tur guide, arused his interest in lcal culture. Fr years, he vlunteered as a freign-language interpreter and tur guide in the Wudang Muntains, sharing Wudang’s culture with turists frm acrss the wrld. During the past tw decades, he has witnessed and experienced the rapid develpment f this muntainus regin. “When I first arrived in Wudang, there was neither the high-speed railway nr the shuttle bus, and many freigners didn’t knw hw t cme here, ” he recalled.
    The Frenchman’s enthusiasm inspired thse arund him. “I learned a lt abut Wudang frm Marc, and his psitive attitude tward life als influenced me t be mre utging and energetic,”said his wife, wh is a native f Shiyan City, where the Wudang Muntains are lcated.
    4. Why des the authr mentin the decratins f a huse?
    A. T sing the praises f traditinal Chinese artifacts.
    B. T highlight its wner’s insights int Chinese art.
    C. T shw its wner’s passin fr Chinese culture.
    D. T suggest the perfectly-matched decrating style.
    5. What des the underlined wrd “savring” in paragraph 2 mean?
    A. Adjusting.B. Explring.C. Rebuilding.D. Enjying.
    6. What can we learn abut Verlant’s life after 2004?
    A. He wrked as a tur guide while teaching.
    B. He cntributed t the prmtin f Wudang’s culture.
    C. He became energetic under the influence f martial arts.
    D. He ffered great help t the develpment f the lcal ecnmy.
    7 What is the text mainly abut?
    A. A turist attractin—Wudang.
    B. An encunter with martial arts.
    C A jurney f intercultural cmmunicatin.
    D. A French enthusiast f Wudang’s culture.
    China has put in place a new plicy that limits nline vide game playing fr yung peple t three hurs a week. The new rules restrict nline gaming fr thse under the age f 18 t ne hur n Friday evenings, weekends and public hlidays. They were annunced by General Administratin f Press and Publicatin (GAPP), which is respnsible fr regulating vide games. The new rules place the respnsibility fr carrying ut the plicy n the gaming industry. The limits dn’t include punishments fr individual gamers.
    China is the wrld’s largest vide gaming market. Chinese media reprted that abut 63% f Chinese minrs (未成年人) ften play nline games. Abut 13%f underage mbile game users are believed t play them fr mre than tw hurs a day n weekdays. The Chinese gvernment has wrried fr years abut yung peple becming addicted t games. Treatment centers have been set up fr peple thught t have develped “gaming disrders”.
    The first gvernment restrictins tk effect in 2019. Thse rules limited minrs t ne hur and a half f gaming time a day and three hurs n weekends. The plicy als limited the amunt f mney minrs culd spend n virtual items in gaming each mnth. The limit ranged frm $28 t $57, depending n the age f the gamer.
    Current rules require minrs t use their real names and natinal ID numbers when they are signing in t play. Gaming cmpanies created systems t identify minrs. Hwever, many yung gamers fund ways t avid the requirement, such as signing in under the names f adult family members. Therefre, the GAPP said nline gaming cmpanies wuld have t prve they had effective identificatin systems in place. Measures will be taken t make sure they fllw the new limits. The agency said it wuld als increase punishment fr gaming cmpanies nt fllwing the rules.
    Sme yung Chinese gamers criticized the new rules n scial media. Sme parents, hwever, tld the news agency that they supprted the new limits.
    8. What can be inferred frm paragraph 1?
    A. Minrs addicted t nline games may get punished.
    B. Minrs can nly have access t nline games n hlidays.
    C. The new plicy frbids minrs frm playing nline games.
    D. Gaming industry plays a vital rle in cnducting the plicy.
    9. What is the purpse f paragraph 2?
    A. T prmte the spread f the new rules.
    B. T express the cncern abut nline gaming.
    C. T ffer the backgrund f the new plicy.
    D. T aruse public awareness f minrs’ health.
    10. Why des the gaming industry need t strengthen the identificatin system?
    A. A few gaming cmpanies tend t break the rules.
    B. Sme minrs may register with adults’ ID numbers.
    C. Adult family members may cnduct illegal peratins.
    D. The existing regulatin has n effect n the minrs’ addictin.
    11. Hw d sme yung Chinese gamers feel abut the new plicy?
    A. Disturbed.B. Relaxed.C. Frightened.D. Calmed.
    When we dn’t regularly get enugh sleep n weeknights, many f us hpe t repay ur sleep debt by sleeping late n weekends. Scientists have previusly fund that a lack f sleep increases the risk f being verweight. Hwever, it was nt clear whether sleeping mre n the weekend culd balance the bks and prevent such an increase.
    A team f researchers frm the University f Clrad Bulder set ut t find hw a weekend f recvery sleep may influence an individual’s health. The study fcused n 36 healthy yung adults, wh were divided int three grups. The first grup gt plenty f sleep each night fr 9 nights, while the secnd grup gt just 5 hurs f sleep each night fr 9 nights. The third grup f peple slept 5 hurs fr 5 nights, slept as much as they wanted ver the weekend, and then returned t 2 mre days f limited sleep. All peples’ eating patterns, weight gain, and changes in insulin(胰岛素) sensitivity are tracked thrughut.
    Cmpared t peple wh slept nrmally, thse wh nly slept 5 hurs a night snacked mre after dinner and gained an average f abut 3 punds during the study. Their bdies’ sensitivity t insulin decreased by 13% ver the tw-week perid. Peple in the third grup experienced sme mild imprvement during the weekend: they were less likely t snack at night during the recvery perid. But thse benefits died ut when they returned t their weekday sleep-restricted schedule. They als gained an average f abut 3 punds during the study and experienced a 27% decrease in insulin sensitivity. Furthermre, during the weekend, ttal sleep duratin was lwer in wmen than in men, and energy intake decreased t baseline levels in wmen but nt in men.
    The study suggests that weekend recvery sleep is nt likely t be an effective measure regarding metablic(新陈代谢) health. In the future, the research team aims t explre further whether r nt catching up n sleep, including daytime napping, can cmpletely change the damage f sleep lss, and if s, t what extent and under what cnditins.
    12. Hw did the researchers arrive at their cnclusins.?
    A. By cmparing experiment data.
    B. By referring t previus studies.
    C. By cllecting peple’s sleep recrds.
    D. By interviewing healthy yung adults.
    13. What can we learn frm the results f the study?
    A. Recvery sleep cntributed t less weight gain.
    B. Less fd was eaten after the recvery perid.
    C. Sex differences were bserved in recvery sleep.
    D. Insulin sensitivity gt higher in mst f the peple.
    14. Which f the fllwing is the fcus f future studies?
    A. The effective measures against sleep lss.
    B. The sleep study amng varius age grups.
    C. The damage f sleep lss t metablic health.
    D. The specific effects f recvery sleep strategies.
    15. What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Why is weekend catch-up sleep imprtant?
    B. Sleep debt n weekends can be paid back.
    C. Why des sleep lss affect metablic health?
    D. Weekend lie-ins dn’t make up fr sleep lss.
    Great! Yu finally have a lng hliday during which yu can get t that crner f the wrld yu’ve always wanted t visit. Hwever, t make sure yur trip ges as smthly as yu want, yu need t make sme preparatins. Here are the steps yu need t take t prepare fr yur trip.
    Chse a destinatin
    Yu can’t plan a trip when yu’re nt sure where yu want t g. ___16___ Chse a place yu want t visit and plan yur vacatin arund it.
    ___17___ Research the cst f yur destinatin including transprtatin, htels, fd and drinks. Yu can save mney by traveling during the ff-seasn. Prepare a little mre mney than yu might need, just in case.
    Depending n yur vacatin destinatin, yu might need sme imprtant dcuments such as a valid passprt and visa. Make sure yur passprt hasn’t expired and if yu dn’t have ne, apply in time, as visa applicatins are ften a cmplex prcess that can take weeks t be apprved.
    Cnsider travel insurance
    A car accident lawyer in Vancuver wuld advise yu t take ut travel insurance because it’s mre than just medical prtectin. ___19___ Yu can als buy verseas medical insurance because it can help yu prepare fr the wrst.
    Bk yur flight and accmmdatin
    Bking the flight and accmmdatin shuld be ne f the first things yu shuld d. Bk yur flight mnths in advance because it’s mre ecnmical and yu can save a lt f mney. ___20___
    A. Get yur dcuments in rder.
    B. It is necessary t bring enugh mney with yu.
    C. This will help yu plan and enjy yur trip within limits.
    D. It will als cver yu if yu lse yur luggage r yur flight is canceled.
    E. Knwing yur destinatin is crucial because it will give yu a clear gal.
    F. And arrange accmmdatin as early as pssible, especially during the peak seasn.
    G. Yu can use a real-time traffic mnitring app t find the quickest rute t yur destinatin.
    第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    I hadn’t gt exercise lately and felt a bit dizzy. I was a little ___21___. One f my friends invited me t shw up t see a ___22___ that they said wuld help me feel better. Little did I knw that I was abut t see smething I wuld never frget.
    They intrduced a yung ___23___, Mr Patrick Henry Hughes. He was ___24___ nt the stage in his wheelchair and began t play the pian. His fingers ___25___ acrss the keys as he made beautiful music. He then began t sing as he played, and it was even mre beautiful. Fr sme reasn, ___26___, I knew that I was seeing smething special. Ten minutes later, smene came n the stage and ___27___ a vide f Patrick Henry Hughes.
    Patrick was brn with n eyes and a tightening f the jints which left him ___28___ fr life. Befre his first birthday, he ___29___ the pian. On his secnd birthday, he asked t play it. His father was ___30___. “We might nt play baseball, but we can play music tgether.”
    Tday, Patrick is a ___31___ at university. His father attends classes with him and he has made nearly all “A” s. He is als a trumpet player f a band. He and his father d it tgether — they ___32___ all the band practices and the half-time perfrmance in frnt f thusands f peple.
    But even mre than his ___33___ musical talent, it was Patrick’s attitude t gratitude that tuched me. I will never frget that night, that smile, that music, but mst imprtantly, that ___34___ attitude t gratitude. Gratitude can change yur attitude, ___35___ yur life frever.
    A. activeB. dwnC. shckedD. eager
    A. matchB. sptC. perfrmanceD. picture
    A. musicianB. physicianC. physicistD. lawyer
    A. appealedB. rlledC. deliveredD. frced
    A. dancedB. appliedC. emplyedD. cnnected
    A. brieflyB. eventuallyC. hweverD. instantly
    A. sharedB. madeC. releasedD. sld
    A. demandedB. sadC. wrriedD. disabled
    A. discveredB. displayedC. draftedD. demnstrated
    A. prudB. satisfiedC. excitedD. shcked
    A. writerB. junirC. prfessrD. pet
    A. applyB. attendC. cntactD. cncern
    A. availableB. reliableC. unbelievableD. achievable
    A. wnderfulB. cmmnC. usefulD. strange
    A. literallyB. stillC. instantlyD. thus
    “If the wrld ends ne day, these cllectins will bring hpe f a new beginning t life n the earth,”s aid Li Pei, a staff member at the Germplasm Bank f Wild Species(GBOWS), in Yunnan Prvince.
    ___36___(fund)in 2007, GBOWS is a research and preservatin facility fr rare and endangered plants and animals.
    Hw des the bank wrk? Scientists cllect endangered and ___37___(use)wild species and send them t the seed bank. Fr future study, cllectrs have t recrd ___38___(detail)f the plant, including ___39___ it was fund, its size and the number f individual plants in the habitat.
    Once the seeds arrive, they’re handled ___40___(prper)by scientists. Then, X-rays cnfirm that the seeds are in gd state. Then the seeds ___41___(freeze), stred in glass bttles and placed in huge freezers at—20 ℃. Each cntainer has ___42___ bar cde fr scanning t enable scientists t view seeds’ infrmatin.
    GBOWS in Yunnan, ___43___ wrks with internatinal partners, hlds 2,176 sets f seeds frm 45 cuntries and regins, with each set ___44___(cntain)thusands f individual seeds.
    “As China has rich and unique bilgical resurces, we aim t further enhance(增加)ur cllectins and cnduct ___45___(deep)research,” Li Pei said.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46. 假定你是李华,你的英国笔友Peter来信说他想到武夷山旅游,请你用英语给他写一封回信,介绍一下观光景点和体验活动。
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    参考词汇:bamb rafting竹筏漂流
    Dear Peter,
    Li Hua
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Summer was almst here. I wanted t g t Pine View Camp with my friends but my parents wanted me t g t Hilltwn Cmmunity Camp. Hilltwn Cmmunity Camp wuldn’t need much mney but it was pr.
    Mm tried t cheer me up. “When Dad starts his new jb, it’ll be better,” she prmised. “We’ll be able t d mre f the things yu want t d.” But I was still unhappy. When Grandpa Mike knew what was ging n, he asked me t g with him t d Give-back Time.
    The next day, Grandpa picked me up n his way t the Family Tgetherness Hme. He tld me recently he had been ding Give-back Time at the Family Tgetherness Hme. He explained, “It’s a place where parents and kids stay when they dn’t have any mney r any place else t live.”
    Tgether we walked t the Family Tgetherness Hme. I felt a little uncmfrtable when we gt there. Sme f the peple wre strange clthes. They lked tired. It frightened me a little t be arund peple wh seemed s different frm me. But Grandpa smiled and said hell t everyne as if they were ld friends f his. “We’re here t help these peple, Izzy,”he tld me. “Tday we’re ging t help by passing ut the fd.”
    Grandpa Mike talked with the peple in charge f the vlunteers. He intrduced me and tld them I wanted t help ut. “What am I suppsed t d?” I asked Grandpa. He brught me ver t the cunter. A vlunteer was spning ut sup int bwls there. “Help bring sup t peple in need,” Grandpa said. I lked arund and saw a girl wh was smaller than me. She sat in the crner. Her clthes were ld. She rcked back and frth with a sad lk n her face.
    Grandpa saw where I was lking. He handed me a bwl f sup. “Why dn’t yu bring that pretty girl sme sup?” he said. “Maybe it will cheer her up.” I tk the bwl.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Slwly, I walked twards the girl and didn’t knw what I shuld say t her.
    “I want t d Give-back Time with yu again and give that girl sme f my clthes,” I tld Grandpa.
    听力:1~5 CАBВC 6~10 AACBВ 11~15 BАACC 16~20 BАCBC

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