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    It is that time f the year, when a handful f wrld’s leading schlars, scial activists and researchers are rewarded with what is ften cited as the mst prestigius acknwledgement f human effrt-the Nbel Prize. Here’s a lk at wh has wn the prize and fr what.
    Physilgy r Medicine
    Swedish geneticist Svante Peab wn the first Nbel f the year, fr starting the field f ancient DNA studies. He is well-knwn fr extracting, sequencing, and analyzing ancient DNA frm Neanderthal bnes.
    Alain Aspect, Jhn F. Clauser and Antn Zeilinger’s wrk in quantum (量子) technlgy landed them the secnd Nbel Prize annunced in 2022. Althugh Aspect is frm France, Clauser frm the U.S, and Zeilinger frm Austria, the three separately perfrmed “grundbreaking experiments” as ne team. “Their results have cleared the way fr new technlgy,” the cmmittee stated.
    The Nbel Prize fr chemistry went t anther tri, Carlyn R. Bertzzi frm the U.S., Mrten Meldal frm Denmark and K. Barry Sharpless frm the U.S. “fr the develpment f click chemistry and birthgnal chemistry,” the cmmittee stated. Dr. Bertzzi is the eighth wman chemist t be awarded the prize, while Dr. Sharpless is the fifth scientist t be awarded tw Nbel Prizes.
    The Prize in Ecnmic Sciences was awarded t three American ecnmists, Ben S. Bernanke, Duglas W. Diamnd and Philip H. Dybvig “fr research n banks and financial crises,” the Nbel Prize cmmittee annunced n Mnday. By studying the histry f American ecnmics, particularly the Great Depressin f the 1930s,they imprved hw we understand the rle f banks during times f hardship and the bank’s impact n scietal functins.
    1. What prize is related t the research with bnes?
    A. Physilgy.B. Chemistry.C. Physics.D. Ecnmics.
    2. Fr what study did Ben S. Bernanke, Duglas W. Diamnd and Philip H. Dybvig win the prize?
    A. Abut scietal functins.B. Abut the histry f America.
    C. Abut banks and financial crises.D. Abut the Great Depressin f the 1930s.
    3. What d the prizes fr physics, chemistry and ecnmics have in cmmn?
    A. Their winners are frm different cuntries.B. They have three winners.
    C. They imprve new technlgy.D. They help peple understand hardship.
    When I was in primary schl, I was actually a little shy. One thing that really frightened me was speaking in frnt f many peple, whether strangers r acquaintances (熟人). It was my sixth-grade teacher, Mr. Bamick, wh helped me get past that. That year we had t make fur ral (口头的) bk reprts in frnt f the class. Sme f the kids were even glad t d it, but I was scared t death. Mr. Bamick recgnized my fear, s be tld me t d a reprt n a bk that was abut smething that really interested me. S I did the first reprt n baseball.
    When it came time fr me t present it t the class, Mr. Bamick cut me sme slack and let me read the reprt rather than give it frm memry. Sme f my classmates laughed at me, but Mr. Bamick defended (……辩解) me. By the end f the year I had cmpleted all fur f the ral bk reprts. It wasn’t easy r cmfrtable fr me, but I did it.
    Years later I realized that Mr. Bamick did me a great favr in sixth grade. One f the chances I gt when I wn a tennis turnament (锦标赛) was t make cmments t the fans wh attended the match. Sme f thse were carried live n televisin and all f them were befre thusands f peple. It was still nt ne f my favrite things t d, but, with Mr. Bamick’s help, I gt thrugh it frm time t time. Befre lng, I was asked t bring my favrite childhd teacher t a natinal event in Dallas. 1 was excited when Mr. Bamick jined me fr the event. It meant a lt t me that he was there.
    Mr. Bamick believed in me and helped me t believe in myself. It was he wh helped me build the persn I became.
    4. In what aspect (方面) did Mr. Bamick help the writer?
    A. Imprving her learning skills.
    B Encuraging her t read mre bks.
    C. Winning her classmates’ recgnitin.
    D. Overcming her fear f public speaking.
    5. What des the underlined part “cut me sme slack” mean in paragraph 2?
    A. Played a funny jke n the writer.
    B. Gave the writer a feeling f pride.
    C. Made the task a little easier fr the writer.
    D. Asked the writer t take part in a cmpetitin.
    6. What d we knw abut the writer?
    A. She was a tennis player.
    B. She wanted t be a teacher.
    C. She liked public speaking best.
    D. She enjyed cmmenting n bks.
    7. In the writer’s mind, what kind f teacher is Mr. Bamick?
    A. Strict.B. Curius.
    C. Encuraging.D. Frightening.
    The glbal mvement t get rid f plastic has led t cncern abut single-use plastic tea bags, with many peple nw cnsidering them wasteful and ptentially dangerus. New research by a team at McGill University fund that a tea bag saked (浸泡) in 95℃ water released 11.6 billin units f micrplastics and 3.1 billin smaller nanplastic particles (微粒). The researchers are suggesting that dipping int biling water makes the tea bags release higher numbers f plastic particles r pisnus substances.
    This quantity f micrplastics is larger than the amunt cnsumed by a persn in an entire year, s the questin remains whether the cnsumptin f micrplastics is harmful t the human bdy. Wrryingly, when expsed t these levels f micrplastics, water fleas (水蚤) were nted t shw bdy and behavir abnrmalities. Fr a natin that cnsumes up t 60.2 billin cups f tea a year, this has caused cncern. While there is n evidence that these micr-plastics affect human health, the UN has said mre research is needed t fully understand the effect micrplastics have n the bdy.
    It is nt nly plastic tea bags that cntain chemicals. 96 per cent f paper tea bags sld in the UK cntain plyprpylene—a chemical used t clse the penings. This chemical can makeup 25 per cent f the bag.
    Sme brands such as the C-p and PG Tips had already adpted 100 per cent cmpstable (可堆肥的) ten bags due t public pressure. While Lidl is explring the alternative fr bilgical tea bags. Yrkshire Tea is aiming t switch t plant-based materials by the end f the year. The mst ec-friendly tea, hwever, remains lse leaf in a pt r cup.
    8. What des the new research shw?
    A. Tea bags are becming unppular.
    B. Tea bags cntain different plastics.
    C. Tea bags in ht water release bad materials.
    D. Tea bags shuld be dipped in cld water.
    9. Which can best describe the micrplastics’ effect n human health?
    A. Direct.B. Lng-lasting.C. Insignificant.D. Uncertain.
    10. What can be inferred frm the last paragraph?
    A. Tea makers are aware f tea bags’ harm.
    B. The public are particular abut tea brands.
    C. Peple are cncerned abut the envirnment.
    D. The prductin f tea becmes ec-friendly.
    11. Where is the text prbably taken frm?
    A. A textbk.B. A technlgy reprt.
    C. A bigraphy.D. A health magazine.
    “The histry f the wrld is but the bigraphy (传记) f great men,” argued Thmas Carlyle, the advcate f what has cme t be knwn as the “Great Man Thery f Histry.” This thery suggests that the brader mvements and utline f histry all g back t the leadership f great individuals wh had unique influence n their times. Whether r nt Carlyle’s thery prves true is debatable, but that certain individuals cast lng shadws is nt.
    As ne wh is entrusted with a leadership psitin, I find it prfitable t read f thers wh have led. Wherever yu find me, yu’ll likely find a gd bigraphy nearby. Why is this the case? First, I find gd bigraphies fascinating. I’ll ccasinally read a nvel, but I’ve never been verly drawn t fictin. I have fund myself unable t sleep while in the struggle f the Battle f Britain in William Manchester’s The Last Lin. Fr me, nt t read bigraphies wuld rb me f pleasure in my life.
    Secnd, I find gd bigraphies infrmative. A gd bigrapher tells nt nly the stry f a persn, but als f their times. Reading a gd bigraphy is like wandering thrugh an intellectual shpping mall. The first stre is what drew yu there, but yu will be pleasantly surprised alng the way at what ther items grab yur attentin. Yu’ll find n better accunt f the British Empire at its peak than the pening chapters f Manchester’s Visins f Glry, vlume ne f his The Last Lin. Strictly speaking, a bigraphy is but a slice f histry.
    Third, I find gd bigraphies relaxing. Winstn Churchill nce nted a man wh wrks with his hands shuld have a hbby that engages his mind, and a man wh wrks with his mind shuld have a hbby that engages his hands. Anther way t apply Churchill’s saying is t cmbine technical, pen-in-hand vcatinal reading with leisurely bigraphical reading. Indeed, few things are mre relaxing t me than winding dwn the evening and entering int anther wrld.
    This is why I lve reading gd bigraphies, and why I pity the persn wh neglects them. Dn’t be cunted amng their number.
    12. What is implied in the first paragraph?
    A. The authr finds Carlyle’s thery undebatable.
    B. Carlyle believes great men alne cannt create histry.
    C. It is debatable whether ne shuld read great men’s bigraphies.
    D. The authr agrees that histry is greatly influenced by certain men.
    13. What des the underlined phrase “ther items” in the third paragraph refer t?
    A. gd bigraphiesB. stries f certain times
    C. the vlumes f The Last LinD. the chapters f the British Empire
    14. Which f the fllwing statements is TRUE?
    A. The authr cnsiders bigraphical reading enjyable.
    B. The authr can travel t anther wrld in the evening.
    C. The authr has fught many battles during his lifetime.
    D. The authr prfits cmmercially by reading bigraphies.
    15. What is the authr’s main purpse in writing the article?
    A. T analyze the benefits f vcatinal reading.
    B. T intrduce t readers his unique reading strategies.
    C. T present great men’s histry thrugh bigraphy reading.
    D. T recmmend bigraphy reading thrugh his wn experiences.
    Things Mney Can’t Buy?
    Every individual wants financial security.____16____Because f mney,peple can live a luxurius life. Hwever, never frget that mney will bring pwer fame and satisfactin but right attitude and behavir f yurs will bring respect, dignity and peace t yu which yu can never buy with yur mney.There are certain things which mney can never give yu:
    Mney can never buy respect
    Many peple feel they shuld be respected just because they are rich. Actually, if yu feel that just because f mney yu have a license t disrespect anyne, then this attitude f yurs will fr sure nt keep yu at the tp fr a lng time, hence respect thers and stay humble and plite with thers. ____17____
    True friends and lve
    Mney will never bring genuine peple twards yu, because genuine peple never make friends by lking at yur pcket size. Hence when yu get a lt f mney, ____18____Because they are the nes wh will always stay beside yu whether yu have mney r nt.
    Mney can’t give yu an extra hur
    ____19____Yu have t manage everything in thse twenty-fur hurs, wh will nt be rewarded by any extra hurs. 25 hurs a day can never happen t yu just because f being rich.
    Mney can’t buy life
    Yu can never buy gd health and life.____20____Yu will face health issues withut having prper diet and exercise.If yu run behind mney and ignre yur health, yur health will take away all yur hard-earned mney. Hence always understand this phrase HEALTH IS WEALTH.
    A. Death is bvius, which will cme fr sure.
    B. yu can earn mney if yu have gd health.
    C. Mney can never give yu true friends and lve.
    D. Mney has becme the mst imprtant necessity f peple.
    E This attitude f yurs will help yu t get thers’ respect nt mney.
    F. never frget peple wh were there with yu in yur struggling days.
    G. N matter hw rich yu are, yu will get the same 24 hurs like thers.
    Lia Xiajuan, an nline mang seller in Baise, Guangxi Zhuang, Autnmus Regin, Autnmus Regin, is called “mang beauty” by her cuntrymen in Guangxi. Lia Xiajuan is amng a grwing number f female cllege graduates wh have fund cmmercial success in China’s rural areas.
    Like many f her peers, Lia, 26, ____21____ an ffice jb upn graduating frm a cllege seven years ag in Nanning.Then came the light-bulb mment fr the digital marketing graduate.
    Since she was very yung. Lia has been helping ut during summer ____22____at her family's mang plantatin in Baise. But it was nt until a recent ____23____back hme that she began t____24____the business pprtunities underling the traditinal mang industry that has fr decades____25____an ecnmic pillar in her rural hmetwn.
    The lcal farmers there, wh have____26____t ride the wave f the natin’s e-cmmerce bm, depend heavily n____27____distributin channels.
    Knwing that, purchasers had ften driven a hard bargain, greatly damaging ecnmic interests f the fruit____28____.
    "Then I thught t myself, why dn't I help____29____ manges nline?" said Lia, wh quit her jb in Nanning in 2014 t return t her hmetwn. Her effrts____30____sn. She sld ut her family's manges quickly, earning mre prfits than befre.
    That ____31____her t extend a helping hand t her____32____in the village. Then she started live-streaming sessins t further prmte the lcal fruit. Nw she has set up a cmpany f her wn, selling manges and ther lcal____33____ nline.
    "A cllege educatin in digital marketing is definitely vital, but e-cmmerce is impssible if there’s n reliable Internet access,” the “mang beauty”said,____34____that Internet service has expanded rapidly in villages in recent years. She hpes mre yung peple can jin her because this is a____35____career.
    21. A. discveredB. chseC. quitD. fixed
    22. A. campsB. breaksC. sessinsD. curses
    23. A. visitB. flightC. interviewD. activity
    24. A. rewardB. realizeC. analyseD. adjust
    25. A. lked likeB. lay inC. agreed withD. served as
    26. A. struggledB. refusedC. pretendedD. tended
    27. A. latestB. ld-fashinedC. strangeD. innvative
    28. A. fundersB. buyersC. deliverersD. grwers
    29. A. purchaseB. streC. prmteD. advcate
    30. A. gave utB. tk ffC. paid ffD. caught n
    31 A. frcedB. inspiredC. remindedD. required
    32. A. neighbrsB. classmatesC. friendsD. citizens
    33. A. infrmatinB. equipmentC. prduceD. furniture
    34. A. addingB. warningC. cmplainingD. recmmending
    35. A. decliningB. prmisingC. challengingD. demanding
    That Beijing, tgether with Zhangjiaku, succeeded in getting the chance t hst the 2022 Winter Olympic Games, speeds up the develpment f Zhangjiaku City. Wrd came ___36___the Beijing-Zhangjiaku high-speed railway, ___37___(lcate) in Nrth China, is currently under cnstructin, and ___38___(expect) t be cmpleted by 2020 in preparatin fr the cities t hst the 2022 Winter Olympics. Starting frm Beijing Nrth Railway Statin, heading west thrugh the Great Wall three times in the capital's territry, the prject is a big challenge, ___39___designers say the explsins needed t dig the tunnels will nt have an impact n the structure. The line has a ___40___(lng) f 174 km as a duble tracked passenger dedicated line, with ten statins situated alng its rute. Having a ___41___ttally) investment f 31.17 billin Yuan ($5 billin), the trip between the tw cities will nly take 40 minutes, with the train ___42___(travel) at an average f 250 km/h. Accrding t the plan, the high-speed railway will build tw branch lines—ne is t Yanqing Statin and the ther ___43___Taizicheng f Chngli, ___44___the Olympic village lies. The full railway, which includes 70-kilmeter sectin thrugh Beijing, will be cmpleted in fur and___45___half years.
    46. 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。
    “Tiki!” I yelled desperately.
    Our dg, Tiki, had slipped ut the dr earlier that evening. Nw I was searching the neighbrhd trying t find him. My seven-year-ld sn, Jrdan, was fllwing behind.
    I was wrried abut Jrdan. He had lst s much already. The last few mnths had been difficult. After getting divrced, I culd n lnger affrd ur huse in Indianaplis. Jrdan and I mved in with my parents in nrthern Indiana. Jrdan missed his friends and his ld schl. Lsing his childhd dg was the last thing he needed.
    We called ut Tilki’s name until it was cmpletely dark. We were frced t return hme, empty-handed.
    “Mm, it’s all new here. What if Tiki can’t find Grandma’s huse?” asked Jrdan. “It’s kay,” I said. “He’s wearing his cllar and dg tag (标牌).” It was at that mment that I realized Tiki’s tag listed ur address and phne number in Indianaplis. If smene fund him, they’d have n way t reach me. I felt sick t my stmach.
    The next day, I kept asking arund t see if anyne had sptted him. But after tw weeks, I began t lse hpe.
    One afternn I fund Jrdan crying in his rm. “At schl, we had t write abut ur wishes,” he said. “I wrte, ‘I wish my dg wuld cme hme.’ Mrs. Rush hung ur papers in the hallway. Every time I see my paper, I feel sad.” My heart brke fr him.
    S later that week, when he put n a stained shirt frm his ld schl back in Indianaplis, I just let it slide. If it helped him get thrugh the schl day, that was mre imprtant than lking put-tgether.
    When he gt hme that afternn, he tld me the schl custdian (管理员) had asked him abut his shirt. “I tld him we just mved here frm Indianaplis,” said Jrdan.
    The next day, I gt a call frm Mrs. Rush. “I’m calling n behalf f ur schl custdian,” she began. “His grwn daughter fund a dg a few weeks ag, and he thinks it might be yurs.”
    Mrs. Rush didn’t knw the details, but she passed n the daughter’s phne number.
    “What made yur dad think the dg was urs?” I asked curiusly.
    47. 假定你是李华,上周六你校邀请民俗(flklre)专家刘教授走进校园,为同学们做了主题为“灯笼”的讲座。请你为校英文报写一篇英文报道,内容包括:
    3)标题:A Meaningful Lecture

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