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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. Hw did the man get t the meeting?
    A. By taxi B. By subway C. By bus.
    2. What was the riginal price f the Jacket?
    A.$50 B.$75 C.$100
    3. What is prbably the man?
    A. A cllege prfessr.
    B. A high schl student.
    C. A full-time guitarist.
    4. What des the man ask the wman t d?
    A. Organize a dinner. B Make a schedule. C. Bk a htel.
    5. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A A bk. B. A play. C. A rle.
    6. With whm did the man g t Mntgmery Cunty?
    A. His friends. B. His family. C. His clleagues.
    7. Hw des the wman feel abut the festival?
    A. She is interested. B. She is disappinted. C. She is surprised.
    8. Why des the man cme t twn?
    A. T take sme training. B. T see the dentist. C. T d sme shpping.
    9. What des the man think needs imprving?
    A. The lighting. B. The ftpaths. C. The trains.
    10. What will the speakers first d?
    A. Bk the plane tickets. B. Cllect the currency. C. Buy sme medicine.
    11. What has the wman bught?
    A A tent. B. A bag. C. A charger.
    12. When will the speakers prbably leave?
    A. On April 12th. B. On April 13th. C. On April 14th.
    13. What equipment did the speakers need?
    A. The string. B. The cmpass. C. The ruler.
    14. What des the man say abut the methd they used t measure wave speed?
    A. It was simple t carry ut.
    B. It prvided accurate results.
    C. It required special equipment.
    15. What mistake did the man make when first drawing the map?
    A. He chse the wrng scale.
    B. He std in the wrng place.
    C. He did at the wrng time.
    16. What will the man d next with their map?
    A. Scan it int the reprt.
    B. Check it with phtgraphs.
    C. Dwnlad it frm the Internet.
    17. What has already been installed in the theatre?
    A. An elevatr. B. Sme extra seats. C. A type f seating.
    18. What facility can the theatre ffer t the public nw?
    A. The bkshp. B. The café. C. The meeting rm.
    19. What kind f wrkshp des the theatre currently have?
    A. Sund. B. Lighting. C. Make-up.
    20. Where will the listeners g next?
    A. The manager’s ffice. B. The dressing rm. C. The relaxatin rm
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,每小题2分,满分40分)
    Children’s Museum f Oak Ridge
    Lcated in a histric Manhattan Prject-era building, this museum is the place fr visitrs t learn abut art, science, histry, culture, and healthy living. With ver 20 child-friendly exhibits t explre, it prvides smething f interest fr everyne.
    Address:461 W. Outer Dr. Oak Ridge, TN 37830
    Admissin: Adults — $ 8.00; Senirs — $ 7.00; Children 3& Up — $ 6.00; Children under 3 — Free.
    Children’s Museum f Science and Technlgy (CMOST)
    Funded in 1954, CMOST is the regin’s nly science center. CMOST prvides an engaging, child-directed learning envirnment which enables children t learn and grw thrugh play. Designed fr children aged 18 mnths thrugh the tween years, the museum enables children t bserve, think, and learn in a pressure-free envirnment by pairing creative educatinal tls and techniques with engaging exhibits t supprt active learning.
    Address:250 Jrdan Rad Try, NY 12180
    Admissin:$ 8.00 per persn aged 2 and up.
    African American Museum f Iwa (AAMI)
    The AAMI is a statewide museum aimed at keeping and teaching Iwa’s African American histry. As Iwa’s leading educatinal resurce n the tpic, it educates mre than 30,000 peple each year thrugh museum turs, travelling exhibits, research services, yuth and adult educatin prgrams, and cmmunity and fundraising events.
    Address:55 12th Avenue SE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52401
    Admissin: Adults — $ 6.00; Senirs — $ 5.00; Students/Yuth — $ 3.50; Children under 5 — Free.
    King man Museum
    King man Museum is a hidden treasure in Suthwest Michigan husing an extensive (大量的) natural histry cllectin. As a lcal landmark in Battle Creek fr ver 80 years, King man Museum wrks t prvide a universal place f hands-n learning fr the cmmunity.
    Address:175 Limit St. Battle Creek, MI 49037
    Admissin: Free.
    1. What can we knw abut CMOST?
    A. It is a statewide museum.B. It used t be a science lab.
    C. It uses creative educatinal tls.D. It is designed fr children t play.
    2. What’s the gal f African American Museum f Iwa?
    A. Exhibiting artwrks.
    B. Raising funds fr prgrams.
    C. Prtecting the African American histry.
    D. Prviding learning sites fr cmmunities.
    3. Which museum charges a child aged 5 $ 6.00?
    A. King man Museum.
    B. Children’s Museum f Oak Ridge.
    C. African American Museum f Iwa.
    D. Children’s Museum f Science and Technlgy.
    Being highly successful in any field is pretty rare. It takes a cmbinatin f natural talent, luck, determinatin, and plenty f utside supprt fr smene t make it big in sprts, entertainment, r business. But what if cmpeting is all that matters t yu, whether yu are likely t succeed r nt? This was the gal f Michael Edwards, better knwn as Eddie “The Eagle” Edwards, and his reaching that gal was an amazing achievement.
    Brn in the UK in 1963, Edwards was a passinate dwnhill skier whse dream was t cmpete fr Britain in wrld-class cmpetitins. He wuld have liked t represent his cuntry in the 1984 Winter Olympics, but there were a large number f dwnhill cmpetitrs, and Edwards didn’t qualify. Seeing his chance elsewhere, he switched t ski jumping. Ski jumping didn’t cst as much as dwnhill skiing, and there was almst n cmpetitin fr a place n the British team.
    But a number f hurdles culd have meant the end f Edwards’ dream. He weighed mre than mst cmpetitrs. He had n financial supprt fr his training. Pr eyesight meant that he had t wear glasses under his gggles—nt a gd thing when they steamed up at high altitudes. But he culdn’t let any f these discurage him. He saw himself as a true lver f the sprt wh simply wanted the chance t cmpete. Winning wasn’t the pint. Having the pprtunity t try was all he cared abut. And nthing culd stp him frm trying.
    In the end, Edwards tk 55th place at the 1987 Wrld Champinships. He then went n t the
    1988 Winter Olympics where he finished last. Many athletes wuld have been embarrassed abut this result, but he is prud f his achievements t this day. His determinatin t fight against all the dds made him a glbal her, and in 2016, the inspiring film Eddie the Eagle was made abut his life.
    4. What is the purpse f the first paragraph?
    A. T add sme backgrund infrmatin.B. T uncver the secret f success.
    C T expect an answer frm readers.D. T intrduce the tpic.
    5. Why did Michael Edwards chse ski jumping?
    A It was mre ppular.B. It needed fewer skills.
    C. There was little cmpetitin.D. There was free equipment.
    6. What des the underlined wrd “hurdles” mean in paragraph3?
    A. Dubts.B. Obstacles.C. Changes.D. Optins.
    7. What made Michael Edwards utstanding?
    A. His passin fr the sprt.B. His determinatin t win.
    C. His attitude twards the Olympics.D. His ability t vercme physical disabilities.
    Have yu ever imagined what it wuld be like t see the wrld thrugh an animal’s eyes? Fr example, what a chimpanzee sees as it sits at the tp f a tree, r a penguin’s view as it dives int the sea t catch its dinner?
    These questins are answered in the nature dcumentary Animals with Cameras, prduced by the BBC. The three-part series was first aired in the UK last mnth. T explre animal stries “tld” by the animals themselves, the dcumentary’s filmmakers wrked with scientists t develp cameras that wild animals culd wear.
    “Never befre have we seen such high-quality ftage(连续镜头) directly frm the animal’s pint f view,” BBC Nature executive prducer Fred Kaufman tld PBS. “This miniseries greatly expands ur cmprehensin f animal behavir and this camera technlgy pens up new pssibilities fr discvering s much mre.”
    Indeed, the grundbreaking technlgy prvides a new viewpint f the animal kingdm. New cameras with enugh battery life t sht fr hurs at a time were designed t be cmfrtable enugh fr animals t wear, accrding t the dcumentary’s camera designer Chris Watts.
    The technical challenges didn’t stp there. Sme animals were very curius abut the equipment, with sme even fighting each ther fr the chance t wear a camera. In the case f chimpanzees, “we had t create dummy(仿造的) cameras, s that every chimpanzee culd get ne”, the miniseries’ wildlife cameraman Grdn Buchanan tld Live Science.
    Fr animals that were cmfrtable enugh t be with human beings, the cameras culd be fitted and remved by hand. But fr thers, the cameras came ff autmatically using a timed release and were cllected afterward. This meant that the cameras needed t be as tugh as pssible.
    T avid disturbing the animals, scientists wh were gd at dealing with wildlife came t help by putting the cameras n the animals. “The last thing we want t d is cause them distress.” the dcumentary’s prducer Dan Rees tld the BBC. “T fllw an animal in the first place, there had t be a clear benefit in terms f knwledge abut it that might be useful t prtecting a species in the future.”
    Their effrts certainly paid ff. “Ftage that captures(捕捉) these rare and exciting glimpses f animals hidden habits is imprtant t scientists, but dcumentaries like Animals with Cameras als resnate with(引起共鸣) audiences, cnnecting them with the beauty—and danger—f wildlife in their natural envirnments,” Live Science nted.
    8. Accrding t the text, Animals with Cameras ______.
    A. is a dcumentary made by wildlife experts
    B. presents high-quality ftage f animals fr the first time
    C. shws wildlife frm the unique viewpint f animals
    D. mainly recrds the life f chimpanzees and penguins
    9. The case f chimpanzees is used t ______.
    A. reflect the weakness f the camera technlgy
    B. present hw filmmakers put cameras n chimpanzees
    C. explain why chimpanzees were attracted by the equipment
    D. shw hw filmmakers dealt with the challenges in shting
    10. T avid disturbing the animals, filmmakers ______.
    A. set up a prtected area fr them t live in
    B. invited scientists t help equip them with cameras
    C. made the cameras lk like animals in disguise
    D. fitted and remved the cameras by hand
    11. Why is Animals with Cameras imprtant accrding t the text?
    A. It culd help scientists learn mre abut wild animals’ hidden habits.
    B. It has cntributed t the discvery f new species.
    C. The camera technlgy shed light n future animal research.
    D. It has raised peple’s awareness f envirnmental prtectin.
    Rughly 8.5 billin plastic straws are used in the United Kingdm each year, but as a new ban tk effect, that number will decrease t zer. One cmpany is hping t crner the market in alternative (可供替代的) straws using an unlikely material: pasta.
    “It has all the functin f a plastic straw that everyne has been using, ” says Maxim Gelmann, the funder f Strdles, the cmpany. The straws, made by an Italian cmpany that als prduces regular pasta, are the same shape and size as a standard plastic straw.
    Unlike a paper straw, they dn’t taste like wet paper; they dn’t change the flavr f the drink.
    They last at least an hur, and lnger in clder drinks. If yu’re nursing a drink fr hurs and the pasta straw eventually sftens, yu can chse t eat it. The raw straw is als eatable, and Gelmann says that sme peple snack n them.
    A handful f ther pasta-straw cmpanies als exist, thugh Strdles is hping t differentiate itself with a smther, mre plastic-like material and its branding.
    It’s mre expensive t make than a plastic straw, but in mass prductin, it can cmpete with the cst f paper straws. Because f the ban, “N ne really cmpares us with plastic anymre,” Gelmann says. “They cmpare us with paper straws’ prices, which makes my argument much easier and ur future brighter.”
    Other alternatives, like bamb r stainless steel (不锈钢), are mre expensive and a less elegant slutin; sme bars say that custmers dn’t trust the idea that stainless steel straws can be fully sanitized (消毒). Anther ptin— a plastic-like eatable straw made frm seaweed— may be mre f a cmpetitr.
    12. What’s the cmpany’s main purpse f prducing the pasta straws?
    A. T ccupy the market.B. T reduce plastic pllutin.
    C. T answer the call fr the ban.D. T prmte the sale f pasta.
    13. What disadvantage d paper straws have cmpared with pasta straws?
    A. They are easily brken.B. They affect drinks’ taste.
    C. They last a very shrt time.D. They are nt very clean.
    14. What’s Gelmann’s attitude twards the pasta straws’ future?
    A. Uncertain.B. Dubtful.C. Curius.D. Psitive.
    15. What’s the best title fr the text?
    A. Plastic straw alternative: ne made frm pasta
    B. Pasta straws will bring great prfits in the future
    C. Which is better: pasta straws r paper straws?
    D. Why are pasta straws welcmed by custmers?
    第二节 阅读填空 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)
    Chinese is ne f the tw wrld languages with ver a billin speakers. While the Internet has referred t English as the mst used language, Chinese still hlds the tp psitin as the mst used mther tngue. ___16___ Just think f hw many mre peple yu'd be able t talk t after learning sme Chinese!
    There are five traditinal frms f Chinese calligraphy. These are cnsidered classical arts and representatives f Chinese art styles. ___17___ It first appeared during the Zhu Dynasty and is still ppular amng calligraphy artists tday,___18___ This makes it quite difficult fr nn — native speakers t tell wrds frm sund cmbinatins (组合).When yu add in the tnes, it adds up t make Chinese ne f the mst difficult languages t listen t and understand.
    Varius factrs cntributed t making Chinese ne f the hardest languages t learn fr freigners.___19___Usually, yu must learn 3,000 characters in rder t be cnsidered fluent enugh t read the mrning newspaper. Hwever, the language cnsists f tens f thusands f characters that make fluency a difficult task.
    When yu're walking arund China, yu might be surprised at the amunt f wrds yu're able t pick up quickly. Thanks t an increase in expsure t Western culture, Chinese has many lanwrds, r wrds brrwed frm English, in use tday.
    The rigin f Chinese cmes frm the discvery f the famus Oracle Bnes and what is believed t be the earliest symbls f Chinese. These bnes were first used in the Shang Dynasty. With such a rich histry, Chinese has bviusly experienced many changes and influences due t wars and cultural shifts (变迁).___20___
    A. Ancient Chinese characters were used 3,000 years ag.
    B. Hwever, the language still existed and cntinued t grw.
    C. In 2010, the number f Chinese native speakers ttaled 955 millin peple.
    D. Peple wh wish t study Chinese must put in years f wrk t reach fluency.
    E. Thanks t its unique sund system, Chinese is filled with similar sunding wrds.
    F. The wrld's mst natively-spken language, Chinese, still remains a puzzle t the West.
    G. The mst ppular calligraphy style is the Seal Character style develped by the Han peple.
    A vide f a tearful yung man bursting with jy, pride and gratitude during his high schl graduatin recently went ppular. Dntrail Spencer was ___21___ hlding his diplma and screaming ut the names f his teachers and family members wh had ___22___ him alng the way. They had been encuraging him t keep his eyes n the ___23___ and t push thrugh the ___24___days.
    Nne f us can ___25___ life withut encuragement — ___26___ frm a parent, best friend, schl teacher r spiritual leader. Their ___27___ keeps us ging and believing in urselves. When smene gives yu encuragement, yu are given the ___28___ t d smething imprtant. Yu are made ___29___.
    Even vlunteers like myself ____30____wrds f encuragement. Back in February, I was in my fifth week as a cmmunity vlunteer during the pandemics (大流行病). I dn’t ____31____ meeting Grace, a lady wh had been very ____32____ and in the hspital. But ne mrning I ____33____ an email frm her: Thank yu and all invlved fr keeping ur cmmunity and life mving frward. It makes me sad that ur ____34____ a relatinship has been s limited. I enjy yur Wednesday chrus and ____35____ find yu inspiratinal. I’m ____36____ t be part f it Lve, Grace.
    A few days later I received a call that she had ____37____. Grace was nearing the end f her life, but she tk time t encurage me. Every time I read her email, I’m ____38____ by her wrds. When we encurage ne anther — everybdy ____39____. Be generus in yur ____40____. We all need in it. Sme nw mre than ever.
    21. A. nticedB. mnitredC. filmedD. heard
    22. A. helpedB. trainedC. warnedD. infrmed
    23. A. gradesB. galsC. achievementD. interests
    24. A. strangeB. ldC. tughD. regular
    25. A. make use fB. pay attentin tC. give upD. get thrugh
    26. A. simplyB. especiallyC. cmpletelyD. riginally
    27. A. patienceB. attentinC. serviceD. supprt
    28. A. curageB. taskC. mneyD. advice
    29. A. healthierB. warmerC. smarterD. strnger
    30. A. prepareB. needC. cnveyD. chse
    31. A. rememberB. succeedC. practiceD. appreciate
    32. A. hpelessB. rdinaryC. sickD. sensitive
    33. A. recrdedB. expectedC. evaluatedD. received
    34. A. endingB. buildingC. cntrllingD. accepting
    35. A. directlyB. ccasinallyC. trulyD. causally
    36. A. qualifiedB. suitableC. eagerD. grateful
    37. A. mved utB. wken upC. passed awayD. fallen ver
    38. A. inspiredB. btheredC. cheatedD. changed
    39. A. agreesB. winsC. cheersD. hesitates
    40. A. encuragementB. wealthC. sympathyD. time
    Digital technlgy is being increasingly adpted ____41____ (carry) ut ecnmic and scial activities, and is deeply transfrming prductin patterns and peple’s lifestyles. Hwever, it is imprtant that the adptin f digital technlgy in develping cuntries des nt ____42____ (wide) the rich-pr gap. In China, e-cmmerce and pverty alleviatin (扶贫) prgrams ____43____ (supprt) by big data have had psitive effects n fighting pverty.
    E-cmmerce (电子商务) prmtes grwth in incmes’ fr the pr. China has the wrld’s fastest-grwing e-cmmerce market, ____44____ mre than 40 percent f glbal e-cmmerce transactins (交易) take place. Many pr peple have benefited ____45____ the bming e-cmmerce industry. Fr example, in the past years, the Natinal Rural E-cmmerce Cmprehensive Demnstratin Prject ____46____ (help) nearly 3 millin pr families realize incme grwth. Besides, E-cmmerce platfrms have greatly increased the pssibility ____47____ the small and micr businesses enter the market. Rural residents can nw display ____48____ (they) farm prduce and handicrafts nline and find buyers, thus increasing sales. Als, e-cmmerce drives the develpment f whle industrial chains, creating jb pprtunities and prviding diverse ptins fr rural labr.
    Digital technlgy has been playing a psitive rle in China’s pverty ____49____ (reduce). Gvernments at all levels keep an pen and encuraging attitude tward the develpment f the digital ecnmy and much ____50____ (active) cperate with digital cmpanies t better identify and help the pr.
    51. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
    注意:1. 每处错误及其修改仅限一词。
    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
    I can’t wait t tell yu the decisin my parents had just made. They plan t give birth t a secnd child. Hw excited it is! Being the nly child in the family, mst teenagers like yu grw up lnely, that des harm t ur psychlgical health. Hwever, things will change frm nw n. I am ging t have a sibling t play. I will help my parents lking after my sibling when he/she is brn, ensuring that he/she grws up happy with lve and affectin all arund. Hwever, I am afraid that I knw little abut hw t take a gd care f a baby and hw t set a gd example t him/her. I want t get sme advices frm yu but I am lking frward t yur early reply.
    第三节 书面表达(满分25分)
    52. 假定你是李华,你校将举办主题为“中国国粹——京剧”的宣传活动。请给你的外国朋友Henry写封邮件邀请他参加。
    内容包括: 1. 时间和地点 2. 活动内容:讲座、现场表演等
    注意:1. 词数100词左右 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    Dear Henry,
    Li Hua

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