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      山东省青岛市2022-2023学年高三上学期1月期末英语试题 Word版含解析.docx
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      山东省青岛市2022-2023学年高三上学期1月期末英语试题 Word版无答案.docx
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    (时间:100 分钟,满分:120 分)
    1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡上。
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    第一部分 阅读 (共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (15个小题,每题2.5分,满分37.5 分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
    Sme are attracted t museums by the art and the culture — but if that isn’t enugh, there is always the strange!
    Cancún Underwater Museum
    N need t hld yur breath t see this ne. The Cancún Underwater Museum is, as the name suggests, underwater. Mre than 500 sculptures anchred in the cean ff Mexic are meant t illustrate the interplay f art and nature. Visitrs can either admire the wrks thrugh a glass-bttm bat r take a scuba diving tur.
    Omaka Aviatin Heritage Centre
    With great attentin t detail, New Zealand built the Omaka Aviatin Heritage Centre, which exhibits riginal aircraft frm the First and Secnd Wrld Wars. Sme belng t film directr Sir Peter Jacksn, wh helped create the set designs with his team. Anyne interested in the pineers f aviatin shuld pay a visit t the museum in Blenheim.
    Tenement Museum
    At New Yrk’s Tenement Museum, visitrs can gain an insight int what life was like fr immigrants and the wrking class in the city frm the 1860s thrugh t the 1980s. The museum pened in 1992 and ffers guided turs f tw tenement buildings with recreated rms, where cstumed ‘residents’ enact the daily lives f the city’s newcmers and wrkers ver the perid — leaps and bunds frm the mney makers f Wall Street.
    Cupndles Museum
    The Cupndles Museum in Ykhama, Japan, ffers a treat: exhibits can be nt nly admired, but eaten. Visitrs can wrk in the museum’s ndle wrkshp, refining creatins with their favurite ingredients. While ding s, ne can als learn the histry f the ramen ndle, ne f Japan’s mst ppular fds.
    1. What is special abut the Cancún Underwater Museum?
    A. The strange name.B. The number f sculptures.
    C. Wrks abut art and nature.D. Ways f visiting it.
    2. Which museum will attract visitrs interested in hands-n activities?
    A. Cancún Underwater Museum.B. Omaka Aviatin Heritage Centre.
    C. Tenement Museum.D. Cupndles Museum.
    3. What d the fur museums have in cmmn?
    A. They are abut art and histry.B. They display aircraft frm wrld wars.
    C. They have unusual features.D. They recrd immigrants’ daily lives.
    Eln Musk is a businessman, inventr and engineer and is undubtedly, ne f the leading figures in the wrld f technlgy. Musk was brn in Pretria, Suth Africa in 1971. At the age f 12, he taught himself hw t prgramme cmputers. He was accepted t university in the United States where he cmpleted a degree in Arts. After this, he started a PhD in physics at Stanfrd University. Hwever, he drpped ut t pursue his interest in startups and technlgy.
    He funded an nline payment site that eventually wuld becme a glbal cmpany. In 2001 Musk began meeting with scientists t discuss the pssibility f human habitatin n Mars. Using his wn frtune, Musk funded his cmpany that designs rckets and space vehicles. It was the first privately wned cmpany t d s. In 2012, the rckets made by the cmpany dcked with the Internatinal Space Statin. Musk als received cntracts frm NASA, thus making histry by prving that the cncept f cmmercial space explratin was bth pssible and affrdable.
    Anther ne f Musk’s innvatins is the electric car. Musk started a cmpany and became the CEO in 2008. The cmpany is named after Niclai Tesla, the Serbian-American inventr and physicist, wh is best knwn fr designing the AC electrical system. The cars made by Musk’s cmpany are designed t end the dependence n fssil fuels and s reduce the negative effects f climate change and air pllutin frm cars.
    Why des Musk devte himself t such innvatins? By creating pprtunities t explre new planets, Musk believes that in the event f a majr catastrphe n Earth, there wuld be the ptential fr the human race t cntinue elsewhere. On Earth, Musk’s inventins are designed t find renewable, envirnment-friendly slutins t meet the challenge f an ever-grwing glbal ppulatin.
    4. What can we learn abut Musk?
    A. He learnt cmputer prgrammes frm his teacher at 12.
    B. He graduated frm Stanfrd University with a degree in physics.
    C. He received gvernment supprt t fund the space cmpany.
    D. He named his cmpany after a well-knwn scientist.
    5. Accrding t the authr, what event was histric in Musk’s career?
    A. Getting achievements in arts.
    B. Funding an nline payment site.
    C. Receiving cntracts frm NASA.
    D. Becming CEO f tw cmpanies.
    6. What is Musk’s mtivatin fr his innvatins?
    A. T expand human reach and prtect the earth.
    B. T stimulate peple’s curisity abut space.
    C. T realize his dream f becming a leading figure.
    D. T make mre prfit and set up mre cmpanies.
    7. Which f the fllwing best describes Musk?
    A. Gifted and humrus.B. Curius and hnest.
    C. Generus and cnsiderate.D. Creative and respnsible.
    Thugh they may nt knw it, abut half a billin peple depend n the ecsystems created and sustained by crals. And with climate change threatening cral’s survival, marine scientist Enric Sala had a gal that might have seemed impssible.
    “We wanted t get int a time machine, g back hundreds f years and actually see a cral reef like they used t be everywhere, befre we started expliting, plluting and killing them,” Sala said.
    The gal was made pssible during an expeditin Sala led in 2009. The team traveled t a crner f the Suth Pacific Ocean, t see if the almst untuched reefs held any clues t bringing damaged reefs in ther parts f the cean back t health.
    “The bttm was cvered by thriving cral. Vivid clrs surrunded me-purples, reds, ranges, yellws and greens. It was s beautiful,” Sala said.
    His team presented their findings t fficials in the island cuntry f Kiribati. The gvernment tk steps t prtect the waters frm fishing. But between 2015 and 2016, recrd levels f cean warming damaged half the cral reefs the team had been studying.
    After hearing that news, they lst hpe fr the health f cral reefs. Last year, they went in fr anther dive. Despite the reprted cnditins, the reef had smehw restred itself, filled with life and clr nce mre. Sala and his team were verjyed. This is smething that Sala says can be wed t tw key factrs.
    The first is, thankfully, half f the crals had nt died. Despite the rise in temperatures, there were enugh surviving crals left behind t help reprduce the reefs. The secnd was the Kiribati gvernment’s decisin t fully prtect thse waters.
    “It has an abundance f fish. S they were eating all the algae (藻类) that wuld cver the dead crals, and make it impssible fr the crals t cme back, which is what happens in ther places like the Caribbean,” Sala explained.
    8. What seemingly impssible gal des Sala have?
    A. Educating the public t prtect the ecsystems.
    B. Calling n peple t actively respnd t climate change.
    C. Ging t ld days when crals were in healthy cnditin.
    D. Leading an expeditin t the Suth Pacific Ocean.
    9. What des the underlined wrd “This” in paragraph 6 refer t?
    A. The bad news.B. The secnd diving.
    C. The reef’s restratin.D. The cheerful md.
    10. What can we infer abut Caribbean frm Sala’s wrds?
    A. There is abundant fish in its cean.
    B. Algae lie thick ver crals there.
    C. Glbal warming des little harm t its marine life.
    D. Crals cme back t life thanks t gvernment’s effrts.
    11. What is the best title fr the text?
    A. Kiribati—A Cuntry f BidiversityB. A Scientist’s Lve fr Diving
    C. The Cral Reef Restred ItselfD. Ocean Warming Bthered Gvernment
    “Practice makes perfect” is a very ppular expressin. Hwever, can we take this saying literally? Many scientific studies have sught t either prve r disprve this idea.
    One ppular thery is that if a persn practises fr at least 10,000 hurs, they will reach “perfectin”, r becme an expert in their field. This thery was made famus by Malclm Gladwell in his 2008 best selling bk, Outliers: The Stry f Success. He mentined the music grup The Beatles and Micrsft c-creatr Bill Gates. Althugh they all seemed t have lts f natural talent, they als clearly put in ver 10,000 hurs f practice befre they became successful.
    Gladwell’s wrk was largely based n research dne by Anders Ericssn, wh argued that Gladwell misinterpreted his research. Firstly, Ericssn stated that 10,000 hurs was an average figure. Sme peple needed far fewer than 10,000 hurs, and thers many mre. Mre imprtantly, Ericssn said that just practising a lt was nt enugh; the type and quality f practice was als essential. He went n t explain the imprtance f “deliberate practice”, which is when a persn practises a specific part f a skill in depth rather than practising a skill as a whle.
    A mre recent study frm Princetn University stated that practice nly accunted fr up t 26% f reaching an expert level. Many peple say that natural talent has a large influence n becming an expert. Anther natural factr is physical superirity, which is especially evident in sprts. IQ, persnality, attitude, and starting age are decisive, t. But becming an expert desn’t equal instant success, which als relies n scial and envirnmental factrs.
    In cnclusin, practice may nt make perfect, but deliberate practice has been shwn t lead t significant imprvement. Based n Ericssn’s research, here are sme tips n hw t practise effectively: be mtivated; make specific and realistic gals; wrk utside yur cmfrt zne; be cnsistent and persistent; and get plenty f rest! Fr thse wanting t becme an expert in smething, remember that being mtivated is key-enjy what yu d and fllw yur passins.
    12. Hw did Gladwell supprt his idea?
    A. By listing numbers.B. By using examples.
    C. By interviewing famus peple.D. By mentining ther researchers.
    13. Which f the fllwing may Ericssn disagree with?
    A. Practice alne is far frm enugh.
    B. 10,000 hurs f practice leads t success.
    C. Practice hurs vary frm persn t persn.
    D. Deliberate practice is much mre effective.
    14. What des paragraph 4 mainly talk abut?
    A. The rle f practice.B. Factrs in creating experts.
    C. The imprtance f natural talent.D. Warnings fr experts.
    15. What is the authr’s attitude t the idea “Practice makes perfect”?
    A Favrable.B. Intlerant.C. Dubtful.D. Objective.
    第二节(共5 小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5 分)
    If yu have never grwn yur wn transplants fr yur garden, perhaps this is the year t try. ____16____ In gardening, transplant is the prcess f planting seeds inside and then mving the new grwth utside.
    If yu are new t this type f gardening, d nt wrry. A garden expert Lee Reich recently shared this advice. ____17____ Flwers such as zinnia, calendula, and csms are sme f the easiest. Gd chices fr vegetables are lettuce, kale, cabbage, and the ever-ppular tmat.
    T get started, yu need a cntainer and sil. The cntainer shuld be between 5 t 10 centimeters deep. What’s mst imprtant is that the cntainer shuld have hles in the bttm s that sme water can drain ut (排出). Garden sil, says Riech, will nt wrk. It des nt drain quickly enugh in a cntainer. ____18____ Ptting sil has additinal material such as perlite, vermiculite, r sand t imprve drainage.
    Fill the cntainers with the ptting sil and push it dwn. Then plant seeds. Cver the seed with the ptting sil and press gently again. Place the cntainers in a pan which hlds water that reaches halfway up the cntainers with the seeds. After a few hurs, remve them frm the water.
    Mst seeds d nt need light t germinate (发芽). ____19____
    Nw fr the exciting part-waiting t see little green spruts (芽)! Remve all but the strngest sprut frm each cntainer. Yur gal nw is t grw strng transplants that can survive a mve t the utside garden. In fur t six weeks, mst transplants shuld be tw t three times the height f their cntainers. ____20____ Nw they are ready t g int the garden!
    A. First, what is a “transplant”?
    B. Have yu ever grwn yur wn transplants?
    C. S, yu can place them anywhere in yur hme.
    D. Experts suggest using a special mix called ptting sil.
    E. He suggests starting with flwers r vegetables that are easy t grw frm seed.
    F. Hwever, Reich warns that sme vegetables shuld nt be grwn as transplants.
    G. Get them used t their future envirnment with a week f being utside in the cntainers.
    第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30分)
    第一节(共15 小题;每小题 1分,满分15分)
    阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    A tree-planting initiative led by yung peple in Kenya has seen ver 30,000 tree seedlings (小苗) being planted. The Green Generatin Initiative is a charity that has been planting trees and ____21____ defrestatin (毁林) and climate change since 2016.
    Funded by climate activist Elizabeth when she was twenty-ne years ld, the initiative’s primary ____22____ is n training yung climate activists thrugh ____23____ educatin in schls and addressing ____24____ insecurity in the regin thrugh planting fruit trees. Since its fundatin, thusands f schlchildren have nt just planted trees but learned the ____25____ f acting as a guardian ver the ____26____ f the envirnment.
    The trees have recrded a ____27____ rate f ver 98 percent ____28____ they are taken gd care f frm seedling t maturity. Speaking t wrld leaders at the recent United Natins Climate Cnference in Glasgw, Elizabeth issued a ____29____ n the threat f climate change: “Over tw millin f Kenyans are ____30____ climate related starvatin. In 2025, half f the wrld’s ppulatin will be facing water ____31____.”
    She added, “____32____ by the great envirnmentalist Wangari Maathai, I funded a tree grwing initiative that ____33____ fd security fr yung Kenyans. S far, we have grwn 30,000 fruit trees t maturity, prviding desperately needed ____34____ fr thusands f children. It is ur ____35____ t ensure that the children have fd and water.”
    21. A. resistingB. prtectingC. increasingD. keeping
    22. A. needB. resultC. effectD. fcus
    23. A. advancedB. envirnmentalC. mralD. strict
    24. A. persnalB. fdC. prpertyD. public
    25. A. imprtanceB. methdC. difficultyD. culture
    26. A. prblemsB. beautyC. healthD. issue
    27. A. declineB. plantingC. survivalD. success
    28. A. whenB. butC. rD. as
    29. A. warningB. letterC. suggestinD. hpe
    30 A. afraid fB. fighting frC. suffering frmD. leading t
    31. A. shrtageB. wasteC. pllutinD. damage
    32. A. FrcedB. NticedC. InspiredD. Discuraged
    33. A. encuragesB. enhancesC. mnitrsD. cntrls
    34. A. prfitB. shelterC. nutritinD. slutin
    35. A. wrryB. respnsibilityC. rightD. luck
    第二节(共10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分15 分)
    阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    The 2022 Media Cperatin Frum (论坛) n Belt and Rad was ____36____ (grand) held n Tuesday in Xi’an capital f Nrthwest China’s Shaanxi Prvince.
    In 2013, Chinese President Xi Jinping prpsed the Belt and Rad Initiative. Over the next 9 years, the initiative has transfrmed frm visin t ____37____ (real) and becme the wrld’s ____38____ (large) internatinal cperatin platfrm.
    The Peple’s Daily, the Shaanxi prvincial Party cmmittee and the Shaanxi prvincial gvernment ____39____ (hst) the frum with the theme “Embrace Glbal Develpment Initiative and Deeper Cnnectivity”.
    Mre than 120 Chinese and freign media representatives frm mre than 40 cuntries and rganizatins participated ____40____ the frum live, n vide and thrugh written speeches.
    Als attending the frum were central gvernment fficials, Chinese experts ____41____ Belt and Rad Initiative cmpany bsses.
    ____42____ (schedule) fr Tuesday afternn were tw sub-frums: Belt and Rad Reginal Cperatin, and Media Dialgue n Glbal Develpment Initiative.
    Thrugh arrangements by frum rganizers, fur grups f Chinese and freign ____43____(reprter) traveled in Shaanxi Prvince ver eight days frm August 1 t reprt n the prvince’s high-quality develpment.
    The Media Cperatin Frum n Belt and Rad ____44____ (hld) six times since 2014 as a platfrm fr media dialgue and pragmatic cperatin between cuntries, ____45____ has greatly deepened internatinal cmmunicatin and prmted glbal cperatin.
    第三部分 写作(共两节,满分 40分)
    46. 假定你是李华,你校即将举行第一届校园科技节,请给你的外教Frank写封信邀请他参加,内容包括:
    1. 活动时间;
    2. 活动主题;
    3. 期待他开幕式上发言。
    1. 词数80左右;
    2. 请在答题卡的相应位置做答。
    第二节: (满分25分)
    47. 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。
    It was September 1966, and I was twenty years ld, facing my first class f kids as a new teacher. Like mst new, yung teachers, I was full f enthusiasm and determined t make a difference. My class was made up f thirty-eight angels and ne street kid named Mike, a 10-year-ld kid wh never knew his parents and lived with an indifferent grandmther. His clthing was in cnstant need f repair. Cmpared t the ther kids arund him, he was at a distinct disadvantage. Being s yung, I knew very little abut parenting. Hwever, I did recgnize a child in need, and decided t reach ut and see if I culd make a difference. And s it was that early in September, my special “fster father” relatinship with Mike began.
    Each day as I arrived at schl arund 7:30 A.M., Mike wuld already be in the parking lt waiting fr me. Because he was usually hungry, I’d take him ut fr breakfast. I shwed him hw t sew, and tgether we began mending his ripped and trn clthes. Each nn hur as I shared my lunch with him, I taught him a hst f new skills-fr a while we wrked n the prper methd f using a micrscpe. On anther day we cnstructed a pinhle camera, then we classified rcks and minerals. One Mnday, I taught Mike t play chess. By Friday f that same week, he was giving me a really gd game. Mike wuld then “help” me teach these skills t the rest f the class. We all had a lt f fun, and a kind f unspken trust began t build up between us.
    Then early in Octber, at a class meeting, the kids were asked t talk abut their dreams. Mst f them wanted t be dctrs, musicians, teachers r sme such things while an awkward scene ccurred when it was Mike’s turn t speak ut his ultimate desire in life. Standing befre the whle class, he stammered (结巴) that he had n idea, with his face turning red. At that mment, the bell rang.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    第一段:Class was ver, but my new plan was just beginning.
    第二段:Ten years passed, and I ften thught f him, wndering hw his life turned ut and what he had becme.

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