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    外研版高中英语选择性必修第一册Unit 6 Nurturing nature课时教学课件
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    外研版高中英语选择性必修第一册Unit 6 Nurturing nature课时教学课件01
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    外研版高中英语选择性必修第一册Unit 6 Nurturing nature课时教学课件05
    外研版高中英语选择性必修第一册Unit 6 Nurturing nature课时教学课件06
    外研版高中英语选择性必修第一册Unit 6 Nurturing nature课时教学课件07
    外研版高中英语选择性必修第一册Unit 6 Nurturing nature课时教学课件08
    外研版高中英语选择性必修第一册Unit 6 Nurturing nature课时教学课件01
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    外研版高中英语选择性必修第一册Unit 6 Nurturing nature课时教学课件03
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    外研版高中英语选择性必修第一册Unit 6 Nurturing nature课时教学课件07
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    英语外研版 (2019)Unit 6 Nurturing nature教学课件ppt

    这是一份英语外研版 (2019)Unit 6 Nurturing nature教学课件ppt,文件包含Part1pptx、Part2pptx等2份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共120页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1.主题语境:人与自然——保护自然文化遗产。2.语篇类型:说明文。3.课文内容分析:文章介绍了世界上最好的工作——岛屿看护员,唤起人们保护环境、 保护美丽海洋的意识。阅读本文,有利于帮助学生了解世界的自然文化遗产,增强 学生爱护环境、保护自然文化遗产的意识。
    The Best Jb in the Wrld
    lking after
    make a shrt vide
    In additin t
    became aware f
    t understand
    1.The wrking hurs are flexible and accmmdatin is prvided.(教材第68页) 这份工作时间灵活,提供住宿。 ◆accmmdatin n.住处;食宿;和解
    Mre and mre travellers are lking fr bed and breakfast accmmdatins in private hmes.越来越多的旅行者在寻找提供住宿和早餐服务的民宿。They reached an accmmdatin with neighburing cuntries.他们同邻国和解了。
    单句语法填空①Wherever he ges,he readily accmmdates      new circumstances. ②During my ne-week stay there,he accmmdated me        his apartments. ③There travelling students fund       (accmmdate) at mderate terms. 
    2.Yu’ll als be asked t prmte the islands thrugh newspapers, magazines and TV interviews.(教材第68页) 你还需要通过报纸、杂志和电视采访等宣传大堡礁。 ◆prmte v.促进;推动;推销;提升
    The area is being prmted as a turist destinatin.这个地区正被推广为旅游景点。She wrked hard and was sn prmted t manager frm a staff.她工作努力,不久就从普通员工被提升为经理。
    完成句子①不必为了促进经济增长而牺牲环境保护。 Yu dn’t have t sacrifice envirnmental prtectin      . ecnmic grwth. ②事实上,那些人由于努力,已经升职为经理了。 In fact,thse peple           . because f their effrts. 单句语法填空③Her jb is mainly cncerned with sales and       (prmte). ④He will get       (prmte),fr he has dne a gd jb. 
    have been prmted t be managers
    3.It was actually a very clever means t highlight the imprtance f the Great Barrier Reef and the need t prtect it.(教材第68页) 这其实是一种绝妙的手段,既突出了大堡礁的重要性,又强调了大堡礁需要人类 保护。
    Televisin is an effective means f cmmunicatin.电视是一种有效的通信手段。Is there any means f cntacting him?有没有什么办法和他取得联系?—D yu knw anything abut Zhang Zhngjing?—By all means.He has been hnured as a master dctr since the Eastern Han Dynasty.(2020江苏卷,单项填空)——你知道关于张仲景的事情吗?——当然。自东汉以来,他被尊为医学大师。
    (1)means n.方式,方法,途径
    完成句子①这幅画是通过复写纸印到木头上的。 The drawing is transferred nt the wd            carbn paper. ②问题决不像我们当初想象的那么单纯。 The prblem is             as simple as we first thught. ③我们应想方设法及时完成此工作。 We shuld finish the task in time             . 
    by all means
    (2)highlight v.突出,强调;使醒目
    n.最精彩的部分Highlights include China’s mst sacred peaks at Munt Tai and Hangzhu’s rlling hills,waterways and peaceful temples.(2020年全国Ⅲ卷,阅读理解A)亮点包括中国最神圣的泰山山峰和杭州起伏的山丘、水路和宁静的寺庙。The reprt highlights the majr prblems facing sciety tday.这份报告强调了当今社会所面临的主要问题。The highlights f the match will be shwn later this evening.比赛最精彩的片段将于今晚稍后播出。
    单句语法填空①Last year Cllins wrte a mving ballad which       (highlight) the situatin f the hmeless. ②One f the        (highlight) f the trip was seeing the Taj Mahal. ③Matches flared,mmentarily      (highlight) the faces. 
    4.Out f the thusands f applicants,eleven were selected,including a yung wman frm China.(教材第68页) 成千上万名应聘者中,入选人有11个,其中还包括一个年轻的中国姑娘。 ◆applicant n.申请人
    There were ver 500 applicants fr the jb.有500多人应聘这份工作。All applicants must have a driver’s license and access t a car.(2021年天津卷,阅读理解A)所有申请人必须有驾驶执照和汽车。
    单句语法填空①The       (apply) has experience in teaching and,mre relevantly, in industry. ②The       (apply) f new scientific discveries t industrial prductin methds usually increases efficiency. ③They applied      a hme imprvement lan. ④She applied       t her new duties with great enthusiasm. 
    5.In additin t blgging,taking phts and writing articles abut the reef,he made a number f appearances n televisin t argue in favur f its defence.(教材第69页) 除了发布博客、拍照片和写关于大堡礁的文章,本还多次在电视上露面号召保护大 堡礁。
    (1)in additin t另外,除……之外(还)
    In additin t the killed and wunded,many were missing in the natural disaster.除了伤亡之外,还有许多人在这次自然灾害中失踪。She gets varius perquisites in additin t her wages.她除工资以外,还有各种津贴。
    in additin t、besides和except这三个词用作介词时,意思为“除了”,但是存在差别。①besides、in additin t表示“除……以外,(还,也)……”。 Besides/In additin t English,she knws Japanese.除了英语,她还会日 语。(两种语言都会)②except表示“除……外,(其余都)……”,常与all、every、n、nne、 nthing 等含有整体肯定或否定意义的词连用。 He answered all the questins except the last ne.除了最后一个问题外, 所有的问题他都回答了。(没有回答最后一个)
    (2)in favur f 赞同,支持
    His arguments in favur f a new schl are very persuasive.他赞成办一所新学校的理由很有说服力。I am in favur f damming the river.我赞成拦河筑坝。
    完成句子①我来这儿是想请你帮个忙。 I’ve cme t ask yu t   . ②鲍勃在高中时成绩优秀,这在他找工作时对他有利。 Bb made gd grades in high schl,and that was          when he lked fr a jb. ③全世界人民都支持和平,反对战争。 Peple in the wrld          peace,and       war. 
    d me a favur
    in his favur
    6.All applicatins welcme,but preference will be given t thse with diving qualificatins.(教材第71页) 欢迎所有人申请,有潜水资格者优先。 ◆preference n.优先(权)
    Let’s make a list f pssible speakers,in rder f preference.我们按优先顺序列出一份可能请到的发言者名单。I have a preference fr serius nvels t ppular fictins.我喜欢读严肃小说胜过通俗小说。
    单句语法填空①She has a preference      Chinese art. ②He preferred      (stay) at hme rather than      (g) with us. ③Mst children prefer playing t       (study),but Jim is an exceptin. ④We give       (prefer) t applicants with sme experience. ⑤She was chsen      preference t her sister. 
    What’s mre,they came t understand the delicate balance that the envirnment exists in and what can,and must,be dne t prtect the reef.(教材第69页)而且,人们还意识到环境存在于微妙的平衡之中,也知道了人类能够且必须采取什么行动来保护大堡礁。本句中What’s mre为状语,主语为they,came t understand为谓语动词部分,其后接understand的两个并列宾语,一个是the delicate balance that the envirnment exists in,其中包含一个定语从句that the envirnment exists in,修饰先行词balance;另一个是what引导的宾语从句。
    Gradually,peple realised the imprtance f the envirnment in which they live and what they shuld d t prtect it.
    Eventually,the students knew clearly the gal that they wrked hard fr and hw t realise it.
    ③幸运的是,游客们认识到了多年前遇到的村民们的善良,也认识到是村民们帮助他 们摆脱了困境。
    Frtunately,the turists learned the kindness f the villagers with whm they met years ag,and that it was the villagers wh helped them ut f truble.
    1.Mre than 25 millin years ld,the Great Barrier Reef is made up f living cral grwing n dead cral.(教材第68页) 大堡礁有2,500万年的历史,由生长在死珊瑚上的活珊瑚组成。 ◆be made up f由……构成
    A TV set is made up f hundreds f parts.一台电视机由数百个零件构成。The medical team is made up f ten dctrs.这支医疗队由10名医生组成。
    单句语法填空①The table is made      precius marble. ②The paper is made      the thrwaway chpsticks. ③The nvel       (cmpse) f twelve chapters. ④I always fund it hard t       what the math teacher taught in class,and I didn’t      t make a change t      . my leisure time t       it until I gt an “F”. 
    make up my mind
    2.But this unique and delicate place is nw under threat frm pllutin and climate change.(教材第68页) 但如今,这一独特又脆弱的区域正在遭受污染和气候变化的威胁。 ◆under threat 受到威胁
    A third f Africa is under threat f desertificatin.非洲有三分之一的土地面临荒漠化的威胁。Many cuntries and peple still live under threat f vilence.仍有许多国家和人民生活在暴力威胁之下。
    完成句子①教育部正在考虑这个方案。 The plan is           by the Ministry f Educatin. ②新铁路正在修建当中。 The new railway is          . ③他们很快把火势控制住了。 They sn gt the fire          . 
    under cnsideratin
    under cnstructin
    under cntrl
    3.Ben later jked that the jb shuld have been advertised nt as the “best”,but the “busiest jb in the wrld”!(教材第69页) 他后来开玩笑说,这个工作的招聘启事上应该写“世界上最繁忙的工作”,而不是 “最棒的”! ◆不是……而是……,引导两个并列的成分。
    Nt yu but I was chsen t make a speech at the meeting.不是你而是我被选中在会上发言。I dn’t need mney but time nw.现在我需要的不是钱而是时间。
    温馨提示在英语中,可以引导并列的句子成分的短语还有,nt als...,,as well as等。但是,引导并列主语时,应用就近原则确定谓语动词的单复数形式。Nt he but they are athletes.不是他而是他们才是运动员。Either yu r he is right.不是你就是他对。Neither yu nr I am right.你和我都不对。
    Writing a jb advertisement
    1.文体类型:写一则招聘广告,属于应用文范畴,常用于公布招聘信息,为应聘者提供 获得更多信息的机会。2.要点内容:对招聘单位、招聘职位、工作职责、应聘资格、工作待遇和具体应聘 方法等进行简单明了的说明。
    1.招聘广告标题部分常用表达: 职位+needed/wanted2.招聘广告正文部分常用表达: in great need f/ is starving fr/ is lking fr... The applicants/candidates shuld be aged Cllege/ University graduates with 3 years’ experience in needed/necessary/essential. Yu shuld pssess a bachelr/master/dctr degree majring in... Fluent English in bth written and spken cmmunicatin is necessary. The salary is negtiable. We prvide summer and winter hlidays with salary. Accmmdatin and meals are prvided.
    3.招聘广告结尾部分常用表达: We prvide nt nly a jb,but a career in... Our address is... Thse wh are interested in the jb/ If anyne is interested in the jb,please get in tuch with/ please cntact... Tel:... Mbile phne:... We are always here hnestly lking frward t yur cming.
    你校校报急需在校内招募一位同学担任英文编辑,请你以学生会的名义用英文以“English Editr Wanted” 为题写一则招募启事。 1.工作内容:从英文报刊、杂志及互联网上选择适合学生的文章;挑选和编辑同 学们的来稿; 2.要求:乐意贡献出一些业余时间为同学们服务;英文、美术皆好;能熟练使用 电脑; 3.请感兴趣的同学在本周内与学生会联系。 注意:写作词数应为80个左右。
    Ⅰ.对接单元词汇1.         v.做广告 2.         n.申请人 3.         从……中选择
    Ⅱ.巧用单元句式、语法完成句子1.我们校报正在登广告招募一位英文编辑。 Our schl paper is       fr an editr fr its English editin. 2.这个工作主要包括两项内容。 The jb mainly       tw parts. 3.一项内容是从英文报纸、杂志及互联网上选择适合学生的文章。 One part is             English articles       ther newspapers,magazines r the Internet.These articles are suitable fr students. 
    4.另一项内容是挑选和编辑同学们的来稿。 The ther is           suitable articles frm students in ur schl and edit them fr use. 5.我们希望申请人能够具备以下条件。 We hpe that the       culd     the fllwing requirements. 6.申请人乐于贡献出一些业余时间为同学们服务。 The applicant       t devte sme f the spare time t serving thers. 7.申请人擅长英文和美术。 The applicant            bth English and art. 
    8.熟练使用电脑的能力也很重要。          t use the cmputer skillfully is imprtant as well. 9.有意申请者请在本周内与学生会联系。 Thse wh are interested in the jb and want t          it, please              the Student Unin this week. 
    The ability
    get in tuch with
    One part is t chse English articles suitable fr students frm ther newspapers,magazines r the Internet.
    2.第7句使用句式It sb.t d sth.来提升语言表现力。
    It is necessary fr the applicant t be gd at bth English and art.
    English Editr Wanted Our schl paper is lking fr an editr fr its English editin.The jb mainly includes tw parts.One part is t chse English articles suitable fr students frm ther newspapers,magazines r the Internet.The ther is t pick ut suitable articles frm students in ur schl and edit them fr use. We hpe that he/she culd meet the fllwing requirements.First,he/she is willing t devte sme f the spare time t serving thers.Secnd,it’s necessary fr him/her t be gd at bth English and art.What’s mre,the ability t use the cmputer skillfully is imprtant as well. Thse wh are interested in the jb please get in tuch with the Student Unin this week.Student Unin
    你校育才中学学生会需招募一名留学生做英语学习顾问,请你以短文形式写一则招募启事。内容主要包括: 1.母语是英语,汉语流利者优先; 2.解答英语学习问题,协助组织英语活动; 3.每周4小时,细节面议; 4.联系人为李华(13011223344)。 注意:写作词数应为80个左右。
      One pssible versin:English Study Advisr Wanted The Student Unin f ur schl decides t invite an internatinal student t wrk as an English Study Advisr next term.The main respnsibilities f the advisr include helping students t practise their ral English,answering their questins,and helping rganise activities such as singing English sngs,English evenings,r lectures n interesting tpics. The applicant shuld be a native speaker f English.Fluency in Chinese is preferred.The advisr is expected t wrk 4 hurs per week. If yu are interested,please call Li Hua at 13011223344 fr an interview.The details will be discussed during the interview.Student UninYucai High Schl
    Ⅰ.语境填词1.The nly way t make quality, lasting friendships is t learn t be       (genuine) interested in them and their interests. 2.These shes are very ppular and, what’s      (much), they’re cheap. 3.There are many students wh have a       (prefer) fr painting in ur schl. 4.I dn’t think he is       (qualify) t d the jb, but he gt the ffer. 
    5.Nt yu but Alice      (pass) the test and gets the first prize. 6.Yu’d better fill the      (applicant) frm befre yu get the psitin. 7.In additin       the tractr, we have acquired a new rice transplanter. 8.It is still     discussin whether the ld bus statin shuld be replaced with a mdern htel r nt. 9.I want t tell yu smething abut my plan fr the summer vacatin and I’d like yu t d me      favur. 10.It was this cmpany that put an       (advertise) in the lcal newspaper. 
    Ⅱ.单句情境写作1.Tday peple are increasingly        (意识到) the imprtance f envirnmental prtectin and bidiversity. 2.Mre than half f the members are             (支持) what he put frwards at the meeting. 3.             (除了) a diet, she pursues varius exercises n TV. 4.Many cities are          (受到威胁) as a result f rising sea levels and glbal warming. 5.New Zealand is mainly           (由……组成) tw islands, the larger f which is the Suth Island. 
    under threat
    made up f/cmpsed f
    Ⅰ.阅读 It’s shcking that cuntless species becme extinct every year and such extinctin means frever.T change the situatin, scientists are nw n their way t bringing back extinct species. DNA is the chemical that carries the structure f a living thing, which is needed by researchers t bring back a species.Dinsaurs have been gne t lng fr any f their DNA t remain in fssils.Hwever it seems pssible t bring back mre recently extinct species such as Ice Age animal, the wlly mammth.In 2015, a team f Spanish and French scientists re-created the Pyrenean ibex, which had gne extinct three years earlier.The new animal didn’t survive lng, but scientific advances shuld imprve the success rate.In January, Australian scientists annunced that they were trying t restre the brding frg.
    That we can bring species back desn’t mean that we shuld.There may be benefits t bring back a species.But there’s n way t knw hw it will turn ut.Fr example, wuld a passenger pigen fit int its ld habitat? Or might it crwd ut existing species? Envirnmentalists wrry that ur ability t bring species back might cut dwn supprt fr the hard wrk f traditinal cnservatin.Why bther t preserve a wild life habitat r fight pachers (偷猎者) if we knw we can make up fr ur mistakes? But thse extinctins are ur mistakes t crrect.As envirnmentalist Stewart Brand put it, “Humans have the ability t repair sme f that damage.” We wuld d well t remember the lessn f Jurassic Park:Cntinue with cautin.语篇导读:本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了为了改变物种灭绝这种情况,科学家们现在正努力让灭绝的物种回归。阅读本文,有利于拓宽学生的视野,加深对前沿技术的认识。
    1.What can we knw frm Para.2? A.Scientists have successfully brught back sme dinsaurs. B.It’s likely fr scientists t bring back recently extinct animals. C.Scientists have discvered DNA f all Ice Age species in fssils. D.Ice Age animals live lnger than befre after being brught back t life.
    1.B 推理判断题。考查学生根据文本信息进行推断归纳的能力。根据第二段的第三句可知,科学家很可能会让最近灭绝的动物复活。故选B。
    2.What makes envirnmentalists wrried accrding t the passage? A.Scientists cannt make up fr the mistakes they made in DNA research. B.Scientists still lack technical supprt t bring back extinct species t life. C.Traditinal cnservatin seems useless when restring species is available. D.Species that will be brught back t life after distinctin will nt survive lng.
    2.C 推理判断题。考查学生根据文本信息进行推断归纳的能力。根据第四段内容尤其是第一句可知,当可以实现物种复活时,传统的保护似乎毫无用处。故选C。
    3.What is the prbable attitude f Stewart Brand tward bringing extinct species back t life? A.Critical. B.Wrried. C.Disapprving.D.Supprtive.
    3.D 推理判断题。考查学生根据文本信息进行推断归纳的能力。根据倒数第二段的内容可知,Stewart Brand 对于让灭绝的物种复活持支持的态度。故选D。
    Ⅱ.完形填空 On June 8th, much f the wrld bserves United Natins Wrld Oceans Day. Oceans prduce ver half f ur  1  fr breath, help regulate ur climate, absrb carbn dixide, and supprt the greatest  2  f life.Nearly half f all species(物种) n Earth  3  n the ceans fr survival, and fr many f the rest, including fr peple, the ceans  4  the quality f life.  The ceans are  5  vital t the wrld’s ecnmy.And  6  ver 95 percent f the underwater kingdm remains unexplred, it is nearly a certainty that their  7  may hld the cure t many a disease, the reslutin t many prblems. 
    And yet, ver 40 percent f wrld’s ceans are heavily  8  by human activities.Of particular  9  is plastic debris(碎屑).Sme f it cmes frm  10  that use ur rivers, lakes and seas, and  11  makes its way int the cean.But  12  is washed ff land int the cean each year.  The health and safety f ur ceans is ur  13  respnsibility, ne that we cannt affrd t ignre. 14  thrugh gd administratin can we safeguard the health f ur ceans,and  15  that the ceans cntinue t meet the needs f future generatins. 语篇导读:本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了海洋对人类和地球的重要性,并说明海洋受到了人类活动的影响,倡导我们保护海洋,造福后代。阅读本文,有利于学生学会珍惜大自然赐予我们的一切,增强环保意识。
    B.fd C.fruit B.freedm C.independence B.depend C.live D.attach
    1.D 根据空后的“fr breath”可知,此处表示“海洋生产了一半以上我们呼吸的氧气(xygen)”。故选D。2.A 根据上文可知,此处讲海洋的作用,它供养了地球上最多的生命。abundance f 意为“大量的”,为固定短语。故选A。3.B 根据上文可知,地球上接近一半的物种依靠(depend n)海洋来生存。故选B。
    B.decrease C.imprveB.even C.stillB.while C.sinceD.althugh
    4.C 根据上文可知,除了那些接近一半依靠海洋来生存的物种外,其他包括人类在内的许多物种,海洋会改善(imprve)其生活质量。故选C。5.A 上文讲了海洋对地球上生命的重要性,此处接着说海洋对世界经济也(als)十分重要。故选A。6.C 该空所在句子是一个主从复合句,主从句之间为因果关系,故应用since引导原因状语从句,表示“因为”。故选C。
    B.widths C.amuntsB.explited C.affectedB.cncern C.reasnD.cause
    7.D 根据上文“ver 95 percent f the underwater kingdm remains unexplred”可知,此处指海洋的深处(depths)也许存在治愈许多疾病的方法,以及许多问题的解决方法。故选D。8.C 根据yet的转折及下文内容可知,此处说明世界上百分之四十多的海洋受到人类活动的严重影响(affected)。故选C。9.B 承接上一句可知,此处表示“海洋中特别令人担忧(cncern)的是塑料碎屑”。故选B。
    B.vehicles C.carsB.cntrversially C.evidentlyB.many C.smeD.little
    10.A 根据后面的定语从句“that use ur rivers,lakes and seas”可知,这些碎屑有一些是来自使用河流、湖泊和海洋的船只(ships)。故选A。11.D 紧接上文,这些碎屑最终(eventually)汇入海洋。故选D。12.A 前文提到碎屑有一些来自船只,本句说明但是大部分被冲进大海前,来自陆地,故选much,指代大量的塑料碎屑。故选A。
    B.natinal C.cmmnB.And C.S B.ensure C.freseeD.subscribe
    13.C 海洋的健康和安全是我们大家共同的(cmmn)责任。故选C。14.D 句子主体部分“can we safeguard the health f ur ceans”使用了部分倒装结构,只有nly和状语连用放在句首时才有此用法。故选D。15.B and后的内容和“safeguard the health f ur ceans”并列,空处所填词应和safeguard意思相近。故选B。
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