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    外研版高中英语必修第二册Unit 4 Stage and screen学案01
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    外研版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 4 Stage and screen学案

    这是一份外研版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 4 Stage and screen学案,文件包含Part2docx、Part1docx等2份学案配套教学资源,其中学案共85页, 欢迎下载使用。

    Part 2 Developing ideas,Presenting ideas,Reflection


    答案:1.stories 2.characters 3.images 4.plot details and characters 5.we imagined them in the books 6.in a thousand people’s eyes 7.two different forms of media 8.different rules 9.its own right 10.against its original source

    1....but the briefest look at books...(教材第44页)
    ◆brief adj.短暂的
    I took advantage of my brief freedom to dash across the lawn(草坪)——and hit a large maple tree!
    This is a brief description of the movie.

    briefly speaking是由“副词+动词-ing”构成的短语,可看成固定搭配,不再考虑其逻辑主语和动词之间的关系。

    ①     brief,we can’t accept such a plan. 
    ②    (brief) speaking,this kind of activity is helpful to your health. 
    答案:①In ②Briefly
    2.This is something that even the highly successful Harry Potter movies can’t escape from...(教材第45页)
    ◆escape v.(从危险或糟糕的处境中)逃离,逃避,摆脱
    What we can do is to learn to deal with problems rather than to escape from them.
    They went to the hills to escape the summer heat.


    ①To their relief,their students narrowly escaped      the shaking building. 
    ②That was      narrow escape all right when our car turned over! 
    ③He escaped      (kill) in the blast because he had not gone to work. 
    答案:①from/out of ②a ③being killed
    3.Many people thought she didn’t live up to Helen’s title of “the most beautiful woman in the world”...(教材第45页)
    ◆live up to符合(标准),不负(盛名)
    The movie didn’t live up to my expectations.
    We’ll see if she can live up to her reputation.

    ①You should  
    ②We will                      (一起度过艰难时期). 
    答案:①live up to my trust ②live through the hard times together

    1.They say that “a picture is worth a thousand words”...(教材第44页)
    ◆be worth sth./doing...值……(钱、价格);值得做……
    This project is full of difficulties,but the rewards will be worth it.
    This movie is worth watching.

    (2)be worth doing是主动形式表被动意义;
    (3)如果表示“很值得”,应该用be well worth。

    ①Try it! This kind of job is really worth     (do). 
    ②Do you think this book is     (worth) of being read?  
    ③It’s     (worth) to do a part-time job for a teenager. 
    答案:①doing ②worthy ③worthwhile
    2.Perhaps,one day,readers of F.Scott Fitzgerald’s most admired work will find themselves glued to their screens by episodes of The Great Gatsby.(教材第45页)
    He found the place much changed.
    He found people sitting there and engaging in active and joyful conversations.


    ①But when the police arrived,they found the door      (lock) and all windows closed. 
    ②Lucy finds the text      (difficulty) to understand. 
    ③With the world becoming a global village,I find it necessary      (have) a good command of English. 
    答案:①locked ②difficult ③to have

    One of the key reasons behind this is that while a book usually takes a few days to read,a movie typically lasts under two hours.(教材第44页)

    1.If so...(教材第44页)若是这样……
    If so,you’ll have more time to work with him.
    若是这样,你可能会与他共事更长时间 。
    If so,you may be surprised to learn that libraries have changed for the better.)

    在if,when,while,though,unless,as if等引导的状语从句中,如果状语从句的主语和主句的主语一致,且从句的谓语动词部分含有be动词,可将状语从句的主语和be动词省略。
    If it is convenient for you,let’s meet at 8:30 outside the school gate.If not,let me know what time suits you best.
    The climate here is quite pleasant,the temperature rarely,if ever,reaching 30 ℃ in summer.
    2.She’s taught how to behave perfectly.(教材第47页)
    ◆behave v.表现
    Multiple genes behaved differently,depending on whether someone had eaten or not before walking.

    ①The teacher is talking about Tom’s     (behave) at school with his parents. 
    ②As a student,in public places,you should behave     (you).  
    ③To our surprise,the boy behaved     (good) in the football team. 
    答案:①behaviour ②yourself ③well
    3.Courage is not the absence of fear...(教材第47页)
    ◆absence n.缺乏,没有
    Tom will be in charge during my absence.

    ①They can’t start the meeting because of             (总经理缺席) . 
    ②            (在我不在期间),you are in charge of the company.  
    ③To their surprise,many guests invited             (缺席)their wedding. 
    答案:①the general manager’s absence ②During/ In my absence ③were absent from

    Writing a movie review


    It is a(n) sad/romantic/...movie about...named...is directed by...
    The movie is set in...
    The movie named... mainly tells us a story that...
    The main character(s) is/are...
    The movie explores the theme of...
    The most memorable scene is...
    After watching the movie...,I’m deeply impressed by...,because it is an unforgettable movie and a story of...
    In a word,the movie is a success/failure.
    After all I think...is(not) worth watching.
    I (don’t) like the movie,I think it’s...

    某英文杂志的Film Reviews栏目现向高中学生征稿。要求用英语写一篇《你好,李焕英》(HI,MOM)的影评。内容见下表:
      参考词汇:奇幻喜剧片 fantasy comedy film;小品 sketch。

    1.         n.技巧,手法 
    2.         n.强烈的情感 
    3.         v.(使)结合,(使)组合 
    4.         n.喜剧 
    5.         改编自 
    6.         被录取 
    7.         回到 
    8.         充满 
    9.         简言之 
    10.         值得做 
    答案:1.technique 2.emotion 3.combine 4.comedy 5.be adapted from 6.be admitted to 7.go back to 8.full of 9.briefly speaking 10.be worth doing
    HI,MOM is a                         . 
    The movie is           the 2016 sketch of the same name. 
    It tells the happy story of Jia Xiaoling,a girl who has just                the university and unexpectedly                the 1980s and meets her mother Li Huanying                    .They are inseparable,just like friends. 
    This movie is               . 
    It                    . 
    The movie presents the delicate and selfless maternal love with                         ,which drives the audience’s          . 
             ,it is a success and I think it’s          . 
    答案:1.fantasy comedy movie about family 2.adapted from 3.been admitted to;goes back to;in her young age 4.full of warmth 5.combines joy and sorrow 6.real and sincere artistic techniques;strong emotion 7.Briefly speaking;worth watching

    HI,MOM,adapted from the 2016 sketch of the same name,is a fantasy comedy movie about family.
    In combination with joy and sorrow,the movie presents the delicate and selfless maternal love with real and sincere artistic techniques,which drives the audience’s strong emotion.

    HI,MOM,adapted from the 2016 sketch of the same name,is a fantasy comedy movie about family.
    It tells the happy story of Jia Xiaoling,a girl who has just been admitted to the university and unexpectedly goes back to the 1980s and meets her mother Li Huanying in her young age.They are inseparable,just like friends.
    This movie is full of warmth.What’s more,in combination with joy and sorrow,the movie presents the delicate and selfless maternal love with real and sincere artistic techniques,which drives the audience’s strong emotion.
    Briefly speaking,it is a success and I think it’s worth watching.

    The Wandering Earth
    参考词汇:里程碑 landmark。

      One possible version:
    The Wandering Earth is a science fiction movie adapted from Liu Cixin’s novel of the same name.
    The movie tells the story that in the near future the sun is dying out and the solar system is no longer suitable for human survival.Faced with the danger of human extinction,people start the“wandering earth” project,trying to escape from the solar system with the earth and looking for a new home for human beings.
    The movie is a landmark of Chinese science fiction movie and has been popular with audiences since its release.What impresses me most is the theme of “hope” and “never give up”.The success of The Wandering Earth makes me believe that Chinese movies can be better in the future.
    课时作业(八) Unit 4 Part 2

    1.He ended the meeting    ( brief) with only a few words. 
    2.A person,when challenged,can often do what is    (normal) beyond his ability. 
    3.No one can escape      (punish) if he breaks the law. 
    4.Anna’s father is satisfied with her,because she has become a famous singer      her own right. 
    5.Everything seems to get      of hand,so our boss is very angry. 
    6.The report is based      figures from six different European cities. 
    7.I think I should work hard at English and live up      his expectations. 
    8.Good opinions are worth      (stick) to because they can benefit us all. 
    9.Dick found himself      (walk) in the direction of Mike’s place. 
    10.It hit us that the Palace Museum was more      (appeal). 
    答案:1.briefly 2.normally 3.being punished/ punishment 4.in 5.out 6.on 7.to
    8.sticking 9.walking 10.appealing
    She cannot              her parents’ expectations. 
    She’s a rich woman                   . 
    Music lovers                  her new works. 
    I have to                  living at my friend’s home and at the hotel. 
    答案:1.live up to 2.in her own right 3.found themselves glued to 4.make a choice between

    At the beginning of the century there was a big farm called Hollywood Ranch.It was near Los Angeles in California.A few years later Hollywood was one of the famous places in the world.From the 1910s to the 1950s Hollywood was the film centre of the world.Every family knew the names of its film stars—Charlie Chaplin,Greta Garbo,Bergman and hundreds more.
    The reason why people went to Hollywood to make films was the sun.At first people made films in New York on the east coast of the United States.But then they heard about Los Angeles where there are 350 days of sun every year.As they made all the films by sunlight,the west coast was a much better place to work.Also near Hollywood you can find mountains and sea and desert.They did not have to travel far to make any kind of film.
    When TV became popular,Hollywood started making films for television.Then in the 1970s they discovered people still went to the cinema to see big expensive films.After twenty years they are still making films in Hollywood and people watch them all over the world.
    1.Hollywood used to be a    . 
    A.cinema B.big farm
    C.park D.market
    2.In the 1910s Hollywood became a    . 
    A.famous theatre
    B.good place to have holidays
    C.film centre
    D.home for stars
    3.Who was NOT mentioned as a film star in the passage?
    A.Charlie Chaplin.
    B.Marilyn Monroe.
    C.Ingrid Bergman.
    D.Greta Garbo.
    4.People went to Hollywood to make films because    . 
    A.it was a beautiful place
    B.you can find many film stars
    C.there was a lot of sunlight there
    D.it was a famous place
    1.B 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据第一段第一句可知,Hollywood这个地方以前是一个大农场。故选B。
    2.C 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据第一段的“From the 1910s to the 1950s Hollywood was the film centre of the world.”可知,在20世纪初Hollywood成了世界电影制片中心。故选C。
    3.B 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据第一段的“Every family knew the names of its film stars—Charlie Chaplin,Greta Garbo,Bergman and hundreds more.”可知,本文提到了Charlie Chaplin,Greta Garbo和Bergman这三个电影明星,而B项“Marilyn Monroe”没有提及。故选B。
    4.C 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据第二段的“The reason why people went to Hollywood to make films was the sun.”可知,过去人们到Hollywood拍电影的原因是那里一年四季大多数时间里都有充足的阳光。故选C。
    A teacher at Cedar Bluff Elementary School,Andrew Klicka writes rap music to help students learn and remember concepts.“I started writing raps  1  the social studies tests were so hard,” Klicka said.“Kids had a(n)  2  time remembering all of the information that we had to  3 .” 
    This piece of news has  4  that music can help kids do better in school.The best way to  5 facts might be to set them to music.Medical students,for example,have long used rhymes and songs to help them  6  vast quantities of information.A doctor by the name of Tupas Mukherjee  7  that at the hospital he worked at no one  8  the procedures for managing asthma (哮喘).So he created a video and recorded himself  9  the guidelines on asthma procedures.It has spread quickly,and now all  10  use it and are able to remember the guidelines. 
    Music also makes the school day more fun.It makes school more  11 .Many students come to school with optional courses like Spanish.No gym or music.If they had a music hour or programme,they could reduce  12  and relax their brain in a way. 
    Therefore,I  13  with some people who think that music is worth sacrificing for other  14  such as upgraded websites.We shouldn’t  15  music programs. 
    1.A.because B.though
    C.until D.unless
    2.A.difficult B.long
    C.unforgettable D.boring
    3.A.write B.teach
    C.collect D.store
    4.A.repeated B.complained
    C.announced D.proved
    5.A.face B.explain
    C.remember D.know
    6.A.check B.seek
    C.provide D.master
    7.A.realised B.predicted
    C.supposed D.understood
    8.A.accepted B.followed
    C.created D.appreciated
    9.A.developing B.presenting
    C.reciting D.singing
    10.A.students B.professors
    C.doctors D.reporters
    11.A.practical B.important
    C.interesting D.unusual
    12.A.confidence B.pressure
    C.friendship D.conflict
    13.A.talk B.disagree
    C.compare D.compete
    14.A.methods B.abilities
    C.programs D.reasons
    15.A.look forward to B.take advantage of
    C.add up to D.get rid of

    1.A 分析文章可知,前文提到“Andrew Klicka writes rap music to help students learn and remember concepts”,Andrew开始写说唱是为了帮助学生学习理解概念,由此判断Andrew写说唱和考试太难之间是因果关系,故选A。
    2.A 分析文章可知,前文提到“the social studies tests were so hard”,现在的考试太难了,由此判断,学生在准备考试内容的时候也是十分困难的(difficult)。故选A。
    3.B 文章第一句提到“A teacher at Cedar Bluff Elementary School,Andrew Klicka writes rap music to help students learn and remember concepts.”,Andrew是一所学校里的老师,因此学生要记忆的知识是老师教授(teach)的,故选B。
    4.D 分析文章内容可知,第一段及第二段提到“The best way to...facts might be to set them to music.Medical students,for example,have long used rhymes and song...vast quantities of information.”,记忆最好的方式就是把知识编进歌曲里,且在第二段中列举了医学生通过音乐进行知识记忆的例子。由此判断,这条新闻证实了(proved)音乐在学习上起到的作用。故选D。
    5.C 第一段第一句提到“Andrew Klicka writes rap music to help students learn and remember concepts.”,Andrew老师写了说唱歌曲来帮助学生进行记忆(remember),因此最好的方式是将知识写进歌里来帮助记忆。故选C。
    6.D 分析文章可知,第二段第二句提到“The best way to...facts might be to set them to music.”,掌握知识点的时候最好的方式就是把知识点写进歌里,接着文章举例提到医学生早就使用这个方法了。故选D。
    7.A 后文提到“So he created a video and recorded himself...”,Tupas Mukherjee医生自己录了视频记录自己治疗哮喘的过程,由此判断Tupas Mukherjee医生意识到(realised)医院里没有人按照相关程序进行治疗。故选A。
    8.B 后文提到“So he created a video and recorded himself...”,Tupas Mukherjee医生自己录了视频记录自己治疗哮喘的过程,且该段最后一句提到“It has spread quickly,and now all...use it and are able to remember the guidelines.” Tupas Mukherjee医生拍摄的视频得到了广泛的传播,由此判断Tupas Mukherjee医生意识到医院里没有人按照(followed)相关程序进行治疗。故选B。
    9.D 第二段第二句和第三句提到“set them to music”和“used rhymes and songs”,帮助人们记忆的最好的方式就是把内容放在音乐里。由此判断,Tupas Mukherjee应该是把治疗哮喘的方式唱(singing)进歌里。故选D。
    10.C 分析文章可知,Tupas Mukherjee医生在医院工作,且录制这个视频的原因是为了向其他医生们传播治疗哮喘的方法。故选C。
    11.C 分析文章可知,前文提到“Music also makes the school day more fun.”,音乐会给学校生活增添很多乐趣,因此选择interesting。故选C。
    12.B 该段第一句提到音乐会给学校生活带来很多的乐趣,由此判断音乐可以帮助学生释放自己的压力(pressure)。故选B。
    13.B 分析文章内容可知,作者在前文中提到了音乐在记忆知识点方面的帮助,以及音乐给学校生活带来的乐趣,由此判断作者是十分认同音乐的作用的,因此不能让音乐为别的科目牺牲。故选B。
    14.C 该段最后一句提到“music programs”,由此判断除了音乐这个科目还有别的科目。故选C。
    15.D 分析文章内容可知,作者对于音乐是持有一种积极的态度的,而且在最后一段中,作者也认为音乐不能为其他的科目牺牲,因此更不应该取消(get rid of)音乐课。故选D。
    核心素养提升(Unit 4)
    (时间:120分钟 满分:150分)

    高考主播音频第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1.What does the boy probably want from the woman?( C )
    A.Thirty more dollars.
    B.Twenty more dollars.
    C.Ten more dollars.
    2.How will the speakers probably go to the concert hall?( A )
    A.By bus. B.On foot. C.By taxi.
    3.What kind of movie does the man want to watch?( A )
    A.A horror film.
    B.A comedy.
    C.An action movie.
    4.Why are the man’s cheeks red?( B )
    A.Because he is sick.
    B.Because he feels embarrassed.
    C.Because he fell down and injured.
    5.Where is Lucy going?( A )
    A.To the hair shop.
    B.To a repair shop.
    C.To her doctor’s office.
    6.When will the final exams be held?( C )
    A.On January 8th.
    B.On January 11th.
    C.On January 29th.
    7.What is the girl doing?( A )
    A.Reading a novel.
    B.Studying history in the library.
    C.Preparing for the English exam.
    8.What does the man think of the class meeting time?( B )
    A.It’s just right.
    B.It’s very early.
    C.It’s too late.
    9.Why does the man want to practice Spanish?( B )
    A.To pass an exam.
    B.To prepare for a trip.
    C.To talk more with his friends.
    10.According to the woman,which state had the best weather?( B )
    A.South Carolina.
    B.North Carolina.
    11.How many types of fish did the woman catch?( B )
    A.One. B.Two. C.Three.
    12.When might the woman go fishing next time?( C )
    A.In December.
    B.In October.
    C.In July.
    13.Who could the man most probably be?( B )
    A.A driver.
    B.A policeman.
    C.A passer-by.
    14.What was the woman doing when she saw the red car?( C )
    A.Waiting for a bus.
    B.Having lunch.
    C.Walking to a shop.
    15.When did the accident probably happen?( B )
    A.At 12:00. B.At 12:10. C.At 12:15.
    16.What do we know about the car?( A )
    A.It went too fast.
    B.A teenager drove it.
    C.There were four people in it.
    17.Why did the speaker feel lonely in her new school?( A )
    A.Because she was the only Asian girl there.
    B.Because her school was in a small village.
    C.Because her parents were in Tokyo.
    18.Where did the speaker plan to go for her college interview?( B )
    A.Sweden. B.Bath. C.Oxford.
    19.What incident had changed the speaker’s fate?( A )
    A.Coming across a radio producer.
    B.Meeting a professional artist.
    C.Taking an earlier train.
    20.What can we learn about the speaker?( C )
    A.She is a girl from a small village in Oxford.
    B.Her dream was to be a professional radio producer.
    C.She got an invitation a week after that incident.
    (Text 1)
    W:Here’s ten dollars.I’ll pick you up in thirty minutes at the front of the mall.Find a nice gift for your friend’s birthday.
    M:Aw,Mum!Can’t I have twenty?
    (Text 2)
    W:We’re 20 blocks from the concert hall.Should we keep walking or jump in a taxi?
    M:There’s too much traffic for a taxi.But there’s a road for buses only,and here comes one.
    (Text 3)
    W:Let’s watch some funny videos tonight.
    M:I’m in the mood for a scary movie.
    W:I’m never in the mood to get scared.How about an action film?
    (Text 4)
    W:Are you feeling all right?Why are your cheeks all red?
    M:Don’t ask.I just fell down in front of my entire class!Everyone was laughing at me.I feel so silly.
    (Text 5)
    M:It’s 3:00 pm,Lucy.You’re going to be late for your hair appointment.
    W:Oh,no!My medical appointment ran longer than I thought.I got my watch repaired before that,too...
    (Text 6)
    W:Hi,Kevin.Where are you going?
    M:Oh,I’m going to the library to study for the final exams.
    W:But today is January 8th and the exams are in three weeks.
    M:I’m not worried about the English exam because I think I can do well in it.But American history is my weakest subject.I failed it last time.I can’t fail it again and I don’t want to put it off until the last minute.
    W:You’re right.I should also start to study.But let me finish this novel first.We can go to the library together.OK?
    (Text 7)
    M:I need to improve my Spanish quickly.Any suggestions?
    W:There are conversation classes at the community centre.Anyone can join.
    M:Perfect.What day?
    W:Saturday mornings at 9:00.
    M:That’s terrible.I can’t get up that early.
    W:Well,if you need to practice before your trip to Spain,you should try hard to make it.
    M:I usually stay up late with my friends on Fridays.
    W:You can sacrifice some fun if this trip is important to you.
    M:You’re right.If I don’t remember much Spanish,I will have a hard time meeting new people and going to places.
    (Text 8)
    M:I heard that you and your dad went deep sea fishing in the fall.Where did you go?
    W:We wanted to go to Florida,but we read online that the water was a little dirty.So,we decided to go to North Carolina instead,and it ended up being a good choice.The weather was perfect there!
    M:Great!How did you get there?
    W:We had to drive through three states to get there.Driving through Georgia and South Carolina was horrible,though.The weather there was too wet.
    M:That sounds like a long trip.I forgot how far North Carolina is from your home in Alabama.
    W:I know,but once we got there,it was great.We caught tuna and sea bass.We wanted to catch some salmon,but we didn’t have any luck.
    M:Maybe next time.
    W:That’s what I’m hoping.We are going back next summer!That’s supposed to be the best season for salmon.I’ll be dreaming about it all winter!
    (Text 9)
    M:Hello,madam.I know you saw the accident.Have you got a few minutes to tell me what you saw?
    W:Of course.I was standing over there,near the bus stop.I was on my way to get something for lunch.That’s when I saw the red car come out from the crossing over there.
    M:You don’t happen to know what time it happened,do you?
    W:Well,I left work for my lunch break at twelve and it’s only about ten
    minutes’ walk away.So it might have been about ten past twelve.
    M:Did you get a view of who was in the car?
    W:There were three of them,two in the front,the driver,of course,someone in the passenger seat,and there was someone in the back.They were quite young.They might be just a little older than twenty.Anyway,they came speeding out of the side road and hit that lady’s bicycle.The driver didn’t bother to stop to find out if she was OK.He just drove off along the main road towards the town center.Is the woman OK?
    M:She seems fine.But the bike doesn’t look too good.OK.Thanks for your time.
    (Text 10)
    W:When I was 12,my parents moved out of Tokyo to a small village in Oxford.I was the only Asian girl in my school and I suddenly felt a bit lonely.Luckily,I had a brilliant art teacher who encouraged me to go to Art College.
    However,on the day of my college interview in Bath,I woke up late.I left the house wearing two odd shoes and didn’t notice that my bottle of chocolate milk had poured all over the painting in my bag.Then when I finally got to the station,I got on the wrong train.Who knows,if I had gone to Bath that day,I might have become a professional artist.But I went to Sweden instead.I told the woman next to me on the train about what had happened,and she suddenly cried with laughter.It turned out she was a producer of a comedy program on the radio.To cut a long story short,I got an invitation a week later to attend an interview for a show,and the rest,as they say,is history.I am very lucky,and my life has been full of happy accidents.Now I am in charge of a very popular TV comedy program.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Musicals in Washington’s Historic
    National Theatre in 2021

    The Last Ship
    Friday,March 26-Monday,April 5
    THE LAST SHIP,inspired by Sting’s 1991 album“The Soul Cages”and his own childhood experiences,tells the story of a community in Tyne and Wear.Sting will star and perform the role at every performance.It features an original score with music and lyrics by Sting as well as a few of his best-loved songs:Island of Souls,All This Time and When We Dance.Learn more at TheLastShipMusical.com.
    Recommended for ages 13 and up.
    Run time:approximately 2 hours,30 minutes.

    The King’s Speech
    THE KING’S SPEECH is based on the true story of King George Ⅵ’s struggle with a speech problem and the friendship he formed with his doctor,Lionel Logue.With the Nazi threat coming and civil unrest at home,royal secrets explode around the King as he appeared onto the world stage.
    Recommended for ages 13 and up.
    Run time:approximately 2 hours,50 minutes.

      Blue Man Group
    Friday,May 7-Sunday,May 16
    At BLUE MAN GROUP,you’ll rock,laugh,and party! As three blue men explore our world,together we’ll discover music,comedy and surprises at every turn.It is perfect for audiences of all ages and cultural backgrounds,and returns to D.C.with new music,fresh stories,custom instruments like never before.
    Recommended for ages 4 and up.
    Run time:approximately 1 hour,30 minutes.

    Summer:The Donna Summer Musical
    Wednesday,July 21-Sunday,Aug.1
    Donna Summer was a girl from Boston with a voice from heaven.With a score featuring more than 20 of Summer’s classic hits including Love to Love You Baby,Bad Girls and Hot Stuff,this electric experience is a moving tribute to the voice of a generation.
    Recommended for ages 13 and up.
    Run time:approximately 1 hour,40 minutes.
    21.In which musical can you enjoy the song All This Time?
    A.The King’s Speech.
    B.The Last Ship.
    C.Blue Man Group.
    D.Summer:The Donna Summer Musical.
    22.When is the musical The King’s Speech scheduled to open?
    B.Friday,March 26.
    C.Sunday,May 16.
    D.Wednesday,July 21.
    23.What is the ticket price range of Summer:The Donna Summer Musical?
    A.$49-$154. B.$64-$124.
    C.$54-$104. D.$54-$114.
    21.B 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据The Last Ship部分中的“It features an original score with music and lyrics by Sting as well as a few of his best-loved songs:‘Island of Souls’‘All This Time’and‘When We Dance’”可知选B。
    22.A 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据The King’s Speech介绍部分所给信息“Tuesday,Feb.9-Sunday,Feb.14”可知选A。
    23.D 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据Summer:The Donna Summer Musical部分信息中的价格介绍可知选D。
    Do you still remember the scene in the famous movie Titanic,directed by Cameron,where Jack was frozen to death in the icy cold water so that Rose could survive on the floating door alone?It broke many people’s hearts.Two decades later,people are still asking the question,“Wasn’t there enough room on the door for both of them?”Cameron once responded by saying it wasn’t a question of room,but buoyancy (浮力)— if both of them had tried to stay on the door,he argued,the whole thing would sink.
    But several guys from “Mythbusters”,an Australian-American science entertainment television program,decided to put the theory to the test themselves.They discovered that if Rose had took off her life jacket to the bottom of the door,there would have been enough buoyancy to keep both of them afloat.
    “It was an artistic choice,the thing was just big enough to hold her,and not big enough to hold him,”Cameron said.“I think it’s all kind of silly,really,that we’re having this discussion 20 years later.But it does show that the film was effective in making Jack so attractive to the audience that it hurts them to see him die.The film is about death and separation;he had to die.”
    Since Jack was doomed to die,Cameron said,it could have happened in a variety of different ways.It’s not about the door not being big enough:that’s just a practical method for his death.“Whether it was that,or whether a chimney (烟囱) fell on him,he was going down,”Cameron said.“It’s called art:things happen for artistic reasons,not for physics reasons.”
    24.According to Cameron,why can’t audience accept Jack’s death?
    A.They are artistic people.
    B.They like the movie.
    C.They love Jack.
    D.They are eager for truth.
    25.What can we learn from the last paragraph?
    A.Jack died by accident.
    B.Jack’s death was unavoidable.
    C.The chimney fell on Jack.
    D.The door could make a difference.
    26.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
    A.Jack had to die
    B.A door of life and death
    C.Audience knew better
    D.Science behind movie
    27.Where can you probably find this article?
    A.A popular magazine.
    B.A movie poster.
    C.A government report.
    D.A notice board.
    24.C 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。由倒数第二段中的“But it does show that...see him die.”可知,根据Cameron的说法,Jack对观众很有吸引力,以至于看到他死去,观众都会很伤心,说明观众爱Jack,所以不能接受Jack的死。故选C。
    25.B 推理判断题。考查学生根据文本信息进行推断归纳的能力。根据最后一段中Cameron的说法,Jack不管怎么样都必须死,只是死的方式不同,说明Jack的死是不可避免的。故选B。
    26.A 标题归纳题。考查学生理解文章主旨要义并且归纳标题的能力。第一段讲“20年后,人们仍然在问这样一个问题:难道门上没有足够的空间容纳他们两个人,Jack必须要死吗?”第二段讲“科学娱乐电视节目“Mythbusters”的几个人做了实验,发现如果Rose把救生衣脱到门的底部,就会有足够的浮力让他们两人都浮起来,说明Jack没必要死”。第三、第四段讲“Cameron认为Jack非死不可并给出了理由”。由此可知文章主要讲电影《泰坦尼克号》中的Jack非死不可,A项“Jack不得不死”符合文意,最适合做文章标题。故选A。
    27.A 推理判断题。考查学生根据文本信息进行推断归纳的能力。通读全文可知,文章讲述了电影《泰坦尼克号》中Jack因为救Rose而死,但是二十年后人们仍在纠结Jack是否真的非死不可这个问题,甚至有人专门进行了试验并把结果提交给电影导演Cameron。对此,Cameron的看法是Jack非死不可,并给出了理由。由此可知,本文是关于电影人物的探讨,可在一本受欢迎的杂志上看到。故选A。
    “Screen time”is a term used for activities done in front of a screen,such as watching TV,working on a computer,or playing video games.Screen time means that you are being physically inactive while sitting down.Very little energy is used during the screen time.
    Most American children spend about 3 hours a day watching TV.Added together,all types of screen time can total 5 to 7 hours a day.
    Too much screen time can make it hard for you to sleep at night and put you at risk of having attention problems,experiencing anxiety and depression.What’s more,it may increase the risk of gaining too much weight.
    • Sitting and watching a screen means that time is not spent being physically active.
    • TV commercials and other screen ads can lead to unhealthy food choices.Most of the time,the foods in ads that are aimed at young children are high in sugar,salt or fat.
    • You may eat more when you are watching TV,especially when you see ads for food.
    Computers can help you with your schoolwork.But surfing the Internet,spending too much time on social media,or watching online videos is considered unhealthy screen time.Despite what ads may say,videos that are aimed at young children do not support your development.
    Cutting down your screen time to 2 hours a day can be hard for you,but you can still do something to improve your situation.You should also know that sedentary (不动的) activities affect your overall health and there are other things you can do to be healthier.
    28.What’s the first paragraph mainly about?
    A.What screen time is.
    B.The harm of screen time.
    C.The data of screen time.
    D.How to spend screen time.
    29.How does the author introduce his worry about gaining weight?
    A.By doing research on it.
    B.By giving details of its harm.
    C.By introducing some of its reasons.
    D.By listing unhealthy TV programs.
    30.What will the author most probably talk about next?
    A.Why children love screen time.
    B.What children do to reduce screen time.
    C.Why screen time is harmful.
    D.How children make use of screen time.
    31.What’s the author’s purpose in writing the text?
    A.To introduce the idea of screen time.
    B.To attract people’s attention to children’s health.
    C.To share his suggestions about limiting screen time.
    D.To make children realise the serious effects of screen time.
    28.A 主旨大意题。考查学生对理解段落主旨要义的能力。第一段给出了屏幕时间的定义,接着详细解释这一定义,所以第一段的大意是告诉读者什么是屏幕时间,故选A。
    29.C 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。第三段在作者提出过多的屏幕时间能够增加体重后,给出了三点:“• Sitting and watching a screen means...physically active.• TV commercials and other screen ads...or fat.• You may...see ads for food.”,这三点是解释过多的屏幕时间为什么会增加体重,是阐述的原因,选项C是通过介绍产生增重的原因来进行论证,选项C切题。
    30.B 推理判断题。考查学生根据文本信息进行推断归纳的能力。根据文章的最后“You should also know that...to be healthier.”可知作者接下来可能要讨论其他对健康有利的事,选项B是:“孩子要做什么来减少屏幕时间?”选项B切题。
    31.D 推理判断题。考查学生根据文本信息进行推断归纳的能力。文章从屏幕时间的定义谈起,谈到屏幕时间过长可引起失眠、难以集中注意力、焦虑、抑郁和增加体重,接着呼吁可以做些对健康更有利的其他事,所以作者写作的意图就是使孩子们意识到屏幕时间过长的严重后果,从而改变这种现状,故选D。
    Cowboys,policemen,princesses and superheroes are all characters kids choose to be on any given day.Putting on a play can be a fun activity that lets them act out their favorite characters as well as use their artistic ability to create the stage.
    Best of all,they will be able to use their favourite line“look at me”as the audience sits down to enjoy the production.
    Help your kids decide on a play they would like to act out.Use the Internet or the library to find scripts (剧本) for older reading kids.For younger kids,they can act out a favorite story or a fairy tale.Of course,you could always help them write their own scripts.
    Decide how many characters are needed.Invite neighbours and friends to be in your play or let your kids play more than one character.Make sure you teach them to change the way they look,move and speak so the audience can tell the difference.
    Search for costumes and props (道具) supplies.Find clothes from your closet or attic (阁楼),or go to a garage sale.Help everyone make a mask or put on makeup to represent their characters.
    Get creative.Make tickets,invitations,movie posters and props for your
    kids’ play.You can even decorate a curtain and hang it in front of the stage.Set up chairs for the audience.
    Choose your music.Pick something that goes with the theme of the play.Ask someone to play the piano or have the kids make up songs and help them make homemade instruments.
    Rehearse the play.The more the play is practiced,the better it will be.Try starting early in the summer and practicing once a week.Set out a snack after rehearsal and make it light-hearted and fun.Then perform the play at the end of the summer vacation.
    Invite the audience to sit down and enjoy the play.
    32.Which of the following characters may not be chosen by kids?
    A.Policemen. B.Princesses.
    C.Superheroes. D.Beggars.
    33.What can we learn from the passage?
    A.Putting on a play can improve kids’ imagination.
    B.Kids of different ages should choose the same script.
    C.A kid can act out different characters in the same play.
    D.Different costumes and props are not important on stage.
    34.The underlined word “Rehearse” has the closest meaning to “   ”.
    A.research B.review
    C.practice D.remember
    35.Which is the best title for the passage?
    A.How to help kids to put on a play
    B.How to give kids useful advice on performances
    C.How to get kids interested in performing
    D.How to teach kids to show their character
    32.D 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。由第一段“Cowboys,...to be on any given day.”可知,牛仔、警察、公主和超级英雄都是孩子们在任何时候都会选择的角色。D项“乞丐”不是孩子们选择的角色。故D选项正确。
    33.C 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。由第四段的第二句话“Invite neighbours and friends to be in your play or let your kids play more than one character”可知,我们能从这篇文章中了解到孩子们可以在同一戏剧里扮演不同的角色。故C选项正确。
    34.C 词义猜测题。考查学生在具体语境中推测词汇意义的能力。由倒数第二段第二句“The more the play is practiced,the better it will be.”可知,戏剧练习得越多,它的效果越好,所以通过上下文语境,可以判断出rehearse的意思和practice(练习)的意思相近。故C选项正确。
    35.A 标题归纳题。考查学生对理解文章主旨要义并且归纳标题的能力。由第四段到倒数第二段首句“Decide how many characters are needed...Rehearse the play”可知,短文针对父母怎样才能帮助孩子表演好戏剧给出了一些建议,故短文的最佳标题为“如何帮助孩子们演戏剧”。故A选项正确。
    You go home from work tiredly.You want to sit in front of the TV and watch something fun.What is better than a cartoon?Both children and (most) adults love cartoons.Of course,there are cartoons that are directed specifically to adults.36.    So,why do adults like cartoons so much? 
    They have well-written characters.
    Well,there are plenty of reasons.37.    Screenwriters,designers,musicians are all working together to bring the best outcome to the big screen.Cartoons have well-written characters facing complicated situations.Sometimes the scripts (剧本) are even better than those in adult films.So,it comes no surprise that cartoons appeal to grown-ups as well. 
    They bring out the child in us.
    Remember the time?It was a Saturday morning and we used to sit in front of the TV and enjoy cartoons.38.    What’s more,they show our inner child.By watching cartoons,we forget the trouble of everyday life and leave our problems behind. 
    We love heroes.
    Almost every cartoon has to do with the journey of a character.It is a journey towards adulthood,or towards finding oneself,or succeeding in an adventure.And who doesn’t love heroes like that?39.    Plenty of times,the characters in cartoons are bigger-than-life and that’s what we need to believe humans (or animals) again. 
    Watching cartoons,the viewers enter fantastic worlds and cartoons have become works of art.Just remember the first scene in the Lion King.The sun comes up and animals from all over the jungle come to meet the new lion club.In recent years,cartoons use photo—realistic environments to make the scene bigger and better.
    A.A feast for the eyes.
    B.A little treat for adults.
    C.Plenty of talent works in producing cartoons.
    D.They remind us of ourselves,our strengths and weaknesses.
    E.They bring out that specific feeling,longing for our lost childhood.
    F.And there is also the chance that adults will love a kid’s movie more.
    G.They overcome barriers trying to find true meaning and happiness in their existence.
    36.F 考查学生理解上下文语义和建立段落内语义连贯的能力。根据空格上下文“Both children and (most) adults love cartoons.”“So,Why do adults like cartoons so much?”分析选项可知F项符合语境,故选F。
    37.C 考查学生理解平行和递进语义连贯的具体信息的能力。根据小标题“They have well-written characters”,再结合“there are plenty of reasons”,下文中列举了是因为有许多人的努力才共同创造出非常棒的动画作品,由此可推断出C项符合语境,故选C。
    38.E 考查学生对平行信息之间的衔接关系的理解能力。本文的小标题为“They bring out the child in us”。分析选项可知E项“They bring out that specific feeling,longing for our lost childhood”与本段意义一致,而且有词语的复现,如“bring out”,以及“our lost childhood”符合语境,故选E。
    39.G 考查学生对平行信息之间的衔接关系的理解能力。本段的小标题为“We love heroes”以及文中的“Almost every cartoon has to do with the journey of a character.It is a journey towards adulthood,or towards finding oneself,or succeeding in an adventure”可知,动画中的英雄人物在冒险旅程中寻找自我,克服困难,获得成功。分析选项可知,G项与本段的意义一致,故选G。
    40.A 考查学生理解上下文语义和建立段落内语义连贯的能力。分析最后一段尤其是第一句“Watching cartoons,the viewers enter fantastic worlds and cartoons have become works of art”内容可知,本段主要叙述了动画片把观众带入一个奇妙的世界,动画片已经成为艺术作品。由此可知动画片给我们带来视觉上的盛宴。分析选项可知A项“A feast for the eyes”符合语境,故选A。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Cast Away is a heart-warming movie.Chuck, 41  by Tom Hanks,is the hero.He is a very successful businessman.He is always so  42  that he has little time for his family.He keeps going all over the world for business talks.One day while Chuck is  43  across the Pacific Ocean,the engine of his plane suddenly stops  44  his plane crashes.But Chuck survives the crash and lands on a lonely island. 
    Chuck has to learn to make a 45 all alone on the island.He has to learn how to collect water,hunt for food and make fire.Perhaps the biggest  46  is how to live without friends and a family.In order to survive Chunk develops a friendship with a(n) 47  friend—a volleyball he calls Wilson. 
    Chuck learns a lot about himself when he is 48 on the island.He realises that he hasn’t been a very  49 husband and father because he has always been away.During his five years on the island,Chuck starts to take care of Wilson.He talks to him and 50 with him as a family member.Chuck feels so happy because he can share his happiness and sorrow with him.He has found out that it is  51  to have someone to care about.He has also  52  that family is about feelings and that he must give as much as he  53 . 
    The 54 we can learn from Chuck is that loneliness helps us 55 who we are,why we need each other and what we can do for each other. 
    41.A.seen B.written
    C.performed D.joined
    42.A.busy B.rich
    C.smart D.generous
    43.A.swimming B.boating
    C.flying D.surfing
    44.A.after B.because
    C.or D.and
    45.A.house B.living
    C.plane D.friend
    46.A.challenge B.hope
    C.danger D.success
    47.A.popular B.unusual
    C.clever D.lovely
    48.A.alone B.happy
    C.angry D.peaceful
    49.A.cruel B.creative
    C.careless D.good
    50.A.plays B.fights
    C.leaves D.grows
    51.A.stressful B.unfortunate
    C.important D.awful
    52.A.asked B.wondered
    C.doubted D.realised
    53.A.brings B.takes
    C.offers D.admires
    54.A.lesson B.advice
    C.practice D.benefit
    55.A.treasure B.test
    C.miss D.understand

    41.C 根据前文“Cast Away is a heart-warming movie.”可知,Chuck是电影中的角色,所以此处指“由Tom Hanks扮演(performed)”。故选C。
    42.A 根据后文“that he has little time for his family”以及下一句“He keeps going all over the world for business talks.”可知,他很忙(busy)。故选A。
    43.C 根据后文“the engine of his plane suddenly stops  44  his plane crashes”可知,Chuck是正在坐飞机飞行(flying)。故选C。 
    44.D 后文“his plane crashes”和前文“the engine of his plane suddenly stops”是并列关系,应用and连接。故选D。
    45.B make a living意为“谋生”,是固定搭配。根据后文“He has to learn how to collect water,hunt for food and make fire.”可知,他必须学会谋生。故选B。
    46.A 根据前文“He has to learn how to collect water,hunt for food and make fire.”以及后文“how to live without friends and a family”可知,他要经历的是一种挑战(challenge)。故选A。
    47.B 根据后文“a volleyball he calls Wilson”可知,他交的朋友是一个排球,所以说是“不寻常的(unusual)朋友”。故选B。
    48.A 根据上文“Perhaps the biggest  46  is how to live without friends and a family”可知,Chuck是独自一人(alone)在岛上。故选A。 
    49.D 根据后文“because he has always been away”可知,他意识到自己总是不在家,家人会感到孤独,所以他认为自己不是妻子的好(good)丈夫,也不是孩子的好父亲。故选D。
    50.A 根据上文“He talks to him”以及后文“as a family member”可知,Chuck把排球当成了家人,此处指和它交谈,和它玩耍(plays)。故选A。
    51.C 根据文意可知,Chuck独自在岛上,没有朋友,没有亲人,在极其孤独的情况下,以排球为家人朋友,也能带来快乐,所以说,他发现关心别人是很重要的(important)。故选C。
    52.D 根据“family is about feelings and that he must give as much as he  53 .”可知这是他意识到(realised)的事情。故选D。 
    53.B 根据前文“He has found out that it is  51  to have someone to care about.”可知,Chuck通过和排球朋友交往,发现了关心别人的重要性,意识到他必须付出和索取(takes)一样多。故选B。 
    54.A 根据后文“we can learn from Chuck”以及“that loneliness helps us 55 who we are,why we need each other and what we can do for each other”可知,我们从Chuck的故事中得到的是一种人生教训(lesson)。故选A。 
    55.D 根据后文“who we are”可知,此处应指“了解(understand)我们是谁”。故选D。
    Music has a special power to move us and excite our emotions (情感).Anyone
    56.     has ever wiped tears away from their eyes listening to their favourite sad song will know how 57.    (power) simple notes can be. 
    Listening to a song really 58.     (affect) different parts of the brain.Studies show that areas which have 59.    (responsible) for memory and vision can “light up” 60.     a result of music. 
    Music can be good for people 61.    (deal) with mental (精神上的) health conditions.There are two clear ways in which music is used:either as a means of communication (交流) or for its born curing 62.    (quality). 
    Music can make you 63.    (excite) when you are feeling stressed (有压力的).Nearly a third of people play their music players to improve their work,and almost one in four says that they find 64.     helpful to listen to music on the way to the workplace. 
    Music can actually affect patients with long-term illnesses,such as heart disease and cancer.Many studies have shown that music can help lower heart rate,blood pressure and help keep them less 65.     (pain),anxious and improve patients’ quality of life. 
    56.who 考查定语从句。先行词是anyone,定语从句一般用who引导。
    57.powerful 考查形容词。此处是how作副词修饰形容词,故填powerful。
    58.affects 考查时态。此处陈述事实,动名词作主语,看作单数概念,谓语动词用一般现在时的单数形式。
    59.responsibility 考查句词。have responsibility for意思是“对……负责”。
    60.as 考查介词。固定短语as a result of意思是“由于……”。
    61.dealing 考查现在分词。此处deal与people是逻辑上的主动关系,故用现在分词短语。
    62.qualities 考查名词复数。此处指音乐的治疗品质,用复数形式。
    63.excited 考查形容词。这里是过去分词转化来的形容词作宾补,表示宾语的情绪状态,指当你有压力时,音乐可以让你兴奋起来。
    64.it 考查形式宾语。此处it作形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的动词不定式。
    65.painful 考查形容词。音乐可以让病人不那么痛苦。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    Dear Tom,

    Yours truly,
    Li Hua

    One possible version:
    Dear Tom,
    I’m glad to know that you are interested in Chinese culture,especially Peking Opera.Regarded as the quintessence of China,Peking Opera has a history of 200 years.It’s not only popular in China,but also included in the list of intangible cultural heritage of mankind.The good news is that the China National Peking Opera Troupe will give a wonderful performance in our opera house on May 1st.I think
    it’s a good opportunity to enjoy Peking Opera,so I want to invite you to appreciate the performance.If your time is available,be sure to let me know before April 20th,so that I can book tickets in advance.
    Looking forward to your early reply.
    Yours truly,
    Li Hua
    One day,the Mullah,an important man in the village,found his donkey was gone when he wanted to go to visit a friend.He was very angry and ran around to look for his donkey.
    The Mullah ran about looking until he was too tired.He sat down to rest at his gate.A few friends came to join him.
    “That no-good lazy donkey!”he said.“If I ever see her again,I’ll sell her for a dollar!”Selling a donkey for a dollar was just a joke.
    Just then the Mullah heard the sound of his donkey’s feet.He looked around.There was his donkey.On her back rode a boy.
    “Where did you find her?”asked the Mullah.“We couldn’t find her anywhere.”
    “I knew where I would go if I were a donkey,”said the boy.“I found her eating grass with the sheep and goats.”
    Suddenly,the Mullah looked to one side and saw one of his friends holding up a dollar.On the other side he saw another with a dollar.
    “I’ll buy your donkey,”said the two.
    “I was joking!”said the Mullah.
    “You didn’t sound as if you were joking,”said the two.
    The Mullah couldn’t break his word.That would be wrong for an important person in the village.He certainly didn’t want to sell his donkey for a dollar.So he said,“Meet me at the donkey fair on Saturday.I shall sell her at that time.I shall sell my donkey to the one who will treat her most kindly.”
    Everybody was kind to animals in the village.
    Paragraph 1:
    So the Mullah thought out a plan. 

    Paragraph 2:
    My donkey and my cat are very good friends. 




    One possible version:
      So the Mullah thought out a plan.On the night before the donkey fair,the Mullah bought a piece of rope.No one had any idea on why the Mullah should want a piece of rope.On Saturday,the men and the boys in the village came to the donkey fair as scheduled.They found a cat tied with a piece of rope to the tail of the
    Mullah’s donkey! Beside them stood the Mullah who looked happy.“It is true,
    I’ll sell my donkey for a dollar,”said the Mullah.“Just one thing,though.”
    My donkey and my cat are very good friends.They must not be parted.The kind man who buys my donkey must also buy my cat.“How much is your cat?”asked many voices.“Oh,my cat is a very important animal,”said the Mullah.“None can equal its agility and smartness.For such a great cat,I want one hundred dollars.”The men burst out laughing and gave up the idea of owning the donkey.

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