译林牛津英语9A Unit 2单词讲解课件
这是一份译林牛津英语9A Unit 2单词讲解课件,共50页。
New Words of Unit 2indigo /ˈɪndɪɡəʊ/ n.violet /ˈvaɪələt/ n.rainbow /ˈreɪnbəʊ/ n.mood /muːd/ n.in a good/bad moodinfluence /ˈɪnfluəns/ v.have an influence onwhether /ˈweðə(r)/ conj.characteristic /ˌkærəktəˈrɪstɪk/ n.calm /kɑːm/ adj.calm downrelaxed /rɪˈlækst/ adj.relax-relaxed/relaxingpeace /piːs/ n.peace-peaceful-peacefullysadness /ˈsædnəs/ n.sad-sadly-sadnesspurity /ˈpjʊərəti/ n.pure-puritywedding /ˈwedɪŋ/ n.prefer /prɪˈfɜː(r)/ v.prefer sth. to sth.prefer doing to doingprefer to do sth.prefer to do sth. than do sth.create /kriˈeɪt/ v.create-creationfeeling /ˈfiːlɪŋ/ n.cheer upremind /rɪˈmaɪnd/ v.remind...of/about...remind sb. to do sth.wisdom /ˈwɪzdəm/ n.wise-wisdomas /æz; əz/ conj.=because/sinceas 当……时候envy /ˈenvi/ n.green with envyrequire / rɪˈkwaɪə(r) / v.require sth.require doingrequire sb. to do sth.require-requirementstrength /streŋθ/ n.strong-strengthheat /hiːt/ n.difficulty /ˈdɪfɪkəlti/ n.have difficulty (in) doing sth.have difficulty with sth.difficulty可以换成trouble或problemsdecision /dɪˈsɪʒ(ə)n/ n.make a desiciondecide-decisionrelationship /rɪˈleɪʃnʃɪp/ n.have a relationship withcertainly /ˈsɜːt(ə)nli/ adv.certain-uncertaineveryday /ˈevrideɪ/ adj.every day 作状语personal /ˈpɜːsən(ə)l/ adj.person-personalsuit /suːt/ v.celebration /ˌselɪˈbreɪʃn/ n.celebrate-celebrationancient /ˈeɪnʃənt/ adj.in ancient timestherapy /ˈθerəpi/ n.discover /dɪˈskʌvə(r)/ v.discover-discoveryteens /tiːnz/ n.promise /ˈprɒmɪs/ v.promise to do sth.promise sb. sth.make a promisekeep a promiseor /ɔː(r)/ conj.work /wɜːk/ v.practise /ˈpræktɪs/ v.practise/practice doing sth.practise-practicestressed /strest/ adj.stress-stressedsuggest /səˈdʒest/ v.suggest-suggestionsuggest doingwould ratherwould rather do than dotrust /trʌst/ n.calm /kɑːm/ n.warmth /wɔːmθ/ n.warm-warmthhandbag /ˈhændbæɡ/ n.match /mætʃ/ n.balance /ˈbæləns/ v.balance...with...
New Words of Unit 2indigo /ˈɪndɪɡəʊ/ n.violet /ˈvaɪələt/ n.rainbow /ˈreɪnbəʊ/ n.mood /muːd/ n.in a good/bad moodinfluence /ˈɪnfluəns/ v.have an influence onwhether /ˈweðə(r)/ conj.characteristic /ˌkærəktəˈrɪstɪk/ n.calm /kɑːm/ adj.calm downrelaxed /rɪˈlækst/ adj.relax-relaxed/relaxingpeace /piːs/ n.peace-peaceful-peacefullysadness /ˈsædnəs/ n.sad-sadly-sadnesspurity /ˈpjʊərəti/ n.pure-puritywedding /ˈwedɪŋ/ n.prefer /prɪˈfɜː(r)/ v.prefer sth. to sth.prefer doing to doingprefer to do sth.prefer to do sth. than do sth.create /kriˈeɪt/ v.create-creationfeeling /ˈfiːlɪŋ/ n.cheer upremind /rɪˈmaɪnd/ v.remind...of/about...remind sb. to do sth.wisdom /ˈwɪzdəm/ n.wise-wisdomas /æz; əz/ conj.=because/sinceas 当……时候envy /ˈenvi/ n.green with envyrequire / rɪˈkwaɪə(r) / v.require sth.require doingrequire sb. to do sth.require-requirementstrength /streŋθ/ n.strong-strengthheat /hiːt/ n.difficulty /ˈdɪfɪkəlti/ n.have difficulty (in) doing sth.have difficulty with sth.difficulty可以换成trouble或problemsdecision /dɪˈsɪʒ(ə)n/ n.make a desiciondecide-decisionrelationship /rɪˈleɪʃnʃɪp/ n.have a relationship withcertainly /ˈsɜːt(ə)nli/ adv.certain-uncertaineveryday /ˈevrideɪ/ adj.every day 作状语personal /ˈpɜːsən(ə)l/ adj.person-personalsuit /suːt/ v.celebration /ˌselɪˈbreɪʃn/ n.celebrate-celebrationancient /ˈeɪnʃənt/ adj.in ancient timestherapy /ˈθerəpi/ n.discover /dɪˈskʌvə(r)/ v.discover-discoveryteens /tiːnz/ n.promise /ˈprɒmɪs/ v.promise to do sth.promise sb. sth.make a promisekeep a promiseor /ɔː(r)/ conj.work /wɜːk/ v.practise /ˈpræktɪs/ v.practise/practice doing sth.practise-practicestressed /strest/ adj.stress-stressedsuggest /səˈdʒest/ v.suggest-suggestionsuggest doingwould ratherwould rather do than dotrust /trʌst/ n.calm /kɑːm/ n.warmth /wɔːmθ/ n.warm-warmthhandbag /ˈhændbæɡ/ n.match /mætʃ/ n.balance /ˈbæləns/ v.balance...with...
