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    牛津译林版八上英语 Unit1知识点总结学案1
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    牛津译林版八上英语 Unit1知识点总结学案1

    这是一份牛津译林版八上英语 Unit1知识点总结学案1,共16页。

    八年级(上学期)Unit1 Friends 学案(一)1. secret 【考点聚焦】(1) n. 秘密;eg: We keep no secrets from you. 我们对你不保守任何秘密。 (2) adj. 秘密的eg: We discovered a secret passage behind the wall. 我们在墙后发现了一个秘密通道。【词语辨析】 secret指秘密的事物,而secrecy则更多地是指保密的性质、状态和能力。eg: let out a secret 泄露秘密;a secret talk 一次秘密的谈话There need be no secrecy. 无需保密。I can rely on his secrecy. 我相信他不会泄露秘密。 【知识拓展】keep a secret = keep secrets 保守秘密 eg: Can you keep a secret for me? 你能帮我守住一个秘密吗?单项选择( ) 1. ______ and be honest, Tom, or others won’t trust you.A. Keeping a secret  B. Keep a secretC. Keeping secrets  D. Keep secret( ) 2. Thanks for ________ the secret ________ me.A. keep, for     B. keeping, for     C. keep, at        D. keeping, to2. joy n. 欢乐,高兴,乐趣【经典例句】 No joy without alloy/annoy.没有纯粹的快乐。【词语辨析】 请注意fun, happiness, pleasure和joy的区别:(1) fun常指与娱乐活动有关的乐趣、嬉笑。eg: Swimming in the sea is great fun.在海里游泳很好玩。(2) happiness强调“幸福”,其抽象意义多了一些。eg: Money cannot buy happiness.钱买不来幸福。(3) joke多指口头上的玩笑。eg: They told jokes at the beginning of the show.他们在节目开始时讲了些笑话。(4) pleasure可以用来表示精神和肉体上的舒适、愉快。eg: He listened with pleasure to the beautiful music.他陶醉在美妙的音乐中。(5) joy是用法最普通的,可以与其他词互用。翻译句子1. She was full of joy when her child was born. ___ 2. 他喜欢将自己的快乐与他人一起分享。___________________________________________ 3. care 【考点聚焦】(1) vt. & vi. 关心,关注,在意 词组:care about 关心, 关怀 care for 照顾,照料 eg: He always cares about his friends. 他总是关心他的朋友。 (2) n. 关心,在意 词组:take care of 照顾,照料=look after eg: He had to take care of his sick mother at home. 他需要待在家里照顾他生病的母亲。 单项选择( ) 1. _____ the environment is important for human beings.A. Take care of                            B. Taking care of              C. Took care of                           D. Take the care of( ) 2. Jim did what he could          the poor children.A. to care for      B. care aboutC. to care about   D. care for4. make用法【考点聚焦】(1) make sb./ sth. +adj. “使某人/某物变得怎样” eg: Did he make his teacher angry? 他使他的老师生气了吗? (2) make sb./sth.+n. “使某人/某物成为----- eg: We want to make him our monitor. 我们想选他当我们的班长。 (3) make sb. +不带 to的 动词不定式,即make sb. do sth. “让或迫使某人做某事” 注意:在被动语态中to要还原回来,即sb. be made to do sth. 某人被让/迫使做某事eg: He made his son clean the bedroom. =His son was made to clean the bedroom by him. 他让他的儿子打扫卧室。单项选择( ) 1. It was stupid       __   him      __ this mistake.A. for; to make    B. of; to make       C. for; make   D. to; to make( ) 2. I must study hard. I don‘t want to let my teachers down because they give me much help.A. make; happy          B. make; tired C. make; excited            D. make; disappointed5. lie ---lying 【考点聚焦】(1) lie作为不及物动词:v. 躺 (lie ---lay—lain) eg:lie in the bed 躺在床上说谎 (lie---lied---lied) eg:lie to sb. 向某人说谎(2) lie作为可数名词:n. 谎话,谎言 (lie-lies) eg:tell lies 说谎 tell stories 讲故事 tell jokes 讲笑话单项选择( ) 1. I saw many people _______ on the beach every sunny afternoon.A lie B. lying C. to lie D. lies( ) 2. They preferred ________ in bed rather than ________ horses.A. to lie, to ride B. lying, riding C. to lie, ride D. lying, ride( ) 3. You can _________her. She never ________anyone.A. believe in, tell lies to B. believe, tells liesC. trust, tells a lie to D. trust, tells a lie6. willing adj. 乐意的,愿意的 【经典例句】 She is willing to share her things with others. 她愿意与他人分享她的东西。 【考点聚焦】 词组: be willing to do sth. 乐意做某事 eg: He wasn’t willing to stay at home alone. 他不愿意一个人待在家里。【知识拓展】 反义词: unwilling adj. 不乐意的,不愿意的 词组: be unwilling to do sth. 不愿意做某事 eg: I’m unwilling to share my bedroom with her. 我不愿意和她分享我的卧室。单项选择( ) 1. Jack is always willing ______ good things with others.A. share             B. shared           C. sharing           D. to share( ) 2.—A number of volunteers_______ willing to teach in China's rural(农村的) areas.   —Yes, the number is getting_______.A. is; bigger and bigger               B. are; bigger and biggerC. is; more and more                 D. are; more and more7. voice n. 嗓音,嗓门 【考点聚焦】 词组:have a good voice 嗓音甜美【词语辨析】(1) voice 嗓音,嗓门eg: The girl has a good voice. 这个小女孩嗓音甜美。 (2) sound 声音(指自然界的任何的声音,可是由人或动物发出的,也可是被制造出来的)eg: The man can recognize different sounds. 那个人可以辨认出不同的声音。 (3) noise 噪音,吵闹的声音eg: Don’t make any noise. The baby is sleeping. 不要吵闹,小孩在睡觉。( ) 1.—What do you think about the        of the running stream?—I think it         like a piece of beautiful music.A. sound;sounds   B. sound;hearsC. voice;sounds    D. voice;hears( ) 2. — Did you hear any strange _____when the quake happened?— No, I was in my garden with my flowers and was enjoying the beautiful _____of my birds at that time.A. voice; noise       B. noise; sound     C. whisper; sound                  D. sound; voice8. sense n. 感觉,观念,意识 【考点聚焦】 词组:have a (good) sense of 有(强烈的)…….感 eg: He has a good sense of time. 他有强烈的时间感。单项选择( ) 1. Everybody owns a______ of direction from birth. A. feeling B. idea C. sense D. choice( ) 2. —I heard Max sing just now. What    beautiful voice!—That’s true. He also has    good sense of humour.A. /; /    B. a; a     C. a; /   D. the; a9. fit 【考点聚焦】(1) vt. 使适合,使合身,合….的身eg: The T-shirt fits him well. 这件T袖很合适他。(2) adj. 健康的,合适的 eg: He takes exercise every day to keep fit. 他每天通过锻炼来保持身体健康。单项选择( ) The pair of shoes _____my feet at all.A. aren’t fit      B. isn’t fit    C. doesn’t fit   D. don’t fit翻译句子这条裤子很适合他。_______________________________________________________________10. knock 【经典例句】The clumsy waiter knocked over my cup of coffee. 笨手笨脚的服务员撞翻了我手中的咖啡。【知识拓展】我的记忆卡词汇运用1. Someone is the door.2. He seemed to be all thumbs today for he has three vases.3. The boxer was at the third round.4. It's after five, let's_____________.5. The woman a man when she went home on a rainy night.词汇填空1. He is a _____________(英俊的) man in his group.2. Her age is a s _____________to us. We can’t guess how old she is.3. The man likes sport very much. It means he is very i_________ in sports.4. Tomorrow we will have a Maths________(比赛).5. The w_______ of the elephant is 100 kilos.6. Helen is an __________(杰出的) woman writer.单词填空11. Are you _____________(will) to help us with our English?12. Please tell her_____________ (not wake) me up this evening.13. Our teacher made us _____________ (stand) in a line.14. Marx has a good sense of ______________(humorous). He often makes us laugh. 15. Mary is sweet and she always has ____________(smile) eyes.16. _____________ (be) there interesting films last week?17. Thanks for _____________ (invite) me to your party.18. Suzhou is one of_____________ (popular) cities in China.19. Do you know his _____________(high)? I think I am taller than him.20. Tom is _____________ (bad) at English in his class. He always gets full marks.翻译句子1. 再来一块披萨怎么样?___________________________________________________2. 我想要父母一起分享快乐。___________________________________________________3. 他总是撒谎,不要相信他的话。___________________________________________________4. 考试不及格让我不开心。__________________________________________________5. 你经常关系你的弟弟吗?__________________________________________________6. —是什么使George成了你最好的朋友? —他有礼貌,乐于助人,幽默,常给我讲滑稽的笑话。 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________7. 你可以告诉我任何事,我会保守秘密的。______________________________________________________Unit1重要语言点(二)11. smile 【考点聚焦】(1) n. 微笑 eg: wear/have a smile on one’s face 面带微笑The girl wears/has a smile on her face. 女孩面带微笑。(2) v. 微笑eg: She smiled when she heard the good news. 当她听到这个好消息她笑了。【知识拓展】 adj. smiling 微笑的 如:smiling eyes 微笑着的眼睛 单项选择( ) 1. Kate is my good friend. She often _______a smile _______her face.A. wears; on                                   B. with; inC. with; on                                      D. has; in( ) 2. Her _______ eyes make her _______ really kind.A. smiling; look           B. smiling; looks       C. smile; look          D. smile; looks12. test 【考点聚焦】(1) vt. 测试,考查eg: I was being tested for a driving license for the third time.为了取得驾驶执照,我正在接受第三次考试。(2) n. 测试,考查eg: I will have an English test tomorrow morning. 明天上午我有一场英语考试。【词语辨析】 注意test与examine的区别:test的含义是以某种手段来试一试某人或某物是否达到了一定的标准;examine的含义是通过观察、调查或测试来确定某人或某物的资格或者性能。请比较下列句子: He has stood the test of war.他经受住了战争的考验。The doctor examined her carefully.医生仔细地检查了她的身体。The teacher will examine the students in English.老师要考学生的英语了。13. square 【考点聚焦】(1) n. 正方形;广场eg: The little girl drew a square on the paper.小女孩在纸上画了一个正方形。(2) adj. 正方形的;平方面积的eg: He wants to build a square house after growing up. 长大后他想建一座正方形的房子。翻译句子1. 这个广场有1000平方米。____________________________________________________________2. 我们学校的图书馆是正方形的。________________________________________________________14. interested adj. 感兴趣的【考点聚焦】(1) interested adj. 感到有趣的,一般修饰人 (2) interesting adj. 令人感到有趣的,一般修饰物 【词语辨析】(1) interesting 属外向性质的词,用于指人、事、物的外在影响方面,意为“使(外)人 感兴趣的”;(2) interested 属内向性质的词,用于指人的内心感受方面,意为“(内心) 对---感兴趣的”试比较:(1) This book is interesting to me.这本书在我看来很有趣。 (外在影响) (2) I’m interested in this book. 我对这本书很感兴趣。 (内心感受) 课本例句:(1) I think good friends should be interesting too. (page7)(外在影响) (2) Max is so interesting. (page8)(外在影响)单项选择( ) 1. —I’m ____ in what ____ you—Well, don’t follow suit. Just do what you like.A. interesting; interests B. interested; interestsC. interest; interests D. interest; interesting( ) 2. There are many _________in Suzhou, I want to go there again.A. place of interest B. place of interestsC. places of interest D. places of interests15. wear vt. 穿;戴【经典例句】 She wore a beautiful evening dress last night. 她昨天晚上穿了一件很漂亮的晚礼服。【词语辨析】(1) has 动词,“长着”,在句中作谓语动词;eg: My sister has short hair. (动词,长着,做谓语动词) (2) with 介词,“长着,戴着”,在句中作定语; eg: The girl with short hair is my sister.(介词,长着,做定语,修饰 the girl, 不可用 has,因为句中已经有谓语动词 is) (3) wear 动词,“穿着,戴着”,在句中作谓语动词;eg: My sister wears small round glasses. 我的姐姐戴着小型圆框眼镜。wear动词,“梳着某种发型;留着(某种胡须);带着(某种表情)” eg: wear a smile 面带微笑;She always wears a smile on her face. 她总是面带微笑。(4) in 介词,“穿着”,在句中作定语 eg: The girl in white coat is my sister. 那个穿着白色外套的女孩是我的姐姐。单项选择( ) 1.—Millie, could you give me some advice? I don't know_______.—Why don't you wear this red shirt?A. when to wear B. what to wear C. how to wear D. where to wear( ) 2. It's very cold outside. You should your coat.A. put on  B. putting on  C. wear  D. wearing( ) 3. Mr. Smith is used to________ a black coat and blue jeans. A. put on B. wear C. wearing D. putting on 完成句子1. 她是一个扎着马尾辫的小女孩。__________________________________________________________________2. The woman________(穿蓝色)is Miss Wang.16. ready adj. 准备好了的;乐意的 【考点聚焦】(1) be ready to do sth.= be willing to do sth. 愿意、乐意做某事。 (2) be ready for=get ready for 为------做准备【经典例句】Are you ready for the exam? 你准备好这场考试了吗?He is ready to teach children at the poor village. 他愿意在这个贫困的乡村教小孩子。单项选择( ) 1. Everything is packed, and we ______ leave.A. are ready to     B. is ready to C. are ready for      D. is ready for( ) 2. Nobody seems ________ than you ______ ready for the exam.A. busy; to get       B. busier; getting        C. busier; to getting             D. busy; getting17. problem n. 问题,难题【经典例句】 There is a difficult problem. 这有个难题。I have problems doing my homework. 我做家庭作业有困难。【考点聚焦】 (1) 注意problem可以被用来修饰其他名词,如:a problem child 问题孩子;a problem student 问题学生。(2) 固定搭配:sleep on/upon/over a problem 把问题留到第二天解决18. seat n. 座位【经典例句】 There are thirty seats in our classroom.我们班有30个座位。【考点聚焦】(1) 以-eat结尾的词:meat n.肉; great adj.伟大的 beat v.打击(2) 常见的短语:take a seat(=have a seat) 就座完成句子1. Please a .=Sit down, please.2. He is very polite to______ _______ ________(让座) in the bus.19. believe v. 相信,信任【考点聚焦】(1) believe sb. = trust sb. 相信某人,信任某人(2) believe one’s words =believe what sb. says/said 相信某人的话 eg: I believe your words.= I believe what you said. 我相信你说的话。20. say vt. 说;说话 【考点聚焦】 词组:ay a bad word about sb.=say bad words about sb. 说某人的坏话 eg: It’s impolite to say a bad word about others. 说别人的坏话是不礼貌的。 【词语解析】关于四个“说”的区别:(1) say +说话内容 eg:say a bad word about sb.; say to oneself 自言自语; (2) speak +语言 eg:speak English (3) talk with/to sb 和某人说话 talk about sth. 谈论某事 (4) tell sb sth. 告诉某人某事 tell sb. (not) to do sth. 告诉某人(不)要做某事eg:tell stories/jokes/lies 讲故事/讲笑话/说谎 词汇运用1.Her age is a _____________(秘密)to us. We can’t guess how old she is.2. My sister always ____________ (面带) a smile on her face.3. I don’t know how to ____________ (解决) this problem. Can you help me?4. There are more ______________ (社会的) workers in this city than in that city.5. He________(计划) to go abroad next year. 单项选择( ) 1. There _______a talk on how to look after goldfish this evening.A. will have B. is going to have C. is going to be D. was going to be( ) 2. There must be something with her eyes. She can’t see _______.  A. anything B. nothing C. something D. everything( ) 3. The weather in Heilongjiang is much colder than _______ in Hainan. A. this B. that C. these D. weather( ) 4. Which do you like_______, fish _______ chicken? A. best; and B. better; and C. better; or D. best; or( ) 5. Millie is kind _______ her friends. She’d like _______ things with them.A. with; to share B. with; sharing C. to; to share D. with; sharing( ) 6. I am _______tired. Let’s stop to have a rest. A. a little B. a few C. little D. few ( ) 7. It doesn’t matter this time. But_______ late next time. A. isn’t B. not be C. aren’t D. don’t be( ) 8. —What about _______ the restaurant for lunch? —OK. Let’s go.A. to go B. going to C. to going D. to going to( ) 9. Don’t drink _____ soft drink, or you will be _____ fat.A. too much; much too B. much too; much too C. too much; too much D. much too; too much( ) 10. Mr. Smith made Kitty _______ the classroom alone. This made her _______.A. to clean; sad B. clean; sadly C. clean; unhappy D. cleaned; unhappy单项选择( ) 1. We’ll try our best to do the work with ___ money ___ people. A. few, little B, a few, a little C. less, fewer D. fewer, less( ) 2. Now more and more Chinese people are ___ enough to buy cars. A. rich B. weak C. poor D. strong( ) 3. What about ___ football? A. to play B. play C. playing D. play( ) 4. —Look! This sweater is beautiful. —___. A. Why not try it on B. Why not try on it C. Why not trying it on D. Why not trying on it( ) 5. What will you do if it ___ tomorrow? A. rain B. rains C. will rain D. is raining( ) 6. The more, the ____ A. good B. best C. better D. well( ) 7. Max has a good sense ___ humor. A. of B. with C. to D. for( ) 8. Bill’s mother never goes to bed ___ he is back from school. A. until B. as C. since D. if( ) 9. —I think Miss Smith must be in her office. I have some question to ask her.—No, she ___ be there. I’ve just been there. A. can’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. won’t( ) 10. Usually, Betty ___ colorful T-shirts in summer. A. wears B. is dressed C. is wearing D. dresses( ) 11. —Would you like some more tea? —_____, please. A. No more B. Just a little C. I’ve had enough D. Yes, I would( ) 12. Let’s stop ___. I know a good restaurant near here. A. to have a meal B. to have a rest C. having a rest D. having a meal( ) 13. —Mum, may I have some cakes? —Sorry, there’s ___ left in the box. I’ll go and buy some for you tonight. A. nothing B. no one C. no D. none( ) 14. I was born in Xuzhou ___ 4th May 1964. A. at B. in C. on D. from( ) 15. The weather in Beijing is colder in winter than ___ in Hainan. A. it B. that C. this D. one( ) 16. Kate likes to work ___ children. A. for B. with C. to D. of( ) 17. His works made us ___. A. to laugh B. laugh C. laughing D. laughed( ) 18. Do you ___ singing an English song? A. want B. would like C. feel like D. want to( ) 19. I think Kate is better for playing basketball, because she is ___ than Jenny. A. shorter B. quieter C. taller D. fatter( ) 20. My sister is as ___ at Maths as me. She often gets ___ grades. A. well, good B. better, had C. well, well D. good, good词汇运用A.根据中文提示完成单词1. The little baby had a _____(圆的) face at birth. He was very fat at that time.2. There is a ____(直的) road from our school to the lake.3. Mr. White is very tall. He is ____(差不多) 1.8 metres.4. Reading books the whole morning made me so ____(无聊). I want to have a rest.5. I am _______(乐意) to share a room with ma sister .B.用所给单词的正确形式填空1. Playing football is ________ (healthy) than watching TV.2. It took me _________ (little) than a week to finish the work.3. He tells _________ (fun) jokes and always makes me laugh.4. I will be happy if I can make people________(happy) again.5. I like her bright, _________ (smile) eyes.C.用所给动词的适当形式填空1. I want _______ (tell) you my friend Betty.2. Li Lei always make us _________ (laugh).3. He often _______(knock) our books and pens off the desk.4. My mother is a good cook. She is good at _______ (cook).5. I will go to the park if it ______ (not rain) tomorrow.完成句子他的小眼睛使他看上去很聪明。_____________________________________________________________________不要把书撞到地上。_____________________________________________________________________Betty总是愿意帮助需要帮助的人。_____________________________________________________________________说别人的坏话是不礼貌的。______________________________________________________________________和Max在一起我从不感到无聊,因为他总是逗我笑。_____________________________________________________________________彭丽媛有一副好嗓子,她是我最喜欢的歌手之一。______________________________________________________________________完形填空My best friend is Jack .We were born in 1992. So he is as l as I am. His house is 2 mine. We usually go to school together. We both study at a school 3 Beijing Sunshine Town. Jack is very handsome. He is tall and strong. He has a square face and a big nose. His smiling eyes make him_ 4 smart. Jack is a clever boy. He is very 5 , too. He likes to help people any time. He also has a good sense of humour. He always 6 funny jokes. I never feel 7 _ or unhappy when he is with me. Jack is a true friend. When something worries me, I always go to him. I can tell him anything, because he can keep 8 . We like to chat with each other because we always have the same 9 . We often chat on the way to school, under the tree, over the telephone or on the Internet. We both like 10 best. We go to different places during our holidays every year. We both hope to be the best friends forever.( ) 1. A. new B. age C. old D. older( ) 2. A. close B. closed C. far D. near( ) 3. A. named B. is called C. in D. at( ) 4. A look B. looks C. to look D. looking( ) 5. A. polite B. helpful C. happy D. good-looking( ) 6. A. tells B. says C. talks D. speaks( ) 7. A. boring B. pleased C. excited D. uncomfortable( ) 8. A. quiet B. happy C. secrets D. fit( ) 9. A. lesson B. idea C. telephone D. word( ) 10. A swimming B. skiing C. traveling D. camping阅读理解ASome day you may go to the moon. A big rocket(火箭) will take you into space(太空). The rocket flies a long way to a space station. You will stop there for a short time. Then a big spaceship will take you to the moon. About three days later, the ship slowly goes down and gets to the moon. You are now on the moon, but you cannot leave your spaceship. You must put on a spacesuit(太空服) for the moon is very hot in the day and very cold at night. If you don't wear a spacesuit, you can't live there .You jump out of the spaceship and begin to walk. The moon is much smaller than the earth. The things on the moon are lighter than those on the earth. You jump high in the air every time you take a step. The moon moves slowly, .so one day on the moon is as long as two weeks on the earth and one night is just as long as two weeks on the earth. It never rains on the moon, and everything on the moon is dry. There are no trees or other living things of any kind on the moon. There is nothing to do there. The earth is a far better place to live on, but scientists are trying to make the best of the moon.( ) 1. How can you go into space? A. By plane. B. By spaceship. C. By rocket. D. By spacesuit.( ) 2. How can you get to the moon? A. By rocket. B. It will take us a long time to get to the moon by rocket. C. The rocket will take us to the space station and by spaceship we will get there. D. Both B and C.( ) 3. On the moon ________. A. days are longer but nights are shorter B. days are shorter but nights are longer C. days are shorter than nights D. two days is as long as 28 days on the earth( ) 4. There is no life on the moon because _______. A. the moon moves very slowly B. there is no air or water C. day is hotter but night is colder D. night is hotter but day is colder( ) 5. On the moon, when you are in a spacesuit, you can move _______. A. more easily B. harder C. more slowly D. more difficult B This is a song that millions of Americans will hear on New Year's Eve. It is called Auld Lang Syne(《友谊地久天长》). It is a traditional piece of music played during the New Year's celebration. Auld Lang Syne is an old Scottish poem. It tells about the need to remember old friends. The words mean ‘old long since'. No one knows who wrote the poem first. However, a version(版本) by Scottish poet Robert Burns was published(被出版) in 1796. The words and music we know today first appeared in a songbook three years later. The song is played(被演奏) in the United States mainly on New Year's Eve. The version you are hearing today is by Washington Saxophone Quartet. As we end our programme with Auld Lang Syne, I'd like to wish all of our radio friends a very Happy New Year! This is Buddy Thomas.( ) 6. Where is this passage from? A. A newspaper. B. A magazine. C. A TV programme. D. A radio programme.( ) 7. Who is introducing Auld Lang Syne to us? A. Robert Burns. B. Washington Saxophone Quartet. C. Buddy Thomas. D. The passage doesn't tell us.( ) 8. When do people in the USA mainly play Auld Lang Syne? A. On New Year's Eve. B. On Christmas Eve. C. At weekends. D. On holidays.( ) 9. When did the words and music we know today first appear? A. In 1790. B. In 1793. C. In 1796. D. In 1799.( ) 10. What is the song Auld Lang Syne about? A. It's about the history of Scotland. B. It's about the need to remember old friends. C. It's about an old Scottish poet. D. It's about the wishes to the radio friends.一:答案: B B答案:1) 当她的小孩出生时她充满了喜悦之情。 2) He likes sharing his happiness with others.答案:B C答案:B D答案:1. B 2. C 3. C答案: D B答案: A D答案:C B答案:C The pants fit him well. 答案:knocking at/ on; knocked over; knocked out; knock off; knock into 答案:一、handsome ; secret; interested; competition; weight; excellent二、willing; not to wake; stand; humour; smiling; were; inviting; the most popular; height; not bad三、1. What about one more piece of pizza? 2. I want to share my joy with my parents. 3. He always tells lies. Don’t trust him/believe what he says/his words.4. Not passing the exam made me unhappy. 5. Do you always care about your brother? 6. —What makes George your best frienpd? —He is polite, helpful and humorous and he always tells me funny jokes. 7. You can tell me anything. I will keep a secret.二:答案:A A答案:1) This square has an area of 1,000 square metres Our school’s library is square.答案:B C答案:1. B 2. A 3. C 1) She’s a small girl with a ponytail. 2) in blue答案:A B答案:1) take/have, seat 2) give a seat答案:一、secret; wears; solve; social; plans 二、1-5 CABCC 6-10 ADBAC课后作业:Keys: 1------5 CACAB 6------10 CAAAA 11-----15 BAACB 16-----20 BBCCDKeys: A: 1. round 2. straight 3. almost 4. bored 5. willing B: 1. healthier 2. less 3. funny 4.happy 5. smiling C: 1. to tell 2. laugh 3. knocks 4. cooking 5. doesn’t rain答案:1. His small eyes make him look very smart / clever. 2. Don’t knock the books onto the floor. 3. Betty is always willing to help the people in need. 4. It is not polite / impolite to say bad words about others. 5. I never feel bored with Max because he always makes me laugh. 6. Peng Liyuan has a good voice. She is one of my favorite singers.答案: 1-5 CDCAB 6-10 ADCBC答案: 1-5 CCDCA 6-10 DCADB 要记住以knock为中心的一些短语:knock into 撞上 knock over 撞翻,撞倒 knock at/on 敲打,敲击knock out 击倒,撞晕 knock off 停工,休息 knock onto the floor 撞到地板上
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