展开第八讲 时态语态特殊句式+综合练 词汇拓展专题精选实战演练能力提升练词汇拓展四级词汇专题突破(一)时态语态思维导图(二)强调句思维导图(三)倒装句思维导图实战演练(一)时态语态练习1. Our new English teacher, who is said to have moved back to China, _______(live) in America for almost ten years.2. The shoes are of high quality and _______(wear) long.3. --Why is the house in a mess? -- I _______(clean) it for Christmas since three days ago.4. As the most frequently spoken language in the world, Chinese _______(teach) in many schools in Europe.5. Nowadays, cellphones have features such as games, music and calendars and more new functions _______(add).6. --Ouch! You hurt me. --I’m sorry. But I _______(mean) any harm. I _______(try) to drive a rat out.7. If it _______(be) too much trouble, I’d love a cup of coffee.8. -- Mr. Jordan, we want to hear your opinion about the current NBA games. -- OK, I _______(come) to that.9. --May I speak to your manager at four o’clock this afternoon? --I’m sorry. He _______(go) to a conference long before then.10. I _______(come) up here night after night for weeks now. You see, I _______(hope) to give you a surprise. 11. --I’m trying to find yesterday’s paper. Have you seen it?--I’m afraid I _______(throw) it away. I thought you had finished reading it.12. --Jessica, may you attend the summit held in Sanya this Wednesday? --I’m afraid not. I _______(arrange) with a client about his father’s will.13. --I didn’t expect that John would be absent from my last Sunday’s birthday party. --As far as I know, he _______(go) to see his parents in the countryside on Sundays.14. It _______(rain) every day so far this month. I can't tell you if it _______(rain) tomorrow. 15.--It’s a shame that you missed the lecture on the British culture given by Thompson.-- I _______(attend) it, but I was busy preparing the coming exam.16. -- Where have you been all day?-- We _______(meet) some lovely children and it was dark by the time we got away.17. Please give Jim the schedule for tomorrow's conference when he _______(come) back. He is to chair the conference.18. The thief was caught stealing money from the shop opposite the school and _______(question) by the local police at the moment.19. Dad, I was just wondering if you could lend me a few dollars until I _______(pay) next week.20. China _______(see) a lot of people moving to urban areas in the last 20 years. However, many migrants left their families behind.1. lived 2. wear 3. have been cleaning 4. is taught 5. are being added 6. didn’t mean; was trying 7. isn’t 8. am coming 9. will have gone 10. have been coming; was hoping 11. threw 12. shall be arranging 13. goes 14. has rained; will rain 15. would have attended 16. met 17. comes 18. is being questioned 19. get paid 20. has seen (二)一二模翻译我们若不齐心协力, 将无法战胜对手。(unless)We won’t be able to beat the opponents unless we work together.由于中国教育取得的巨大进步,中国已成为最受海外学生欢迎的留学目的地之一。(Due to)Due to the significant progress made in Chinese education, China has become one of the most favored places for overseas students.只有当环境问题被看作第一要务时它才有可能得到解决。(Only)Only when the environmental problem is regarded as the top priority will it be likely to be solved.应加大力度打击劣质商品的生产和销售。(fight)The intensity of the fight against the manufacturing and sale of inferior goods should be increased.正是因为有高度的责任感和丰富的实践经验,这位乡村老师才培养出了一批批优秀的学生。(It is…)It was because of a strong sense of responsibility and much practical/working experience that the teacher who worked in the countryside cultivated a great number of excellent students.等他明年回来,这个体育馆就建好了。(by the time)By the time he comes back next year, the stadium will have been set up.到底是什么促使你放弃了这么稳定的工作,来到这个偏远地区保护野生动物?(it)What was it that made you give up such a stable job and come to the remote area to protect wild animals?人工智能正以如此快的速度改变着整个世界,你很难预测未来的生活究竟会是什么样子。(So)So quickly is artificial intelligence changing the whole world that it is hard for you to predict what life will be like in the future.你在其他任何地方都找不到这么励志的书。(Nowhere) Nowhere else can you find such an inspiring/motivating/motivational book.智能手机给人们生活带来了许多便捷,但其负面影响不容小觑。(despite)Despite the great convenience smart phones have brought about to people’s life, its side effects can’t be ignored.绝不能任由困难打倒你,因为你永远不知道你离成功有多么近。 (account)On no account can you let any difficulties discourage/ beat you, for you can never tell how close you may be to success.志愿者活动不仅能使青少年学到如何帮助残疾人,还可以提高他们与陌生人合作的意识。(Not only...)Not only can volunteer activities enable teenagers to learn how to help the disabled, but they can also raise teenagers’ awareness to cooperate with strangers. 他一到法国就发现很难适应那里的生活,所以半年以后他毅然回到了曾经养育他的祖国。(No sooner…)No sooner had he reached France than he found it very difficult to be accustomed to the life there. So half year later, he returned to the motherland where he was raised.直到他走出空调房间,才意识到今天有多冷(Not...)Not until he went out of the air-conditioned room did he realize how cold it is today.(三)阅读理解CTourism is a leisure activity which presupposes (预先认为) its opposite, namely regulated and organized work. It is a manifestation (表明) of how work and leisure are organized as separate and regulated part of social practice in "modern" societies. Indeed acting as a tourist is one of the clear characteristics of being "modern" and the popular concept of tourism is that, it is organized within particular place and occurs for a period of time scheduled beforehand. Tourist relationships arise from a movement of people to, and their stay in, various destinations. This necessarily involves some movement, that is the journey, and a period of stay in a new place or places. The journey and the stay are by definition outside the normal places, of residence and work, and are of a short-term and temporary nature, and there is a clear intention to return home within a relatively short period of time.Modern societies engage in such tourist practices. New socialized forms of transportation and hotel facilities have developed in order to cope with the mass character of the gazes of tourists, as opposed to the individual character of travel. Places are chosen to be visited and be gazed upon because there is an anticipation (期望) especially through daydreaming and fantasy of intense pleasures, either on a different scale or involving different senses from those customarily encountered. Such anticipation is constructed and stays through a variety of non-tourist practices, such as films, TV, literature, magazines, records and videos which construct and reinforce this daydreaming.Tourists tend to visit features of landscape and townscape which separate them off from everyday experience. Such aspects are viewed because they are thought to be in some sense out of the ordinary. The viewing of these tourist sights often involves different forms of social patterning with a much greater sensitivity to visual elements of landscape or townscape than is normally found in everyday life. People hang around these sights in a way that they would not normally do in their home environment and the vision is objectified or captured through photographs, postcards films and so on which enable the memory to be endlessly reproduced and recaptured.One of the earliest research paper on the subject of tourism is Boorstin's analysis of the "pseudo-event" (1964) where he argues that contemporary Americans cannot experience "reality" directly but are happy with "pseudo-events". Isolated from the host environment and the local people, the mass tourist travels in guided groups and finds pleasure in fake or man-made attractions, and is cheated into enjoying the pseudo-events and disregarding the real world outside. Over time the images generated of different tourist sights lead to a closed self perpetuating(自生自存的)system of a false belief that provides the tourist with the basis for selecting or deciding potential places to visit. Such visits are made, says Boorstin, within the "environmental bubble" of the familiar American style hotel which keeps the tourist from the strangeness of the host environment. 63. In the 1st paragraph, the author wants to tell his readers that _______. A. tourism is simply an relaxing activity in a different place B. a good plan is necessary if a tourist has many destinations C. tourism involves much work of organization and regulations D. the definition of tourism differs from that of everyday experience 64.The sentence “The viewing of these tourist sights often involves different forms of social patterning” means ________. A. traveling is a good alternative to everyday experience B. visual elements in scenic spots are usually more attractive C. tourists are usually more interested in different forms of life D. tourists should do as the Romans do when travelling to a new place 65. We can conclude from the last paragraph that when one travels ______. A. it is more relaxing for him to live in the familiar environment B. he is more likely to visit those popular tourist attractions C. he should exploit the local people and natural environment there D. it is more often for an American to make himself different from others 66. Which of the following is the best title of the passage?A. The Nature of Tourism B. Tourism and Its Cultural Implication C. Tourism and Its Consequences D. The False Impression of Tourist Sights 63-66 CDCA能力提升练(一)Grammar Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks , use one word that best fits each blank.(2018届高三上外附中期中)American IndiansWhen you think of a typical American, whom do you picture? A pretty blond white American like Taylor Swift? Or a handsome black American like President Barack Obama or basketball star Kobe Bryant? In fact, there was a time when the average American looked like___21_____of these people.Back in the year 1500, the average American was a brown-skinned hunter-gatherer who probably rode a horse and wore clothing __22____(make) from animal skins. Today, these people-who tend ____23____(identify) themselves based on their individual tribes such as Iriquos, Apache and Navajo-are broadly referred to as “Native Americans”, “American Indians” or simply ” Indians”.You__24_____say you’ve never even heard of American Indians. That’s ___25___ there aren’t very many left. When the European settlement of North America began, there were fierce conflicts ____26____ the settlers from overseas and these native peoples. After the Revolutionary War, conflicts with natives continued as the states were created_____27___ would later make up the US. American Indians ____28___(treat)were treated as a military “enemy” until 1924, when the few Indians still alive at that point were granted US citizenship. ______29___ the story of the American Indians has been a sad one, these peoples’ legacies (遗产) are still felt every day in the US. There are many US geographical names ____30_____(come) from Indian languages, such as Ohio, Topeka, Kansas, and the Potomac River. At the same time, there are numerous successful academics and other important US leaders who are descended from Indians.21. none 22. made 23. to identify 24. may 25. because 26. between 27. that 28. were treated 29. While 30. coming(二)VocabularyDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.(2018届高三建平中学月考)Architecture is the art and science of designing structures that organize and enclose space for practical and symbolic purposes. Because architecture grows out of human 31 and aspirations, it clearly communicates cultural values. Of all the 32 arts, architecture affects our lives most directly, for it determines the character of the human environment in major ways. Architecture is a three-dimensional form. It involves space, mass, texture, line, light and color. To be architecture, a building must achieve a working 33 with a variety of elements. Humans instinctively seek structures that will 34 and enhance their way of life. It is the work of architects to create buildings that are not simply constructions but also offer inspiration and delight. Buildings contribute to human life when they provide shelter, enrich space, complement their site, suit the climate, and are 35 feasible. The client who pays for the building and defines its function is an important member of the architectural team. The mediocre (平庸的) design of many contemporary buildings can be traced to both clients and architects. In order for the structure to achieve the size and the strength 36 to meet its purposes, architecture 37 methods of support that, because they are based on physical laws, have changed little since people first discovered them---even while building materials have changed dramatically. The world’s architectural structures have also been devised in relation to the 38 limitations of materials. Structures can be analyzed in terms of how they deal with downward forces created by gravity. They are designed to withstand the forces of compression (pushing together), tension (pulling apart), bending, or a combination of these in different parts of the structure. Modern architectural forms generally have separate components 39 to elements of human body, supporting frame, and outer skin enclosing the interior spaces and equipment. The equipment includes plumbing, electrical wiring and hot water. Today air-conditioning which was not common in early architecture is used 40 and is preferred by most clients.31-35 GDIKJ 36-40BEAHF (三)完型填空Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.In interviews, famous people often say that the key to becoming both happy and successful is to “do what you love.” But __41__ a skill, even one that you deeply love, calls for plenty of drills. Any challenging activity—from computer programming to playing a musical instrument to athletics—requires __42__ practice. A perfect golf swing or faultless butterfly stroke (蝶泳) takes countless hours of practice and repetitions to perfect.Anyone who wants to have a good command a skill must go through the __43__ of practice, critical feedback, polish, and increasing improvement again, again, and again. Some people seem able to concentrate on practicing an activity like this for years and take __44__ in their gradual improvement. Yet others find this kind of focused, time-intensive work to be __45__ or boring. Why?The __46__ may depend on the ability to enter into a state of “flow,” the feeling of being completely involved in what you are doing. Flow states can happen in the course of any activity, and they are most common when a task has definite goals and where the individual is able to __47__ their performance to clear and immediate feedback.Csikszentmihalyi suggested that those who most __48__ entered into flow states had an “autotelic personality”—a tendency to seek out challenges and get into a state of flow. While those without such a personality see difficulties, autotelic individuals see opportunities to build skills and they have low levels of self-centeredness. Such people, with their ability to focus on tasks rather than rewards have a great __49__ over others in developing their innate (天生的) abilities. But how can we get into a flow state for an activity so that we enjoy both the process of improving skills and the __50__ of being a master?__51__ for those of us who don’t necessarily possess an autotelic personality, there is evidence that flow states can be __52__ by environmental factors. For instance, in Montessori schools, students do not study by following direct instruction. __53__, they are encouraged to develop and pursue personal interests. Competition is __54__ and grading is not emphasized. Students are grouped together according to shared interests, rather than separated by ability.While there isn’t yet a pill that can turn dull practice into an exciting activity for anyone, it is comforting that we seem to be able to advance into flow states. By giving ourselves unstructured, open-ended time, minimum distractions, and a task set at a moderate level of __55__, we may be able to love what we’re doing while we put in the hard work practicing the things we love doing.41. A. functioning B. stimulating C. enriching D. mastering42. A. fixed B. concentrated C. paralleled D. instructed 43. A. transformation B. substitute C. cycle D. condition44. A. pleasure B. pride C. an interest D. part45. A. frustrating B. rewarding C. ignorant C. poisonous46. A. objection B. standard C. principle D. distinction47. A. adjust B. devote C. apply D. expose48. A. deliberately B. readily C. hesitantly D. flexibly 49. A. feature B. control C. advantage D. sympathy 50. A. reward B. jealousy C. security D. contribution51. A. Unexpectedly B. Fortunately C. Typically D. Obviously52. A. influenced B. extended C. cultivated D. bridged53. A. Otherwise B. Therefore C. Furthermore D. Instead54. A. advocated B. suspended C. discouraged D. observed55. A. priority B. difficulty C. curiosity D. identity 41-55 DBCAA DABCA BCDCB(四)阅读C篇Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have read.(2018虹口一模)(C)Crude awakeningA battle between two energy exchanges[1] OPEN-OUTCRY trading is supposed to be an odd, outdated practice, rapidly being replaced by sleeker, cheaper electronic systems. Try telling that to the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX), the world’s largest commodities exchange. On November 1st the NYMEX opened an open-outcry pit (公开叫价交易厅)in Dublin to handle Brent crude futures(布伦特原油期货), the benchmark (基准)contract for pricing two-thirds of the world’s oil.[2] The NYMEX is trying to grab liquidity from London’s International Petroleum Exchange (IPE), which trades the most Brent contracts; the New York exchange has so far concentrated on West Texas Intermediate, an American benchmark grade. The new pit is a response to the IPE’s efforts to modernise. On the same day as NYMEX traders started shouting Brent prices in Dublin, the IPE did away with its morning open-outcry session: now such trades must be electronic, or done in the pit after lunch.[3] The New York exchange claims that customers, such as hedge funds (对冲基金) or energy companies, prefer open-outcry because it allows for more liquidity. Although most other exchanges are heading in the opposite direction, in commodity markets such as the NYMEX, pressure from “locals”--self-employed traders--is helping to support open-outcry, although some think that customers pay up to five times as much as with electronic systems. Even the IPE has no plans to close its floor. Only last month it signed a rental agreement, lasting until 2017, for its trading floor in London.[4] Dublin’s new pit is “showing promise”, says Rob Laughlin, a trader with Man Financial, despite a few technical glitches. On its first day it handled 5,726 lots of Brent (each lot, or contract, is 1,000 barrels), over a third of the volume in the IPE’s new morning electronic session. By the year’s end, predicts Mr Laughlin, it should be clear whether the venture will be feasible. It would stand a better chance if it moved to London. It may yet: it started in Ireland because regulatory approval could be obtained faster there than in Britain.[5] In the long run having both exchanges offering similar contracts will be unsustainable (不可持续的). Stealing liquidity from an established market leader, as the NYMEX is trying to do, is a hard task. Eurex, Europe’s largest futures exchange, set up shop in Chicago this year, intending to grab American Treasury-bond contracts from the Chicago Board of Trade. It has made little progress. And the NYMEX has tried to get Brent contracts before, without success.[6] Given the importance of liquidity in exchanges, why do the IPE and the NYMEX not work together? There have been talks about cooperation before, and something might yet happen. Some say that the freewheeling NYMEX and the more serious IPE could never mix. For now, in any case, the two exchanges will compete until one has won --across the Irish Sea as well as across the Atlantic.63. According to the text, the NYMEX and IPE are __________.A. both using open outcry trading as a major trading formB. partners that benefit each other in their business activitiesC. rivals that are competing in the oil trading marketD. both taking efforts to modernize their trading practice64. The word “glitches” in Line 2, Paragraph 4 most probably means __________.A. backwardness B. disappointments C. engineers D. problems65. From Paragraph 4 we can infer that __________.A. trading volume in the IPE’s new morning electronic session is fallingB. London is a better business location for energy exchanges than DublinC. Britain’s regulators are less efficient than those of IrelandD. the Dublin pit of the NYMEX will be more prosperous next year66. We can draw a conclusion from the text that __________.A. it’s very unlikely that the NYMEX and the IPE could combine their businessesB. the NYMEX will fail in Ireland as many precedents have shownC. the two energy exchanges will figure out a way to cooperate with each otherD. the market environment for both energy exchanges is getting better答案: 63-66: C D B A(五)六选四Overnight, eating fried chicken in the People’s Square is OUT; instead, people started to drink HEEKCAA and eat Bao Master. This year, the queues in front of the doors of “Wanghong delicacies” were so dense that a cup of tea has been hyped to over 80 yuan by scalpers (黄牛) and local bloggers even customized a one-day tour to eat in Shanghai.To a great extent, Wanghong phenomenon depends on merchants’ business strategy. Obviously, queuing is a kind of hunger marketing strategy. Business also worked on publicity. Before HEEKCAA’s arrival in Shanghai, it has advertised through microblog, local life service and other self-media, which has generated a certain amount of heat among the public. _____37_____ Also, when a product is quickly recognized by consumers, capitals will come in great number. The boost of capital undoubtedly helps the subsequent publicity of the brand._____38_____ In the Internet era, the spread of information is so fast that it doesn’t matter whether the tea tastes good or bad; it’s just a matter of whether you ever drink it. There is a word for this behavior -- “fomo”, which means fear of missing out. Oxford University professor said this is not new. As social animals, humans have a strong desire to be part of a group, to be accepted, recognized, valued and remembered. A little baby cries for a hug and a child makes small trouble to get noticed ... These behaviors are, in the eyes of sociologists, anxious for existence. It’s just that social media today make it easier for people to perceive other people’s lives, and have a sense of loss not to join them when they know what others are doing.10-20 yuan is the exchange value of milk tea, but it’s the symbol value of the goods that encouraged people to “pull the grass”. Just like the lipstick, mailbox and graffiti wall that have been on the list of Wanghong; people want to use relatively controllable spending to gain satisfaction from a moments’ thumb up. _____39_____.With the development of society, consumers are not just buying a product, but its brand culture and quality of life, thus the appearance of light consuming is inevitable. However, “Wanghong economy” is always short-lived because this consumer group is changeable in affection. Consumers who came by “physical attractiveness” will quickly vanish if there is no implicit value or connotation to support. _____40_____. Besides, consumers should make rational consumption instead of just following the trend.答案:DEBC(五)作文Directions: Write an English composition in 120~150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese. 假如你校最近就“家长应该如何对待孩子”的问题进行了调查,结果如下:请根据表1中的信息描述调查结果,并针对表2的其中一个数据所反映 的情况写出你的看法。Recently, a survey on how parents treat their children has been conducted in our school. According to the result, it’s not surprising to find that parents’ behavior that students like best is trust with 33. 5%, followed by talking freely and praise with 31.7% and 22. 7% respectively. On the contrary, students are not satisfied with their parents because they are over concerned about children, which ranks first with 37.6%. Always blaming the children and expecting too much of them are the other two main behaviors children dislike.From my perspective, I can understand youngsters’ feelings, especially when parents take charge of all things. Admittedly, parents are not willing to let us alone for fear that we are hurt or lost in trouble. However, as we can see from the data, what students want most is trust. If parents trust us completely, they won’t restrict our freedom to decide important matters. Therefore, we will pick up the courage to face various difficulties and be grateful to our parents’ faith in us. Furthermore, no matter how careful parents can be, little birds will fly independently one day. It is the repeated warnings and over concern that prevent us from growing mature. Last but not least, the fact that students under the charge of their parents may deepen the generation gap even if the original intention is not like this. Never will children understand parents’ love when they get tired of their unnecessary worries.In conclusion, I suggest that parents should spare some room for children, thus giving them opportunities to be independent and strengthening the relationship between them.词义例句shiver ['ʃɪvə]n. 颤抖,战栗;碎片v. 颤抖;哆嗦;打碎He shivered in the cold. The emptiness here sent shivers down my spine.shriek [ʃriːk]v. 尖叫n. 尖声;尖锐的响声They were dragged from their homes, shrieking and weeping. sophisticated [sə'fɪstɪkeɪtɪd]adj. 复杂的;精致的;久经世故的;富有经验的;干练的Honeybees use one of the most sophisticated communication systems of any insect. Claude was a charming, sophisticated companion. spectacle ['spektək(ə)l]n. 景象;场面;奇观;壮观 n.(复)眼镜It was a spectacle not to be missed.He looked at me over the tops of his spectacles. spontaneous[spɒn'teɪnɪəs]adj. 自发的;自然的;无意识的The crowd gave a spontaneous cheer. startle ['stɑːt(ə)l]vt. 使吓一跳;使惊奇n. 惊愕;惊恐The telephone startled him. stern[stɜːn]adj. 严厉的;坚定的Mr. Monroe issued a stern warning to those who persist in violence. stumble['stʌmb(ə)l]v.绊脚,踉跄,结巴In her hurry, she stumbled and spilled the milk all over the floor. I hope I don’t stumble over any of the long words. tedious ['tiːdɪəs]adj. 沉闷的;冗长乏味的The work was tiring and tedious.thrive [θraɪv]vi. 繁荣,兴旺;茁壮成长Today her company continues to thrive. torrent ['tɒr(ə)nt]n. 奔流;倾注;迸发Torrents of water gushed into the reservoir. transmit [trænz'mɪt] v. 传输;传播;发射;传达The system transmits information over digital phone lines. transparent[træn'spærənt]adj. 透明的;显然的;坦率的;易懂的The way the system works will be transparent to the user. treaty['triːtɪ]n. 条约,协议;谈判Both sides have agreed to sign the treaty.trifle ['traɪf(ə)l]n. 琐事;少量,有点As a photographer, he'd found both locations just a trifle disappointing.He had no money to spare on trifles. A. objective B. necessary C. available D. visual E. employsF. extensively G. needs H. comparable I. harmony J. economically K. shelter A. Which marketing strategy is hidden behind this “Chinese queuing” phenomenon? Is it just because people are too idle or “Wanghong delicacies” are so attractive?B. After they buy the product and send a picture to the moments, perhaps their “existential anxiety” will be cured.C. Merchants have to figure out the true value and selling point of their products.D. Once people make the purchase, the“sense of accomplishment”will urge some of them to show off at their Wechat moments, which is good for brand image.E. Wanghong phenomenon also rests with customers’ mindset and behavior.F. Still, Wanghong delicacies hold strong appeal to young consumers as long as they are of high quality and good taste.