1. abundant [əˈbʌndənt]
adj. 丰富的;充裕的
There is an abundant supply of cheap labour.
2. abuse [ə'bjuːz]
n./vt. 滥用;虐待;辱骂
What went on here was an abuse of power.
Many children suffer racial abuse at school.
3. academy [ə'kædəmɪ]
n. 学院;研究院;专科院校
He is an English teacher at the Seattle Academy for Arts and Sciences.
4. accelerate [ək'seləreɪt]
Suddenly the car accelerated.
5. accessory [ək'ses(ə)rɪ]
n. 配件;附件;[法] 从犯
adj. 副的;同谋的;附属的
It also has a good range of accessories, including sunglasses, handbags and belts.
She had been charged with being an accessory to the crime.
6. accord [ə'kɔːd]
n. 符合;一致;协议;
v. 使一致;给予
One bad consequence of the Copenhagen accord was some people saw it
as an undemocraticresult.
Our information does not accord with his reports.
You will not be accorded any special treatment.
7. in accord with
These results are in accord with earlier research.
8. in accordance with
Use this product only in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
9. accumulate [ə'kjuːmjʊleɪt]
v. 累积;积聚
Lead can accumulate in the body until toxic levels are reached.
10. acquaintance [ə'kweɪnt(ə)ns]
n. 熟人;相识;了解;知道
She was a casual acquaintance of my family.
He has a passing acquaintance with a lot of different subjects.
11. acre ['eɪkə]
n. 英亩
The property consists of two acres of land.
12. acute [ə'kjuːt]
adj. 严重的,[医] 急性的;敏锐的;剧烈的;尖声的
A bad tooth can cause acute pain.
When she lost her sight, her other senses grew more acute.
13. advisable [əd'vaɪzəb(ə)l]
adj. 明智的,可取的,适当的
Regular medical check-ups are advisable.
14. altitude ['æltɪtjuːd]
n. 海拔(高度)
We’re flying at an altitude of 40,000 feet.
15. amplify ['æmplɪfaɪ]
v. 放大;增强;详述
The music was amplified with microphones.
Would you care to amplify that remark?
应用文是一种与日常生活、学习或工作密切相关, 实用性很强的文体, 包括书信(或电子邮件)、日记、通知、发言稿和读后感等, 每种类别的应用文都有各自的结构和行文特点。
书信通常包括商务信函和私人信函, 从内容方面包括求职或求学的申请信、批评或投诉抱怨信、建议信、祝贺或感谢或慰问信等。书信是应用文中使用最广泛的文体。其中建议信和申请信考察最频繁。电子邮件与书信的格式差不多。
Dear ,
Learning/Hearing that____________, I’m now writing to extend a helping hand, hoping that my suggestions may be of great benefit to you to some extent.
Frankly speaking, there is no denying that the following suggestions carried out, things would probably become much better. First and foremost, there is no doubt that you are supposed to___________________. Additionally, it goes without saying that it is beneficial for you to___________________. Last but not least, needless to say, if I were you, I would___________________________________.
I genuinely hope that you will take my suggestions into consideration, and your prompt (迅速的) attention to my suggestions would be highly appreciated.
Best wishes to you!
Yours sincerely,
路线:从人民广场出发,途径南京路,抵达外滩(the Bund)后原路返回
Hearing the news that our Students Union will organize a walking program and has put the drafted plan on the Internet, I’m writing to air my thoughts about it as follows.
To begin With, from my point of view, the time planned is not appropriate. As is known to all, the first day of May is the first day of holiday in China so that the center city of Shanghai is sure to be crowded on that day. So the date had better be postponed till the weekend before or after the holiday, thus ensuring that we students have a good taste of beauty of Shanghai. Moreover, I hold the idea that the route should be revised. Personally, after approaching at the Bund, it’s not a desirable option to go back according to the originate route. Instead, we students can go to other places of interest to go back to school, which guarantees a golden opportunity of witnessing the beauty of Shanghai.
In a nutshell, all the above thoughts are based on my personal perspective and there may still leave something to be desired, but as far as my strong wish to contribute to the program is concerned, I would be much obliged if you could take my suggestions into account.
Dear ,
Learning/Hearing from ...... that_______________,/Word came that........ And I am writing to apply for the position of________________, hoping that____________.
There are three main reasons accounting for why I am fit for the position. First and foremost,...... Additionally,...... Last but not least,......
I would appreciate it very much if you could grant me this opportunity. If chosen/elected, I would devote all my energy and wisdom to the company/activity/club/ class and I won't let you down. Thank you for considering my application. Looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.
Best wishes for you!
Yours sincerely,
(2011年上海秋考)假如你是明启中学( Ming Qi Middle School)的李明,想申请一个扶贫项目,帮助贫困地区的儿童。根据以下启事,写一封申请信(信中不能提到真实姓名和学校)。
1) 你个人的基本情况;
2) 你对申请项目的基本设想;
3) 项目经费的使用计划。
联系方式: 2011hope@icf.org
Dear Sir or Madam,
Word came that the International Children Funds Association intended to aid middle school students financially in launching programs designed to help children in poor areas. And I am writing to you to apply for one, hoping that the fund as much as 2000 yuan can realize my wish to help these children.
As a normal student of MingQi Middle School, I, Li Ming, have been long cherishing a dream that every single child in poverty can have free access to knowledge, thus devoting themselves to society to make it more harmonious in turn. Consequently, if my application can be luckily agreed to, I will spare no effort to build a library for those children as my program. To be more specific, the fund will be divided into three parts. First of all, 800 yuan of it will be spent on buying books which may be mainly second-hand, in order to ensure the quantity. Also, another 400 yuan will be intended to carry out advertisements that call on the people with a sense of responsibility in society to donate textbooks and so forth. What’s more, the remaining 800 yuan, according to my design, shall be given to those children, entitling them the right to buy their favorite books that are beyond what is mentioned above.
As you can see from what is talked about above, my plan may still leave something to be desired, but as far as my strong wish to help those children is concerned, I genuinely hope you and your association can grant me the opportunity to turn it into reality.
Yours sincerely,
Dear ,
I’m writing to complain about________________. 描述所抱怨或投诉事件情况。
Informed of the whole story, you must have a clear idea________________. .......
All in all, I’m writing this letter not only for the sake of myself, but also for the sake of my fellow citizens, who firmly hope that____________________.
I’m looking forward to your early reply.
你昨天在超市购物时遭遇了一件不开心的事。写一封E-mail向超市经理投诉, 告诉他事情的经过, 并提出你希望的解决方案。(文中不得出现真实的校名或人名)
Dear manager,
I’m writing to complain about something I experienced in your supermarket yesterday. I was about to leave the clothing section when a shop assistant walked up to me and recommended a T-shirt to me. Overwhelmed by her words of praises, I took the T-shirt, intending to try it on. At that moment, the shop assistant assured me that this one is just of my size and tried every means to persuade me to go straight to the check-out. I did, but soon I found the T-shirt doesn’t actually fit me well. I asked for help at the service desk, only to be told that T-shirt of this style was not available in a smaller size and that customers were not to obtain a refund for clothes. I believe I was suggested that I give up my legal rights and take responsibility for my losses.
Informed of the whole story, you must have a clear idea who is to blame for this unpleasant shopping experience. What the shop assistant did was nothing but take me in by concealing the fact that there was no T-shirts of my size in stock. I'm a regular customer of your supermarket because I know you and your staff apply the saying “honesty is the best policy” to practice. Therefore, I insist that the shop assistant should give me an explanation of her inappropriate behavior and apologize to me from the bottom of her heart. As for my purchase, whether to change it for a smaller one or arrange a refund, you must make up for my losses. I’ll still believe in your supermarket if my complaint can be dealt with properly.
I’m looking forward to your early reply.
Sincerely yours,
日记分记事型、议论型、描写型。日记必须用第一人称进行叙述, 将一天所经历的主要事情和过程依次简要地记下来, 再发表感想或评论。记日记力求简单明了, 有连贯性。在格式上要求在日记的右上角写明日期和天气情况, 如:
Tuesday October/Oct. 1st, 2015, Cloudy
(2004年上海秋考)老师要求你负责班级墙报(wall newspaper)工作并征求你的意见。在日记中表述你的决定并谈谈你的想法。
Thursday, March 11
I was so glad that the teacher asked me to make some plans for the wall newspaper today. And the suggestions for it are as follows:
First of all, there should be some information on the world issues. Although we high school students are busy with our study, we should keep an eye on what is going on around the world, which will broaden our horizon.
In addition, I suggest there be a section on our school life. For example, the news of the school sports meeting and the good methods of study in our class.
Finally, each group should prepare the wall newspaper in turns, so that each students can have an opportunity to display his or her talent.
In a word, I hope the wall newspaper will be popular with the students in our school.
发言稿是属于在正式场合下使用的口头文体, 包括演讲、报告、欢迎或欢送稿和宣讲倡议书等。发言稿可以是介绍性说明文,也可以是就某一主题提出论点和相关的论据:发言稿是直接面向听众的, 语言使用上一定要准确简洁、通俗易懂、层次清楚、条理分明; 语句不能太复杂,但是也不能是简单句的罗列, 可以适当穿插一些复合句, 适当使用关联词承前启后, 使文章前后连贯, 浑然一体。发言稿一般由开头语、正文和结束语三部分组成。开头和结尾一般都有固定的格式, 如:
Good morning / afternoon / evening, everyone / ladies and gentlemen,
It's a great honor for me to stand here and give my speech. My name is... The topic of my speech is ...
Thank you for your listening.
假如你将代表你校2016届毕业生在学校毕业典礼上发言, 请你用英语写一篇演讲稿(不得出现真实的人名和校名等相关信息), 演讲稿的内容必须包括:
* 回顾三年的学习生活
* 对老师表达感谢之情
Dear teachers and my fellow schoolmates,
I am honored to have the privilege to speak on behalf of all those to graduate in this year of 2016.
On this special occasion marking the end of our high school life, I can’t help looking back on the memories that you and I have written together. In the past three years, we have experienced the passion of youth in various events. We once stood in the dazzling sun of august during the military training, shouting out the loudest slogans. We once designed the craziest rockets during the Science Festival. We once sang the most beautiful songs on the stage of the Art Festival. Also, we have experienced challenges and obstacles that serve to make us stronger. We felt lonely when we first experienced dormitory life. We felt discouraged when we first got a low test score. We felt depressed when we had a quarrel with friends. These experiences, sweet or bitter, pushed us beyond our limits and into maturity. We have become braver, smarter and more hopeful.
Yet, we should never have made it this far without the great efforts of our teachers. Let us all thank them sincerely for their devotion and dedication. Let us all reward them by remembering the most important lesson they have taught us — how to be a better person.
At last, I believe the end of high school life marks the fresh beginning of a brighter future. My friends, I congratulate you on graduating from our beloved school with all the fulfillments and I am fortunate to join you in stepping into the adult world. Thank you for listening.
就你读过的一本书, 写一篇读后感。具体要求如下:
* 写出书名及作者
* 简单介绍书中你感兴趣的人物、情节或思想(选一即可)
* 说明感兴趣的理由
As the saving goes, good books are good teachers. The books we read exert significant influence on our mental growth as we get mature. As for me, what impresses me most is The Little Prince written by a French writer Antoine Saint- Exupery.
Undoubtedly, the story itself about the prince’s adventure is touching. But the food for thought between lines is something more valuable. Of all the thoughts that the writer wanted to convey, I appreciate this one most, “The most important things are invisible to eyes.” I was deeply touched by it at the first sight.
There are many things that we are busy pursuing:key schools, good jobs, money, reputation ... The list seems to be endless and therefore our schedule is always full of tasks. However, what makes our life meaningful is something apart from those visible. Love, friendship, dreams of realizing our value actually make up the essence of life and meanwhile the efforts and the spirits add the bright and shinning colors to our life.
“The most important things are invisible to eyes.” Bear it in our mind and let it guide us for a more worthy life.
Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.
1. 你认为机器人适合担任的一个岗位,二选一;
2. 通过比较,阐述你选择的理由,可以从工作效率,服务范围等方面进行表述。
Dear headmaster,
So appealing is your plan to introduce a robot to our school that I decide to respond to your asking for proposals. From my perspective, a robot is more suitable for the position of librarian.
With regard to the range of service, a librarian needs not only to classify different kinds of books, put and find them in the right order on the right shelf but also keep a record of what books are borrowed and returned, while being a waiter in a restaurant involves serving the right dishes to the right table, doing some cleaning and communicating with the diners. A robot can accomplish three or four librarians’ work of sorting and labeling books at the same time, whereas it is pale before a man in communicating and tackling the unexpected (unpredictable) occasions.
In terms of working efficiency, a robot may be more efficient in doing the programmed, mechanical and repetitive kind of work. Therefore, it is more advisable for the robot to undertake the duties of a librarian grouping countless books repeatedly, thus considerably improving the efficiency of a human librarian. However, when it comes to the work of a waiter, who needn’t work so heavily and fast as a librarian but do need react flexibly to the diners’ requirements, a robot won’t make a remarkable difference and even may not be more qualified than a man.
In a nutshell, it is the mechanical work of a librarian that the robot is more competent at. Hope that my advice will be of great help to your decision.
Wang lei
Technology is transforming the world and robotics is refreshing our vision for work. A recent BBS post revealed that our school had been planning to introduce some robots and sought students’ opinions. Some students thought the robots could act as canteen servants while the others recommended them as librarians in the school library. In my opinion, these robots should be employed as e-librarians.
From the perspective of efficiency, the introduction of robots in the canteen may fail to make full use of them in that the provision of three meals a day is a highly regulated routine, such as 6:30 to 8:00 for breakfast. They can be idled away(闲置) for the rest of the time. Contrarily, the robots in the library will be accessible to us at any time and even at any place if the robot functions permit.
With regard to services, the robot functions in the canteen are singular(单一的), no more than delivering meals in a splendid, automatic and quicker manner, which will conveniently cut labor expenses, the very aim of school administration. In the library, these e-librarians will provide varied and favorable facilitations, including instant, automatic and accurate inquiry, exchange and delivery of books. They are facilities of knowledge.
The robots in the canteen will eventually evolve into an eye-catching show of mechanical magnificence, but as e-librarians, their potentials are fully tapped(实现). In this sense, this application essentially explains the core of technology advancement: to liberate man from toil and serve people in the deeper exploration of knowledge in a more efficient and convenient way.
从头到尾,一气呵成,词汇使用没有深奥难懂,但看得出作者是在认真、自信地发表自己的意见,融入了“王磊”的角色,站在学校管理层的角度来探讨问题,think out of the box。
Dear LiHong,
Having heard that you will participate in an overseas communication activity in Britain which will last two months, I’m now writing to extend a helping hand, hoping that my suggestions that you should choose working as a volunteer thirty hours every month for the local community nursing home to gain an opportunity to stay in it for free may be beneficial to you to some extent.
There are three main reasons accounting for my proposal. First and foremost, only by working as a volunteer can you attain a free stay. Apparently, in contrast with the accommodation arranged by the host, you can save a substantial amount of money. In addition, staying at a community nursing home, not only can you be exposed more to real life in society and enhance your social experiences, thus helping you to get more mature, but your arrival will add colors to the atmosphere and reduce the burdens there as well. Last but not least, there is no denying that the interaction with the elderly can polish up your socializing skills as well as raise your awareness to cooperate with strangers, which will contribute to your comprehensive and coordinated development. As an old saying goes, ‘We can gain both things at the same time.’ So why not choose it?
I genuinely hope that you will take my suggestions into consideration. Best wishes that you will have a good time there. It is a golden chance for you in summer vacation. In short, Enjoy yourself.
Yours sincerely,
Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.
1. 你建议去除的栏目及去除的理由;
2. 你建议增加的栏目及增加的理由。
Dear Editor,
When it comes to the selection of the columns for the school English newspaper, opinions vary from one to another. As far as I am concerned, the columns preserved will definitely make a feature of students' interest and exert positive effects on their study and life.
Comparatively speaking, I maintain that the value of the columns concerning health and culture far outweighs that of the entertainment. The immediate factor is that nothing is more valuable than keeping healthy, considering that loss of health signifies kissing goodbye to life. Consequently, the more knowledge one has of how to keep fit, the more effectively he can improve his quality of life. The second point to be mentioned is that progress in the acquisition of cultures contributes to broadening one's horizons, which in turn facilitates one's study and the establishment of philosophy of life.
As for the addition, the career planning constitutes a top priority. For one thing, it concerns one's career development a great deal while for another, it makes a great difference to one's career success in the future.
I am pretty convinced that a wise choice makes perfect. I am writing the e-mail in the hope that my advice will add a brilliant touch to the improved version of our school English newspaper.
Cheng Fei
1. 简述你写信的目的及你对场所的选择;
2. 说明你的理由(从便利性,专业性等方面对这两个场所进行对比)。
Dear Sir or Madam,
Hearing from the newspaper that you, the Shanghai Museum, are planning to organize a famous painting exhibition and you are now collecting suggestions about whether to hold it in your museum or the community libraries, I am now writing to express my opinion that it is more reasonable to hold the painting exhibition in Shanghai Museum than in community libraries. My reasons are as follows.
In terms of convenience/As far as convenience is concerned, the museum has more advantages over the community libraries. To begin with, it is located in the People’s Square, which is the center of the city. So people can enjoy convenient transportation such as the subway line 1, 2 and 8, which are available to people from nearly every district. It saves the visitors a lot of time and trouble of traffic jam. Another advantage is that it is easy to be found by those from other provinces around the country. After all the Shanghai Museum is a landmark of our city familiar to nearly every Chinese.
With regard to the professional function, Shanghai Museum, a well-known and distinguished museum both at home and abroad, is more professional in holding painting exhibitions. What’s of great significance is that not only does it provide advanced facilities and high-tech monitors but also offers professional security guards to protect those famous paintings from being damaged or stolen in the process of exhibition.
To put it in a nutshell, I firmly believe that the show will be fantastic if it is held in Shanghai Museum.
Yours sincerely,
l 你感兴趣的课程
l 你期望从这门课程中学到什么
l 为什么想学这些内容
Dear Sir/Madam,
I’m overjoyed at the news that a summer camp will be open at your school, which provides gardening as one of the options and that’s my favorite hobby. Thus, I’m writing this letter to apply for a chance to be an attentive learner of gardening and I am sure that the experience will be quite fruitful.
To begin with, as I live in a big house equipped with a big garden, I’ve been interested in plants since an early age. Therefore, I hope the course can grant me an opportunity to obtain more knowledge of plants, which will help me go deeper into their mature and fulfill my wish to explore the secrets of nature. Secondly, I hope to learn more about the skills to handle the grass and the flowers so that I can create a garden to my own taste and at the same time improve my practical abilities. Last but not least, as gardening is not so popular in China as it is abroad, the information I can refer to in Chinese is limited. Hence, I hope to take advantage of the chance to learn about the terms so that magazines on gardening in English would not be beyond my comprehension any longer.
To sum up, I sincerely wish for the chance with my ardour for gardening and I will appreciate it a lot if allowed the chance.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
Grammar and Vocabulary
Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.
How to Find Happiness without Buying it
Our materialistic society has led us to believe that happiness cannot be obtained without having money.
Rather than learning to be satisfied with what we have, we ___21___ (teach)to want more. We learn from advertising, and from the media, __22____ we need to buy trinkets and toys in order to make ourselves happy, or __23___ (fulfill) emotional needs, and that the purchases they are trying to talk us into will provide us with the psychological comfort we are looking for.
Unfortunately, as a society we have bought into these ___24___ (misguide)messages and have come to believe that ___25__ (spend) money on certain items will bring us fame, fortune, happiness, beauty, or popularity. As a result, we trade hours of our lives working, sacrificing time that __26___ have been spent with our families, ___27__ the pursuit of the almighty dollar.
Actually, there are a number of ways to enjoy life without the need for a great deal of money. For example, Think about __28__ you would spend your time, and what you would do for enjoyment. Change your focus from material possessions to ___29__ that bring you enjoyment, such as spending quality time with your family and friends.Certainly, it is important to work and earn enough to provide for our basic needs and the needs of our families, but it is important to recognize when the desire for personal possessions becomes overly consuming, __30___ otherwise will upset a balance between a satisfying work life and a rich home life. The best way to achieve such a balance is to ensure the drive for material possessions does not become all consuming.
【答案】are taught ;that;to fulfill;misguided;spending;could;for;how;others;which
Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. addiction B. downward C.access D. unfair E. urged
G. analytical
H. forced
I. reliance
J. criticized
K. fall
A pen has always been a(n) (31) ________tool when it comes to taking exams. However, in this digital age, this traditional tool may become a thing of the past.
Cambridge University in Britain is considering ending 800 years of written exams and allowing students to use laptops(手提电脑) or iPads to take exams instead.
The move comes after Cambridge teachers complained that students’ handwriting is becoming too hard to recognize. The (32)______ in being able to write neatly could largely be down to the (33)______ on laptops in lectures and elsewhere.
“There has definitely been a (34)______ trend. It is difficult for both the students and the examiners as it is harder and harder to read these scripts,” Sarah Pearsall, a senior lecturer at the university, told The Telegraph.
As a result, more and more students with poor handwriting are being (35)______ to return to university during the summer holidays to read their answers aloud to university administrators.
However, some (36)______ the move, fearing the handwritten word would become a lost art. Tracey Trussell, a handwriting expert at the British Institute of Graphologists, (37)______ Cambridge to “make sure that students continue to write by hand, particularly in lectures”. She told The Telegraph that writing by hand could help students improve their memory and understand lessons better.
Meanwhile, there are also concerns that primary and secondary schools could follow Cambridge’s examples.
In fact, a similar plan was carried out for some first- and second-year students at Edinburgh University in the UK in 2011, reported The Scotsman. Senior officials at the university believed it was (38)______ to expect students to use pens and paper during exams when most of their coursework was done using computers.
The move also echoes the opinions of Harvard professor Eric Mazur, known as the father of the “flipped classroom (翻转课堂)”. He believed that the rise of the (39)______ to mobile internet means that we live in an age in which we don’t need to memorize anything. Students should be tested on their creative and (40)______ skills, rather than the ability to remember information, he said during the Times Higher Education World Academic Summit in September.
【答案】F K I B H J E D C G
Reading Comprehension
Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the work or phrase that best fits the context.
It's no secret that as a population, Americans have been getting heavier, but researchers now say that our weight problem may be worse than we thought.
In a study published in the journal PLOS One, lead author Dr. Eric Braverman says that our current measure of obesity (肥胖症) -- body mass index, or BMI -- significantly (41) ______ the number of people, especially women, who are obese.
Braverman and his co-author, Dr. Nirav Shah, studied 1,400 men and women, comparing their BMI measurement to their percentage of body fat, as measured by a dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) scan. While BMI is a simple ratio of a person’s height and weight, the DEXA scan-- which is normally used to measure body density (密度) -- can (42) ______ between bone, fat and muscle mass.
Based on BMI, about one-third of Americans are considered obese, but when other methods of measuring obesity are used, that number may be (43) ______ to 60% according to Braverman.
Physicians have complained for years that BMI is a(n) (44) ______ measure of healthy weight. Extremely muscular people, (45) ______ , may weigh “too much” for their height, since dense muscle mass weighs more than fat, thus qualifying as obese even if their bodies contain very little fat. Yet it’s not extra weight itself, but excess fat that (46) ______ health problems.
“People aren’t being diagnosed as obese, so they’re not being told about their risk of disease or being given (47) _____ on how to improve their health,” Braverman said. Data show that people who (48) ______ to put on pounds are more likely to continue getting heavier, increasing their risk for a number of diseases.
So why is BMI still being used, if it’s not (49) ______ For now, it’s the best and easiest way for physicians to measure a person’s healthy weight while taking into account his or her general body (50) ______. DEXA scans are far too expensive to be used as a (51) ______ measure during doctor’s visits. BMI isn’t perfect, but many experts say it’s the best they have.
Still, as results like Braverman’s continue to (52) ______, it may be time to consider other ways of tracking weight, and (53) ______, body fat. “It’s important to point out the (54) ______ of the BMI,” Dr.Richard Bergman, director of Cedars Sinai’s Obesity and Diabetes Research Institute in Los Angeles said. “It’s a poor measure of (55) ______, and we do need better measures.”
41、 A. predicts B. underestimates C. increases D. reduces
42、 A. compare B. recognize C. identify D. distinguish
43、 A. closer B. related C. devoted D. key
44、 A. important B. imperfect C. incredible D. uncertain
45、 A. for example B. in contrast C. in addition D. without doubt
46、 A. arises from B. owes to C. leads to D. goes through
47、 A. views B. orders C. instruction D. focus
48、 A. decide B. start C. hope D. fear
49、 A. right B. recognizable C. popular D. precise
50、 A. structure B. well-being C. function D. weight
51、 A. special B. routine C. scientific D. decisive
52、 A. fill in B. run out C. go down D. build up
53、 A. in particular B. on occasion C. after all D. in all
54、 A. mistakes B. failure C. inferiority D. weakness
55、 A. health B. body C. fatness D. diseases
【答案】B D A B A C C B D A B D A D C