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    Unit 1 单元话题阅读理解练习-2024-2025学年高一英语必修第一册单元重难点易错题精练(外研版2019)
    Unit 1 单元话题阅读理解练习-2024-2025学年高一英语必修第一册单元重难点易错题精练(外研版2019)01
    Unit 1 单元话题阅读理解练习-2024-2025学年高一英语必修第一册单元重难点易错题精练(外研版2019)02
    Unit 1 单元话题阅读理解练习-2024-2025学年高一英语必修第一册单元重难点易错题精练(外研版2019)03
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    英语必修 第一册Unit 1 A new start精品复习练习题

    这是一份英语必修 第一册Unit 1 A new start精品复习练习题,共19页。

    First f all, high schl is nt hw the mvies shw it t be. There are n life-changing things that make yu ppular, and there are n big parties where teens enjy themselves tgether and new friends are made. The reality is that yu’ll stay up till three in the mrning ding hmewrk, the fd in the schl isn’t the best, and yu will cry abut everything.
    Just knw walking thrugh this next part f yur life wn’t be a simple walk in the park. Yu will g thrugh difficulties, but at the end f the day, yu’ll decide whether they’re ging t influence yu r nt. While ging thrugh a difficult r unpleasant time, knw that whatever happens these experiences dn’t define (界定) yu.
    These next mments will be happy, mad, sad, etc. There will be amazing gd days, and awful bad nes. Be yurself because many cmments will be made abut yu, yur friends, yur attitude (态度), and everything in yur life. Aside frm thse peple that cause drama, make bad cmments abut yu, and hurt yu, there are peple wh lve yu and want the best fr yu. Learning this will take time and yu’ll be hurt, but yu will be kay. S, in a wrd, a high schl is a wrk in prgress.
    High schl nly cmes alng nce, s make the mst f it because very quickly yu’ll be shaking yur principal’s (校长的) hand while they hand yu yur high schl diplma (毕业证书).
    1.What des the authr stress abut high schl life in paragraph 2?
    A.It has challenges ahead.B.It is full f cmpetitin.
    C.It is a time fr making friends.D.It ffers chances t win ppularity.
    2.What helps high schlers deal with trubles accrding t paragraph 3?
    A.Regular exercise.B.Enugh patience.
    C.Right attitude t life.D.Supprt frm schl leaders.
    3.What des the authr want t tell new high schlers in paragraph 4?
    A.T avid unfriendly peple.B.T be prepared fr what will happen.
    C.T wrk hard t make prgress.D.T try t prtect thse wh lve them.
    4.Why des the authr write the text?
    A.T share his failures with new high schlers.
    B.T ffer his suggestins t new high schlers.
    C.T tell new high schlers hw he managed stress.
    D.T explain the imprtance f study t new high schlers.
    (2023秋·湖北十堰·高一统考期末)Classrm Activities fr Students
    Think, Pair and Share
    Time—30 minutes
    Descriptin—Yu can create questins based n a particular tpic taught in the class. Yu can pair up yur students fr this activity. Give them enugh time t think and cme up with slutins. They will be able t discuss n thse particular tpics.
    Benefits—With this task, students can get int cnversatin with partners and develp their cnfidence and cmmunicatin skills.
    Grup Discussin
    Time—30 minutes
    Descriptin—Divide the class int tw t three grups with equal participants (参与者) fcused n a single tpic. Each grup has t share their ideas and thughts n the same tpic.
    Benefits—In class discussins, there are interactin (互动) and teamwrk amng the students. Here students are learning frm each ther.
    Time—20 minutes
    Descriptin—Yu can divide the class int tw grups, and ask questins related t the subject t each grup. Each questin is made up f fur chices frm which they have t chse the right answer. The grup with the crrect answer will get the pints.
    Benefits—This activity helps the students get knwledge and teamwrk and imprves memry.
    Time—5 minutes
    Descriptin—Students are always excited t take part in this activity. Yu can divide the class int tw grups and ask ne f the students t pick up a wrd and draw a picture describing it. The ppsite grup is suppsed t guess the wrd, and if they crrectly guess the wrd, they will get t draw next.
    Benefits—This helps students in imprving cncentratin, fcus and cmmunicatin skills.
    5.What can the students d in grup discussin?
    A.Write dwn sme wrds.
    B.Create sme questins n histrical tpic.
    C.Cmpete with thers in chsing tpics.
    D.Exchange thughts and ideas amng grups.
    6.Which wuld yu chse if yu like guessing wrds frm pictures?
    A.Think, pair and share.B.Grup discussin.
    7.Where is this text prbably taken frm?
    A.A textbk.B.An educatin magazine.
    C.An advertisement.D.A research reprt.
    (2023春·浙江杭州·高一杭州市长河高级中学校考期中)A Guide t Freshman
    Fd Service
    The URS Cafeteria pens frm 7:00 a. m. t 8:00 p. m. It serves all kinds f snacks, drinks, ice cream and meals. Yu can pay with cash r yur Students’ Card. Yu can put cash int yur Students’ Card at the Frnt Desk. Even if yu d nt buy yur fd frm the cafeteria, yu can still use the tables t enjy yur meals, have yur meetings with yur friends and even study.
    The URS Express is a shuttle service. It transprts students between campus and the Mattsn Centre, the nearest shpping center. Operatin hurs are between 9:00 a. m. and 3:00 p. m., Saturdays nly. Rund trip fare is $2.
    Academic Supprt
    All students have access t the Writing Centre n the upper flr f Duglas Hall. Qualified vlunteers will wrk with yu n written wrk, grammar, vcabulary, and ther academic skills. Yu can sign up fr an appintment n the sign-up sheet utside the dr, tw 30-minute appintments per week maximum. The service is free f charge.
    Relaxatin and Health
    The Glbe, lcated in the bttm level f McMillan Hall, is available fr relaxing, studying, cking, and eating. Mnthly activities are held here fr all internatinal students. Hurs are 10:00 a. m. t 10:00 p. m., clsed n Sundays.
    The Fitness Centre is n the tp flr f Duglas Hall. It is cmmitted t physical, emtinal, and scial health. A dctr and a nurse are available if yu have health questins r need immediate medical help r persnal advice. The cst is included in yur medical insurance. Hurs are Mnday t Friday, 9:00 a. m. t 4:30 p. m
    8.What can yu d in the URS Cafeteria?
    A.Add mney t yur Students’ Card and play chess.B.D yur hmewrk and watch TV.
    C.Buy drinks and enjy cncerts.D.Have meals with yur friends.
    9.What can the URS Express d fr the students?
    A.Prvide students with campus turs.
    B.Prvide cnvenient transprt t students n weekdays.
    C.Take students t the nearest shpping center.
    D.Carry the students t the lecture halls.
    10.Wh can yu get help frm fr yur writing?
    A.The prfessrs.B.Trainers.C.Vlunteers.D.Classmates.
    (2023·高一课时练习)T mst f us, schl means classes, teachers, schedules, grades and tests. But fr the children at Sudbury Valley Schl, Massachusetts, schl is very different.
    Firstly, there are n lessns. All the children, aged between 4 and 19, d whatever they want t. There are n teachers—nly “staff (员工) members”. The idea behind this is that yu d nt need t make children learn, because children want t learn anyway. “Yu d nt need t say t a three-year-ld, ‘G t explre yur envirnment.’ Yu can’t stp him r her!” says Daniel Greenberg, a funder f the schl. “But if yu make children d what yu want all day, they will lse all taste fr learning and can’t realize their ptential.”
    At Sudbury Valley Schl, yu will permit children t talk, read, paint, ck, wrk n cmputers, study French, play the pian, climb trees, r just run arund. Tw bys spent three years just fishing!
    The ther way in which Sudbury Valley Schl is different is that the children can decide the rules. Every week, there is a schl meeting where bth children and staff have ne vte each—even the fur-year-lds. They decide the schl rules, hw t spend the schl budget (预算), and even which staff members they want and d nt want any mre.
    When the schl first pened in 1968, peple said it wuld never wrk. But tday, the schl has 200 students, and 80% f its students g n t cllege. Even the tw bys wh went fishing all the time have successful careers tday. One f them is a musician and the ther is a cmputer scientist.
    11.What is the main tpic f the article?
    A.Children’s hbbies.
    B.An unusual schl.
    C.A schl withut rules.
    D.Educatin in the US.
    12.What des the schl believe?
    A.Children learn best when they d what they want t d.
    B.Teachers cannt teach children well.
    C.Learning is fr adults—children shuld nly play.
    D.Children shuld nly learn abut ne thing at a time.
    13.What des Daniel Greenberg say abut three-year-lds?
    A.They are t yung t learn anything.
    B.They are very naughty.
    C.They want t be utside all the time.
    D.They lve learning.
    14.Which f the fllwing is crrect in the schl meetings?
    A.The lder children have mre pwer than the yunger children.
    B.A child has mre pwer than an adult.
    C.Everybdy has equal pwer.
    D.The yunger children have mre pwer than the lder children.
    (2022秋·上海·高一校联考阶段练习)All Miss White had been tld abut the new by was that he’d spent mst f his life in sme kind f rphanage, and that the gray-haired “aunt and uncle” with whm he nw lived were really fster parents (养父母), paid by the Welfare Department f the City f New Yrk. A less devted teacher might have pressed fr mre details, but Miss White was cntent with the rugh utline. It was enugh t fill her with a sense f missin that shne frm her eyes, frm the first mrning he jined the furth grade.
    He arrived early and sat in the back rw, his backbne very straight, his ankles crssed precisely under the desk and his hands flded n the center f its tp, and while the ther children were filling in, he received a lng, expressinless stare frm each f them.
    “We have a new classmate this mrning,” Miss White said, “His name is Vincent Sabella, and he cmes frm New Yrk City. I knw we’ll all d ur best t make him feel at hme.”
    This time they all swung arund t stare at nce, which caused him t duck his head slightly and shift his weight frm ne side t the ther. Ordinarily, the fact f smene’s cming frm New Yrk might have held a certain status, fr t mst f the children the city was a frightening, adult place that swallwed up their fathers every day. But anyne culd see at a glance that Vincent Sabella had nthing t d with it. Even if yu culd ignre his twisted black hair and gray skin, his clthes wuld have given him away: ridiculusly new pants, ridiculusly ld sprts shes and a yellw sweatshirt, much t small, with the faded remains f a Mickey Muse design stamped n its chest.
    The girls decided that he wasn’t very nice and turned away, but the bys remained in their inspectin, lking him up and dwn with faint smiles. This was the kind f kid they were accustmed t thinking f as “tugh,” the kind whse stare has made all f them uncmfrtable at ne time r anther in unfamiliar neighbrhds; here was a unique chance fr revenge.
    15.What can yu learn abut Miss White and Vincent frm the first tw paragraphs?
    A.Since nbdy had ever seen Vincent’s parents, he nw lived all by himself.
    B.Miss White knew Vincent s well that she’d like t fcus every bit f attentin n him.
    C.Vincent sat in the back rw s as t aruse attentin caused by his late arrival.
    D.Miss White made an attempt t d her part t make Vincent feel welcme.
    16.Why des the authr mentin “New Yrk” in the third and the furth paragraphs?
    A.T state a certain distinctin between Vincent and peple’s imaginatin.
    B.T demnstrate children’s desire t g t see their fathers.
    C.T illustrate Vincent’s distant rigin.
    D.T emphasize Vincent’s lw scial status frm his shabby clthes.
    17.Which f the fllwing wrds can best describe Vincent?
    A.Nervus and uneasy.B.Devted but shy.
    C.Silent and genuine.D.Sensitive but unfrtunate.
    18.What can yu infer frm the text abut Vincent’s new classmates?
    A.They used t cnsider peple like Vincent t be very tugh.
    B.They were either uncncerned r unfriendly tward him.
    C.They barely nticed the new by sitting in the back f the classrm.
    D.They were very curius abut the newcmer in a kind and cnsiderate manner.
    (2023春·内蒙古呼和浩特·高一统考阶段练习)After nticing that her eighth grade students had prblems fcusing during math class, a Nrth Carlina teacher decided t channel (引导) their energy in a different way—cycling.
    It desn’t sund like the mst cmmn thing t d during math class, but Bethany Lambeth, a teacher frm Wake Cunty, says that ever since she fixed cycling machines under her students’ desks, the quality f their wrk has imprved greatly. They are paying mre attentin t what the teachers say, and, mst imprtantly, they are n lnger fidgeting all the time.
    “Befre, they were drumming n their desks r tuching ther students. They dn’t d that any mre nw. Their feet are getting the mvement ut,” she said. “There has been a huge increase in the quality f ur students’ wrk and a decrease in the amunt f missing wrk. I think the wrld is changing a lt and kids need t be able t d smething different.”
    Lambeth fixed the cycling machines at the end f last year, which cst arund $150 each. The cst was cvered by mney frm kind peple. Nt all desks have pedals (踏板) under them, s nt all the children have t use ne. The schl is hping t get mre pedals because f the rle cycling machines culd play.
    The kids clearly lve the new “tys”. Sfia Fedele, ne f Lambeth’s students, said cycling helped her fcus n her wrk during class. “I usually tap my feet and stuff t keep me fcused, I think pedaling is much better, it keeps me exercising and fcused,” she said.
    Quinn Spear, anther student in Lambeth’s class, als mentined the gd effect n health f cycling during class. He tld reprters that he had pedaled 5.5 miles and burned 133 calries, all befre 10 a.m.
    19.What des the underlined wrd “fidgeting” in paragraph 2 mean?
    A.Keeping mving the bdy.B.Cmpeting with each ther.
    C.Dubling themselves.D.Laughing at thers.
    20.Wh paid fr the cycling machines?
    A.The schl.B.The students.C.Sme cmpanies.D.Sme nice peple.
    21.What des the authr want t tell us by the examples in the last tw paragraphs?
    A.The kids’ imprvement in math.B.The kids’ lve fr the machines.
    C.The easy peratin f pedaling.D.The imprtance f exercising.
    22.What is the text mainly abut?
    A.The schl helps students cncentrate n class.
    B.A new way f exercising is becming ppular.
    C.Hw a machine changes students’ perfrmance in class.
    D.Hw students in a Nrth Carlina schl have class.
    (2023春·广西来宾·高一象州县中学校考阶段练习)Students usually g t schl frm Mnday t Friday. But sme schls in the USA are getting shrter weeks. Classes g fr fur days instead f five.
    There are sme reasns fr this change. Schl leaders hpe lnger weekends may give teachers a gd rest. And schls culd spend less mney n buses r electricity.
    But is a fur-day schl week better fr students and parents?
    Sme experts did research t find ut the effects. They talked t peple abut the change. “Sme peple really like it,” said Christpher Dss, an expert. “Parents get t spend mre time with their kids. And they think everyne can be less stressed and sleep mre.”
    The experts didn’t just want pinins thugh. They lked at the data. “In fact, we culd nt find a lt f data t supprt the parents,” Dss said. Parents did spend mre time with their kids. But the study didn’t find that they were less stressed.
    The experts als discvered a prblem. “We fund that kids prbably learned a little less every year,” Dss said. “That can add up t a lt less.” S the questin is while the change is welcmed, is it wrth having kids learn less?
    Many students have their wn ideas abut the change. “I think weeks shuld be fur days,” Chris said. “Every Sunday, I wish fr just ne mre day t prepare fr schl.” Maya is mre in the middle. “I dn’t mind a fur-day week, but I still like schl,” she said. “The bad side is that Tuesday will feel like Mnday!”
    Are yu fr a fur-day week? Or are yu OK with five?
    23.What are the reasns that sme schls in the USA are getting shrter weeks?
    ①T save mney.
    ②T give teachers a gd rest.
    ③T make parents less stressed.
    ④T help kids get better prepared fr schl.
    24.What kind f data did the experts fail t find?
    A.Thse t supprt students’ ideas.
    B.Thse t supprt schl leaders ‘ideas.
    C.Thse t shw parents were less stressed.
    D.Thse t shw parents spent mre time with their children.
    25.What prblem did the experts find abut the fur-day schl week?
    A.Students learned less.
    B.Students had busier weekends.
    C.Parents had less time t care fr their kids.
    D.Parents had t learn t teach their kids by themselves.
    26.In which part f a website can we read the text?
    (2023春·江苏苏州·高一苏州中学校考阶段练习)Take a lk inside a high schl classrm. Yu will mst likely find a teacher at the frnt f the class and students sitting at their desks. Yet, lk clser, and yu might ntice a familiar scene: many f these students are nt paying attentin. Instead, they are dzing ff (打盹) r even cmpletely asleep.
    Tday, the majrity f high schl students are nt getting enugh sleep. This is a serius prblem, especially as students are ding mre than ever with their time. They cme t schl early, spend hurs listening t teachers and taking tests, then run ff t practices and meetings, and cme hme t be faced with even mre wrk. And the hmewrk lad these days is nt light; teachers give hurs’ wrth f hmewrk each night.
    Mst kids need at least nine hurs f sleep per night in rder t functin prperly. Yet the perid f this nine hurs shifts as a child gets lder. After puberty (青春期), the bdy’s internal clck changes s that it is difficult fr teens t fall asleep befre 11 p.m. S even if a student falls asleep at eleven, they wuld need t sleep until at least 8 am, t get a full night’s sleep. Cnsidering the time at which mst high schls in this cuntry begin, thse nine hurs are clearly being shrtened. Few high schls start after 8 a.m.
    Hwever, there are schls that have paid attentin t this research and pushed backward the start f their schl day. In schls where the start time is after 8:30 in the mrning, the teachers believe that there has been a real change in their students. They nte that the students miss class less, pay mre attentin in class, perfrm better in class, and reprt lwer levels f depressin. The researchers f these studies say that the results are quite imprtant and that mre schls shuld cnsider pushing backward their start time f their schl day.
    27.Which f the fllwing wuld the authr agree with?
    A.High schl students must g t bed befre 10 p.m.
    B.High schls shuld begin their schl day at a later time.
    C.Mst schls shuld push frward the start f their schl day.
    D.Kids shuld shrten their sleep time gradually as they grw lder.
    28.The secnd paragraph mainly discusses ________.
    A.why high schl students shuld get mre sleep
    B.what’s life like fr cllege students at present
    C.why high schl students feel sleepy in the classrm
    D.hw t lighten high schl students’ hmewrk lad
    29.The underlined wrd “shifts” prbably means “________”.
    30.Hw d the teachers prbably feel abut the results f pushing backward the start f their schl day?
    (2023秋·湖南郴州·高一郴州一中统考期末)Schls acrss Britain are being asked t take part in a research prject knwn as Teensleep t stagger (错开) their start times t suit the different bilgical clcks f children, with 10-year-lds starting at 9 am and 15-year-lds starting at 10 am. Scientists believe that the bdy’s circadian rhythm (生理节律), which determines sleep-wake patterns ver 24-hur perids, varies with a child’s age and that an earlier schl start time fr all students is nt in the best interests f lder children. “The research prject will sign up 100 schls as part f the biggest study yet int the rle that schl start times play in the health f students,” said Paul Kelley f the University f Oxfrd.
    “The natural change in the bilgical clck t later in the 24-hur cycle is particularly bvius in the 14 t 24 age grup. The change in the bilgical clck cntinues in later middle age, when peple usually g back t the naturally earlier start time they felt cmfrtable with when they were 10-year-ld children,” Dr Kelley said.
    “By the time yu are 18, 19 r 20 yu are suffering n average tw hurs f sleep lss a day and that is increasing s that at the end f the week yu have suffered 10 hurs f sleep lss. It has a hugely damaging impact n the bdy,” Dr Kelley tld the Seience Festival in Bradfrd.
    “Students lse mre sleep than dctrs wrking a 24-hur shift during every schl r university week... Schls are starting at any time they chse. There is n justificatin and n study suggesting that starting earlier is better,” he said. “Mst peple wake up t alarms because they dn’t naturally wake up at the time they g t wrk, s we are a sleep-deprived (睡眠不足) sciety and this age grup, 14 t 24, is mre deprived than any ther grup f sciety,” he added.
    31.What’s the aim f the research prject?
    A.T determine the sleep hurs f children.
    B.T suit the different bilgical clcks f children.
    C.T change the start times f the schls acrss Britain.
    D.T study the influence f schl times n students’ health.
    32.Which f the fllwing statements might Dr. Kelley agree with?
    A.24-year-lds start schl the latest.
    B.The lder students are, the later they start schl.
    C.The change in the bilgical clck desn’t happen in later middle age.
    D.An earlier start time suits bth the later middle age grup and 10-year-lds.
    33.What has a great bad influence n the bdy?
    A.Wrk n weekends.
    B.The pressure f study.
    C.Mre and mre sleep lss.
    D.The earlier schl start time.
    34.What can we infer frm the last paragraph?
    A.Schls always start earlier.
    B.Students are mst sleep-deprived.
    C.Students are mre stressed than dctrs.
    D.Sleep deprivatin has becme a wrldwide prblem.
    1.A 2.C 3.B 4.B
    1.细节理解题。根据第二段中的“The reality is that yu’ll stay up till three in the mrning ding hmewrk, the fd in the schl isn’t the best, and yu will cry abut everything.(现实是你会熬夜做作业到凌晨三点,学校的食物不是最好的,你会为每件事哭泣。)”可知,高中生活会熬夜做作业,饭菜不佳,也会有伤心痛苦的事情,由此可知,高中生活将面临一些挑战。故选A项。
    2.细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Yu will g thrugh difficulties, but at the end f the day, yu’ll decide whether they’re ging t influence yu r nt. While ging thrugh a difficult r unpleasant time, knw that whatever happens these experiences dn’t define (界定) yu.(你会经历困难,但在一天结束的时候,你会决定他们是否会影响你。在经历困难或不愉快的时候,要知道无论发生什么,这些经历都不能定义你)”可知,作者认为,经历的困难是否会影响到学生由学生来决定,无论经历何种困难,都不应界定学生,由此可知,只有对高中生活有个正确的态度才能处理困难。故选C项。
    3.细节理解题。根据第四段中的“These next mments will be happy, mad, sad, etc. There will be amazing gd days, and awful bad nes.(接下来的时刻将是快乐、疯狂、悲伤等等。会有令人惊叹的好日子,也会有糟糕透顶的日子。)”可知,未来的高中生活充满快乐,悲伤,疯狂,难过,有好日子有糟糕的日子,结合尾句“Learning this will take time and yu’ll be hurt, but yu will be kay. S, in a wrd, a high schl is a wrk in prgress.(学会这一点需要时间,你会受伤,但你会没事的。所以,总而言之,高中是一项正在进行的工作。)”可知,要学习这些需要时间,也会受到伤害,高中是正在进行中的工作,未来不确定的事很多,由此可知,作者想告诉高中生要为将来发生的一切做好准备。故选B项。
    4.推理判断题。根据首段中的“During these next years, yu’ll experience a lt, and hpefully, this advice culd be f use t yu.(在接下来的几年里,你会经历很多,希望这个建议对你有用。)”可知,接下来几年,高中生会经历很多,希望这些建议会对高中生有用,并结合下文中对高中生活的介绍可知,本文的目的给新高中生提出一些建议。故选B项。
    5.D 6.D 7.B
    5.细节理解题。根据Grup Discussin(小组成员)部分Descriptin下的“Each grup has t share their ideas and thughts n the same tpic.(每个小组必须就同一主题分享他们的观点和想法。)”可知,学生在小组讨论中可以与小组成员交换观点和想法。故选D。
    6.细节理解题。根据Pictinary(看图猜词)部分Descriptin中的“Yu can divide the class int tw grups and ask ne f the students t pick up a wrd and draw a picture describing it. The ppsite grup is suppsed t guess the wrd, and if they crrectly guess the wrd, they will get t draw next.(你可以把全班分成两组,让其中一个学生拿起一个单词,画一幅描述它的图画。对立组应该猜单词,如果他们猜对了单词,他们将接着画下一幅画。)”可知,如果你喜欢根据图片中猜单词,你会选择Pictinary(看图猜词)部分,故选D。
    7.推理判断题。通读全文,尤其是标题“Classrm Activities fr Students(学生课堂活动)”可知,文章主要介绍了一些学生课堂活动,这与教育有关,由此可推知,文章可能选自一本教育杂志,故选B。
    8.D 9.C 10.C
    8.细节理解题。根据第一段“The URS Cafeteria pens frm 7:00 a. m. t 8:00 p. m. It serves all kinds f snacks, drinks, ice cream and meals. (URS自助餐厅的营业时间是从早上7点到晚上8点,提供各种小吃、饮料、冰淇淋和正餐)”以及“Even if yu d nt buy yur fd frm the cafeteria, yu can still use the tables t enjy yur meals, have yur meetings with yur friends and even study.(即使你不从自助餐厅买食物,你仍然可以使用桌子来享受你的食物,与你的朋友会面,甚至学习)”可知,你可以在URS自助餐厅和朋友一起吃饭。故选D项。
    9.细节理解题。根据第二段“The URS Express is a shuttle service. It transprts students between campus and the Mattsn Centre, the nearest shpping center. (URS Express是班车服务。它在校园和最近的购物中心马特森中心之间运送学生)”可知,URS Express可以带学生去最近的购物中心。故选C项。
    10.细节理解题。根据第三段“All students have access t the Writing Centre n the upper flr f Duglas Hall. Qualified vlunteers will wrk with yu n written wrk, grammar, vcabulary, and ther academic skills. (所有学生都可以进入道格拉斯大厅上层的写作中心。具备资格的志愿者将与你一起学习写作作业、语法、词汇和其他学术技能)”可知,你能从志愿者那里得到写作方面的帮助。故选C项。
    11.B 12.A 13.D 14.C
    【导语】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了 Sudbury Valley Schl 不同寻常的地方:学生不用上课,不用做作业,可以做自己想做的事,可以参与学校制度的制定。
    11.主旨大意题。根据第一自然段“But fr the children at Sudbury Valley Schl, Massachusetts, schl is very different. (但对于马萨诸塞州萨德伯里山谷学校的孩子们来说,学校是非常不同的。)”可知,本文主要介绍了一所不同寻常的学校。故选B。
    12.推理判断题。根据第二段中的“The idea behind this is that yu d nt need t make children learn, because children want t learn anyway. (这背后的想法是,你不需要让孩子学习,因为孩子无论如何都想学习。)”及学校的一位创始人所说的话““Yu d nt need t say t a three-year-ld, ‘G t explre yur envirnment.’ Yu can’t stp him r her!” says Daniel Greenberg, a funder f the schl. “But if yu make children d what yu want all day, they will lse all taste fr learning and can’t realize their ptential.”(“你不需要对一个三岁的孩子说,‘去探索你的环境吧。’你无法阻止他或她!”学校创始人丹尼尔·格林伯格说。“但如果你让孩子整天做你想做的事,他们就会失去所有的学习品味,无法实现自己的潜力。”)”可知,学校的做法基于这样的理念:被动学习只会让学生失去学习兴趣,让学生做自己想做的事,他们才会学得最好。故选A。
    13.推理判断题。第二段中Daniel Greenberg的话是对上文“The idea behind this is that yu d nt need t make children learn, because children want t learn anyway. (这背后的想法是,你不需要让孩子学习,因为孩子无论如何都想学习。)”的进一步说明,和“ “Yu d nt need t say t a three-year-ld, ‘G t explre yur envirnment.’ Yu can’t stp him r her!” says Daniel Greenberg, a funder f the schl. “But if yu make children d what yu want all day, they will lse all taste fr learning and can’t realize their ptential.”(“你不需要对一个三岁的孩子说,‘去探索你的环境吧。’你无法阻止他或她!”学校创始人丹尼尔·格林伯格说。“但如果你让孩子整天做你想做的事,他们就会失去所有的学习品味,无法实现自己的潜力。”)”,他认为孩子本身是热爱学习的。故选D。
    14.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的“Every week, there is a schl meeting where bth children and staff have ne vte each—even the fur-year-lds. (每周都会有一次学校会议,孩子和教职员工每人有一票,甚至四岁的孩子也有一票。)”可知,每周的全校大会上,员工和孩子们享有平等的投票权。故选C。
    15.D 16.A 17.A 18.B
    【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍了Vincent Sabella来到一所新学校读书,他的老师和同学对他的看法和态度。
    15.推理判断题。根据第一段“A less devted teacher might have pressed fr mre details, but Miss Price was cntent with the rugh utline. It was enugh t fill her with a sense f missin that shne frm her eyes, frm the first mrning he jined the furth grade.(一个不那么认真的老师也许会要求了解更多的细节,但普赖斯小姐对这个粗略的提纲很满意。从他上四年级的第一天早上起,她的眼睛里就充满了使命感。)”可知,普莱斯老师对文森特了解不多,但这并没有阻止她想关心他。故选D项。
    16.细节理解题。根据第三段““We have a new classmate this mrning,”Miss Price said, “His name is Vincent Sabella, and he cmes frm New Yrk City.(“今天早上我们有一个新同学,”普莱斯小姐说,“他的名字叫文森特·萨贝拉,来自纽约市。”)”以及第四段“Ordinarily, the fact f smene’s cming frm New Yrk might have held a certain status, fr t mst f the children the city was a frightening, adult place that swallwed up their fathers every day. But anyne culd see at a glance that Vincent Sabella had nthing t d with it.( 通常,有人从纽约来这一事实可能具有某种地位,因为对大多数孩子来说,这座城市是一个可怕的、成人的地方,每天吞噬着他们的父亲。但任何人一眼就能看出文森特·萨贝拉与此无关。)”可知,作者在第三段和第四段提到“纽约”,是为了说明文森特和人们的想象中的形象之间有某些区别。故选A项。
    17.推理判断题。根据第四段“This time they all swung arund t stare at nce, which caused him t duck his head slightly and shift his weight frm ne side t the ther.(这一次,他们都转过身来盯着他看,这使他稍稍低下头,把重心从一边移到另一边。)”可推知,文森特紧张不安。故选A项。
    18.推理判断题。根据最后一段“The girls decided that he wasn’t very nice and turned away, but the bys remained in their inspectin, lking him up and dwn with faint smiles.(女孩们觉得他不太好,就转身走开了,但男孩们仍在检查中,微笑着上下打量着他。)”可知,文森特的新同学要么对他漠不关心,要么对他不友好。故选B项。
    19.A 20.D 21.B 22.C
    19.词义猜测题。根据第三段““Befre, they were drumming n their desks r tuching ther students. They dn’t d that any mre nw.(以前,他们会敲课桌或触摸其他学生。现在他们不再那样做了)”结合划线词前“They are paying mre attentin t what the teachers say,(他们专注于老师所讲)”可知,过去学生上课总是不专心,各种小动作,总是身体乱动了,而现在能够专心听课了。由此推知划线词意为“身体乱动”。故选A项。
    20.细节理解题。根据第四段第二句“The cst was cvered by mney frm kind peple.(费用是由好心人出钱支付的)”可知,这些特殊的“自行车”是有善心的人们付钱买的。故选D项。
    21.推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“The kids clearly lve the new “tys”. Sfia Fedele, ne f Lambeth’s students, said cycling helped her fcus n her wrk during class.(孩子们显然很喜欢新的“玩具”。兰贝斯的学生索菲亚·费德勒(Sfia Fedele)说,骑自行车帮助她在课堂上集中精力学习)”及最后一段“Quinn Spear, anther student in Lambeth’s class, als mentined the gd effect n health f cycling during class.(兰贝斯班上的另一位学生奎因·斯皮尔(Quinn Spear)也提到了上课时骑自行车对健康的良好影响)”可推知,Sfia Fedele和Quinn Spear都是作者举例子证明孩子们很喜欢这个新“玩具”。故选B项。
    22.主旨大意题。根据第一段“After nticing that her eighth grade students had prblems fcusing during math class, a Nrth Carlina teacher decided t channel(引导)their energy in a different way-cycling.(北卡罗来纳州的一位老师注意到她的八年级学生在数学课上很难集中注意力,于是决定用一种不同的方式来引导他们的精力——骑自行车)”及第二段“They are paying mre attentin t what the teachers say, and mst imprtantly, they are n lnger fidgeting all the time.(他们更加注意老师说的话,最重要的是,他们不再总是坐立不安)”及第三段“There has been a huge increase in the quality f ur students’ wrk and a drp in the amunt f missing wrk.(我们学生的学习质量有了很大的提高,缺课的数量也减少了)”可知,文章主要介绍了一位老师用一台自行车型的机器,使同学们听课时注意力更集中了。C项“一个机器是如何改变学生的课堂表现的”符合文章主要内容。故选C项。
    23.B 24.C 25.A 26.D
    23.细节理解题。根据第二段中“Schl leaders hpe lnger weekends may give teachers a gd rest. And schls culd spend less mney n buses r electricity.(学校领导希望延长周末可以让老师们好好休息。学校可以在公共汽车或电力上花更少的钱)”可知,学校认为上学周短了可以省钱,老师们也能休息好。故选B。
    24.细节理解题。根据第五段中““In fact, we culd nt find a lt f data t supprt the parents,” Dss said. Parents did spend mre time with their kids. But the study didn’t find that they were less stressed.(“事实上,我们找不到很多数据来支持父母,”多斯说。父母确实花了更多的时间和孩子在一起。但研究并没有发现他们的压力更小)”可知,专家们没有找到父母感到压力小的数据。故选C。
    25.细节理解题。根据倒数第三段“The experts als discvered a prblem. “We fund that kids prbably learned a little less every year,” Dss said. “That can add up t a lt less.” S the questin is while the change is welcmed, is it wrth having kids learn less?(专家们还发现了一个问题。多斯说:“我们发现孩子们可能每年都学得更少。加起来可能会少很多。”所以问题是,虽然这种改变是受欢迎的,但让孩子们少学点东西值得吗?)”可知,专家们发现学生在四天的时间里学到的知识少了。故选A。
    26.推理判断题。根据第一段“Students usually g t schl frm Mnday t Friday. But sme schls in the USA are getting shrter weeks. Classes g fr fur days instead f five.(学生们通常从星期一到星期五上学。但是美国的一些学校正在缩短周数。课程从5天改为4天)”且通读全文可知,文章主要论述了人们对把上学周从五天改为四天的不同看法,属于学校教育的范畴,故选D项。
    27.B 28.C 29.D 30.B
    27.推理判断题。由第四段中的“The researchers f these studies say that the results are quite imprtant and that mre schls shuld cnsider pushing backward their start time f their schl day.(这些研究的研究人员说,研究结果非常重要,更多的学校应该考虑推迟上学时间)”可推知,作者也会赞同高中应该晚一点开始上课。故选B项。
    28.主旨大意题。由第二段“Tday, the majrity f high schl students are nt getting enugh sleep. This lack (缺乏) f sleep is a serius prblem, especially as students are ding mre than ever with their time. They cme t schl early, spend hurs listening t teachers and taking tests, then run ff t practices and meetings, and cme hme t be faced with even mre wrk. And the hmewrk lad these days is nt light; teachers give hurs wrth f hmewrk each night.(今天,大多数高中生睡眠不足。睡眠不足是一个严重的问题,尤其是学生们在时间上做得比以往任何时候都多。他们早早来到学校,花几个小时听老师讲课,参加考试,然后跑去练习和开会,回家后还要面对更多的家庭作业。现在的家庭作业负担不轻,老师们每晚都要给学生们几个小时的作业量)”可知,本段讲述了为什么高中生在课堂上感到困倦——就是因为课业繁重和睡眠不足。故选C项。
    29.词义猜测题。由第三段中划线词所在句后面的“After puberty (青春期), the bdy's internal clck changes s that it is difficult fr teens t fall asleep befre 11 p.m.(进入青春期后,人体内部的生物钟会发生变化,青少年很难在晚上11点之前入睡)”可推知,划线词所在句“Yet the perid f this nine hurs shifts as a child gets lder.”意为“然而,这9个小时的时间随着孩子长大而改变”。划线词shifts在此处意为“changes(变化)”。故选D项。
    30.推理判断题。由第四段中的“In schls where the start time is after 8:30 in the mrning, the teachers believe that there has been a real change in their students. They nte that the students miss class less, pay mre attentin in class, perfrm better in class, and reprt lwer levels f depressin.(在早上8:30以后开始上课的学校,老师们认为学生们已经发生了真正的变化。他们注意到,学生缺课少,在课堂上注意力更集中,在课堂上表现更好,而且抑郁程度较低)”可推知,老师们对推迟上课时间很满意。故选B项。
    31.D 32.D 33.C 34.B
    31.细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“‘The research prject will sign up 100 schls as part f the biggest study yet int the rle that schl start times play in the health f students,’ said Paul Kelley f the University f Oxfrd.(牛津大学的Paul Kelley说:‘该研究项目将与100所学校签约,这是迄今为止规模最大的关于学校上课时间对学生健康影响的研究的一部分。’)”可知,该研究旨在研究上学时间对学生健康的影响。故选D。
    32.推理判断题。根据第二段中“The change in the bilgical clck cntinues in later middle age, when peple usually g back t the naturally earlier start time they felt cmfrtable with when they were 10-year-ld children(生物钟的变化会持续到中年后期,人们通常会回到10岁时的自然早起床时间)”可知,Kelley博士可能会同意D项观点“较早的早起时间既适合中年后期的人群,也适合10岁的孩子”。故选D。
    33.细节理解题。根据第三段中“By the time yu are 18, 19 r 20 yu are suffering n average tw hurs f sleep lss a day and that is increasing s that at the end f the week yu have suffered 10 hurs f sleep lss. It has a hugely damaging impact n the bdy(当你18岁、19岁或20岁的时候,你平均每天少睡两个小时,而且还在增加,到一周结束时,你就会少睡10个小时。它对身体有巨大的破坏性影响)”可知,越来越严重的睡眠不足对身体有极大的不良影响。故选C。
    34.推理判断题。根据最后一段中“Students lse mre sleep than dctrs wrking a 24-hur shift during every schl r university week (在学校或大学的每一周,学生比24小时轮班的医生损失的睡眠还要多)”及“this age grup, 14 t 24, is mre deprived than any ther grup f sciety(14岁到24岁的这个年龄段比社会上其他任何群体都更缺乏睡眠)”可知,学生最缺乏睡眠。故选B。

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