Ⅰ.匹配词义A.单词匹配( )1.virtual A.n. 双胞胎之一;一对相像的事物之一 adj. 双胞胎之一的;成对的,成双的( )2.headset B.adj. 最初的,开始的n. 首字母( )3.sensor C.adj. 虚拟的,模拟的;很接近的, 事实上的( )4.academic D.n. 性别( )5.twin E.n. 障碍,阻力;屏障,障碍物; 分界线,隔阂( )6.clone F.n. 传感器,敏感元件( )7.barrier G.n. 耳机( )8.initial H.n. 酒吧,酒馆( )9.gender I.n. 好像一模一样的人,复制品, 克隆动物(或植物)vt.克隆,以无性繁殖技术复制( )10.pub J.adj. 教学的,学术的;学习良好的; 纯理论的[答案] 1-5 CGFJA 6-10 IEBDHB.短语匹配( )1.at the forefront of A.也;又;而且( )2.a host of B.大量( )3.interact with C.理解;想出;计算出( )4.as well as D.立刻;马上( )5.boil down to E.许多,大量( )6.figure out F.就……来说;从……角度( )7.in terms of... G.在牺牲(或损害)……的情况下( )8.in an instant H.归结为,基本问题是( )9.like weeds I.处于最前列,进入重要地位( )10.at the expense of J.互相交流,互相来往;相互作用, 相互影响[答案] 1-5 IEJAH 6-10 CFDBGⅡ.默写单词1.definition n. 定义;释义,解释2.practical adj. 实际的,真实的;切实可行的; 有用的;实事求是的3.engage vt.& vi. 吸引住(注意力、兴趣);雇用,聘用; 与……建立密切关系4.optimistic adj. 乐观的,抱乐观看法的5.annoy vt. 使恼怒,使生气;打扰,骚扰6.weed n. 杂草,野草7.globe n. 球体,球状物;地球仪;地球,世界8.satellite n. 人造卫星;卫星9.expense n. 费用;开销,开支10.envy n.& vt. 羡慕,忌妒Ⅰ.语境填空decrease;deny;quantity;monitor;expense;contemporary;sensor;twin;barrier;satellite1.If you deny someone something that they need or want, you refuse to let them have it.2.The word twin is used to describe one of two similar things that make a pair.3.A barrier is an object or layer that physically prevents something from moving from one place to another.4.Expense is the money that something costs you or that you need to spend in order to do something.5.A satellite is an object which has been sent into space in order to collect information or to be part of a communication system.6.The latest Japanese vacuum cleaners contain sensors that detect the amount of dust and type of floor.7.Contemporary people or things were alive or happened at the same time as something else you are talking about.8.Things that are produced or available in quantity are produced or available in large amounts. 9.When something decreases, it becomes less in quantity, size, or intensity.10.If you monitor something, you regularly check its development or progress, and sometimes comment on it.Ⅱ.语法填空之派生词1.The distribution(distribute) of things involves giving or delivering them to a number of people or places.2.It turns out that what seems like an annoyance (annoy) is actually an alarm bell.3.Academically(academic), many of its liberal arts, sciences and scientific research programs are among the very best.4.At the conclusion(conclude) of the program, I asked the children if they had any questions they wanted to ask me.5.You can use virtually(virtual) to indicate that something is so nearly true that for most purposes it can be regarded as true.6.We are now taking a more optimistic(optimist) view.7.A global (globe) view or vision of a situation is one in which all the different aspects of it are considered.8.If one side in a war or conflict has superiority (superior), it has an advantage over its enemy.1.Though you know the sensory information surrounding you is not real,part of your brain believes it is—and acts accordingly.虽然你知道你周围的感官信息是不真实的,但你大脑的一部分相信它是真实的,并据此采取行动。2.It won't be long before virtual museums and interactive threeD exhibitions become common.不久之后虚拟博物馆和交互式三维展览就会变得普遍起来。3.For example,5G technology,with its potential to serve up more stable mobile connectivity at faster speed,will make it possible for people to enjoy a more immersive VR experience wherever they are.例如,5G技术有潜力以更快的速度提供更稳定的移动连接,使人们无论在哪里都能享受更身临其境的虚拟现实体验。
Ⅰ.匹配词义A.单词匹配( )1.virtual A.n. 双胞胎之一;一对相像的事物之一 adj. 双胞胎之一的;成对的,成双的( )2.headset B.adj. 最初的,开始的n. 首字母( )3.sensor C.adj. 虚拟的,模拟的;很接近的, 事实上的( )4.academic D.n. 性别( )5.twin E.n. 障碍,阻力;屏障,障碍物; 分界线,隔阂( )6.clone F.n. 传感器,敏感元件( )7.barrier G.n. 耳机( )8.initial H.n. 酒吧,酒馆( )9.gender I.n. 好像一模一样的人,复制品, 克隆动物(或植物)vt.克隆,以无性繁殖技术复制( )10.pub J.adj. 教学的,学术的;学习良好的; 纯理论的[答案] 1-5 CGFJA 6-10 IEBDHB.短语匹配( )1.at the forefront of A.也;又;而且( )2.a host of B.大量( )3.interact with C.理解;想出;计算出( )4.as well as D.立刻;马上( )5.boil down to E.许多,大量( )6.figure out F.就……来说;从……角度( )7.in terms of... G.在牺牲(或损害)……的情况下( )8.in an instant H.归结为,基本问题是( )9.like weeds I.处于最前列,进入重要地位( )10.at the expense of J.互相交流,互相来往;相互作用, 相互影响[答案] 1-5 IEJAH 6-10 CFDBGⅡ.默写单词1.definition n. 定义;释义,解释2.practical adj. 实际的,真实的;切实可行的; 有用的;实事求是的3.engage vt.& vi. 吸引住(注意力、兴趣);雇用,聘用; 与……建立密切关系4.optimistic adj. 乐观的,抱乐观看法的5.annoy vt. 使恼怒,使生气;打扰,骚扰6.weed n. 杂草,野草7.globe n. 球体,球状物;地球仪;地球,世界8.satellite n. 人造卫星;卫星9.expense n. 费用;开销,开支10.envy n.& vt. 羡慕,忌妒Ⅰ.语境填空decrease;deny;quantity;monitor;expense;contemporary;sensor;twin;barrier;satellite1.If you deny someone something that they need or want, you refuse to let them have it.2.The word twin is used to describe one of two similar things that make a pair.3.A barrier is an object or layer that physically prevents something from moving from one place to another.4.Expense is the money that something costs you or that you need to spend in order to do something.5.A satellite is an object which has been sent into space in order to collect information or to be part of a communication system.6.The latest Japanese vacuum cleaners contain sensors that detect the amount of dust and type of floor.7.Contemporary people or things were alive or happened at the same time as something else you are talking about.8.Things that are produced or available in quantity are produced or available in large amounts. 9.When something decreases, it becomes less in quantity, size, or intensity.10.If you monitor something, you regularly check its development or progress, and sometimes comment on it.Ⅱ.语法填空之派生词1.The distribution(distribute) of things involves giving or delivering them to a number of people or places.2.It turns out that what seems like an annoyance (annoy) is actually an alarm bell.3.Academically(academic), many of its liberal arts, sciences and scientific research programs are among the very best.4.At the conclusion(conclude) of the program, I asked the children if they had any questions they wanted to ask me.5.You can use virtually(virtual) to indicate that something is so nearly true that for most purposes it can be regarded as true.6.We are now taking a more optimistic(optimist) view.7.A global (globe) view or vision of a situation is one in which all the different aspects of it are considered.8.If one side in a war or conflict has superiority (superior), it has an advantage over its enemy.1.Though you know the sensory information surrounding you is not real,part of your brain believes it is—and acts accordingly.虽然你知道你周围的感官信息是不真实的,但你大脑的一部分相信它是真实的,并据此采取行动。2.It won't be long before virtual museums and interactive threeD exhibitions become common.不久之后虚拟博物馆和交互式三维展览就会变得普遍起来。3.For example,5G technology,with its potential to serve up more stable mobile connectivity at faster speed,will make it possible for people to enjoy a more immersive VR experience wherever they are.例如,5G技术有潜力以更快的速度提供更稳定的移动连接,使人们无论在哪里都能享受更身临其境的虚拟现实体验。