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    这是一份2020-2021学年福建省厦门双十中学高二下学期期中英语试卷(含解析),共23页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分37,B.$ 149,5分,满分15分), 表明活动反响等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分:听力 略
    第二部分: 阅读理解(共 2节,满分50分)
    第一节:(共15题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项A、B、C 、D 中,选出最佳选项。
    Many wrkers have had n chice but t adapt t wrking frm hme in recent mnths since ffices shut dwn due t the COVID-19 pandemic (新冠疫情). And the nisy situatin and endless husewrk may result in a terrible emtin. A new ptin is waiting fr yu. That is WFH: wrk frm a htel.
    Htel Figuer
    A special prgram titled Wrk Perks aims t repsitin sme f 94-year-ld Htel Figuer’s 268 rms as day-use ffices.
    Accrding t Managing Directr Cnnie Wang, the set-up launched in June and is a great pprtunity t get ut f their huses with high-speed Wi-Fi, unlimited printing privileges and free parking. The 350-square-ft rms sell fr $ 129 per day, with an ptin t extend t an vernight stay fr an additinal $ 20.
    The Wythe
    A butique htel in Brklyn. The htel recently annunced a partnership with c-wrking ffice space cmpany Industrius thrugh which it is recycling 13 secnd-stry guest rms t serve as ffices fr up t fur peple.
    Each f the rms has a small utdr platfrm, and dgs are welcme. Pricing starts at $ 200 and ges up t $ 275, depending n hw many peple use the space.
    The Sawyer
    The Sawyer, in Sacrament, Califrnia, is ffering pl cabanas (更衣室) fr use as utdr ffices, cmplete with fast Wi-Fi, free parking and catered lunch fr $ 150 per day.
    Yannis Mati funded HtelsByDay back in 2015. That cmpany has grwn t include mre than 1,500 htels, and has seen a significant increase in the number f inquiries fr day-use bkings lately.
    Mati said the current situatin will frce htels t upgrade themselves t stay alive, and he predicted that ffering rms fr day-use nly is ne f the directins they will g.
    1.Hw much shuld ne pay fr a 24-hur stay in Htel Figuer?
    A.$ 129.B.$ 149.C.$ 150.D.$ 200.
    2.Which htel allws pets in?
    A.The Wythe.B.The Sawyer.
    C.HtelsByDay.D.Htel Figuer.
    3.What d we knw abut Yannis Mati?
    A.He started a prgram titled Wrk Perks.
    B.He has upgraded at least 1,500 rms.
    C.He usually predicts everything crrectly.
    D.He is ptimistic abut the WFH trend.
    When Alex Lin was 11 years ld, he read an alarming article in the newspaper, which said that peple were burying ld cmputers in backyards, thrwing TVs int streams, and dumping (丢弃) cell phnes in the garbage. This was dangerus because e-waste cntains harmful chemicals that can leak int the envirnment, getting int crps, animals, water supplies and peple.
    Alex was really wrried and decided t make it next prject fr WIN-the Westerly Innvatins Netwrk. Alex and six f his friends had frmed this rganizatin t help slve cmmunity prblems tw years befre.
    But what culd they d abut this prject with e-waste? The team spent several weeks gathering infrmatin abut the harmful chemicals in e-waste and their effects n humans. They learned hw t dispse (处置) f e-waste prperly and hw it culd be recycled. Then, they sent ut a Survey and fund nly ne in eight knw what e-waste was, let alne hw t prperly dispse f it.
    Alex and his friends went int actin. They advertised in the lcal newspaper and distributed ntices t students, asking residents t bring their unwanted electrnics t the schl parking lt. The drive lasted tw days, and they cllected ver 9, 500 kilgrams f e-waste. The next step was t set up a lng-term e-waste drp-ff center fr the twn. After sme research, they’d learned that reusing is the best way t deal with electrnic devices and it is seven times mre efficient than recycling. S, they began learning t retrfit (翻新) cmputers themselves and distributed them t students wh didn’t have their wn. In this way, they culd help students in the area and prtect the envirnment at the same time.
    Fr a lasting slutin t e-waste, the drp-ff center wasn’t enugh. Laws wuld have t be passed. In 2016, WIN helped push fr an e-waste bill in their twn, which required cmpanies that manufactured r sld electrnics t take back e-waste. The bill clearly frbids the dumping f e-waste. Because f the wrk f WIN, mre and mre peple, like Alex and his team, are getting the message abut safe dispsal f e-waste. As Alex says, “Tday’s technlgy shuld nt becme tmrrw’s harmful garbage.”
    4.What was Alex’s wrry after he read the article?
    A.The littering f e-waste.B.The recycling f plastic.
    C.The change f envirnment.D.At 11 p.m. n Mnday.
    5.What did Alex d t start the prject?
    A.Set up WIN.B.Cllect infrmatin.
    C.Ask friends fr help.D.The veruse f ld cmputer.
    6.Which can best describe the way Alex and his team did their wrk?
    7.What message des the stry cnvey?
    A.There is n end t perfectin.B.success cmes thrugh failure.
    C.Every psitive attitude has a reward.D.yung peple can make a big difference.
    In a study published in Nature Machine Intelligence, researchers at Ohi State University shw hw artificial intelligence(AI)can fllw clinical trials t identify drugs fr repurpsing, a slutin that can help advance innvative treatments.
    Repurpsing drugs is legal and nt unusual. When dctrs prescribe(开处方)drugs that have been apprved by the Fd and Drug Administratin(FDA)fr purpses different frm what is printed n the labels, the drugs are being used “ff-label” Just because a drug is FDA-apprved fr a specific type f disease des nt prevent it frm having pssible benefits fr ther purpses.
    Fr example, Metfrmin, a drug that is FDA-apprved fr treating type 2 diabetes, is als used t treat PCOS(a disease f wmen), and ther diseases. Trazdne, an anti-depressant with FDA-apprval t treat depressin, is als prescribed by dctrs t help treat patients with sleep issues.
    The Ohi State University research team created an AI deep learning mdel fr predicting treatment prbability with patient data including the treatment, utcmes, and ptential cnfunders(干扰因素).
    Cnfunders are related t the expsure and utcme. Fr example, a cnnectin is identified between music festivals and increases in skin rashes(红疹). Music festivals d nt directly cause skin rashes. In this case, ne pssible cnfunding factr between the tw may be utdr heat, as music festivals tend t run utdrs when the temperature is high, and heat is a knwn cause fr rashes. When wrking with real-wrld data, cnfunders culd number in the thusands. AI deep learning is well-suited t find patterns in the cmplexity f ptentially thusands f cnfunders.
    The researcher team used cnfunders including ppulatin data and c-prescribed drugs. With this prf-f-cncept, nw clinicians have a pwerful AI tl t rapidly discver new treatments by repurpsing existing medicatins.
    8.What d we knw abut a drug used ff-label?
    A.It is sld withut a label.
    B.It is available at a lw price.
    C.Its uses extend beynd the riginal nes.
    D.Its clinical trials are rejected by dctrs.
    9.Metfrmin and Trazdne are similar as bth f them________.
    A.are used ff-label
    B.treat rare diseases
    C.result in sleep issues
    D.are medical breakthrughs
    10.What can be inferred abut “cnfunders”?
    A.They are pssible treatments.
    B.They are envirnmental factrs.
    C.They can be easily recgnized in real-wrld data.
    D.They shuld be taken int serius cnsideratin.
    11.What is the main idea f the text?
    A.AI examines benefits f existing drugs.
    B.AI identifies ff-label uses fr drugs.
    C.AI finds new drugs fr cmmn diseases.
    D.AI prves the pwer f drug research.
    Accrding t Oxfrd Dictinaries, mrality means: “Principles cncerning the distinctin between right and wrng r gd and bad behavir.” Thugh mrality is a rather subjective subject, there are sme principles that are universal acrss all cultures fund by an Oxfrd University study: “help yur family, help yur grup, return favrs, be brave, bey superirs, divide resurces fairly, and respect thers’ prperty”. The fact that these mrals are fund acrss 60 cultures frm arund the wrld demnstrates that mrality, thugh subjective, is the crnerstne f keeping ur scieties tgether. Here are sme reasns t be mral: withut mrality, a scial life is almst impssible t maintain; having a gd reputatin and having a clear cnscience is psychlgically healthy; and mst philsphies regard unselfish and principled behavir as imprtant.
    There is n dubt that withut mrals, a sciety cannt functin effectively. A cnfused situatin wuld appear, Accrding t the Sciety f Mrality, “We are scial animals, and the actins we take-the things we d and the things we dn’t d-have cnsequences n ur envirnments and n the thers arund us. As a result, we need t be able t gvern ur behavir in the near term s as nt t injure urselves r ur cmmunity in the lng term. This system f cntrlling ur actins and ur thughts in rder t perate in a cmmunity is what we ften refer t as mrality”. Therefre, we need a set f mrals in rder t perate within a scial circle and a scial envirnment. Acting immral usually results in being excluded frm scial activities r being avided by a sciety based n laws and cultural standards. Besides acting mral having a scilgical need, it als has a psychlgical basis. Mst peple are cncerned t sme extent abut their reputatin. Accrding t PsyPst, “A lt f ecnmic mdels f human behavir assume that peple are nly ratinal (理性的) when they narrwly pursue their wn self-interest, but histry shws us that peple are als tremendusly cncerned with being and appearing mral”. S, the fear f ne’s reputatin being damaged is ften a strng mtivatr t be mral. And if smene has been immral,mst peple g ut f their way t make sure n ne finds ut, r t crrect the behavir in rder t nt be caught. This ges in line with cnscience as well. Peple generally feel in a better psychlgical state if they feel that their cnscience is clean. A dirty cnscience can result in a lack f sleep, anxiety, internal stress, and even illness.
    On the side f philsphy, the study f ethics (伦理) cmes int play. Mst philsphers agree that ne shuld ratinally chse a set f standards f behavir in rder t functin. Thugh there is mral relativism, there are universal anthrplgical (人类学的) mrals, as mentined in the intrductin. By the nature f ur scieties and cultures, we chse what we believe is right and wrng. But surprising, this ratinal behavir cmes t a general agreement n mrals. S, there is a fine line between mral relativism and mral abslutism. But the main thing t take away frm this discussin is that philsphers generally believe that each individual has the right t ratinally cme up with a set f ethics t live by, and that it is healthy t d s.
    12.The authr discusses mrality (paragraph 1) in rder t ________.
    A.explain the relatinship between mrality and culture
    B.describe the mral rules fund all arund the wrld
    C.cntrast the distinctin between right and wrng
    D.intrduce the definitin, principles and reasns f mrality
    13.It can be inferred frm the passage that ________.
    A.acting mral allws us t fit int grup better
    B.mrality brings the system f cntrlling behavir
    C.cntrast the distinctin between right and wrng
    D.intrduce the definitin, principles and reasns f mrality
    14.Which f the fllwing is the psychlgical basis fr acting mral?
    A.pursuit f self-interest.B.a clean cnscience.
    C.The cncern abut reputatin.D.a dirty cnscience.
    15.What des the authr advise us t d accrding t the last paragraph?
    A.T reach a general agreement n mrals based n ethics.
    B.t carve ne’s wn sense f ethics t perate in this wrld.
    C.T chse between mral relativism and mral abslutism.
    D.T exclude philsphers’ beliefs and slutin as well.
    What is yur jb? Are yu a teacher r a businesspersn? Or maybe yu are a lawyer/writer r a teacher/phtgrapher. 16 The term “slash career” cmes frm the punctuatin mark(标识符)—a slash that cmes between jb titles.
    Peple with slash careers ften have a primary jb that prvides fr mst f their needs. The primary jb usually cmes befre the slash. 17 This secndary jb can help supplement the persn’s incme.
    Why wuld anyne want mre than ne jb? Sme peple lk t their jbs fr pprtunities t develp their interests. But mst peple have t many interests fr ne jb. Secndary jbs can be enjyable if they include interests that the primary jb desn’t tuch. Sme peple wh encurage slash careers say they actually help with wrk-life balance. 18
    On the ther hand, a slash career can be dangerus fr wrk-life balance. 19 One might give up necessary things like relaxatin, exercise r time with ne’s family. Peple with slash careers need t think carefully abut hw they use their time. This includes knwing when t stp wrking.
    The clear advantage t slash careers is the extra incme that secndary jbs prvide. It’s always helpful t have a little extra mney t spend r t save.
    20 With a slash career, lsing ne’s jb des nt mean lsing ne’s entire incme. Or a secndary jb may be s successful that it can turn int ne’s primary jb.
    If yur interests stretch beynd yur rdinary jb, a slash career may wrk fr yu.
    A.Slash careers prvide extra mney.
    B.Slash careers als make ne’s life mre stable.
    C.Wrking mre than ne jb can fill up all f yur time.
    D.If yu have mre than ne jb, yu have a slash career.
    E.It shws the persn is creative and willing t wrk hard.
    F.The jb after the slash is ften based n a persn’s interests.
    G.That’s because they can give peple an pprtunity t express themselves.
    第三部分 语言知识应用
    第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    My mum was a cnsultant psychiatrist at Lancaster Mr hspital. At five, I went with her t the 21 n a Christmas afternn. I didn't really want t be: there, knwing I had nt yet pened all my 22 at hme. Mum gave me a big bx f chclates and tld me t 23 arund the psychgeriatric ward.
    Our husehld was the srt where treats were strictly 24 : nly ne packet f crisps a week. S being entrusted with a huge bx f chclates was 25 indeed. I marched prudly arund the ward, perating a “ne fr yu, ne fr me” plicy 26 I went frm bed t bed, wndering why n ne I talked t 27 .
    When yu are 28 , s much f life is new and strange that yu quickly accept even the strangest things as being 29 nrmal. But I remember thinking it was 30 that s many f these very ld wmen were hlding dllies and teddy bears tight.
    On the way hme, feeling slightly 31 after all the chclates, I asked Mum why the ld ladies had dlls and why they had talked such nnsense. I can't remember her exact 32 , but I learned that mst f them had n family, and received n 33 .
    That Christmas taught me nt t be afraid f peple with 34 illness. I wasn't even 35 when my mther put me n the trlley in the crridr utside her ffice if she was busy in the ward.
    27.A.fllwed suitB.tk fficeC.lst heartD.made sense
    Chclate is everywhere, but science is still srting ut this adred prduct. In 2018, Planta Medica published a review f previus research n chclate's effect 36 md.
    The authrs fund that few f the studies 37 (analyze)chemically the chclate cnsumed by participants. That matters, said the authrs, because chemicals present in chclate vary widely based n hw it 38 (prcess), such as rasting temperature and time. Als, ne specific chemical, interactin between multiple chemicals r smething else may 39 (entire)affect health. Our brains naturally prduce anandamide(大麻素). And it's als fund in chclate, 40 leads t claims that the sweet stuff is the ultimate feel—gd fd. But, as the 2018 review nted, chclate has nly tiny 41 (amunt)f anandamide, and it breaks dwn quickly.
    Chchlics take heart, literally. A 2015 study linked 42 (high)chclate cnsumptin with a lwer risk fr heart disease. Speaking f chchlics, an April review f research n ne's fd 43 (addict)fund evidence that chclate prduced neurbilgical changes similar t thse 44 (see)with drug use. The studies were nt cnclusive, 45 . S science still has t srt that ne ut t.
    第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第二节 第一 书面表达(满分15分)
    1.活动目的; 2.活动情况; 3.活动反响。
    Bk exchange n campus
    第三节 读后续写(满分25分)
    On a steamy mrning in July, Clay and Acaimie Chastain arrived at the base f Munt Liamuiga n the Caribbean island f St.Kitts, ready t spend a day f their hneymn climbing Munt Liamuiga.The highest pint n St.Kitts, Liamuiga is als a drmant(休眠的)vlcan that starts in the cluds and plunges dwn t meet the sea.
    They culdn't find a visitr centre r hire a guide, s they set ff n their wn.They reached the peak arund nn and ate their sandwiches lking ut ver the cean and surrunding islands.
    That's when Clay saw it: a small trail that led int the vlcan's crater(坑), a bwl f green with clud frest giving way t green grass.A series f screw eyes(螺钉孔)had been drilled int the rcks, with rpes that led dwn.Clay wanted t g dwn and take sme pictures.Acaimie fllwed him a little way, but she was very cautius and quite scared f heights;s Clay went n alne.
    A few minutes later, she heard a crash——a nise that sunded like a large branch snapping, fllwed by the sund f smething big rlling dwnhill."Clay?" she called.Silence.
    Uneasy, she waited a minute and shuted again——still nthing.And then, frm smewhere much further dwn, she heard a weak cry fr help.This time she was certain: It was Clay calling fr help frm deep within the crater.
    As she lked ver the lip f the vlcan, she tried t stp sme f her wrst wrries.Her phne wasn't getting a signal, and her cries fr help were met with nly silence."Clay!" she shuted as lud as she culd."Clay, are yu OK?"
    Acaimie grasped the rpe and began climbing dwn the trail.When the path became t steep, she slid n her butt, her legs and arms getting bruised and scraped in the prcess.Then, just ff the trail, she saw a flash f red.It was Clay's scarf.And next t it was his cell phne.
    She grabbed bth and cntinued dwn, screaming fr Clay all the way.
    "Help," he said in that strange vice.
    "I'm cming! Stay where yu are," she said.
    Finally, she sptted Clay.
    Acaimie had t push thse thughts away and fcus n what she culd d.
    1.B 2.A 3.D
    1.细节理解题。根据Htel Figuer部分的“The 350-square-ft rms sell fr $ 129 per day, with an ptin t extend t an vernight stay fr an additinal $ 20.(这种350平方英尺的房间日租费用为129美元,多花20美元就可以过夜)”可知,在Htel Figuer在过一夜要花$ 129+$ 20=$149。故选B。
    2.细节理解题。根据The Wythe部分的“Each f the rms has a small utdr platfrm, and dgs are welcme.(每个房间都有一个室外小露台,而且可以带狗狗进入)”可知,The Wythe允许宠物进入。故选A。
    3.推理判断题。根据最后一段的“Mati said the current situatin will frce htels t upgrade themselves t stay alive, and he predicted that ffering rms fr day-use nly is ne f the directins they will g.(Mati说,当前的形势迫使酒店通过自我改造来维持生存,他还预测,提供专供白天使用的房间将会是酒店业发展的一个方向)”可推知,Mati对WFH的趋势持乐观态度。故选D。
    4.A 5.B 6.C 7.D
    4.推理判断题。根据第一段“When Alex Lin was 11 years ld, he read an alarming article in the newspaper, which said that peple were burying ld cmputers in backyards, thrwing TVs int streams, and dumping (丢弃) cell phnes in the garbage.(当Alex 11岁的时候,他在报纸上读了一篇令人担忧的文章,文章说道人们把旧电脑埋在院子里,把电视扔进溪流,把手机丢进垃圾场。)”可推知,Alex读完文章后担心的是电子垃圾的丢弃。故选A。
    5.细节理解题。根据第二段“ The team spent several weeks gathering infrmatin abut the harmful chemicals in e-waste and their effects n humans. .( 这个团队花费数周的时间收集关于电子垃圾中有害物质和它们对人类的影响的信息。)”可知,Alex开始项目的第一步就是收集信息。故选B。
    6.细节理解题。根据第三段“The team spent several weeks gathering infrmatin abut the harmful chemicals in e-waste and their effects n humans. They learned hw t dispse (处置) f e-waste prperly and hw it culd be recycled.(他们团队花了数周收集关于电子垃圾有害物质的信息和对人类的影响。他们学习了如何正确处置电子垃圾和如何回收利用。)”可知,Alex和他团队的工作是科学的。A. Traditinal传统的;B.Cmpetitive有竞争的;C. Scientific科学的;D.Cnvenient方便的。故选C。
    8.C 9.A 10.D 11.B
    8.推理判断题。根据文章第二段“When dctrs prescribe drugs that have been apprved by the Fd and Drug Administratin(FDA)fr purpses different frm what is printed n the labels, the drugs are being used “ff-label” Just because a drug is FDA-apprved fr a specific type f disease des nt prevent it frm having pssible benefits fr ther purpses.”(如果医生开出的药物是经食品和药物管理局(FDA)批准的,其目的与标签上的目的不同,那么这些药物就被“标示外”使用了,仅仅因为一种药物被FDA批准用于特定类型的疾病并不妨碍它在其他用途上可能产生的益处。)可知,“标示外”药物的用途超出了原来的用途。故选C。
    9.细节理解题。根据文章第二段“the drugs are being used “ff-label” Just because a drug is FDA-apprved fr a specific type f disease des nt prevent it frm having pssible benefits fr ther purpses.”(这些药物被“标示外”使用,仅仅因为一种药物被FDA批准用于某种特定类型的疾病,并不妨碍它在其他用途上可能有好处。)和文章第三段“Fr example, Metfrmin, a drug that is FDA-apprved fr treating type 2 diabetes, is als used t treat PCOS(a disease f wmen), and ther diseases. Trazdne, an anti-depressant with FDA-apprval t treat depressin, is als prescribed by dctrs t help treat patients with sleep issues.”(例如,FDA批准用于治疗2型糖尿病的药物二甲双胍,也用于治疗多囊卵巢综合征(一种女性疾病)和其他疾病。曲唑酮是一种经美国食品及药物管理局(FDA)批准用于治疗抑郁症的抗抑郁药,医生也会开它来帮助治疗睡眠问题患者。)可知,二甲双胍和曲唑酮的相似之处是这两种药物都在适应症外使用。 故选A。
    10.推理判断题。根据文章第五段的“When wrking with real-wrld data, cnfunders culd number in the thusands. AI deep learning is well-suited t find patterns in the cmplexity f ptentially thusands f cnfunders.”(在处理真实世界的数据时,干扰因素可能多达数千个。AI深度学习非常适合在潜在的成千万的干扰因素混合物中寻找模式)可推知,干扰因素应该被认真地考虑。故选D。
    11.主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“In a study published in Nature Machine Intelligence, researchers at Ohi State University shw hw artificial intelligence(AI)can fllw clinical trials t identify drugs fr repurpsing, a slutin that can help advance innvative treatments.”(在《自然机器智能》杂志上发表的一项研究中,俄亥俄州立大学的研究人员展示了人工智能(AI)如何能够跟踪临床试验,识别用于重新使用的药物,这一解决方案有助于推动创新治疗。)再结合下文内容可知,文章主要讲述人工智能识别药物标示外用途。故选B。
    12.D 13.A 14.C 15.B
    12.推理判断题。根据第一段“Accrding t Oxfrd Dictinaries, mrality means: “Principles cncerning the distinctin between right and wrng r gd and bad behavir.” Thugh mrality is a rather subjective subject, there are sme principles that are universal acrss all cultures fund by an Oxfrd University study: “help yur family, help yur grup, return favrs, be brave, bey superirs, divide resurces fairly, and respect thers’ prperty”. The fact that these mrals are fund acrss 60 cultures frm arund the wrld demnstrates that mrality, thugh subjective, is the crnerstne f keeping ur scieties tgether. Here are sme reasns t be mral: withut mrality, a scial life is almst impssible t maintain; having a gd reputatin and having a clear cnscience is psychlgically healthy; and mst philsphies regard unselfish and principled behavir as imprtant.(根据牛津词典的解释,道德的意思是:“区分对与错、好与坏行为的原则。”尽管道德是一个相当主观的主题,但牛津大学的一项研究发现了一些在所有文化中都适用的原则:“帮助你的家人,帮助你的团体,回报人情,勇敢,服从上级,公平分配资源,尊重他人的财产。”这些道德在全世界60种文化中都存在的事实表明,道德虽然是主观的,但却是维系我们社会的基石。这里有一些道德的理由:没有道德,社会生活几乎不可能维持;拥有良好的声誉和问心无愧的心理健康;大多数哲学认为无私和有原则的行为是重要的)”可推知,作者在第1段讨论道德,以介绍道德的定义,原则和原因。故选D。
    13.推理判断题。根据第二段中“This system f cntrlling ur actins and ur thughts in rder t perate in a cmmunity is what we ften refer t as mrality”. Therefre, we need a set f mrals in rder t perate within a scial circle and a scial envirnment. Acting immral usually results in being excluded frm scial activities r being avided by a sciety based n laws and cultural standards.(这种控制我们的行为和思想以便在社会中运作的系统,我们通常称之为道德。因此,我们需要一套道德来在一个社交圈和社会环境中运行。不道德的行为通常会导致被排除在社会活动之外或被基于法律和文化标准的社会所避免)”可推知,有道德的行为能让我们更好地融入群体。故选A。
    14.细节理解题。根据第二段中“S, the fear f ne’s reputatin being damaged is ften a strng mtivatr t be mral.(因此,对名誉受损的恐惧往往是保持道德的强大动力)”可知,对声誉的担忧是行为道德的心理基础。故选C。
    15.推理判断题。根据最后一段“On the side f philsphy, the study f ethics cmes int play. Mst philsphers agree that ne shuld ratinally chse a set f standards f behavir in rder t functin. Thugh there is mral relativism, there are universal anthrplgical mrals, as mentined in the intrductin. By the nature f ur scieties and cultures, we chse what we believe is right and wrng. But surprising, this ratinal behavir cmes t a general agreement n mrals. S, there is a fine line between mral relativism and mral abslutism. But the main thing t take away frm this discussin is that philsphers generally believe that each individual has the right t ratinally cme up with a set f ethics t live by, and that it is healthy t d s.(在哲学方面,伦理学的研究开始发挥作用。 大多数哲学家都认为,一个人为了发挥作用,应该理性地选择一套行为标准。虽然有道德相对主义,但也有普遍的人类学道德,如引言中所述。根据我们的社会和文化的性质,我们选择我们认为是对的和错的。但令人惊讶的是,这种理性行为在道德上得到了普遍认同。因此,在道德相对主义和道德绝对主义之间有一条细微的界限。但从这场讨论中得到的主要结论是,哲学家们普遍认为,每个人都有理性地提出一套生活准则的权利,而且这样做是健康的)”可推知,作者建议我们雕刻出自己的道德感,以便在这个世界上运作。故选B。
    16.D 17.F 18.G 19.C 20.B
    16.由下一句“The term “slash career” cmes frm the punctuatin mark(标识符)—a slash that cmes between jb titles.”(“斜杠职业”一词来源于标点符号——一种介于多种工作之间的斜杠。)可知,下文提及“斜杠职业”一词,并对其进行了解释说明,可得出该空填写内容应该与引出“斜杠职业”是什么的信息有关,承接下文,D选项“如果你有一份以上的工作,你就是斜杠职业一族。”切题。故选D项。
    17.由上两句“Peple with slash careers ften have a primary jb that prvides fr mst f their needs. The primary jb usually cmes befre the slash.”(有斜杠职业的人通常有一份能满足他们大部分需求的主要工作。主要工作通常在斜杠职业之前。),下一句“This secndary jb can help supplement the persn’s incme.”(第二份工作有助于补充个人收入。)和第三段关于“工作的兴趣爱好”内容可知,主要工作通常在斜杠职业之前,下文就提到了作为斜杠职业的第二份工作,主要工作是赚钱来满足基本生存需求,那么斜杠职业应多与人的兴趣爱好相关,承接上下文,F选项“斜杠后的工作通常是基于一个人的兴趣。”切题;该选项中的“The jb after the slash”对应上文的“The primary jb usually cmes befre the slash”。故选F项。
    18.由上两句“Secndary jbs can be enjyable if they include interests that the primary jb desn’t tuch. Sme peple wh encurage slash careers say they actually help with wrk-life balance.”(如果第二份工作包含了第一份工作所没有的兴趣,那么它就是一种享受。一些鼓励斜杠职业的人说,这实际上有助于平衡工作与生活。)可知,上文说到第二份工作可以提供第一份工作所没有的兴趣,又说它有助于平衡工作与生活,所以后面解释人们选择斜杠职业的原因,第二份工作给予人们表达自我的机会,即符合人们的兴趣所在,才选择斜杠职业,承接上文,G选项“那是因为他们能给人们一个表达自己的机会。”切题。故选G项。
    19.由上一句“On the ther hand, a slash career can be dangerus fr wrk-life balance.”(另一方面,斜杠职业可能对工作与生活的平衡造成危险。)和下一句“One might give up necessary things like relaxatin, exercise r time with ne’s family.”(一个人可能会放弃必要的事情,如放松、锻炼或与家人在一起的时间。)可知,本段讲斜杠职业的缺点,斜杠职业会让人放弃必要的事情,如放松、锻炼或与家人在一起的时间,即斜杠职业(多做一份工作)会占用时间,承接上下文,C选项“做一份以上的工作可以填满你所有的时间。”切题。故选C项。
    20.由下两句“With a slash career, lsing ne’s jb des nt mean lsing ne’s entire incme. Or a secndary jb may be s successful that it can turn int ne’s primary jb.”(有了斜杠职业,失去工作并不意味着失去全部收入。或者第二份工作可能是如此成功,以至于它可以变成一个人的主要工作。)可知,下文全在讲斜杠职业的好处,可得出该空填写内容应与斜杠职业的优点相关,承接下文,B选项“斜杠职业也能使一个人的生活更加稳定。”切题。故选B项。
    21.A 22.B 23.C 24.D 25.A 26.C 27.D 28.D 29.C 30.A 31.D 32.B 33.B 34.A 35.C
    21.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在我五岁的时候,我和她在圣诞节的下午一起去了医院。A. hspital医院;B. schl学校;C. grcery杂货店;D. restaurant餐厅。根据上文提到作者的妈妈在医院工作,结合后文“arund the psychgeriatric ward”可知,作者和妈妈一起去了医院。故选A。
    22.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我真的不想去那里,因为我知道我还没有在家里打开我所有的礼物。A. bks书籍;B. presents礼物;C. suitcases手提箱;D. mailbxes邮箱。根据上文“a Christmas afternn”可知,当天是圣诞节,因此是指拆开收到的礼物。故选B。
    23.考查动词词义辨析。句意:妈妈给了我一大盒巧克力,让我在老年精神科病房分发。A. prmte促进;B. taste品尝;C. distribute分配,分发;D. chse选择。结合后文“perating a "ne fr yu, ne fr me" plicy”可推知,妈妈让作者分发巧克力。故选C。
    24.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们家是那种对零食严格控制的家庭:每周只吃一包薯片。A. examined检查;B. purchased购买;C. frbidden禁止;D. cntrlled控制。根据后文“nly ne packet f crisps a week”可知,作者家对零食严格控制。故选D。
    25.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:因此,被委托给我一大盒巧克力确实是令人兴奋的。A. exciting令人兴奋的;B. upsetting令人沮丧的;C. demanding要求高的;D. cnfusing令人困惑的。上文提到作者家对零食严格控制,如今作者被妈妈安排去分发一盒巧克力,所以这是令人兴奋的事情。故选A。
    26.考查连接词词义辨析。句意:当我从一张床走到另一张床,骄傲地在病房里走来走去,奉行着“你一个,我一个”的原则,心里纳闷,为什么和我交谈的人都理解不了。A. befre在……之前;B. after在……之后;C. as当……时候;D. until直到。此处指作者从一张床走到另一张床,在病房里分发巧克力,表示“当……时候”,应用as引导时间状语从句。故选C。
    27.考查动词短语辨析。句意:当我从一张床走到另一张床,骄傲地在病房里走来走去,奉行着“你一个,我一个”的原则,心里纳闷,为什么和我交谈的人都理解不了。A. fllwed suit跟着做,学样;B. tk ffice就职;C. lst heart灰心;D. made sense有意义。对应后文“I asked Mum why the ld ladies had dlls and why they had talked such nnsense”可知,作者无法理解为什么病人无法理解自己的意思。故选D。
    28.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当你还小的时候,生活中很多事情都是陌生的,你很快就会接受即使是最奇怪的事情也是完全正常的。A. alne独自的;B. ld老的;C. free自由的;D. little小的。此处对应上文“At five”事件发生的时候作者只有五岁,因此是指人还小的时候,little符合语境。故选D。
    29.考查副词词义辨析。句意:当你还小的时候,生活中很多事情都是陌生的,你很快就会接受即使是最奇怪的事情也是完全正常的。A. barely仅仅;B. bitterly苦涩地;C. perfectly完全,完美地;D. hardly几乎不。根据前后文“yu quickly accept even the strangest things as being …. nrmal”可知,人长大后,很快就会接受即使是最奇怪的事情也是完全正常的。故选C。
    30.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但我记得当时觉得奇怪的是,许多上了年纪的妇女都紧紧地抱着洋娃娃和泰迪熊。A. dd奇怪的;B. nice好的;C. right正确的;D. certain必然的。根据后文“s many f these very ld wmen were hlding dllies and teddy bears tight”可知,作者当时觉得奇怪,因为许多上了年纪的妇女都紧紧地抱着洋娃娃和泰迪熊。也呼应上文“s much f life is new and strange”。故选A。
    31.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在回家的路上,吃完所有的巧克力后我感到有点不舒服,我问妈妈为什么老太太们有洋娃娃,为什么她们说这样的废话。A. frtunate幸运的;B. energetic精力充沛的;C. uncnscius无意识的;D. uncmfrtable不舒服的。根据后文“after all the chclates”可知,此处指吃完巧克力以后感觉不舒服。故选D。
    32.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我不记得她确切的解释了,但我了解到,他们中的大多数人都没有家人,也不接待访客。A. reactin反应;B. explanatin解释;C. instructin指令;D. mtivatin动机。根据上文“I asked Mum why the ld ladies had dlls and why they had talked such nnsense”可知,作者提出了自己的疑问,所以母亲给出解释。故选B。
    33.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我不记得她确切的解释了,但我了解到,他们中的大多数人都没有家人,也不接待访客。A. cnsultants顾问;B. visitrs访客;C. hnur荣誉;D. treatment治疗。根据上文“I learned that mst f them had n family, and received n”可知,作者了解到很多病人都没有家人,也没有访客来看他们。故选B。
    34.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:那个圣诞节教会了我不要害怕有精神疾病的人。A. mental精神的;B. deadly致命的;C. cmmn普通的;D. infectius传染的。此处呼应上文“arund the psychgeriatric ward”指有精神疾病的人。故选A。
    35.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:即使我妈妈在病房忙碌的时候,把我放在她办公室外走廊的手推车上,我也不会感到困扰。A. satisfied满意的;B. embarrassed尴尬的;C. bthered烦恼的;D. relieved放心的。根据上文“That Christmas taught me nt t be afraid f peple with”可知,作者从这件事中学到了不再害怕有精神疾病的人,因此当妈妈在病房忙碌没时间管自己时,作者也不会再为此烦恼。故选C。
    36.n/upn 37.had analyzed/analyzed 38.is prcessed 39.entirely 40.which 41.amunts 42.higher 43.addictin 44.seen 45.hwever/thugh
    36.考查介词和固定搭配。句意:2018年,Planta Medica发表了一篇对之前关于巧克力对情绪影响的研究的综述。在名词effect后应用介词n或者upn表示“对……的影响”。故填n/upn。
    37.考查一般过去时或过去完成时。句意:作者发现,很少有研究分析参与者摄入的巧克力的化学成分。根据The authrs fund可知,此处是指过去的事,应用一般过去时。有研究分析参与者摄入的巧克力的化学成分是指发生在fund之前的时,所以也可以用过去完成时。故填had analyzed/analyzed。
    38.考查被动语态和一般现在时。句意:研究报告的作者说,这一点很重要,因为根据巧克力的加工方式,比如烘焙温度和时间,巧克力中所含的化学物质差别很大。根据“because chemicals present in chclate vary widely”可知,此处描述客观事实,所以用一般现在时。动词prcess(加工)和it构成被动关系。故填is prcessed。
    41.考查名词复数和固定搭配。句意:但是,正如2018年的综述指出的那样,巧克力中只有微量的anandamide,而且它分解得很快。amunts f意为“大量的”,为固定搭配。故填amunts。
    42.考查比较级。句意:2015年的一项研究将高巧克力摄入量与较低的心脏病风险联系起来。根据“a lwer risk”可知,此处应用比较级。故填higher。
    45.考查连词。句意:然而,这些研究并不是结论性的。“The studies were nt cnclusive”和前文“chclate prduced neurbilgical changes similar t thse seen with drug use”构成转折关系。所以此处可用连词hwever/thugh表示“然而”。故填hwever/thugh。
    46.Bk exchange n campus
    A bk-exchange activity was held last Friday afternn n the playgrund with the aim f inspiring an interest in reading amng students n campus.
    Mre than 1,000 students tk part in the activity. We brught ur bks alng fr exchanging with thers. We als shared ideas abut the bks t read and then gt the nes we favred.
    We believed that we all benefited frm the activity and it served as a stage fr yung peple t find their bks and meet new friends with the same interest.
    3. 表明活动反响。
    第二步:列提纲 (重点词组)
    a bk-exchange activity; with the aim f inspiring an interest in reading; amng students n campus; take part in the activity; bring…alng fr; get the nes we favred; benefit frm; serve as a stage fr.
    1.A bk-exchange activity was held last Friday afternn n the playgrund with the aim f inspiring an interest in reading amng students n campus.
    2. We als shared ideas abut the bks t read and then gt the nes we favred.
    3. We believed that we all benefited frm the activity and it served as a stage fr yung peple t find their bks and meet new friends with the same interest.
    1.表文章结构顺序:First, Secnd, Finally
    2.表并列补充关系:Besides, Mrever
    【点睛】[高分句型1]We als shared ideas abut the bks t read and then gt the nes we favred.(限制性定语从句)
    [高分句型2]We believed that we all benefited frm the activity and it served as a stage fr yung peple t find their bks and meet new friends with the same interest.(宾语从句)
    47.Finally, she sptted Clay. He was sitting n the grund, bld running dwn his face. “Clay,” she called in an anxius vice. “What’s wrng? Have yu brken anything?” With a cnfused lk n his face, Clay just stared at her and culdn’t remember anything that had happened. Perhaps the rpe he’d been hlding had snapped, r maybe he’d just missed a step, but it was clear he’d fallen a lng way. Acaimie had t stay calm fr Clay, but inside she was in great panic, wrried that he had internal injuries that culd kill him.
    Acaimie had t push thse thughts away and fcus n what she culd d. She helped him up, had him hld the rpe tight and pushed him frm behind. Inch by inch, they climbed. After what felt like frever, they reached the tp. As they made their way dwn the trail, Clay’s breathing became mre labured. Acaimie kept shuting fr help, but they didn’t see anyne. Thankfully, abut halfway dwn she managed t get a signal and call an ambulance. T their relief, by the time they reached the bttm, the ambulance was waiting fr them.
    2.续写线索: 上山—遇险 —呼救—相救—即将得救
    ②.关注:fcus n/pay attentin t/cncentrate n
    ①.焦虑:anxius/nervus/with anxiety
    【点睛】[高分句型1].With a cnfused lk n his face, Clay just stared at her and culdn’t remember anything that had happened.(with的复合结构)
    [高分句型2]. After what felt like frever, they reached the tp. (宾语从句)

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