Unit2 Great people 知识点归纳总结课件 2022-2023学年译林版英语九年级下册
这是一份Unit2 Great people 知识点归纳总结课件 2022-2023学年译林版英语九年级下册,共45页。
9BUnit2 Great peopleWelcome to the Unit1.invent(v.)发明(原本没有的东西) invented-inventing 被发明:be inventedinventor (n.)发明者,发明家, an inventor--or 结尾的: director, visitor , actor, survivor, collector--er runner, swimmer, shopper,--ist artist, pianist, scientistinvention (s) 发明物(cn.) / 创意(un.)discover发现:原本存在的东西 被发现 be discoveredcreate (v.)创造 create the characters 创造人物create over 1000 inventions 创造了1000多项发明1.)The boy found his lost dog at last(找到).2.)The teacher wanted to found out who had broken the door.(查出)3.)Edison didn’t discover(发现) electricity(电), but invented(发明) the light bulb(电灯泡). 2.explorer(s) (n.)探险者,考察者 an explorer explore (v.) 探索,考察 explored– exploring3. a fighter for the rights of black Africans all his life 一个一生为争取非洲黑人权利的斗士fighter(s) (n.) 斗士,战斗者,战斗机firefighter(s) 消防员fight(v.)战斗,打架 – fought - foughtfight against sb. 与某人对抗/斗争fight for sth. 为争取… 而斗争fight with sb about sth 因某事与某人争辩fight with sb 与…某人打架★ right (n.)权利,右边 (adj.)右边的,恰当的,正确的(adv.)正确地,恰好有权利做某事 have right to do sth/of doing sth★一生中 all one’s life在某人的一生中:in one’s life 失去/救某人生命 lose/save one’s life苏醒 , 复活 come to life 充满生机 full of life4.Italian(s) (cn.) 意大利人, (un.)意大利语 Italian (adj.) 意大利的,意大利人的★Italy(国名)意大利 一位意大利人 an Italian 讲意大利语 speak Italian来自意大利 come/be from Italy 5.one of the first Europeans to discover America第一批发现美洲的欧洲人之一European(s) (n.)欧洲人, (adj.) 欧洲的, 欧洲人的Europe (n.)欧洲 一个欧洲人 a European 一个欧洲的国家 a European country★ 1)Asia(亚洲) / Asian(亚洲的,亚洲人) Africa(非洲) / African(非洲的,非洲人)China/Chinese(中国的,中国人) / Chinese(中文)Germany(德国) / German(德国的,德国人 ,德语)France(法国) / French (法国的,法语) Frenchman- Frenchmen(法国人)England(英国) / English(英国的,英语)Englishman-Englishmen 英国人America(美国,美洲) / American(美国的,美国人) Australia(澳大利亚)/Australian(澳大利亚的,澳大利亚人 Russia(俄罗斯)/Russian (俄罗斯的,俄罗斯人,俄语) 两名俄国人two Russians 讲俄语 speak Russian 6.I’ve never heard of him. hear-heard-heard1.)hear of 后接单词或短语, 听说(人或某事) I heard of the song/man.我听说过这首歌/这个人.2.) hear about后接单词或短语 ,听说(某事)I have just heard about his family.3.) hear 听说, 但后接句子 I hear that he comes from Australia.4.)hear from 收到某人的来信 =get a letter from sb/ receive a letter from sb5.)hear sb doing sth 听见某人正在做某事 hear sb do sth 听见某人经常做某事或做了某事7.South African 南非人 ,南非的The South Africans fought for their rights.South Africa 南非(国家)8.Who do you think is the greatest person in history?你认为谁是历史上最伟大的人?1.)do you think是插入语2.)What do you think we should do to protect the environment?3.) Which do you think is the best programme last night?4.) in history 在历史上9.改变我们生活的方式 change the way we live10.中国空间技术项目的先驱 the pioneer of China’s space technology programmeReading1.He became interested in flying when he took his first flight at the age of six. 出生于… (年/月) be born in ….; 出生于… (日) be born on….生孩子 give birth to a child在某人…岁时when sb is/was … = at the age of ….在出生时 at birth = when sb was born那个男孩五岁就会游泳了。The boy could swim at the age of 5.= The boy could swim when he was 5 years old.★ be/become interested in…=take/have /show an interest in …对….感兴趣某人第一次坐飞机 take one’s first flight / planeWe met on a flight from London to Paris.2.获得飞行学员证 receive one’s student pilot’s licence1.)pilot(s) (n) 飞行员 a test pilot 试飞员 as (the) command pilot 作为飞行指挥(员)2.)licence = license(n/) 执照,许可证驾驶执照,驾驶证 a driving licence = a driver’s licence3.参军(海军/ 陆军) join the navy / armynavy (n.) 海军 army 陆军 air force 空军,空中力量join参加, 主要指加入某个组织(如军队,党派, 社团, 协会等), 成为其中一员. join the Party / League 入党/人团 join in…=take part in…. +某活动 join sb 加入某人 attend 出席,参加 4.服役担任飞行员三年 serve as a pilot for three yearsserve(vi. & vt.) 服役; 服务, 招待1.)serve as…担任… serve as a pilot / a driver2.) serve as… 充当… The large box in his room can serve as a desk too.他房间里的那只大箱子也可以充当课桌用.2.) serve服役 serve in the army 在军队服役3.) serve 服务 serve sb =be at one’s service 为某人服务/效劳为国家/人民服务 serve the country / the people4.)serve 招待 serve you in a better way5.) serve 供应 The restaurant serves nice food.Rice noodles are only served in the morning.6.)上(一道)菜 serve a dish ★ service(n.)工作,服务在使用中 (be) in service = (be) in use 不使用,停止服务 (be) out of service提供高水平的服务 provide a high level of service5.成为一名试飞员 become a test pilot测试各式各样的航天器 test all types of aircraft test (v.) 测试,检验 (n.)测验,试验1.) take a test =test 参加测试2.) pass/fail a test 通过/没有通过测试3.) give us a test to test our spelling给我们来一次小测验来测试我们的拼写★ all types/kinds of … 各种各样 different types/kinds of… 不同种类的6.被选中成为一名宇航员be chosen to become/be an astronaut astronaut (n.)宇航员 spaceman/spacemen) an astronaut many astronauts7.进入太空 go into space 在太空 in space 外太空 outer space in person 亲自 in public 在公共场合8. manage to join two spacecraft together for the first time 设法将两个航天器首次成功对接1.)manage to do sth设法做成某事=do sth successfully=succeed in doing sth=be successful in doing sthHe managed to get away from the prison.manage (v.)经营,管理 manager(n.) 经理2.)try to do sth.尽力做某事,强调动作,不知道此事能否做She tried to finish her homework in one hour, but she failed. 3.) for the first time 第一次9. However, on their way back to the Earth , the spacecraft began spinning out of control.然而,在他们返回地球途中,宇宙飞船开始失控地快速旋转.1.) on one’s/the way to…在某人去…路上. 当后接表示地点的副词时,要省去toon their way to the cinema.on my way home\here\there2.)out of control 失去控制,无法管理. The machine was out of control.beyond control难以控制 under control 被控制住out of order出故障 out of danger脱离危险 out of breath上气不接下气 out of reach够不着out of date过时的,陈旧的 out of shape变形,走样out of practice 生疏/荒废 out of kindness 处于好意 remote control 遥控(器)3.)control (v.)控制,掌管,支配controlling--controlledAt the age of 21, he controlled the company. 他21岁时掌管了公司.The firefighters are controlling the forest fire.消防员们正在控制这场森林大火.4.) spin(v.)快速旋转 spun-spun-spinning 转动球/硬币/轮子 spin a ball / coin / wheel我觉得天旋地转. My head is spinning.注意下列双写的动词:shut-shut-shut-shuttingcommit,kidnap, control,cancel5.) begin/start doing / to do sth. 开始做某事 10.He received the order to cut the flight short.他接到缩短航程的指令.order (n.) 命令, 要求, 指挥, 顺序; 点菜;订单1.)命令(n./v.) 收到 /下达 /服从命令 receive / give / obey an order/ orders 命令某人(不)做某事 order sb (not) to do sth2.)顺序 使… 井然有序 keep sth in (good) order 将… 按正确顺序排列 put sth in the right order 3.)点菜 请问你们准备好点菜了吗? May I take your order?= Are you ready to order? 4.) 指挥 听从某人的指挥 take orders from sb5.)预定 预订一顿饭 order a meal6.) 订单 receive an order for 2000 machine tools ★缩短,截短 cut sth. short缩短(飞行)航程 cut the flight short将它/它们缩短/截短 cut it/them short把我头发剪短 cut my hair short长话短说 cut a long story short缩短假期 cut short his holiday cut down 砍倒;削减 cut down pollution 减少污染 cut in on sb/sth 打断,打搅(某人,某事)cut off 切断, 隔断(电话通话) cut out剪去\剪下来 cut out a butterfly from the picture cut off 切碎11. He successfully brought the spacecraft down into the western Pacific Ocean.他成功地使宇宙飞船落入西太平洋。1.) bring down=land使…降落 bring it / them down 使飞机安全降落 bring the plane down safely=land the plane safely2.) land(vt./vi)-landed (使)着陆, (使)降落他将飞机降落在/到地上 He landed the plane on /onto the ground飞机将在北京降落. The plane will land in Beijing.★ land (n.)陆地, 大地, 土地 on land 在陆地上 (此处land 为名词,没有a/the)3.) Pacific (adj.) 太平洋的太平洋 the Pacific Ocean / the Pacific★大西洋 the Atlantic Ocean 印度洋 the Indian Ocean北冰洋 the Arctic Ocean4.) ocean(n.) 海洋 sea 大海 ★ 海洋比大海更大12. Together with Buzz Aldrin, he landed the spacecraft Apollo 11 on the Moon.他和巴兹.奥尔德林一起将阿波罗11号宇宙飞船降落在月球上.1.)together with 与… 一起, 连同, 位置比较灵活, 可以放在句首, 句中,句尾或主语后,但谓语动词的单复数形式要与主语保持一致(类似短语as well as, like像, except , along with, with, besides,including…).The teacher together with some students is visiting the factory.我和他工作都很努力.He as well as I works very hard.莉莉和其他的女孩一样,喜欢漂亮的衣服. Lily like other girls loves beautiful clothes.除了Jim和Peter 每个人都在班级。Everyone except Jim and Peter is in the classroom.13. On 20 July 1969, Armstrong became the first man to walk on the Moon.1969年7月20日, 阿姆斯特朗成为第一个登上月球的人。成为第一个做某事的人 be/ become the first person (man/woman) to do sth 江先生成为这个镇上第一个拥有机器人的人。Mr Jiang became the first person to own a robot in the town. 14. He said the famous words“ one small step for (a) man, one giant leap for mankind ” as he stepped out onto the Moon’s surface.当他走出机舱踏上月球表面时,他说了那句名言:对于个人是一小步,对于人类是一大步。”★ 1.)step(v.)-stepped-stepping 走,跨步,踩, 踏 踏出,出去 step out 从… 中踏出来 step out of…. 踏入 step into …. 踏入河中 step into the river踏出来到…上 step out onto…踏上,踩上..step on..踩着某人的脚 step on one’s foot踏上成功之路 step on the road to success2.) step(s) (n.) 一步,步骤,台阶 迈了一步 take a step他朝门口迈了一步。He took a step towards the door.循序渐进 step by step 采取这些步骤 take the steps 爬上台阶 climb (up) the steps我们在地面上发现了熊的足迹。We found the steps of a bear on the ground.3.)leap(n.) 跳跃,跃升 一个巨大的跳跃 a giant leap take a flying leap 4.)leap(vi.) 跳,跳跃 leap--leaped-leaped-leapingleap--leapt--leapt—leaping三思而后行 Look before you leap./ Think twice.一只海豚跃出水面.A dolphin leapt out of the water.我们跳过了那条小溪.We leaped over the steam.5.) giant(adj.)巨大的,伟大的 (n.) 巨人,伟人 big-large-huge-giant他是个巨人.He is a giant of a man .大熊猫 giant panda(s) 6.)surface(cn.)表面,表层 …的表面 the surface of …月面,月球表面the Moon’s surface = the surface of the Moon在表面上,从外表看 on the surface On the surface, he appeared unchanged. 14.They collected Moon rocks to take back to the Earth for further research. 他们采集了月球岩石带回地球作进一步研究.1.)take back 带回, 拿回. back 是副词, 当宾语为代词时,位于中间. She took them back to the boat.2.) further(adj. )更多的,进一步的 far-farther-farthest far-further-furthest farther 距离较远/ 更远further距离较远/更远,further也可表示程度深.更近一步为了进一步的学习,进修,深造 for further study 为了进一步的研究 for further research 进一步的信息 further informationI am tired, I can’t walk any further (adv.)15.Because of his excellent service, he was presented with the Medal of Freedom, the highest award (that a US citizen can receive.)因为他的出色表现, 他被授予自由勋章—一个美国公民可得的最高奖励1.)the Medal of Freedom自由勋章2.) present (v.)授予, 赠与,提交 授予某人某物 present sth to sb=present sb with sthsth be presented to sb=sb be presented with sth3.)礼物 present=gift (n.) / present(n.)目前, 现在 receive many Christmas presents4.) present (adj.)在场的,出席的5.) at present=now 现在,目前5.) citizen(s)(n.) 公民,市民 netizen(s) 网民 许多市民 many citizens16.He was the pride of the whole world. 他是全世界的骄傲.pride(n.)骄傲,可引以为豪的人或物proud 形容词:骄傲的,自豪的1) be the pride of … 是…的自豪/骄傲2.)take pride in sb./ (doing)sth. 对..感到自豪/骄傲= be/feel proud of sb / (doing) sth3.)(因) 做某事而感到自豪/骄傲 be /feel proud to do sth.今天我以学校为自豪,明日学校将以我的成功为自豪.I am proud of my school today and tomorrow my school will take pride in my success. 17.What did Armstrong mean by his famous words…? 阿姆斯特朗的名言…是什么意思?1.)What did/does /do the world mean by…? …什么意思? What does the word mean?=what’s the meaning of the word?18.mankind 人类 (总称),前不加任何限定词.human(n.)人类(强调人群), (adj.)人类的 human friends human being 人,人类(强调个人)human(n.)=human beings man (n.)人类 Grammar1.I am working on a history project this week.这周我在做一个历史课题. work on 致力于, 从事于操作电脑/在电脑上工作 work on the computer他正在忙着写一本新词典.He is working on a new dictionary.work on 继续工作,不断工作,奏效经理昨晚在办公室一直工作到十点.The manager worked on in the office until 10 o’clock last night.work out 计算出,制定出,想出 work as… 担任work at 致力于… work for…为…效力2.Dad is searching for information on the internet.search for sb / sth=look for sb/sth 寻找… search sth for sb/sth 为寻找某人/某物而搜某物消防队员在建筑物中搜寻幸存者.The firefighter searched the buildings for survivors.= The firefighter searched for survivors in the buildings.search(vt.)搜身 search sb for sth 搜某人的身来找某物The guard searched him for the lost necklace.门卫搜他的身来找那条丢失的项链。3.In the past, people washed their clothes by hand. 在过去,人们用手洗衣服.by hand 手工 He wrote the letters by hand.含有hand的短语:归还 hand back 上交,提交 hand in hand it/them in to sb分发,散发 hand out=give out 传递,交付 hand on把…送交,交出 hand over 手拉手 hand by hand帮某人一把give sb a (helping) hand=help sb一方面…,另一方面on one hand, on the other hand握手shake one’s hand=shake hands with sb4.在古时候 in ancient times5.帮助他们将鱼或肉保存的时间更长help them keep fish or meat for a longer time6.有更多时间休闲/放松 have more time to relax7.给某人写封邮件email sb= write an email to sb.8.在线购物shop online = shop on the Internet9. 打开电脑,检查邮件turn on the computer and check the email10.整个晚上the whole night/evening = all the night /evening11. 在网站上看文章read passages on the website12. 跟某人在电话上交谈talk to/with sb on the phone / telephone13. 参加一项竞赛 take part in / join in a competition14.在夏季数小时后就会变质 go bad in summer in a few hours15.随着洗衣机的发明 with the invention of the washing machine16. 有更多时间休闲/放松 have more time to relax17.使得旅程/旅行更舒适 make journeys more comfortableIntegrated skills1.She married a French scientist called Pierre Curie in 1895. marry (v.)嫁;娶;与….结婚 marry- married married (adj.) 已婚的 marry作不及物动词,结婚 marry sb (没有 to/with) 嫁给/娶了某人, 与…结婚 Sb be/get married to sb (不是 with)与某人结婚John married Mary last week.=John got/was married to Mary last weekThey have been married for two years.(与一段时间连用,用 be married)2. died in 1934, aged 67 aged (adj.) 常作表语,后跟数字一位16岁的女孩 a girl aged 16 / at the age of 16她有两个孩子,年龄分别是11岁和14岁。She has two children, aged eleven and fourteen.aged (adj.) 作定语,年老的 他有一位上了年纪的父亲He has an aged father. 3. science (n.) 科学 scientist(s) (n.) 科学家 scientific (adj.)科学的The chief scientist will give a speech on space science this weekend.He is very successful in scientific research.这位首席科学家本周末将要作一个关于太空科学的讲座。他在科研方面是非常成功的. 4. mathematics(n.) 数学= math = maths数学家 mathematician(s) 5. laboratory– laboratories 实验室, 缩略为:lab – labs6.professor(s) (n.) 教授与人名连用时可以缩略为: Prof. Professor / Prof. Zhang 一位物理学教授a professor of Physics=a Physics professor7. the discovery of radium 镭的发现 discovery (n.)-discoveries 发现,发现物 (v.)discover两个重大发现 two great discoveries某物的发现 the discovery of sth. (美国) 发现频道 Discovery Channel (大写)8. It was brave of him to go to a place that was unknown to humans at that time.他很勇敢到一个当时人类未知的地方去.从句that was unknown to humans at that time 作定语,修饰place。unknown(adj.)未知的,不出名的 known(adj.) 已知的,出名的 a known/famous scientist be unknown/ known to sb(不)为人所知 一位名不见经传的/不知名的作家 an unknown writer一切 (所有情况)仍然不为人知Everything remains unknown. un--unable-unhappy-unusual-uncertain-unpopularin-inactive-incorrect im-impolite-impatient-impossibledis- dishonest-dislike-disappear-disagree9.她丈夫的去世her husband’s death = the death of her husband★ pass away = die =the loss of sb=lose one’s life★ lose sth = the loss of sth10.She also pushed for the use of X-ray machines, which are now widely used in hospitals.她还推动了X光设备的使用,这些设备现已在医院广泛应用.从句 which are now widely used in hospitals 作定语,是非限制性定语从句,对主句中的 X-ray machines 起补充说明的作用。1.)wide (adj.)广泛的,宽的(adv.)充分地 width(n.)宽度widely (adv.) 广泛地,普遍地 widely常位于被动语态结构被广泛应用/使用 be widely used英语说得最广泛。(普及率最高) English is (the) most widely spoken.The bridge is 8 metres wide=It is an 8-metre-wide bridge.Fish sleep with their eyes wide (充分地) open.2.) push for 推动,推行,促进 push(v.)推-pull(v.)拉China Dream is a great way to gather people together and push for the fast development of our country. “中国梦”是凝聚人民和推动我们国家快速发展的一个伟大途径. 推撞 push against 推迟,延迟push back插队 push in 推倒 push over向上推push up 向下推 push down11.在她的一生中两次获得诺贝尔奖win the Nobel Prize twice during her lifetime获得诺贝尔物理学奖win the Nobel Prize for Physics12.故事的结局 the end of the story世界末日 the end of the world13.不在那里(没能到场)与她分享喜悦be not there to share the joy with her14.I admire him the most.我最钦佩他.最钦佩某人 admire sb (the) most因某事而钦佩某人/某事 admire sb/sth for sth. 钦佩某人做某事 admire sb for doing sthStudy skills-Task1.大嘴巴,爱说闲话 have a big mouth2. 在困境中 in the soup / in trouble3. 信不信由你 believe it or not4. 碰巧与一个拥有魔法本领的闻名世界的男孩同名时happen to share the name of a world-famous boy with magic powers5. 接到来自孩子们和电视台的电话 get phone callsfrom both children and TV stations6.不是某人的所爱,不合某人心意 be not sb’s cup of tea 是某人的所爱 be sb’s cup of tea7. happen to do sth. 碰巧做某事我们打电话时她刚巧不在家。She happened to be out when we called.8.死于饥饿 die of hungerdie of 死于疾病,饥饿,衰老等内部原因,die of heart / disease/cancerdie from指环境或外部原因造成的死忙, die from an earthquake / an accident hunger (n.)饥饿, 渴望,渴求 hungry (adj.)饥饿的 a hunger for knowledge / information / success 对知识/信息/成功的渴望饥饿的孩子们 the hungry children9.Contribution: his achievements have increased rice production by 20%—30%,and in some placeseven more.贡献:他的成就使水稻产量增长20%-30,在一些地方甚至更多.contribute (v.)- contribution (n.) 贡献为…作出贡献make a contribution to (doing) sth每个人都应当为保护环境做贡献。 Everyone should make a contribution to (介词) protecting the environment. ★ increase (vt.) 增加 (n.)增加,增多 increase-increased-increased- increasing增加了…increase by +倍/百分之…增加到……increase to +数字 这个镇的人口增长了5%。The population of this town has increased by 5%. 人口已经增长到了180万。 The population has increased to 1.8 million. 减少了 reduce by+ 倍/百分之…减少到 reduce to + +数字 10.较其他的有很多优点 have many advantages over othersadvantage(n.)优势,有利条件 disadvantage(n.)缺点,劣势利用… take advantage of…具有…的有利条件 have the advantage of…与…相比有某种优势,优于 have the/an advantage over…他个子高,比其他运动员有优势.Being tall gave him an advantage over the other players.11.He spend all his life on the research and development of better rice plants.他将其一生都花在更好的水稻稻株的研究和培育上. develop(v.) 发展 ,成长 development (v.)发展a developed country 发达国家a developing country发展中国家with the development of …随着…的发展With the development of science, computers will be used more widely.随着科学的发展,计算机将被更广泛地使用. 12.That is why I admire him so much.这就是我如此钦佩他的原因。That is why…这就是…的原因,后接某事产生的结果,此处why 引导表语从句.That is because…后接某事发生的原因,那是因为…--She is so kind. That is why I like her so much.--No wonder she has so many friends.她如此善良,这就是我如此喜欢她的原因.难怪她有如此多的朋友。Tom was late for work this morning. That is because he overslept.汤姆今天早晨上班迟到了,那是原因他睡过了头.13.produce(v.)生产,制造 producer(n.)制片人,制造商product(n.)产品 production(n.)生产,产量14.one after another 一个接一个地,陆续地15.be introduced into…被引进16.move to+地点 移居到某地 move from…to…从…搬到…17.解决了许多人的饥饿问题solve the problem of hunger for many people18.被认为杂交水稻之父be considered the Father of Hybrid Rice19.开始从事杂交水稻研究begin research into hybrid rice20.研发了一种新型的杂交水稻develop a new type of hybrid rice plant21.在几乎十年的努力工作之后After nearly 10 years of hard work22.主要事件major events23.每单位水稻比其他普通种类多生产20%produce 20% more rice per unit than other common kinds
9BUnit2 Great peopleWelcome to the Unit1.invent(v.)发明(原本没有的东西) invented-inventing 被发明:be inventedinventor (n.)发明者,发明家, an inventor--or 结尾的: director, visitor , actor, survivor, collector--er runner, swimmer, shopper,--ist artist, pianist, scientistinvention (s) 发明物(cn.) / 创意(un.)discover发现:原本存在的东西 被发现 be discoveredcreate (v.)创造 create the characters 创造人物create over 1000 inventions 创造了1000多项发明1.)The boy found his lost dog at last(找到).2.)The teacher wanted to found out who had broken the door.(查出)3.)Edison didn’t discover(发现) electricity(电), but invented(发明) the light bulb(电灯泡). 2.explorer(s) (n.)探险者,考察者 an explorer explore (v.) 探索,考察 explored– exploring3. a fighter for the rights of black Africans all his life 一个一生为争取非洲黑人权利的斗士fighter(s) (n.) 斗士,战斗者,战斗机firefighter(s) 消防员fight(v.)战斗,打架 – fought - foughtfight against sb. 与某人对抗/斗争fight for sth. 为争取… 而斗争fight with sb about sth 因某事与某人争辩fight with sb 与…某人打架★ right (n.)权利,右边 (adj.)右边的,恰当的,正确的(adv.)正确地,恰好有权利做某事 have right to do sth/of doing sth★一生中 all one’s life在某人的一生中:in one’s life 失去/救某人生命 lose/save one’s life苏醒 , 复活 come to life 充满生机 full of life4.Italian(s) (cn.) 意大利人, (un.)意大利语 Italian (adj.) 意大利的,意大利人的★Italy(国名)意大利 一位意大利人 an Italian 讲意大利语 speak Italian来自意大利 come/be from Italy 5.one of the first Europeans to discover America第一批发现美洲的欧洲人之一European(s) (n.)欧洲人, (adj.) 欧洲的, 欧洲人的Europe (n.)欧洲 一个欧洲人 a European 一个欧洲的国家 a European country★ 1)Asia(亚洲) / Asian(亚洲的,亚洲人) Africa(非洲) / African(非洲的,非洲人)China/Chinese(中国的,中国人) / Chinese(中文)Germany(德国) / German(德国的,德国人 ,德语)France(法国) / French (法国的,法语) Frenchman- Frenchmen(法国人)England(英国) / English(英国的,英语)Englishman-Englishmen 英国人America(美国,美洲) / American(美国的,美国人) Australia(澳大利亚)/Australian(澳大利亚的,澳大利亚人 Russia(俄罗斯)/Russian (俄罗斯的,俄罗斯人,俄语) 两名俄国人two Russians 讲俄语 speak Russian 6.I’ve never heard of him. hear-heard-heard1.)hear of 后接单词或短语, 听说(人或某事) I heard of the song/man.我听说过这首歌/这个人.2.) hear about后接单词或短语 ,听说(某事)I have just heard about his family.3.) hear 听说, 但后接句子 I hear that he comes from Australia.4.)hear from 收到某人的来信 =get a letter from sb/ receive a letter from sb5.)hear sb doing sth 听见某人正在做某事 hear sb do sth 听见某人经常做某事或做了某事7.South African 南非人 ,南非的The South Africans fought for their rights.South Africa 南非(国家)8.Who do you think is the greatest person in history?你认为谁是历史上最伟大的人?1.)do you think是插入语2.)What do you think we should do to protect the environment?3.) Which do you think is the best programme last night?4.) in history 在历史上9.改变我们生活的方式 change the way we live10.中国空间技术项目的先驱 the pioneer of China’s space technology programmeReading1.He became interested in flying when he took his first flight at the age of six. 出生于… (年/月) be born in ….; 出生于… (日) be born on….生孩子 give birth to a child在某人…岁时when sb is/was … = at the age of ….在出生时 at birth = when sb was born那个男孩五岁就会游泳了。The boy could swim at the age of 5.= The boy could swim when he was 5 years old.★ be/become interested in…=take/have /show an interest in …对….感兴趣某人第一次坐飞机 take one’s first flight / planeWe met on a flight from London to Paris.2.获得飞行学员证 receive one’s student pilot’s licence1.)pilot(s) (n) 飞行员 a test pilot 试飞员 as (the) command pilot 作为飞行指挥(员)2.)licence = license(n/) 执照,许可证驾驶执照,驾驶证 a driving licence = a driver’s licence3.参军(海军/ 陆军) join the navy / armynavy (n.) 海军 army 陆军 air force 空军,空中力量join参加, 主要指加入某个组织(如军队,党派, 社团, 协会等), 成为其中一员. join the Party / League 入党/人团 join in…=take part in…. +某活动 join sb 加入某人 attend 出席,参加 4.服役担任飞行员三年 serve as a pilot for three yearsserve(vi. & vt.) 服役; 服务, 招待1.)serve as…担任… serve as a pilot / a driver2.) serve as… 充当… The large box in his room can serve as a desk too.他房间里的那只大箱子也可以充当课桌用.2.) serve服役 serve in the army 在军队服役3.) serve 服务 serve sb =be at one’s service 为某人服务/效劳为国家/人民服务 serve the country / the people4.)serve 招待 serve you in a better way5.) serve 供应 The restaurant serves nice food.Rice noodles are only served in the morning.6.)上(一道)菜 serve a dish ★ service(n.)工作,服务在使用中 (be) in service = (be) in use 不使用,停止服务 (be) out of service提供高水平的服务 provide a high level of service5.成为一名试飞员 become a test pilot测试各式各样的航天器 test all types of aircraft test (v.) 测试,检验 (n.)测验,试验1.) take a test =test 参加测试2.) pass/fail a test 通过/没有通过测试3.) give us a test to test our spelling给我们来一次小测验来测试我们的拼写★ all types/kinds of … 各种各样 different types/kinds of… 不同种类的6.被选中成为一名宇航员be chosen to become/be an astronaut astronaut (n.)宇航员 spaceman/spacemen) an astronaut many astronauts7.进入太空 go into space 在太空 in space 外太空 outer space in person 亲自 in public 在公共场合8. manage to join two spacecraft together for the first time 设法将两个航天器首次成功对接1.)manage to do sth设法做成某事=do sth successfully=succeed in doing sth=be successful in doing sthHe managed to get away from the prison.manage (v.)经营,管理 manager(n.) 经理2.)try to do sth.尽力做某事,强调动作,不知道此事能否做She tried to finish her homework in one hour, but she failed. 3.) for the first time 第一次9. However, on their way back to the Earth , the spacecraft began spinning out of control.然而,在他们返回地球途中,宇宙飞船开始失控地快速旋转.1.) on one’s/the way to…在某人去…路上. 当后接表示地点的副词时,要省去toon their way to the cinema.on my way home\here\there2.)out of control 失去控制,无法管理. The machine was out of control.beyond control难以控制 under control 被控制住out of order出故障 out of danger脱离危险 out of breath上气不接下气 out of reach够不着out of date过时的,陈旧的 out of shape变形,走样out of practice 生疏/荒废 out of kindness 处于好意 remote control 遥控(器)3.)control (v.)控制,掌管,支配controlling--controlledAt the age of 21, he controlled the company. 他21岁时掌管了公司.The firefighters are controlling the forest fire.消防员们正在控制这场森林大火.4.) spin(v.)快速旋转 spun-spun-spinning 转动球/硬币/轮子 spin a ball / coin / wheel我觉得天旋地转. My head is spinning.注意下列双写的动词:shut-shut-shut-shuttingcommit,kidnap, control,cancel5.) begin/start doing / to do sth. 开始做某事 10.He received the order to cut the flight short.他接到缩短航程的指令.order (n.) 命令, 要求, 指挥, 顺序; 点菜;订单1.)命令(n./v.) 收到 /下达 /服从命令 receive / give / obey an order/ orders 命令某人(不)做某事 order sb (not) to do sth2.)顺序 使… 井然有序 keep sth in (good) order 将… 按正确顺序排列 put sth in the right order 3.)点菜 请问你们准备好点菜了吗? May I take your order?= Are you ready to order? 4.) 指挥 听从某人的指挥 take orders from sb5.)预定 预订一顿饭 order a meal6.) 订单 receive an order for 2000 machine tools ★缩短,截短 cut sth. short缩短(飞行)航程 cut the flight short将它/它们缩短/截短 cut it/them short把我头发剪短 cut my hair short长话短说 cut a long story short缩短假期 cut short his holiday cut down 砍倒;削减 cut down pollution 减少污染 cut in on sb/sth 打断,打搅(某人,某事)cut off 切断, 隔断(电话通话) cut out剪去\剪下来 cut out a butterfly from the picture cut off 切碎11. He successfully brought the spacecraft down into the western Pacific Ocean.他成功地使宇宙飞船落入西太平洋。1.) bring down=land使…降落 bring it / them down 使飞机安全降落 bring the plane down safely=land the plane safely2.) land(vt./vi)-landed (使)着陆, (使)降落他将飞机降落在/到地上 He landed the plane on /onto the ground飞机将在北京降落. The plane will land in Beijing.★ land (n.)陆地, 大地, 土地 on land 在陆地上 (此处land 为名词,没有a/the)3.) Pacific (adj.) 太平洋的太平洋 the Pacific Ocean / the Pacific★大西洋 the Atlantic Ocean 印度洋 the Indian Ocean北冰洋 the Arctic Ocean4.) ocean(n.) 海洋 sea 大海 ★ 海洋比大海更大12. Together with Buzz Aldrin, he landed the spacecraft Apollo 11 on the Moon.他和巴兹.奥尔德林一起将阿波罗11号宇宙飞船降落在月球上.1.)together with 与… 一起, 连同, 位置比较灵活, 可以放在句首, 句中,句尾或主语后,但谓语动词的单复数形式要与主语保持一致(类似短语as well as, like像, except , along with, with, besides,including…).The teacher together with some students is visiting the factory.我和他工作都很努力.He as well as I works very hard.莉莉和其他的女孩一样,喜欢漂亮的衣服. Lily like other girls loves beautiful clothes.除了Jim和Peter 每个人都在班级。Everyone except Jim and Peter is in the classroom.13. On 20 July 1969, Armstrong became the first man to walk on the Moon.1969年7月20日, 阿姆斯特朗成为第一个登上月球的人。成为第一个做某事的人 be/ become the first person (man/woman) to do sth 江先生成为这个镇上第一个拥有机器人的人。Mr Jiang became the first person to own a robot in the town. 14. He said the famous words“ one small step for (a) man, one giant leap for mankind ” as he stepped out onto the Moon’s surface.当他走出机舱踏上月球表面时,他说了那句名言:对于个人是一小步,对于人类是一大步。”★ 1.)step(v.)-stepped-stepping 走,跨步,踩, 踏 踏出,出去 step out 从… 中踏出来 step out of…. 踏入 step into …. 踏入河中 step into the river踏出来到…上 step out onto…踏上,踩上..step on..踩着某人的脚 step on one’s foot踏上成功之路 step on the road to success2.) step(s) (n.) 一步,步骤,台阶 迈了一步 take a step他朝门口迈了一步。He took a step towards the door.循序渐进 step by step 采取这些步骤 take the steps 爬上台阶 climb (up) the steps我们在地面上发现了熊的足迹。We found the steps of a bear on the ground.3.)leap(n.) 跳跃,跃升 一个巨大的跳跃 a giant leap take a flying leap 4.)leap(vi.) 跳,跳跃 leap--leaped-leaped-leapingleap--leapt--leapt—leaping三思而后行 Look before you leap./ Think twice.一只海豚跃出水面.A dolphin leapt out of the water.我们跳过了那条小溪.We leaped over the steam.5.) giant(adj.)巨大的,伟大的 (n.) 巨人,伟人 big-large-huge-giant他是个巨人.He is a giant of a man .大熊猫 giant panda(s) 6.)surface(cn.)表面,表层 …的表面 the surface of …月面,月球表面the Moon’s surface = the surface of the Moon在表面上,从外表看 on the surface On the surface, he appeared unchanged. 14.They collected Moon rocks to take back to the Earth for further research. 他们采集了月球岩石带回地球作进一步研究.1.)take back 带回, 拿回. back 是副词, 当宾语为代词时,位于中间. She took them back to the boat.2.) further(adj. )更多的,进一步的 far-farther-farthest far-further-furthest farther 距离较远/ 更远further距离较远/更远,further也可表示程度深.更近一步为了进一步的学习,进修,深造 for further study 为了进一步的研究 for further research 进一步的信息 further informationI am tired, I can’t walk any further (adv.)15.Because of his excellent service, he was presented with the Medal of Freedom, the highest award (that a US citizen can receive.)因为他的出色表现, 他被授予自由勋章—一个美国公民可得的最高奖励1.)the Medal of Freedom自由勋章2.) present (v.)授予, 赠与,提交 授予某人某物 present sth to sb=present sb with sthsth be presented to sb=sb be presented with sth3.)礼物 present=gift (n.) / present(n.)目前, 现在 receive many Christmas presents4.) present (adj.)在场的,出席的5.) at present=now 现在,目前5.) citizen(s)(n.) 公民,市民 netizen(s) 网民 许多市民 many citizens16.He was the pride of the whole world. 他是全世界的骄傲.pride(n.)骄傲,可引以为豪的人或物proud 形容词:骄傲的,自豪的1) be the pride of … 是…的自豪/骄傲2.)take pride in sb./ (doing)sth. 对..感到自豪/骄傲= be/feel proud of sb / (doing) sth3.)(因) 做某事而感到自豪/骄傲 be /feel proud to do sth.今天我以学校为自豪,明日学校将以我的成功为自豪.I am proud of my school today and tomorrow my school will take pride in my success. 17.What did Armstrong mean by his famous words…? 阿姆斯特朗的名言…是什么意思?1.)What did/does /do the world mean by…? …什么意思? What does the word mean?=what’s the meaning of the word?18.mankind 人类 (总称),前不加任何限定词.human(n.)人类(强调人群), (adj.)人类的 human friends human being 人,人类(强调个人)human(n.)=human beings man (n.)人类 Grammar1.I am working on a history project this week.这周我在做一个历史课题. work on 致力于, 从事于操作电脑/在电脑上工作 work on the computer他正在忙着写一本新词典.He is working on a new dictionary.work on 继续工作,不断工作,奏效经理昨晚在办公室一直工作到十点.The manager worked on in the office until 10 o’clock last night.work out 计算出,制定出,想出 work as… 担任work at 致力于… work for…为…效力2.Dad is searching for information on the internet.search for sb / sth=look for sb/sth 寻找… search sth for sb/sth 为寻找某人/某物而搜某物消防队员在建筑物中搜寻幸存者.The firefighter searched the buildings for survivors.= The firefighter searched for survivors in the buildings.search(vt.)搜身 search sb for sth 搜某人的身来找某物The guard searched him for the lost necklace.门卫搜他的身来找那条丢失的项链。3.In the past, people washed their clothes by hand. 在过去,人们用手洗衣服.by hand 手工 He wrote the letters by hand.含有hand的短语:归还 hand back 上交,提交 hand in hand it/them in to sb分发,散发 hand out=give out 传递,交付 hand on把…送交,交出 hand over 手拉手 hand by hand帮某人一把give sb a (helping) hand=help sb一方面…,另一方面on one hand, on the other hand握手shake one’s hand=shake hands with sb4.在古时候 in ancient times5.帮助他们将鱼或肉保存的时间更长help them keep fish or meat for a longer time6.有更多时间休闲/放松 have more time to relax7.给某人写封邮件email sb= write an email to sb.8.在线购物shop online = shop on the Internet9. 打开电脑,检查邮件turn on the computer and check the email10.整个晚上the whole night/evening = all the night /evening11. 在网站上看文章read passages on the website12. 跟某人在电话上交谈talk to/with sb on the phone / telephone13. 参加一项竞赛 take part in / join in a competition14.在夏季数小时后就会变质 go bad in summer in a few hours15.随着洗衣机的发明 with the invention of the washing machine16. 有更多时间休闲/放松 have more time to relax17.使得旅程/旅行更舒适 make journeys more comfortableIntegrated skills1.She married a French scientist called Pierre Curie in 1895. marry (v.)嫁;娶;与….结婚 marry- married married (adj.) 已婚的 marry作不及物动词,结婚 marry sb (没有 to/with) 嫁给/娶了某人, 与…结婚 Sb be/get married to sb (不是 with)与某人结婚John married Mary last week.=John got/was married to Mary last weekThey have been married for two years.(与一段时间连用,用 be married)2. died in 1934, aged 67 aged (adj.) 常作表语,后跟数字一位16岁的女孩 a girl aged 16 / at the age of 16她有两个孩子,年龄分别是11岁和14岁。She has two children, aged eleven and fourteen.aged (adj.) 作定语,年老的 他有一位上了年纪的父亲He has an aged father. 3. science (n.) 科学 scientist(s) (n.) 科学家 scientific (adj.)科学的The chief scientist will give a speech on space science this weekend.He is very successful in scientific research.这位首席科学家本周末将要作一个关于太空科学的讲座。他在科研方面是非常成功的. 4. mathematics(n.) 数学= math = maths数学家 mathematician(s) 5. laboratory– laboratories 实验室, 缩略为:lab – labs6.professor(s) (n.) 教授与人名连用时可以缩略为: Prof. Professor / Prof. Zhang 一位物理学教授a professor of Physics=a Physics professor7. the discovery of radium 镭的发现 discovery (n.)-discoveries 发现,发现物 (v.)discover两个重大发现 two great discoveries某物的发现 the discovery of sth. (美国) 发现频道 Discovery Channel (大写)8. It was brave of him to go to a place that was unknown to humans at that time.他很勇敢到一个当时人类未知的地方去.从句that was unknown to humans at that time 作定语,修饰place。unknown(adj.)未知的,不出名的 known(adj.) 已知的,出名的 a known/famous scientist be unknown/ known to sb(不)为人所知 一位名不见经传的/不知名的作家 an unknown writer一切 (所有情况)仍然不为人知Everything remains unknown. un--unable-unhappy-unusual-uncertain-unpopularin-inactive-incorrect im-impolite-impatient-impossibledis- dishonest-dislike-disappear-disagree9.她丈夫的去世her husband’s death = the death of her husband★ pass away = die =the loss of sb=lose one’s life★ lose sth = the loss of sth10.She also pushed for the use of X-ray machines, which are now widely used in hospitals.她还推动了X光设备的使用,这些设备现已在医院广泛应用.从句 which are now widely used in hospitals 作定语,是非限制性定语从句,对主句中的 X-ray machines 起补充说明的作用。1.)wide (adj.)广泛的,宽的(adv.)充分地 width(n.)宽度widely (adv.) 广泛地,普遍地 widely常位于被动语态结构被广泛应用/使用 be widely used英语说得最广泛。(普及率最高) English is (the) most widely spoken.The bridge is 8 metres wide=It is an 8-metre-wide bridge.Fish sleep with their eyes wide (充分地) open.2.) push for 推动,推行,促进 push(v.)推-pull(v.)拉China Dream is a great way to gather people together and push for the fast development of our country. “中国梦”是凝聚人民和推动我们国家快速发展的一个伟大途径. 推撞 push against 推迟,延迟push back插队 push in 推倒 push over向上推push up 向下推 push down11.在她的一生中两次获得诺贝尔奖win the Nobel Prize twice during her lifetime获得诺贝尔物理学奖win the Nobel Prize for Physics12.故事的结局 the end of the story世界末日 the end of the world13.不在那里(没能到场)与她分享喜悦be not there to share the joy with her14.I admire him the most.我最钦佩他.最钦佩某人 admire sb (the) most因某事而钦佩某人/某事 admire sb/sth for sth. 钦佩某人做某事 admire sb for doing sthStudy skills-Task1.大嘴巴,爱说闲话 have a big mouth2. 在困境中 in the soup / in trouble3. 信不信由你 believe it or not4. 碰巧与一个拥有魔法本领的闻名世界的男孩同名时happen to share the name of a world-famous boy with magic powers5. 接到来自孩子们和电视台的电话 get phone callsfrom both children and TV stations6.不是某人的所爱,不合某人心意 be not sb’s cup of tea 是某人的所爱 be sb’s cup of tea7. happen to do sth. 碰巧做某事我们打电话时她刚巧不在家。She happened to be out when we called.8.死于饥饿 die of hungerdie of 死于疾病,饥饿,衰老等内部原因,die of heart / disease/cancerdie from指环境或外部原因造成的死忙, die from an earthquake / an accident hunger (n.)饥饿, 渴望,渴求 hungry (adj.)饥饿的 a hunger for knowledge / information / success 对知识/信息/成功的渴望饥饿的孩子们 the hungry children9.Contribution: his achievements have increased rice production by 20%—30%,and in some placeseven more.贡献:他的成就使水稻产量增长20%-30,在一些地方甚至更多.contribute (v.)- contribution (n.) 贡献为…作出贡献make a contribution to (doing) sth每个人都应当为保护环境做贡献。 Everyone should make a contribution to (介词) protecting the environment. ★ increase (vt.) 增加 (n.)增加,增多 increase-increased-increased- increasing增加了…increase by +倍/百分之…增加到……increase to +数字 这个镇的人口增长了5%。The population of this town has increased by 5%. 人口已经增长到了180万。 The population has increased to 1.8 million. 减少了 reduce by+ 倍/百分之…减少到 reduce to + +数字 10.较其他的有很多优点 have many advantages over othersadvantage(n.)优势,有利条件 disadvantage(n.)缺点,劣势利用… take advantage of…具有…的有利条件 have the advantage of…与…相比有某种优势,优于 have the/an advantage over…他个子高,比其他运动员有优势.Being tall gave him an advantage over the other players.11.He spend all his life on the research and development of better rice plants.他将其一生都花在更好的水稻稻株的研究和培育上. develop(v.) 发展 ,成长 development (v.)发展a developed country 发达国家a developing country发展中国家with the development of …随着…的发展With the development of science, computers will be used more widely.随着科学的发展,计算机将被更广泛地使用. 12.That is why I admire him so much.这就是我如此钦佩他的原因。That is why…这就是…的原因,后接某事产生的结果,此处why 引导表语从句.That is because…后接某事发生的原因,那是因为…--She is so kind. That is why I like her so much.--No wonder she has so many friends.她如此善良,这就是我如此喜欢她的原因.难怪她有如此多的朋友。Tom was late for work this morning. That is because he overslept.汤姆今天早晨上班迟到了,那是原因他睡过了头.13.produce(v.)生产,制造 producer(n.)制片人,制造商product(n.)产品 production(n.)生产,产量14.one after another 一个接一个地,陆续地15.be introduced into…被引进16.move to+地点 移居到某地 move from…to…从…搬到…17.解决了许多人的饥饿问题solve the problem of hunger for many people18.被认为杂交水稻之父be considered the Father of Hybrid Rice19.开始从事杂交水稻研究begin research into hybrid rice20.研发了一种新型的杂交水稻develop a new type of hybrid rice plant21.在几乎十年的努力工作之后After nearly 10 years of hard work22.主要事件major events23.每单位水稻比其他普通种类多生产20%produce 20% more rice per unit than other common kinds
