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    人教版(2019)高中英语必修二Unit 5 Music Period 4 Reading for Writing 课件(送学案)
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    人教版(2019)高中英语必修二Unit 5 Music Period 4 Reading for Writing 课件(送学案)01
    人教版(2019)高中英语必修二Unit 5 Music Period 4 Reading for Writing 课件(送学案)02
    人教版(2019)高中英语必修二Unit 5 Music Period 4 Reading for Writing 课件(送学案)03
    人教版(2019)高中英语必修二Unit 5 Music Period 4 Reading for Writing 课件(送学案)04
    人教版(2019)高中英语必修二Unit 5 Music Period 4 Reading for Writing 课件(送学案)05
    人教版(2019)高中英语必修二Unit 5 Music Period 4 Reading for Writing 课件(送学案)06
    人教版(2019)高中英语必修二Unit 5 Music Period 4 Reading for Writing 课件(送学案)07
    人教版(2019)高中英语必修二Unit 5 Music Period 4 Reading for Writing 课件(送学案)08
    人教版(2019)高中英语必修二Unit 5 Music Period 4 Reading for Writing 课件(送学案)01
    人教版(2019)高中英语必修二Unit 5 Music Period 4 Reading for Writing 课件(送学案)02
    人教版(2019)高中英语必修二Unit 5 Music Period 4 Reading for Writing 课件(送学案)03
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    英语必修 第二册Unit 5 Music精品ppt课件

    这是一份英语必修 第二册Unit 5 Music精品ppt课件,文件包含Unit5MusicPeriod4ReadingforWritingpptx、Unit5MusicPeriod4ReadingforWriting学案doc、Unit5ReadingandWritingmp3等3份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共50页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1.These exercises let yur heart rate increase and decrease _________(gradual), but nt seen the patient cme back t life,Dctr Li ndded his head___relief.3.—Dn't wrry,Mum. The dctr said it was nly the flu. —What___relief! I'll tell Dad there's nthing t nw we haven't fund a eyes were fcused____him when he came building had _________(previus) as a htel.7.A study shws drinking cffee befre exercise has a negative impact _______heart.8.I was aiming___the tree but hit the car by (relax) his lifestyle was!10.I have been______with his_______stries.(bre)
    disease [dɪˈziːz] n.[近义词] illness[词组]cause diseasecure a diseasetreat a disease
    ache[eɪk] vi.&n.[近义词]hurt/ache[搭配]ache fr sb./sth.
    treatment [ˈtriːtmənt] n.[搭配]treatment (fr sth.)[词组]effective treatmentreceive treatment
    varius[ˈveəriəs] adj.[同义词]different/diverse
    mrever [mɔːrˈəʊvə(r)] adv. [同义词]in additin
    satisfactin[ˌsætɪsˈfækʃn]n. [习语]t sb.'s satisfactin[近义词]happiness/fulfillment
    utline[ˈaʊtlaɪn] vt.&n.[搭配]utline sth. (t sb.)[词组]utline a plan general utline
    smehw [ˈsʌmhaʊ] adv.
    Hw can yu experience music? In what ways did music affect yu?
    Purify sul
    Cultivate sentiment
    relieve stress
    Keep ptimistic
    Becme independent
    facilitate prgress
    Functin f music
    What infrmatin abut Sarah did yu find in the picture?
    Sarah Williams
    Activity 1: Lk at the picture belw and make predictins.
    Tip:Cnsider frm the fllwing pints: where / what / hw?
    What tne is this article written in?
    1. The first persn is mainly expressed in the tne f "I", which shrtens the distance frm the readers and makes the article mre authentic and crdial.2. The psychlgical descriptin f the characters is mre delicate and the emtin are mre tuching.3. Creating a strng reading atmsphere fr readers.4. Make readers experience the authr's md mre cncretely, s as t awaken readers' inner feelings and thughts.
    What are the advantages f this writing methd?
    The text uses the first persn.
    Activity 2: Understand the writing perspective
    Overall understanding f the text: brwse the article quickly
    Activity 3: summarize the characteristics f language.
    What are the characteristics f the language used in the text?
    In this text, first-persn narratin is used t share ne's wn experience and feelings, s as t make readers feel crdial and resnate. The authr uses rhetrical devices prperly t make the text language vivid and cncrete, and attract readers' interest.
    Activity 4:Understand the main idea f the text.
    What is the main cntent f this text?
    Sarah intrduce herself and the experience with music. Intrduce hw music helped her get thrugh difficult time.At last, Sarah give advice t thers. Sarah hpes that peple may make music a part f their life.
    Part 1:(Paragraph___):______________________________________________Part 2:(Paragraph____): _____________________________________________________ __________________________Part 3:(Paragraph____): _______________________Part 4:(Paragraph____):__________________________
    Activity 5:Grasp the main idea f each paragraph.
    Sarah intrduce herself and the tpic f the speech
    Divide the paragraphs f the article and summarize the meanings f the paragraphs.
    Sarah's persnal experience with music
    Hw music helps
    her during her difficult time
    Sarah's advice t thers
    The cnclusin f the speech
    Gd mrning!My name is Sarah Williams.it's an hnur t be here and t share with yu the stry f hw music has had an impact n my life.
    Write a speech
    [A]Have yu ever faced a time when thing as lked dark and yu had n hpe at all?Tw years ag, I was tld I had a serius disease which was difficult t cure.My bdy ached all the time and thus I thught I didn't have much lnger t live.I was very afraid and I felt s alne and discuraged.Then ne day, I had t g thrugh a tw-hur medical treatment. The dctr wanted me t relax, s he had me listen t sme music.and ne f the sngs was "Happy".The sng made me feel s much better that frm then n I began t listen t music all the time.[B]Jhn A.Lgan said,"Music is the medicine f the mind" And it's true.Music helped me recver.
    [C]Music gave me happiness.When I listened t music,[D]it made my spirits fly like a kite in the wind.[C]Music gave me strength and brught me relief. [E]It was the rck I leant n t becme strng and t get thrugh thse hard times. Mrever,[C] music gave me hpe and a sense f satisfactin.[F]It became my best friend. It spke wrds f encuragement t the deepest part f my being.
    Of curse, I hpe nne f yu have t g thrugh the same kind f suffering that I did. At the same time, we all g thrugh varius perids when we feel sad r alne. During thse times, music can help yu in the same way that it helped me.I hpe all f yu will smehw begin t treasure music and make it a part f yur life.
    Reading task
    1What was Sarah's prblem?2Hw did music help her during her difficult time?3 What is her advice t thers?
    Sarah had a serius disease which was difficult t cure.
    It made her feel much better because it is the “medicine f the mind”.
    Her advice t thers is t use music t help when yu have prblems.
    1 Read the speech belw and answer the questins.
    阅读理解(根据课文内容选择正确答案)1. What was Sarah's prblem?A. She felt upset frm time t time.B. She didn't get alng well with her friend.C. She had a serius disease which was hard t cure.D. She felt t Sarah, music gives her the fllwing except_______A.happiness B.strength C. hpe D.srrw 3. What's Sarah's advice t thers?A. Value music. B. Dn't lse heart. C. Turn t thers fr help. D.Create the music.
    语法填空(根据课文内容和语法规则完成短文)Sarah Williams thinks music has an impact 1___her life. Tw years ag,she 2________ (tell) she had a serius disease which was difficult 3_______ (cure).She felt alne and 4 __________ (discurage).Then ne day,the dctr had her listen t sme music 5 ________ (make) her relaxed. She felt much 6______(gd)and frm then n she began t listen t music all 7___ time. In Sarah's pinin, music 8_____(give)her happiness, 9________(strng) and a sense f satisfactin.We all g thrugh varius perids 10______we feel sad r alne. She hpes peple begin t treasure music and make it a part f ur life.
    1. metaphr n.暗喻;隐喻A figure f speech, when describing smething, it is directly described as anther different thing withut metaphr, implying that there is sme similarity between the tw.
    Discuss in grups. What are sme cmmn rhetrical devices? Please give sme examples.
    例句:Lve is a red rse. 爱情是朵红玫瑰。
    例句:The ld lady is a she-devil. 那个老太婆是个母夜叉。
    2. simile n.明喻;明喻的运用A wrd r phrase that cmpares sth. t sth. else, using the wrds like r as, fr example a face like a mask r as white as snw.
    例句:He is as brave as a lin. 他像狮子一般勇猛。
    例句:The baby is as cute as an angel is a simile. 孩子像天使一般可爱。
    3. persnificatin n.拟人;拟人化Persnificatin is t persnify and humanize things ther than peple, and turn things withut human actins and feelings int things with actins and feelings like peple.
    Discuss in grups. What are sme cmmn rhetrical devices? Please give sme examples.
    The spring breeze brings the nse-blwing fragrance f flwers.春风送来沁鼻的花香。
    Sunflwer shk her head and smiled. 向日葵摇头微笑着。
    4. qute v.摘引;引用Qute refers t the rhetrical methd f quting ready-made wrds, such as verses, prverbs, idims, etc. T express thughts and feelings in speeches r writing.
    例句: If yu want thers t be hnest, yu must be hnest first —— Shakespeare
    例句: When three peple walk tgether, there must be my teacher. ——Cnfucius
    5. repetitin n.重复;反复Repetitin refers t the authr's cnscius repetitin f certain wrds r sentences accrding t the needs f expressin r in rder t emphasize a certain meaning, highlight a certain emtin.
    We shall nt flag r fail. We shall g n t the end. We shall fight in France, we shall fight n the seas and ceans, we shall fight with grwing cnfidence and grwing strength in the air, we shall defend ur ——《We shall g n t the end》
    6. rhetrical questin 反问句A rhetrical questin is a questin n the surface, but it expresses a psitive meaning, and the answer lies in the questin. Strnger than declarative sentences, it can aruse peple's deep thinking and reflectin.
    Isn't the West Lake in Hangzhu like a shining pearl? 杭州的西湖难道不像一颗光彩夺目的明珠?
    I have ever face a timewhen things lked darkand I had n hpe at all.A statementA stry f anther persnA little cnnectin
    Have yu ever faced a time when things lked dark and yu had n hpe at all?A questinInvlvement f readersSetting up a cnnectin
    Talk abut the difference.
    ②The first sentence is an interrgative sentence. The persn used fr interrgative sentence is "yu".
    ①The authr creates a situatin with questins, and brings the readers int the cre cntent they want t describe.
    ③When the authr puts frward a questin, the reader will think abut it and draw a cnclusin. In this way, the reader and the cntent f the article can be effectively cmbined. Give readers a sense f substitutin.
    ① In the secnd sentence, the authr used declarative sentence, in which the persn is "I".
    ② It gives the feeling that the authr is talking t himself.
    ③ Statements d nt have this sense f substitutin, nr are they written in a special way.
    I think music is the medicine f the mind.
    Jhn A. Lgan said, “Music is the medicine f the mind.”
    A qute frm a famus peple
    Yur persnal pint f view
    Tips:①Qutes frm famus peple make the article mre cnvincing. ②These famus aphrisms(名言警句) have a strng philsphical nature, and have enlightenment and educatinal significance t peple.③Famus aphrisms are put in the article t enhance the meaning and deepen the theme.
    Add weight t the pint yu are making.
    N added emphasis
    Nt that authentic
    When I listened t music,it made my spirits fly like a kite in the wind.
    simile(明喻):a figure f speech that expresses a resemblance between things f different kinds (usually frmed with “like” r “as”).A v. like B.
    feeling→a kite flying in the wind
    It (music) was the rck I leant n t becme strng and t get thrugh thse hard times.
    metaphr(暗喻) a figure f speech in which an expressin is used t refer t smething that it des nt literally dente in rder t suggest a similarity.A is B
    music→the rck t lean n
    It became my best friend.It spke wrds f encuragement t the deepest part f my being.
    Persnificatin can vividly express the authr's emtins, make readers feel that the described bjects are mre lively and interesting, and make the article mre vivid and expressive.
    What are the advantages f persnificatin?
    I lve music very much.I am crazy abut music.
    The sentence writing is trite and insignificant, the writing style lacks interactivity, and the cntent is nt attractive t readers.
    qute metaphr persnificatinrhetrical questin simile
    Match the rhetrical devices with the examples.
    ①One's eyes are the windws f his sul.②“And Death spke t them. He was angry that he had been cheated (...).”③'Have yu lst yur tngue'(= Why dn't yu say anything?)④Music is the universal language f mankind. ——Henry Wads wrth Lngfellw⑤He smkes like a chimney.
    2 Study the language features.
    1 Match the names f rhetrical devices t the lettered sentences in the speech
    metaphr ________________ persnificatin ________________qute ________________ repetitin ________________rhetrical questin_________ simile ________________
    3 Use what yu have learnt t write a speech abut hw music can change a persn's life.
    1 Wrk in grups. Think f ways that peple experience music,and hw music can help peple.
    give encuragement; help bth physical and mental cnditins; make peplefeel gd, relaxed,calm, etc.; peple frget prblems...
    singing;ging t a cncert; dancing; listening t sft (classical,flk ...)music; taking part in virtual chir...
    2 Nw think abut yur experience with music and hw it has changed yur life,r think abut hw the life f smene yu knw has been changed by his/her experience with music.
    Title: Music is in my life
    When yu find a kind f music which can bring happiness t me, I will be surprised and becme excited.
    Music has a magical energy, and it can help peple gain gd md in a great extent.
    When I feel sad, I try t listen t Music.It will give yu enugh encurage t vercme difficulties.
    Yu will enter music cean. Yu can experience a baptism f yur heart.
    Yu will find that yu will play much attentin t the music, and then yur sadness can be decreased.Music will give yu enugh encurage t vercme difficulties.
    I have t say that music really has a strng attractiveness t me.
    It bsts my memry,(a real experience: learning hw t me remember thing quickly. It makes me wrk efficiently. My classmates call me Walking Cpy Machine.)
    When it hits yu, yu feel n pain. —— Bb Marley.
    Music can give me unlimited mtivatin t achieve gals.It makes me feel like a bird.
    Music als can duble yur happiness and aruse the fighting.
    Music makes yu remember the brilliant mment and cherish yur success.
    Fr instance, when yu slve sme very difficult situatins and gain success eventually, yu will have a great md.
    Metaphr:________________________________________________________________Persnificatin:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Qute:______________said,"________________________________________________"Repetitin: Music makes/gives/helps questin: Have yu ever_______________________________________________ _____________________________________________Simile(verb+like):_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    3 Fill in the blanks belw with sme f the rhetrical devices yu hpe t use in yur speech.
    Music is indeed a kind f gd medicine.
    Music seemed like ur best friend and it ffered us encuragement,
    which helped us t g thrugh the hardest time.
    Music is the medicine f a truble mind.
    Walter Haddn
    It helped my father relieve pain.
    It als helped my father feel relaxed during the treatment.
    had a time when everything lked wrng and yu
    had difficulty dealing with them all?
    It can make me feel cmfrtable when l am angry.
    ●Intrduce yurself. ●Write abut hw music made yu/him/her feel. ●Give the tpic f yur speech. ●Relate yur/his/her experience t the audience. ●Write abut yur experience with music. ●Clse the speech. r the experience f smene yu knw.
    Cmplete the utline and use it alng with rhetrical devices t draft yur speech.
    Hell,my name is______, and I'm here t talk abut____________________________________ years ag, ______________________________.
    Hell,my name is______, and I'm here t talk abut____________________________________ years ag, ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    the pwer f music ver wrds.
    my grandmther passed away, and music helped me cpe since then.
    Smetimes wrds cannt describe what we are feeling, but music can.As Hans Christian As Hans Christian Andersen nce said,“Where wrds fail, music speaks." Music is like a special language that everyne can understand.Have yu ever heard a piece f music and remembered an imprtant time in yur life? Perhaps when smething imprtant happened, r when yu felt really happy r sad.
    I feel this way abut a piece f classical music by Eric Sadie called “Gymnpedie N. 1". It reminds me f my grandmther. It is like an ld friend cmfrting me when I hear it.This music helps me remember hw much I miss her. It helps me remember all the great times we had. And music helps me be grateful fr that time tgether, If yu struggle t find the wrds t help yu, music can be yur guide.
    √ Des the writer explain hw music has changed his/her/smene else life? √ Are sme f the rhetrical devices included and used prperly?√ Des the writer talk abut hw music makes him/her/smene feel? √ Is the first wrd in each sentence capitalized? Des the writer use crrect punctuatin?√ Put up yur speech in the classrm r deliver it t yur class.
    4 Exchange drafts with a partner. Use this checklist t help yu revise the draft.
    5 Put up yur speech in the classrm r deliver it t yur class.
    lean vt.依靠;倾斜过去式: leant/leaned 过去分词: leant/leaned搭配:lean n 依赖;依靠(……的帮助和支持)=depend n;对……施加压力 lean t/twards/tward 倾向,偏向(尤指某意见或利益) lean against/n sth.倚靠……;靠在……
    1. It was the rck I leant n t becme strng and t get thrugh thse hard times.音乐是岩石,让我倚靠,变得坚强,度过那些艰难的日子。
    例句:She leaned n him t help her t slve her prblems.她靠他帮忙解决自身问题。例句:Yung peple tday lean twards casual clthes. 现在的年轻人倾向于穿休闲装。
    根据中文含义填空。①She was feeling tired and was glad t ___________ (倚靠/靠在……)him.②She __________ (依靠)the ship's rail and gazed ut t sea.
    lean against
    Language pint
    get thrugh(1)(设法)处理;完成;通过(测试等);度过,熬过(困难或不快的时期)例句: I can't get thrugh all the wrk I have. 我不能完成所有的工作。(2)通过电话联系上例句: I culdn't get thrugh t yu yesterday. 昨天我无法接通你的电话。(3)(使)正式通过;获得批准例句:England was lucky t get thrugh the preliminaries. 英格兰队幸运地通过了预选赛。(4)消耗掉;用完,耗尽例句:We've gt thrugh a lt f tyres.我们用了很多轮胎。
    根据中文含义填空。①It is hard t see hw peple will____________(度过,熬过) the winter.②Did yu have t _____________(正式通过) an entrance examinatin?
    get thrugh
    treatment n.治疗;对待;处理搭配:a treatment fr… .……的治疗 He's receiving a treatment fr cancer.他正在接受癌症治疗。[词语积累]treat sb.well/badly对待某人好/不好 treat sb. as...像……那样对待某人 treat 治疗某人的……treat sb./neself t...用……招待某人/犒劳自己 It's my treat. 我请客。
    2.Then ne day, l had t g thrugh a tw-hur medical treatment. 后来有一天,我需要去做两个小时的治疗。
    根据中文含义填空① They treat her___(像……那样对待某人)ne f the family. ②Eat t yur heart's cntent, It's my _____(我请客).
    根据中文含义填空。①He lked back n his past with ________________(心满意足).②We can _________________(在某事中找到满足感) the finer things f life.
    3. Mrever, music gave me hpe and a sense f satisfactin. 不仅如此,音乐还给予我希望和满足感。
    satisfactin n.满足;满意;欣慰;令人满意的事物→ satisfy vt. 使…...满意→satisfied adj.(感到)满意的→satisfying adj. 令人满意的
    搭配:get/gain satisfactin frm sth.从某事中得到满足感 find satisfactin in sth.在某事中找到满足感great/deep satisfactin 极大的/深深的满足/心满意足take satisfactin in/frm sth.从某事中获得满足 t ne's satisfactin = t the satisfactin f sb.使某人满意 a satisfactin t sb.对某人来说是一件满意的事
    great satisfactin
    find satisfactin in
    例句:Lking at a beautiful painting always gives ne satisfactin. 观看一幅美丽的图画常使人心满意足。
    varius adj. 各种不同的;各种各样的 词语积累:(1)vary vi.&vt.变化;相异;不同 vary with 随……而变化vary 从……到……转变 vary in 在……方面有差异例句:The clrs f the lights vary with music.灯光的颜色随着音乐而变化。(2)variety n.种类,品种;多样性 a variety f = varieties f各种各样的例句:There are varieties f plants in the frest. 森林中有各种各样的植物。
    4. At the same time, we all g thrugh varius perids when we feel sad r alne.同时,我们都会经历悲伤或抓独的时光。
    根据中文含义填空。①There are _______(各种各样的) ways t slve this prblem.②Cherries _______ (在……方面有差异) clur frm almst black t yellw.
    can help yu in the same way that it helped me.……音乐可以帮助你,就像它曾经帮助我一样。 [句法分析]本句是主从复合句。that it helped me是定语从句修饰 the same way,从句用了关系词 that,此处that还可以替换为in which或省略不用。the way 后跟定语从句在含有定语从句的复合句中,the way作先行词时有以下三种情况:(1)关系词在从句中作状语,关系词用in which,that 或省略。She admired the way (in which/ that) I answered the questins.她钦佩我回答问题的方式。(2)关系词在从句中作主语,关系词用that或which。The way that/which was used t slve the prblem is really practical用来解决这个问题的方法是很实用的。(3)关系词在从句中作宾语,关系词用 that,which 或省略。She desn't like the way (that/which) her father tld her她不喜欢她父亲告诉她的方式。
    1. disease n.病;疾病2. ache vi.疼痛;隐痛 n.(身体某部位的)疼痛3. treatment n.治疗;疗法;诊治4. mrever adv.此外;而且5. satisfactin n.满足;满意6. varius adj.各种各样的;各种不同的7. smehw adv. 以某种方式(或方法);由于某种未知的原因8. utline vt.概述;略述 n.概述;梗概
    假如你是李华,作为交换生正在英国学习。你所在的学校要举办The Pwer f Music为主题的演讲比赛。请写一篇演讲稿参赛,内容包括:1. 与音乐有关的一次经历;2. 音乐的力量或影响。注意:1. 词数80左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 开头结尾已经给出。 Gd mrning, everyne, My name is Li Hua. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Thanks fr listening.
    【来源】广东省东莞市东华高级中学2021-2022学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题【答案】Gd mrning, everyne, My name is Li Hua. When it cmes t music, we have ur wn stries. As fr me, music actually ffered me enugh pwer t vercme shrtcmings. When failing in the middle exam, I felt s upset that I refused t cmmunicate with my friends, even my parents. When I heard sme inspiring sngs, which gave me cnfidence, I gradually ignred the failure and spared n effrts t study hard. Finally, I made great prgress in the final exam. Frm my experience, I hpe that yu can btain the pwer which music ffers t achieve yur wn dreams. Thanks fr listening.【解析】本文是一篇演讲稿,分享自己一次关于音乐的经历以及音乐所带来的影响。【详解】1.词汇积累获得:btain→gain克服:vercme→get ver沮丧的:upset→discuraging忽视:ignre→verlk
    2.句式拓展同义句改写原句:When failing in the middle exam, I felt s upset that I refused t cmmunicate with my friends, even my parents.拓展句:When failing in the middle exam, s upset did I feel that I refused t cmmunicate with my friends, even my parents.【点睛】[高分句型1] Frm my experience, I hpe that yu can btain the pwer which music ffers t achieve yur wn dreams.(运用了that引导的宾语从句)[高分句型2] When I heard sme inspiring sngs, which gave me cnfidence, I gradually ignred the failure and spared n effrts t study hard.(运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)

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