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    浙江省杭州市江干区2020-2021学年八年级(上)期末英语试卷 解析版
    浙江省杭州市江干区2020-2021学年八年级(上)期末英语试卷      解析版01
    浙江省杭州市江干区2020-2021学年八年级(上)期末英语试卷      解析版02
    浙江省杭州市江干区2020-2021学年八年级(上)期末英语试卷      解析版03
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    浙江省杭州市江干区2020-2021学年八年级(上)期末英语试卷 解析版

    这是一份浙江省杭州市江干区2020-2021学年八年级(上)期末英语试卷 解析版,共28页。

    (1)There are places t rent cars accrding t the text (文本) .
    A. five
    B. fur
    C. three
    D. tw
    (2)The Greens will have t pay if they rent a medium grade car fr 5 days.
    B. $320
    C. $240
    D. $200
    (3)The main purpse (目的) f the advertisement is t .
    A. ask peple t buy cars
    B. ask peple t rent cars
    C. lk fr excellent drivers
    D. shw new kinds f cars
    2.Because f the utbreak (疫情), many peple lk fr fun nline. Watching livestreaming (直播的) shws has becme part f their lives. At the same time, traditinal culture has fund a bigger stage (舞台) nline. Many traditinal artists are starting t livestream, like Duyin and Bilibili. Sme f them sing Peking Opera, sme shw their flk handicrafts (民间手工艺), while thers perfrm Chinese classical music. A grwing number f yung peple are starting t becme mre interested in traditinal culture because f livestreaming.
    Li Jun is a Peking Opera perfrmer with the Shanghai Jingju Theater Cmpany. After the utbreak, the 59﹣year﹣ld tk up his smart phne and started livestreaming. Unlike perfrming n a frmal stage, Li uses rdinary places as his stage, including his backyard and study rm. Apart frm singing, Li als teaches viewers (观看者) abut Peking Opera. Peple can ask him questins and get answers directly.
    "Livestreaming has brught this elegant (高雅的) art dwn t earth." ne viewer said. "It gives yung peple an easier access t this traditinal art and learn mre abut it." Li has mre than 6000 fans n Duyin, while ne f his vides gt 42,000 views n Bilibili.
    On March 26th, 2020, Bilibili livestreamed a huafu shw n the third China Huafu Day (中国华服日). Perfrmers presented clthes in traditinal Chinese styles, including thse frm Wei, Tang and Ming dynasties (朝代). During the shw, viewers nt nly enjyed lking at the clthes, but als watched hw perfrmers used ancient styles f make﹣up (古代化妆术).
    As Guangming Daily nted, livestreaming has cme t a new stage thrugh which traditinal culture can be kept alive.
    (1)In the secnd paragraph, the writer mentined Li Jun in rder t .
    A. t tell yung peple t learn Peking Opera
    B. ask yung peple t learn frm Li Jun
    C. give an example f traditinal culture livestreaming
    D. ask yung peple t enjy Li Jun's livestreaming
    (2)The underlined wrd "access" in paragraph 3 prbably means .
    A. lessn
    B. class
    C. way
    D. interest
    (3)Which picture shws the structure (结构) f the passage?
    (4)Livestreaming is a new stage t accrding t this passage.
    A. lk fr fun during the utbreak
    B. ask questins and get answers directly
    C. sing and watch easily and freely
    D. keep traditinal culture alive
    3.Pigs d it. Mice d it. Dgs Als d it. Kangars? N, nt s much. Why d sme animals shake (抖动)? The shrt answer is because they are wet. But there's actually mre t it than that﹣a lt mre.
    In an article, Andrew Dickersn and thers tk a lk at this strange prblem. The scientists wrte dwn the shaking f 33 animals, f them are five kinds f dgs.
    It shws that mammals (哺乳动物) can keep strnger by ding their cute little shakes. If they d nt shake, animals wuld have t use up t 20% f their daily energy simply fr staying dry. And nearly all furry (毛皮的) mammals shake t help themselves keep dry.
    Thse animals that are similar t kangars shake nly part f their bdy. They usually live in dry places where keeping dry isn't very hard. But nt all animals shake in the same way, Als sme shake less ften than thers. Smaller animals seem t shake mre quickly, 30 shakes per secnd fr a muse, while bears, tigers and big dgs nly abut fur.
    In an interesting finding, Dickersn and his team have shwn that these animals d the jb as well as pssible. In each example, the animal shake ff abut 70% f water in a few secnds. This shuld all be great t peple. It takes us nt secnds but minutes t dry ur hair.
    (1)Which animals d nt shake much accrding t the article?
    A. Pigs.
    B. Mice.
    C. Dgs.
    D. Kangars.
    (2)If wet animals dn't shake, it wuld take abut f their daily energy t stay dry.
    A. 15%
    B. 20%
    C. 30%
    D. 70%
    (3)Small animals shake than bigger nes accrding t the study.
    A. mre quickly
    B. mre slwly
    C. mre ften
    D. less ften
    (4)Frm the article, we can learn that .
    A. all the animals need t shake much t keep dry
    B. all the animals shake in the same way every day,
    C. big animals like tigers and bears dn't shake at all
    D. animals shake is a way t keep dry but mre than that
    4.In 1901, Karl Landsteiner, an Austrian dctr, fund that there are fur kinds f bld. These fur types (血型) were named, A, B, AB, and O. Peple have ne f these fur types. Bld type O is the mst cmmn arund the wrld. Bld type A is the secnd mst cmmn, and type AB is the least cmmn. If peple with type A bld are given type B bld, r peple with type B bld are given type A bld, they will prbably die.
    In 1927, a Japanese dctr, Furukawa Takeji, carried ut research and came up with the idea that peple with different bld types als had different persnalities (性格). He said that peple with type A bld are usually calm and serius; peple with type B bld are cheerful and utging; peple with type O are generus (慷慨的) and hnest; while thse with type AB bld are ften caring and careful.
    Mre recently, a dctr named Dr. Peter D' Adam in the United States wrte a bk that links (关联) bld types and what peple eat. Fr example, his bk Eat Right Fr Yur Type suggests peple with type O bld shuld eat mre meat and less bread. A diet fr peple with type A bld includes mre vegetables. His bk has been a hint (暗示) with peple wh want t lse weight. Hwever, Dr. Peter D' Adam believes that eating fd that matches a persn's bld type can d mre than help them lse weight. He think it will make the persn healthier in ther ways, t.
    (1)What bld type is the mst cmmn accrding t the passage?
    A. O.
    B. A.
    C. B.
    D. AB.
    (2)Hw many dctrs gave their pinins abut the bld type in the passage?
    A. 5.
    B. 4.
    C. 3.
    D. 2.
    (3)What did Furukawa Takeji find in 1927?
    A. There were fur kinds f bld types.
    B. Peple with type A wuld die if with type B.
    C. Bld types had smething t d with persnalities.
    D. Peple with type B bld were calm and serius.
    (4)Wh might be interested in the bk Eat Right Fr Yur Type?
    A. Peple wh have bld prblems.
    B. Peple wh want t be lse weight.
    C. Peple wh want t change bld.
    D. Peple wh like t eat delicius fd.
    N matter wh yu are and where yu live, the mst imprtant thing is what kind f persn yu are. There are many gd qualities that can benefit (有益于) yu a lt in yur life. Amng them, the fllwing qualities are the mst helpful nes.
    Life is nt always a bed f rses. When facing difficulties, dn't lse heart. D yu knw what can help yu vercme difficulties? It's yur attitude (态度). Cheer up! Life is like a mirrr. When yu smile in frnt f it, it will als smile at yu.
    Maybe yu are used t yur present life. Every day yu have s much wrk t d that yu can't find any time t learn. Hwever, the wrld arund yu is changing all the time. Never be satisfied with yurself, r yu will fall behind thers.
    In the mdern wrld, the students wh have creative thinking are needed mst. Being creative means cming up with new ideas and having creative imaginatin. Thse wh are creative have mre chices in their life.
    Learn t be hnesty (诚实). Nbdy likes a persn wh tells lies. A liar is always lked dwn upn and regarded as a black sheep by the peple arund. The ne wh keeps his wrd is ppular everywhere.
    Being friendly and helpful t the peple arund yu. D smething nice fr them. When they are in truble, dn't frget t give them a hand in time. It will make yu feel gd abut yurself.
    As lng as yu have these qualities abve, yu will be excellent and make a difference t the wrld.
    第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分15分)第一节 完型填空(共1小题,每小题15分,满分15分)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出一个最佳选项。
    6.(15分)If the dream is big enugh
    A schl was acrss frm my hme and I ften saw a girl student playing basketball. She practiced ver and ver again, smetimes(1) it gt dark. One day I asked her why she practiced s(2) . She said, " I like basketball. I want t play fr a tp basketball team. I want t be the best. My(3) tld me if the dream is big enugh, the facts dn't cunt."
    One day, I saw the girl sitting in the grass, lking (4) . I went ver there and sat dwn beside her. Quietly I(5) her what was wrng. "Oh, nthing," she answered sftly. "I'm(6) t shrt." In fact, the cach (教练) tld her that she was t shrt t play fr a tp team,(7) she shuld stp dreaming abut it. I asked her if she had (8) t her dad abut it yet. She tld me that her father said the cach was(9) . He just did nt understand the(10) f a dream. Her dad tld her that if she really wanted t play(11) a tp basketball team, if she truly wanted t be the best,(12) culd stp her. He tld her again, " If the dream is big enugh, the fact dn't cunt."
    The next year, as the girl and her team went t the Nrthern Califrnia Champinship game, she was(13) by a cllege recruiter (招生人员). She wn the schlarship (奖学金) t(14) in a cllege which she had dreamed f and she culd play fr a famus wmen's basketball team! Her dream !
    7.(10分)The year 2022 will be a big year fr sprts in China. That's because it will hld nt nly the 24th Winter Olympics in Beijing,(1) als the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhu.
    As (2) nly candidate (候选) city f the 2022 Asian Games, Hangzhu wn the hsting rights fr the 2022 Asian Games in 2015. It will be the third (3) (China) city t hst the Asian Games after Beijing and Guangzhu in 1990 and 2010.
    Hangzhu is a beautiful city(4) a lng histry. And the Asian Games(5) (give) it a new lk. Althugh the event will cst a lt, the benefits (益处) are easy fr us (6) (see) .T the citizens (市民) in Hangzhu, (7) (gd) part f it is that it will give us the chance t watch wrld﹣class matches and cmpetitins clse t hme. Secndly, there is n dubt that the event will attract mre visitrs t experience the amazing city. (8) the same time, it is gd fr the develpment f turism. Als, mre (9) (rad) and the Metr system (地铁系统) will be built. In the next tw years, Hangzhu will try (10) (it) best t prepare itself fr the big shw. A much better Hangzhu is waiting t see in 2022.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分10分)第一节 单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)根据下列句子及所给的首字母,在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的完全形式(每空限填一词)。
    8.It is best nt t run away frm yur prblem. Yu shuld try t s them.
    9.On Sunday evenings, I either watch TV play cmputer games.
    10.﹣﹣﹣What des yur friend lk like?
    ﹣﹣﹣She's f medium h , and she has lng straight hair.
    11.Thanksgiving is always n the Thursday in Nvember.(fur)
    12.The mvie t the hearts f all the peple at the cinema.
    13.Traditinally, peple like eating lng n n their birthdays.
    14.U yu wrk hard, yu'll certainly fail the exam.
    15.I was s c that I made the same mistake again.
    16.My uncle has a lt f h , such as playing basketball, playing chess and s n.
    17.I want t knw mre abut yur schl.Can yu give me sme i abut it?
    第二节 书面表达(共1小题,满分15分)
    第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分30分)第一节 (共4小题,每小题6分,满分30分)阅读下列文本/短文,从每题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中选出最佳选项。(共4小题,每小题6分,满分30分)
    1.Welcme t Rentalcars. We ffer different kinds f cars that can be rented (出租).
    (1)There are D places t rent cars accrding t the text (文本) .
    A. five
    B. fur
    C. three
    D. tw
    (2)The Greens will have t pay C if they rent a medium grade car fr 5 days.
    B. $320
    C. $240
    D. $200
    (3)The main purpse (目的) f the advertisement is t B .
    A. ask peple t buy cars
    B. ask peple t rent cars
    C. lk fr excellent drivers
    D. shw new kinds f cars
    【解答】(1)D.细节理解题。根据Place 1: Z Statin,Place 2: Alexanderplatz可知本文提到了两个租车的地点,动物园站和Alexanderplatz,故选D。
    (2)C.细节推理题。根据Medium grade car,$60 per day,20% ff if yu rent fr mre than three days.可知中档车一天60元,三天以上的租金可以降价20%,因此推断租赁五天中档车需要240元,故选C。
    (3)B.主旨大意题。根据We ffer different kinds f cars that can be rented (出租).可知租车行提供了不同种类的可以出租的车,因此判断这则广告的目的是让人们租车。故选B。
    2.Because f the utbreak (疫情), many peple lk fr fun nline. Watching livestreaming (直播的) shws has becme part f their lives. At the same time, traditinal culture has fund a bigger stage (舞台) nline. Many traditinal artists are starting t livestream, like Duyin and Bilibili. Sme f them sing Peking Opera, sme shw their flk handicrafts (民间手工艺), while thers perfrm Chinese classical music. A grwing number f yung peple are starting t becme mre interested in traditinal culture because f livestreaming.
    Li Jun is a Peking Opera perfrmer with the Shanghai Jingju Theater Cmpany. After the utbreak, the 59﹣year﹣ld tk up his smart phne and started livestreaming. Unlike perfrming n a frmal stage, Li uses rdinary places as his stage, including his backyard and study rm. Apart frm singing, Li als teaches viewers (观看者) abut Peking Opera. Peple can ask him questins and get answers directly.
    "Livestreaming has brught this elegant (高雅的) art dwn t earth." ne viewer said. "It gives yung peple an easier access t this traditinal art and learn mre abut it." Li has mre than 6000 fans n Duyin, while ne f his vides gt 42,000 views n Bilibili.
    On March 26th, 2020, Bilibili livestreamed a huafu shw n the third China Huafu Day (中国华服日). Perfrmers presented clthes in traditinal Chinese styles, including thse frm Wei, Tang and Ming dynasties (朝代). During the shw, viewers nt nly enjyed lking at the clthes, but als watched hw perfrmers used ancient styles f make﹣up (古代化妆术).
    As Guangming Daily nted, livestreaming has cme t a new stage thrugh which traditinal culture can be kept alive.
    (1)In the secnd paragraph, the writer mentined Li Jun in rder t D .
    A. t tell yung peple t learn Peking Opera
    B. ask yung peple t learn frm Li Jun
    C. give an example f traditinal culture livestreaming
    D. ask yung peple t enjy Li Jun's livestreaming
    (2)The underlined wrd "access" in paragraph 3 prbably means C .
    A. lessn
    B. class
    C. way
    D. interest
    (3)Which picture shws the structure (结构) f the passage? C
    (4)Livestreaming is a new stage t D accrding t this passage.
    A. lk fr fun during the utbreak
    B. ask questins and get answers directly
    C. sing and watch easily and freely
    D. keep traditinal culture alive
    【解答】(1)D.细节理解题。根据A grwing number f yung peple are starting t becme mre interested in traditinal culture because f livestreaming.Li Jun is a Peking Opera perfrmer with the Shanghai Jingju Theater Cmpany. After the utbreak, the 59﹣year﹣ld tk up his smart phne and started livestreaming.可知由于流媒体直播,越来越多的年轻人开始对传统文化产生兴趣。李军是上海京剧团的京剧演员。疫情爆发后,这位59岁的老人拿起智能手机开始直播。因此可知在第二段中,作者提到李军是为了举一个传统文化直播的例子,故选D。
    (2)C.词义猜测题。根据ne viewer said. "It gives yung peple an easier access t this traditinal art and learn mre abut it." Li has mre than 6000 fans n Duyin, while ne f his vides gt 42,000 views n Bilibili.可知它让年轻人一个更容易的_____这一传统艺术,并对它有更多的了解。"李军在豆瓣上有6000多名粉丝,而他的一个视频在Bilibili上有42000次观看。根据前后文含义以及结合选项,可知此处access意为"方式",与way意思相似,故选C。
    (3)C.段落划分题。根据第一段A grwing number f yung peple are starting t becme mre interested in traditinal culture because f livestreaming.由于流媒体直播,越来越多的年轻人开始对传统文化产生兴趣。可知第一段主要是介绍文章主题;根据第二段Li Jun is a Peking Opera perfrmer with the Shanghai Jingju Theater Cmpany. After the utbreak, the 59﹣year﹣ld tk up his smart phne and started livestreaming. 李军是上海京剧团的京剧演员。疫情爆发后,这位59岁的老人拿起智能手机开始直播;第三段"Livestreaming has brught this elegant (高雅的) art dwn t earth." ne viewer said. "It gives yung peple an easier access t this traditinal art and learn mre abut it."一位观众说:"流媒体直播将这种高雅的艺术带到了现实中。"它让年轻人更容易接触到这一传统艺术,并对它有更多的了解;第四段On March 26th, 2020, Bilibili livestreamed a huafu shw n the third China Huafu Day (中国华服日). Perfrmers presented clthes in traditinal Chinese styles, including thse frm Wei, Tang and Ming dynasties (朝代). 2020年3月26日,比力比力在第三个"中国华府日"现场直播华府秀。表演者展示了中国传统风格的服装,包括魏朝、唐朝和明朝的服装。可知第二、第三和第四段具体介绍了流媒体对传统文化的具体作用与影响,同时第三段又进一步补充说明了第一段的内容;根据第五段As Guangming Daily nted, livestreaming has cme t a new stage thrugh which traditinal culture can be kept alive.《光明日报》指出,流媒体直播已经进入了一个传统文化得以延续的新阶段。可知第五段是对文章的总结;通过以上分析可知,C选项对段落的划分是正确的,故选C。
    (4)D.细节理解题。根据As Guangming Daily nted, livestreaming has cme t a new stage thrugh which traditinal culture can be kept alive.可知《光明日报》指出,流媒体直播已经进入了一个传统文化得以延续的新阶段。故选D。
    3.Pigs d it. Mice d it. Dgs Als d it. Kangars? N, nt s much. Why d sme animals shake (抖动)? The shrt answer is because they are wet. But there's actually mre t it than that﹣a lt mre.
    In an article, Andrew Dickersn and thers tk a lk at this strange prblem. The scientists wrte dwn the shaking f 33 animals, f them are five kinds f dgs.
    It shws that mammals (哺乳动物) can keep strnger by ding their cute little shakes. If they d nt shake, animals wuld have t use up t 20% f their daily energy simply fr staying dry. And nearly all furry (毛皮的) mammals shake t help themselves keep dry.
    Thse animals that are similar t kangars shake nly part f their bdy. They usually live in dry places where keeping dry isn't very hard. But nt all animals shake in the same way, Als sme shake less ften than thers. Smaller animals seem t shake mre quickly, 30 shakes per secnd fr a muse, while bears, tigers and big dgs nly abut fur.
    In an interesting finding, Dickersn and his team have shwn that these animals d the jb as well as pssible. In each example, the animal shake ff abut 70% f water in a few secnds. This shuld all be great t peple. It takes us nt secnds but minutes t dry ur hair.
    (1)Which animals d nt shake much accrding t the article? D
    A. Pigs.
    B. Mice.
    C. Dgs.
    D. Kangars.
    (2)If wet animals dn't shake, it wuld take abut B f their daily energy t stay dry.
    A. 15%
    B. 20%
    C. 30%
    D. 70%
    (3)Small animals shake A than bigger nes accrding t the study.
    A. mre quickly
    B. mre slwly
    C. mre ften
    D. less ften
    (4)Frm the article, we can learn that A .
    A. all the animals need t shake much t keep dry
    B. all the animals shake in the same way every day,
    C. big animals like tigers and bears dn't shake at all
    D. animals shake is a way t keep dry but mre than that
    (1)D.根据Kangars? N, nt s much.可知袋鼠不怎么抖毛,故选D。
    (2)B.根据If they d nt shake, animals wuld have t use up t 20% f their daily energy simply fr staying dry.可知如果它们不摇动,它们就必须消耗每天20%的能量来保持干燥。故选B。
    (3)A.根据 Smaller animals seem t shake mre quickly, 30 shakes per secnd fr a muse, while bears, tigers and big dgs nly abut fur.可知较小的动物似乎摇晃得更快,一只老鼠每秒摇晃30下,而熊、老虎和大狗只有大约4下。故选A。
    (4)A.根据And nearly all furry (毛皮的) mammals shake t help themselves keep dry.可知几乎所有毛茸茸的哺乳动物都会摇晃来保持身体干燥。故选A。
    4.In 1901, Karl Landsteiner, an Austrian dctr, fund that there are fur kinds f bld. These fur types (血型) were named, A, B, AB, and O. Peple have ne f these fur types. Bld type O is the mst cmmn arund the wrld. Bld type A is the secnd mst cmmn, and type AB is the least cmmn. If peple with type A bld are given type B bld, r peple with type B bld are given type A bld, they will prbably die.
    In 1927, a Japanese dctr, Furukawa Takeji, carried ut research and came up with the idea that peple with different bld types als had different persnalities (性格). He said that peple with type A bld are usually calm and serius; peple with type B bld are cheerful and utging; peple with type O are generus (慷慨的) and hnest; while thse with type AB bld are ften caring and careful.
    Mre recently, a dctr named Dr. Peter D' Adam in the United States wrte a bk that links (关联) bld types and what peple eat. Fr example, his bk Eat Right Fr Yur Type suggests peple with type O bld shuld eat mre meat and less bread. A diet fr peple with type A bld includes mre vegetables. His bk has been a hint (暗示) with peple wh want t lse weight. Hwever, Dr. Peter D' Adam believes that eating fd that matches a persn's bld type can d mre than help them lse weight. He think it will make the persn healthier in ther ways, t.
    (1)What bld type is the mst cmmn accrding t the passage? A
    A. O.
    B. A.
    C. B.
    D. AB.
    (2)Hw many dctrs gave their pinins abut the bld type in the passage? C
    A. 5.
    B. 4.
    C. 3.
    D. 2.
    (3)What did Furukawa Takeji find in 1927? C
    A. There were fur kinds f bld types.
    B. Peple with type A wuld die if with type B.
    C. Bld types had smething t d with persnalities.
    D. Peple with type B bld were calm and serius.
    (4)Wh might be interested in the bk Eat Right Fr Yur Type? B
    A. Peple wh have bld prblems.
    B. Peple wh want t be lse weight.
    C. Peple wh want t change bld.
    D. Peple wh like t eat delicius fd.
    【解答】(1)A.细节理解题。根据Bld type O is the mst cmmn arund the wrld.可知O型血是世界上最常见的。故选A。
    (2)C.总结归纳题。根据In 1901, Karl Landsteiner, an Austrian dctr, fund that there are fur kinds f bld. These fur types (血型) were named, A, B, AB, and O.1901年,奥地利医生卡尔•兰德施泰纳发现有四种血液。这四种类型(血型)被命名为A、B、AB和O; In 1927, a Japanese dctr, Furukawa Takeji, carried ut research .1927年,日本医生Furukawa Takeji进行了研究;以及Mre recently, a dctr named Dr. Peter D' Adam in the United States wrte a bk that links (关联) bld types and what peple eat. 最近,美国一位名叫彼得•阿达莫的医生写了一本书,把血型和人们的饮食联系起来。可知文中总共有三位医生对文章中的血型发表了意见,故选C。
    (3)C.细节理解题。根据In 1927, a Japanese dctr, Furukawa Takeji, carried ut research and came up with the idea that peple with different bld types als had different persnalities (性格). 可知1927年,日本医生Furukawa Takeji进行了研究,提出了不同血型的人也有不同性格的想法。故选C。
    (4)B.推理判断题。根据Hwever, Dr. Peter D' Adam believes that eating fd that matches a persn's bld type can d mre than help them lse weight. He think it will make the persn healthier in ther ways, t.可知然而,彼得•达达莫博士认为,吃与一个人血型相匹配的食物不仅能帮助他们减肥。他认为这也会让人在其他方面更健康。故选B。
    N matter wh yu are and where yu live, the mst imprtant thing is what kind f persn yu are. There are many gd qualities that can benefit (有益于) yu a lt in yur life. Amng them, the fllwing qualities are the mst helpful nes.
    (1) C
    Life is nt always a bed f rses. When facing difficulties, dn't lse heart. D yu knw what can help yu vercme difficulties? It's yur attitude (态度). Cheer up! Life is like a mirrr. When yu smile in frnt f it, it will als smile at yu.
    (2) F
    Maybe yu are used t yur present life. Every day yu have s much wrk t d that yu can't find any time t learn. Hwever, the wrld arund yu is changing all the time. Never be satisfied with yurself, r yu will fall behind thers.
    (3) B
    In the mdern wrld, the students wh have creative thinking are needed mst. Being creative means cming up with new ideas and having creative imaginatin. Thse wh are creative have mre chices in their life.
    (4) D
    Learn t be hnesty (诚实). Nbdy likes a persn wh tells lies. A liar is always lked dwn upn and regarded as a black sheep by the peple arund. The ne wh keeps his wrd is ppular everywhere.
    (5) E
    Being friendly and helpful t the peple arund yu. D smething nice fr them. When they are in truble, dn't frget t give them a hand in time. It will make yu feel gd abut yurself.
    As lng as yu have these qualities abve, yu will be excellent and make a difference t the wrld.
    (1)C.根据后句"When yu smile in frnt f it, it will als smile at yu."可知说的是好的态度,结合选项,应说有良好的态度。故选C。
    (2)F.根据后句"Every day yu have s much wrk t d that yu can't find any time t learn. "可知说的是学习,结合选项,应说坚持学习。 故选F。
    (3)B.根据后句" Being creative means cming up with new ideas and having creative imaginatin."可知说的是新想法,结合选项,应说想出新主意。故选B。
    (4)D.根据后句"Learn t be hnesty (诚实). "可知说的是诚实,结合选项,应说信守诺言。故选D。
    (5)E.根据后句"Being friendly and helpful t the peple arund yu. "可知说的是乐于助人,结合选项,应说努力帮助别人。故选E。
    第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分15分)第一节 完型填空(共1小题,每小题15分,满分15分)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出一个最佳选项。
    6.(15分)If the dream is big enugh
    A schl was acrss frm my hme and I ften saw a girl student playing basketball. She practiced ver and ver again, smetimes(1) C it gt dark. One day I asked her why she practiced s(2) B . She said, " I like basketball. I want t play fr a tp basketball team. I want t be the best. My(3) A tld me if the dream is big enugh, the facts dn't cunt."
    One day, I saw the girl sitting in the grass, lking (4) D . I went ver there and sat dwn beside her. Quietly I(5) C her what was wrng. "Oh, nthing," she answered sftly. "I'm(6) B t shrt." In fact, the cach (教练) tld her that she was t shrt t play fr a tp team,(7) A she shuld stp dreaming abut it. I asked her if she had (8) D t her dad abut it yet. She tld me that her father said the cach was(9) B . He just did nt understand the(10) C f a dream. Her dad tld her that if she really wanted t play(11) C a tp basketball team, if she truly wanted t be the best,(12) A culd stp her. He tld her again, " If the dream is big enugh, the fact dn't cunt."
    The next year, as the girl and her team went t the Nrthern Califrnia Champinship game, she was(13) B by a cllege recruiter (招生人员). She wn the schlarship (奖学金) t(14) B in a cllege which she had dreamed f and she culd play fr a famus wmen's basketball team! Her dream D !
    【解答】(1)C 考查从属连词。A. since 自从或因为,引导时间状语从句或原因状语从句 B. if 如果或是否,引导条件状语从句或宾语从句 C. until 直到,引导时间状语从句 D. befre 之前,引导时间状语从句。根据语境,学校的对面是我的家,我经常看见一个女学生打篮球。她一遍又一遍地练习, 有时直到天黑了。可知应用until。故选:C。
    (2)B 考查副词的词义辨析。A. high 高 B. hard 困难地,努力地 C. easily 容易地 D. freely 自由地。根据语境,有一天,我问她为什么练习那么努力。可知,应是hard。故选:B。
    (3)A 考查名词的词义辨析。A.dad 爸爸 B. mm 妈妈 C. teacher老师 D. friend 朋友。根据下文第二段中"Her dad tld her that if she really wanted t play(11)C a tp basketball team, if she truly wanted t be the best,(12)Aculd stp her. He tld her again, " If the dream is big enugh, the fact dn't cunt.""她的爸爸告诉她,如果她真的想为一个顶级篮球团队打球, 如果她真的想成为最好的, 没什么不能阻止她。他又告诉她,"如果梦想足够大,事实不算数。"可知应是她的爸爸。故选:A。
    (4)D 考查形容词词义辨析。A.nervus 紧张的 B. surprised 惊讶的 C. relaxed 放松的 D. sad 难过的。根据下文"I went ver there and sat dwn beside her. Quietly I(5)Cher what was wrng."我走过去,在她身边坐了下来。悄悄地我问她怎么了。可知她是难过的,悲伤的。故选:D。
    (5)C 考查动词词义辨析。A.made 使得或制作 B. tld 告诉 C. asked 问 D. gave 给。根据后文" "Oh, nthing," she answered sftly. ""哦,没什么,"她轻声回答。可知是问她怎么了?故选:C。
    (6)B 考查副词的词义辨析。A.ften 经常 B. just 只是或刚刚 C. never 从不 D. als 也。根据"我只是太矮了。"事实上,教练告诉她, 她太矮了不能为顶级球队打球。可知是just。故选:B。
    (7)A 考查连词。A.s 因此,并列连词,表示结果 B. but 但是,并列连词,表示转折 C. because 因为,从属连词,表示原因 D. hwever 然而,表示转折。根据语境,事实上,教练告诉她, 她太矮了不能为顶级球队打球,因此她应该停止梦想打球。可知应是s。故选:A。
    (8)D 考查动词词义辨析。A.tired 使疲惫 B. hped 希望 C. listened 听 D. talked 说。根据语境,我问她关于这件事是否已经给她父亲说了。可知应是talked, 即talk t sb.与某人说话。故选:D。
    (9)B 考查形容词词义辨析。A.different 不同的 B. wrng 错误的 C. right 对的 D. similar 类似的。根据后文"He just did nt understand the(10)C f a dream. "他只是不明白梦的意义。可知她的父亲说教练是错误的。故选:B。
    (10)C 考查名词的词义辨析。A.time 时间 B. way 方式 C. meaning 意义 D. example 例子或榜样。根据语境,她的父亲说教练是错误的。他只是不明白梦的意义。可知应是meaning。故选:C。
    (11)C 考查介词。A.f …的,所有格 B. with 用,带有,伴随 C. fr 为了 D. ut 在外面,副词。根据语境,她的爸爸告诉她,如果她真的想为一个顶级篮球团队打球, 如果她真的想成为最好的, 没什么不能阻止她。可知应是fr,为顶级球队打球。故选:C。
    (12)A 考查不定代词。A.nthing 没什么 B. smething 某事或某物 C. anything 任何事物 D. everything 每个事物。根据语境,她的爸爸告诉她,如果她真的想为一个顶级篮球团队打球, 如果她真的想成为最好的, 没什么不能阻止她。可知应是nthing。故选:A。
    (13)B 考查动词的词义辨析。A.stpped 停止 B. fund 发现 C. thanked 谢谢 D. laughed 笑。根据语境,第二年, 这个女孩和她的团队去了加州北部参加冠军赛时, 她被一位大学的招生人员看中发现了。可知是fund。故选:B。
    (14)B 考查动词词义辨析。A.teach 教 B. study 学习 C. travel 旅行 D. wrk 工作。根据前文"She wn the schlarship (奖学金)"她赢得了奖学金。可知是学习。故选:B。
    (15)D 考查动词短语。A.came ver 顺便来访 B. came back 回来 C. came ut 出版 D. came true 实现。根据语境,她获得了奖学金为了在一个她梦想的大学学习, 她可以为一个著名的女子篮球队打球!她的梦想成真了! 可知应是came true。故选:D。
    7.(10分)The year 2022 will be a big year fr sprts in China. That's because it will hld nt nly the 24th Winter Olympics in Beijing,(1) but als the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhu.
    As (2) the nly candidate (候选) city f the 2022 Asian Games, Hangzhu wn the hsting rights fr the 2022 Asian Games in 2015. It will be the third (3) Chinese (China) city t hst the Asian Games after Beijing and Guangzhu in 1990 and 2010.
    Hangzhu is a beautiful city(4) with a lng histry. And the Asian Games(5) will give (give) it a new lk. Althugh the event will cst a lt, the benefits (益处) are easy fr us (6) t see (see) .T the citizens (市民) in Hangzhu, (7) the best (gd) part f it is that it will give us the chance t watch wrld﹣class matches and cmpetitins clse t hme. Secndly, there is n dubt that the event will attract mre visitrs t experience the amazing city. (8) At the same time, it is gd fr the develpment f turism. Als, mre (9) rads (rad) and the Metr system (地铁系统) will be built. In the next tw years, Hangzhu will try (10) its (it) best t prepare itself fr the big shw. A much better Hangzhu is waiting t see in 2022.
    【解答】(1)but.考查连词.根据句意,这是因为它不仅将在北京举行第24届冬奥会,____将在杭州举行第19届亚运会。结合前文的nt nly 以及空后的als,可推知连接词组,nt nly…but als…,不但…而且…, 故答案为but.
    (2)the.考查冠词.根据句意,作为2022年亚运会唯一的候选城市。结合语境可知需要所以定冠词the特指,表示,唯一的 , 故答案为the.
    (3)Chinese.考查形容词.根据题干 It will be the third (3)____ (China) city t hst the Asian Games after Beijing and Guangzhu in 1990 and 2010.提供词是名词;空后是名词,所以应该使用其形容词形式Chinese填入,表示中国的,形式限制前后的名词,故答案为Chinese.
    (5)will give.考查动词.根据题干 And the Asian Games(5)____(give) it a new lk. 亚运会将让它的风貌焕然一新。提供词是谓语动词,根据语境,第19届亚运会还没举行,所以应该使用一般将来时态, 故答案为will give.
    (6)t see.考查动词不定式. 根据题干 the benefits (益处) are easy fr us (6)____(see).提供词是动词;结合句型,be +adj.(fr sb.)+t d sth.,所以匹配句型填入,故答案为t see.
    (7)the best.考查形容词.根据句意,对于杭州的市民来说,____好的方面是它将给我们题干在家门口观看世界级的比赛的机会。可知这是最优越的方面,所以应该用其最高级形式填入, 故答案为the best.
    (8)At.考查介词.根据句意,同时,它也有利于旅游业的发展。可推知介词at与题干中词汇构成短语,at the same time,同时,位于句首,大写, 故答案为At.
    (9)rads.考查名词.根据题干 Als, mre (9)____ (rad) and the Metr system (地铁系统) will be built.提供词是可数名词;空前是比较级mre,所以应该使用其复数形式填入,表示更多的道路,故答案为rads.
    (10)its.考查代词.根据题干In the next tw years, Hangzhu will try (10)____ (it) best t prepare itself fr the big shw. 提供词是人称代词;结合句型,try ne's best t d sth. 所以应该用其形容词性物主代词its填入,匹配句型,表示,尽最大努力,故答案为its.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分10分)第一节 单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)根据下列句子及所给的首字母,在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的完全形式(每空限填一词)。
    8.It is best nt t run away frm yur prblem. Yu shuld try t s lve them.
    【解答】句子中放在t后面跟动词原形,从yur prblem结合首字母s,应该是slve,动词,解决.
    9.On Sunday evenings, I either watch TV r play cmputer games.
    10.﹣﹣﹣What des yur friend lk like?
    ﹣﹣﹣She's f medium h eight , and she has lng straight hair.
    【解答】根据What des yur friend lk like?"你的朋友长什么样?"及首字母提示可知,be f medium height"中等身材"固定搭配。
    11.Thanksgiving is always n the furth Thursday in Nvember.(fur)
    【解答】答案:furth 分析句子得知,空格前被定冠词the修饰,结合题干,推测本题的意思是感恩节总是在十一月的第四个星期四.故用fur的序数词furth.
    12.The mvie t uched the hearts f all the peple at the cinema.
    【解答】结合语境可知此处表示"这部电影感动了电影院里所有人的心";tuch 触动,使……感动,动词,描述过去发生的事情用一般过去时,此处使用它的过去式.
    13.Traditinally, peple like eating lng n dles n their birthdays.
    【解答】根据n their birthdays"在他们的生日那天"及首字母提示可知,应该吃长寿"面条",填名词ndle的复数ndles表示泛指。
    14.U nless yu wrk hard, yu'll certainly fail the exam.
    【解答】根据yu wrk hard,yu'll certainly fail the exam"你努力学习,你肯定会考试不及格的"及首字母提示可知,应该是"如果不"Unless。
    15.I was s c areless that I made the same mistake again.
    16.My uncle has a lt f h bbies , such as playing basketball, playing chess and s n.
    【解答】根据such as playing basketball,playing chess and s n"比如打篮球,下棋等等"及首字母提示可知,应该是"爱好",不止一个爱好,用hbby的复数hbbies。
    17.I want t knw mre abut yur schl.Can yu give me sme i nfrmatin abut it?
    第二节 书面表达(共1小题,满分15分)
    The mst imprtant is that I will get ver my bad habits最重要的是我会改掉坏习惯.
    I hpe I can make great prgress next year我希望明年我能取得很大的进步.
    【解答】Hi, Larry,
    I'm s glad t hear frm yu!
    The spring festival is cming sn,I have sme plans fr the new year.First,I will wrk hard at all my subjects.I will d my hmewrk n time and listen t my teachers carefully.I hpe t get gd grades.(努力学习)
    Secnd,I am nt gd at sprts.Next year I will d mre sprts t keep healthy.Fr example,I can run t schl every day.I can play ftball r basketball at schl every day.(经常打篮球)
    Third,I will spend mre time with my parents.I am ging t help my parents d the husewrk.And I will talk t them mre ften.(花更多的时间和家人相处)
    The mst imprtant is that I will get ver my bad habits,【高分句型一】and I want t be an excellent student.(改掉不好的习惯)
    In a wrd,I hpe I can make great prgress next year.【高分句型二】
    Li ping
    Place 1: Z Statin
    We are directly at the Z train statin, facing the parking area. Yu'll find us just past the main entrances (入口) ppsite the Z entrance.
    Place 2: Alexanderplatz
    We are right under the TV twer. If yu are facing the entrance f the Twer, walk t yur right arund the crner.
    Open Hurs
    Rental Prices
    Lwer grade car
    $ 30 per day
    Medium grade car
    $60 per day
    Tp grade car
    $145 per day
    Discunt (折扣) :
    5% ff if yu rent fr tw days;
    10% ff if yu rent fr three days;
    20% ff if yu rent fr mre than three days.
    If yu dn't have time t rent cars frm ur shp in persn, we can send it t yu. The delivery fee (传送费用) is $20 fr each car. We als ffer sme deliveries utside ur nrmal delivery area. But yu need t pay mre fr the deliveries.
    Please call 650﹣968﹣3756 r visit www. Rentalcars. cm fr car rentals.
    A. Ask thers fr help.
    B. Cme up with new ideas.
    C. Have a gd attitude.
    D. Keep yur prmise.
    E. Try t help thers.
    F. Keep learning all the time.
    (1)A. since
    B. if
    C. until
    D. befre
    (2)A. high
    B. hard
    C. easily
    D. freely
    B. mm
    C. teacher
    D. friend
    B. surprised
    C. relaxed
    D. sad
    B. tld
    C. asked
    D. gave
    B. just
    C. never
    D. als
    B. but
    C. because
    D. hwever
    B. hped
    C. listened
    D. talked
    B. wrng
    C. right
    D. similar
    B. way
    C. meaning
    D. example
    B. with
    C. fr
    D. ut
    B. smething
    C. anything
    D. everything
    B. fund
    C. thanked
    D. laughed
    B. study
    C. travel
    D. wrk
    (15)A.came ver
    B. came back
    C. came ut
    D. came true
    Dear Li Ping,
    I' m s happy t hear that yur winter hliday is arund the cmer. The Chinese Spring Festival is cming sn and it is the beginning f a new year. Can yu tell me smething abut yur New Year's reslutins? Hw many reslutins d yu have? What are they? Hw are yu ging t d with them?
    Hpe t hear frm yu sn.
    Larry Smith
    Hi, Larry,
    I'm s glad t hear frm yu!
    Li ping
    Place 1: Z Statin
    We are directly at the Z train statin, facing the parking area. Yu'll find us just past the main entrances (入口) ppsite the Z entrance.
    Place 2: Alexanderplatz
    We are right under the TV twer. If yu are facing the entrance f the Twer, walk t yur right arund the crner.
    Open Hurs
    Rental Prices
    Lwer grade car
    $ 30 per day
    Medium grade car
    $60 per day
    Tp grade car
    $145 per day
    Discunt (折扣) :
    5% ff if yu rent fr tw days;
    10% ff if yu rent fr three days;
    20% ff if yu rent fr mre than three days.
    If yu dn't have time t rent cars frm ur shp in persn, we can send it t yu. The delivery fee (传送费用) is $20 fr each car. We als ffer sme deliveries utside ur nrmal delivery area. But yu need t pay mre fr the deliveries.
    Please call 650﹣968﹣3756 r visit www. Rentalcars. cm fr car rentals.
    A. Ask thers fr help.
    B. Cme up with new ideas.
    C. Have a gd attitude.
    D. Keep yur prmise.
    E. Try t help thers.
    F. Keep learning all the time.
    (1)A. since
    B. if
    C. until
    D. befre
    (2)A. high
    B. hard
    C. easily
    D. freely
    B. mm
    C. teacher
    D. friend
    B. surprised
    C. relaxed
    D. sad
    B. tld
    C. asked
    D. gave
    B. just
    C. never
    D. als
    B. but
    C. because
    D. hwever
    B. hped
    C. listened
    D. talked
    B. wrng
    C. right
    D. similar
    B. way
    C. meaning
    D. example
    B. with
    C. fr
    D. ut
    B. smething
    C. anything
    D. everything
    B. fund
    C. thanked
    D. laughed
    B. study
    C. travel
    D. wrk
    (15)A.came ver
    B. came back
    C. came ut
    D. came true
    Dear Li Ping,
    I' m s happy t hear that yur winter hliday is arund the cmer. The Chinese Spring Festival is cming sn and it is the beginning f a new year. Can yu tell me smething abut yur New Year's reslutins? Hw many reslutins d yu have? What are they? Hw are yu ging t d with them?
    Hpe t hear frm yu sn.
    Larry Smith
    Hi, Larry,
    I'm s glad t hear frm yu!
    Li ping

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