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    Unit 1 Laugh out loud Period 3 Developing ideas and presenting ideas课件-【新教材精创】高中英语新教材同步备课外研版选择性必修第一册
    Unit 1 Laugh out loud Period 3 Developing ideas and presenting ideas课件-【新教材精创】高中英语新教材同步备课外研版选择性必修第一册01
    Unit 1 Laugh out loud Period 3 Developing ideas and presenting ideas课件-【新教材精创】高中英语新教材同步备课外研版选择性必修第一册02
    Unit 1 Laugh out loud Period 3 Developing ideas and presenting ideas课件-【新教材精创】高中英语新教材同步备课外研版选择性必修第一册03
    Unit 1 Laugh out loud Period 3 Developing ideas and presenting ideas课件-【新教材精创】高中英语新教材同步备课外研版选择性必修第一册04
    Unit 1 Laugh out loud Period 3 Developing ideas and presenting ideas课件-【新教材精创】高中英语新教材同步备课外研版选择性必修第一册05
    Unit 1 Laugh out loud Period 3 Developing ideas and presenting ideas课件-【新教材精创】高中英语新教材同步备课外研版选择性必修第一册06
    Unit 1 Laugh out loud Period 3 Developing ideas and presenting ideas课件-【新教材精创】高中英语新教材同步备课外研版选择性必修第一册07
    Unit 1 Laugh out loud Period 3 Developing ideas and presenting ideas课件-【新教材精创】高中英语新教材同步备课外研版选择性必修第一册08
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    英语Unit 1 Laugh out loud!试讲课备课课件ppt

    这是一份英语Unit 1 Laugh out loud!试讲课备课课件ppt,共31页。PPT课件主要包含了生词清障,A sample,书面表达练习,Mr Bean等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Step 1. Learn abut three peple wh are talented at presenting humur in their wrks
    Step 2. Learn t write a mini bigrapy f a celebrity
    Step 3. Key sentences
    The imprtance f humur
    adj. 极其重要的,__________________v. 使钦佩,使留下深刻印象__________________v. 露齿而笑,咧着嘴笑__________________v. 应得,应受到__________________愁眉苦脸__________________笑料,笑柄__________________笑了起来__________________恶作剧__________________n.名声,名誉__________________n.语言学家__________________adj.说话风趣的;妙趣横生的__________________
    laughing stck
    crack a smile
    practical jke
    adj.中世纪的, 中古时期的__________________adj.使情绪激动的__________________adj.调皮的,淘气的__________________n.言论;意见,评论__________________n.交流·__________________n.男理发师__________________n.刮脸,刮胡子__________________n.男人;家伙__________________n.品牌,牌子__________________某种类型的幽默__________________
    brand f humur
    n. 概念,观念__________________n.地点,处所__________________(故意提出难以回答或尴途的问题)使某人难堪__________________adj.残忍的__________________v. 悄声说,低语__________________v. 哄笑,大笑__________________
    put sb n the spt
    adv. 温和地;轻柔地__________________斥责,责骂__________________v. 照亮,照明__________________n. 等式,方程式__________________adj. 难处理的; 难懂的__________________v. 结束,终止__________________n. 作曲家__________________不能按时完成(工作)__________________
    fall behind
    Humur has been an essential part f human behaviur fr thusands f years. There is cmedy in the texts f Ancient Greece, and medieval writings are filled with jkes. While these same jkes might nt be as funny t us nw as they were then, their authrs understd that humur culd nt nly entertain but als thrw new light n sensitive r emtive issues.
    The title indictes the main tpic f the whle passage.
    The first sentence serves as the main idea f para.1.
    The last sentence is used t intrduce the next paragraph.
    Clser t mdern times, smene wh is remembered fr his ability t cmbine humur with mre serius messages is American writer, Mark Twain. Twain's particular style f writing is funny and ften mischievus. Fr example, in his classic nvel The Adventures f Tm Sauyer, he famusly says, "Writing is easy. All yu have t d is crss ut the wrng wrds." But he is equally well knwn fr his witty remarks in his everyday interactins with peple. Fr instance, while n a lecturing tur f the United States, Twain went int a barber's shp t get a haircut and a shave. The barber, nt recgnising him, asked if he had a ticket t the lecture. When Twain replied that he didn't, the barber tld him that if he wanted t g t the event he wuld have t stand, as there were n seats left in the theatre. Twain's respnse was, "That's just my luck. I always have t stand when that fellw lectures!"
    Main idea:Mark Twain is remembered fr his ability t cmbine humur with mre serius messages.
    This paragraph uses examples t shw humur plays an imprtant rle in Mark Twain's wrks and his life.
    Like Twain, but n the ther side f the wrld, Lin Yutang was sn t becme famus fr his unique brand f humur. A well-knwn bilingual writer, Lin brught the cncept f humur t mdern Chinese literature. In 1924, he creativly brrwed "yum" frm Ancient Chinese as the translatin fr the English wrd "humur". "Yum" is sill being used in this way tday.
    Main idea:Lin Yutang becme famus fr his unique brand f humur as a well-knwn bilingual writer.
    This paragraph intrduces Lin Yutan as a master f humur n the ther side f the wrld.
    Lin's quick wit helped make him famus as a master f humur. Once, having been invited t dinner at a university, he was put n the spt when the president suddenly asked him t give a speech. Thinking n his feet, Lin started t tell a stry abut a cruel Rman emperr wh tried t feed a man t wild animals. First came a lin. The man whispered smething in the lin's ear, after which the lin shk its head and walked away unhappily. Then alng came a tiger. Again, the man whispered in the tiger's ear. The tiger lked shcked and hurried away. "What did yu say t my animals?" said the emperr, astnished. "I tld them they had t make a speech after eating me fr dinner." Lin's audience rared with laughter. With this little jke,Lin was able t make peple laugh, while gently telling ff the president.
    Main idea:Lin's quick wit helped make him famus as a master f humur.
    Humur als plays an imprtant rle in Lin's wrks and his life.
    Bth Twain and Lin understd that humur isn't just abut laughter, but is a way f life and a tl that can be used t illuminate the wrld. Lin even created an equatin t explain this cncept: Reality+Dreams +Humur=Wisdm. Living and wrking with thers can smetimes be cmplicated, and humur makes this easier. Sharing jkes and laughing tgether can bring individuals and even cmmunities tgether. Indeed, sme may argue that ur need fr humur is almst as great as ur need fr water and air. In the wrds f MarkTwain, "Humr is mankind's greatest blessing".
    Main idea:Bth Twain and Lin understd the imprtance f humur.
    The cnclusin f the passage: Humur has been an essential part f human life all ver the wrld.
    Organizatin f the passage
    IntrductinTitle & Para.1The imprtance f humur
    BdyPara. 2, 3, 4Giving examples f Mark Twain and Lin Yutang t supprt the tpic
    CnclusinPara.5Humur is a tl and can be used t illuminate the wrld.
    Organize infrmatin frm the passage and cmplete the diagram.
    IntrductinHumur is an essential part f _______________. Authrs have used it t ________and thrw new light n___________________________
    human behavir
    sensitive and emtive issues
    CnclusinHumur is a ___________ and a tl that can be used t____________________.
    illuminate the wrld
    cmbine humur
    serius messages
    The Adventures f Tm Sauyer
    A talk with a barbar
    He nce gently tld ff the president
    a master f humur
    He brught the cncept f humr t Chinese literature.
    Hw t write abut a famus writer r a cmedian?
    1. Charlie Chaplin was a British actr, filmmaker and cmpser. He became famus in the 1910s, when films were silent and in black and white.2. Charlie Chaplin was ne f the best cmedy actrs f his time because he knew hw t use his bdy and facial features t make peple laugh. In my pinin, the funniest thing abut Charlie Chaplin was the way he walked when he was acting as the Tramp, wh is his mst famus character. The Tramp is a pr man with a kind heart wh has unexpected adventures. These adventures, ften invlving the plice, are usually the funniest scenes.3. My favurite Charlie Chaplin film is Mdern Times and my favurite scene is in the factry where Charlie Chaplin is wrking n a prductin line. When a bee starts circling arund Charlie's face, he falls behind with his wrk. It's s funny t watch him trying t keep up!4. I think the pwer f Charlie Chaplin's wrks is nt nly in his acting, but als in the stries and characters he created. The Tramp is a symbl f the silent cinema and even after s many years, he is till able t make peple laugh.
    Charlie Chaplin's Unique Acting StyleThe Pwer f Charlie Chaplin's Wrks My Favurite Chalie Chaplin FilmGeneral intrductin t Charlie Chapin
    Fur steps t intrduce a writer r cmedian
    Step 1: General intrductin
    Step 2: Why d peple like him
    Step 3: His/her mst famus wrk
    Step 4: Sme cmments n him/her
    罗温·艾金森(Rwan Atkinsn)是著名的喜剧大师,在英国和其他国家都拥有众多的粉丝。请根据以下信息,写一篇100词左右的英语短文,介绍罗温·艾金森。1. 罗温·艾金森,英国著名的喜剧演员,1955年1月6日出生于英格兰,毕业于牛津大学。2. 所扮演的憨豆先生风靡世界;他的荧幕形象有点傻,但是他通过这个角色告诉人们对生活要乐观。3. 通过丰富的肢体动作来展示自己的幽默,使人发笑。4. 出色的演技为他赢得了许多奖项,被誉为继卓别林之后的又一位喜剧大师。
    General Intrductin
    Why peple like him
    The characteristics f his perfrmances
    The award he's gt and cmments n him
    【参考范文】Rwan Atkinsn is a British cmedy actr. He was brn in England n January 6,1955 and graduated frm Oxfrd University. He has wn many fans bth in England and many ther is a ppular British cmedy televisin series, in which Rwan Atkinsn is in the leading rle. Mr.Bean, the character created by Rwan, is a bit silly, but the series tells peple t be ptimistic abut life and shws Rwan's humur thrugh rich bdy mvements, making peple keep laughing.Rwan Atkinsn has wn many awards and is being hailed as anther greatest cmedian after Charlie Chaplin. (100 wrds)
    1. While these same jkes might nt be as funny t us nw as they were then, their authrs understd that humur culd nt nly entertain but als thrw new light n sensitive r emtive issues. 虽然这些相同的笑话现在对我们来说可能不像那时那么有趣,但它们的作者明白,幽默不仅可以娱乐,而且可以为敏感或情绪化的问题提供新的视角。while 引导让步状语从句,表示 “尽管”之意翻译练习尽管他爱他的学生们,但是他对他们要求颇为严格。
    While he lves his students, he is very strict with them.
    2. thrw light n 阐明,照亮while 引导让步状语从句,表示 “尽管”之意单句语法填空But his statement didn't nt thrw light ________ the subject.翻译练习你提供的情报可能阐明他的死因。Yur infrmatin __________________ the cause f his death.最近一项对蜗牛壳的研究也许能给这个谜题带来一线光明。 Recent research int a snail's shell ___________________ this puzzle.
    may thrw light n
    3. Like Twain, but n the ther side f the wrld, Lin Yutang was sn t becme famus fr his unique brand f humur. A well-knwn bilingual writer, Lin brught the cncept f humur t mdern Chinese literature.像吐温一样,但在世界的另一边,林语堂很快以他独特的幽默风格而闻名。林是著名的双语作家,他将幽默的概念引入中国现代文学。brand f ...的独特风格翻译练习丘吉尔独特的政治风格不适合战后英国的民众情绪,他在1945年的大选中失败了。Churchill's _________________was nt suited t the md f pst-war Britain, and he lst tbe general electin f 1945.
    brand f plitics
    4. Once, having been invited t dinner at a university, he was put n the spt when the president suddenly asked him t give a speech. Thinking n his feet, Lin started t tell a stry abut a cruel Rman emperr wh tried t feed a man t wild animals. having been invited t dinner at a university, 现在分词的完成被动式,在句中作时间状语,与逻辑主语“he”之间是被动关系,表示“收到邀请”,发生在谓语动词“was put n the spt”之前,故此处使用了现在分词的完成被动式。单句语法填空__________________(warn) by the teacher, the students didn't make such mistakes.__________________(tell) many times, he still did nt knw hw t d it.
    Having been warned
    Having been tld
    5. put.…n the spt: 使某人处于尴尬的境地,为难某人翻译练习你让我很尴尬,我回答不了你的问题。我不想为难你,但是我真的想知道你是怎么认识Tim的。
    Yu've put me n the spt. I can't answer yu questin.
    I dn’t want t put yu n the spt, but I'm really anxius abut hw yu knw Tim.
    6. think n ne's feet 头脑反应很快;才思敏捷如:There's n time t cnsult reference bks. Yu have t think n yur feet fr this jb. 没有时间翻阅参考书了,做这项工作你得思维敏捷.7. With this little jke,Lin was able t make peple laugh, while gently telling ff the president.tell ff 责备翻译练习我们训斥他时,他从来都不听。我总因为手脚笨而受训斥。
    He never listens t us when we tell him ff.
    I'm always being tld ff fr being s awkward.

    外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 1 Laugh out loud!优秀课件ppt: 这是一份外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 1 Laugh out loud!优秀课件ppt,共39页。

    外研版 (2019)Unit 1 Laugh out loud!优秀课件ppt: 这是一份外研版 (2019)Unit 1 Laugh out loud!优秀课件ppt,共31页。PPT课件主要包含了生词清障,A sample,书面表达练习,Mr Bean等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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        Unit 1 Laugh out loud Period 3 Developing ideas and presenting ideas课件-【新教材精创】高中英语新教材同步备课外研版选择性必修第一册
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