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    九年级 Unit 5 What are the shirts made of? 第1课时 教师辅导讲义
    九年级 Unit 5 What are the shirts made of? 第1课时 教师辅导讲义01
    九年级 Unit 5 What are the shirts made of? 第1课时 教师辅导讲义02
    九年级 Unit 5 What are the shirts made of? 第1课时 教师辅导讲义03
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    人教新目标 (Go for it) 版九年级全册Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?综合与测试优质第1课时导学案

    这是一份人教新目标 (Go for it) 版九年级全册Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?综合与测试优质第1课时导学案,共21页。



    学员姓名: 年 级:九年级 课时数:9课时

    辅导科目:英 语 学科教师: 校区名称:
    T (Unit5 Sectin A、B)
    C (被动语态)
    T (能力提升)
    年 月 日


    Unit 5 What are the shrts made f?

    Grammar Fcus

    Read the sentences belw, paying attentin t the underlined parts.

    Is it made f silver?

    It was made in Thailand.

    What is the mdel plane made f?

    Where is tea prduced in China?

    Hw is it grwn?

    It is planted n the side f muntains.

    They are picked by hand and then are sent fr prcessing.

    被动语态 (Passive Vice)

    结构: be + V-p.p.

    一般现在时的被动语态: am / are / is + 动词的过去分词

    Language pints A

    1. It’s made f used wd and glass

    be made f 由 ... 制成

    be made in 在…制造/生产

    如:This armchair is made f bamb. 这个扶手椅是用竹子做成的。

    Bread is made in France. 面包是法国产的


    1). be made f 表示“由…制成”, 一般指能够看出原材料

    2). be made frm也表示“由…制成”,但一般指看不出原材料

    如:Bread is made frm crn. 面包是小麦做的。

    3). be made int 被制成为…

    如:This piece f wd will be made int a small bench. 这块木头将要被制成一个小凳。

    4). be made by sb. 由某人制成

    2. Where is tea prduced in China?

    prduce v. 生产;制造;出产

    如:I'm quite pleased that we have prduced s much fd. 我很高兴我们生产了这么多食物。

    We expect writers t prduce mre and better wrks.我们期望作家们写出更多更好的作品。

    prduce, d, make

    1. 共同:“制造, 生产”

    2. 区别:

    make:普通用语, 指任何物品的制作、制造、生产、加工;

    prduce:强调生产情况及产量, 不强调生产过程及规模;

    d:当做某事或进行某活动, 又不知是什么具体内容时;当说到工作时, 一般情况下用d。

    3. … are widely knwn fr their tea

    widely adv. 广泛地;普遍地。 widely通常表示范围或程度的广大

    如: The steambat is nt widely in use nw. 如今汽船不是那么广泛地被应用。

    Rice is widely planted in Suth China. 水稻在中国南部广泛种植。

    The sng is becming widely ppular. 这首歌正在广泛流行开来。

    4. …, they are picked by hand and then are sent fr prcessing.

    prcess v. 加工;处理

    如:America sent cttn t England fr prcessing. 美国把棉花运到英格兰进行加工。

    Hw fast des the cmputer prcess the data?这台计算机处理数据有多快?


    prcess n. 工序;过程 in prcess 在进行中

    如:Building a car is a lng prcess. 制造一辆小汽车有很长的工序。

    They went ver every prcess again, but withut result.


    The bridge is in the prcess f being built.大桥正在建设中。

    5. It seems that Chinese tea is drunk all ver the wrld.

    It seems that …:“似乎..., 看来好像 ...”,it :形式主语; seems :系动词, that 引导表语从句。

    如:It seems that n ne knws what has happened in the park.



    seem: 连系动词或不及物动词, “似乎;好像” :

    1. 主语+ seem +(t be )+表语(表语:名词或形容词,其他的词或短语,说明主语的特征或状态)

    2. 主语+ seem + 不定式,(seem与不定式构成复合谓语)

    3. There + seem t be +名词

    (t be 可省略;seem 的单复数形式要根据后面作主语的名词的单复数形式而定)

    4. seem like +名词 “看起来好像是 … ”

    如:Tm seems (t be) a very clever by.

    Mrs Green desn’t seem t like the idea.

    There desn’t seem (t be) much hpe f ur beating that team.

    There seems n need t wait lnger.

    She seems like a reasnable persn.

    6. … tea is gd fr bth health and business!

    be gd fr 有益于… 反义词:be bad fr 对……有害处

    如:Fresh air and exercise are gd fr the health. 新鲜空气和运动有益于健康。

    Smking is n gd fr health. 吸烟无益于身体健康.


    be gd at / with / t / fr用法之不同

    1) be gd at+ 名词、代词或v-ing形式 :“擅长……”

    2) be gd with : “灵巧的;与……相处得好”

    3) be gd t : “对……友好”

    4) be gd fr: “对……有好处”

    如:I’m gd at playing chess.

    She is gd with her hands.

    My friend was gd t me when I was ill.

    Eating mre vegetables is gd fr yur health.


    1. 他的新手机是美国制造的。

    His new mbile phne _____________ America.

    2. 这台电视机是由工厂的工人们制造的。

    The TV set is _________ the wrkers in the factry.

    3. 这些瓶子是塑料做的。

    These bttles are ________ plastic.

    4. 面包是小麦做的。

    The bread is _________ wheat.

    5. 这种沙拉是用香蕉和苹果做的。

    The salad is _________ bananas and apples.

    6. 格林夫人似乎喜欢这款长裙。

    Mrs. Green _______ _______ _______ this type f dress.

    = It ______ that Mrs. Green ______ this type f dress.

    7. It ____________ a gd idea at that time. 当时那看起来好像是个好主意。

    8. She ___________ right. 看起来她好像是对的。


    ( )【黔西南】--- Yur sweater lks very nice. What's it made ________?

    --- Wl, and it's made ________ Guiyang.

    A. frm, n B. f, in C. f, n D. frm, in

    ( )【四川南充】Practicing in grups is gd ______ us t learn English.

    A. at B. in C. fr

    ( )【山东临沂】English is my favrite subject, and I am gd _______ it.

    A. fr B. t C. at D. f

    ( )【湖北咸宁】--- I think drinking milk every mrning is gd _______ ur health.

    --- Yes. I agree _______ yu.

    A. t; t B. with; t C. at; with D. fr; with

    ( )(青岛) —Lk! There is a hrse racing prgram n TV nw.

    —Hmm ... It ________ exciting.

    A. seems B. lks like C. feels D. seems like


    China is smetimes referred t as ‘the wrkshp f the wrld’. 50% f cameras, 30% f air cnditiners and televisins, 25% f washing machines, and 20% f refrigeratrs in the wrld are nw being prduced r assembled in China. China als prduces agricultural prducts and chemicals. China makes half f the wrld's cement and flat glass (水泥和平板玻璃), and abut a third f its aluminium (铝).

    In 2006, China vertk Japan as the secnd-largest prducer f cars and trucks after the United States. Out f the wrld's five busiest prts in the wrld, three are in China. We shuld mve frm “Made in China” t “Created in China”, frm “China speed” t “China quality” and frm “Chinese prducts” t “Chinese brands”.

    Language pints A

    1. N matter what yu may buy, yu might prbably think thse prducts were made in thse cuntries.

    n matter 不论;无论

    n matter what 无论什么 n matter when 无论何时

    n matter where 无论何处 n matter hw 无论如何

    如:N matter wh he is, he must bey the law

    might 在这里不是表示过去式,而是表示可能性很小

    might也可代替may, 以表示礼貌

    如:I was afraid they might nt like the idea. 我担心他们会不赞成这个意见。

    Might I make a suggestin?我可以提个建议吗?

    prduct, prduce区别

    prduce是农产品、天然产物或工业产品的总称, 是不可数名词;

    prduct指某种自然的或人工生产的产品, 也指文学或艺术方面的作品,是可数名词。

    如:Amng the prducts f the factry are tractrs, plughs and lrries.


    This is a prduct f genius.这是一部天才的作品。

    2. He realized that Americans can hardly avid buying prducts made in China.

    avid: “避免(成功)” (若是企图避免却失败的,不可用avid)

    如:He avided answering my questins.

    I avided him as much as pssible.


    everyday、every day的区别

    everyday是形容词, 意思是“每天的;日常的”, 后面必须接被修饰的名词;

    every day是副词, 意思是“每天”, 表示动作的时间。放在句首或句末,用来修饰整个句子。


    ( )______ the weather will be like tmrrw, we’ll g surfing.

    A. N matter hw B. N matter what's

    C. N matter what D. N matter if

    ( )We'll never give up wrking n the experiment, _______ difficult it is.

    A. n matter hw B. n matter when C. n matter what D. n matter where

    ( )-- What will the weather be like tmrrw?

    -- It ______ be rainy, cludy r sunny. Wh knws? (安徽)

    A. must B. might C. shall D. shuld

    ( )-- Where's Jeff?

    -- I'm nt sure. He _______ be playing ftball n the playgrund. (湖北十堰市)

    A. need B. might C. must D. can

    Language pints C

    1. Each different part f China has its wn special frms f traditinal art.

    * its adj. 它的

    it’s : it is 或 it has 的缩写形式

    The hrse raised its head. 马抬起头。

    It’s stpped raining. 雨已经停了。

    * frm n. 形式;类型

    Playing basketball is ne frm f physical exercise. 打篮球是体育活动的一种形式。

    Ice, snw and steam are different frms f water. 冰、雪、蒸汽是水的不同形式。

    We will send yu the mney each week in the frm f a check. 我们每周将以支票的形式将钱寄给你。


    frm n. 表格; 良好的健康状态; 表现状态

    He is filling in a frm. 他正在填写一张表格。

    David was certainly ut f frm. 大卫那时竞技状态确实不好。

    v. 形成;建立

    A plan began t frm in his head. 一项计划在他脑子中形成。

    His curage frmed an example t us all.他的勇敢给我们大家树立了榜样。

    gd / bad frm (不)礼貌的举动, (不)礼貌的行为

    in / ut f frm 竞技状态良好/不佳

    in the frm f 以…的形式

    ff / n frm 竞技状态不佳/良好

    2. The mst cmmn things, …, are turned int bjects f beauty.

    turn int = change int

    turn 的常见短语:

    turn up 调高 turn dwn 调低 turn n 打开 turn ff 关掉

    turn t 转向;翻到(某页) ;求教于 turn arund 环顾四周

    3. Accrding t Chinese histry, sky lanterns were first used by …

    accrding t 按照;根据

    1) accrding t一般不能与pinin, view等表示“意见”“看法”的名词连用。

    2) accrding t不能用来引述自己或某人的言语, 因而其宾语不能是人。

    如:Fill up the frm accrding t the instructins. 按照说明将表填好

    4. … lively characters frm a Chinese fairy tale …

    lively adj. 生气勃勃的;(色彩)鲜艳的

    如:He may be eighty, but he is still lively.他可能已有八十岁,但是仍然充满朝气。

    She made a lively dg ut f the clay. 她用泥做了一只栩栩如生的狗。




    lively 表示“生动的,活泼的”,可以做定语、表语或宾补;

    living 表示“活着的”,可以作表语或前置定语,可修饰人, 也可修饰物;

    alive 表示“活着的”,多用于人,与dead相对;可以做表语、后置定语或补足语

    4. Paper cutting has been arund fr ver 1,500 years.

    arund : exciting 存在着

    如:That jkes been arund fr years. 那个笑话有年头了。

    Mansn has a reputatin as ne f the mst stylish designers arund.



    ( )1. It’s a bird. ________ name is Happy.

    A. It’s B. It C. Its D. His

    ( )2. The by is sleeping. Please _____ the radi.

    A. turn up B. turn dwn C. turn n

    ( )3. It's getting dark. Please ______ the light.

    A. turn n B. turn ff C. turn dwn D. turn arund

    ( )4. Please _______ Page 54 and read Lessn Twelve.

    A. turn t B. turn int C. turn in D. turn n

    ( )5. The _______ peple must cntinue what thse dead didn't finish.

    A. living B. alive C. lively D. live

    ( )6. The Wrld Cup in France was the biggest _______ ftball match in the wrld.

    A. alive B. live C. lively D. living

    ( )7. Mr Brwn always makes his class ______ and keeps his students ______ in class.

    A. alive; interesting B. lively; interesting

    C. alive; interested D. lively; interested







    例:They speak English. (主动语态)

    主 谓 宾

    English is spken by them. (被动语态)

    主 谓 介词短语


    例:⑴ We listen t the teacher carefully in class.

    主 谓 宾

    →The teacher is listened t by us carefully in class.

    主 谓 介词短语

    二、 被动语态的结构与用法:

    1.结构:be +dne (过去分词)

    被动语态中的be为助动词,无意义。be可能是am , is , are也可是was ,were或原形be。

    ★ 被动语态的时态是由be的时态决定的,be是什么时态,全句就是什么时态,be后面的过去分词不变。

    2.用法: 例:① Histry is made by the peple. (一般现在时)

    ②The cars were made in Tianjing in 1995. (一般过去时)

    ③The tree will be cut dwn next year.(一般将来时)

    ④The rm must be kept clean. (含有情态动词的被动语态)

    ⑤The dr is being pened. (现在进行时)

    ⑥The film has been seen by me. (现在完成时)



    如:Cmputers are widely used in transprt.


    如: A third ring will be built arund this city.


    如: Much has been said but little has been dne abut the issue.


    如: It is said that anther steel plant will be set up in this city.


    It is hped that … 希望…… It is suppsed that … 据推测说……

    It must be pinted ut that … 必须指出…… It will be seen that … 由此可以看出……

    It is knwn that … 据说…… It is well knwn that …众所周知……

    It is believed that … 有人相信…… It is thught that … 人们认为……

    四、 被动语态的各种句型:

    1、 The sng is liked by yung peple. (肯定句)

    2、 The sng isn’t liked by yung peple.(否定句)

    3、 Is the sng liked by yung peple ?(一般疑问句)

    4、 Wh is the sng liked by ? = By whm is the sng liked? (特殊疑问句)

    五、 主动语态改被动语态的方法:


    ⑵动词改为变动形式be dne(同时注意时态)



    例:The man killed a tiger.

    → A tiger was killed by the man .(改的过程中要注意时态和语态两个方面)

    六、 特殊句型的被动语态:

    ⑴含有使役动词(make /let /have)或感官动词(hear ,see, listen t ,lk at ,find ,watch, feel等)的句子,在主动语态中这些词后常跟不带t的动词不定式,但是在改成被动语态时,则一定要把省去的t再加上去。

    另外help这一个词在主动语态中后面的动词不定式可以带t,也可不带t, 但在被动语态中也必须把t加上去。

    例: Mther ften makes me d sme husewrk.

    →I am ften made t d sme husewrk by mther.


    一感(feel) 二听(hear, listen) 三让(let, make, here)

    四看(lk at, see, watch, ntice)

    ⑵teach ,give ,pass ,shw ,buy, tell等动词常常带有两个宾语(双宾语:直接宾语和间接宾语),改为被动语态时,两个宾语可以选其中任一个作主语。如果直接宾语被提前作主语,那么间接宾语(一般是人)前要加相应的介词t/fr。

    例:① She gave me a pen. = She gave a pen t me.

    →I was given a pen by her.

    →A pen was given t me by her.

    ② My father bught me a new bike. = My father bught a new bike fr me.

    →I was bught a new bike by my father.

    →A new bike was bught fr me by my father.


    例:①We shuld speak t ld peple plitely.

    →Old peple shuld be spken t plitely ( by us).

    ②He tk away the bx. → The bx was taken away by him.


    例:① We call him Xia Ma. → He is called Xia Ma by us.

    主 谓 宾 宾

    ② He fund the bk very interesting. → The bk was fund very interesting by him.

    七、 没有被动语态的动词:

    1. 没有被动语态的词,表示状态或特征的及物动词。

    如 cst, fit, have, suit, write well(好写), sell well(好卖)等没有被动形式。

    另外,诸如happen = take place, break ut(爆发),break dwn(坏了) 等不及物动词或短语以及诸如result frm(缘于),belng t,等只用主动语态,而不用被动语态


    appear, die ,disappear, end , fail, last, lie, remain, sit, spread(传播),

    stand, cme true, fall asleep, ...

    3.大多数系动词:be , feel (摸起来),sund(听起来),lk(看起来),smell(闻起来),


    例:①The skirt feels very sft. 这件裙子摸起来很柔软。

    ②Many changes have happened in ur hmetwn.

    ③The film lasted fr 3 hurs.




    1. We ften use a recrder in ur English class.


    2. They will shw a new film next week.


    3. When did they build the huse?


    4. I saw the by enter the rm.


    5. Will they shw a new film next week?


    6. We ften see him help his classmate.


    7. Yu must turn ff the light befre yu g t bed.



    ( )1. The reading rm ________ yesterday afternn.

    A. cleaned B. is cleaned C. was cleaning D. was cleaned

    ( )2. The wrkers were made ________ ten hurs a day.

    A. wrk B. t wrk C. wrking D. wrked

    ( )3. Fd ________ in a cl place in summer.

    A. must keep B. mustn’t keep C. must be kept D. mustn’t be kept

    ( )4. His father ________ t wrk in Hng Kng 3 years ag.

    A. sent B. was sent C. has sent D. has been sent

    ( )5. The pen ________ well.

    A. writes B. is written C. was written D. writing

    ( )6. Great changes ________ in the twn since 1988.

    A. have taken place B. have been taken place

    C. has taken place D. has been taken place

    ( )7. Our cmpsitins must ________ next Mnday.

    A. be hand in B. be handed in C. handed in D. be handing in

    ( )8. The child will ________ back t his parents next mnth.

    A. sent B. send C. be sent D. be sending

    ( )9. ________ his wrk ________ yet?

    A. have…been finished B. has …been finished

    C. has …finished D. have…finished

    ( )10. The classrm ________ nw

    A. is cleaning B. is being cleaning

    C. is being cleaned D. is cleaned

    ( )11. I prmise that matter will _______.

    A. be taken care B. be taken care f C. take care D. take care f

    ( )12. N permissin has ________ fr anybdy t enter the building.

    A. been given B. given C. t give D. be given

    ( )13. I _______ ten minutes t decide whether I shuld reject the ffer.

    A. gave B. was given C. was giving D. had given

    ( )14. Can such a thing _____ happening again?

    A. prevent frm B. prevented frm

    C. be prevented frm D. t prevent frm

    ( )15. A new huse ________ at the crner f the rad.

    A. is building B. is being built C. been built D. be building

    ( )16. This bike ________ last year.

    A. bught B. has been bught C. was bught D. had been bugh

    ( )17. Did yu see the huse that _______ by fire last year?

    A. was destrying B. destryed C. wuld destry D. was destryed

    ( )18. It _______ whether she will get her wrk in the hspital.

    A. hasn’t been decided B. isn’t deciding C. desn’t decide D. hasn’t decided

    ( )19. The pen _______ me. It is hers.

    A. isn’t belng t B. wasn’t belng t

    C. desn’t belng t D. didn’t belng t

    ( )20. I can’t use my bike because it _______.

    A. is repairing B. is being repaired C. will repair D. was repairing

    ( )21. The chairman tld the speaker that she ______ t speak a little luder s as t make herself _____.

    A. was expected; heard B. had expected; hear

    C. had hped; hear D. was hped; heard

    ( )22.---- The windw is dirty.

    ---- I knw. It _____ fr weeks.

    A. hasn’t cleaned B. didn’t clean C. wasn’t cleaned D. hasn’t been cleaned

    ( )23. By the end f last year, anther new gymnasium _______ in Beijing.

    A. wuld be cmpleted B. was being cmpleted

    C. has been cmpleted D. had been cmpleted

    ( )24.—Hw lng _______ at this jb?

    —Since 1990.

    A. were yu emplyed B. have yu been emplyed

    C. had yu been emplyed D .will yu be emplyed

    ( )25.—What happened t the priceless wrks f art?


    A. They were destryed in the earthquake

    B. The earthquake was destrying them

    C. They destryed in the earthquake

    D. The earthquake destryed them

    ( )26. This is Ted’s pht. We miss him a lt. He ______ trying t save a child in the earthquake.

    A. killed B. is killed C. was killed D. was killing

    ( )27. Rainfrests __and burned at such a speed that they will disappear frm the earth in the near future.

    A. cut B. are cut C. are being cut D. had been cut

    ( )28. Selecting a mbile phne fr persnal use is n easy task because technlgy _______ s rapidly.

    A. s changing B. has changed C .will have changed D. will change

    ( )29. Hundreds f jbs _______ if the factry clses.

    A. lse B. will be lst C. are lst D. will lse

    ( )30. A new cinema _______ here. They hpe t finish it next mnth.

    A. will be built B. is built C. has been built D. is being built


    1. Can he ________ (speak) English?

    2. What language ________ (speak) in that cuntry?

    3. The film ________ (shw) many times since last Sunday.

    4. These TV sets ________ (make) in Sichuan.

    5. It has gt s dark. Wuld yu please ________ (turn) n the light?

    6. A new hspital ________ (build) in this area nw.

    7. ________ the bk ________ (return).

    8. Rice ________ (grw) in the suth.

    9. The windw ________ (nt break) by the by.

    10. I ________ (tell) that he ________ (nt cme) just nw.

    二、 用所给动词的正确形式填空

    1. English ________ (speak) in many cuntries.

    2. Infrmatin in shrt-term memry ________ (can, nt, keep) very lng.

    3. After that, ne f the lights _______ (turn ff) and the rat had t wait fr a shrt time.

    4. Just a few years ag, tmates _______ (believe) t have magical pwers, making peple wh ate them fall in lve.

    5. It is said new cpies f the bk _______ (print) nw.

    6. The ld huse _______ (pull) dwn next mnth.

    7. In the ld days, the children (take care f) by the mther because she did nt wrk utside the huse.

    8. Needless t say, the secnd list f wrds ___ (can, remember) mre easily than the first ne.

    9. She _______ (send) t anther village when I gt there.

    10. The teacher said that we _________ (give) anther chance smetime next mnth.

    人教新目标 (Go for it) 版九年级全册Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?Section B学案设计: 这是一份人教新目标 (Go for it) 版九年级全册Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?Section B学案设计,共14页。

    人教新目标 (Go for it) 版九年级全册Section A学案: 这是一份人教新目标 (Go for it) 版九年级全册Section A学案,共11页。

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