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    Unit 24 Society

    1.inequality n.        不平等
    2.abortion n. 堕胎,人工流产
    3.household n. 一个家庭
    4.currency n. 货币
    5.taxpayer n. 纳税人
    6.ownership n. 所有权
    7.rag n. 破旧衣服
    8.bare adj. 赤裸的
    9.pension n. 退休金,养老金
    10.pregnant adj. 怀孕的
    11.format n. 格式
    12.leisure n. 闲暇,空闲
    13.framework n. 结构,构架
    14.feast n. 盛宴,宴会
    15.merchant n. 商人
    16.collision n. 相撞
    17.fountain n. 喷泉,喷水池
    18.poster n. 海报
    19.fragrant adj. 有香味的
    20.spoonful n. 一匙之量
    21.revenge n. 复仇,报复
    22.swing vi. 摇动
    23.spiritual adj.     宗教的,教会的;精神的
    24.prayer n. 祈祷,祷告
    1.deposit vt. & vi.     存储,储蓄
    2.burden n. 重担,负担
    3.vacant adj. 未住人的,空置的
    4.resign vt. & vi. 辞职
    5.delete vt. 删除
    6.choke vi. 窒息,噎住
    7.shrink vi. (使)收缩,缩小
    8.virtue n. 优点,长处
    9.skip vt. 跳过
    10.cast vt. 投下
    11.undertake vt. 着手做,从事
    12.squeeze vt. 挤
    13.fine n. 罚款
    14.sentence n. 判决
    15.abolish vt. 废除
    16.moreover adv. 再者,此外
    17.furthermore adv. 此外,而且
    18.homelessness n. 无家可归
    19.accumulate v. 积累
    20.rot vt. & vi. 腐烂
    1.voluntary adj.自愿的→volunteer v.自愿做n.志愿者
    2.abundant adj.大量的→abundance n.大量
    3.signature n.签名→sign v.签名;打手势n.招牌;迹象;符号
    4.govern vt.统治,管理→governor n.统治者,总督→government n.政府
    5.adjustment n.调整,调节→adjust vt.调整,调节vi.使适应
    6.elect vt.选举,推选→election n.选举;当选;选择权
    7.merciful adj.宽大的,仁慈的→mercy n.宽容,仁慈
    8.thirst n.口渴→thirsty adj.口渴的
    9.consequently adv.所以,因此→consequent adj.作为结果的;必然的→consequence n.结果,后果
    10.resistance n.反抗,抵制→resist vi. & vt. 抵(反)抗,抵制
    11.robbery n.抢劫→rob vt.抢劫→robber n.抢劫犯
    12.diverse adj.各种各样的;不同的→diversity n.各种各样;多样性
    1.Several robbers robbed the bank of an enormous sum of money, making the largest robbery of this city in the last decade.(robbery)
    2.With the improvement of environment, diverse plants and animals appear in this area. And the diversity of creatures attracts more and more tourists.(diverse)
    3.In the latest election,_Mary was elected chairwoman of the Students' Union.(elect)
    4.To adjust herself to the study abroad, she had to make some necessary adjustments to her habits.(adjustment)
    5.I'm really thirsty and only ice water can quench (解渴) my thirst.(thirst)
    6.It is the governor of the city who governs the city. And he is a candidate for central government.(govern)
    7.Being a volunteer can benefit us a lot. So we should play an active part in voluntary activities.(voluntary)
    1.come_into_being    形成,存在
    2.wind_sb.up_ 故意惹恼某人
    3.show_off 炫耀,夸耀
    4.knock_into_sb. 撞上某人;偶然遇到
    5.break_into 闯入;突然开始(笑、唱等)
    6.on_principle 根据原则
    7.sentence_sb.to_death_ 判某人死刑
    8.take_...seriously_ 认真对待……
    9.be_well/better_off 过得好/过得更好
    10.above_all 最重要的是;首先
    11.do_away_with_ 废除;摆脱,消灭
    12.contribute_to 促进,有助于
    13.play_an_important_role_in 在……中起重要作用
    14.to_start_with_ 首先
    15.take_..._into_account 考虑;注意,体谅
    16.keep_an_eye_on 注意,留意
    1.The society today offers the young generation more chances to show_off their talent and skills.
    2.Did I tell you about the time that a thief broke_into my hotel room?
    3.I knocked_into the star you had talked about in the town this morning.
    4.Perhaps it is true that nobody in the world knows exactly how the earth came_into_being.
    5.We're amazed at the amazing news that he committed a crime and was_sentenced_to_death.
    6.We must keep_an_eye_on the stranger who is looking back and forth all the time.
    7.I'd like to buy a house, which should be modern, comfortable, and above_all_in a quiet neighborhood.
    8.To_start_with,_we haven't enough money, and secondly we're too busy.

    1.As a society, it's high time that we took these issues more seriously.
    It's high time that sb. should do/did sth.“到某人做某事的时候了”。
    It's high time that we should_take/took_measures to preserve the natural resources.
    2.I'd rather you didn't mention that.
    would rather后跟从句时,从句要用虚拟语气。
    John wants to see me today. I would rather he came tomorrow.
    3.What if some married people have affairs?
    what if是连词词组,意为“要是……怎么办”。
    What_if I fail the maths exam next week?
    4.They were then able to place guards at the entrances of the various hutongs, which made it easier to keep an eye on people's movements.
    I remember I made_it_quite_clear to you that I was not coming.

    1.burden n.负担,重担 vt.(使)担负(沉重或艰难的任务、职责等)
    ①His invalid father is becoming a burden on/to him.
    ②Nowadays students are burdened (burden) with heavy homework.
    ③He took a part­time job in summer holiday to burden himself with his school fees.
    ④There will be many challenges ahead, but I have confidence that I'll take_on/bear_the_burden.
    (1)a burden on/to ...    是……的负担
    bear (take on)/carry/reduce/share the burden 承受/担负/减少/分担重担
    (2)burden sb./oneself with sth. 装载……;使……负担……
    be burdened with ... 负重;为……所累
    ⑤This phenomenon will impose heavy burden with the family.with→on/to
    ⑥He was burdened with endless paperwork, so he didn't have time to accompany his family.(过去分词作状语)
    2.undertake vt.着手做,从事,承担;允诺,答应
    ①The team will undertake for this experiment which is important to the whole country's security.
    ②He undertook to_improve (improve) the working conditions and the workers were expecting it.
    ③Tony undertook that he would never make fun of his deskmate again.
    →Tony undertook never to make fun of his deskmate again.
    ④We are supposed to undertake_the_responsibility to lead a low­carbon life, which is of great significance.
    undertake+n./pron.   承担……
    undertake to do ... 着手做……;答应做……
    undertake that ... 答应……
    undertake for ... 为……负责
    ⑤He was busy, but he undertook finish the job by this Friday.finish前加to
    3.abundant adj.大量的;丰富的;充裕的
    ①The country has great potential in economy partly because it is_abundant_in natural resources.
    ②If you travel in China, you will see an_abundance_of ancient buildings.
    ③There is still a growing need for raw materials, and some wildernesses contain them in_abundance.
    (1)be abundant in = be rich in  富有……;……很丰富
    (2)abundance n. 丰富
    an abundance of 丰富的,许多的
    in abundance 大量;富裕
    ④At the feast there was an abundance in foods and drinks.in→of
    4.resign vt.& vi.辞职,辞去;使顺从
    ①Mary resigned her pet dog to her neighbour while travelling abroad.
    ②Lots of young people resigned from the company to the small cities because of the higher house price in the big cities.
    ③In order to look after her sick mother, my friend decided to resign_her_position_as_manager.
    ④The team refused to resign_themselves_to_defeat/being_defeated.
    resign one's job/post/position   辞去工作/职位
    resign from ... 从……辞职
    resign oneself to (doing) sth. 顺从……;使自己安于
    resign as ... 辞去当……的职务
    resign ... to ... 把……托付给……
    ⑤You must resign yourself to wait a bit longer.wait→waiting
    5.elect vt.选举,推选;选择
    ①They have a more than even chance of winning the next election (elect).
    ②It is said that only two students will be elected to_take (take) part in the coming English Contest.
    ③Before we elect him to parliament, we want to know what he stands for.
    ④He has already stated his intention to_run_for_the_election.
    (1)elect sb. to ...      选举某人进入……
    elect sb.as/to be ... 选举某人为……
    elect to do sth. 选择做某事
    (2)election n. 选举;推举;当选
    run for an election 参加竞选
    ⑤She was the first woman to have been elected in such a position.in→to
    6.sentence n.& vt.判决;宣判;判刑
    ①His family hope he will be allowed to return to the UK to serve_a_sentence.
    ②The driver declared guilty was fined D|S25,000 and was_sentenced_to_three_years_in_prison.
    宣布有罪的那位司机被罚款25 000美元,被判三年徒刑。
    ③It's reported that the judge passed_sentence_on the murderer on May 18.
    (1)serve a sentence      服刑
    pass/give sentence on sb.  给某人判刑
    (2)sentence sb.to ...  给某人判……刑(常用被动语态)
    be sentenced to death/three years in prison
    ④As was reported yesterday, the murderer had sentenced to life in prison.had_后加been
    ⑤He has served his sentence and will be released tomorrow.(现在分词短语作状语)

    1.knock into sb.撞上某人
    knock down/over     撞倒;打倒;拆除
    knock at/on 敲(门、窗、墙等)
    knock out 撞出;敲击
    knock off 减价;中断,停止
    ①I knocked into an old friend of mine in the park.
    ②Be careful with the little trees, and don't knock them down/over.
    ③Please knock on/at the door before you come in next time.
    ④Please knock off your ash before it falls on the carpet.
    2.show off炫耀,夸耀;卖弄;显示
    ①Mike has only driven to the pub to show_off_his_new_car — he usually walks.
    ②The headmaster showed_the_visitors_around_our_school yesterday.
    ③A policeman put some chemicals on the piece of paper, and a line of words showed_up clearly.
    ④A series of agricultural produce are_on_show in this exhibition.
    (1)show sb.(a)round/in/out  带领某人参观/进来/出去
    show up 出席,露面;暴露
    (2)(be) on show=(be) on display 在展出
    ⑤It's bad manners to show up your wealth before others.up→off
    3.come into being形成,存在
    ①When did the term of “new­new people” come into existence (exist)?
    ②The Irish Free State came into being (be) in 1922.
    ③The mountain town came into sight/view as we turned the last corner.
    ④When did this word come_into_use?
    ⑤The electric bike comes_into_fashion because of its unique design.
    ⑥When did the labour government come_into_power in the UK?
    ⑦The new tax regulation will come_into_effect/force at the beginning of the new year.
    come into existence     开始存在,建立,产生
    come into effect/force 生效
    come into use 开始使用
    come into power 掌权
    come into sight/view 看见;进入视野
    come into fashion 开始流行
    ⑧We don't exactly know when the universe came in being. in→into
    4.What if ...?
     [教材原句] What_if some married people have affairs?
    ①(2018·天津高考)What_if they talked a long time about a painting you weren't that interested in?
    ②(2017·天津高考)—Michael was late for Mr. Smith's chemistry class this morning.
    —How_come? As far as I know, he never came late to class.
    ③—He is fifteen years younger than you!
    (1)What if ...?意为“如果……将怎么办?”
    (2)how come 意为“……是怎么回事,为什么”
    (3)So what?“那又怎么样?”
    (1)What if ...可以看作What will happen if ...?的省略形式;还可表示“即使……又有什么关系”,看作是What does it matter if ...的省略形式。
    (2)how come可以单独出现在对话的语境中,也可以在how come后接语序完整的陈述句。
    ①(精彩开头句)(2018·全国卷Ⅰ满分作文)In your last letter, you asked me what if you were a guest to a Chinese friend's home.Now, I am writing to inform you of some relevant details.
    ②(增分要点句)(2017·浙江高考满分作文)However, what if you don't have spare time for this trip?
    ③(增分要点句)(2017·江苏高考满分作文)How come? We can stay at home and watch films online.It's convenient with our new and faster network.
     [教材原句] They were then able to place guards at the entrances of the various hutongs, which made_it_easier to keep an eye on people's movements.
    ①(2016·江苏高考)Smartphones make_it_easier_and_more_convenient to check reality, watch video clips, read weibo.
    ②People in the West make_it_a_rule_to_buy Christmas presents for their relatives and friends.
    ③They didn't know the native language, so they couldn't make_themselves_understood.
    ④Our English teacher often makes_us_retell the texts, which is beneficial to our English study.
    (1)本句使用了“make+宾语+宾语补足语”结构。it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的不定式短语to keep an eye on people's movements。
    ①(增分要点句)(2014·辽宁高考满分作文)Your contribution will certainly make the event a huge success.
    ②(精彩收尾句)(2015·全国卷Ⅱ满分作文)We'll also spend some fun time together singing, dancing and playing games, which we hope will make them happy.

    1.The sad news cast (投射) a shadow over the proceedings.
    2.Guests can deposit (寄存) their valuables in the hotel safe.
    3.My sister tries to squeeze (挤) her feet into shoes that are too small.
    4.To his disappointment, his name has been deleted (删除) from the list.
    5.Jack was sentenced (判刑) to six months in prison because of family violence.
    6.The manager was forced to resign (辞职) his position after that serious accident.
    7.The girl is only fifteen years old, but she has to be burdened (负担) with her family.
    8.Due to the heavy rain, there were many vacant (空的) seats in the theatre this evening.
    9.It is said that their government has abolished (废除) income tax for the low­paid.
    10.It's reported that this company will undertake (承担) the construction of the new subway.
    1.He is a voluntary (volunteer) worker at the hospital.
    2.He undertook to_contribute (contribute) 5,000 yuan to the earthquake­stricken area.
    3.The headmaster is merciful (mercy) to his employees.
    4.This is a good district with abundant (abundance) fish and rice.
    5.It's high time that you started/should_start (start) working.
    6.She was a bright and eager student and, consequently (consequent), did well in school.
    7.He accumulated (accumulation) a lot of experience in finance while he was working abroad.
    8.You are more likely to accomplish what you want if you know how to make necessary adjustments (adjust) in a new environment.
    9.It's a fact that people from diverse (diversity) cultures often have difficulty understanding each other.
    10.The little girl would rather walked (walk) home from school every afternoon.
    1.Because of a serious murder, he was sentenced to die.die→death
    2.Could you do me a favor and keep an eye for my luggage?for→on
    3.He was elected to be a chairman of the Students' Union at school.去掉a
    4.As we all know, Shanxi Province is abundant with coal sources.with→in
    5.He failed all his attempts and now he has to resign his fate.resign后加to
    6.It's time that the factory takes action to deal with water pollution.takes→took
    7.No one knows for sure when such a custom first came out being.out→into
    8.It's impolite to enter a room without knocking off the door.off→at/on
    9.A volcano in Indonesia erupted on November; consequent,hundreds of people were killed.consequent→consequently
    10.In the evolution of human development and social process, scientific and technological innovation is always burdened to the important role.to→with
    1.When did the rule_come_into_being?
    2.They undertook_to_finish the task by Monday.
    3.It was the last time that the movie star had_shown_up_in_public.
    4.What_if we move the picture over there? Let's have a try.
    5.All these noises made_it_impossible_for_me_to go on with the work.

    ①store    ②supermarket  ③peaceful    ④cinema
    ⑤society ⑥social ⑦economy ⑧manage
    ⑨company ⑩increase ⑪generation ⑫save
    ⑬achieve ⑭lucky ⑮rude ⑯reply
    ⑰gesture ⑱manner ⑲modest ⑳find
    ①mall n.    购物中心   ②cafeteria n.   自助餐厅
    ③invest v. 投资 ④export n.&vt. 出口
    ⑤import n.&vt. 进口 ⑥power n. 力量
    ⑦tendency n. 趋势,倾向 ⑧tend v. 趋向于
    ⑨currency n. 货币 ⑩consumption n. 消费
    ⑪ensure vt. 确保 ⑫provide vt. 提供
    ⑬educate vt. 教育 ⑭equal adj. 平等的
    ⑮equality n. 平等 ⑯cooperation n. 合作
    ⑰cooperate v. 合作 ⑱shortcoming n. 缺点
    ⑲advantage n. 优点 ⑳disadvantage n. 缺点
    ①bring down prices      降低价格
    ②eye contact 眼神交流
    ③a facial expression 面部表情
    ④face to face 面对面
    ⑤behave well/badly 举止良好/不好
    ⑥make mistakes 犯错误
    ⑦point out 指出
    ⑧team up with 团队合作
    ⑨put up with 忍受
    ⑩make us feel very happy 让我们感到非常高兴
    ⑪become a good partner 成为一个好伙伴
    ⑫force your ideas on others 把你的想法强加给别人
    ⑬time and energy 时间和精力
    ⑭listen to others' opinions 倾听别人的意见
    ⑮more and more important positions
    ⑯behind the phenomenon 现象背后
    ⑰raise kids and run family lives   养育子女和经营家庭生活
    ⑱play a key role in 起……关键作用
    ⑲meet and make friend 相遇交友
    ⑳in the real world 在现实世界中
    social skill 社交技能
    influence our health and well­being
    ①As we all know, making friends can help us establish good interpersonal relationships, and build a harmonious society.
    ②As you know, we are all facing a falling market, and the banks are short of ready money.
    ③For example, shopping on the Internet can save students a great deal of time on the way between home and the store, so they would be able to concentrate more time and energy on their school work.

    在学习、生活和工作中,学会与人合作是非常重要的。假定你是李华,请你用英语写一篇题为“Being a Good Partner”的演讲稿。内容包括:
    Good afternoon, everyone!
    I'm Li Hua. The topic of my speech today is “Being a Good Partner”.
    Thank you for your listening!

    cooperation, save, a lot of, time and energy, lucky, make us feel very happy, team up with, difficult, put up with, shortcoming, discover, advantage, become a good partner, listen to others' opinions, point out, force  
    16.用a large amount of替换第2句中的a lot of,然后用as well as与第12句合并。


    Women are starting to take power in ❶more_and_more_important_positions (越来越多重要岗位) in recent years. According to a new list made by AFP, the world's 10 most ❷powerful (power) women who made their way above the “glass ceiling”, include the American first female presidential nominee (候选人) Hillary Clinton and Director General of the World Health Organization, Margaret Chan.There is something interesting with the AFP list: A majority of the 10 women are over 60, the age when some women become grandmothers. In fact, this might be the best proof of how aging — a factor that has always been considered as a(n) ❸disadvantage (advantage) — has begun to turn into a strong point, for women.
    The reasons ❹behind_the_phenomenon (现象背后) may include that today's older women are better ❺educated (educate) and more experienced than any ❻generations (generation) before.
    It is also because of society's changing opinion about what women can ❼achieve (achievement) — after ❽raising_kids_and_running_family_lives (养育子女和经营家庭生活) for years, older women are now more likely to start again instead of retiring into a ❾peaceful_ (peace) life of cooking and gardening.
    In fact, this changing atmosphere in gender equality (equal) is spreading all over the world and across women of all ages.
    tendency, accessible, social, ensure, provide, play a key role in, meet and make friend, in the real world, social skill, influence our health and well­being
    Bars are very important in providing a place where people can ❶meet_and_make_friends. People who enjoy a drink in a local bar are happier and have more friends. They are more likely to be engaged in conversations in small community pubs, and ❷social_skills are improved after a drink.
    Professor Robin Dunbar of Oxford University said,“Friendship and communities are probably the two most important factors ❸influencing_our_health_and_well­being. Making and maintaining friendships is something that has to be done ❹in_the_real_world. The digital world is simply no substitute. Given the increasing ❺tendency for our social life to be on the Internet rather than in real life, having relaxed, ❻accessible places where people can meet old friends and make new ones becomes even more necessary.”
    Tim Page, chief executive of CAMRA, said, “Bars offer a ❼social environment to enjoy a drink with friends in a responsible community setting. The role of community bars in ensuring well­being cannot be overstated. For that reason, we all need to do what we can to ❽ensure that everyone has a ‘local’ near to where they live or work.”
    Bars have long been part of British society and have ❾played_a_key_role_in British social life since the 16th century. Bars came to represent the heart and soul of a community, providing both a place of entertainment and an engine for community bonding. In a world before the arrival of the motor car, the bar provided a venue in which people could get friendships and a sense of community.

    1.(2018·北京高考)Susan had quit her well­paid job and was working as a volunteer (voluntary) in the neighborhood when I visited her last year.
    2.(2016·浙江高考)Had the governments (govern) and scientists not worked together, AIDS­related deaths would not have fallen since their highest in 2005.
    3.(2015·福建高考)To learn more about Chinese culture, Jack has decided to take Chinese folk music as an elective (elect) course.
    4.(2014·重庆高考)Group activities will be organized after class to help children develop team spirit (spiritual).
    5.(2014·天津高考)English is a language shared by several_diverse (diversity) cultures, each of which uses it differently.
    6.(2014·安徽高考)It's our hope that we will play a greater role in the market place and, therefore, supply more jobs.
    (选用contribute, adjust, volunteer, resist, consequence, burden, show off, above all填空)
    1.(2015·重庆高考)For example, the moment you get on the airplane, start __32__ your biological clock to the destination's time. ____________
    2.(2015·安徽高考)Our appetite for new products also __46__to the problem. We are addicted to buying new things. Advertisements persuade us that newer is better and that we will be happier with the latest products.____________
    3.(2015·安徽高考)All around the world, we can see the __50__ of this throwaway lifestyle. Mountains of rubbish just keep getting bigger. ____________
    4.(2014·全国卷Ⅰ)The world is full of half­filled stamp albums and unfinished models, each standing as a monument to someone's passing interest. When parents bring home a pet, their child gladly bathes it and brushes its fur. Within a short time, however, the __49__ of caring for the animal is handed over to the parents. ____________
    5.(2012·湖北高考)He fixed a metal box with buttons behind the seat, and said, “Is there anything better than this oven when you feel hungry on your way? I can give you a special discount.” I was not strong enough to __50__ the offer.____________
    6.(2011·福建高考)Looking back, Diana, a fashion (时装) designer, owes her achievements to the goal she set, the education she received from the college, and __55__, the efforts she made.Now Diana is very happy doing what she is doing.____________
    7.(2010·湖北高考)Finally, Susan felt ready to return to her job, but how would she get there? She used to take the bus, but she was now too frightened to get around the city by herself.Mark __37__ to ride the bus with Susan each morning and evening until she could manage it by herself.____________
    8.(2010·山东高考)Finally, after weeks of preparation, I would __38__ all my hard work in a dance performance. Everything would be perfect — so I thought.____________
    答案:1.adjusting 2.contributes 3.consequences 4.burden
    5.resist  6.above all 7.volunteered 8.show off
    学习目标 ——语篇复现词汇,活学活用记忆更深
    (2018·浙江高考阅读 C)As cultural symbols go, the American car is quite young.The Model T Ford was built at the Piquette Plant in Michigan a century ago, with the first rolling off the assembly line (装配线) on September 27, 1908.Only eleven cars were produced the next month. But eventually Henry Ford would build fifteen million of them.
    Modern America was born on the road, behind a wheel.The car shaped some of the most lasting aspects of American culture: the roadside diner, the billboard, the motel, even the hamburger.For most of the last century, the car represented what it meant to be American — going forward at high speed to find new worlds.The road novel, the road movie, these are the most typical American ideas, born of abundant petrol, cheap cars and a neverending interstate highway system, the largest public works project in history.
    In 1928 Herbert Hoover imagined an America with “a chicken in every pot and a car in every garage.” Since then, this society has moved onward, never looking back, as the car transformed America from a farmbased society into an industrial power.
    The cars that drove the American Dream have helped to create a global ecological disaster.In America the demand for oil has grown by 22 percent since 1990.
    The problems of excessive (过度的) energy consumption, climate change and population growth have been described in a book by the American writer Thomas L.Friedman.He fears the worst, but hopes for the best.
    Friedman points out that the green economy (经济) is a chance to keep American strength.“The ability to design, build and export green technologies for producing clean water, clean air and healthy and abundant food is going to be the currency of power in the new century.”
    28.Why is hamburger mentioned in paragraph 2?
    A.To explain Americans' love for travelling by car.
    B.To show the influence of cars on American culture.
    C.To stress the popularity of fast food with Americans.
    D.To praise the effectiveness of America's road system.
    解析:选B 推理判断题。根据第二段第二句“The car shaped some of the most lasting aspects of American culture ...even the hamburger.”可知,汽车塑造了某些最持久的美国文化,其中就包括汉堡。由此可知,汽车对于汉堡文化的形成,影响是非常大的。所以,在第二段中提及汉堡,就是为了展现汽车对于美国文化有相当大的影响,甚至影响到了汉堡。故选B项。
    29.What has the use of cars in America led to?
    A.Decline of economy.
    B.Environmental problems.
    C.A shortage of oil supply.
    D.A farmbased society.
    解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第四段第一句“The cars that drove the American Dream have helped to create a global ecological disaster.”可知,驱动美国梦的汽车导致了全球性的生态灾难,即汽车的使用引起了环境问题。故选B项。
    30.What is Friedman's attitude towards America's future?
    A.Ambiguous.      B.Doubtful.
    C.Hopeful. D.Tolerant.
    解析:选C 观点态度题。根据最后一段第一句“Friedman points out that the green economy (经济) is a chance to keep American strength.”可知,Friedman 认为绿色经济是使美国保持实力的一个机遇。由此可知,他对美国的未来充满了希望。故选C项。
    学习目标 ——题后把脉规律,练后得法理解更透

    (2019·名校原创预测卷五)Grandparents who help out occasionally with childcare or provide support for others in their community tend to live longer than seniors who do not care for other people, according to a study from Berlin, Germany.Having full­time custody (监护) of grandchildren can have a negative effect on health, but occasional helping can be beneficial for seniors.
    The findings are drawn from data on more than 500 people over age 70 in the Berlin Aging Study.The participants completed interviews and medical tests every two years.The researchers did not include any grandparents who were the primary caregivers for their grandchildren, only those who cared for grandchildren occasionally.The study team compared this group with seniors who provided support for non­family members, such as friends or neighbors, and seniors who did not provide any care for other people.
    Overall, after accounting for grandparents' age and general state of health, the risk of dying over a 20­year period was one­third lower for grandparents who cared for their grandchildren, compared with grandparents who did not provide any childcare.
    Half of the grandparents who cared for grandchildren were still alive ten years after the initial interview.The same was true for participants who did not have grandchildren but supported their adult children in some way, such as helping with housework.In contrast, about half of the participants who did not help others died within five years after the start of the study.
    “Caregiving may be thought also as an activity that keeps caregivers physically and mentally active,” said Professor Arpino, adding that previous studies suggest that caregiving may improve cognitive (认知的) functioning, mental and physical health.
    Arpino noted, however, that caregiving is not the only activity that can improve health, and too many caring responsibilities can take away from other beneficial activities like working, being in social clubs, or volunteering.
    “Children should take into consideration their parents' needs, willingness, and desires and agree with them on the timing and amount of childcare,” Arpino suggested.
    1.What does the study from Berlin focus on?
    A.The problems faced by grandparents providing childcare.
    B.Whether grandparents should provide childcare.
    C.How grandparents can help out with childcare.
    D.The benefits of childcare on grandparents.
    解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Grandparents who help out occasionally with childcare ...other people”及下文的内容可知,研究发现,偶尔帮忙照看孩子或者给社区的其他人提供帮助的老年人比那些不关心他人的老年人活得更久。由此可知,该研究的关注点是儿童照管给老年人带来的好处。故选D。
    2.What's Arpino's attitude toward caregiving?
    A.Doubtful. B.Objective.
    C.Negative. D.Favorable.
    解析:选B 观点态度题。根据第五段中的“Caregiving may be thought also as an activity that keeps caregivers physically and mentally active”及第六段中的“caregiving is not the only activity that can improve health, and too many caring responsibilities can take away from other beneficial activities”可知,Arpino既肯定了儿童看护对老年人的好处,也说明了过多的看护责任可能会带来的不利影响,因此Arpino对让老年人看护儿童所持的态度是客观的。故选B。
    3.Which statement may Arpino agree with?
    A.Grandparents are really the best choice for childcare.
    B.There is a growing trend toward grandparenting.
    C.Childcare provides more opportunities for the elder.
    D.Proper amounts of childcare make grandparents live longer.
    解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第一段的第一句和最后一段中的“Children should take into consideration their parents' needs, willingness, and desires and agree with them on the timing and amount of childcare”可知,Arpino可能认可的言论是适量的儿童看护可能会使老年人更长寿。故选D。
    4.Why does the author write the passage?
    A.To present the findings of a study.
    B.To tell the senior how to live longer.
    C.To stress the importance of childcare.
    D.To give advice on looking after the aged.
    解析:选A 写作意图题。纵观全文可知,本文主要向读者介绍了一项研究的结果,即偶尔帮忙照看孩子或者给社区的其他人提供帮助的老年人会更长寿。故作者写作本文的意图是告诉人们这一研究的结果。故选A。
    (2019·名校原创预测卷三)The last thing Caitlin Hipp would have expected as she prepared to turn 28 years old was to be living at home with her parents.But through working as a part­time skating instructor and restaurant server, she isn't able to earn enough to live anywhere other than home.
    To some degree, multigenerational households (家庭) have always been a part of American life.However, the number of young adults who have been moving back in with their parents — or never leaving home in the first place — has been growing steadily.
    UBS Financial Services released a report that even suggests one reason for the growing number of young adults still living at home could be that their family doesn't want them to leave.
    The report shows that 74 percent of millennials (千禧一代) get some kind of financial support from their parents after college. It finds that millennials have redefined the ties that connect parents and children. Millennials see their parents as peers (同龄人), friends and instructors. Nearly three quarters talked with their parents more than once a week during college.In return, their parents happily provide financial support well into adulthood, helping fund everything for them.
    Stuart Hoffman, chief economist for the PNC Financial Group in the US, said the number of young adults striking out on their own fell during the Great Recession.Although job growth for millennials since 2014 has improved, that doesn't necessarily mean that millennials are starting to fly the nest.He said, “They may like living at home and being able to save money.”
    “There's no doubt it has held back household formation and purchases of things people spend money on related to household formation and perhaps related to child­raising,” Hoffman explained.“But they are probably traveling more and eating out more if they don't have a house expense or marriage.I don't know if it represents a change in moral values.But it's much more common for adult children to live in their parents' homes because it's becoming part of the culture.”

    5.What can be learned about Caitlin Hipp?
    A.She is in her thirties.
    B.She is ambitious for her career.
    C.She can barely make ends meet.
    D.She prefers living with her parents.
    解析:选C 推理判断题。根据第一段中的“But through working as a part­time skating instructor and restaurant server, she isn't able to earn enough to live anywhere other than home”可知,如果不住在家里,通过作兼职滑冰教练和餐馆服务员,Hipp是不能赚取足够的钱来独立生活的,即她很难维持生计。故选C。
    6.What's the reason for young adults' living at home according to UBS Financial Services?
    A.The lack of job opportunity.
    B.Their parents' need for them.
    C.The high pressure from modern life.
    D.Their parents' overprotection of them.
    解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“one reason for the growing number of young adults still living at home could be that their family doesn't want them to leave”可知,据瑞银金融服务公司发布的报告显示,越来越多的年轻人住在家里的一个原因是他们的父母不想让他们离开,即他们的父母需要他们。故选B。
    7.What does Hoffman think of young adults' living at home?
    A.It will never go out of fashion.
    B.It may allow of more travel chances.
    C.It results from the change in moral values.
    D.It goes against America's cultural development.
    解析:选B 细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“But they are probably traveling more and eating out more if they don't have a house expense or marriage”可知,在Hoffman看来,年轻人住在家里可能会使他们拥有更多的旅游机会。故选B。
    8.What is the author's purpose of writing this passage?
    A.To introduce different types of living arrangements.
    B.To stress the importance of financial independence.
    C.To inform people of a social phenomenon in the US.
    D.To explain why American young adults still live at home.
    解析:选C 写作意图题。纵观全文可知,本文主要介绍了在美国,越来越多的年轻人倾向于与父母同住的这样一种社会现象,故C项最能概括作者写作本文的目的。
    (2019·贵阳监测)There was a little, but always strange girl. Everything was bad for her. She wished to meet an enchantress (女魔法师) that would turn her life a(n) __1__ tale.
    One day an enchantress came and said that one of her wishes would __2__. The girl became very happy at first, but then she started to think that she had a lot of wishes and all of them were __3__ for her. She could not __4__ just one. Then the __5__ enchantress said that she would help her realize one wish every day. The girl became __6__ — now all her dreams will become realities.
    From that day on, she was waiting every morning with joy and __7__. Then as days passed, the dreams became real ones ... But soon the little girl realized that __8__ of the wishes did not give her joy and happiness which she __9__ for. Many wishes brought her disappointment, and some __10__ pains. Almost every dream was an empty little girl's caprice (任性). Though being __11__, she suddenly found that she did not __12__ this. Soon she started to __13__ the dreams. She was afraid to __14__ every day, waiting for the realization of another wish. Crying, she asked the enchantress to __15__ only one dream — to live as she lived __16__ and enjoy life.
    The good enchantress had __17___ upon the little girl. She waved her magic wand and disappeared. The girl was happy __18__ she knew that now she would carefully seek for her one big __19__ dream, not wasting time with short­term, __20__, quite unnecessary wishes.
    1.A.funny         B.outstanding
    C.fairy D.extraordinary
    解析:选C 根据语境可知,小女孩的生活很糟糕,她希望遇到一位女魔法师,把她的生活变成童话。fairy tale“童话”。
    2.A.give out B.come true
    C.come out D.give off
    解析:选B 根据下文中的“The girl became very happy at first”可知,此处为她的愿望中的一个会实现(come true)。
    3.A.mysterious B.humorous
    C.important D.private
    解析:选C 根据上文可知,小女孩有很多愿望,下文提到“She could not ________ just one”,所以此处应是指所有的愿望对她来说都很重要(important),她无法只选择一个。
    4.A.remind B.choose
    C.change D.guess
    解析:选B 参见上题解析。choose“选择”;remind“提醒”;guess“猜测”。
    5.A.kind B.strict
    C.magical D.optimistic
    解析:选A 根据空后的“enchantress said that she would help her realize one wish every day”可知,女魔法师说她每天都会帮助小女孩实现一个愿望,因此她是善良的(kind)。最后一段中的“The good enchantress”也是提示。
    6.A.weaker B.prouder
    C.luckier D.happier
    解析:选D 善良的女魔法师答应她每天都能实现一个愿望,所以这个小女孩变得更加高兴(happier)了。
    7.A.enthusiasm B.sorrow
    C.surprise D.doubt
    解析:选A 从那天起,她每天早晨都怀着喜悦和热情(enthusiasm)等待着。sorrow“悲伤”;surprise“惊讶”;doubt“怀疑”。
    8.A.description B.wonder
    C.achievement D.expression
    解析:选C 根据上文“Then as days passed, the dreams became real ones”可知,此处指梦想成了现实,但是愿望的实现(achievement)并没有给小女孩带来她所期望的快乐。
    9.A.hoped B.took
    C.thanked D.answered
    解析:选A 参见上题解析。
    10.A.still B.ever
    C.indeed D.even
    解析:选D 上文指出许多愿望使她感到失望,此处应指一些愿望甚至(even)给她带来了痛苦。此处用even表示递进关系。
    11.A.annoyed B.satisfied
    C.confused D.excited
    解析:选B 上文说女魔法师实现了小女孩的愿望,所以此处表示小女孩是满足的(satisfied)。
    12.A.want B.do
    C.get D.decide
    解析:选A 根据上文中的Though可知,小女孩虽然实现了愿望,但她突然发现这并不是她想要的。
    13.A.suspect B.hate
    C.fear D.enjoy
    解析:选C 根据下文中的“She was afraid to ________ every day, waiting for the realization of another wish”可知,此处为她开始害怕(fear)梦想。下文中的“was afraid to”为重要提示。
    14.A.stand up B.wake up
    C.go to sleep D.dress up
    解析:选B 根据上文的“that she would help her realize one wish every day”“she was waiting every morning with joy and ________”可知,此处表示她每天醒来(wake up)。
    15.A.understand B.remember
    C.accept D.realize
    解析:选D 根据语境以及空后的“only one dream”可知,此处指实现一个愿望,故用realize。
    16.A.before B.alone
    C.later D.now
    解析:选A 此处表示像她以前(before)那样生活,享受生活。
    17.A.effect B.envy
    C.mercy D.punishment
    解析:选C 根据空前的“The good enchantress”和下文“The girl was happy”可知,此处应指这位善良的女魔法师对这个女孩是仁慈的(mercy)。
    18.A.so B.because
    C.as if D.even though
    解析:选B 女孩很高兴,因为她知道现在她会认真地寻找一个有价值的梦想。根据语境可知空处前后为因果关系,且为前果后因,故选because。
    19.A.apparent B.delicate
    C.typical D.valuable
    解析:选D 根据下文中的“not wasting time with short­term, ________, quite unnecessary wishes”可知,此处为有价值的(valuable)梦想。
    20.A.by all means B.by coincidence
    C.as a result D.in fact
    解析:选D 根据语境可知,此处指不要把时间浪费在短期的愿望上,实际上,这些短期的愿望是没有必要的。in fact“事实上,实际上”。
    (2019·贵阳监测)Spring Festival is the most important of the traditional Chinese festivals. It is often __1__ (call) “Lunar New Year”, because — as part of the lunisolar (阴阳的) Chinese calendar — the date is partially determined based on lunar phase (月亮或行星的相位). The festival traditionally __2__ (begin) on the first day of the first month in the Chinese calendar and ends with Lantern Festival __3__ is on the 15th day. Chinese New Year's Eve, a day when Chinese families gather for their annual reunion dinner, is known as Chú Xī. It literally means “Year­pass Eve”.
    According to __4__ (tale) and legends, the beginning of Chinese New Year started with the fight against __5__ mythical (神话的) beast called Nian (年兽). Nian would come on the first day of New Year to devour livestock (牲畜), crops, and even villagers, __6__ (especial) children. To protect __7__, the villagers would put food in front of their doors at the beginning of every year. It was believed that after the Nian __8__ (eat) the food they prepared, it wouldn't attack people any more. One time, people saw that the Nian was scared away by a little child wearing red. The villagers then understood that the Nian was afraid __9__ the colour red. Hence, every time when the New Year was about to come, the villagers would hang red lanterns and red spring scrolls on windows and doors. People also used fireworks __10__ (frighten) away the Nian. From then on, Nian never came to the village again.
    1.called 考查语态。春节常被叫作“农历新年”,此处主语It与动词call之间为被动关系,故填called。
    2.begins 考查时态。传统上来讲,春节开始于农历第一个月的第一天。此处是对客观事实的描述,故用一般现在时。
    3.which/that 考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,空处引导定语从句且在从句中作主语,修饰先行词Lantern Festival,故填which/that。
    4.tales 考查名词复数。tale为可数名词,前无限定词,且根据空后的legends可知,此处应用tale的复数形式与legends构成并列关系。
    5.a 考查冠词。空处表示泛指,且mythical的发音以辅音音素开头,所以用不定冠词a。
    6.especially 考查副词。年兽会在新年的第一天出现并吞食牲畜、作物,甚至村民,尤其是儿童。根据语境可知此处用副词作状语,表示“尤其”。
    7.themselves 考查代词。为了保护自己,村民们每年年初都会把食物放在家门口。根据语境可知此处应用反身代词themselves。
    8.ate 考查时态。人们相信,在吃了他们准备好的食物之后,它就不会再攻击人们了。根据语境及主句的时态可知,此处用一般过去时。
    9.of 考查介词。村民们后来明白了,年兽害怕红色。be afraid of ...“害怕……”,为固定搭配。
    10.to frighten 考查非谓语动词。人们也用鞭炮来吓跑年兽。此处应用动词不定式表示目的。
    (2019·名校原创预测卷八)When a student told Katie that he wanted bike but couldn't afford it, she decided to make his dream come true. And she even took the whole school under consideration. At the school that she worked, a lot of students were poor. But Katie thought own their own bikes would make wonderfully memories for every child. To earn money for hundreds of new bike, Katie launched an online page, and finally raise enough money to pay for them. Katie was surprised the kids by announcing a gift over a loudspeaker at school. “Joy is the basic childhood right,” she said. “A bike is one of the top things that represents that.”
    答案:第一句:wanted后加a; it→one
    第四句:第一个own→owning; wonderfully→wonderful
    第五句:bike→bikes; raise→raised






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